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  • File: 1334390215.png-(520 KB, 804x426, Haruyuki Arita.png)
    520 KB Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)03:56 No.64263505  
    You all know we hate Haruyuki Arita the same way we hate our selves. He is a mirror to our Betaness.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)03:58 No.64263554
    So dark and edgy, there's a board for that.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)03:58 No.64263575

    He's no mirror of us. Piggie there is a better man than any asshole posting on this board.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:00 No.64263646
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:02 No.64263684
         File: 1334390531.jpg-(19 KB, 199x240, Hot neck love.jpg)
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    True. He has real life access to a woman of his same age group which he is attracted to
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:04 No.64263770
    I may be introverted, but I'm no fat self hating little goblin.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:05 No.64263787
    But I'm not a beta faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:06 No.64263833
    he is just like everyone on /a/, fat, pathetic, and cries about everything.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:07 No.64263858
    No but you are (some physical flaw) self hating little goblin. Just cause your not fat does not save you.

    I say we should embrace Haruyuki Arita. We have always wanted to be in an anime, and now we are. here is what the world sees when they look at us weirdos
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:07 No.64263869
         File: 1334390864.jpg-(66 KB, 635x476, 1334381687977.jpg)
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    still wondering why this beautiful girl likes him
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:08 No.64263889
    You are on /a/ good sir on a Friday night. I beg to differ.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:08 No.64263910
    But he's not a mirror of me. I'm fatter.

    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:09 No.64263926
    She is like that guy from Saya. Hideous is beautiful to her.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:09 No.64263927
    She's using him because she is a dumb bint.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:09 No.64263930

    Some people like me have fat fetishes.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:09 No.64263943

    Except I just told you I don't hate myself. Lean to read.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:11 No.64264000
    I have known a number of pretty girl chubby chaser feeders. My friend Anon keeps finding them and going out with them. Ih is now in a long term relationship with a girl who is 10 years younger than him and a complete pervert, not a slut, but a pervert. Fuck i hate him.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:11 No.64264022
    I can't bring myself to hate him, although I'm jealous of his life.Must be the googly eyes.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:12 No.64264033
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:12 No.64264039
    I haven't watched this show yet but he seriously reminds me of Eric Cartman
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:12 No.64264045

    >you have to party all night every single Friday, or you're a beta loser

    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:13 No.64264083
         File: 1334391232.jpg-(127 KB, 1366x768, 1331524277482.jpg)
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    I don't hate him though because he's adorable like a plush toy.

    Sure he can be a bit of a pussy, but he's still cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:13 No.64264084
    Usually when that happens the girl likes the tall, bear type. In Accel it's funny because he's less than a meter tall.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:14 No.64264116
    Pig dog-kun is a much better mc than this faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:15 No.64264149
    I just wish he wasn't so damn short.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:16 No.64264170
    Lmao that shit won't die.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:16 No.64264189
    But I'm skinny.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:17 No.64264210
    I'm short.
    Do you hate me?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:18 No.64264226
    Actually, no. I hate him for being an ugly, fat, pussy-ass faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:19 No.64264277
    doesn't kuro hime yuki like the fat pig cuz hes fast or some shit?

    gotta go fast: the anime
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:20 No.64264309
    Maybe..just maybe, in the virtual world, where you can change appearance of your body, isn't appearance too much important for people who prefer living there.
    But I think she's just using him
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:20 No.64264331
         File: 1334391659.jpg-(56 KB, 500x375, 1317344475811.jpg)
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    You aren't a MC in my chinese cartoons, so no. We're cool, bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:23 No.64264395
    short men are subhuman
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:26 No.64264518
         File: 1334391968.jpg-(59 KB, 1016x736, 1329093528102.jpg)
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    His design reminds me of that little guy on the one show. Shaman king was it? Changing the style of one character will draw attention to your product but not for the right reasons. Why make him fat? Is there some kind of purpose to making him so damned round? Is Japan really that out of ideas that they have to have a protag thats wimpy, weak, AND FAT? what the fuck is the point if you already covering one and two? Please anyone here i'm grasping at straws.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:26 No.64264527
    Accel World is HS DxD without the tits

    I'm going to start calling it Accel DxD

    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:27 No.64264569
    Too bad Haru will never be on the level of Dan-Kun.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:29 No.64264633
    Japanazation hard at work brainwashing our nation's youth.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:31 No.64264705
    Looks like doraemon to me. Doraemon dates the girl Nobita likes.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:31 No.64264731
         File: 1334392318.gif-(1.46 MB, 389x208, 897455646465.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:33 No.64264768
         File: 1334392401.jpg-(146 KB, 640x362, 34543733.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:33 No.64264772
         File: 1334392410.png-(336 KB, 503x472, 1333784237800.png)
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    He's not original though. They just added an adjective. Theres plenty of weak and wimpy protags out there. What makes this fat fuck stand out? Besides being the only one is what i'm trying to get at.

    And don't give me that original character bull crap. I've heard better arguments for sonic-fan created characters.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:33 No.64264778
         File: 1334392427.jpg-(21 KB, 320x250, Deedlit.jpg)
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    Read the manga. Two vol.

    Shit thus far.

    Does it get any better?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:34 No.64264793

    Haru is just a shitty self insert character taken to the extreme. How the hell is that original?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:34 No.64264802
    If you mean Manta then fuck you, he was a bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:34 No.64264822
    sadly no
    >> Hexer !NHpYSS45yU 04/14/12(Sat)04:35 No.64264845
    > implying I hate him
    It's called not self-inserting, OP.

    LN fags: does the "strength" you're talking about manifest itself in any other way than the duel avatars?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:37 No.64264893
         File: 1334392623.jpg-(11 KB, 274x305, 1333519923194.jpg)
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    I'm just comparing the two by how they look. I've only seen a couple episodes out shaman king and they were back in the day when i only had access to broadcast TV. It always struck me as odd how he was the only character that looked the way he did in the show and he really wasn't the main character so there really wasn't a purpose at least one wasn't made clear in the few episodes i watched. I'm sure he was a champ of a bro to the MC but that's not what i was referring to in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:38 No.64264932

    Yeah see when you make a fat character you can't stack him up with all these other negative traits because then it looks so bad you can't relate. When you make a fat guy he has to have some redeeming quality through personality or intelligence because he's already as low as you can get other than being downright ugly. Hirano is a good example of this. Even though he's fat a lot of people like him.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:38 No.64264942
         File: 1334392728.jpg-(10 KB, 194x190, reaction04.jpg)
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    No, I hate him because it seems like they realized he's just another generic pussy main character and decided LOL LETS JUST MAKE HIM FAT AND 3 FEET TALL, because that totally makes up for it and turns him into something original.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:41 No.64265022
    What if he wasn't fat, but actually works out and has a rocking body?

    He's still beta though.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:42 No.64265046
         File: 1334392953.png-(137 KB, 704x400, 1253427025890.png)
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    The issue is that I don't have a super pretty girl after me.

    I'm always missing the pretty girls, nothing like my animu.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:42 No.64265049
         File: 1334392965.jpg-(18 KB, 252x168, 1334283199474.jpg)
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    Thank you! I'm glad someone gets what i've been trying to say. He's fat for no reason. Please stop fussing over this generic idiot. If your fat? thats fine. If you want to insert yourself into his shoes thats fine to. Characters like this and Touma from index are good examples of self-inserts but remember not everyone likes the idea of self-insert characters. I for one fucking like to see how an MC stands on his own two feet in his role.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:43 No.64265064
    her inner self is nyarlatohep
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:45 No.64265141

    >implying anything made today is 'original'
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:46 No.64265146
    It doesn't help that fat people are pretty much the last kind of person its okay to hate.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:46 No.64265172
         File: 1334393212.png-(178 KB, 900x900, berrypunchafternoon.png)
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    B- but im tall, thin and an antisocial manipulative bastard... Well maybe not that bad, hate most people though. YAH DARKNESS etc...
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:47 No.64265186
    Another thread about bitching over how Haruyuki isn't a generic buff white American action movie hero who chain smokes and blows shit up with shotgun and bangs hot chicks and being alpha as fuck main character?

    Original thread do not steal.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:47 No.64265189
    Who cares about what's ok to hate or not? I hate freely.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:48 No.64265238
         File: 1334393328.jpg-(79 KB, 576x860, hhc.jpg)
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    He is beta as fuck, and being fat doesn't help either.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:50 No.64265278
    > beautiful girl
    Where? I see generic anime girl.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:50 No.64265296
    you sure are wrong about that
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:52 No.64265336
    >you only hate him because he's fat
    You are an idiot. Do people hate John Goodman, John Candy, Chris Farley and Dany Devito? No.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:53 No.64265376
         File: 1334393580.jpg-(47 KB, 225x309, 38155.jpg)
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    There was a pretty good shop of cartman replacing him in the img. Maybe someone who has it would be kind of enough to post it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:54 No.64265426

    Only because they have awesome personalities.

    Haru has none of this yet.

    I don't hate him by the way, more like indifference.
    >> Hexer !NHpYSS45yU 04/14/12(Sat)04:54 No.64265428
    That would be an interesting change from the norm.
    Would love to see the Nip's take on this archetype.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:54 No.64265438
    I think the general consensus is that his design would be fine if he was fat like Daru. Haruyuki is literally half as tall as some characters.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:55 No.64265453

    Who taught you that? To me only the most heinous kinds of people are okay to hate. Fat people in the same tier as smokers. It's acceptable to be annoyed at best. You can hate freely though, I know I do.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:56 No.64265494
    Watch old OVA's from the 80's. They have an oversaturation of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:56 No.64265500
    He just looks like a blob. It would be better if he were
    a bit taller. BTW, while watching, imagine Carman's voice
    It's hilarious
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:57 No.64265518
         File: 1334393849.jpg-(23 KB, 427x640, gaben.jpg)
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:58 No.64265551
    Speak for yourself, I hate him because he's a whiny little bitch. I'm not going to say that I am alpha or whatever other shit or that I fuck women nor anything, but at least I do what is needed and am not an ungrateful bastard like that faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)04:59 No.64265603
         File: 1334393995.jpg-(233 KB, 985x626, 1333396346217.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)05:00 No.64265629
         File: 1334394047.jpg-(27 KB, 330x370, Tsuritama - smoke weed erraday.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)05:00 No.64265632
    I hate the butterfly whore more than him.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)05:02 No.64265689
    I remember seeing a better one using a render of cartman dressed in a similar suit to haru. Pretty much matching the img perfectly
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)05:07 No.64265825
         File: 1334394476.jpg-(21 KB, 482x360, 1318667874499.jpg)
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    >not that
    >not who
    >not whom
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)05:11 No.64265941
         File: 1334394689.png-(20 KB, 357x302, 1281070408220.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)05:27 No.64266444
    i want to see her get raped by fat old men
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)05:52 No.64267162
    I don't hate him. I'm not a moron. Why would I even hate someone that I can somewhat relate to?

    I know this kind of story is like an underdog/loser slowly rising up and becoming awesome, in a way that makes you want to cheer for said underdog/loser.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:10 No.64269367
    Not really. It's more a story of "Look at me, I'm all miserable because I'm fat and don't do anything about it. Oh yeah, and some really hot girl likes me anyway for some reason, but fuck that, let's be all angsty and self-hating anyway!"

    It's like the standard harem series where the main character doesn't deserve anything, but pussy keeps coming after him anyway, because it's the author's wish-fulfilment masturbation work.

    This is why I don't even want to bother with this shit, and will just wait for Sword Art Online instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:12 No.64269409
    Fat people are a shitstain on the face of the earth. The only thing they are good at is being funny when falling over.

    There is no excuse for being a fat fuck unless you have some sort of physical issue. (a real one, not "my backbone is so big I'll die if i don't eat 30 cupcakes")

    And why the fuck is he so short?

    Also, the hot girl teasing him and shit isn't even boner inducing as it would be on your generic harem mc, it's just disgusting, it's like PDA...fuck that shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:16 No.64269520
    See, I didn't get that feeling from the manga.

    I think his love is pure. If some chick looking like that comes up to you with she wants to fuck written all over her stockings, the natural reaction if you're beta and fat is to be highly suspicious and maybe even start checking for the cameras.

    The second reaction upon realizing that it's not an extremely cruel troll is to have the presence of mind to not be self-deluded. She can do better than you, and you know it. This little piggy knows that he'll never amount to anything worthwhile, therefore the natural course of action is to drive her away so she can have someone better.

    I mean, if I looked like that, you're pretty damn sure I wouldn't respond to any chick the fuck ever until I was done working out for a month solid.
    >> sagefag !SAGE.o/neQ 04/14/12(Sat)07:18 No.64269579
    Speak for yourself nigga, i'm nothing like that stupid little fat ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:21 No.64269648
    I have a friend who is 2 inches shorter than me and about twice my size in blubber, but he's funny, confident and smiles, so he has a girlfriend that's madly in love with him.

    Fat people that just mope around and don't do anything at all are the ones I find retarded and annoying.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:22 No.64269696
    Blubberyuki isn't funny or confident.

    People don't have to be fat to mope around and not do anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:27 No.64269802
    Ever consider that the problems of this specific character are more than just being fat?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:28 No.64269833
    fat midget shu. accel mc is ugly inside and out
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:29 No.64269862
    Well, the friend I'm talking about started out as a little brother to his older sister who bullied him around and forced him to wear dresses. He's now working a good job, has his own house and car, and lives with his cute asian girlfriend.

    This show is for the people that haven't tried at all to do something about their problems and just mope around expecting people to pity them.

    Me? I used to be fat, but now I keep fit and go to university to try to get a better job than working in McDonalds. Over half the population over here is male, and the rest are mostly fat women or taken women (lol Australia), but I'm not wallowing in depression and moping around.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:32 No.64269928
         File: 1334403144.jpg-(23 KB, 314x295, 1306833231179.jpg)
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    I have no problem with MC being fat and all, but he should learn some god dam self confidence! Seriously why does this guy like to NTR himself so much?!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:33 No.64269946
    Well if you've read the light novels or read the manga you know tubby's attitude comes back to bite him in the ass pretty hard. Not to mention his childhood friend has... issues.

    It's a standard trope to establish a shitty character to show his development by the end of the series' - honestly, there's nothing special about Haruyuki at all except his fatness.

    In all honesty he reminds me of episode 1-TV Shinji. Except a bunch of freaky ass monsters and his dad isn't out to get him so there's no real imperative for him to change. Yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:33 No.64269948
    >Why are you so depressed? You should be happy! Stop being depressed and be happy!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:33 No.64269960
    >/a/ hating because they won't be able to fap to Accel World doujins with him in them
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:34 No.64269983
    >In all honesty he reminds me of episode 1-TV Shinji. Except a bunch of freaky ass monsters and his dad isn't out to get him so there's no real imperative for him to change.

    >completely missing the point of 2 different series
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:43 No.64270211
    >blah blah you hate him because you relate to him too well
    >blah blah I hate him because the fatness is pointless
    You people are all fucking retarded and when shown the mildest piece of depth in a character you either miss it completely or just start yelling LOLDEEP because the author decided to show, and not tell, the meaning in the most basic way possible.
    Seriously it's not fucking religious symbolism as a metaphor for white supremacy killing NIHON TRADITIONAL VALUES or anything stupid like that, he's fat to highlight the fact he's got a hard on for escapism, which is the entire fucking point of the series. He doesn't want to be himself so he goes and plays games to escape that, and is given a chance to go to the next level, a real VR world where he's actually important for once, no matter how self-destructive it actually is. I'd say you hate it because you can relate to self-destructive hobbies, but you haven't even noticed that.
    Isn't the million and fucking one parallels to the real world obvious enough for you? The bully steals his avatar and makes him a pig for Christs sake.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)07:56 No.64270553
    Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:00 No.64270635
    /a/ hates him because he is /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:05 No.64270743

    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:06 No.64270754
         File: 1334405178.jpg-(228 KB, 1024x768, pink floyd's accel world.jpg)
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    Do you guys like Pink Floyd?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:06 No.64270764

    Animals is not that great of an album
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:08 No.64270800
    Yes, my favorite album is Meddle.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:23 No.64271089
         File: 1334406185.png-(86 KB, 791x621, Pink Floyd.png)
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    Take your pick bitches.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:30 No.64271226
         File: 1334406626.jpg-(97 KB, 804x426, MOE AS FUCK DWARF.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:31 No.64271256
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:32 No.64271265
    You can't seriously be calling this guy original
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:33 No.64271290
    I kinda like it. It's not as good as Darkside of the moon, wish you were here or Meddle. But still better than The Wall.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:33 No.64271304
    it's simple, we kill the pig

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