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  • File: 1334027735.jpg-(83 KB, 634x480, 1331603413179.jpg)
    83 KB Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:15 No.64041643  
    Why is this guy so pathetic?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:16 No.64041675
    Hes surrounded by 100 naked reis while you're sitting in your moms basement.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:16 No.64041700
    he hates orange juice
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:16 No.64041704
    You would freak out if you were in his situation.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:17 No.64041720
    because he is wearing clothes
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:17 No.64041725
    That guy worked for the government, he's better off then most people here.

    Plus he plays a sweet air guitar
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:17 No.64041736
    His character was the least explored of those three.
    I'm curious as to what kind of person he was.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:17 No.64041750
    >Hes surrounded by 100 naked reis
    Exactly, don't you get it? He doesn't have a special person nor any kind of aspiration.

    He just hid under the computer, waiting for the moment he dissapears.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:18 No.64041790
    Well wouldn't you be scared shitless if everyone around you exploded into a puddle of orange juice and then they tried to turn you into orange juice? Bet he was thinking that if they touch him he will die.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:18 No.64041793
    Average anon with no goals in life.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:18 No.64041800
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    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:18 No.64041802
    He has nothing going on in his life or wanted anything. Its why instead of the thing he wants/desires appears, Rei appears because she has to force herself through his mental barrier
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:18 No.64041807
    He's the only one manly enough not to be seduced by a false vision of his ideal waifu calling him to explode into tang.
    It took sheer force (hence 100 Reis) to make him lose control of his sense of self.

    Alternate explanation, as per the (dubious?) EoE commentary: He never loved anyone and hence he got the honorable mention Rei group to tang-ify him. Forever alone.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:19 No.64041853
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    This is my greatest fear. To see the day every single human being screams in terror just before the human race dissapears. And then, nothing.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:20 No.64041888
    Of the three bridge bunnies, he was probably the only "normal" person who didn't lust after unrequited love they did nothing about.

    Aoba reads mango at work, and lusts for his hot boss who is analogous to the head cheerleader at high school sort of figure.
    Maya is a lesbian for her senpai, and never left "Class S".
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:20 No.64041902

    I think he was one of the few guys who was sane enough to say "Alright, yea... Suure... Girl of my dreams appears out of nowhere? Seems legit."

    So he flees, and eventually is cornered by way too many Reis.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:21 No.64041908
    You sure it's not hundreds of spiders pouring out of a hole coming to get you?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:21 No.64041925
    "Fuck, I forgot to properly develop another character. Oh well, I guess a bunch of naked Reis will be enough."
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:22 No.64041971
    And Maya can't be bothered to shoot PEOPLE in a survival situation.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:22 No.64041973
    Rei is supposed to be creepy-looking, Shinji sees past this because of his deeper connection with her. Seeing a swarm of naked Rei would creep anyone out.

    To a normal person a pale-skinned, frail, red-eyed silent girl would be creepy as fuck. She's just been sexualized to infinity and beyond by the glory of the internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:22 No.64041981
    Thanks anon, I thought I'd be able to sleep for the first time in days tonight
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:22 No.64041983
    I think being the only survivor would be worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:23 No.64041992
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    This is my greatest desire.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:23 No.64042011
    >O little town in U.S.A, your time has come to see
    There's nothing you believe you want
    But where were you when it all came down on me?
    Did you call me now?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:23 No.64042018
    Word of god/Anno says that he doesn't have anyone that he truly loves because he's a nihilist/atheist, which is pretty bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:23 No.64042033
    Albino stampedes are pretty scary, OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:24 No.64042038
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    >/a/ during third impact
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:24 No.64042045
    But it wouldn't be nothing, humankind would be one collective consciousness. No fear or anger or negativity, unless you wanted to feel it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:24 No.64042051

    Get the fuck out, you piece of shit. I LIKE my individuality.


    tHelcl Mass
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:24 No.64042066
    He didn't see Rei because he wanted to see "Rei" (unless he was a pedo gloriously all along). The Reis appeared by default since he either wasn't surrendering his AT field and sense of self, or he had no particular ideal or want to be romantically (in the one-on-one-you-are-me-we-are-perfect-for-each-other sort of way) involved.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:24 No.64042072
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    Demon Days was great
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:25 No.64042103



    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:25 No.64042104
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    Fuck you Maya, why did you turn to be a lesbian?
    I loved you Maya, we could've been happy.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:26 No.64042146
    I feel bad for because in the end no one loved her.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:26 No.64042152

    Shinji makes it possible for people to maintain their individuality if they choose in the end, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:26 No.64042172
    So I guess the EoE commentary was right about him.
    He just was too cynical to want to love.
    If you're going to get tang'd anyways, might as well give into your waifu, other than just being exploded by what is equivalent to a horde of demons ripping your soul into its constituent pieces.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:27 No.64042219

    Yeah, but first you have to go through the sheer terror and horror of having your soul stripped from your body.

    If one of those Reis ever appeared before me, I'd fucking punch her out before she gets the chance to turn me into tang.

    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:28 No.64042239
    Well, in the case of third impact, singularity would be our proper state. All our pain would come from our absence from eachother, and our conflict with eachother(The hedgehog's dilemma). Singularity removes all conflict.
    No tears, only dreams now
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:28 No.64042273
    It's funny because for a board that bitches so much about waifus ,roneriness, and their lives going to shit, they sure hate instrumentality. Just think about it /a/, no pain, no suffering, just a perfect eternal existence.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:28 No.64042275
    I'm not talking about that specific scenario.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:29 No.64042284
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    you wanna see pathetic?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:29 No.64042288
    It wouldn't have to be Rei, it would be someone you love.

    And then you could just recollect your soul and be an individual again.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:29 No.64042320
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    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:29 No.64042326
    best character.
    so hes anno?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:30 No.64042332

    Fuck that shit.

    Experience is CHANGE IN STIMULUS.

    If you were happy forever, you'd never be able to feel "happy", you'd never have a frame of reference.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:30 No.64042347
    But I can't fap if I'm a puddle of Tang.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:30 No.64042358
    That will fail, because humans are not perfect. But that's ok, perfection gets stale.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:30 No.64042362
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    He fucked the soulless Rei clones at random that's why he saw them before he tang'd
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:30 No.64042369
    Well, that is the scenario of the show, and if it was reality, that would be the final, and proper state of being.

    I know it's not that related, but who do you think would be the one to turn you to tang?

    I don't think you really get it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:31 No.64042387

    I don't fucking give a shit. I'd rather have my individuality and conflict than be all "at peace" and this stupid fucking hippie new age bullshit.

    Humans are strong because we fight. If you get rid of conflict, you get rid of our strength. Why are you trying to get rid of our strength?


    No! I don't want to have to go through that shit in the first place! MY SOUL STAYS IN MY BODY. PERIOD. END OF STORY.


    Too bad I DON'T bitch about any of that. For the record, I LIKE the pain and suffering in life.


    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:31 No.64042403
    I would ship that.
    So shes really a lez? did the professor know?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:31 No.64042412
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    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:31 No.64042420
    You seem to be very angry. I'm sorry you're angry.
    Stop being angry.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:32 No.64042434
    The main thing that I hate about Instrumentality is that it loses its "humanity." There's no more individual "glory," and all the horrible things that make us human that Locke would describe we want.
    In essence, we would give up everything we want in order to not want it.'s like...a poor man's Buddhist enlightenment.
    All the freedom, none of the contentment.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:32 No.64042449
    >who do you think would be the one to turn you to tang?

    Probably a crush I left behind but never got over.

    It'd be nice to see her again.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:32 No.64042454

    >that would be the final, and proper state of being.





    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:33 No.64042485
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    His scream is burnt in my brain. I can almost hear it when I close my eyes.

    His horror at what was going to happen was perfect. Never before or after I've seen horror animated in such a perfect way
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:33 No.64042506
    >So shes really a lez?
    Have you not been paying attention?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:34 No.64042530
    If we were all one, we wouldn't care for things that don't matter like glory.
    Dude, it's just a fucking show.
    You wouldn't happen to be an Oilers fan would you?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:35 No.64042594
    My life is pretty pathetic, but I still like my existence, despite the world being a total shithole.

    Maybe I'm a universal masochist or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:35 No.64042603




    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:35 No.64042627
    He never knew love. Just like me, who doesn't even have a waifu.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:37 No.64042684
    What is that kanji? Anata what?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:37 No.64042685
    It always bothered me we didn't get to see who Rei appeared as to the Seele folks.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:37 No.64042695

    Fuck off
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:37 No.64042698
    EoE is just a movie right?

    Not a s2?

    I finished NGE a few months ago but never got around to finishing 'End of EVA' on my TBdrive.

    Might watch it before I go to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:37 No.64042701
    We're not "trying" to take away anything.
    We're speculating about the nature of instrumentality.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:37 No.64042703
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:37 No.64042711
    That scene becomes a lot funnier after you learn that Aoba's and Rei's English voice actors are married.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:37 No.64042718
    If there was a third impact and your true only love was a 2d waifu would your waifu appear infront of you in 2D to turn you into tang or would it be some 3D version?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:38 No.64042735
    Who are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:38 No.64042739
    You're not alone.
    Earlier today, I sat on my bed and stared out the window crying because of where my life is going, and I'd still rather keep being myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:38 No.64042757
    You're fucking annoying.
    I would shot you if you were next to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:38 No.64042770
    > implying he wasn't secretly a rei-fag all along

    He's living the dream right there.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:38 No.64042776

    You want instrumentality to happen. Ergo, you want to take these things away from me.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:39 No.64042814
    >I know it's not that related, but who do you think would be the one to turn you to tang?

    Since I have no waifu, it may be Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:39 No.64042825
    And yet you're SO ANGRY too.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:40 No.64042849
    >"Fuck off naked Rei, I don't want to be tang."
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:40 No.64042852
    >who do you think would be the one to turn you to tang?

    My imouto. She means the world to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:40 No.64042853
    EoE is a different version of the last two episodes. It tells you exactly what lead to those two episodes, and explores the events/thoughts differently
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:40 No.64042857
    > "normal" person who didn't lust after unrequited love they did nothing about
    >implying unrequited love is abnormal
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:40 No.64042860
         File: 1334029230.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 8 KB, 198x227, 01.jpg)
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    They all saw this
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:40 No.64042871
    ...Dude, it's like one of the first kanji you learn (but admittedly, not usually write) its meaning fore.
    It's "dare," or "who".
    >Anata dare?
    >Who are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:41 No.64042893
    I imagine she would appear as you loved her, as she appeared in your mind's eye.

    >You're not alone.

    Good reference.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:41 No.64042914
    and yet every other character were filled with joy
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:41 No.64042926
    It makes the commentary hilarious. Though, I can't stop imagining they're both fat people IRL though.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:42 No.64042934
    Hey I knwo about 300 and that one never appeared.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:42 No.64042946
    You don't seem to fully grasp the concept of the theory.
    The idea is that human beings are separate pieces of one being. The separation causes pain and desire. Singularity causes contentment, and wholeness.
    If it's not the case that we are all separate of one being, then it doesn't matter what we want does it?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:43 No.64042982
    I don't get why you think it's weird.

    He's seen some shit, Aoba.

    He's currently floating IN SPACE IN SOME ANCIENT ALIEN SPHERE, and then Rei's giant ghost manifests and grows fuckhuge.

    He reads from his little meters, and he sees the anti-AT-field.

    Aoba is smart enough to know he's going to get killed soon. Then these other ghosts appear, red little balls are everywhere, he sees floating women, people turning into liquid, of course he's fucking scared.

    Then they come for him. Not just one, but ten, maybe twenty. They are all coming for him.

    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:43 No.64043004
    >He doesn't have a special person
    Then a giant hand should have turned him into tang.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:43 No.64043009
    Ah, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:44 No.64043028
    >missed the point
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:44 No.64043036

    >The idea is that human beings are separate pieces of one being.

    But that's stupid. What evidence or logic do you have to prove this? Or are you under the presumption that coming up with this idea makes it true? You know, like every other new age hippie faggot?

    >The separation causes pain and desire.

    And these make us strong. These are the things that have built empires and put men on the moon. And you will NOT take them away.

    >Singularity causes contentment

    Contentment is for faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:44 No.64043039
    I would imagine that his mother would have appeared if anything.
    Anno could have done anything and left it up to fan speculation. (god knows he's done it before)
    >> Deck !!jGdTEuhHxis 04/09/12(Mon)23:44 No.64043045
    I think he's the manliest fucker.

    All the Reis didn't know what to become to let his guard down so the bombarded him with hundreds of naked Rei clones.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:44 No.64043054
    >giant hand
    I'm not sure if that's more or less terrifying than hundreds of naked albino clones coming after you
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:44 No.64043062
    She'd appear as whatever seemed more "perfect" to you. It'd be as if you had a lucid dream of your favorite fantasy, more or less.
    Because whatever Instrumentality did was not based exactly on special effects; it was completely "all in your head".
    A hypothetical person unaffected by Instrumentality's seduction would just see people hugging/talking to invisible people with happy, satisfied expressions who then promptly explode into viscous orange liquid.
    I'm thinking Aoba was that person, until he got so scared that his AT field lost the threshold needed to NOT see Rei, and thus give into Instrumentality.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:44 No.64043064
    More like
    >Nice day at work
    >"Holy shit my friends are being tanged!"
    >Holy shit a harem full of 14 year old girls who want my penis!"
    >Hide and cry
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:45 No.64043086
    It's odd because he was the only one not coerced into it by his loved ones.
    You're supposed to be welcomed into instrumentality, but Aoba was forced into it against his will.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:45 No.64043093
    He's the self insert character
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:45 No.64043120
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    >Hating orange juice
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:46 No.64043124
    Rei/Lilith is humanity's collective mother. She is the one who brings motherly comfort to everyone and gets them to willingly open up to her and therefore all of humanity.

    Most people saw their loves, the one they would willingly give themselves over to. Even Fuyutsuki, who knew what was really happening, was happy to give himself over to Rei/Lilith as Yui. Aoba was the only one who never wanted to give himself over to anyone. He didn't love anyone. So Rei had to force herself into his mind to claim his soul. There was no comfort in his death.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:46 No.64043143
    I can't self-insert myself into someone with an actual job, plays the guitar, and can shot dudes in the face.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:46 No.64043146
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:46 No.64043152

    10/10. I mad.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:47 No.64043173
    Maybe he has a fetish for stuff like that and he was really the one person who wanted to be made into tang the most
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:47 No.64043192
    He never killed no one
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:47 No.64043199
    But Shinji is supposed to be self insert for Japan.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:47 No.64043202

    You know what happens after a child is born? They grow up and leave their mother.

    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:47 No.64043212
    I think the Reis were actually out there doing stuff. I don't think Gendo cut himself in half.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:48 No.64043217
    If it makes you feel better he was probably one of the first to reform since he didn't love anyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:48 No.64043219
    >You're supposed to be welcomed into instrumentality,
    Bullshit. It's only a convenient means for the weak. They can just as easily force your AT-field down instead of making you do the work.

    Aoba was a badass. He wouldn't fall for such tricks. But he had to come along. So they dragged him in, screaming.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:48 No.64043229
    You forgot the JSDF soldiers that he shot in EoE?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:48 No.64043247
    >Mistaking orange juice for orange soda

    Fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:48 No.64043252
    are you in japan?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:49 No.64043265
    I never said it's true. It's not even a theory. Just a loose concept.
    Who needs an empire when you've elevated to a higher state?
    That last comment is pretty much just namecalling, so I'll ignore it.
    Arrogance does not equal manliness. In one way or another, you sacrifice your "individuality" to fit in to society, and to find a place in this world, and the hearts of others.
    Despite my lengthy responses, I really think a lot of what you're saying is childish, and ignores just how not serious this thread is.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:49 No.64043275
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:49 No.64043281
    Unrelated, but are the dummy plugs manned by rei clones?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:49 No.64043292
    I've seen some videos that puts that statement of yours to shame in a more literal way than you'd like to think.

    Anyway, it all depends on the situation. Is really this a comparable situation? You aren't just going back to your mother's womb here. Fruit of KNowledge + Fruit of Wisdom anyone?
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 04/09/12(Mon)23:49 No.64043300
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:50 No.64043310
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:50 No.64043317
    >Nice day at work
    Yeah, the UN committing genocide is always nice!
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:50 No.64043323
    Ya each one has a clone but the MP eva have Kaworu clones.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:50 No.64043336
    Most people are welcomed into it, regardless of Aoba's reaction.
    I think Aoba being forced in was really sad because the others died happy and Aoba had to die in fear. Even if he was awesome and manly, I still think it's sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:50 No.64043340
    >And these make us strong.
    Wrong. Life is flawed and unfair because of pain and desire.
    The strong and the lucky may have it better, but the struggle continues for everyone and doesn't stop until death.

    Face it, you're a typical romantic, idealizing selfishly and not seeing life for what it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:50 No.64043341
    That's oddly fitting when it shouldn't be
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:51 No.64043357
    I thought you'd know better, Rei.

    They are not manned by Rei clones.

    They have Rei's thought patterns and personality implanted. We never know if t here's an actual Rei body inside it.

    Rei's backup-memories are part of it.

    At least state that it is vague instead of a "yes"!
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:51 No.64043374
    IIRC Gendo got ated.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:52 No.64043405
    Everything is sad you dolt!


    That shit? Yeah, exactly.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:52 No.64043413
    ...I concede.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:52 No.64043415
    I don't trust anyone that much, it makes me sad that I would be probably be Aoba'd during instrumentality.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:52 No.64043425
    Instrumentality was never meant to be "perfect" per se. I think Anno pulling shit out of his ass would reason that would be because it was designed by "humans" and not "God."

    Like, the way we create robots to mimic life, we theoretically can't mimic what was already done better by a true God-figure. We can get pretty good at it, but some things just can't be replicated.

    Things worked in the end goal, but after being simultaneously fucked with by both SEELE and Gendo fighting for their ideas of Instrumentality, Shinji figured it out "placed in God's Role" that it was wrong, and that Instrumentality as it occurred sucked and was unnatural.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:52 No.64043433
    this thread is EXPLODING with autism
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:53 No.64043463
    Yeah, and look how much better everything is after he did that.

    Shinji triggered a game-over.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:53 No.64043466
    But anon, aren't fakes more real than the real thing?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:54 No.64043486

    >I never said it's true. It's not even a theory. Just a loose concept.

    Too bad you faggots would try to force it on us the moment you could make it real.

    >Who needs an empire when you've elevated to a higher state?

    I don't NEED it. I fucking WANT it. And I will NOT let you take that desire away from me.

    >That last comment is pretty much just namecalling, so I'll ignore it.

    No, no, it's really not. Why the fuck do you want to be content when you could be HAPPY?

    >Arrogance does not equal manliness. In one way or another, you sacrifice your "individuality" to fit in to society, and to find a place in this world, and the hearts of others

    See, here you are presuming things about me. I sacrifice NOTHING. I do NOT, in any way, shape, or form, change myself to fit in with ANYBODY. Stop projecting.

    >I really think a lot of what you're saying is childish

    And I think a lot of what you're saying is childish, too.


    >Wrong. Life is flawed and unfair because of pain and desire.

    Look at him. Look at him and laugh. I'm going to presume you've never gotten anything you wanted in life. I'm also going to presume (Although you won't admit this) that you haven't gotten it because you were just too much of a pussy and didn't want to work or strive for it.

    >The strong and the lucky may have it better, but the struggle continues for everyone and doesn't stop until death.

    Anybody can be strong, and the struggle? I fucking love the struggle.

    >Face it, you're a typical romantic, idealizing selfishly and not seeing life for what it is.

    Damn fucking straight.

    You keep being on a beta piece of shit who can only find salvation in giving up his individuality, kid. I'll continue being alpha as fuck, working hard to get what I want and desire instead of just letting it float past me.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:54 No.64043511
    That didn't happen in the series, did it? Wasn't only an EoE thing?

    Can't really remember shit now.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:55 No.64043534
    I want to see a gender bent version of myself when I get Instrumentality'd.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:55 No.64043537
    I'm going to ask again. Are you an Oilers fan?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:55 No.64043562

    I don't watch hockey, no.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:55 No.64043568
    >liking a defunct franchise
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:56 No.64043600
    When you're a fetus, you're in a safe, warm place, and are provided everything you need. You're simultaneously floating in a sea of yourself (amniotic fluid) while also being intimately connected to your provider, protector, and comforter. That is the womb.

    It's no different than instrumentality. You are floating in a sea of yourself while being intimately connected to others, provided everything you need, and are safe and warm. It's just that it's a collective womb for all humanity provided by humanity's collective mother. It really is the same thing, and when it happens to Shinji, he literally enters a vagina (in the form of Eva-01/Tree of Life) in Rei/Lilith's head to find said womb.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:56 No.64043602
    If naked Rei appeared in front of me I'd try to grab some tit or cunny before I was turned into tang.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:56 No.64043607
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    It's technically not a genocide.

    It's a massacre yes, but genocide? no no no.


    IPEA actually does shit compared to our pussy IAEA.

    IPEA gets in, deploys dem EVA's. IMagine if the IAEA went to the USA and deployed some goddamned nukes? Hell yeah
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:56 No.64043617
    I like you a lot.
    A real lot.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:56 No.64043620
    Just fucking kill yourself.
    I hope you die a slow and painful death.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:57 No.64043626
    I didn't even know it was a hockey team.
    There was this real loudmouthed asswipe at a con i visited recently.Everyone was pretty pissed at him.
    I wouldn't be surprised that much if he turned out to be you.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:58 No.64043674

    I don't want to be in the fucking womb.

    I don't want to have everything I need provided for me.

    I don't want to be intimately connected.

    I want what I want. Stop telling me what I should want. Stop trying to take my humanity away from me.


    Nah, thanks for the thought, though. I'll make sure to take your hatred and use it to fuel my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:59 No.64043704
    Well, theoretically, for the brief moments he was a part of Instrumentality AND "God," he probably figured out that it truly was objectively and factually more crappy than life as a human differentiated by an AT field.

    I mean, for a brief while, he held both the culmination of the Fruit of Knowledge, and the "immortality" of the Fruit of Life, becoming God and knowing all things.

    Pity he gave it to his mom. In all actuality, as /a/ has pointed out to me in the past, Yui was a gigantic bitch.

    Played THREE fields and won. Played SEELE by having access to their resources and Instrumentality. Played motherfucking Gendo for his heart to get her the "rival" faction against SEELE to work Instrumentality to resurrect her (via the Evas). Played her own goddamn son in protecting him while simultaneously depriving him of a mother figure all his life until he's completely incapable of not liking and piloting Unit-01 to her liking.
    And, at the end of it all, becomes "God", floating in space.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:59 No.64043706
    What good is your manliness to you or anybody?
    You're just confining yourself to hotblooded nothing; hormonal, sensual vapor.
    And where do you think your sense of "manliness" comes from?
    Its a collective idea. You're trapped within your body and society, trapped in the cave.
    There is nothing to take away from you but your chains. And yet the slave says he wants it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:59 No.64043709
    You're epic for the win XD
    Do you browse le reddit too?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:59 No.64043719
    I remember from the EoE commentary that Aoba's dub VA said that whenever he's asked for a quote, the one he gives is "Idiot! You kill or you die!" just because no one remembers that.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:00 No.64043755
    I can't stop laughing, and I'm not sure why.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:00 No.64043761
    You're just a poor troll, but I need to say that NO, empires, space travel and Legend of the Galactic Heroes mean less compared to Instrumentality than an atom compared to a star.
    The nature of living is endless suffering. Maybe some lucky few are "happy" most of the time, but the happiest human is infinitely sadder than the All-Consciousness. Instrumentality is not being content, it's infinite love.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:01 No.64043821
    Really though, I get what you mean.
    Holding on to desire for the sake of what you're familiar to be humanity.
    however, the day may come (if possible).
    All your hatred will disappear, and instead happiness and love will fill the absence of pain and desire.
    You fail to see that the concept is that it's the true satisfaction of desire itself.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:02 No.64043838

    You can bitch and moan all you want. If instrumentality came along, you'd be fucked along with everyone else.

    You act as though you can fight it off just by wanting it enough, which you can't. It's your pathetic human mind against an incomprehensible Lovecraftian horror that is all-knowing and all-seeing. You're fucked.

    If Shinji isn't directing it, you're double-fucked, because it's only because of him that you get to come back. If Gendo or SEELE got their way, it would be tang forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:02 No.64043879
    Supposedly so, that works as an analogy, but it isn't adequate still.

    There's also much more to instrumentality than there is to be in a womb, a completeness of existence that doesn't exist in a womb. Then there are the unknown factors, and this is what the pro-instrumentality arguments truly ride on:

    Does this final merger result in a being that can act on it's own?

    Rei exists. If we are part of Rei, contained within Rei, and Rei can do whatever she wants empowered by the rest of us since she also would be part of it, then it is clearly superior.

    This is the "fun" version of instrumentality that is allowed to exist because it fits well with what SEELE and Gendo wanted out of it, instead of the depressing state of stagnancy some want to describe it as.

    To get to the bottom of the argument, we have to determine what instrumentality actually is.

    Also fuck it's 6 AM why do eva threads come this late fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:04 No.64043948
    you're laughing at the subconsciously burgeoning nihilism and cynicism
    at a thread with some idiots fighting annoyingly over "individuality" and "transhuman spiritual unity"
    at an animu that's thought-provoking about "just WTF happened and what did that mean" when its more or less "it looked cool and the fans will fill in the gaps anyways"
    and at the secret realization that if just one idiot in this thread is right, then everything is for naught
    and you laugh because it's a stress mechanism against that fear
    and that fear is what leads to tang
    and the more you don't think about it, you do think about it
    and the closer you come
    to tang
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:04 No.64043962

    >What good is your manliness to you or anybody?

    Who the fuck gives a shit what "good" it is for anything. My 'manliness', as you call it, is good in and of itself. I am 'manly' for the sheer SAKE of being 'manly'. It serves no purpose besides itself. It is, you could say, and end in itself, rather than a means to an end.

    >You're just confining yourself to hotblooded nothing; hormonal, sensual vapor.

    That's because I FUCKING LIKE IT.

    >Its a collective idea. You're trapped within your body and society, trapped in the cave.

    Now you're just spouting nonsense.

    >There is nothing to take away from you but your chains. And yet the slave says he wants it.

    You're the one who thinks they're chains. I think they're robes. Robes of the finest fucking silk.


    It means less to YOU. Empires and space travel mean EVERYTHING to me. Stop trying to force your values on me, you pig-headed moron. And stop trying to force your instrumentality on me, too.


    >Holding on to desire for the sake of what you're familiar to be humanity.

    Stop presuming why I do things. That's not why I hold onto desire.

    >All your hatred will disappear, and instead happiness and love will fill the absence of pain and desire.

    I have hatred, happiness, love, pain and desire. I have the whole fucking package. It's not worth anything if it's not whole. Stop trying to take the pieces you don't like away from me.

    >You fail to see that the concept is that it's the true satisfaction of desire itself.

    You presume I want to stop desiring. You presume I want to fulfill my desire.

    This is wrong.


    >It's your pathetic human mind

    Human minds are pathetic? Human minds built the pyramids and put men on the moon. Don't ever fucking say they're "pathetic".
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:04 No.64043964
    Actually being together with people was more painful than being separate, is what he realized. The scene where he's watching Misato (Madonna/mother) have sex (Whore) with Kaji, and understanding his concepts of everyone around him were all wrong, were part of him realizing Instrumentality was not a world without pain.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:05 No.64043974
    Me and you both, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:05 No.64043975
    Is that you, /tg/? HFY is annoying when it crashes scifi threads on /tg/, I don't need it here too.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:05 No.64044026

    I will HFY until the end of my days, and there's not a damn thing anybody can do to stop it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:06 No.64044045
    >"Idiot! You kill or you die!"
    >just because no one remembers that.
    It took me a bit to remember that, but wasn't that at Maya for being a limp-wristed girl who wouldn't kill to at least have a chance at survival during EoE?

    ...Admittedly, he didn't have a large selection of lines, being a side character.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:07 No.64044086
    What you don't get, is that while you are busy being an egoist, there are people who are busy being egoistic - for the sake of everyone else. These are men with amibition, an ambition on a much larger scale than your personal amibition.

    People like you are lost in the now. Only rarely do you think longer than your own funeral.

    These people that will enforce instrumentality... these are men and women like found in SEELE.

    They aren't afraid either. In fact, you are more afraid, because you fear the change, and these people, do not. They do not fear anything.

    You will be dragged kicking and screaming into instrumentality when the time comes, and there is nothing you, or anyone else can do.

    These grand motions are slow but steady until it is too late, and span for much longer than your limited attentionspan.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:07 No.64044120
    I don't wanna be a puddle of tang ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:08 No.64044147
    Be a man like Aoba and hate everything forever objectively
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:09 No.64044165
    Yep, that's the one.

    You'll keep on reveling in your trivial life, I know. I don't particularly think you need to be stop. It's nice that you've managed to find a bit of happiness amongst a vast and uncaring cosmos. It's even a bit cute that you take such fervent pride in achievements you didn't have a thing to do with.

    Just wish you'd stop hijacking perfectly good scifi threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:09 No.64044183
    I don't think Rei/Lilith can do anything she wants. She's just the container.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:09 No.64044186

    >Human minds are pathetic? Human minds built the pyramids and put men on the moon. Don't ever fucking say they're "pathetic".

    Sorry, people may have built the pyramids, but the thing that Rei became built people.The whole reason that Angels and Lilith were kept separated was because anyone who brought them together would become a godlike being a great or greater than its creators.

    Claiming you could go up against Rei and not get tang'd is like saying you would survive a nuclear explosion at ground zero.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:09 No.64044195
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    >infinite love
    I want this.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:10 No.64044208
    The puddle of tang is only the remains of your mortal flesh.

    You are free from your mortal restrains. Nothing can hold you back now. Come, join the rest of us in a world free of pain, strife, conflict, despair and misery.

    No more starving african babies or americans, no more needless death where the individual is forever lost, there is only eternity.

    Nothing can compare.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:10 No.64044224
    >I am 'manly' for the sheer SAKE of being 'manly'
    Then manly means nothing. You can substitute it for anything. It just happens to be part your culture that you participate in being manly, nothing you've decided for yourself. You're not better than a religious fanatic who was born into a religion, ignorant of all else, and a slave to it.

    >You're the one who thinks they're chains. I think they're robes.
    And of course the fanatic will be in denial.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:12 No.64044295

    >These are men with amibition, an ambition on a much larger scale than your personal amibition.

    What exactly do you think my "ambition" is, exactly?

    >People like you are lost in the now. Only rarely do you think longer than your own funeral.

    There's a reason I plan to be immortal. I do things for my own sake. If I die, it will be impossible to do things for my own sake any more.

    >They aren't afraid either. In fact, you are more afraid, because you fear the change, and these people, do not. They do not fear anything.

    I don't "fear" anything. I HATE things. I hate things like people turning me into something I don't want to be. I hate things like people trying to tell me what to be. I hate you. I hate SEELE. I hate instrumentality.

    There is a difference between hatred and fear. Please learn the difference.

    >You will be dragged kicking and screaming into instrumentality when the time comes, and there is nothing you, or anyone else can do.

    Bullshit. I will punch the shit out of the Reis that come for me until I run out of breath, and then I will punch some more. And I will keep punching for as long as I have to - Even if that is eternity.


    >You'll keep on reveling in your trivial life

    My life is only "trivial" if you're the universe. You see, I'm me. So my life is the most grand and majestic thing ever.

    >It's nice that you've managed to find a bit of happiness amongst a vast and uncaring cosmos.

    And why haven't you?


    >Sorry, people may have built the pyramids, but the thing that Rei became built people.

    Oh, I see. You're still talking about Eva.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:12 No.64044309
    She acted as a container, yes, but seemingly, she does what she wants in accordance with Shinji's wishes. There's nothing that suggests otherwise, the Black Moon is already a space-faring vessel. It came to earth, and it looks as if it is about to leave it.

    Even afterwards, Rei is free to do as she pleases.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:13 No.64044325

    >Then manly means nothing.

    It means nothing objectively. Subjectively, though, to ME, it means the world. And I will not allow you to take my subjective value away.

    >It just happens to be part your culture that you participate in being manly, nothing you've decided for yourself.

    Really, faggot? I live in a culture that looks DOWN on manliness of this sort. I chose this path on my own. Stop presuming otherwise.

    >And of course the fanatic will be in denial.

    I could say the very same about you.

    Why are you so obsessed with proving the way I live my life is wrong, anyways? Are you that unsatisfied with your own way that you live life that you feel the need to shit on others?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:13 No.64044337
    You wouldn't be a puddle of Tang. Tang is just the raw materials left over when your body loses its AT Field. "You," in the form of your soul, would be lovingly cradled for all eternity in Rei/Lilith's arms, with all the rest of humanity, eternally content. In theory.

    In practice, people are dicks, so instrumentality would kind of suck. Also, just want to say hi to angry individualist guy. Hello from the past!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:15 No.64044406

    No, fuck you. Stop presuming that what you want has to be what everybody else wants.

    I don't want a world free of pain, strife, conflict, despair, and misery. These are the things that make life worth living.

    Most of all, I don't want this "perfect" shit handed to me. I intend to WORK for my own immortality, and not just have it be spoonfed to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:15 No.64044438

    I'm still talking about Eva because you're still talking about Eva.

    You can't just punch Rei away. You can't fight the Anti-AT field. Period.
    >> Suigin !fKazami5bE 04/10/12(Tue)00:16 No.64044484
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    You just don't understand his pain.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:16 No.64044494

    If you produce an AT field strong enough, yes, yes you can.

    In case you haven't noticed, my AT field is probably quite powerful considering all the hatred and anger I hold inside.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:17 No.64044505
    >My life is only "trivial" if you're the universe. You see, I'm me. So my life is the most grand and majestic thing ever.
    That's nice, dear. Doesn't really change anything, though.

    >And why haven't you?
    I have. There's plenty of happiness to be had. Mine just doesn't make me as angry as yours does, apparently. Nor, I suspect, does it have such a pretense of grandeur.

    Also doesn't hijack as many threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:17 No.64044508
    >What exactly do you think my "ambition" is, exactly?
    >There's a reason I plan to be immortal. I do things for my own sake. If I die, it will be impossible to do things for my own sake any more.

    Whatever it is, it does not even compare. How can the ambition for yourself be greater than the ambition that includes everyone, even yours? Inherently it implies group effort, no mistakes, it requires perfection. Your ambition is only a subset of that ambition.

    >There is a difference between hatred and fear. Please learn the difference.
    There is a difference. Hatred is often the result of fear, fear of the consequences what you hate will have.

    >Bullshit. I will punch the shit out of the Reis that come for me until I run out of breath, and then I will punch some more. And I will keep punching for as long as I have to - Even if that is eternity.
    You may very well try, but you cannot touch the ethereal or inflict harm on it. You may simply just scream, kick, and as you suggest, even punch, but it will do you no good, for you are mortal and nothing more. You will join the rest, for you are hopelessly outmatched.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:18 No.64044560
    No, you can't. The most you could do is avoid it for a little time, until all the Rei's overpower you the way they overpowered Aoba.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:18 No.64044561
    "i need you"
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:18 No.64044573
    Look out guys, we have a badass on our hands.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:18 No.64044578
    It's a nice concept to think about. Maybe I only think this because my life has been shit since day one, but it looks like human life is only fear and rejection.
    Imagine not being disgusted by any characteristic, mental or physical, of anybody else. Also, nobody would be disgusted by you. You could love everybody and everybody would love you forever, with betrayal being nonexistent. Ambition, desire and needs would all be satisfied.
    It's at least tempting.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:20 No.64044630

    >That's nice, dear. Doesn't really change anything, though.

    Why are you basing all of your subjective values off of it's objective value? Nothing has objective value. Do you enjoy living in a world devoid of value? Why don't you assign some of your own value to things?

    >I have. There's plenty of happiness to be had. Mine just doesn't make me as angry as yours does, apparently. Nor, I suspect, does it have such a pretense of grandeur.

    Oh, no, my happiness doesn't make me angry. The anger and happiness are separate. I would, however, hate to live without... Hate.


    >How can the ambition for yourself be greater than the ambition that includes everyone, even yours?

    Look at him. LOOK AT HIM AND LAUGH.

    The ambition for the self has forged empires. The ambition for the all has instead felled them.

    It's harder to build a castle than it is to blow it away.

    >There is a difference. Hatred is often the result of fear, fear of the consequences what you hate will have.

    You're presuming things again. Stop presuming things.

    >You may very well try, but you cannot touch the ethereal or inflict harm on it. You may simply just scream, kick, and as you suggest, even punch, but it will do you no good, for you are mortal and nothing more. You will join the rest, for you are hopelessly outmatched.

    No. Stop presuming things.


    Damn straight. Got a problem with it?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:20 No.64044641
    Right, theoretically that's how Instrumentality would work, but in practice there would probably be a lot of you sitting in a train with the world yelling at you.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:20 No.64044649
    I always thought ONE MORE FINAL: I need you was a pretty damn perfect name for that part of EoE.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:20 No.64044652
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    Here's the problem. You think we presume that. You want to know the truth? We don't. In fact, we don't care.

    You will have all the pain and strife you want. You will have it when we come for you. Then it will be over, as soon as it came.

    You say you intend to work for it, but we have. We already have worked so hard for it, and we have achieved it. You see? We've made it. We're already there. Where are you? Just a mote of dust we intend to sweep along with us.

    When the time comes, you've already lost.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:21 No.64044686
    No, you may not. You are human. Humans cannot do that.

    Come with us, and you will no longer be human, and you may do everything and more, for there is no limit to infinity.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:21 No.64044705
    >If you were happy forever, you'd never be able to feel "happy", you'd never have a frame of reference.

    You're being silly. What you said is nothing but a fallacy.
    You feel alive, don't you? You don't need a reference to feel alive.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:22 No.64044758

    No, you do presume that. You talk about how nice it is and how everybody could come along with you. You act as though if people only knew about the glories of Instrumentality, they would automatically want it. All they need to do is learn about it, right?


    >Then it will be over, as soon as it came.


    >We already have worked so hard for it, and we have achieved it. You see? We've made it. We're already there. Where are you? Just a mote of dust we intend to sweep along with us.

    You're just spouting nonsense now.


    ... did you even watch the series?

    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:23 No.64044775
    It's like I'm really talking to Jim Profit again. How are you, Jim? Still a mindless Randroid?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:24 No.64044848


    What you fail to understand is that her ideas were never meant to be taken as instructions on how to run a government or a business, but rather as a personal set of ideals.
    >> 'Konata(=ω=)~'!! !Xh3Sb.vYUk 04/10/12(Tue)00:26 No.64044907
    >"you're gonna get Reiped"
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:27 No.64044947
    Laugh it off all you want, use as many ill-fit analogies as you wish, in the end you're only demonstrating you have a hard time coping with the truth - that you stand no chance.

    I presume nothing, because I don't need to. I only need to act and do. In the end, your hatred being a result of fear or a mental misconfiguration has no significance. We will not be trying to convince you, we never considered the option in the first place.

    Your denial is for naught, I'm afraid.

    You can not resist, this is not a presumption - it is fact.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:28 No.64044996
    Haha oh wow, it really is a Randroid! I was just pointing out how obnoxious you were being, but would you look at that. Is that really you Jim? You forgot your avatar!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:28 No.64045017

    Look, you can come back. No one is saying you can't come back. But even if it's only for 20 minutes, you will be tang, and there's nothing you can do about it.

    Willpower will only get you so far. Rei is far too powerful.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:29 No.64045034

    >in the end you're only demonstrating you have a hard time coping with the truth - that you stand no chance.

    Prove what you've said. Don't use analogies. Those don't prove anything.

    Prove that I would not be able to stand up against Instrumentality, with evidence or logic, or both. Your choice.

    >I presume nothing, because I don't need to. I only need to act and do. In the end, your hatred being a result of fear or a mental misconfiguration has no significance. We will not be trying to convince you, we never considered the option in the first place.

    Stop spouting nonsense.

    >You can not resist, this is not a presumption - it is fact.

    Then prove it.


    Prove. It.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:30 No.64045067
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    You will be coming, all the same. What you think of it is irrelevant. You have no options that will affect the outcome.

    It isn't nonsense.

    You wish to work hard to achieve immortality. So do we. We're already hard at work, and nothing will stop us, for there is an us, but only a you. In the end there will be nothing but us.

    See SEELE. They did it. No single man could resist. This is what you will be facing. Whether you want it or not doesn't matter, it will happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:31 No.64045110
    >It means nothing objectively. Subjectively, though, to ME, it means the world. And I will not allow you to take my subjective value away.
    And all I say is that whatever subjective value you hold dear is predicated on weak beliefs and narrow supports. It may "mean the world" to you, but of how use could it really be when you only know the world narrowly? When a person is born into a religion and rejects all others in typical close-minded fanaticism, how much justice could they really be doing when they know nothing of the world or other beliefs to compare?

    >Really, faggot? I live in a culture that looks DOWN on manliness of this sort. I chose this path on my own. Stop presuming otherwise.
    So you're a mere reactionary? Even worse. You're still trapped in the totality of society, whatever narrow band of counter-culture that luck had you start in.

    >I could say the very same about you.
    You can't, actually. I'm not the one being obsessive or threatened. Why? Because I know and you've already mentioned that your belief and values are subjective, they hold no personal bearing on me. I'm merely analyzing and interpreting as I would and anime series that posits a world-view.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:31 No.64045135

    Do you want me to dial up Anno and ask him about it?

    You cant fight instrumentality. As evidenced by the fact that no one could fight instrumentality. Literally every single person in the world was assimilated, as is clearly stated in EoE.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:32 No.64045152
    An anti-AT field so powerful that it covers the entire planet and reverts every living being to LCL and some guy thinks he can resist it? If you have such a strong AT field you should be able to pull a friggin' Kaworu and be levitating and manipulating objects without your limbs.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:32 No.64045156

    Tell me - What exactly is wrong with Rand's ideas, speaking from a strictly "personal ideology" point of view? Not as a "way to run a government or a business" point of view.


    >You will be coming, all the same. What you think of it is irrelevant. You have no options that will affect the outcome.


    >It isn't nonsense.

    No, it really is.

    >You wish to work hard to achieve immortality. So do we. We're already hard at work, and nothing will stop us, for there is an us, but only a you. In the end there will be nothing but us.

    See? What is this fucking "we" bullshit? Are you part of the fucking Illuminati or some shit?

    >See SEELE. They did it. No single man could resist. This is what you will be facing. Whether you want it or not doesn't matter, it will happen.

    No. I will fight you. I will fight you on the beaches, I will fight you on the shores, I will fight you in the fucking streets and the fucking cities and the fucking alley ways.

    You are not taking anything away from me. You have my word.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:32 No.64045186
    >Prove that I would not be able to stand up against Instrumentality, with evidence or logic, or both. Your choice.
    You are a human. You have the limitations of a human. You wish to stand alone, this was your choice.

    Instrumentality is technology so powerful it cannot be distinguished from magic from your perspective. It is fueled and driven by a source of energy that is limitless. Not just one, but several.

    The technology behind it created you. It knows everything about you already, you're just living on borrowed time, you are but a mere thrall.

    It will be your limits versus the limitless. You have already lost.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:34 No.64045273
    Rei to every single human in the whole planet in a matter of minutes. As time goes on, she gets much faster.

    Let's say you can outrun her. And you do. Eventually, your body will force you to stop and sleep. You can't fight that, it's something your brain just forces on you. At that point you have all the Reis surrounding you. They took Aoba against his will by touching him. The same will happen to you, even if you're angry, just with more Reis.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:35 No.64045305
    Not only can I, but I will.

    >Are you part of the fucking Illuminati or some shit?
    Yes, the Illuminati, the NWO, Aliens, Lizards, SEELE, whatever you wish to call it, you cannot resist.

    >No. I will fight you. I will fight you on the beaches, I will fight you on the shores, I will fight you in the fucking streets and the fucking cities and the fucking alley ways.
    >You are not taking anything away from me. You have my word.
    Your words will do nothing but vibrate the air, and there will be no fighting in the streets, the shores, the cities, the beaches or the alleyways.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:35 No.64045314

    Hypothetical: I take a nuclear bomb, put it right next to your head, and set it off. Would you survive that?

    Because that's what you're claiming you can do.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:36 No.64045344

    >And all I say is that whatever subjective value you hold dear is predicated on weak beliefs and narrow supports.

    Stop presuming things. If you make a claim like that, back it up with evidence.

    >It may "mean the world" to you, but of how use could it really be when you only know the world narrowly?

    Why do you keep presuming this shit?

    >When a person is born into a religion and rejects all others in typical close-minded fanaticism, how much justice could they really be doing when they know nothing of the world or other beliefs to compare?

    For the fucking record, I used to be a supporter of Instrumentality. I have toured the fucking globe of ideologies, so to speak. I have been a Buddhist, a Taoist, a Muslim, a Kabbalist, a Pagan, and a Zoroastrian. I have been a Fascist, a Communist, a socialist, and an anarchist.


    >So you're a mere reactionary?

    What in the FUCK are you even talking about? How am I a "reactionary"?

    >I'm not the one being obsessive or threatened.

    Pfft. Bullshit. If you didn't care you wouldn't be posting. You're just as bad as me.

    >I'm merely analyzing and interpreting

    Get the fuck out of here, KB. I knew it was you.


    Maybe because nobody fought? Did they ever show somebody trying to punch out a Rei? So we don't know if it would work or not.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:37 No.64045388
    Rei is omnipresent.

    Rei is present now, then, and in the future.

    Rei is the Alpha and the Omega, the Alap and the Tau, the Alef and the Tof.

    You aren't even a letter inbetween.

    From all possible perspectives in time in space - it has already happened. You've lost.

    Perhaps you lost fighting, but you lost anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:37 No.64045409

    You can't even run away. You can't fight third impact Rei through any means. "She" is a metaphysical representation of Instrumentality that is present as a mere guide - to ease people into it. She doesn't need to wait until you sleep. She can do it whenever. One could argue she "saved" Misato and Ritsuko's souls before their deaths to ensure they were part of Instrumentality.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:38 No.64045436
    >Maybe because nobody fought? Did they ever show somebody trying to punch out a Rei? So we don't know if it would work or not.
    Boy, for someone who's all about HFY you sure don't place a lot of faith in humanity.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:38 No.64045457

    Fuck, Third Impact Rei appears like a minute into the series. Episode 1. You can't fight that.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:39 No.64045470
    Not a /tg/ regular, but HFY is something like "HUMANITY FUCK YEAH", right?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:39 No.64045471

    >You have the limitations of a human.

    Humans HAVE no limitations. The possibilities of a human are literally endless.

    >Instrumentality is technology

    ... did you even watch the series?

    >It knows everything about you already, you're just living on borrowed time, you are but a mere thrall.

    Fuck that shit. I don't give a fucking shit if it created me. I am my own person now, and it can't fucking take that away from me, even if it gave it to me in the first place. If it wants to try, it can fucking try, but it's gonna be a fucking fight.

    >It will be your limits versus the limitless. You have already lost.

    No. I have not lost until I give up. And I will never. Ever. Give up.


    Yes. Problem?


    ... what? In case you couldn't tell, Eva is anti-HFY.


    I can't lose until I give up. As above.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:39 No.64045496
    This song here is actually all about Rei:
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:40 No.64045530
    Doesn't she show up right before Ritsuko falls into LCL anyway? That would put it past "argument," since physical Rei is standing to the side naked beside Gendo.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:41 No.64045540
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    So how good is this show? I've got it all torrented and I just need some motivation to start it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:41 No.64045562

    Tons of people fought, and lost. We hear it happening, in the movie.

    There are two ways to neutralize the AT field. Either you appear as someone the person loves, and get inside, or you just deploy your own field and force your way through.

    The Angels deployed AT fields strong enough to survive a barrage of the most powerful explosive known to mankind. Literally the only thing they know how to do is fight and destroy and seek out Adam. Every Eva was strong enough to create a field that neutralized it. You're not stronger than an Angel, you're not stronger than an Eva, so you're certainly not stronger than Rei, who was both.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:42 No.64045574
    Instrumentality is technology nearly indistinguishable from magic.

    >I am my own person now,
    Only a delusion. It can be taken away, any time. anywhere.

    >No. I have not lost until I give up. And I will never. Ever. Give up.
    Ah ah ah - you can't set yourself a loss-factor. Victory for one end means a loss for you.

    Yes, you will "give up", for when you are taken, you cannot resist any more.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:42 No.64045592
    >back it up with evidence.
    I've already given my analysis. I'm only inferring based on your posts and composure.
    The advantage is actually your to provide evidence, which haven't done. You've only made denials.

    >What in the FUCK are you even talking about? How am I a "reactionary"?
    You said your culture looked down on manliness. Well, then your manliness is just a reaction in spite of it.

    >Pfft. Bullshit. If you didn't care you wouldn't be posting. You're just as bad as me.
    I didn't say I don't enjoy this. I only said this has no bearing on me personally.

    >Get the fuck out of here, KB. I knew it was you.
    I don't know who that is.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:43 No.64045605
    So good. I mean i's obvious the "symbolism" means jack shit and the psychology/philosophy elements are LOLTEENAGEDEEP but you'll enjoy it immensely anyway like the angsty motherfucker you are.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:43 No.64045630

    She does, much to Ritsuko's surprise. She *might* have taken on the form of Kaji to appear before Misato right before she dies as well, as Misato turns as if speaking to a 'physicall present' Kaji. She also appears in episode 1, before Shinji ever meets Rei and this appearance is referenced at the very end of EoE, making the connection that ep1's Rei is the same God-like Rei as in Third Impact.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:44 No.64045649
    Explosives doesn't even factor in. It's way past that now.

    The appearance of Rei was only the final grace shown to people she felt needed it, and were eligible - that would willingly lower their AT-field to ease the transition.

    For everyone else, she ripped their souls out.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:44 No.64045681

    >Tons of people fought, and lost. We hear it happening, in the movie.

    We do?


    >You're not stronger than an Angel, you're not stronger than an Eva, so you're certainly not stronger than Rei, who was both.

    How do you? Stop presuming things.


    >Only a delusion. It can be taken away, any time. anywhere.

    I won't let you. It is my delusion, and I fucking like it.

    >Yes, you will "give up", for when you are taken, you cannot resist any more.

    No. Fuck you. I will not give up. Period.


    >I'm only inferring based on your posts and composure.

    Is that a nice way of admitting you have no evidence?

    >The advantage is actually your to provide evidence

    How am I supposed to provide evidence about what sort of person I am over the internet, exactly?

    You're the one presuming things about me.

    >You said your culture looked down on manliness. Well, then your manliness is just a reaction in spite of it.

    No, it's not. I am manly because I WANT to be manly. Not because somebody told me to, and certainly not because I'm trying to be rebellious.

    Stop presuming things.

    >I didn't say I don't enjoy this. I only said this has no bearing on me personally.

    Do you want me to psychoanalyze you, then?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:45 No.64045689
    >... what? In case you couldn't tell, Eva is anti-HFY.
    Which is why part of the end involves an ark by which humanity will transcend time and space? And why, at it's core, Eva is a story about overcoming very human flaws? No, sir, Eva is not anti-human in any way, shape or form. It just happens that it's not contained by the stupid, jingoistic idiocy and blind fervor that composes the supposed worldview of HFY adherents.

    That's what it stands for. It started as a neat experiment with subverting tropes (why should humanity always be the underdog? Let's try playing around with humans as the big scary guys). Within a couple of threads it degenerated into jingoistic circlejerking about humanity knocking down cardboard alien cutouts that couldn't fight back. Produced a lot of people like this annoying guy. It's a shame, really.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:46 No.64045742
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    So what you're saying is that Eva is nothing but The Hunger Game? Yeah, I'll skip this.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:46 No.64045744

    Do you see this argument? That's how great Eva is. When other series run out of things to talk about, they either rehash old discussion or stop talking about it.

    Eva fans, on the other hand, create new things to discuss. They are not bound by logic or reason or common sense. If a topic has never been discussed, because it's too dumb to even think about, Eva fans will make themselves dumber for the sake of the conversation.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:47 No.64045782
    A good way to tell if you're depressed is if instrumentality seems desirable or not
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:47 No.64045816
    The series is nearly 20 years old, and /a/ still has daily threads about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:48 No.64045835
    >No. Fuck you. I will not give up. Period.
    That's fine. You were never expected to either.

    Not once have you been asked to give up. You've merely been presented the facts - that it will happen.

    Fighting is only admirable. But still, this was never a contest of individual strength - such things are obsolete.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:48 No.64045842
    Anno was depressed as shit and he portrayed it as pretty terrible.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:48 No.64045865
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:49 No.64045872
    >Is that a nice way of admitting you have no evidence?
    I'm providing an argument and
    >How am I supposed to provide evidence about what sort of person I am over the internet, exactly?
    You have no evidence either. So we're both equal, except I've given my argument and you have none.

    >No, it's not. I am manly because I WANT to be manly. Not because somebody told me to, and certainly not because I'm trying to be rebellious.
    I don't believe that because all you've got to defend your manliness is with spite and denial.

    >Do you want me to psychoanalyze you, then?
    Go for it. You've already made the attempt.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:50 No.64045900

    I don't know why we're still arguing with this guy. He's clearly ignoring facts.

    Things he has claimed he can survive:
    N2 Mines
    Eva Attack
    Angel Attack
    Nuclear Explosion
    Rei Attack
    Anti-AT field

    I'll just be over here, embracing my humanity, along with its limitations.

    Remember, the greatest threat is the one who knows his enemy and knows himself. If you honestly believe you can survive anything, despite all evidence to the contrary, you're retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:50 No.64045911
    I believe the bro. Never give up man!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:51 No.64045978

    >It just happens that it's not contained by the stupid, jingoistic idiocy and blind fervor that composes the supposed worldview of HFY adherents.

    You've gotta be shitting me. Do you even know anything about HFY?

    >Let's try playing around with humans as the big scary guys

    >Within a couple of threads it degenerated into jingoistic circlejerking about humanity knocking down cardboard alien cutouts that couldn't fight back.

    Yeah, you know nothing about HFY. Stop shitting on it if you know nothing about it.


    And you're just being a fucking new age hippie piece of shit who thinks individuality is "obsolete". Have fun accomplishing nothing and just floating around in eternal bliss.

    >You've merely been presented the facts - that it will happen.

    Again - Prove it. Saying something will happen does not mean that it will.


    What is your "argument" exactly? Besides shitting on me with no evidence to back up your shitting upon?

    >I don't believe that because all you've got to defend your manliness is with spite and denial.

    Okay. You say I'm manly because of X. I say no, I'm manly because of Y. What the fuck is this argument even about?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:51 No.64045979
    >doesn't give a shit about anyone else, is fine with it
    >wants to maintain his individual existence
    How is he pathetic?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:52 No.64045987
    People saying that Madoka was the most despair they've seen in an anime haven't seen Evangelion.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:53 No.64046042
    >why should humanity always be the underdog? Let's try playing around with humans as the big scary guys
    I don't know about you, but most science fiction is always making aliens the underdog. Humanity does far more than it's capable of, while the aliens suddenly become dumber and inferior. Poor writing perhaps, but it still creates the relation that humanity > aliens.

    ...on a more serious note, it's a mystery science fiction anime interspersed with introspective scenes that are tied into the plot. There is genuine mystery in Evangelion, partially because it is visually blunt. It doesn't pull any punches, it shows you what happens, and doesn't spend five minutes recapping it.

    It has visceral action, and thoroughly established sci-fi visuals. If you are attentive, you can pick out a lot things. People not interested in science fiction can watch it for the characters.

    Not surprisingly, most people aren't interested in science fiction, and that's why Evangelion has a stark reputation as a character anime.

    Why is "The Hunger Games" so popular nowadays? I saw it once in a bookstore, and now it's fucking everywhere, custom maps, movies, etc

    Is it something they make kids read nowadays?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:55 No.64046115
    >Again - Prove it. Saying something will happen does not mean that it will.
    I've already proven it.


    An equation has been set up. Your end is far, far below.

    It's a question of math. As far as proving something, this is as far as you can go.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:55 No.64046134
    People who says Madoka is the "most anything" hasn't watched any other anime period.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:56 No.64046168

    Stop talking about what happened in Eva as if it will happen in real life, you crazy crackpot lunatic.

    And, again, for the record this time:

    I will never give up. I will never stop fighting.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:56 No.64046179
    >Yeah, you know nothing about HFY. Stop shitting on it if you know nothing about it.
    Was there for the first threads bro. I know plenty about it. Are you denying that the vast majority of HFY stories don't amount to much more than humans curbstopping some pretty shitty aliens?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:57 No.64046208
    >What is your "argument" exactly? Besides shitting on me with no evidence to back up your shitting upon?
    The point that I made several times is that your system of belief is no better than that of a religious fanatic that is a slave to some belief they were born into, unable to see the world for what it is as a result. Your romantic view of individuality, or as you personally identify as manliness, is a selfish ideal that enslaves you.

    >You say I'm manly because of X. I say no, I'm manly because of Y.
    Its more like:
    >I say your belief in manliness is flawed.
    >You say no because you're manly and I should stop trying to take that away from you.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:57 No.64046225
    Did you just tell someone to stop talking about Eva in an Eva thread?

    Man, and we're the crazy ones.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:58 No.64046242
    >Stop talking about what happened in Eva as if it will happen in real life, you crazy crackpot lunatic.
    "uuh... buu huu,... stop outmatching me! It's not fair... uuuh....."

    so much for "not giving up". If you can't even stand steadfast against the inevitable, what kind of man are you?

    You're not even a man, even calling you a baby or woman is too much.

    Get out you filthy xenos.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)00:59 No.64046282
    ouch... defeating yourself there.

    Where did the HFY go?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:00 No.64046331
    Oh great, another thread full of instrumentality hippies who want to free themselves from the hurt and pain of their traumatic lives spent on their ass watching anime and shitposting on imageboards by forcing their shitty 1990s powdered drink mix themed kumbaya gay buttsex hippy commune onto the entire human race, despite the fact that not everyone is a massive faggot who can fit two dragon dildos up their ass and many of us would prefer to maintain an individual existence.

    Do us all a favor and kill yourselves you unpatriotic bleeding heart freaks.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:01 No.64046352

    No, I'm not denying that. I'm saying the true heart of HFY doesn't lie in humans curbstomping aliens.

    The true heart of HFY lies in the human ability to overcome any odds and difficulties to achieve the greatest heights and do the greatest things.

    The true heart of HFY lies in things humans do on a daily basis that we take for granted, but to an alien species would be the single most spectacular and amazing thing they've seen.

    The true heart of HFY lies in humans being fucking awesome.


    >The point that I made several times is that your system of belief is no better than that of a religious fanatic that is a slave to some belief they were born into, unable to see the world for what it is as a result.

    Allow me to reiterate, then

    1. I have changed my ideology - Political, spiritual, and personal - several times over my life. I have seen many views, and I have chosen this one for the time being.

    To call me narrowminded is flat out retarded.

    >or as you personally identify as manliness

    ... you can't be this retarded. Somebody else called it 'manliness' first, and I just went along with it.

    >is a selfish ideal that enslaves you.

    How the fuck does it "enslave" me?

    I chose this myself.

    Unless you're going to say the only way to be free is to have no ideology.

    Actually, it's more like

    >You say my belief in manliness is flawed for no reason
    >I say no, it's not - For no reason.

    Stop thinking you're above me.


    ... what are you guys even talking about any more?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:01 No.64046393
    The problem, for you at least, when they finally do decide to kill themselves....

    they will take you with them as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:03 No.64046453
    >... what are you guys even talking about any more?
    He doesn't want to stand against Instrumentality. He wants to reality to change for him because it doesn't suit him.

    He is a failure.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:04 No.64046496


    I mean seriously, what?

    How does

    >Stop talking about what happened in Eva as if it will happen in real life, you crazy crackpot lunatic.

    Imply that in the slightest?

    These guys are talking like Instrumentality will actually happen. Like it's actually in the making right now.

    To say that is pure idiocy and craziness. Period.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:04 No.64046498
    HFY guy, do you have to create a new paragraph for every single sentence?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:04 No.64046518

    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:05 No.64046527
    You misunderstand, I'm telling them to do it right now, with a gun, a knife, a helium mask whatever.

    I'm not playing your quasi-roleplaying circlejerk where you pretend that instrumentality is actually going to happen.

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