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    Your pal, —mootykins

    File: 1333593088.jpg-(136 KB, 800x531, 1333502478504.jpg)
    136 KB Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:31 No.63770804  
    Drawfag Thread 555

    irc: #drawfriends @

    second rarfag's files until thread 549:

    Can't find the thread?
    Missed a delivery or sudden 404?
    Like auto refresh and shit?

    Thread 554 >>63657598
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:34 No.63770932
         File: 1333593269.jpg-(686 KB, 1750x2519, qb4.jpg)
    686 KB
    Requesting Queen's Blade/Soul series crossover:

    -Leina and Sophitia or Elina and Cassandra symmetrical docking.

    -Annelotte versus Hilde, both with armor damage and panting heavily.

    -Captain Liliana drunk as a sailor with Amy pouring rum down her throat via mouth to mouth.

    -Tomoe and Talim eating cake.

    -Leina(in Maria getup) clashing swords or shields with Pyrrha.

    -Aldra over a defeated Cassandra or Ivy whom has armor damage, or Hilde who's armor is completely destroyed. Aldra having them collared is fine too.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:36 No.63771013
         File: 1333593385.jpg-(153 KB, 500x853, 23428609_p13.jpg)
    153 KB
    Requesting Sophie in her uniform costume being adorable.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:37 No.63771051
         File: 1333593436.jpg-(15 KB, 189x236, 23723979_p2_05.jpg)
    15 KB
    Black Rock Shooter eating breakfast at a kitchen table. Something simple that you think BRS would eat for breakfast. Perhaps a glass of milk on the table as well. She must have the emotionless face as well.
    >> Identifier !EHHHH75c.. 04/04/12(Wed)22:38 No.63771083
    >Macarons for breakfast
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:41 No.63771215
         File: 1333593701.jpg-(463 KB, 1028x1162, f262ae5dd09c89298e70ebc0d71bb1(...).jpg)
    463 KB
    Requesting inside a confessional with Puella Magi Sayaki confessing her sins to nun Kyouko.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:42 No.63771245
         File: 1333593757.png-(90 KB, 567x760, 1333332339111.png)
    90 KB
    First time actually posting in one of these threads.
    I've never been much of an artist myself, but seeing the drawfags in these really makes me want to start drawing and actually do something productive with my time. What kind of drawpad I don't know the technical term do you guys use and where can I buy one?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:43 No.63771297
    It's called a tablet, and you can buy one via google.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:44 No.63771314
    What a baka, off by one.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:44 No.63771332
    fuck off
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:45 No.63771341
         File: 1333593910.jpg-(587 KB, 999x1413, Cross.jpg)
    587 KB
    Requesting some Stakes of Purgatory:

    -Black Battler sitting on his throne with naked Lucifer on his knee.

    -Leviathan and Kyrie sulking together.

    -Satan roughly riding Kanon with her blade to his neck.

    -Nanjo being fat and lazy in a recliner with Belphegor offering him the remote on a silver platter.

    -Mammon and Ange cuddling in bed.

    -Beelzebub laying on a kitchen counter with Gohda and a Goat butler pouring butter and syrup on her.

    -Asmodeus with Jessica pinned under her licking her sensually.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:45 No.63771349
    Off by one again, what a baka
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:45 No.63771359
         File: 1333593934.png-(94 KB, 318x348, 1331951104547.png)
    94 KB
    I'm sure there is more than one company that makes them, and that there are certain tablets that are better than others.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:46 No.63771378
         File: 1333593960.jpg-(1004 KB, 1829x2242, corticarte wings.jpg)
    1004 KB
    Requesting Corticarte(both small and adult) playing a duet on a piano with their wings in full bloom.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:46 No.63771404
    Before that, you should learn to draw on paper first.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:47 No.63771439
    You are so fucking reported. I can't believe you bring this shit in here again and again and again. "OH MY GOD MY POST NUMBER ENDED IN X REPEATED NUMBERS ZOMGROFLMFAO!!11!!" You listen here you underaged shitdicked little cumguzzler: THIS. ISN'T. FUNNY. It's not cute or charming or something that gives people a smile, it's a waste of time, a waste of space, and an eyesore. You make me worry, really really really worry about the state of my generation. Where the hell is our world gonna go if it's run by shit-stained cuntminds like you that have NO originality and NO creative drive AT ALL. You contribute nothing at all to this board, nothing at all to your fellow peers. You are worse than a dumbass my asinine little friend, you are a black hole of faggotry and stupidity. You suck in the people around you and corrupt them with your cancerous posts. Your very existence is robbing this world of all things good. Leave this place, sell your computer, give the money to someone with brains who can wisely use it, and then kill yourself you waste of life. Die.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:47 No.63771445

    If you are a beginning just go for a Bamboo. You can buy it straight from their website. Should be free shipping.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:48 No.63771472
    What difference would it make?
    Also wouldn't it make more sense to start on and get used to a tablet?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:52 No.63771650
         File: 1333594358.jpg-(324 KB, 827x1260, fatecover.jpg)
    324 KB
    F/UC with Fate/Zero characters
    Gilgamesh in Archer place
    Diarmuid in Lancer place
    Iskander as Rin place
    Saber still Saber place
    and Zero Caster in the background
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:52 No.63771655
    You learn better on paper. With a tablet and paint tool, you get easy modo ctrl+z, erasers etc, not to mention you have to get used to drawing on a tablet in the first place, and it just results in bad habits or a reliance on technology. Trust me, if you want to get anywhere, do it with pencil and paper.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:53 No.63771705

    I'd be okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:54 No.63771724
    Techniques transfer from analog to digital better than vice versa. Also, it's best to be so comfortable with both that there's virtually not transitioning between them.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:58 No.63771936
         File: 1333594711.jpg-(266 KB, 396x800, 1279113809812.jpg)
    266 KB
    Requesting Rihoko and Junichi from Amagami as Mr and Mrs Smith.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)22:59 No.63771973
    I understand what you're saying, but I only plan to draw on my computer, and have no desire to draw pen and paper or any intentions to do so.
    Also I would probably just draw things like
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:02 No.63772126
    Why would you bother? /a/ drawfag threads are infested with reddit-level faggots these days.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:04 No.63772206
         File: 1333595042.jpg-(358 KB, 1393x800, requestan.jpg)
    358 KB
    Requesting IS girls in FSN girls clothing
    Laura - Ilya
    Cecilia -Luvia
    Houki - Sakura
    Rin - Rin
    Charl - Saber

    I don't mind whether it is group or solo
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:04 No.63772221
    I wasn't planning on drawing for requests. I thought these threads were drawfags drawing and circlejerking.
    I didn't realize it was just people requesting for their waifu to be drawn for 500 posts.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:04 No.63772226
         File: 1333595070.png-(1.3 MB, 1280x720, BBCSTsubakiStoryIllustration05.png)
    1.3 MB
    Tsubaki's birthday has pasted but who cares, Jin's birthday is Valentine's Day so requesting Tsubaki nervously handing Jin Valentine chocolate and in the same token since Tsubaki's birthday is White Day, requesting Jin giving her white lingerie.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:04 No.63772229
    Suit yourself then.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:06 No.63772287

    It isn't, it is drawfags drawing and circlejerking. The waifu drawthreads are the only ones where waifus are posted for 500 posts.
    >> Archer !B3JfhFATE. 04/04/12(Wed)23:06 No.63772292
         File: 1333595171.jpg-(1.28 MB, 2784x1948, storm riders.jpg)
    1.28 MB
    Requesting a Rider class race:

    Medusa riding Bellerophon in the lead with Iskandar on Gordius Wheel riding close behind. Finally with Drake in last place on the Golden Hind firing off the cannons.

    Not necessary but if up for the challenge, Sakura hugging onto Medusa back. Waver holding onto Iskandar's waist in mid air and Shinji standing beside Drake on the Golden Hind. Or a shota Shinji on Drake's shoulders.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:07 No.63772354

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:08 No.63772401

    You only serve to prove my point. How would you even know half of them are waifu related at all? It's obvious that you don't.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:08 No.63772423
    You want /jp/ or something then. Their draw threads are pretty much 'rate my OC'.

    The general threads are pretty much what you see now - people endlessly requesting and waiting for a delivery. They've been pretty dead lately.

    The weekend threads are similar where you post your waifu and someone draws her, but many times worse as they are filled with screeching reddit/DA faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:09 No.63772480
         File: 1333595387.jpg-(264 KB, 803x508, request2.jpg)
    264 KB
    Requesting Charles zi Britannia in doing the pose in the lincoln pic
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:13 No.63772674
         File: 1333595618.jpg-(43 KB, 400x362, 1333075932487.jpg)
    43 KB
    I will NEVER draw OC.
    Right now, I just feel like drawing cute girls doing cute things.
    Like so.
    I don't plan on becoming one of those faggots who draw shitty pictures on deviantart while other pig disgusting whores tell them how amazing their work is.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:18 No.63772845
    >I don't plan on becoming one of those faggots who draw shitty pictures on deviantart while other pig disgusting whores tell them how amazing their work is.
    You shouldn't participate in the /a/ draw threads then. They are EXACTLY that. Damn shame too.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:21 No.63772989
         File: 1333596090.jpg-(124 KB, 600x558, 1332043714815.jpg)
    124 KB
    Yeah I probably won't.
    Unlike most drawfags, I can figure out if drawings are good or not on my own.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:23 No.63773079

    Why the fuck are you posting with an image every time you post? If you aren't delivering or requesting, don't post an image. Christ. Avatarfagging with BRS of all things.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:25 No.63773171
         File: 1333596335.png-(234 KB, 600x337, 1333221643870.png)
    234 KB
    Yuu mad?
    I'm leaving anyways.
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:26 No.63773198

    Very mad.
    >> sage Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:30 No.63773376
    The most pretentious post of the day. Congrats, fag.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:32 No.63773425
         File: 1333596721.jpg-(47 KB, 970x422, 1333436821414.jpg)
    47 KB
    requesting Sato (the guy) as Ed Norton and Sen as Tyler Durden holding a box of bento instead of soap (or make the movie poster Ben-To themed)

    from the anime Ben-To
    >> ­­­ 04/04/12(Wed)23:35 No.63773542
    /r/ Cirno doing a spittake that freezes in midair.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:38 No.63773667
         File: 1333597111.jpg-(143 KB, 1000x680, dealingwithgroundhogdayloops.jpg)
    143 KB
    Requesting Homura walking out of this room being greeted by 150 very tanned people, each of them wearing very ugly hype shorts, baseball caps, white gloves, and the girls wearing sports bras, the sign at the door saying "Endless Resets Club."
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:38 No.63773678
         File: 1333597136.jpg-(16 KB, 400x400, black rock shoota.jpg)
    16 KB
    sorry for look to shitty ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:40 No.63773749
         File: 1333597251.jpg-(30 KB, 874x344, okandh.jpg)
    30 KB
    requesting Homura with tea and Okabe with Dr. Pepper at a bar, lonely and dejected, kind of based on how >>63773667 is
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:41 No.63773774
         File: 1333597289.jpg-(177 KB, 1006x812, 24789562_p0.jpg)
    177 KB
    Requesting Ranka wearing Sazanka's clothes, and Sazanka wearing one of Ranka's outfits.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:43 No.63773848
         File: 1333597403.jpg-(498 KB, 1824x1348, Guilty Pleasure.jpg)
    498 KB
    Requesting Daryl in his skin tight pilot suit and Tsugumi in her skin tight suit highfiving or butt bumping or something sexy together.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:43 No.63773865

    This is cute in it's own sense. While it is not perfect, it's more than substantial enough for me and to satiate my tastes. Thank you very much anon. I'll be using this.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)23:49 No.63774067
         File: 1333597747.png-(1.05 MB, 1199x799, request1.png)
    1.05 MB
    Requesting a robotic version of loli rider, missing her left arm like in the second pic, as well as the left half of her face damaged, with the robotic bits showing, and have her left eye look dull, like it's nonfunctioning. Also have her carrying around her broken off arm, and keep her braids, glasses, and the seams from the girl on the left.

    as with the last few threads, I'll only bump this request once, around halfway through the thread, and then wait for the next one to bump again.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)00:07 No.63774872
         File: 1333598837.jpg-(147 KB, 850x637, sample-2bfe07bcdf52685d0581882(...).jpg)
    147 KB
    Requesting DFC loli Melona covering her chest with her "hands".
    >> Couchman !MLu0mhza3M 04/05/12(Thu)00:09 No.63774979
         File: 1333598992.jpg-(65 KB, 460x645, bg_mains.jpg)
    65 KB
    Requesting Kirito and Asuna from Sword Art Online doing the Bushin Soutenha pose from Tales of Vesperia. Kirito should be in Yuri's position, and Asuna in Flynn's.
    >> Couchman !MLu0mhza3M 04/05/12(Thu)00:10 No.63775008
         File: 1333599037.jpg-(41 KB, 1023x575, DualHi-Ougi.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)00:36 No.63775960
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)00:54 No.63776635
         File: 1333601648.jpg-(100 KB, 800x600, tea.jpg)
    100 KB
    Requesting the three of them having tea together please.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)01:09 No.63777241
         File: 1333602570.png-(216 KB, 800x896, miyukiheadphones.png)
    216 KB
    here's the headphones request...I'm not all the happy with the final result, I think I would have changed her facial expression if I did it again. I don't think she looks in-character atm.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)01:11 No.63777320
         File: 1333602665.png-(1.73 MB, 971x1106, Sanya_profile.png)
    1.73 MB
    Requesting Sanya wearing a flight jacket several sizes too big for her and being adorable.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)01:14 No.63777457
         File: 1333602869.jpg-(743 KB, 2268x1724, 246752374737.jpg)
    743 KB
    Requesting a Madoka version of the original Fright Night movie poster. 'Fright Night' replaced with 'Walpurgis Night', Kyubey cloud hovering menacingly over Madoka's house, and a silhouette of Madoka in the window.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)01:26 No.63777903
    What do you want to to see in these draw threads? more critic and less praise?
    >> a sort of colorfag 04/05/12(Thu)01:33 No.63778213
         File: 1333603990.jpg-(575 KB, 1920x1080, welliwasgonnabumpwiththisbutme(...).jpg)
    575 KB
    >that panty shot
    >those white long stockings
    Requester here, well, I like that facial expression! Makes me wonder what's she listening to...
    I'm gonna save this if you don't mind, 'cause I like it, but if you re-work on it then I can only thank you twice!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)01:42 No.63778581
         File: 1333604527.jpg-(949 KB, 620x842, a9d5deb40e0a136c146b28efd77087(...).jpg)
    949 KB
    Yuno and Inori with huge breasts, symmetrically docking.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)02:05 No.63779434
         File: 1333605903.jpg-(345 KB, 792x655, imagination.jpg)
    345 KB

    Draw something horrible happening to the King of Games.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)02:32 No.63780505
         File: 1333607538.jpg-(62 KB, 416x851, gerpdarerpa.jpg)
    62 KB
    >> not the OR 04/05/12(Thu)02:37 No.63780706
    but I find that cute! GJ!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)02:38 No.63780750
         File: 1333607936.jpg-(55 KB, 862x716, Sick_d_level_request.jpg)
    55 KB
    Requesting a MOE~ Kamado Ueshita (8th) from Mirrai Nikki and Doctor Bear from Eureka SeveN Having sex in the missionary position for the soul purpose of procreation. also they are holding hands and enjoying the act by smiling.

    I'm so fucked up.
    >> OR 04/05/12(Thu)02:40 No.63780809
    >> Hayate !!y0Eem2xxRI6 04/05/12(Thu)02:40 No.63780817
         File: 1333608049.jpg-(77 KB, 1280x720, 1332235701768.jpg)
    77 KB
    Gintoki in Hidenori's spot, Sa-chan in Lit Girl's spot.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)02:42 No.63780860
         File: 1333608130.jpg-(142 KB, 871x495, connery_bondpose_2.jpg)
    142 KB
    Please and thanks
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)02:48 No.63781054
         File: 1333608525.jpg-(97 KB, 516x387, gsg1.jpg)
    97 KB
    Requesting girl on left playing a harmonica enthusiastically, while girl on right, trying to play a violin, flinches away and winces.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)03:08 No.63781600
         File: 1333609724.jpg-(94 KB, 217x335, youngmeji (2).jpg)
    94 KB
    It's just me or we have a nice amount of request done recently?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)03:25 No.63782024
         File: 1333610706.png-(536 KB, 1000x721, e.png)
    536 KB
    Tried the fashion challenge from the previous thread (it 404d just before I could submit).
    >> Colorfag 04/05/12(Thu)03:34 No.63782237
         File: 1333611247.jpg-(146 KB, 860x1391, 1.jpg)
    146 KB
    Nagi(dressed in Kagura's clothes) attacking Hayate(dressed in Gin's clothes). Klaus(dressed as Shinpachi) and Maria(dressed as Otae) look on. Tama(all white/ruffled fur/red collar) is off to the side.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)04:01 No.63782938
         File: 1333612864.jpg-(357 KB, 825x540, Marika.jpg)
    357 KB
    Requesting Marika with "character development", wearing her school uniform or pirate outfit (but holding her hat). Someone last thread might have picked this up, but I'm not sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)04:07 No.63783093
         File: 1333613229.jpg-(266 KB, 700x1148, lolimelona.jpg)
    266 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)04:32 No.63783767
    Not OR but I was hoping for DFC regular Melon--HHNNGGHHHHHHH!!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)04:53 No.63784364
         File: 1333616013.jpg-(7 KB, 251x201, HNNNNGGGGGGHHH.jpg)
    7 KB
    My god, what have you done?

    you've just improved her character by 1000%
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)04:54 No.63784387
    >thread 555
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)04:57 No.63784457
    Loli Melona is canon.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)05:08 No.63784712
         File: 1333616882.jpg-(159 KB, 548x660, Miyuki.jpg)
    159 KB

    That is so cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)05:54 No.63785759
         File: 1333619670.jpg-(28 KB, 640x427, 3359925_640px.jpg)
    28 KB
    Mfw I can imagine her in tsundere mode
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)05:55 No.63785775
         File: 1333619702.jpg-(100 KB, 431x608, 5e062461d9aa57cbec64a8ccc9090c(...).jpg)
    100 KB
    These two girls on a bed half naked, looking sexy to the viwer. A "take your pick" picture
    >> ­Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)05:56 No.63785832
         File: 1333619815.jpg-(74 KB, 1032x774, 1317826242617.jpg)
    74 KB
    Don't mind me.
    I just want to say that i love you drawfags.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)06:09 No.63786149
    Chibi melona is canon, loli melona not
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)06:32 No.63786723
         File: 1333621969.gif-(2.72 MB, 320x180, 1332275606052.gif)
    2.72 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)07:14 No.63787600
         File: 1333624442.jpg-(99 KB, 545x473, 1318293620735.jpg)
    99 KB
    Tomoko from "it's not my fault..." dressed as yugi mutou.

    Bonus points if she's cheating somehow.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)07:23 No.63787755
    I'm sure she can canonically switch to anything in between.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)07:39 No.63788025
    yeah since she's a shape shifter she can change to whatever form she wants.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)07:47 No.63788203
    Wait that's a delivery?

    Not the guy who made the request but I like it!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)08:49 No.63789595
         File: 1333630140.jpg-(95 KB, 1280x720, 1319874415815.jpg)
    95 KB
    YES, loli make everything superior!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)08:50 No.63789640
         File: 1333630249.jpg-(216 KB, 1000x990, adolf.jpg)
    216 KB
    Requesting Laura from IS fist bumping with Retia Adolf or saluting her.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)09:00 No.63789852
         File: 1333630818.png-(844 KB, 622x958, Valentine_Overture.png)
    844 KB
    Requesting Valentine giving valentine chocolates.
    >> a sort of colorfag 04/05/12(Thu)09:00 No.63789865
    My blood sugar and pressure levels have gone up!

    It turned oujt great, Mags! Thanks for picking up my request and for the stream yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)09:53 No.63791135
         File: 1333634028.jpg-(268 KB, 936x1257, Jack the Loli.jpg)
    268 KB
    Requesting Jack the loli on a stripper pole or on the street corner prostituting works fine as well. Covered in bodily fluids with a sign detailing her services is great too.
    >> Daijuji Kurou 04/05/12(Thu)09:54 No.63791160
         File: 1333634086.jpg-(464 KB, 2000x1084, dant request.jpg)
    464 KB
    Requesting Professor and Rasiel from Dantalian no Shoka, dressed up as Master Therion and Etheldreda from Demonbane.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:03 No.63791351
         File: 1333634591.jpg-(365 KB, 800x1000, 3449f0f744e8c856a2f3e3874e7cfc(...).jpg)
    365 KB
    Requesting Saber extra, making the face in this picture, wearing a Gold and black strapon, ready to peg an unwilling tied up and resilient Gilgamesh, in a fancy Roman bedroom as regular Saber, watches the act in her casual clothes whilst eating popcorn.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:03 No.63791370
         File: 1333634629.png-(575 KB, 599x700, Gilgerspike.png)
    575 KB
    Avalon tampon Commercials.

    Funded by the Einzbern family.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:04 No.63791383
         File: 1333634664.jpg-(166 KB, 372x600, 1329505139030.jpg)
    166 KB
    Artist's depiction of the Crimson moons Fabulous humanoid form, complete with Rainbow eyes, Alt Nagel and his Knight arm, Real of the World.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:10 No.63791552
         File: 1333635053.gif-(1.6 MB, 640x480, nup55439.gif)
    1.6 MB
    How come you drawfags and requestfags never do/ask for something like this? It's way more awesome than a drawing, and for some manga where we might never get an anime it would be amazing.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:12 No.63791601
    If I asked for one would you make it?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:13 No.63791622
    Because there's no animators here, Holmes.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:13 No.63791628
         File: 1333635218.jpg-(58 KB, 224x762, YoungArc.jpg)
    58 KB
    Artists depiction of Altrouge, preferably a black Haired version of Loli Arcruied with a somewhat haughty posh hairstyle, riding on Primate Murder.

    Primate murders appearance would be something similar to a ghost wolf, with a ghostly steamy aura coming off it.

    It also has full red eyes.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:14 No.63791654
    Emi from KS being held in Lieutenant Dan's arms.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:14 No.63791656
    If I could and liked the idea, sure. Sadly my skills are very limited.

    How do you know that? It's been 555 threads, surely a couple must have passed by?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:16 No.63791683
         File: 1333635364.jpg-(276 KB, 823x1050, gilgamesh.jpg)
    276 KB

    Requesting the Whore of Babylon Nero with a collar on her neck getting ready to do her duty and service the King of Heroes Gilgamesh.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:16 No.63791684
         File: 1333635366.png-(1.71 MB, 1920x1080, Wallachia and SIOn TATARI.png)
    1.71 MB
    Wallachia as Pacman in a Melty blood themed maze, or Wallachia and Fate/Zero caster Working at MCDonalds and "Getting Along" with all the kids.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:17 No.63791713
         File: 1333635458.png-(724 KB, 768x864, WOLOLO.png)
    724 KB
    Iskander playing age of empires II.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:18 No.63791734
    What's the request:delivery ratio in drawfriend threads? 10:1?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:18 No.63791741
    >Doesn't know Gil as a submissive bitchboy.

    Unfathomable orgies were the Romans bread and butter you silly cretin.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:18 No.63791745
         File: 1333635535.jpg-(704 KB, 1600x900, battler.jpg)
    704 KB
    What was the point in mentioning it, not like my regular request with no animation gets done anyway?

    Requesting Battler blocking Touma's Imagine Breaker with endless 9 barrier while doing a Phoenix style finger point proclaiming a hand that dispels all magic couldn't possibly exist.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:19 No.63791769
    seconding this
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:20 No.63791773
    Have you gone completely autistic or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:21 No.63791791
    To think wider for something that might benefit everyone more, don't get me wrong.. I like the drawing but I have looked at these over 20 times and whenever someone sees them for the first time they are stunned.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:21 No.63791792
         File: 1333635673.png-(85 KB, 180x312, Zeljii.png)
    85 KB
    Zelretch riding through the Multiverse on a Jewel sword themed Surfboard passing various other Animu time travellers such as Homu Homu, sakuya, Dio Brando and Gilgamesh on his Golden Starfox Arwing.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:22 No.63791803
    Gil would never be submissive to the Whore of Babylon and you know it. She is a suiciding mongrel and a failure as a king.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:23 No.63791830
         File: 1333635794.png-(2.3 MB, 1920x1080, Dust of orisis.png)
    2.3 MB
    Dust of orisis Giving Shiki a belly dance thing, much to his Harem's dismay.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:24 No.63791858
    >Arturia's very legend descends from Nero
    >Nero has better assests
    >Is more fun less quiet and WILD
    >Implying these are not qualities the Gil likes.
    >Implying he has achoice in the matter as he is bound
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:24 No.63791865
    No one is going to do an animation here sadly, we barely have any requests done here at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:26 No.63791902
         File: 1333635967.jpg-(48 KB, 800x600, Gilgamesh13.jpg)
    48 KB
    Gilgamesh forced using EA to blow the autumn leaves of his lawn and dry his hair.

    Seriously, give that thing another handle and it's a leaf blower or hair dryer.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:29 No.63791981
    >Arturia's very legend descends from Nero
    She still suicided so still piss poor.

    >Nero has better assests
    So does a sow but that doesn't make it quality.

    >Is more fun less quiet and WILD
    Nero is like a party clown, fun for just that one situation.

    >Implying these are not qualities the Gil likes.
    Sure but that doesn't mean shit he would take it in the ass from an inferior mongrel.

    >Implying he has achoice in the matter as he is bound
    Before or after she groveled at his feet as the superior being?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)10:37 No.63792201
    Even though I am an animator, I wouldn't spend that time on /a/'s trivial requests. It takes a lot of work.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)11:14 No.63793198
         File: 1333638884.png-(1.64 MB, 2000x1708, Satsjinki DAA.png)
    1.64 MB
    A Dead Apostle version of Satsujinki please.

    He wields a Short Scythe/Nanatsu-Yoru Combo, where the knife acts as a detachable handle for the scythe.

    His skeletal half wields the scythe, whereas his human half wields the knife, and he also keeps a longer pole with him which he uses to extend the scythes length, and a spare sickle blade which is used in combination with the extension of the pole to make a double edged scythe.

    He has black bandages, and half of his body resembles the skeleton in picture, whilst the other looks more human in appearance.

    His clothing Consists of the same stuff regular Satsujinki would wear but instead of the small jacket he wears a black hoodie or coat with the hood up.

    You can choose whether his skeletal half looks Emaciated, or Is actually skeletal, bordering over his skin which looks normal.

    His humane half retains the same MEODP as normal but the skeletal side shows signs of Boderline Rainbow Mystic eyes level, due to having mixed with the mystic eyes of enchantment as a vampire and the fact that Shiki no longer has his brains processing capacity to hinder him when using the MEODP.
    >> a sort of colorfag 04/05/12(Thu)11:39 No.63793974
         File: 1333640358.gif-(324 KB, 400x300, UNTZUNTZUNTZUNTZ.gif)
    324 KB
    There's been a some gifs posted on these threads, I can only remember this one done by nanoha, and another one of guy pulling QB out of a hat.
    Then there's this gif of hobo hei and batman in a nightclub...

    Also obligatory with this gif
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)12:25 No.63795397
    That song was the first thing I thought of when I saw that gif.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)12:28 No.63795498
    Most of the drawfags can't even into proportionate characters in a simple front view, don't even get me started on anatomy.

    You're asking for that, times a few hundred frames and various angles?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)12:29 No.63795556
    God damn it type-fags, keep your power levels and waifus in the million threads created daily.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)12:43 No.63796005
    Who are those characters in the gif.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:01 No.63796646
         File: 1333645276.png-(6 KB, 400x400, 1307257387232.png)
    6 KB
    ...You can't be serious.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:05 No.63796793
    Yes I am faggot now tell me.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:09 No.63796940
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:12 No.63797047
    I don't know the name of the characters nor the anime or whatever they are.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:22 No.63797368
    sora no otoshimono

    I know not everyone keeps track of all the anime so it kind of saddens me that most people are unwilling to help when they know the answer. It's akin to asking a stranger for directions and being told go look at a map.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:23 No.63797396
    Google reverse image dummy.
    Its boku no otoshimono
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:25 No.63797462
    >a stranger asking for directions
    But you're not a stranger if you're here all the time.
    And if you're new, then go back to gaia.

    There are some anime that are common as fuck and that most people know regardless of whether they watch it or not, this is one of them.

    Stop spoonfeeding, faggot,
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:33 No.63797760
    Obviously he was the stranger because he didn't know the anime and what is wrong with welcoming new comers?

    If that anime was common why didn't he know it?

    If I was spoon feeding I would of told him all the information he asked for, but I just told him the name of the series.

    Why are you being a jerk? Why did someone refuse to give you sauce once and are still butthurt about it?

    Maybe you are the reason why people think people who watch anime are socially inept and are to be avoided.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:36 No.63797892
    >welcoming new comers
    Stop reading right there.
    Go back to >>>/gaia/ if you want a warm welcome for a new faggot who can't use a Google or any reverse image search
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:38 No.63797938

    not him, but has it occured to you he may not have any 4chan extensions
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:39 No.63797965

    >use iqdb
    >find out instantly


    >not having 4chan extensions
    >not using reverse image google search
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:43 No.63798089
    I remember back in the day if I didn't know an anime I would make elaborate threads to somehow come across the answer. Should have made a thread saying this show is awesome and people would have no idea.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:44 No.63798139
         File: 1333647857.jpg-(98 KB, 640x800, Mika Jougasaki.jpg)
    98 KB
    Requesting some Mika Jougasaki and Miki Hoshii yuri, something hot and steamy.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:48 No.63798299
         File: 1333648094.jpg-(494 KB, 2080x1200, PleinairRequest.jpg)
    494 KB
    Can I request a picture of Pleinair in the pose I Shinobu is in? If you need different outfits or more sources, let me know. Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:50 No.63798414
         File: 1333648224.png-(21 KB, 355x352, valentine.png)
    21 KB
    It's not the worst, but fuck, the character design on this thing is still pretty convoluted.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:53 No.63798552
         File: 1333648390.png-(21 KB, 342x337, valentine.png)
    21 KB
    Forgot to flip it for the balloon's eyes.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:54 No.63798620
         File: 1333648470.jpg-(56 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg)
    56 KB

    Keep on requesting, brave soldier.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)13:58 No.63798799
         File: 1333648680.jpg-(79 KB, 408x600, Valentine's_Story.jpg)
    79 KB
    Thank you drawbro, cute as can be.

    You got to admit it's a cute design even if it's convoluted.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)14:05 No.63799224
    I preferred ABA.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)14:07 No.63799333
         File: 1333649269.jpg-(93 KB, 500x711, 072ff5297ae664e1f2df6f5953b383(...).jpg)
    93 KB
    Requesting naked Pleinair lying on top of Same-san the shark while using Usagi-san the bunny to cover her crotch.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)14:09 No.63799403
    That's still some great taste.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)15:20 No.63802341
    don't mind me, just bumping around...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)15:52 No.63803555
    This sounds superb. I may give this a shot later on today. No guarentees though.
    >> a sort of colorfag 04/05/12(Thu)16:30 No.63805085
    Haha, nice job!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:30 No.63805106
         File: 1333657850.jpg-(392 KB, 823x1020, 7fd0b9c1d7303ccf6c783d53144f57(...).jpg)
    392 KB
    This, so much.

    Requesting Madoka and Homura as Commissar Ciaphas Cain and Jurgen respectively, ripping apart a monstrous Kyuubey with chainsword and bazooka.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:42 No.63805582
         File: 1333658559.jpg-(199 KB, 1750x1500, 1333491893627.jpg)
    199 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:00 No.63806391
         File: 1333659623.png-(171 KB, 421x479, sp-get.png)
    171 KB
    This is as bad as it can get for him.

    This style ain't so bad after all. Maybe I'll alternate between this and the binary style.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:03 No.63806530
         File: 1333659793.jpg-(69 KB, 1206x645, Nichijou_Yukko_Square_Feet_Foo(...).jpg)
    69 KB
    Somebody draw Yukko reading "Helvetica Standard" with her feet propped up on a table, and her feet are perfect square shapes.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:41 No.63808083
    Kanata from sora no woto singing this song:
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:47 No.63808331
    Requesting a guy's genderbended female self raping his male self, while his waifu watches in horror from behind a computer screen.

    damn fetishes...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:48 No.63808398
    Who is the waifu?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:50 No.63808493
         File: 1333662620.png-(389 KB, 1430x512, Template3.png)
    389 KB
    Requesting Akiha fucking Arc's ass.
    The consent of Arc is up to you, along with what she's being fucked with.
    Preferable position would be one where Akiha is holding Arc up by her legs.
    >> phantom drawfag 04/05/12(Thu)18:12 No.63809360
         File: 1333663929.jpg-(364 KB, 1024x921, pleinar.jpg)
    364 KB
    a bit different than what you requested
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:16 No.63809545
    >> a sort of colorfag 04/05/12(Thu)18:21 No.63809790
         File: 1333664502.jpg-(44 KB, 622x718, aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg)
    44 KB
    >that shark fin
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:38 No.63810606
    Not OR, but still an amazing picture of her. Thank you for doing the request, it's awesome!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:57 No.63811439
         File: 1333666675.jpg-(72 KB, 853x480, Hoo_Thu_Wuse_Woof.jpg)
    72 KB
    Holo as a Spice Witch.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:58 No.63811479
         File: 1333666721.jpg-(44 KB, 241x241, 1330662655378.jpg)
    44 KB
    Sorry hombre, looks like you ran out of luck...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:23 No.63812648
         File: 1333668233.jpg-(90 KB, 365x517, 1254167086723.jpg)
    90 KB
    Konata Izumi as a guest-star on "Game Center-CX"

    She kicks Arino's ass
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:12 No.63814689
         File: 1333671178.jpg-(263 KB, 1200x916, 1333091765783.jpg-1373873380..jpg)
    263 KB
    Leo being patted on the head POV style while looking at the viewer with a cute and endearing expression.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:38 No.63815617
    Hey, can someone tell me how to get a tapered line in Sai?
    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:39 No.63815641
         File: 1333672742.png-(11 KB, 467x304, brushsamples.png)
    11 KB
    Goddamn it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:42 No.63815770
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:44 No.63815822
         File: 1333673045.png-(181 KB, 730x249, ishiggitydiglidywigglity.png)
    181 KB
    draw thee three characters from left to right.
    doing the same face.
    with capcha saying
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:45 No.63815863
    increase the stabilizer function?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:46 No.63815937
    OR here, I still like it, Same-san and the pose still do as intended. Love personal objects covering private areas.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:51 No.63816125
    Thanks, I googled that and it should be solving the problem, but I guess my tablet's sensitivity is just screwed up.
    Appreciate the help.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:00 No.63816435
    Actually, it just dawned on me, but I'd rather have it be something like having Kanata from Sora no Woto at the front of the group in described outfits carrying a silver trumpet, the people behind her just vague outlines.
    >> BB !WgtXWBwfAk 04/05/12(Thu)21:12 No.63816913
         File: 1333674770.jpg-(177 KB, 800x720, MarikaBoyishCut.jpg)
    177 KB
    Here is Marika with a dyke cut.
    That's not to say that she's a lesbian though! Nope!
    She's just very interested in being friends with cute girls! The whole anime is in no way a story about Marika constructing her own personal harem!
    >> BB !WgtXWBwfAk 04/05/12(Thu)21:17 No.63817071
         File: 1333675039.jpg-(111 KB, 800x720, MarikaHairTemplate.jpg)
    111 KB
    and here is a template for Marika.
    Now YOU can change Marika's hair to whatever wacky design you want!
    >> OR 04/05/12(Thu)21:19 No.63817140
    Thanks, that's actually pretty much how I imagined she would look.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:19 No.63817159
         File: 1333675175.png-(419 KB, 893x573, Bromoko_Bromoki.png)
    419 KB
    Tomoko wearing the attached clothes. Many ramen noodle-cups are tumbling out of her coat-pocket and she is saying "Oh no...not /a/gain..." with some sweat-drops coming out.
    >> BB !WgtXWBwfAk 04/05/12(Thu)21:39 No.63817956
         File: 1333676395.jpg-(168 KB, 800x720, MarikaFallout.jpg)
    168 KB
    Look! Now Marika is ready to rape and pillage all across the capital wasteland!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:43 No.63818095
    draw her as the 80s guy from futurama
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:58 No.63818675
    >here is a template
    >how every anime studio designs their characters
    >> bak∂gaijin26 !HERokAC78g 04/05/12(Thu)22:00 No.63818733
         File: 1333677600.png-(950 KB, 1253x704, hatsily edited drawfag request.png)
    950 KB
    Is pokémon drawfag still around? Requesting Konata/Glaceon battling Kagami/Espeon, or just hanging out.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:01 No.63818778
         File: 1333677673.jpg-(14 KB, 534x375, Osaka_Shirt.jpg)
    14 KB
    Osaka from Azu is going up an elevator/escalator and saying "Oh my Gah! Mah elevator/escalator is movin' on it's own!"

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