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    File: 1333677509.jpg-(634 KB, 1200x900, stellas gate.jpg)
    634 KB Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:58 No.63818684  
    So who was able to get one of the custom chalices?
    >> ­ 04/05/12(Thu)22:00 No.63818737
    Some dude posted a pic with
    Omae wa mou Shindeiru
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:01 No.63818787
         File: 1333677695.jpg-(28 KB, 467x413, 1333519690608.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:02 No.63818826
    Have two coming my way
    >kami wo
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:03 No.63818865
    Were these free?
    >> illworkforfood-chan~ !BRyuuguVlw 04/05/12(Thu)22:04 No.63818895
         File: 1333677873.png-(11 KB, 300x300, 1332111292812.png)
    11 KB
    I Remember When They started doing this I got a working code, I Put "Pierce The Heavens" on it.

    Then I found out they dont ship to Canada.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:04 No.63818897
    They still are.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:04 No.63818898
    I tried to guess a code, but now I'm getting the "too many invalid codes" message. I tried clearing my cookies and everything.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:05 No.63818923
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:05 No.63818943
    I got two coming my way as well, one for me and one for my brother.

    The one for me is dedicated to my Waifu, the one for him is a birthday present that is dedicated to the New Orleans Saints Superbowl XLIV win.
    >> Y-you... !BakauBTfO. 04/05/12(Thu)22:06 No.63818951
    reset your router
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:06 No.63818953

    >dont ship to Canada.

    Welp. That was the first and last hope I had of getting one.

    Why is it that Canada always gets shafted?

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:06 No.63818957

    If you still have the code, I'd be glad to take it off your hands...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:06 No.63818966
         File: 1333677984.jpg-(12 KB, 634x349, so ra no wo to.jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:06 No.63818968
    Think they would let me put "The pleasure of being cummed inside"?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:06 No.63818982

    Because you are America's hate, and nothing more.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:06 No.63818985
    I wonder if the guy that got


    actually received his
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:07 No.63818999

    To guess, just enter 27, 28, or 29 followed by five random digits, and hope for the best.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:07 No.63819001
    Use a proxy.

    Here is a code. It's been used, but if you change one or two digits then you'll probably get a working code.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:07 No.63819004
         File: 1333678028.jpg-(590 KB, 3264x4928, the pleasure of being cummed i(...).jpg)
    590 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:07 No.63819010

    There was already one with this on it.
    >> D/a/n !!OjqdWNyGyuQ 04/05/12(Thu)22:07 No.63819011
    Wow, what is this? Like free mousepads, but with etched glassware?

    I regret missing whatever it was.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:07 No.63819016
    I must have missed the threads. Free custom chalices? This sounds interesting.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:07 No.63819032

    ...damnit I meant "hat" not hate.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:07 No.63819036
         File: 1333678071.jpg-(362 KB, 1600x1200, 6dv8es[1].jpg)
    362 KB
    Got mine.
    >> 04/05/12(Thu)22:08 No.63819050
    Your customs agents are faggots.
    This is not unique to Canada but still.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:08 No.63819052
    Where is that "fill me up oniichan" pic anyway?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:08 No.63819058
         File: 1333678101.png-(340 KB, 640x480, 1330051202613.png)
    340 KB
    The one I have coming will have "Omae wa mou shindeiru" on it

    Someone else got the same thing, so I'm sure there's a photo of it somewhere
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:08 No.63819077
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:09 No.63819091
    Im jealous
    >> Y-you... !BakauBTfO. 04/05/12(Thu)22:09 No.63819093
         File: 1333678144.png-(1.22 MB, 968x1296, 049.png)
    1.22 MB
    >That feel when mine got fucked up
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:09 No.63819094

    It's still going on. See >>63818999.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:09 No.63819096

    You can still get one until the end of the month, faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:09 No.63819130
         File: 1333678190.gif-(273 KB, 176x144, 1331085808256.gif)
    273 KB
    I want more but I'm too paranoid that they'll figure out I'm just mass ordering them and halt all of my orders and then I won't get a single one.
    Guess two is enough, but I sort of wanted one dedicated to my waifu.
    >> D/a/n !!OjqdWNyGyuQ 04/05/12(Thu)22:10 No.63819136
    Hm, now I have to actually think of what I would want to put on such a glass.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:10 No.63819174
    I'm putting "Noblesse Oblige" on mine, if I could find a working code and proxy
    >> Y-you... !BakauBTfO. 04/05/12(Thu)22:10 No.63819179
    >ara ara
    >such a big
    >load you have
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:11 No.63819201
    So if you've reached the invalid-codes point but enter a correct code afterward, will it still accept it?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:11 No.63819206
    Oh man that's ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:11 No.63819212
         File: 1333678305.jpg-(140 KB, 1279x960, 1323033886085.jpg)
    140 KB
    I just did one that says.
    Alcohol Is

    was thinking of getting a second to finish it off.
    >> D/a/n !!OjqdWNyGyuQ 04/05/12(Thu)22:11 No.63819213
    Has anyone tried using non-Latin characters with this?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:12 No.63819223
    fill me
    with the power
    of darkness

    will that one work?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:12 No.63819238
    From the last thread:

    >You are already drunk

    I really hope you're just incredibly unlucky this time.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:12 No.63819239
    >Drink more
    >Gai told you to

    >You can (not) drive

    >Delicious tears

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:12 No.63819244
    Welp USA only.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:13 No.63819263
    I got mine as well, but I don't have anything that could produce a decent quality picture such as OP's.
    >> sage 04/05/12(Thu)22:13 No.63819283
    am I the only one not getting to the page?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:14 No.63819316
    I'm not either, but it is supposedly up.
    >> Y-you... !BakauBTfO. 04/05/12(Thu)22:14 No.63819342
    >This time
    Nah, I've had a run of bad luck on these types of things. And now I've entered too many attempts and can't reset my router, so I'm kinda fucked on getting a replacement.
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/05/12(Thu)22:15 No.63819384
         File: 1333678556.jpg-(83 KB, 700x700, K_Onugh.jpg)
    83 KB
    I may not like fanbases, but Steins;Gatekeepers got class at least. Wish I had an Azunyan mug at least.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:16 No.63819393
    Use Tor to reset your connection. Worked for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:16 No.63819403
    I still can't pick what I want to put on it

    It can't be obvious as fuck though
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:16 No.63819419
    Same here man...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:17 No.63819432
    Guessing the code isn't hard. I got mine on my second try.
    Still don't know what to put on it though.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:17 No.63819440
    Can I put moonrunes on this?
    >> Y-you... !BakauBTfO. 04/05/12(Thu)22:17 No.63819442
    Thanks, I'll give it a go.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:18 No.63819463
         File: 1333678683.jpg-(28 KB, 288x499, 1300702479670.jpg)
    28 KB
    >go on multiple proxies

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:18 No.63819464
    for unlearned baboons.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:18 No.63819468
         File: 1333678690.gif-(931 KB, 210x118, 1271796057507.gif)
    931 KB
    >Open to US (except TX)
    >Sorry, TX law prohibits TX residents from participating in this program.
    Fuck this bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:18 No.63819472
    >Alcohol is
    >humanity's friend
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:18 No.63819486
    My confirmation screen had "Your text here" on it.

    The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:19 No.63819510
    >Light up the night
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:19 No.63819520
    It worked for me but I'm a canadafag.
    Fuck this gay earth.
    >> sage 04/05/12(Thu)22:19 No.63819530

    Offer void in TX
    Sucks to be us
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:19 No.63819536
    Out before picture of chalice filled with "hot melt glue"
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:19 No.63819537
         File: 1333678789.jpg-(42 KB, 645x360, i can almost taste it.jpg)
    42 KB
    Got mine earlier today. Tried guessing another code but I got locked out for too many tries.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:20 No.63819546
    What should I put on mine, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:20 No.63819547
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:20 No.63819553
    Something fucked up with Flash or your proxy if you're using one. I got that screen for all my chalices too. I really hope the actual engraving went through.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:20 No.63819559
         File: 1333678818.jpg-(790 KB, 1245x800, 1332941084761.jpg)
    790 KB
    I wish I lived in the US. ;__;
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:20 No.63819575

    can I have the code?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:21 No.63819602
         File: 1333678865.png-(120 KB, 1433x897, proxies.png)
    120 KB
    You don't even need tor.
    If you're on firefox, google 'proxylist' and do it up like so.
    If you fuck up the code too many times?
    Grab a new proxy.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:21 No.63819631
    >Open to US (except TX)
    >I live in Texas

    Damn it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:21 No.63819632
    WHAT? For once being anything but amerifag is suffering?

    >I'm already
    >this wet!?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:21 No.63819637
    >No Purchase Necessary. Open to US (except TX)

    Well fuck you then

    2836398 works if anyone wants it
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:21 No.63819638
    k thanks for the reassurance.

    When I went to recheck the code, it said it was already used. For the code to go through and none of my information? Unlikely.

    When do you get the confirmation email?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:21 No.63819641
         File: 1333678910.jpg-(10 KB, 168x75, Screen shot 2012-04-05 at 10.2(...).jpg)
    10 KB
    Lets do it
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:22 No.63819651
    2741638 should work.
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/05/12(Thu)22:22 No.63819665
         File: 1333678940.gif-(1.09 MB, 300x298, K_OnDOODOODOOYEAH.gif)
    1.09 MB
    It's not /that/ great. I mean, our country CAN be likened to a glorious pirate ship of red white and blue sailing upon the sea of tears and broken dreams of third world nations, but the healthcare's shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:22 No.63819690
    >You have entered too many invalid code attempts.

    Its said this for every proxy I've used.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:22 No.63819692
    Anyways, 2737201 worked I think. Have fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:22 No.63819699
    Is there an email you are supposed to get? How do I know it worked?
    >> Y-you... !BakauBTfO. 04/05/12(Thu)22:22 No.63819702
    But I use Chrome
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:23 No.63819709
    I did mine hours ago and no e-mails yet. So probably tomorrow or when they mail them out.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:23 No.63819712
         File: 1333678992.gif-(294 KB, 1920x1080, woo.gif)
    294 KB
    >too bad it says you have to submit it before march
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:23 No.63819723
    Holy shit it worked. But seriously 20-30 business days to get it. That sucks.

    Also i got El Psy Congroo as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:23 No.63819728
    It takes 5 seconds to download firefox.
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/05/12(Thu)22:23 No.63819732
    Sorry to hear that mate, I just punched one in and got my free glass.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:23 No.63819734
         File: 1333679016.jpg-(82 KB, 500x281, 510.jpg)
    82 KB
    >. Open to US (except TX)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:23 No.63819743
         File: 1333679021.png-(5 KB, 169x235, 1288959839175.png)
    5 KB
    When the fuck did this happen? Why I didn't know about this?

    Fuck you guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:23 No.63819751
    >To request a free Code without making a purchase, hand print your first and last name, complete mailing address (no PO Boxes), and age on a 3” x 5” index card or piece of paper and place your request into an outer-mailing envelope with proper postage affixed and mail it to: Stella Artois Custom Engraved Chalice Code Request, PO Box 750198, El Paso, TX 88575-0198.

    There's an easier way than just guessing randomly if you're frustrated about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:24 No.63819755
    I wasn't since they didn't deliver to Texas

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:24 No.63819759
    whats a good line to do
    just in case
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:24 No.63819766
    Someone better get one with "Delicious Tears" on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:24 No.63819777
         File: 1333679059.jpg-(93 KB, 1220x709, glass.jpg)
    93 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:24 No.63819789
    Dat image quality
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:24 No.63819791
    Must be postmarked by 15 days ago. Read the fine print
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:24 No.63819793
    >Program ends at 11:59:59 on 4/30/12
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:24 No.63819795
    March is the deadline for requesting codes by snail mail. Here we're just stealing the codes they'll mail out by brute force. People gonna be mad.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:25 No.63819810
    It's bad enough you have to live in Texas, so I'm sure this is just salt on the wound for you guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:25 No.63819811
    I'm not in Texas though.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:25 No.63819825
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:25 No.63819830
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:25 No.63819834
         File: 1333679148.jpg-(8 KB, 147x156, 1313011899823.jpg)
    8 KB
    >>You have entered too many invalid code attempts.

    But I haven't used this fucking proxy yet
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:25 No.63819839

    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 04/05/12(Thu)22:26 No.63819848
    I'd like one, but I have no idea what to put. I want something classy though, and I'm also paranoid about the fact that they could find out about this.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:26 No.63819866
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:26 No.63819870
         File: 1333679212.jpg-(57 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Bakemonogatari_13_(...).jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:27 No.63819877

    Your proof/confirmation is this
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:27 No.63819878
    >tfw uncreative as fuck

    I'll just do "Your tears are delicious" or something
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:27 No.63819890
    Alright, I'm in. What message should I do? I was thinking either "being hangover is suffering" or "Yeah. Galo Sengen."
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:27 No.63819892
    Well, seeing as I live in NZ, this isn't much use to me...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:27 No.63819898
         File: 1333679246.jpg-(51 KB, 640x480, mangojuice.jpg)
    51 KB
    I couldn't get a good picture of the text but it's:
    "You're gonna
    that weight"
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:27 No.63819899
    I've been telling people to use proxies for a little while.
    Plus there are some who already knew.
    You aren't alone.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:27 No.63819906

    You just get the glass, calm down. You might say to yourself a week from now, "it's never going to come", but just forget about it. A month from now, you'll have a nice package on your doorstep.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:27 No.63819907
    I'm also having this problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:27 No.63819910
         File: 1333679263.png-(83 KB, 292x243, patoriku_bobu_yaranaika.png)
    83 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:27 No.63819916
    >No Bitches and Whores chalice yet
    I disappoint /a/
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:28 No.63819929
    I ended up going with
    >I want to be
    >Little girl

    Can't wait to get it
    >> Ai !!LhqsHNL6ert 04/05/12(Thu)22:28 No.63819931
         File: 1333679300.jpg-(252 KB, 1142x576, chalice.jpg)
    252 KB
    Got one on the first try.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:28 No.63819932
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:28 No.63819949
    Sweet, just ordered "ORE NO CHALICE"
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:28 No.63819950

    But Texas is one of the better states to live in, you just have to avoid the overly wetback, redneck and nigger infested areas.

    Also Schlitterbahn
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:28 No.63819960
    You magnificent bastard.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:28 No.63819961

    Someone do
    I fucked
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:29 No.63819993
    So should I order one to my dorm? Or will they realize it's the same name and delete it?

    I have quite a unique name (not john smith)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:30 No.63820010

    John Tailor?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:30 No.63820011
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:30 No.63820026
         File: 1333679446.jpg-(29 KB, 374x257, Screen shot 2012-04-05 at 10.3(...).jpg)
    29 KB
    Can't wait
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:30 No.63820030
    texas is too hot, also too republican
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:30 No.63820033
    Do you have a family member you can send it to and pick it up there?
    I'd do that just in case.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:30 No.63820037
    Can you do more than one?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:31 No.63820039

    ...that is the best description of the states ever...

    I wuv you.
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 04/05/12(Thu)22:31 No.63820049
         File: 1333679471.jpg-(114 KB, 1280x800, UNCREATIVE AS FUCK.jpg)
    114 KB
    So, I got it on the first try, but I have no idea what to put. I do like Bitches & Whores though I'm not sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:31 No.63820067
         File: 1333679497.jpg-(46 KB, 640x480, 20100113205501.jpg)
    46 KB
    >A TOAST
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:31 No.63820071
    Fake the name and e-mail. Keep the address. Rules say 1 per person, not household. Make it out to your "roommate."
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:31 No.63820077
    I'm having this problem too. On one hand I want some more but I don't want them to find out and stop my prizes, but on the other hand such an easy code to crack can't be made by people who actually care.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:31 No.63820081
    And another
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:32 No.63820091
         File: 1333679526.jpg-(13 KB, 412x223, as expected....jpg)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:32 No.63820094
    No friends or family. Ah well, my "Noblesse Oblige" chalice is good enough.

    Wanted a "You're Gonna Carry That Weight" one too, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:32 No.63820109
    Free code ;_;

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:32 No.63820124
    Make up a family. It's not like they'll run a background check.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:32 No.63820125
    This is almost as good as the free mousepads
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:33 No.63820129

    try that
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:33 No.63820136
    Highlights from the earlier thread:

    You're gonna carry that weight
    I fucked you're waifu
    It can't be helped
    My lips are moving on their own
    It ain't gonna sip itself
    Ore no Chalice < What I got
    Mou Ikkai
    Unlimited Beer Works

    They don't care. Some people just changed the email and left the same name.
    I used a different spelling of my first name.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:33 No.63820153
    That feel when you live outside of North America ;_;

    Any courier services where I can just tell them to "expect a package and forward it to me"?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:33 No.63820156
         File: 1333679612.jpg-(635 KB, 1920x1440, DSC00299.jpg)
    635 KB
    Like this?

    Just arrived today

    Tomorrow, delicious Killian's
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:33 No.63820158
    every single proxy has been used

    what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:33 No.63820173
    Im currently using my free "ef - the latter tale" mousepad and just ordered a glass.

    This is awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:34 No.63820202
    Why can't they ship to Texas?
    >> Gilda's Fury 04/05/12(Thu)22:34 No.63820206
    I just typed in a random number and got one.

    I wasn't even expecting it to work, so I hadn't thought of a good thing to put on it.

    I ended up putting the first thing that came to mind, which was "Twenty Percent Cooler." Could have been better, but whatever, it's free.

    Immediately after clicking submit, I thought of the perfect engraving. What is a man?
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/05/12(Thu)22:34 No.63820208
         File: 1333679677.gif-(475 KB, 359x270, K_onWELL.gif)
    475 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:34 No.63820210
    If I had a job I would do it for you and ship it to you, anon.
    But I don't have a job. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:34 No.63820216
    Has no one gotten El Oniichan yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:34 No.63820225
    Because fuck Texas
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:35 No.63820234
         File: 1333679707.jpg-(16 KB, 656x372, Now I've lost it..jpg)
    16 KB
    Too late... fuck. Someone else could do it. Here's mine.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:35 No.63820255
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:35 No.63820257
         File: 1333679746.jpg-(43 KB, 300x480, 1319936362154.jpg)
    43 KB
    >Sorry, TX law prohibits TX residents from participating in this program.

    I hate it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:36 No.63820270
    >get first code on guess in two tries
    >go for another one

    Damn I wanted two of them
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/05/12(Thu)22:36 No.63820273
    I have a question. How much is shipping and handling?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:36 No.63820280
    I know this fucking feel, I got a code and everything.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:36 No.63820286
    Hora Hora
    You better drink
    every last drop.

    I have consumed
    over a thousand

    Do you have
    enough beers,
    King of Liquors?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:36 No.63820287
         File: 1333679778.jpg-(49 KB, 800x552, hosakaka.jpg)
    49 KB
    Can't wait for mine.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:36 No.63820292
    I ordered two, but now I'm worried that I messed up one of the phrases. I got "It can't be helped" and "What's wrong with being a pervert?" Is the second one right?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:36 No.63820301
    "L Dies"
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:36 No.63820308
    Did you enter credit card information?

    No, shipping is free.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:36 No.63820316

    Nah I mean what law makes it so you can't get a fucking chalice?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:37 No.63820320
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:37 No.63820326
    El Psy Congroo
    Only My Onii-chan Can Drink It
    You Can (Not) Drink.
    You Can (Not) Drive.
    I am the glass of my beer
    People drink when they are drunk
    the pleasure of being cummed inside
    My Tastes > You're Tastes
    Fill me up Onii-chan!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:37 No.63820337
    >Together we
    >live, together
    >we fight
    Should I? It's the Japanese Fire Emblem motto.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:37 No.63820354
         File: 1333679873.jpg-(12 KB, 247x231, 1316078565791.jpg)
    12 KB
    Then proxy it up and keep trying.
    Don't give up.
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 04/05/12(Thu)22:38 No.63820361
    Do you think it's okay if I lie about my age?
    I'm 20, so I'm technically ineligible. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:38 No.63820365


    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:38 No.63820372

    Well fuck you too, buddy!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:38 No.63820390
    >Do not
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:38 No.63820393
    I'm sure 99% of the people posting are actually 14
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:39 No.63820401
         File: 1333679945.png-(216 KB, 918x1400, 1323015152795.png)
    216 KB
    >> Y-you... !BakauBTfO. 04/05/12(Thu)22:39 No.63820417
    I gave up after the 15th proxy failed me. Not worth all the hassle for a glass I'll store anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:39 No.63820423
    to whom ever has the el psy congroo chalice
    we shall drink and toast when the movie comes out

    El psy congroo
    >> Hate-Chan !!fEaImhm3NPD 04/05/12(Thu)22:39 No.63820431
    Most of /a/ is comprised of people below the drinking age. Nothing surprising.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:39 No.63820432
    >Cum With The
    >Force of A
    >Thousand Suns
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:40 No.63820435
    you people know you can go get any glass you want etched with a phrase at some local store, right? its not some caramilk secret order that handles and controls the worlds supply of etched glass doing this or anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:40 No.63820447
    How do you get codes?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:40 No.63820450
    Anyone got a code they want to share?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:40 No.63820461
    Yeah but I want a free cup
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:40 No.63820465
    Yet they ship to New Mexico... weird.
    Hey, can you guys get the whole Juarez situation under control already? I miss beer that costs a quarter.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:40 No.63820474
         File: 1333680053.jpg-(19 KB, 491x404, 1333004285765.jpg)
    19 KB
    >I am the glass of my beer
    mfw i read this in the fuckhorrible engrish that he does in the anime
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:40 No.63820476
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:40 No.63820477

    Indeed we shall meet on here again and toast to the Steins Gate movie
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:41 No.63820482
    but this is free you twit
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:41 No.63820484
    But this one is for free. Next time you will tell us to buy anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:41 No.63820485
    >punch random number
    >get chalice
    >use: "dust to dust; ashes to ashes; soul to soul"

    >hit submit: "you're not eligible."

    Troll tier luck.
    >> Y-you... !BakauBTfO. 04/05/12(Thu)22:41 No.63820487
    That you know of.
    >> Sirenian !!sgvy/UwdTs3 04/05/12(Thu)22:41 No.63820492
    what if they are the 1%?
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 04/05/12(Thu)22:41 No.63820500
    >want to get Bitches & Whores
    >profanity not allowed
    Well fuck you guys too.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:41 No.63820503
    >He doesn't go nutso for free shit.
    I bet you didn't get a mousepad either.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:41 No.63820507
    You want me to go outside and talk to a person, telling them I want a glass with something like "The Pleasure of being cummed inside" engraved on it, for money?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:41 No.63820511
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:41 No.63820512
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:42 No.63820532
    what happens if you order two?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:42 No.63820536
    >This Is
    >/a/'s Fetish
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:42 No.63820539
    You get two
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:42 No.63820549
    You get two.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:42 No.63820555

    do you know where you are? a better suggestion would be to tell them to make the stencil themselves and buy etching cream, who the fuck would walk into a store and ask to get the pleasure of being cummed inside etched on their glass mug?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:43 No.63820570
    You run the risk of maybe getting caught and not getting either one. Just put it under a different name and email and you should be fine with just two.
    At least I hope so, since I ordered two.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:43 No.63820581
         File: 1333680217.jpg-(186 KB, 682x458, screenshot.jpg)
    186 KB
    Waiting for mine.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:43 No.63820591
    Alright, why does it say "You are not eligible for this promotion"?
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 04/05/12(Thu)22:44 No.63820602
    Because you're under 21.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:44 No.63820611
    Sweet! I got one. Think I might try for another code and a second chalice. One catgirl related, then one for my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:44 No.63820616
    They somehow detected you are a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:44 No.63820618
    Are you from outside the US or in TX?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:44 No.63820623
    Because it's a beer company and you didn't say you're 21, numbnuts.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:44 No.63820626

    I am taking it to a whole new level, I did 3, all different E-Mails, and all different addresses, all different names.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:44 No.63820628
    i just ordered one with "You are not eligible for this promotion"
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:44 No.63820634
    You must:
    Be 21
    Live in America (NOT TX)
    Enter an email that has not been used
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:44 No.63820638
         File: 1333680296.jpg-(25 KB, 288x288, 1316206443204.jpg)
    25 KB
    >grab a 10 second old proxy
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:45 No.63820646
    I'm more of a metal tankard/mug guy. Where can I get one engraved with the words "Waifu's piss" on the side?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:45 No.63820664
    Someone do
    >A Faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:45 No.63820676
         File: 1333680350.png-(303 KB, 480x489, 1321494360486.png)
    303 KB
    Same thing happened to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:45 No.63820679
         File: 1333680355.jpg-(18 KB, 648x363, ore_no_chalice.jpg)
    18 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:46 No.63820698
    I can't wait for the next cheers/picture collage where everyone uses these glasses.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:46 No.63820700
         File: 1333680382.png-(238 KB, 639x361, yes.png)
    238 KB
    Waiting for this.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:46 No.63820704
    I think

    Is A

    Would be better.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:46 No.63820707
    >see code in thread
    >change last number to a 3
    >it works

    I love you so much /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:46 No.63820709
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:46 No.63820711
    I've ordered, like 5 already.
    I changed my name and email each time though
    Think they will get mad?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:46 No.63820719
    I did this a month ago when /v/ was talking about it.
    I still haven't gotten mine yet.
    I didn't even get an email.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:47 No.63820738


    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:47 No.63820750
         File: 1333680456.jpg-(21 KB, 528x297, 743829.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:47 No.63820753
    >a month ago
    You'll probably get it within the week then.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:48 No.63820768
    Maybe possibly perhaps a 50% chance if you're unlucky on Friday the 13th of next year and Chronos goes back in time to screw you over in the here and now if he sort of kind of feels like it maybe.
    You might be pushing it with FIVE but you should be fine.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:48 No.63820778
         File: 1333680492.jpg-(61 KB, 200x258, 1311697072392.jpg)
    61 KB
    Thanks for the Idea, though I think i'll just leave it with memento mori
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:48 No.63820790
    This is free and allows for goofy and inappropriate phrases without shame of having to request it face to face, you can't be stupid enough to not recognize the value in that
    >> Minami !!qiDS+YwWEqC 04/05/12(Thu)22:48 No.63820795
    Ara Ara
    Well aren't you
    A thirsty one
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:49 No.63820804
    For those of you having trouble with proxies, you can also do this on your phone. The website redirects to a mobile site. That site gives you an unlimited amount of attempts.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:49 No.63820808
    I need a message that subtly relates to loli.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:49 No.63820810
    >to your

    Not /a/ related, but whatever.
    I'm pretty sure I did it right, how long until I get an email?
    I had to use a proxy because I wasn't good at guessing, and after I filled out the form, it had the text, but no picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:49 No.63820829
    >Yomi ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:49 No.63820833
    >I WISH
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:49 No.63820836

    Why Can't I Hold All These Beers?
    Fun Things Are Fun
    Confirmed for shit taste
    Better Drink My Own Piss
    See You Space Cowboy...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:49 No.63820838

    Has anyone received a chalice with moonrunes on it yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:49 No.63820845
    Shit, an Altered Beast reference? Maybe I'll do one, too. Or at least some other Sega reference
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:50 No.63820850
    Just got:
    People Drink
    When They
    Are Drunk

    Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:50 No.63820855
    >text but no picture
    Ill omen; you won't get it.
    You probably will never get an email but you will get your cup eventually.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:50 No.63820858
    UK bro here, anyone willing to collect one for me?
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 04/05/12(Thu)22:50 No.63820859
    Wait, can you do that? I thought it just had to be normal letters.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:50 No.63820866
    loli pissu
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:50 No.63820871
    You Can (Not) Drink
    You Can (Not) Drive
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:50 No.63820879
         File: 1333680645.png-(498 KB, 1920x1080, why.png)
    498 KB
    >my face when i pressed enter too quickly and this is what i got
    h-h-hold me /a/ ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:51 No.63820902
         File: 1333680686.jpg-(46 KB, 447x382, 1326455993008.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:51 No.63820903
         File: 1333680687.jpg-(74 KB, 640x480, laughingwhore.jpg)
    74 KB
    You faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:51 No.63820905
    Order another one
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:51 No.63820911
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:51 No.63820917
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:51 No.63820927
    Write "faggot" in sharpie.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:52 No.63820937
    Is A
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:52 No.63820940
    >Do you have
    >enough beers,
    >King of Liquors?

    I lost it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:52 No.63820947
    Pfhaha. You fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:52 No.63820950
         File: 1333680758.jpg-(135 KB, 730x482, 1064.jpg)
    135 KB
    Come here you
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:52 No.63820952
    i did this shit like last month

    i got 5

    i didn't use a different name just different emails

    god fucking dammit
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:52 No.63820953
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:52 No.63820955
    >Noblesse Oblige
    >El Psy Congroo

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:53 No.63820965
    Do you
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:53 No.63820970
    >not getting both
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:53 No.63820980
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:53 No.63820982
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:53 No.63820984

    Mine didn't show my letter choices on the image, is that bad?
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 04/05/12(Thu)22:53 No.63820989
    Seriously guys, can you add moon?
    I really want one in moon now.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:53 No.63820994
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:53 No.63820995
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:54 No.63821001
    Yes. Enjoy your "text goes here" chalice.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:54 No.63821005
    Replace flat for full and maybe we got something
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:54 No.63821009
    Got my El Psy Congroo chalice.

    Thanks, /a/. This will go nicely with my free custom mousepads.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:54 No.63821017
    Can't decide between:
    "El Oniichan"
    "Do you know where I can find some sailors?"
    or some loli reference (or line said by Kobato Hasegawa)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:54 No.63821033

    At least yours is special now.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:55 No.63821043
    Some guy did it in a previous thread and the preview showed it as question marks.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:55 No.63821048
    Too bad this won't fit:
    >This drink is
    >the drink that will
    >pierce your taste buds
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:55 No.63821052
    Hey dumbfucks. Don't forget, if you have a phone you can use that too. There's even a mobile website to enter the code and you enter everything on the same page. It's pretty easy to edit the code and everything right there without losing everything else you typed.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:55 No.63821060
    I got two.

    El Psy Congroo and Winter is Coming.

    I feel bad for not coming up with something original, but whatever.
    >> JagiSympathizer 04/05/12(Thu)22:55 No.63821066
    ok so I used tor and whenever I complete the form and submit my engraved writing I get a page that says "application "/" failed" and such whilst the search bar has the usual link with Thankyou.aspx at the end.

    Although I can't see the page, will I still receive the chalice.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:55 No.63821067
    All of the above
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 04/05/12(Thu)22:55 No.63821069
    Aw man okay. I wanted a ざわ… chalice. ;_;
    Back to the drawing board I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:55 No.63821079
    Should have done:
    Wanna play
    a game of
    lucky hit?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:55 No.63821080
    You probably had noscript on.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:56 No.63821087
         File: 1333680968.gif-(442 KB, 500x354, 12309012.gif)
    442 KB
    can anyone spare a code

    I fucked mine up
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:56 No.63821089
    Welp. This looks cool. I'm underage in the US since >lol 21 years old to drink I don't think they'll ship to Puerto Rico anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:56 No.63821095
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:56 No.63821104
    Goddammit. Proxies aren't working.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:56 No.63821117
         File: 1333681008.jpg-(39 KB, 645x413, I will say, never again(...).jpg)
    39 KB
    Mission accomplished.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:56 No.63821129
    I used a proxy browser... was I supposed to reuse that number in the real browser? Shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:56 No.63821131
    Got 2 guessed codes. One for me and one for my dad.
    >> JagiSympathizer 04/05/12(Thu)22:57 No.63821138
    chances are I did, will that affect whether or not I get the chalice though. I assume it won't matter whether or not you see the thank you page but I just want to be sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:57 No.63821143
    fuck yeah got it on first try, getting el psy congroo
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:57 No.63821146
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:57 No.63821147
         File: 1333681042.jpg-(69 KB, 718x718, 382.jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:57 No.63821151
    I'm some conflicted...

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:57 No.63821155
    >Putting your actual brithday
    >> BlondeDude !du0e0nhAaU 04/05/12(Thu)22:58 No.63821172
         File: 1333681081.gif-(363 KB, 480x270, 1324344136596.gif)
    363 KB
    Is this still going on?
    I just turned 21
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:58 No.63821185
    >putting your actual birthday
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:58 No.63821186
    School Girls
    Are GREAT!!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:58 No.63821189
    Most likely it doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:58 No.63821192
    Something about something or other moving on their own...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:58 No.63821201
    No, it just ended five seconds ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:58 No.63821203
         File: 1333681134.png-(139 KB, 300x305, beer.png)
    139 KB
    am i doing it right?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:59 No.63821207
    Thank you based phone

    Now I have King of Knights too
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:59 No.63821216

    Read the thread dumbfuck
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:59 No.63821220
    Just got my third, I think I'm done.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:59 No.63821243
    >Little Brown
    >Girls Are
    >The Best
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:00 No.63821253
    go ahead
    27_ _ _ _ _
    do some random code with that
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:00 No.63821256
    Mother fucker...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:00 No.63821258
         File: 1333681222.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 82 KB, 467x468, doobs.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 82 KB
    How do you >greentext like that?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:00 No.63821259
         File: 1333681222.jpg-(18 KB, 663x370, thefinerthings.jpg)
    18 KB
    My code was accepted on the first try.

    Seemed the obvious choice.

    It's Berserk, you newfags.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:00 No.63821271
    >Little brown
    >girls are the

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