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  • File: 1334259877.jpg-(109 KB, 1920x1080, medaka-box-2-022.jpg)
    109 KB Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:44 No.64179707

    Why is everyone hating on my Meduka?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:45 No.64179728

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:45 No.64179729
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:48 No.64179833
    What happened?
    Low rating?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:50 No.64179954
    Jesus complex.

    Nobody loves a perfect character. Just look at Gundam Seed's Jesus Yamato.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:52 No.64180013
    >Nobody loves a perfect character. Just look at Gundam Seed's Jesus Yamato.
    I hope that you are being sarcastic.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:53 No.64180045
    It's just the dumb "viewerase" who can't tell a parody of shonen protagonists when they see one.

    Thankfully, 2ch morons aren't the only people who watch anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:53 No.64180047
    Last time I checked, nips olev Seed and Kira.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:54 No.64180102
    >Jesus complex.

    Dude, I didn't say "why this happened", but " what happened".
    Are the ratings low or it's just shitkaku being shitkaku?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:54 No.64180128

    Also, maybe it's because of the uncensored pantyshots? I mean, that's fucking gross. I want that shit on my BD and only there.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:55 No.64180170
    But everyone outside of Japan hates them.

    Hold on a second. Do we have any sort of confirmation that the Japs hate Medaka? Or is it only us pig disgusting amerifats?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:56 No.64180202
    Other than shitkaku?
    Not that I am aware of.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:56 No.64180206
    Medaka was 2nd in the last poll.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:57 No.64180229
         File: 1334260622.jpg-(34 KB, 300x249, 1333926505119.jpg)
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    Anyway take your pick OP; shitty jesus mc, boring unfunny hijinks to start with, average visuals, etc.
    Is there even anyone that even liked it before the Enforcers turned up?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:57 No.64180253
    Japan always has shit taste.

    It's their fish memory that think Madoka's and Again's deaths were the saddest thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:58 No.64180296
    It was nearly cancelled a few times before the story turned into nothing but twists upon twists, of course the beginning part is going to be unpopular
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:58 No.64180308
    Medaka is a dumb incisive whore , how could anyone possibly even tolerate seeing or hearing that monstrosity?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:59 No.64180325
    I generally liked everything.
    But then again, I have hideously low standards and am very easily entertained.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:00 No.64180367
    It's hardly a parody when you just do the same thing everyone else does.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:00 No.64180378
    Do I have to stay away from /a/ again this season?

    I've never seen so many shows trolled and flamed so badly all at once.

    Either that, or Accel World, Nyarlko, and Medaka Box are all shit anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:01 No.64180434
    The box arc is better than the Unzen's arc and the flask plan arc. It's mediocre, though [/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:02 No.64180462
         File: 1334260943.jpg-(28 KB, 468x263, 133702__468x_medaka-box-2-062.jpg)
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    That looks like dick...
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:02 No.64180475
         File: 1334260962.png-(74 KB, 194x331, 1313080909362.png)
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    /a/ is steadily declining, because it gets flooded with more fuckwits every season. Sadly it's still the best place to discuss anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:03 No.64180511
    Nah, apparently it ranked low but sold like hotcakes at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:03 No.64180518
    >Why is this so unpopular?
    >no links to proof
    >no anything
    >posts pictures
    >that's the article
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:03 No.64180528
    Well, if it has robots there is always /m/ I suppose...
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:04 No.64180556
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:04 No.64180588
    >1 person hating it is everybody hating it
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:05 No.64180591
    >Medaka in a dog outfit

    God dammit I do not need another new fetish
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:05 No.64180633
    I know that Sankaku is a terrible site but this shit is too retarded even for their standard....
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:05 No.64180642
    >>1 person liking it is everybody liking it
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:06 No.64180680
    The large portion of people who don't like Medaka Box don't like it because they can't accept Medaka for what she is and what she's supposed to represent. They can't see beyond her unnatural perfection and just stop there.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:07 No.64180699
    >uninspired, off-putting, unlikeable characters
    >no plot
    >beating that dead horse of an art style

    Do people really wonder why it's shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:07 No.64180722
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.
    >> sage Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:08 No.64180807
    Though its kind of surprising how we had some halfway decent 500+ post Muv Luv threads recently, with only minimal trolling and waifuwars.
    Around the time Alt was released and some time afterwards, shit was pretty much unbearable outside /m/.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:11 No.64180885
    Typical shitcocku shit.

    Medak preorders are pretty healthy.
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 04/12/12(Thu)16:11 No.64180912
         File: 1334261498.jpg-(133 KB, 1280x720, 100080.jpg)
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    I don't hate it but I find it boring after the first episode.

    Thank god the MC isn't an ugly piece of shit or I would have dropped it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:12 No.64180944
    /a/ is becoming the next /v/ where if you discuss actual anime and manga you will get flamed.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:12 No.64180945
    So, anyone got any actual sources for the sales/preorders/whatever?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:13 No.64180988
    Only redeeming thing in this anime is Medakas chest. Pun unintended.

    Yes I know, I'm right.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:13 No.64181016
         File: 1334261636.jpg-(83 KB, 388x296, 1306109399082.jpg)
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    its only downhill from here, I'd drop it while you're ahead
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:14 No.64181023
    She's got some nice legs and a cute butt too.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:16 No.64181130
         File: 1334261797.jpg-(357 KB, 682x1046, Shiranui.jpg)
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    Medaka is disgusting.
    Shiranui is perfection.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:16 No.64181131
    And teh guy who was first had over 2500 more votes than her
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:16 No.64181139
         File: 1334261810.jpg-(33 KB, 500x281, vlcsnap-304572.jpg)
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    Nobody likes a perfect bitch.

    Pic related. Nothing gets a man harder than damaged goods.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:17 No.64181172
         File: 1334261847.png-(86 KB, 256x256, 1318902212390.png)
    86 KB

    A girl so great she has what, two pictures of her on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:18 No.64181203
    episode 2 was good
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:19 No.64181244

    This article is great .
    It is well-grounded, eloquent, witty and interesting.
    Sankaku is truly an excellent site.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:20 No.64181292
    Yeah because we all know that the millions of pics of Hinata from Narushit means she is top tier quality amirite?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:20 No.64181300
    >They still think Medaka Box is a parody
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:20 No.64181309
    So, I know the manga it's pretty popular in Japan.

    But how's the anime? Is it having good ratings on TV? Maybe high pre-order points?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:21 No.64181341
         File: 1334262075.jpg-(45 KB, 560x330, Darth-Vader-Star-Wars.jpg)
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    The sarcasm is strong with this one.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:23 No.64181442
    The manga is popular because it got better. It was hated as fuck in its early, shitty phases,which is what the anime is currently adapting.

    So I'd assume the Japanese are mostly sitting there facepalming at the decision to start the adaption from the beginning, rather than preordering.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:26 No.64181561
    Personally, I fucking hated Medaka Box during thhe first 2 arcs. Now I love it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:26 No.64181585
    >high pre-order points

    It's dropped to #270 since after the 2nd episode aired
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:27 No.64181591
    >hurr why sho so upoplar
    >durp letz dump piczzz
    >wat r sources!
    >too santinces r mur dan enuff
    >hurr durdpala rwkh;lgsjfld
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:28 No.64181640
    Fact: Medaka Box became good after Kikaijima was introduced.

    This doesn't mean people have liked it since then; most of them hate the Flask Plan arc just because they think it's typical shonen battle manga; so they hate to admit that it's not that bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:28 No.64181643
    Well, Medaka's Amazon stalker points are pretty low considering the content.

    ***,**8位/***,**8位 ★ (***,937 pt) [*,*38予約] 12/06/22 12/04 Haiyore! Nyarlko-san
    ***,*79位/***,*77位 ★ (***,832 pt) [*,**7予約] 12/07/25 12/04 Accel World
    ***,177位/***,175位 ★ (***,803 pt) [*,**7予約] 12/05/25 12/04 Kore wa Zombie? of the dead
    ***,148位/***,135位 ★ (***,515 pt) [*,**4予約] 12/06/27 12/04 Queens Blade... 3? 4? I don't know
    ***,304位/***,303位 ★ (***,370 pt) [*,**6予約] 12/06/20 12/04 Saki Achiga-hen
    ***,809位/***,749位 ★ (***,255 pt) [*,**2予約] 12/06/22 12/04 Zetman
    ***,364位/***,368位 ★ (***,181 pt) [*,**1予約] 12/07/25 12/04 Medaka Box
    **2,651位/**2,346位 ★ (***,153 pt) [*,**1予約] 12/06/22 12/04 Hiiro no Reverse Harem
    **1,529位/**1,440位 ★ (***,134 pt) [*,**3予約] 12/07/27 12/04 Upotte
    ***,588位/***,543位 ★ (***,127 pt) [*,**1予約] 12/06/27 12/04 Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
    **2,220位/**1,971位 ★ (***,114 pt) [*,**1予約] 12/07/27 12/04 Shining Hearts
    ***,586位/***,696位 ★ (***,*81 pt) [*,**0予約] 12/06/06 12/04 Acchi Kocchi
    ***,665位/**1,727位 ★ (***,*47 pt) [*,**0予約] 12/06/29 12/04 Sankarea
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:28 No.64181656
    There's your problem
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:28 No.64181663
    >The manga is popular because of Nisio
    >The manga survived because of Nisio


    I wouldn't say it got "better"
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:29 No.64181700
    >Zetman ahead of Medaka Box

    Somehow that makes me laugh
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:31 No.64181768
    Accel world was expected BUT HOLYSHIT Japan love HP. Lovercraft
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:32 No.64181812
    You shouldn't smoke weed every day...

    >I wouldn't say it got "better"

    Then you must be a true retarded.
    Even the worst haters agree with that.
    Also it was getting cancelled during the first two horrible arcs.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:32 No.64181820
         File: 1334262746.jpg-(184 KB, 1920x1200, agree.jpg)
    184 KB
    the man speaks truth
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:32 No.64181821
    >***,586位/***,696位 ★ (***,*81 pt) [*,**0予約] 12/06/06 12/04 Acchi Kocchi
    >***,665位/**1,727位 ★ (***,*47 pt) [*,**0予約] 12/06/29 12/04 Sankarea
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:32 No.64181836
    >>Nyarlko at number 1

    No surprise there. Everyone loves a main character that acts and sounds like Konata from Lucky Star that wants to rape the MC every chance she gets.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:33 No.64181854

    I'm glad that it doesn't look like QBR is going to kill the anime series, but I'm not sure how I'd feel if it performed better than the first two seasons...

    Not that anything that happens this early counts for anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:33 No.64181872
         File: 1334262826.jpg-(40 KB, 635x736, 1297880653007.jpg)
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    > sounds like Konata from Lucky Star
    Don't insult Kana Asumi.
    >> Fruits Punch Samurai !1jo.xJZURA 04/12/12(Thu)16:34 No.64181890
    It's more like because the price is so amazingly low, especially for japan, that even if you hate it you may as well buy it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:35 No.64181927
    >***,**8位/***,**8位 ★ (***,937 pt) [*,*38予約] 12/06/22 12/04 Haiyore! Nyarlko-san

    Japs are smart for once. Surrender the the Crawling Chaos fucks you twice as much over.
    >> cxd9615gb !X61s66Bit. 04/12/12(Thu)16:35 No.64181929
    She basically is Konata. Not that I mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:35 No.64181947
    >Even the worst haters agree with that.
    Now you're just exaggerating. The haters still hate the series as much as they did in the beginning only now they acknowledge the fact that the writer just said "fuck it" when it was about to get canned. Apparently Nisio is gonna retool the entire first arc in the manga with the upcoming novel so it's more in style with how the series is currently now, why they didn't do that with the anime I have no clue
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:36 No.64181978

    I don't practice Sankarea
    I aint got not Acchi Kocchi
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:36 No.64181992
    Hater here. Medaka Box is still shit infact I'll dare say the manga is alot worse now than it was in the beginning. I should be called Meta Box because that's all they have going for it nowadays
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:36 No.64182001
    >***,*79位/***,*77位 ★ (***,832 pt) [*,**7予約] 12/07/25 12/04 Accel World
    Shit pandering to fat otakus.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:37 No.64182035
    Well durr, god
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:37 No.64182049
    >Shit pandering to fat otakus.
    >just the one thing from that list
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:38 No.64182090
    Nisio didn't change Medaka Box from a slice of life to a battle manga because it was about to get canned or because of low popularity.

    It has gotten pretty good sales since the first volume and after the Minus arc, it comes the Meda-trials arc, wich is pretty much a slice of life + mind games, with no battle. Hell, the whole Ajimu stuff has no battles.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:38 No.64182104
    Accel World and this are shit, but Nyarlko is actually good in it's own league.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:39 No.64182111
    > tfw you are practically a God, but you will never be loved by animals.

    Poor Medaka ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:40 No.64182173
    >The haters still hate the series

    Of course they still hate it, but many of them have said that it gets better after Kumagawa's introduction.
    Better =/= good.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:40 No.64182176
    >It has gotten pretty good sales since the first volume
    Cool lie bro
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:40 No.64182189
    >> tfw
    Please stop posting.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:40 No.64182196
    And then Japan learned how to do business again.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:40 No.64182205
    >shitkaku thread
    >getting replies

    Back in my day, trolling was classier than this.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:41 No.64182227
    It seems like you know about the topic. Please link me to a source that says the first volume didn't sell good.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:41 No.64182237
    >Haters admitting a series has gotten better

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:42 No.64182330
    Not really. Persona 4 had a pretty cheap first volume, but the second one, which was more expensive, sold a lot less.

    So, unless they keep the price, the sales will go down, though I can't say how much.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:43 No.64182337
         File: 1334263382.png-(282 KB, 542x517, 1327704765514.png)
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    >Apparently Nisio is gonna retool the entire first arc in the manga with the upcoming novel so it's more in style with how the series is currently now

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:43 No.64182341
    I thought MBfags were able to admit that the series was doing poorly and that the genre shifts weren't intentional "haha we're making fun of shounen manga" and more "please for the love of god vote for us"
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:43 No.64182367
    >Says the series was selling good from the first volume
    >Doesn't provide info
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:45 No.64182446
    How about the latest volume?

    *1, 638,907 638,907 Hunter x Hunter vol.30
    *2, 520,341 520,341 Ao no Exorcist vol.8
    *3, 300,134 300,134 D.Gray-man vol.23
    *4, 270,460 270,460 Gintama vol.44
    *5, 237,857 237,857 Toriko vol.19
    *6, 233,353 233,353 Katekyo Hitman Reborn! vol.38
    *7, 187,496 187,496 Nurarihyon no Mago vol.21
    *8. 142,994 142,994 SKET Dance vol.24
    *9, 134,350 134,350 Kuroko no Basket vol.17
    10, 103,493 103,493 Medaka Box vol.15
    19, *37,182 *37,182 Magico vol.5

    Congrats. It beat out Magico. Selling 100k isn't "great" sales for a Shounen Jump series. It's almost as the very bottom of the barrel.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:45 No.64182471
    >Persona 4 had a pretty cheap first volume, but the second one, which was more expensive, sold a lot less.
    The drop was incredibly insignificant since the series managed to stay remarkably consistent within the 30k range regardless
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:45 No.64182480

    Where are the Big 3?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:46 No.64182514
    There's a reason the manga was pretty damn low on rankings for several weeks but it didn't get canceled. It's obviously about sales. Same reason HxH is always low but doesn't get canned.
    >hurr durr because of kuma it not cancel!
    So, Jump left a manga with poor popularity alone for 50+ chapters? Sure...
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:47 No.64182545
    They were released months ago. One Piece broke another record. Naruto's trailing behind and Bleach just keeps getting lower and lower
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:47 No.64182554
    >There's a reason the manga was pretty damn low on rankings for several weeks but it didn't get canceled.
    Why don't you tell me that reason?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:47 No.64182578
    It's not that strange, especially in this case.
    For example , I think that Rave it's awful shit but The first volumes are by far the worst ones .
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:48 No.64182605
    >There's a reason the manga was pretty damn low on rankings for several weeks but it didn't get canceled.
    Because Nishio
    >Same reason HxH is always low but doesn't get canned.
    Except MB sales are nowhere near HxH
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:48 No.64182638
    It's still good enough, though. Just look at the monsters its compiting against. And it's beating Magico by almost 65.000 copies.

    So, it's not selling like those monster manga that always sell a fuckton, but it's selling a lot enough to not get cancelled like all of the mangas that aren't on that list. Remember Ane-Doki?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:49 No.64182662
    Why don't you read the whole post?
    >It's obviously about sales.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:49 No.64182664

    How come they're on a different schedule? Don't want to crowd out the others on the shelves?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:49 No.64182672
    Because it shit
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:51 No.64182737
    >A manga is not as popular as one of the best selling manga nowadays.
    >Therefore, your whole argument is invalid.
    Do you guys really think every manga ever sells 500.000 copies?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:53 No.64182861
    From big name publishers like Shuiesha, Kodansha and Shokugan do
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:54 No.64182930
         File: 1334264089.jpg-(276 KB, 701x934, Medaka in a nutshell.jpg)
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    >Medaka thread
    >not the manga's new chapter
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:55 No.64182992

    We already discussed the shit out of it yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:56 No.64183015
    I like how /a/ is bitching about how Medaka has a perfect character, but then you've got Accel World and everyone is bitching about how flawed the main character is.

    I swear /a/ is just gigantic hypocritical group that just hates everything.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:57 No.64183069
         File: 1334264238.png-(133 KB, 482x484, 1333253728915.png)
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    And it was an awesome thread.

    Just pointing out that "Medaka anime thread" part.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:57 No.64183077
    I fucking love that image
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:57 No.64183081
    No shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:58 No.64183109
    There's this thing called 'balance'
    Though it's not like your wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:58 No.64183157
    >I swear /a/ is just gigantic hypocritical group that just hates everything.

    Congratulations! You have discovered the secret of /a/! Now you can move on onto the next level.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:59 No.64183171
    >Before the anime I always said my opinion was that the manga is great but I doubt the anime will go down well for various reasons

    >The anime isn't going down well just as expected

    >Still feel kind of sad about it

    Damn it, me.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:59 No.64183178
    If you can't relate to the characters, it must be a bad piece of fiction, since the purpose of all fiction is to let you self-insert, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:59 No.64183203
    >I swear /a/ is just gigantic hypocritical group that just hates everything.
    What, is it your first day here or something?

    There's always people who just like to repeat what /a/ says just to be cool and part of the club. Personally, I disagree; I love Medaka Box and all of its arcs, and I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there who also liked them.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:00 No.64183229
    I don't know if you're serious or just being sarcastic.

    I choose to believe what makes me happy.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:00 No.64183235
    >They think /a/ is one person
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:01 No.64183267
    >implying /a/ isn't one giant samefag
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:01 No.64183285
         File: 1334264506.jpg-(55 KB, 318x318, 1323865098353.jpg)
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    >the next level.

    Can I go there too?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:01 No.64183292
    **2,224位 ○(***,*35pt) [*,**0予約] 2012年07月25日 めだかボックス 第1巻 [DVD]
    ***,364位 ★(***,181pt) [*,**1予約] 2012年07月25日 めだかボックス 第1巻 [Blu-ray]
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:02 No.64183329
    What? There's nothing hypocritical about it because /a/ isn't one fucking person. The group of people bitching about Medaka and those bitching about Accel World are (most likely) different people, and if not, are trolling. Retards like you should fuck off back to reddit.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:02 No.64183340
    >repeat what /a/ says just to be cool and part of the club
    >what /a/ says

    Because /a/ can ever agree on anything in the first place. Sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:04 No.64183410
    I like to pretend people aren't buying this because they don't like the Box arc, like most of us.

    If, someday, they adapt the Minus arc, I'm sure it'd sell like pancakes. It's not that weird to see sequels selling more than first seasons.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:04 No.64183426
    I wasn't being serious.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:05 No.64183475
    > It's not that weird to see sequels selling more than first seasons.
    Like TWOGK right? Or Ashura Cryin'? Or Code Geass R2
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:06 No.64183485
    Why do people act like /a/ has anything bordering on consensus on ANYTHING EVER?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:06 No.64183520
    Or Hidamari Sketch or Aria.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:07 No.64183527
    > It's not that weird to see sequels selling more than first seasons.
    Except that almost never happens. And it seems weird that not even hardcore fans would support what is the weakest arc in the series
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:08 No.64183580

    I fucking hate the manga's current direction. The other shoe better drop soon.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:08 No.64183599
         File: 1334264919.jpg-(41 KB, 187x333, I happen to be an expert on th(...).jpg)
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    Actually I'm one out of every 10 people on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:09 No.64183622
    This manga had a direction?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:09 No.64183647
    In manga time that will be in another 50 chapters.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:09 No.64183649
    HxH doesn't get canned because of the contract Togashi made with the publisher.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:09 No.64183650

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:09 No.64183657
    It wouldn't be that weird for Medaka Box, since Kumagawa is the most popular character of the manga by far.

    Just you wait, anon. There's going to be a huge twist...soon. It's Medaka, it's Nisio; you should except sudden twists. When was the last time a whole arc was predictable?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:10 No.64183701

    Treasure Hunt
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:10 No.64183715

    You'd think you guys would have learned from Guilty Crown that sales figures can change a lot from week to week. But no.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:11 No.64183725
    And the fact that the series sells extremely well
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:11 No.64183727
    Or Seed Destiny
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:11 No.64183767
         File: 1334265119.jpg-(190 KB, 1366x768, DEVIRU KAKKKE.jpg)
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    >Says DEVIL COOL
    >Translate it as this
    Damnit, WhyNot. Stop hiring CxC translators!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:12 No.64183773
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:12 No.64183783
    Except a week ago Medaka Box was among the top preorders, GC was never in the top
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:12 No.64183799

    only the ending and by that point the fucking arc was over
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:12 No.64183803
         File: 1334265163.png-(24 KB, 832x1200, MedakaBox-ch115-16.png)
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    >treasure hunt
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:13 No.64183815
    That too.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:13 No.64183828
    I literally NOPED when I saw the JET BLACK BRIDE ARC BEGINS NOW tagline.

    It was like I was reading Naruto or One Piece in how cliched that was. Doesn't help that it sounds like some bullshit suitor tournament arc too.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:13 No.64183848
    >There's going to be a huge twist...soon.

    There fucking better be and it better not involve the oldest character ever written being defeated.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:13 No.64183853
    I've always thought the purpose of the treasure arc was to be as pointless as possible, while still giving some development to Ajimu, the cadets and Akune.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:15 No.64183918
    Actually Guilty Crown's rank was always in the lower regions but it was always consistent it didn't drop heavily or rise like most shows do and people weren't paying attention to the DVD numbers as well. Also the first volume came with a VA ticket and since then sales have been dropping every volume after
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:15 No.64183921

    So the fact that it WAS doing really well in preorders previously proves that it will do badly in the end?

    Is this some kind of crazy /a/ logic?

    I'm not claiming I know how it will do. That's my point. We don't know.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:15 No.64183936

    That was pretty blatantly the case.


    I'd have thought he could do something interesting with it, but, no. Throwing all the popular characters together does nothing other than unbalance the character interactions; you need halfway sane people for them to bounce off of.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:16 No.64183959
    >Ajimu fights new character
    >New character has skill that banishes people with more skills than him
    >Ajimu has one skill that counters it
    I expect something like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:16 No.64183964
         File: 1334265385.gif-(988 KB, 350x197, 1333563190698.gif)
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    You guys know its still going to be a generic tournament arc even IF she loses, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:16 No.64183977
    Now that you mention it; did we ever have official numbers for the past season? I want to see how much did Inu x Boku and Nichibros sell.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:17 No.64184010

    Didn't it get somewhere in the region of 10k towards the end? That's way higher than it was at first.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:17 No.64184037
    Inu x Boku sold 10-11k being the first of the season. Nichibros sold 3.4k
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:18 No.64184051
    >So the fact that it WAS doing really well in preorders previously proves that it will do badly in the end?
    Nobody said that. We even said it was fucking retarded to be tallying up sales this early into the season because anything can happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:18 No.64184052
    >Ajimu losing is the twist
    Even though she lost 2 chapters ago? I don't even think she can fight without using an ULTRAHAX skill.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:18 No.64184061
    These new guys reminded me the plus six.
    I hope that they will have the same screentime.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:18 No.64184073

    My expectation is that they'll eliminate the suitors within a chapter or two, but then find themselves trapped on the boat, with the suitors dying one by one.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:19 No.64184114
    Can't remember. I think the first volume sold over 12k after three weeks and the second 10k
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:19 No.64184141
         File: 1334265594.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 142 KB, 728x1094, jcxc_medakabox_ch096.medakabox(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 142 KB
    Dumpan Kumagawa being best character.

    If the animefags can't watch until he appears they don't deserve him anyways.

    inb4 mangafox
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:20 No.64184145
    Why the fuck Medaka Box is getting only 12 episodes? They won't even show fucking Kumagawa?
    Hey, I said the twist is Ajimu winning. Or the not twist.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:20 No.64184181
    They all get killed by Shiranui HYA HYA HYA HYA
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:20 No.64184189
         File: 1334265657.jpg-(13 KB, 294x331, 1254328796932.jpg)
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    >shitkaku thread
    >158 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:21 No.64184198
    >Even though she lost 2 chapters ago?

    They meant in an actual fight.

    Can you go to help nisio, please?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:21 No.64184208
    >want the Shiranuis to interact
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:21 No.64184216
    I miss the lolis...
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:21 No.64184222
         File: 1334265693.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 199 KB, 728x1181, nmedaka_box_121_019.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:21 No.64184226
    Do you have the laugh pages from his Munakata fight? That was a fucking awesome moment.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:21 No.64184236
    We stopped talking about shitkaku about 100 replies ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:22 No.64184243
    Welcome to Neo /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:22 No.64184249
         File: 1334265742.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 87 KB, 728x1092, rmedakabox_ch081_08.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:22 No.64184277
         File: 1334265767.png-(112 KB, 252x251, 1330760009455.png)
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    >tfw Kumagawa still calls her "Kikaijima-san"
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:23 No.64184287
    My issue is that Ajimu can simply revive anyone who dies, even if Kumagawa can't.

    >Why the fuck Medaka Box is getting only 12 episodes?

    It's 24 episodes; the website mentions Hakama. I expect to see another cour next year.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:23 No.64184296
         File: 1334265792.png-(109 KB, 400x257, 1327375986412.png)
    109 KB
    >Why the fuck Medaka Box is getting only 12 episodes?

    Because they want to see how well it does before dropping a load of money into it?

    What's the matter, were you one of those who believed wikipedia?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:23 No.64184323
    If Kumagawa was capable of this, Ajimu must be pretty shit in a fight.
    There is no way in hell she is going to win this fight.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:23 No.64184327
         File: 1334265825.png-(24 KB, 292x333, 05.png)
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    He is really mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:23 No.64184329
    >the website mentions Hakama
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:23 No.64184331
         File: 1334265829.jpg-(62 KB, 600x338, 1304363844445.jpg)
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    You nigga still posting in a shitkaku thread. I'm out.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:24 No.64184346

    Just download the pages from CxC site, damn it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:24 No.64184347
         File: 1334265848.jpg-(400 KB, 727x1107, kumagawa.jpg)
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    >Twelve episodes
    Is there any kind of info confirming episodes yet, I thought it was still all conjecture?

    The five normals versus the Perverted Suitors would've a lot more entertaining than a team of invicibles.

    Not him, but do you mean this one?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:24 No.64184348
    I remember that thread, but fuck no.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:24 No.64184359
         File: 1334265861.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 216 KB, 728x1137, f120.016.jpg)
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    This is the only page I have from him Munakata fight unfortunately... Should probably go back and save some more.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:25 No.64184394

    Hmm? I remember him calling her "Mogana-chan" on several occasions, like when he asked Zen if she had a boyfriend.

    Also, I think it's to Kikaijima's credit that she's not scared of him at all.


    Shiranui's bio, it says that her grandfather is the chairman, IIRC.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:25 No.64184397

    look at that slut riding the pole
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:25 No.64184400
         File: 1334265917.png-(220 KB, 916x1300, [MedakaBox]-ch137_16.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:25 No.64184403

    24's a good length.


    What's that?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:26 No.64184435

    What chapter was that? I have the entire manga saved.


    Shiranui's grandfather.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:26 No.64184440
    Yes, thank you. One of my favorite moments in the mango.

    Oh, thank you anyway. His pervy moments are also really nice.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:26 No.64184445

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:26 No.64184457
         File: 1334266002.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 105 KB, 728x1090, ucxc_medakabox_ch63.medakabox-(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:26 No.64184458
         File: 1334266010.jpg-(48 KB, 512x388, Gilgamesh reacting to your BJ.jpg)
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    Every time.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:27 No.64184504
    I hope everyone loses on purpose to fuck over Medaka
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:27 No.64184507
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:27 No.64184511
         File: 1334266061.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 99 KB, 728x1076, hmedakabox_ch105_14.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:28 No.64184547
         File: 1334266102.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 120 KB, 728x1092, mcxc_medakabox_ch68.medakabox-(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:28 No.64184565

    Oh right.

    It took me ages to even remember that her name was Hansode.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:29 No.64184602
         File: 1334266168.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 120 KB, 728x1086, tcxc_medakabox_ch65.medakabox-(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:29 No.64184605
    How is that even an article?

    >Title - Medaka Box: “Why Is This Anime So Unpopular?”
    >Screenshots of ep2
    >Article end.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:29 No.64184612
         File: 1334266181.jpg-(474 KB, 1533x1174, 1320609910770.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:30 No.64184641

    That arc was so good.... What happened?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:30 No.64184654
    Welcome to Sankaku.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:30 No.64184664
    >the water here is shallow
    What the fuck does this even mean
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:30 No.64184670

    Out of ideas? If it had ended on 140 I'd be fine.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:31 No.64184696
    That was a manly combat.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:32 No.64184715
    It's a pun.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:32 No.64184716
    God I love this arc.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:32 No.64184720
    >I swear /a/ is just gigantic hypocritical group that just hates everything.
    And why wouldn't we? We are an ignorant bunch of people which different kinds of shit taste, shit opinions and about zero tolerance to each other. We're never helpful, we don't appreciate the opinions of "new" posters, we flame each others over topics like moe.
    We are more or less anonymous here, we can shittalk to each other as much as we want. So, is there any problem with that?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:32 No.64184724
    Something about the style of this show rubs me the wrong way. Or maybe it's the LACK of style. It's very inconsistent. All the characters look like they were designed by different people.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:33 No.64184755
    Do explain.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:33 No.64184789
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:34 No.64184822
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:35 No.64184838
    no need. i also doubt this will be a battle themed arc. with the hack team around battle arcs are meaningless.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:35 No.64184841

    Sleepy is tight as hell.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:36 No.64184878
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:36 No.64184888
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:37 No.64184905
    It could be a battle themed arc, but done in an interesting way, like the Minuc arc, where Kumagawa fought first, against Zenkichi, after kicking the ass of the other three fighters.

    Remember when Naze gained Bioshock powers while fighting a Minus? How Naze won but lost anyway? Man, that was a good arc.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:37 No.64184908
    not enough 13 year old yuri
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:37 No.64184928

    Yeah, 140 could have been the ending had we been given a few chapters to explain middle school and stuff,

    It annoys me that we're not even focusing on the metaplot at this point, but rather some pointless suitor bullshit.

    It'd be fine if Medaka had brought people who could actually be beaten, but...
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:37 No.64184935
         File: 1334266675.png-(267 KB, 786x1200, medaka_120_002.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:38 No.64184945
    How are they going to do Kumagawa's voice?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:38 No.64184957
    >Kumagawa still lost and raged like a motherfucker
    So incredibly satisfying for the little psychopath.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:38 No.64184969
         File: 1334266720.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 145 KB, 728x1104, jcxc_medakabox_ch096.medakabox(...).jpg)
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    Best moment.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:39 No.64185011

    The Minus Arc was back when the powerlevels were lower and the characters could actually be challenged (except, obviously, Medaka, but she was barely involved).

    This new arc is like an exercise in how to NOT write a compelling story.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:40 No.64185052

    Yuuki Kaji.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:41 No.64185069
    > Medaka, but she was barely involved
    >barely involved.
    >Medaka barely involved
    Now I get why everyone likes the Minus arc so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:41 No.64185073
         File: 1334266874.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 141 KB, 728x1099, pcxc_imangascans_medakabox_ch5(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:41 No.64185099
    Fukuyama Jun.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:41 No.64185104

    It's amazing to me how you guys all know how worthless this arc is 2 chapters in.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:42 No.64185136
    With a so poweful team and these horrible villains?
    I doubt it.

    >i also doubt this will be a battle themed arc

    So I did. But after the last chapter ....
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:42 No.64185140
         File: 1334266948.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 120 KB, 728x1089, ucxc_medakabox_ch63.medakabox-(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:44 No.64185213
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:44 No.64185237
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    >introducing all the villains in one chapter
    >not a single one is remotely interesting

    And I doubt they all get killed off.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:45 No.64185256

    You got it. Instead of Medaka being Medaka, we got screentime for Kumagawa, Naze, Emukae, Hinokage, Hitomi, and of course Zenkichi.


    The whole setup just reeks of awful. It COULD have gone in an interesting direction, but not with these characters.

    Not even NisiOisiN can make something like this fun to read.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:45 No.64185271
    >all of the villains in one chapter are not interesting
    Hey, that's what we said about the Normal Girls.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:45 No.64185281
    They are the new plus 6
    At least they have a fetish for easy identification
    2D guy ftw
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:46 No.64185285

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