Daily Japanese Thread.http://pastebin.com/KaWcfU4Khttp://www.memrise.com/set/10011719/daily-japanese-2/#l/a/nguage on irc.rizon.netPrevious Thread:http://archive.foolz.us/a/thread/63615988/http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/nounparticleshttp://kanjidamage.com/japanese_symbols/366http://jisho.org/kanji/details/雑
I should probably start participating in these.I'm studying Japanese alongside Chinese which ive already done a year of, so Jap needs a catch up.Looking for more of the common words and phrases you may not find in textbook style lessons.colloquial every day speech and whatnot for when I head over there in a few years.
>>63664822>studying Japanese alongside ChineseThat's generally advised against. What are you heading over there for?
For Anki, which Kanji sets should I download?
>>63664822Honestly, you should focus on your Chinese first. You will be in for a world of confusion if you try to do both at once.
>>63664747Pretty sure you meant わす·れる, not わせ·れる.