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    File: 1333734964.png-(1.66 MB, 1280x853, 1332025868622.png)
    1.66 MB Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)13:56 No.63848588  
    Why do people hate Madoka?
    I mean, I can understand why people would dislike something like K-ON or Lucky Star, but why Madoka?
    It didn't seem like "moeshit" to me and it does have an interesting plot with good characters.

    Is it just because of the fanbase?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)13:56 No.63848607
    To make /v/ leave.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)13:57 No.63848657
    Because moeshit fans don't like it. Duh.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)13:58 No.63848683
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    Why do people hate One Piece?
    I mean, I can understand why people would dislike something like Naruto or Bleach, but why One Piece?
    It didn't seem like "shounenshit" to me and it does have an interesting plot with good characters.

    Is it just because of the fanbase?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)13:58 No.63848684
    dem mammies
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)13:59 No.63848730
    couldnt make it past the 3rd ep. never been so bored watching anime
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)13:59 No.63848732
    No one hates it because it's moeshit.
    People hate it because it's shit and overrated and because it has fans like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)13:59 No.63848736
    Naruto is better :DDD
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)13:59 No.63848750
    posting 1.66MB PNG whats wrong with you
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:00 No.63848769
    >It didn't seem like "moeshit" to me and it does have an interesting plot with good characters.
    Because they tried to make the Plot and good character to sell with Moeshit

    "I've got this awesome idea for a new grimdark show!"
    "I'm not sure, people don't buy stuff like this"
    "I know! Let's make them all moe girls, with lesbian undertones!"
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:00 No.63848776
    hipster fags, and butthurt is/fractale fans essentially
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:00 No.63848794
    Because shit taste.

    Anyone who disliked Madoka has it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:01 No.63848840
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:01 No.63848845
    There were no undertones in Madoka.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:01 No.63848851
    It's overrated as hell. I'm sick of it.
    Every time I hear someone say that it's their favorite anime I dislike it a bit more.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:03 No.63848916
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    Infinite Stratos is better than this shit
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:04 No.63848975
    The character design of the girls make them look like they are autistic.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:04 No.63848978
    >stop liking what i don't like baaaww
    I don't really like when /a/ flaps their dick over something for no reason what so ever too, like how they do with uchuu kyoudai now. But Madoka was just aired, people liked it and thats it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:05 No.63849005
    >It's stupid to hate something because of it's fanbase.
    That's true, but eventually a fanbase could lead someone into finding fault with a show.

    When you are told something is revolutionary, but you see a pile of ideas that were used before, that is going affect your enjoyment of a show. When you are told a show is flawless, every little flaw you find is going to drive you nuts. When something doesn't live up to it's hype, that's generally seen as a legitimate reason not a like something. People probably wouldn't have been so pissed off at Mass Effect 3's horrible ending if it hadn't been hyped so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:05 No.63849007
    Yamakan's fanboy butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:05 No.63849016

    The Madoka cast IS autistic
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:06 No.63849026
    Knee-jerk reaction against the faggots who say it's the best thing ever. So yeah, mostly because of the fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:06 No.63849066
    >"I know! Let's make them all moe girls, with lesbian undertones!"

    There weren't undertones in Madoka. It was canon.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:07 No.63849091
    nobody hates madoka, they're all just trolls.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:07 No.63849093
    I've avoided every Madoka thread till now.
    Never watched it and I know hardly anything about it.
    It's not because I may or may not have shit tastes, I'm just scared I'll enjoy it and have more to add to my backlog.

    Odds are that I will eventually pick this up though, seeing as most of this seasons anime look terrible.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:08 No.63849126
    >like how they do with uchuu kyoudai now
    Plenty of people don't like Uchuu Kyoudai, I don't know what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:08 No.63849131
    I just think its stupid personally
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:09 No.63849168
    >caring about the vocal minority of autists
    Maybe you weren't around when it aired, but the Madoka threads were pretty civilised. Then people moved on to other shows, like people usually do.
    >> Monsieur Pomf 04/06/12(Fri)14:09 No.63849178
    Watch it, you'll not regret. but you'll probably lose your mind after 3 episodes
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:10 No.63849194
    Yeah. Anime is decent but the fanbase is utter cancer. Cancer 100% personified.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:10 No.63849196
    I picked it up a few days ago.
    To be honest It's pretty good, nothing as good as /a/ makes it out to be, but better than the trolls make it sound.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:10 No.63849215
    You're just bullshitting now, even weeks before the season started all you could hear on /a/ was SPACE BROS AOTY SPACE BROS AOTY SPACE BROS AOTY SPACE BROS AOTY and not in a sarcastic tone.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:11 No.63849260
         File: 1333735896.jpg-(67 KB, 500x714, stop looking at her mammies.jpg)
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    I don't even like women, but I love the series and I have a 1GB~ folder filled of nothing but Mami pictures.
    All I know it's not because of moeshit, as many people with shit taste say. It's something else, but I can't put my finger on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:11 No.63849268
    -They don't like it
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:11 No.63849271
    The only interesting parts of the show were episode 3 and the last few episodes. The rest of it was yawn inducing.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:11 No.63849273
    Every fanbase is shit because they're too biased, if you hate a show because of it you're just plain retarded then.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:12 No.63849286
    And? OP was asking about the people who hate it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:12 No.63849311
    Trust me, I never expect anime to be as good or bad as /a/ says. I rarely listen to /a/ anyway, I just avoided them for possible spoilers. But I'll give it the first 3 episodes to get a hold of me.
    Or lose my mind like this guy says.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:13 No.63849333
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:14 No.63849384
    Evidently I missed all the threads where people did this.
    If any show is being treated like that it would be Sakamichi no Apollon.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:14 No.63849391
    So... what is the fanbase then other than the anons who made There were/are hardly any people on /a/ who say its the best thing ever or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:15 No.63849426
    >not liking something because of the fan base

    Teach me to be cool kids like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:16 No.63849474
    If a fanbase honestly dictates what you like or dislike, I'm surprised you have thick enough skin to browse 4chan.

    It's funny, though. Most Madoka threads nowadays have OPs like "Why is Madoka good/terrible", "Why is Madoka overrated", etc. They're more meta about the show than discussion of the show itself. When we have a legit Madoka thread it's usually constructive discussion and/or translation efforts.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:17 No.63849523
    In the upcoming spring threads, people were jizzing in each others mouth because the show slightly resembles planetes. I don't remember that many people saying Apollon will be the aotyay.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:17 No.63849525

    You should have seen the fanbase shitting up other boards. Like /m/.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:17 No.63849550
    Because your favourite anime is shit.

    But hey, typical madokafag right here, forced opinions and forced tastes yet doesn't shit about what he's talking about and uses buzzwords as his base argument. Oh well, I can't expect much.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:18 No.63849584
    >Complaining about people not liking Madoka because of its shit fanbase
    >implying it's not the same thing you do with Naruto and a few other series

    And no, Madoka is no more exceptional than Naruto or Elfen Lied.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:18 No.63849587
    A couple of gorespammers I presume, Madoka has nothing to do with /m/.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:18 No.63849590
    >When we have a legit Madoka thread it's usually constructive discussion and/or translation efforts

    Here, take a sample of your constructive discussions threads >>63849333
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:19 No.63849613
    If they didn't shitpost, how could they complain about how Madoka generates shitposting later?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:20 No.63849640
    I said legit Madoka threads, bro. Those ones are nothing but obvious troll bait.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:20 No.63849648
    I honestly am indifferent about Madoka. It was pretty much called the second coming of Christ by professionals in the field and fandom. Watched it and didn't see or feel anything special. Maybe it was the cute girls doing miserable things that makes people go nuts over it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:21 No.63849687
    Most threads when it wasn't airing were troll threads or shit threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:21 No.63849693

    Those are legit Madoka threads. You just don't want to acknowledge how shitty your fanbase is
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:22 No.63849724
    shh there buddy, you don't have to try so hard, just call Senjougahara a slut if you want replies that much
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:23 No.63849795
    >your fanbase is shit olololo epic win :DDD
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:25 No.63849877
    Every fanbase is shitty to some degree.

    But really, no. They're obvious reverse trolls.

    You, stop that. Ironic shitposting and mockery is still shitposting.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:25 No.63849882
    Actually /a/ love it when it's airing, but trolling reverse trolling e.t.c.
    And honestly some people just don't like it:
    >it's not enough mature for their tastes
    >they just hate everything popular
    >it's trying to be serious and whatever but it's too retarded for taking it seriously
    >aliens who make energy from 14 years old girls for saving universe from entropy(WTF i'm reading.jpg)
    Last reason is why i hate when people talk about this show in serious note.
    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 04/06/12(Fri)14:25 No.63849889
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    I dislike because the fanbase made the One Piece fanbase look like civil people. Also, it's because when I watched it all the way through, it seemed like they took bits and pieces of Evangelion, threw it all together and added magical girls.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:26 No.63849898
    There would be nothing to acknowledge if you stopped making those threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:26 No.63849927
    >it seemed like they took bits and pieces of Evangelion, threw it all together and added magical girls.

    Why am I not surprised.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:26 No.63849928

    Because symbolism, allusions, rune deciphering, and other worthless things to keep the viewers occupied. It's stylish, not deep. Nothing wrong with style though.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:27 No.63849947
    /a/ doesn't like anime.
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 04/06/12(Fri)14:27 No.63849950
    That's the fault of YOU, not the fanbase. If you are forming opinions and preconceptions of a show before even watching it then you are the one at fault. Does that mean you shouldn't be able to have at least a general idea of what kind of show it is, or roughly what level of quality it is? No, but you shouldn't expect a masterpiece just because some of the most dedicated fans hype it as being such. Expect something above average and then form your own opinion after watching it. Mass Effect 3 had a shitty inconclusive ending full of plotholes and would have been torn apart in any situation.

    And anyways, I don't think I've ever seen somebody come up with a valid argument as to why Madoka is shit. They can list a few complaints here and there, like the bad animation during the TV airing, poor characterization for some of the characters, pseudo-science and possibly the ending, but it's not enough to make the anime shit like people claim. I think they just claim to hate it so they can seem edgy and different.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:28 No.63850015
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:29 No.63850055
    If Komeji is defending this show, it must be truly shit
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:29 No.63850061
    Hipster backlash. The more popular something is, the most hate it will receive to compensate once it ends and those watching it move on to something else.
    And Madoka just happened to be the most popular show in the last years. Add to that the SHAFT hatebase and you have the current situation.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:30 No.63850106
    For some reason I always think these posts are made by Komeiji himself.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:30 No.63850112
    >interesting plot and characters
    >generic shit and archetypes
    You lost me there.
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 04/06/12(Fri)14:31 No.63850148
    It has pretty much nothing to do with Evangelion, whatsoever, and hating a show because of the fanbase is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:32 No.63850190
    Archetypes ≠ bad characters.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:34 No.63850311

    1 Dimensional Characters = Shit Characters

    Funny only Sayaka isn't so shallow unlike the rest of the cast
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:36 No.63850394
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    This is now a Mami thread.
    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 04/06/12(Fri)14:36 No.63850417

    Then tell me why Madoka is better than every other anime out there. Good characters? Not really. Good plot? Yeah, good plot but nothing that doesn't escape the DEEP point. Made you feel emotions for the characters? I didn't feel a damn thing for Madoka or Sayaka. Tell me, Mr. Komeiji.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:37 No.63850448
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:37 No.63850486
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:38 No.63850501
    It isn't.
    What kind of binary world do you live in where anything is either the best thing ever or absolute shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:38 No.63850520
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:39 No.63850551
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:39 No.63850559

    On /a/, "it's shit" can mean more than "it's horrible." It can mean "it's average", "it's boring", "it's overrated", or "the girls aren't cute enough."
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:39 No.63850569

    If it isn't, then accept that there can be people who dislikes Madoka.

    Not directed towards you, but towards the OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:39 No.63850595
    Welcome to /a/!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:40 No.63850603
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:40 No.63850627
    Madoka was a good show, not great or bad. The characters were a little iffy but I like the plot. Some of the fanbase are a little obnoxious but just enjoy what you enjoy.
    When did people start using this word?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:40 No.63850636
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:41 No.63850665
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:41 No.63850689
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:41 No.63850691
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:42 No.63850726

    As far back as Lucky Star vs TTGL.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:42 No.63850728
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:42 No.63850734
    They aren't 1 dimensional, either. All of the characters have development.

    And let's get this straight--character development doesn't mean the character comes out of the series an entirely different person. It can be as simple as showing us some backstory.

    For instance, Guilty Crown had shit character development for almost everyone. Do we ever learn why the crippled character is crippled or their motivations? They're named and get a decent amount of screentime, you would think they should have at least that. But nope, not a single instance of insight is given into it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:42 No.63850739
    It became popular last year, when summer started before spring.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:43 No.63850758
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:43 No.63850796
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:43 No.63850798
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:44 No.63850802
    Bitch please.
    Shu and Gai got a good ammount of character developement.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:44 No.63850820
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:44 No.63850854
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:45 No.63850862
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:45 No.63850870
    >the cripple in CG

    And GC is much better than madoka anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:45 No.63850873
    Now, this danbooru imagedumping IS from the shittier part of the fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:45 No.63850875
    certainly wasn't a masterpiece but it was worth watching. I don't see the reason for hating it either
    I think it works the same way how people bash mainstream shit here. "It's just how it is around here"
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:45 No.63850880
    >It didn't seem like "moeshit"

    It had female characters. That seems to be the very definition of "moeshit" for people who actually use the word.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:45 No.63850881
    Gai, maybe.

    Shu has a woeful amount for being the supposed main character. It doesn't help that neither of their 'development' is consistent.

    Also, please don't defend Guilty Crown, it's not worth it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:45 No.63850888
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    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 04/06/12(Fri)14:45 No.63850900
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    >Then tell me why Madoka is better than every other anime out there.
    I never once said it's the best anime of all time or even close to that, but it's probably top 10 material for me at least. It's not something deserving of a perfect 10/10 but it's one of the most emotionally investing and powerful shows I've seen in a long, long time. It made me feel just about every single emotion that a human being can, ranging from happiness, sadness, horror, anger, jealousy, wonder, endearing moments of hnggg, just about everything. You can't quantify something as subjective as emotions and of course it will vary from person to person. Though even if you didn't feel anything when watching, that's still not enough reason to complain that it's "shit" or anything below average since every other aspect holds up in terms of production. Yes, there were flaws, yes the characterization failed with Mami and Kyouko, yes the animation was poor at times, but none of this is enough reason to decry the series and hate on it. I don't know how DEEP is supposed to mean anything either, unless you think a show having a dark atmosphere somehow is a bad thing. Madoka wasn't even that dark or "deep" to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:45 No.63850912
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:46 No.63850944
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:46 No.63850947
    I humbly disagree
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:46 No.63850950
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:46 No.63850962
    It's just one faggot. It's probably the same guy in every thread, when he finds one to start image dumping Mami or the other girls, he does it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:47 No.63851006
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:48 No.63851039
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:48 No.63851079
    It's either feminazis who hate it because of all that little girls' suffering or idiots who hate it because of the deceptive "moe" characters.

    Seriously tough, it's not that unusual that people have diffirent opinions.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:48 No.63851087
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:49 No.63851115
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:50 No.63851144
    >doesn't mean the character comes out of the series an entirely different person.

    Entirely different? Of course not.

    Different, though? Yes, that's in the very definition. Change of character.

    >It can be as simple as showing us some backstory.

    No, it can't. The change must occur during the course of the story. Changes in the past don't count. Viewer perception does not count either.

    ...oh, and don't mix Madoka or anything else into this now. I'm not the person you're talking to, I'm just correcting you, that's all.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:50 No.63851157
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    But I loved Madoka
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:50 No.63851162
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:51 No.63851183
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:52 No.63851229
    that doesn't work
    One Piece actually is a battle shounen

    Madoka isn't even in the haters definition of a "moe" series
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:52 No.63851250
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:52 No.63851257
    Static characters exist for a reason and are not inherently bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:53 No.63851291
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:53 No.63851301
    Things don't have to be "moeshit" for people to hate it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:54 No.63851336
    You're expecting /a/ to know the first thing about characterization. Or anything else for that matter. /a/ is wannabe, tryhard hipsters. That's just how it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:54 No.63851347
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:54 No.63851375
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    I thought it was awesome! Was that movie announcement real? I would love to have a movie!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:55 No.63851386
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:55 No.63851387
    Still that "argument" is the most abused one. Though that's pretty much a generic statement with a blank to fill with the show's name.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:55 No.63851405
    The plot and characters would have been more interesting if I hadn't already seen them before. I'd still give it a solid 7/10.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:55 No.63851408

    Most of the hate is because they think it's pretentious shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:55 No.63851426
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:55 No.63851444

    I hope you don't expect anybody to read that wall of text.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:56 No.63851462
    I liked it and /a/ loved it when it was airing. The speculation threads were wonderful. Now that it's over and everyone outside /a/ a.k.a. normal people have seen it and liked it... it's time to be cool and go the opposite way a.k.a. hating it. Sad really. Even I get pissed off by the fanbase 80% of the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:56 No.63851472
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    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 04/06/12(Fri)14:56 No.63851481
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    >Yes, there were flaws, yes the characterization failed with Mami and Kyouko, yes the animation was poor at times

    Thank you for admitting it's not a full out masterpiece and it had some flaws. I just wish other people would see that as well instead of claiming it's "the only anime to have no flaws whatsoever". That's the only reason why Madoka didn't live up to my expectations is because of the fanbase claiming it's "holier than thou".
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:56 No.63851493

    That took less than 20 seconds to read.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:57 No.63851511
    Madoka may be a bad anime with a toxic fanbase but that fanbase is not responsible for the failure of the anime. I blame the director and the script writer.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:57 No.63851515
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:57 No.63851548
    Did I say they're bad at any point of my post?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:57 No.63851549
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:58 No.63851571
    It brought nothing new or interesting. It's not terrible, but it most certainly isn't the masterpiece some fans make it out as.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:58 No.63851588
    >I can understand why people would dislike something like K-ON
    Yeah, because it's not about fightan and screaming noncense shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:58 No.63851590
    Everyone knows that the only flawless anime is Tatami Galaxy.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:58 No.63851592
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:59 No.63851624
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:59 No.63851625

    >the only anime to have no flaws whatsoever

    The only time anyone says things like that is in obvious troll threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:59 No.63851657
    I always wondered why people liked Mami so much. Wasn't she just really conceited, prejudiced and above all completely wrong about everything? Or do we just like her because she's a tragic character with drills? Help me understand.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)14:59 No.63851681
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)15:00 No.63851697

    She has nice tits.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)15:00 No.63851700
    Being boring as shit is a flaw, anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)15:00 No.63851705
    You're a fucking retard. A mouthbreather. Get off of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)15:00 No.63851722
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)15:00 No.63851736
    Does anyone that isn't a blatant troll claim it?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)15:00 No.63851743
    >"the only anime to have no flaws whatsoever"

    That's not Eva/Cowboy Bebop/LoGH.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)15:01 No.63851750

    Because she probably made Homerun jealous as fuck with a capital J.
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 04/06/12(Fri)15:01 No.63851760
    This. Even the most diehard Madoka fans recognize that it had problems.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)15:01 No.63851766
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)15:01 No.63851768
    But most of you are lolicon so chubby girls with fat-tits shouldn't be a general turn-on. She really has nothing going for her.

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