03/21/12(Wed)18:57 No. 63093802 File: 1332370645.jpg -(114 KB, 459x650, 74128b36ba7f4bb50d1dab734e4ec7(...).jpg ) >>63092928 >thats what is encoded in their DNA Not
really, or people couldn't turn away from it when they want; serial
killers, tyrants, suicides, the average dude, only care about who they
decide to care about. Friends, lovers, family, even ourselves, nothing's
too sacred to be thrown away. What's encoded in our DNA are the
triggers for growing into what we are, and a lot of useless junk that's
built up over the eons. There's instincts there, but humans above all
other creatures are flexible in their life plan; flexibility being the
entire advantage of intelligence. You can decide to have a
purpose, someone else can decide you have a purpose, but trace yourself
far enough back, through the ancestors that shaped both you and society,
and down the chain of evolution and you'll find there was no purpose at
the beginning; the whole long chain that ended in you happened for no
apparent reason at all. The purpose you give yourself, that others can
give you, has no more weight than you give it. This will be a
distinct difference, because a robot won't have to look billions of
years into the past to find its origin; its origin is RoboCorp, and it's
a Walmart greeter. Facts. A human is an accident, but a robot is a
tool, and purpose is something that only things like tools have; a rock
exists for no reason, a hammer is created by something with a will, for a
purpose. >>63092927 Origin is important in discerning whether something can have a purpose or not.