Since season 2 is announced, lets have a Kirino thread.
I hope best girl get's some spiral power. She does deserves love.
Fuck yeah Kirino
>>63924384i still don't know why they don't finish working on the manga. the spin/sequel off is getting more translated chps out then the original.
Thanks for making this thread to remind me why I won't be watching the second season.
>>63924592Dat dedicated brocon
I cried twice during this series. I'm such a faggot.
Just curious, is there any incest in this anime at all? Will there ever be? Am I confined to doujins for some fantastic wincest material?
>>63925005I would be surprised
>>63924990she's not even cute lol
>>63925048Whatever dude.
Also apparently novel 10 spoilers are floating around
Manami butt.
Are we going to discuss OREIMO or just a Kirino dump?
Hopefully there will be some accidental butt crack licking.
>>63925116I just finished 8 last night.I don't even care anymore, best girl lost.Probably going to end up translating it just because of Kuroneko.
>>63925216What. Who was the best girl.
i hate her..but ok
>>63925212What would you like to discuss?
>>63925216So can you tell me what the hell this says俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない10京介プチ一人暮らしする模試でA判定取ったら帰れる桐乃と賭けをする加奈子お弁当届けにくるあやせたんと黒猫激突黒猫、京介と桐乃のセ◯クス容認引越し祝いでオタ組と中学生組が会合あやせたん通い妻にあやせたんストーカーに狙われるあやせたん告白とりあえず過剰書きにしてみました
>>63925261The anime or the Manga.
>>63925261The uncommon quality of the pornography. It really is surprisingly good. I'm looking at you, Number2.
>>63925283Buy five eggrolls, get duck sauce free.
>>63924952I'm guessing episode 15 and non-true route episode 12?
>>63925298I'm an anime-only fag.>>63925322Browsing exhentai as we speak.
>>63925005I thought there was going to be at least incestual overtone from reading first parts of the manga. I'm disappointed tbh. I thought the whole appeal to the anime was the potential for (non-innocent) sibling love.
>>63925298The manga was discontinued in favor of Kuroneko's spinoff
>>63924482MY DICK
>>63925334T-that's correct.
>>63925362HIS DICK
Kyousuke + Kirino = Kyousuke smiles pitifully as Kirino points him to the nearest thing she wants to own, despite the fact that Kirino probably makes more money than him.Kyousuke + Kuroneko = Awkward silence.Kyousuke + Manami = Requited love, laughter, and genuine enjoyment.Kyousuke + Ayase = Rape.
I don't get the appeal of this series.She loves her big brother? That's it?Where's the action, tension, and drama? Its just fucking normalfags in love triangles.I thought /a/ hated relationships in all forms, why are you watching what is basically a soap opera ? ? ?
>>63925369Actually no. It was true route episode 12. My memory is pretty fuzzy.
>>63925347In the anime there were definitely incestuous overtones. >>63925425I see you are new.
>>63925349I did not know of this. What a shame.
>>63925369Fair enough I guess. This anime did somehow have a big impact on me. I marathoned it in 3 sessions over 2 days and after that I didn't watch any anime for about a week or two.
I want to impregnate Kirino, and then she would become my waifu...
name one other anime/manga/LN that has the quality of hentai and echii drawing this shit has.
>No one will translate the novels
>>63925486I didn't watch anime for 2 days after I saw it. Just lurked /a/.
>>63925521That situation, perfect for hate sex.
>>63925283Did you rip the text off some blogger or unofficial website? Because holy shit, otherwise, makes no sense.
kirino thread?kirino thread all day erry day
Negative post here. Spoilered because I don't want to bother guys who like this show.I really had to force myself to keep watching this. I dropped it when it was airing. Then picked up the BDs and dropped it again. I at least got to the part where Kirino left which made it a little more enjoyable but I still couldn't keep watching. This show contains all the tropes that gives the harem genre a bad name. Relentless will they or wont they with EVERYONE, tsundere that is 99% tsun, cold emotionless gothic lolita, and the generic self righteous highschool main character. The incest aspect of it doesn't really bother me because Japanese fetishize that frequently. I apologize for being so negative in your thread OP and by all means I hope you find enjoyment where I could not.The girls' character designs are good and have spawned some damn good fanart and ero.
>always will be inferior to kuroneko
>mfw my 14 year old sister wears those exact blue pants around the house all the time b-b-but you're s-supposed to be 3DPD!
>>63925567It's from 2ch.Someone posted these as spoilers earlier today here on /a/. They had a picture of the book to go along with the spoilers.
She's the worst character from an awful series, but she sure as hell makes my dick rock hard.
>>63925591I know that feel. I've watched the first episode probably 3 times now.I still can't watch this crap., but I love the porn.
>>63925612But she lost.
>>63925612Everybody is better than kusoneko. Even Manami.
>>63925639Thank Jebus. It's an obvious gag. Do you still want me to translate it or don't bother?
Why is the brother a filthy island monkey while the sister is a Scandinavian goddess.
>>63925539Of course they won't. This is how light novel translators usually operate:>Suzumiya Haruhi >"Wha? But it's licensed. Oh well, I guess I'll work on it in secret where it's barely noticeable or some shit.">New Index volume is out>"RED ALERT RED ALERT NEW INDEX GET YOUR FUCKING ASSES OUT THERE AND START TRANSLATING IT. IF ALL FOUR HUNDRED PAGES OF THIS AIN'T TRANSLATED BY THE END OF THE WEEK, HEADS WILL ROLL.">There's still some untranslated TYPE-MOON stuff>"Fffffiiiiinnne, we'll get on it. Eventually. I mean, it'll get finished at some point, that's a given.">Anything that's not one of the above.>"Huh? Fine, I'll do it. There I finished three and a half chapters. I'm going to Six Flags now. I'll be back on the 32nd of Nevermber."
>>63925701I personally dislike Manami more than Kureneko. Kureneko is actually a likable character, I just prefer Kirino over her.
>>63925251Dem thiigh..... She wants him to leave, but her leg won't let go.
>>63925701I don't see how you can hate her and like Kirinio. They are similar.
>>63925758Don't tell everyone else that. I agree with you though. Both are cute but bitchy and strange.
>>63925701>kirinio bitch tsundere generic sister>kurneko prententious good taste girlTry harder 0/10
>>63925568>>63925568Nouh dont do this please
>>63925612i love kuroneko but kirino is the perfect tsuntsuntsuntsuntsundere
>>63925784>>63925758Dear samefag. You forgot to clear the email field.
>>63925777The one episode where they did the same thing to protag made it obvious they are one and the same. Except kirnio is spoiled brat and pedo. Ruri is poor and takes care of her sisters.
>>63925771wrong, this is how it's done.
>>63925717If you are sure it's fake don't bother.What makes you positive exactly?
>liking KirinoM!
>>63925739I meant fan translations. All the Oreimo translation projects have died off.
>>63925777>777Trips makes it true. Also get!
>>63925740This, I agree. Just cause I prefer Kirino, doesn't mean I hate Kuroneko. I guess for me it goes Kirino>Kuroneko>Saori>Ayase>Minami. Ayase's a bitch, but she's just much hotter than Minami.
>>63924482my dick is moving on it's own
>>63925891Wait, sorry. Read that wrong.
>>63925908I agree with this except switch Ayase and SaoriI like em crazy
>>63925833You are samefagging too
>Kirino ThreadWhat's wrong with you /a/?
>>63925908That's exactly my ranking list too.If Ayase wasn't such a bitch I'd put her equal to Saori.
I don't like this show because they project all the shit that makes otakus scum onto a female and the male is the one that is the cool normalfag. I guess she's supposed to be the ultimate otaku fantasy a young girl who is into the same shit they are but otakus need to own up to their perversions.