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    Your pal, —mootykins

    File: 1333579786.jpg-(130 KB, 1280x720, medakastripped.jpg)
    130 KB Medaka Box Ep. 1 Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:49 No.63762080  
    >Enter Student Council Room
    >See this

    Wat do, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:50 No.63762114
         File: 1333579835.jpg-(126 KB, 1280x720, medakapose.jpg)
    126 KB
    Medaka confirmed for Power Ranger
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:50 No.63762115
    subs when?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:51 No.63762129

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:51 No.63762150
    >Power Ranger
    Look at this fag.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:51 No.63762152
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:52 No.63762168
    stare at her midriff since I have a midriff fetish.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:52 No.63762169
    She used to be so lovable.
    Now she's back in the right track at least.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:52 No.63762181
         File: 1333579954.jpg-(119 KB, 1280x720, shiranuiahoge.jpg)
    119 KB

    Even with Emirin's Ryuushi voice
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:52 No.63762192
    Is that a bad photoshop of Rias from Highschool DxD?
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 04/04/12(Wed)18:52 No.63762194
    Who is doing it?

    Them glorious tits.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:53 No.63762218
    Apparently WhyNot. Someone mentioned it on their IRC channel.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:53 No.63762221
    >Who is doing it?

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:54 No.63762240
         File: 1333580072.jpg-(127 KB, 1280x720, medaka.jpg)
    127 KB
    >See Medaka
    >Expect Megumi Toyoguchi's Revy voice
    >Get Akizilla with a head cold

    I HAS A SAD...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:54 No.63762247
         File: 1333580081.png-(503 KB, 646x393, TheGinyuForceDBK02_.png)
    503 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:55 No.63762271
    She wears her tits like every fat girl I knew in highschool, knowing that is the only decent quality they had.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:56 No.63762309
    thats got to be a lie are they not dead?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:56 No.63762315
         File: 1333580195.jpg-(142 KB, 1280x720, zenOSHI-.jpg)
    142 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:57 No.63762350
    [X] Genuflect
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:57 No.63762367
    Don't be silly, anon. Remember they did Shana III.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:57 No.63762375
         File: 1333580279.jpg-(71 KB, 1280x720, medakaDATASS.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:59 No.63762416
    together with another dead group.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)18:59 No.63762425
         File: 1333580381.jpg-(123 KB, 1280x720, shiranuidesshou.jpg)
    123 KB
    Mai waifu
    Do not steal
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:00 No.63762439
    It's out?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:00 No.63762455
    I just love how her ahoge moves, it didn't look that nice in the manga.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:00 No.63762462
         File: 1333580444.png-(192 KB, 480x480, Picture of me 5.png)
    192 KB
    Wait WHAT. They made an anime out of this? Shit. Brb.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:00 No.63762467
    >not having her as your waifu when the mango begin

    nigga you late
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:01 No.63762471
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:01 No.63762490
         File: 1333580496.jpg-(95 KB, 1280x720, shiranuiLOL.jpg)
    95 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:02 No.63762516
    Why doesn't your ahoge appear in the mirror?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:02 No.63762527
    Any fansubs yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:02 No.63762539
    vampire ahoge obviously
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:02 No.63762540
    Where the fuck have you been?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:03 No.63762556
    Why does OPs situation and picture remind me so much of Highschool DxD?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:03 No.63762566
         File: 1333580611.jpg-(115 KB, 1280x720, medakapose4.jpg)
    115 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:03 No.63762568

    Because GAINAX
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:04 No.63762578
    I am both excited and terrified by what this might become...
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:04 No.63762598
    Because Meduka and Rias are pretty much the same character, except Meduka is pretty close to the ultimate Mary Sue.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:05 No.63762628
    So when does Medaka because Meguca?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:05 No.63762633
    >medaka box
    and medaka is exactly the reason why i stopped reading the manga and probably won't even bother to check this out
    >huge mary sue shifts between a bitch, slut and uguu kawaii moe mode
    >starts as normal school comedy, then turns into out of this world retarted with superpower bullshit
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:06 No.63762650
         File: 1333580781.jpg-(203 KB, 520x492, 1332547042071.jpg)
    203 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:06 No.63762662
         File: 1333580798.jpg-(120 KB, 1280x720, medakaexcited.jpg)
    120 KB
    To honest, I would have preferred Yoko Hikasa as Medaka.
    Aki just doesn't have that imperious Seito Kaichou voice needed for the role IMHO.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:07 No.63762679
         File: 1333580836.jpg-(12 KB, 184x184, b14c2bd537bdbb106d5ce851910ebb(...).jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:07 No.63762686
    I love flipping poses like this and fapping to the notion her anus is gonna get smashed by a cock

    Rinne no Lag also had official art with Lan looking down like this
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:07 No.63762697
         File: 1333580859.jpg-(14 KB, 300x300, 1311796593112.jpg)
    14 KB

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:07 No.63762701
    Submit my problem into her Medaka Box.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:08 No.63762720
         File: 1333580901.jpg-(177 KB, 1280x720, medakaglomp.jpg)
    177 KB
    >Medaka glomps Zenkichi in the ED credits

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:08 No.63762723
    Kill myself because she isn't Mitsuru.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:08 No.63762726
    >Shino as Medaka
    all those sex jokes
    my body would never be ready
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:09 No.63762755
         File: 1333580962.jpg-(6 KB, 251x238, Emerald Professor X.jpg)
    6 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:09 No.63762772
    It's such a great ass it continues up into her back.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:10 No.63762791
         File: 1333581024.jpg-(128 KB, 1280x720, medakapose3.jpg)
    128 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:10 No.63762801
         File: 1333581044.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 68 KB, 384x494, you-gonna-get-raped.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 68 KB
    hell yeah, but you're the rape victim
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:11 No.63762841
         File: 1333581112.jpg-(91 KB, 1280x720, medakaearth.jpg)
    91 KB
    What's the over/under on FULL RETARD per episode?
    I'm guessing 3.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:13 No.63762885
         File: 1333581211.jpg-(814 KB, 1168x1599, tumblr_m1wasv562g1qaysjmo1_128(...).jpg)
    814 KB
    >Wat do, /a/?
    Make her sing Fuwa Fuwa Time with Gitah. In lingerie.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:13 No.63762887
         File: 1333581218.jpg-(165 KB, 1280x720, zenpoint.jpg)
    165 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:15 No.63762932
    Is this anime going to have a Gainax end?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:15 No.63762948
    I really fucking hope not.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:16 No.63762962
         File: 1333581378.jpg-(134 KB, 1280x720, hyuugafist.jpg)
    134 KB
    Is Medaka copying poses like this a running gag in the manga?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:16 No.63762982
    It was.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:16 No.63762986
    I hope so.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:16 No.63762988
    It was. It became the base of her power.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:17 No.63763003

    It actually has a lot to do with her power.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:17 No.63763009


    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:17 No.63763013
    It was until Nishi decided to shit the mango up, and somehow that shit became diamonds in the end. I don't know how he did it.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:17 No.63763015
         File: 1333581467.jpg-(114 KB, 1280x720, shiranuiwink.jpg)
    114 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:17 No.63763017
    It foreshadows something about her.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:18 No.63763020
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:18 No.63763041
         File: 1333581516.jpg-(55 KB, 272x251, 1311300453790.jpg)
    55 KB

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:18 No.63763050
    It went so full retard it did a whole revolution and just came back.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:19 No.63763061
         File: 1333581552.jpg-(23 KB, 500x284, 1327548357532.jpg)
    23 KB
    Is Medaka going to be cool again, you think?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:19 No.63763075
    that's pretty close my opinion of the manga
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:19 No.63763080
    I dunno I'm just a background character
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:19 No.63763087
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:20 No.63763099

    Besides that shit
    >> David Bowie !!fV9C00sP26b 04/04/12(Wed)19:20 No.63763107
    So, is it just me, or is the fightan parts subtly brought up in the OP?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:20 No.63763127

    Like Panty's hymen?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:20 No.63763131
         File: 1333581655.jpg-(126 KB, 1280x720, medakapose2.jpg)
    126 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:21 No.63763135
    When a character undergoes CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT they usually became nicer and softer.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:21 No.63763136
         File: 1333581661.jpg-(149 KB, 1200x1676, 25589596_big_p1.jpg)
    149 KB
    1) rape
    2) rape
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:21 No.63763137
         File: 1333581667.gif-(2.72 MB, 638x360, rias bra.gif)
    2.72 MB

    Ask Rias why she has blue hair
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:22 No.63763175
         File: 1333581737.png-(74 KB, 291x203, 12489198910.png)
    74 KB

    last time Nisi developed a main girl her personality got mangled
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:22 No.63763188
    In Medaka's case, this is good.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:22 No.63763190
    Just finished the manga

    That was a fucking awful ending
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:23 No.63763201
    made me reply
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:23 No.63763209
    >Just finished the manga
    Yeah, right.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:23 No.63763211
         File: 1333581823.png-(265 KB, 400x400, 1330248817351.png)
    265 KB

    >calling Medaka Mary Sue not God Mode Sue
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:24 No.63763227
    are you from the future?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:24 No.63763230
         File: 1333581860.jpg-(490 KB, 740x740, momoyo4.jpg)
    490 KB
    I introduce her to Momoyo and see what goes from there.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:24 No.63763234

    Ah, I've been waiting for there to be more porn of this.

    Most excellent.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:24 No.63763247
    Is that you John Titor?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:25 No.63763260

    Dude, Nisio has been pretending to end the manga ever since it started.

    At this point I don' think it will ever end until he actually decides to end it himself.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:25 No.63763273

    Momoyo vs Medaka would be the most erotic and destructive event ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:25 No.63763275

    hey wait a minute early Medaka was great by mangled I mean full fucking retard outta nowhere ala Bake
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:25 No.63763278
    The nature of Medaka's power in the later chapters of the manga is copying others' special moves, so this is foreshadowing.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:25 No.63763285
    Medaka is beyond broken. She'd just copy all of Momoyo's shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:26 No.63763311

    They dont have to fight.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:27 No.63763322
    Well, I guess I'll accept the position as general affairs manager and I think I'll also water her flowers. if you know what I mean
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:27 No.63763335
    She was so cute back then
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:27 No.63763344
         File: 1333582058.jpg-(375 KB, 1200x1676, 25589596_big_p6.jpg)
    375 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:28 No.63763361
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:28 No.63763373

    Naze stop it
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:28 No.63763391
         File: 1333582134.jpg-(256 KB, 990x1400, 001.jpg)
    256 KB
    well better now than never
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:28 No.63763392
    I have the same feelings as you, too, bro.

    Revy would have been perfect for Medaka ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:29 No.63763399
    >meets someone strong
    >doesn't fight
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:30 No.63763431
         File: 1333582211.jpg-(210 KB, 953x1400, 002.jpg)
    210 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:30 No.63763432

    Well as long as it ends in sex, I dont care.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:30 No.63763445
         File: 1333582244.jpg-(82 KB, 720x720, Haruka Tomatsu reaction face.jpg)
    82 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:31 No.63763457
         File: 1333582265.png-(701 KB, 1280x720, symbolism.png)
    701 KB
    Medaka used Supernova
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:31 No.63763462
    >small nipples

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:31 No.63763485
    Fair enough.
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:31 No.63763492
         File: 1333582313.jpg-(169 KB, 949x1400, 003.jpg)
    169 KB
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:32 No.63763512
         File: 1333582347.jpg-(292 KB, 967x1400, 004.jpg)
    292 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:32 No.63763533
         File: 1333582379.jpg-(3 KB, 127x124, 1310333173408.jpg)
    3 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:33 No.63763570
    >teaches her about men with his penis
    I think we all know how this ends.
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:34 No.63763578
         File: 1333582447.jpg-(364 KB, 965x1400, 005.jpg)
    364 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:34 No.63763597

    naze saves the day
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:34 No.63763608
         File: 1333582493.jpg-(339 KB, 967x1400, 006.jpg)
    339 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:35 No.63763612
    That entire doujin is so out of character it hurts.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:35 No.63763613
    I'm not sure. Something completely different may happen, though. We better keep reading.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:35 No.63763623

    >That expression.

    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:35 No.63763638
         File: 1333582536.jpg-(288 KB, 973x1400, 007.jpg)
    288 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:35 No.63763639
    So can we feel the Nisioisin vibe in this or not ?
    that's pretty much the only thing that interests me.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:35 No.63763651
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:36 No.63763655
    I've read enough doujins to stop caring.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:36 No.63763675
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:36 No.63763683
    Try to rape her, she will kill me, but whatever.
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:36 No.63763684
         File: 1333582619.jpg-(321 KB, 974x1400, 008.jpg)
    321 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:37 No.63763686
         File: 1333582621.gif-(1.57 MB, 300x200, 1310248963638.gif)
    1.57 MB


    Wait a minute.

    waiiiit a minute
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:38 No.63763732
         File: 1333582687.jpg-(351 KB, 969x1400, 009.jpg)
    351 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:38 No.63763742

    Indeed, the doujin where Medeka and the rest of the student council girls + some extras get turned into cum dumpsters by the blue haired loli is much better
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:38 No.63763746
         File: 1333582702.jpg-(351 KB, 1200x1645, 25589596_big_p31.jpg)
    351 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:38 No.63763756
    So how many episodes until Medaka goes bat-shit crazy with power?
    Or until Zenkichi gets his ass kicked
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:39 No.63763775
         File: 1333582747.jpg-(309 KB, 973x1400, 010.jpg)
    309 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:39 No.63763794
    i can't do it, this is too painful
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:39 No.63763799
         File: 1333582780.jpg-(42 KB, 300x300, 1283963156407.jpg)
    42 KB
    What the fuck is this shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:39 No.63763808
    >gentle sex
    God dammit. I've been on the internet for more then 45 minutes. I've long since been desensitized to anything but the most disgusting and perverted acts.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:40 No.63763813
    Oh god those arms practically scream as if they're reaching out for me ;_;
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:40 No.63763821
         File: 1333582811.jpg-(290 KB, 971x1400, 011.jpg)
    290 KB
    >> Chansu !!0s5cEYO9NLS 04/04/12(Wed)19:40 No.63763824
    Yea it's out of character, but the art is pretty nice. If C82 produces more Medaka doujins I'll look at getting one or two. I just had to get the Medaka Cute one though since there hasn't really been too many doujins made for her yet.
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:40 No.63763837
         File: 1333582842.jpg-(303 KB, 974x1400, 012.jpg)
    303 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:41 No.63763854
         File: 1333582873.jpg-(11 KB, 300x168, ginyu.jpg)
    11 KB
    >Power Ranger
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:41 No.63763859
    This doujin is sickening. What are they going to do next hold hands? Disgraceful.
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:41 No.63763863
         File: 1333582883.jpg-(299 KB, 967x1400, 013.jpg)
    299 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:41 No.63763864
    what about the one >>63763742 mentioned? I think it's called Royal Medaka Scramble or something
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:41 No.63763865
    Riroland should just draw one to explain what happens after the elections.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:41 No.63763875
         File: 1333582899.gif-(312 KB, 350x263, 1321835877382.gif)
    312 KB

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:41 No.63763882
    We really need a doujin where Medaka is smug as fuck while Zenkichi fucks her.

    Then she goes god mode and breaks his cock off
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:42 No.63763899
         File: 1333582933.jpg-(308 KB, 971x1400, 014.jpg)
    308 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:42 No.63763910
    >medaka being embarrassed over being naked
    I call evil doppelganger.
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:42 No.63763925
         File: 1333582975.jpg-(320 KB, 967x1400, 015.jpg)
    320 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:42 No.63763928

    Oh god my dick is ready.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:43 No.63763942

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:43 No.63763952
         File: 1333583010.gif-(195 KB, 800x600, snape dies.gif)
    195 KB
    Inform student that she should be changing in the gym's change rooms instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:44 No.63763970
    Only if she's berating him about how he's not pleasuring her enough.
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:44 No.63763973
         File: 1333583044.jpg-(320 KB, 970x1400, 016.jpg)
    320 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:44 No.63763977
    Come from /v/, perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:44 No.63763979
         File: 1333583051.jpg-(81 KB, 205x251, 1333306211897.jpg)
    81 KB
    Let's get this shit started

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:44 No.63763982
    Get back to /v/.
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:44 No.63764002
         File: 1333583081.jpg-(353 KB, 968x1400, 017.jpg)
    353 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:44 No.63764006
         File: 1333583085.jpg-(37 KB, 500x384, 1308140940872.jpg)
    37 KB
    i want a doujin with light femdom where medaka ties up an shy underclassman in an unused room of the school and titty fucks him
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:45 No.63764015
    how do you feel when you get to know that she has 7 husbands?
    your waifu has seven+more other guys on her plate
    SLUT and have fun while taking turns i say
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:45 No.63764022
    So what are the chances this ends with someone walking in on them?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:45 No.63764027
    But nothing is more deprived and disgusting than consensual intercourse
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:45 No.63764036
         File: 1333583132.jpg-(306 KB, 961x1400, 018.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:45 No.63764040
         File: 1333583140.png-(236 KB, 919x1300, [MedakaBox]-ch134_12.png)
    236 KB
    Zen ok with this
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:46 No.63764062
    Ginyu Force poses gif fucking where?
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:46 No.63764066
         File: 1333583165.jpg-(281 KB, 955x1400, 019.jpg)
    281 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:46 No.63764068
    only way this ends well is if Shoutchan starts charging people to watch
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:47 No.63764103
    Which will end with Zenkichi saying he's going to "Devil Spray" his cum into her womb.
    >> Chansu !!0s5cEYO9NLS 04/04/12(Wed)19:47 No.63764113
    I'm not real sure on that one. Best I can tell you is I'll keep a look out if anyone makes any new Medaka doujins around C82. Even with the anime airing I wouldn't expect too many to be made.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:47 No.63764121
    ur a faget :3
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:47 No.63764128
         File: 1333583270.jpg-(172 KB, 992x1400, 020.jpg)
    172 KB
    the end
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:48 No.63764142

    Feels fine.

    She hasnt even met 6 of them and the one she has was pretty much a father fighre to her.

    Also they are poteinal husbands. Nothing was ever committed.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:53 No.63764340

    And now we know why Kikaijima has a permenant blush.

    It all makes sense now.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:53 No.63764346
    I have not read this series, but I want to fuck her.
    Is this normal?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:54 No.63764383
    Is there an Ajimu doujin where she never shuts up?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:55 No.63764428
         File: 1333583732.jpg-(106 KB, 1280x720, even the voice.jpg)
    106 KB
    Fucking Gainax
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:56 No.63764471
    He was reincarnated. Now we have to wait for Kittan and the rest.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:58 No.63764534
         File: 1333583891.jpg-(91 KB, 575x714, cry shino.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)19:58 No.63764554

    >I just went up three cup sizes!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:02 No.63764688
         File: 1333584137.jpg-(122 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] Medaka Box - 01 (T(...).jpg)
    122 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:02 No.63764713

    I want an Ajimu doujin of her breaking the 4th wall by mentioning doujin cliches.

    >By this point, you'd be expecting my hips to be moving on their own
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:04 No.63764806

    I'm really impressed by how Aki's doing. Medaka sounds not only strong, but cute, which fits the character better than I think Toyoguchi or Sawashiro's typical "tough girl" voices would.


    As inconsistent and budgeted as this is, it DOES make for some excellent reaction shots, I must say.
    >> medaka cute Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:07 No.63764892
    I can't wait for that
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:08 No.63764916
         File: 1333584483.png-(207 KB, 828x1200, [NS-RH]_Medaka_Box_c001_p52.png)
    207 KB
    Gainax didin't really do these faces well.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:08 No.63764946

    I'd read it for fun and not for masturbation.

    Well, no. I'd read it for fun after reading it for masturbation.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:09 No.63764978
         File: 1333584593.jpg-(22 KB, 342x317, 7f6.jpg)
    22 KB

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:11 No.63765047
    I'm an anime only fag unless the source material is substantially better

    What's the verdict, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:11 No.63765053

    The manga's art is top-tier, it's to be expected, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:12 No.63765072

    Read the manga, you're never going to get the full experience from the anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:13 No.63765097
         File: 1333584780.jpg-(119 KB, 1280x720, medakaface.jpg)
    119 KB
    I know huh
    What the fuck is this
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:13 No.63765098
         File: 1333584781.gif-(2.4 MB, 320x180, takemoney_ranzah.gif)
    2.4 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:13 No.63765106
    Y-you too.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:14 No.63765137
    The anime is not going to catch up and the first arc of Medaka was rather bad. It only got better later.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:14 No.63765174
    >no color
    >no voices
    >no music
    >no movement
    >short chapters

    >full experience
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:14 No.63765180
    Have we gotten a confimed episode length yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:15 No.63765198
    Do we know how many episodes this has yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:15 No.63765218
    >Only a fraction of the story
    >full experience
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:16 No.63765254
    >no color

    This isn't really much of a loss.

    >no voices
    >no music

    Point, yeah.

    >no movement

    There's no movement in the anime either.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:17 No.63765275
    I think someone mentioned it was going to have 48, but I don't really have a reliable source.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:17 No.63765286

    No, and don't expect one.

    If the OP's anything to go by it'll only be one cour and end with the Enforcers arc.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:18 No.63765309
    No one to answer this, please ?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:18 No.63765313
    >Why do we even need to talk when this will just be a sex doushin?
    >Guess I'll tease you for 2 more sites so the readers get hard
    >On the next page the fat otakus expect a fullpage orgasm so they can get off as well
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:19 No.63765360

    It's -exactly- like the manga, so yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:22 No.63765443
    45 episodes
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:22 No.63765470

    Oh god why am I getting so hard
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:26 No.63765578

    >So is this the part where I'm supposed to comment that you are hitting my womb?
    >Im afriad my "Unattainable encounter" skill negates womb touching
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:26 No.63765611
    1. Anyone subbed this yet?
    2. Anyone else reminded of kawakami momoyo by the character design?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:27 No.63765647

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:29 No.63765723

    She's a lot like Momoyo, yeah. I think Momoyo predates her by a few months.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:32 No.63765806
    Ajimu doujins sound like the greatest thing ever.

    If only they existed, they would be my new fetish.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:33 No.63765860
    >Ajimu! I-I'm gonna..
    >"Nope, this is the end of this shitty little doujin"
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:33 No.63765862

    >Im afriad my "Unattainable encounter" skill negates womb touching

    I laughed then felt aroused.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:33 No.63765865
         File: 1333586011.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] Medaka Box - 01 (T(...).jpg)
    89 KB
    That face was totally unnecessary at the moment, but around the episode I think that they nail the faces more or less.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:33 No.63765877
    Technically, a couple of weeks after the majikoi trial was released the medaka oneshot was, so it may have been perfectly coincidental considering both the oneshot and the VN were in development for a real while.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:33 No.63765879

    Are you fucking serious.

    GAINAX added little stars in her eyes too. Why.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:33 No.63765881
    Thank you. i didn't read the manga, that's why I aked. Gonna take a look at afew chapters, maybe.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:34 No.63765901
         File: 1333586061.gif-(499 KB, 500x330, laughingmotorists.gif)
    499 KB

    >Ajimu ending the doujin before the climax

    Thank god I was wearing my corset, for I think my sides have split.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:34 No.63765924
    You really don't get to what medaka is about till the minus arc, which is like, 50 chapters.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:35 No.63765955
    I think that they want to save the Medaka angry faces to God Mode.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:36 No.63765987
         File: 1333586180.jpg-(108 KB, 297x432, babby.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:37 No.63766024
    >What a coincidence, the will of the universe dictates this is my first time too.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:37 No.63766040
    Why has no one made a Medaka box doujin where Medaka satisfies a bunch of virgins? I mean the plot basically screams for this to happen. And Medaka is so crazy about not failing there is no way she would turn something so easy down.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:38 No.63766074
    This is my fetish.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:39 No.63766114
    That's exactly why I started reading, and I'm still waiting
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:39 No.63766126
         File: 1333586373.jpg-(8 KB, 223x288, coming.jpg)
    8 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:40 No.63766164
    >She won't punch me
    >She won't yell "HENTAI"
    >I won't end up being chased by the girls
    Devil Style, baby!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:43 No.63766264

    >Her hips wont move on her own
    >I wont make her ass-pussy come
    >she wont feel it in her stomach

    I can see the doujins and they are Devil Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:43 No.63766269
         File: 1333586591.png-(85 KB, 728x307, medaka anime.png)
    85 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:43 No.63766298
    There is. She blows a bunch of no-face students but saves vanilla intercourse in the missionary position for Zenkichi.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:48 No.63766471
    Man, I wonder if there's someone obnoxious enough to voice him, maybe the typical generic-eroge-bro-VA could do the job.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:48 No.63766476
         File: 1333586919.png-(202 KB, 820x1200, MedakaBox-ch117-11.png)
    202 KB
    >Enter Student Council Room
    >See this

    Wat do
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:49 No.63766506
         File: 1333586966.jpg-(36 KB, 262x489, 1309282094802.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:49 No.63766513
         File: 1333586972.png-(108 KB, 414x413, devil smooth.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:49 No.63766517
    Gamer girl REALLY needs her glasses.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:49 No.63766521
    Declare war on my childhood friend
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:50 No.63766547

    Akune had better get to tapping Patch's ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:50 No.63766548

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:50 No.63766577
    >implying he hasn't already

    Where do you think he's been for the past ten chapters?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:51 No.63766579
    >Oh, sorry. Excuse me.
    Then I walk out and fap to it later.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:51 No.63766593
         File: 1333587083.png-(523 KB, 827x1200, MedakaBox-ch067-03.png)
    523 KB

    This is your reminder that Zen has seen Naze's tits, and you haven't.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:52 No.63766623
         File: 1333587120.png-(75 KB, 307x198, zenkichi1.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:52 No.63766667

    Oh god GAINAX better to a good job of animating his feet in the air.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:53 No.63766693

    Kujira really needs to have her bandages off more.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:53 No.63766698
    No Naze no care.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:54 No.63766727
    She looks too much like short haired Medaka with them. Bandages+sword gives me a boner.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:54 No.63766728
    I wonder if there's someone normal enough to voice Kumagawa. Someone REALLY fucking mundane and normal to drive home the fact that everything about him is a lie and that Lelouche really wouldn't fit him.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:54 No.63766745
    This story looks unworthy and pointless.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:55 No.63766764
    Absolutely, but that's what makes it so great.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:55 No.63766765
    So does your opinion, anything else?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:55 No.63766775
         File: 1333587319.png-(198 KB, 444x759, care now.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:55 No.63766790
         File: 1333587334.jpg-(143 KB, 319x500, naze.jpg)
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    >She looks too much like short haired Medaka with them


    And when she does her tongue lolling out look to troll Kumagawa, instaboner.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:56 No.63766825
    She'll have saggy tits when she grows up.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:56 No.63766829
    How about Yuki Kaiji?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:56 No.63766830
         File: 1333587389.png-(223 KB, 825x1200, MedakaBox-ch093-02.png)
    223 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:57 No.63766858
         File: 1333587425.jpg-(32 KB, 221x278, 1311113795899.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:57 No.63766882
         File: 1333587447.png-(248 KB, 652x624, archersmirk.png)
    248 KB

    >Zens feet in the air again

    Every fucking time
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:58 No.63766913
    And right before that is where the anime neds to end, whcih leaves it a perfect 2 chapters/ep while rushing 3 of them with 3.
    I know they can do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:58 No.63766916

    Its fine, she'll just continue holding them up by crossing her arms.

    Having bigger tits than Medaka whilst being much shorter. She is delicious.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:58 No.63766930

    Fuck man they haven't done this shit in a while.

    I will enjoy seeing it again in the anime
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:58 No.63766934

    and actually tolerable
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:58 No.63766938

    Kumagawa has great tastes
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:58 No.63766939
    Did we ever learn what the deal with the dagger in her head was?

    And why Emukae holds the knifes backwards?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:59 No.63766965

    Medaka is olev aswell, pleb.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:59 No.63766970

    That's called Nisio.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:59 No.63766989
    She makes her brain suffer, also it looks cool.
    Emukae is crazy.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)20:59 No.63766992

    It's stylin', what else do you want?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:00 No.63767005
         File: 1333587620.jpg-(49 KB, 324x438, Emukae.jpg)
    49 KB

    New council means you can expect it soon in the manga again I bet.

    Hopefully with Emukae and Shiranui.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:01 No.63767067
    Those instances are probably based on puns, like Kumagawa's brackets.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:02 No.63767073

    Kaiji can't do the STAND ASIDE voice, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:02 No.63767103
    I read some spoilers but who was in Zen's new council again?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:02 No.63767108
         File: 1333587752.jpg-(10 KB, 344x331, 1282448733196.jpg)
    10 KB

    >implying I forgave her for the flowers

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:03 No.63767143
         File: 1333587805.png-(161 KB, 372x407, zenkichipanic.png)
    161 KB

    She wants to appear morbid as fuck so she puts the knife there.

    And Emukae is completely insane.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:03 No.63767156
    Shiranui, Munakata (swordbro), Emukae, Tsurubami (hipster-kun)
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:03 No.63767173

    Zen needed it to man up and stop being a pussy.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:04 No.63767194


    Fuck. I was hoping he'd fuck off for good after losing to Kumagawa.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:04 No.63767197
    Do not cry for him.

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:04 No.63767202
    Emukae, Bami, Munakata, Shiranui.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:04 No.63767204
         File: 1333587895.png-(69 KB, 188x243, swagtastic.png)
    69 KB
    Best council
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:04 No.63767205

    Weren't those spoilers fake? The chapter seems to focus on Tsurubami and the Seven Evil Fiancees.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:05 No.63767212


    Emukae, that assassin faggot, Shiranui and Hipster
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:05 No.63767217

    Why do people keep thinking Fukuyama only does Lelouch's voice? Holy misconceptions, batman
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:05 No.63767229
    I strip down to my bra and panties as well.

    Then I say: You've activated my trap card Kaiba!
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:05 No.63767237
         File: 1333587935.png-(197 KB, 432x828, relaxing.png)
    197 KB

    Those are unconfirmed spoilers. Raw images showed Hipster in a white uniform.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:05 No.63767239
    People like him, deal with it.
    He's also Zenkichi's only male friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:06 No.63767263


    Disappointed. Wish Kujira was there instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:06 No.63767288
    Wait, explain the Kumagawa-bracket pun.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:07 No.63767306

    >people like him

    They do? He wasnt anywhere in the fanpoll, was he?

    He is just a bit of a dick is all. And he doesnt have any interesting quirks. Nothing worse than a boring twat.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:07 No.63767333
    He was the second most popular male character.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:08 No.63767347
    He was 4th.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:09 No.63767395
         File: 1333588176.jpg-(283 KB, 1200x885, medakapoll.jpg)
    283 KB
    5th actually
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:09 No.63767404

    Fair enough then. Dont really see whats likeable about him but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:09 No.63767410
    Brackets are the Japanese equivalent of quotation marks since the use of quotation marks doesn't really exist in their grammar structure.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:10 No.63767429
    Killing Kumagawa to help Zenkichi gives him points in my book.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:10 No.63767445

    I liked him in the Flask Plan but he definately came across as a bit of a cunt during his fight with Kumagawa.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:11 No.63767454
    "To put into brackets" sounds like "to sound cool". Kumagawa drops the brackets when he's dropping the act.

    "All Fiction" sounds like "lying demon".
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:11 No.63767461
         File: 1333588269.jpg-(16 KB, 164x152, 1333484324959.jpg)
    16 KB
    What "spoilers" are you talking about and where do you get them
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:11 No.63767472
         File: 1333588287.jpg-(353 KB, 627x660, 1333550292668.jpg)
    353 KB

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:11 No.63767473

    Except Zen didnt want that at all and he nearly killed Kikaijima aswell.

    Again, just a twat.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:12 No.63767516

    Places. Here:




    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:12 No.63767524

    Aye, that fight really didnt paint him in a good light.

    Especially targeting Kikaijima then throwing a huge hissy fit after Kumagawa got back up with All Fiction.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:13 No.63767528
    To put brackets on (something) means to act cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:13 No.63767530
    >he nearly killed Kikaijima aswell
    He knows how to kill a person, he obviously wasn't going to kill her. And he was trying to be a good friend and basically was ready to spend the rest of his life in prison for that. Which makes him a bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:13 No.63767531

    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:13 No.63767540
    Medaka gets character development.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:13 No.63767562
    Rather, "All Fiction" reads as "lying demon"
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:13 No.63767570

    This is coming from an earlier thread by the way, it doesn't originate with me.





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