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04/10/12(Tue)06:53 No.64056431 File: 1334055227.png-(1.64 MB, 2000x1708, Satsjinki DAA.png)
 A Dead Apostle version of Satsujinki please.
He wields a Short Scythe/Nanatsu-Yoru Combo, where the knife acts as a detachable handle for the scythe. His
skeletal half wields the scythe, whereas his human half wields the
knife, and he also keeps a longer pole with him which he uses to extend
the scythes length, and a spare sickle blade which is used in
combination with the extension of the pole to make a double edged
scythe. He has black bandages, and half of his body resembles the skeleton in picture, whilst the other looks more human in appearance. His
clothing Consists of the same stuff regular Satsujinki would wear but
instead of the small jacket he wears a black hoodie or coat with the
hood up. You can choose whether his skeletal half looks Emaciated, or Is actually skeletal, bordering over his skin which looks normal. His
humane half retains the same MEODP as normal but the skeletal side
shows signs of Borderline Rainbow Mystic eyes level, due to having mixed
with the mystic eyes of enchantment as a vampire and the fact that
Shiki no longer has his brains processing capacity to hinder him when
using the MEODP. |