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  • File: 1331204199.jpg-(33 KB, 602x338, 1303138330483.jpg)
    33 KB Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)05:56 No.62480984  
    Everybody, unplug your animes. The solar storm is supposed to hit the earth during this morning.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 03/08/12(Thu)05:57 No.62481004
    id be able to see it too but its fucking overcast
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)05:57 No.62481016
    Oh, thanks for remembering me. I don't want my 2d to be toasted.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)05:57 No.62481019
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)05:58 No.62481031
    Start explaining OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)05:58 No.62481039
    When can I turn the shit on again? Noon?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)05:59 No.62481046
    >unplug your animes.
    >Oh, thanks for remembering me

    Fuck, I know you guys are trying to warn me of something, but I have no clue what.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 03/08/12(Thu)06:00 No.62481070
    I thought the big one that requires us to store things in microwaves is coming at a later date. This one will apparently just affect some satellite single and what not so all those Twitterers can't tell the world thee are currently picking their nose over 3G.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:00 No.62481071
    Is it November yet?

    bothing will happen
    Mayas said it
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:00 No.62481075
    I don't go out so somebody please explain.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:00 No.62481080
    Guys, start checking a news site at least once per day.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:01 No.62481088
         File: 1331204485.gif-(1.01 MB, 358x202, 1330490965358.gif)
    1.01 MB
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 03/08/12(Thu)06:01 No.62481090
    >Not coating your animes with anti-emp coating
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:01 No.62481096
    Nothing will happen
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:02 No.62481116
    The world can't end before RoE3
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:02 No.62481122
    Awesome. Maybe it will free me of my backlog.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 03/08/12(Thu)06:03 No.62481129
    Just double checked. 2013 is apparently when the big one happens.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:03 No.62481134
    Polefag here.

    Shit will be hard and beautiful. I'll stay on /a/ anyway, fuck this machine.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:04 No.62481139
    So the power apparently will be turned off until Friday? Will it actually happen though?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:04 No.62481145
         File: 1331204664.png-(1.49 MB, 1366x768, Fuck you Kitamura.png)
    1.49 MB
    >mfw it's true
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:04 No.62481147
    Cool. I'm going for a walk soon.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:04 No.62481148
    So do I just shut down my computer, or do I need to actually unplug it, too?
    >> !!3n8yyKtTvbU 03/08/12(Thu)06:05 No.62481156
         File: 1331204702.jpg-(82 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Rinne no Lagrange - 0(...).jpg)
    82 KB
    But I'm currently on the night side of the planet. Will it still kill me?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:05 No.62481161
    It's alright, the Sun's harmful rays can't penetrate the concrete walls of my basement.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 03/08/12(Thu)06:05 No.62481169
    >Daily Mail
    Solar flairs coming over here and disrupting our power lines. Why isn't the Government not doing anything to combat this foreign menace?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:05 No.62481172
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:06 No.62481177
    >Daily Mail
    Really? That's the first place you checked?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:06 No.62481179
    My aluminum armor is ready.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:07 No.62481208
    I'll play AoM under the power of Rah to pay my homage to our Great Father.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:07 No.62481211
    It hit multiple hours ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:07 No.62481213
    But if it fucks up the planes and shit, wont the planes already up in the air come crashing down on us?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:08 No.62481226
    Shit source aside, it's still true.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 03/08/12(Thu)06:08 No.62481234
    We're already dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:08 No.62481237
    No, it exploded multiple ours ago.
    Shit's on its way to fuck with us.

    I'm just still online because I need to warn my friends on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:09 No.62481244
         File: 1331204952.jpg-(91 KB, 500x500, based mod.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:09 No.62481253
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:10 No.62481259
    When is it going to happen?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:10 No.62481260
    Just wrap your HD in tinfoil

    Or put them in microwave
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:10 No.62481266
    Jokes aside, what are the risk?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:10 No.62481267
    >No, it exploded multiple ours ago.
    That's sort of correct, though it exploded on Tuesday.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:10 No.62481271

    Nasa stream

    not sure if it's live? nope
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:10 No.62481275
    Just the power can go out for a while
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:11 No.62481277
    How do you kill that which has no life?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:11 No.62481279
    Mods can't even protect us from off topic.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:11 No.62481298
    My lights flickered a while ago.
    Was that it?
    Also I'm on the dark side of the earth right now.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:11 No.62481300
    >Believing in NASA streams and public info
    Yeah, men totally went to the moon.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:12 No.62481306
    The news says largest in 6 years. I'm gonna be honest I don't remember an apocalypse of crashing planes and mass blackouts back in '06
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:12 No.62481308
         File: 1331205127.jpg-(128 KB, 1050x990, 1330870482583.jpg)
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    Well, it was a good run guys.

    Atleast I got to watch K-ON movie before I die.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:12 No.62481310
    Now people are going to start talking about how space radiation is killing them.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:12 No.62481314
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:12 No.62481322
    I DON'T WANT TO DIE, /a/ ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:13 No.62481327
    when did the subs come out.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:13 No.62481331
    But if you die, maybe you become 2D.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:13 No.62481334
    nothing bad will happen

    we might see some cool Aurora Borealis in random parts,
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:13 No.62481339
    Now that you all mention it. My HD TV I use for a monitor got all fucking weird around midnight.

    All I had to do was unplugged it and plug it back in and it's working fine now. My PC and everything else didn't react.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:14 No.62481343
         File: 1331205240.jpg-(157 KB, 1440x1080, 'Ballet Méchanique' [v2].mkv_(...).jpg)
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    What other proof do you need, yuropeen?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:14 No.62481352
         File: 1331205278.png-(260 KB, 600x450, 1303503072259.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:15 No.62481367
    You become proteins and salts and organic shit that can only be seen through microscopes.

    Yes, you become 2d.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:15 No.62481372
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:15 No.62481373

    Also, my hands smell like lemons. I haven't eaten any lemons in months.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:16 No.62481384
         File: 1331205384.jpg-(289 KB, 1149x529, 4chan.jpg)
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    > will happen in few hours
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:17 No.62481403
    Nothing's gonna happen, faggots.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 03/08/12(Thu)06:17 No.62481407
         File: 1331205461.jpg-(19 KB, 300x100, protectionbanner.jpg)
    19 KB
    Protection by Saya more like.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:17 No.62481408
    Why is it so hard to ask interesting questions to a astronaut or even a football players.

    Like yeah we do our job blah blah.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:18 No.62481428
    I'm going to keep my computer on all day and wait for nothing to happen, I'm a daredevil like that.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 03/08/12(Thu)06:19 No.62481441
    The solar flairs won't blind you y'know.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:19 No.62481442
    You're so radical.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:20 No.62481455
    I have Gundam SEED and Aoi Hana on my backlog. I'll be okay.
    Gundam SEED looks kinda shitty, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:20 No.62481462
    Enjoy losing all of your animes when sun radiation melts your hard drive.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:21 No.62481478
    I love you /a/, Hope nothing really happens.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:21 No.62481480
    Maybe aliens will come.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:22 No.62481499
    Nothing better happen, I honestly wouldn't know what to do with myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:22 No.62481503
    I hope it destroys 4chan's servers.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:23 No.62481506
         File: 1331205787.jpg-(17 KB, 500x500, 1327786602001.jpg)
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    My HD is safe, I life in the basement, I cannot even receive phone wave.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:24 No.62481526
    Even if they do, you'll never have a cute alien girlfriend ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:24 No.62481527
    I think this is a good enough reason to leave the house for the first time in months.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:27 No.62481587
    So will there be northern lights across all the north hemisphere?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:27 No.62481592
    >people thinking the waves are the problem
    Do you guys know that your machines are plugged to the electric grid?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:28 No.62481611
    So what?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:29 No.62481616
         File: 1331206144.png-(52 KB, 355x324, 1323408543795.png)
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    >2012-03-08 03:18 UTC Solar Radiation Storm Continues, Geomagnetic Storming Expected
    >The coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with the R3 (Strong) Radio Blackout event from 0024 UTC March 7 (7:24 p.m. EST March 6) is forecast to pass ACE early morning UTC on March 8 (start of day EST March 8). Geomagnetic storm periods reaching the G3 (Strong) level are likely as a result. Additionally, the Solar Radiation Storm levels remain above the S3 (Strong) threshold at this time. Region 1429 remains potent and subsequent activity is certainly possible. Updates here as conditions warrant.

    You know what you have to do to protect your waifu, /a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:29 No.62481629
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:30 No.62481648
    So we are going to have power outages today

    Fucking sugoi
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:30 No.62481649
    I hope something big happens. I'm so fucking tired of seeing the same shit everyday.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:31 No.62481659
    >this morning
    Morning is over already.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:32 No.62481671
    ITT:retards dont know x solar flares are bad just for communication devices
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:32 No.62481691
    No dude, it could set the world on fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:32 No.62481692
         File: 1331206378.jpg-(42 KB, 447x383, wakarimasen archer.jpg)
    42 KB
    I have a surge protector.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:33 No.62481698
    Not for the Western Hemisphere it ain't. It's just about to hit 0700 on the East Coast, which is the time the main effect of the storm is supposed to hit the planet.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:33 No.62481706
    It's going to hit 7am EST, time to unplug your shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:34 No.62481718
         File: 1331206460.jpg-(56 KB, 700x921, soldier3.jpg)
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    You ladies can take those tinfoil bonnets off now, because there's no way that my America would be threatened by something as ridiculous as solar flares. You can't shoot them, so that means that they don't exist! And if they did exist, they'd take one look at me and go back to France.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:34 No.62481721
    where is Kamina where you need him?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:34 No.62481731
    Not it can't reported again
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:35 No.62481741
    It's over. It was due to hit between 1AM and 5AM EST. If your electronics still work you survived. Grats.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:35 No.62481742
    Why is the Sun such a shitty star?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:35 No.62481749
         File: 1331206542.jpg-(101 KB, 1920x1080, wakarimasen.jpg)
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    >wakarimasen archer
    >not Gil archer
    What to do with these mongrels?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:35 No.62481751
    2012-03-08 11:32 UTC Geomagnetic Storm has Started, Solar Radiation Storm Continues

    The coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with the R3 (Strong) Radio Blackout event from 0024 UTC March 7 (7:24 p.m. EST March 6) arrived at ACE at 1045 UTC today (5:45 a.m. EST March 8). So far the orientation of the magnetic field has been opposite of what is needed to cause the strongest storming. As the event progresses, that field will continue to change. Based on overall strength, the predictions for periods reaching the G3 level look justified. Additionally, the Solar Radiation Storm levels remain above the S3 (Strong) threshold at this time, with values rising at the moment with the shock arrival. Region 1429 remains potent and subsequent activity is certainly possible. Updates here as conditions warrant.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:35 No.62481753
    if it's cloudy here does that mean nothing will happen to my stuff?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:36 No.62481768
    Woohoo, Earth is gonna burn up and humanity will be incinerated!
    Finally, we will be rid of these filthy normalfags!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:37 No.62481791
    You live on Earth too, you know.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:38 No.62481814
    You can't prove that he lives on earth.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:38 No.62481821
    Not much longer!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:39 No.62481833
    No, that's the initial part of the storm. It's not supposed to actually hit until 20+ minutes from now. The auroras won't even appear until over 17 (give or take) hours from now.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:39 No.62481839
    The clouds will fall from the sky and crush your house
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:40 No.62481853
    >Living in the Earth

    Ishygiddy diggidy woop.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:40 No.62481864
    Mercury must be suffering right now.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:40 No.62481870
    4chan's servers are going to burst in flames, folks.

    It's been a good run.

    See you space cowboys.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:40 No.62481875
         File: 1331206843.jpg-(33 KB, 320x403, These 4chunners...they're insa(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:40 No.62481876
    Coralians will rape the fuck out of your city.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 03/08/12(Thu)06:40 No.62481877
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:41 No.62481888
    Who cares about the shittiest sailor.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:42 No.62481915
         File: 1331206972.jpg-(80 KB, 599x358, How about no.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:43 No.62481919
    Here you muppets.

    G3 isn't that high, its HIGH but nothing extensive.
    God now you give me fucking paranoia and I am thinking my headache is due to my brain being fried
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:43 No.62481924
    The shittiest one was Sailor Moon.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:43 No.62481925
    Fuck, do I need to cover my hardrives with aluminum foil or anything like that?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:43 No.62481934
    So the survivors will get awesome powers and shit right?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:44 No.62481940
    Turnoff your pc until the sun is down.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:44 No.62481943
    Yes, don't forget to put a hat on too.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:45 No.62481973
    I can already feel stronger.

    All this radiation on my genes sure show results fast.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:45 No.62481976
    ... if things were really bad putting a fucking aluminium foil would just make it worse you fuck tard.

    do you want to bake your harddrive?

    If its strong enough to damage your electronics badly then it going to be strong enough to make you seriously ill.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:46 No.62481991
         File: 1331207216.png-(211 KB, 500x500, 1330904882933.png)
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    what if we get superpowers

    and can summon our waifus?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:47 No.62481995
    We call that natural selection.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:47 No.62481998
    In fairness, the forecast does predict isolated G4 storms. Still nothing to worry about compared to some of the shit I'm sure we'll get over the course of the solar maximum.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:47 No.62482005
    Same. Finally I can hear the difference between 320CBR MP3 and FLAC clearly.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:48 No.62482019

    Geomagnetic storms as of now have risen to G1.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:48 No.62482025
    >summon Gil
    >every waifu belongs to him
    >everyones waifu thus belongs to me
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:48 No.62482026
    You have a headache too? What latitude do you live at, I'm around the 42°N.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:49 No.62482044
    Would staying in a concrete bunker help in anyway?
    >> Miyabro !!x+KHb1RucHz 03/08/12(Thu)06:49 No.62482051
    Geomagnetic storms makes me think of Red Alert Tiberium sun game.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:49 No.62482055
    Holy shit, I have a headache too!

    What does this mean?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:50 No.62482060
    And that mean?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:50 No.62482064
    Actually, that's because the solar radiation accelerates rotational velocidensity, so your 320 MP3's are now probably around 64kbps.
    >> Kannagi !Okuuukpos2 03/08/12(Thu)06:50 No.62482068

    Stop feeding my fears.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:50 No.62482071
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:50 No.62482072
    Your autism is boiling.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:50 No.62482075
    Me too.
    I think we're receiving our superpowers.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:50 No.62482077
    You have a head.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:51 No.62482086
         File: 1331207491.jpg-(287 KB, 760x901, 1303093311811.jpg)
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    Blowout soon, fellow /a/non.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:51 No.62482089
         File: 1331207499.jpg-(4 KB, 298x169, khg..jpg)
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    The time is now.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:51 No.62482090
    I'm feeling tingly. Am I batman now?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:52 No.62482095
    Lies! I've just converted flac to mp3 and listened to mp3 file a few seconds after conversion, it couldn't accelerate rotational velocidensity that badly.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:52 No.62482099
    My hyperweapon is tingling, damn you sun.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:52 No.62482101
    I seriously hope my power won't be something like turning into a bucket.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:52 No.62482102
    Fuck batman.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:53 No.62482111
         File: 1331207582.jpg-(130 KB, 640x718, rider is not amused by your id(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:53 No.62482121
    I have a slight fever and sore throat. What powers may I get?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:53 No.62482126
    ... The estimate Kp for today is extremely low.
    So today isn't going to something to worry about..
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:54 No.62482143
    Can I finally be MC?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:54 No.62482150
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:55 No.62482165
    You are already the MC of your own life.
    it will be cancelled early
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:55 No.62482174
         File: 1331207730.png-(47 KB, 180x240, Emiya_shirou.png)
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    The what?
    Explain further.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:55 No.62482180
    Will it turn me into the little girl?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:55 No.62482181
    Have look.

    9 and below is minor.

    We are well below 9Kp, so its we not going to suffer anything as long as we aren't spacemen floating towards the sun.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:56 No.62482190
    Fuck this, I want to be a little girl.

    Praise the sun.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:56 No.62482204
    Calling dibs on Haqua, enjoy you're shit waifus.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:57 No.62482209
         File: 1331207822.jpg-(579 KB, 800x800, 1326245735695.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:57 No.62482212
    guys i'm getting a headache aswell,
    CET+1 timezone here
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:57 No.62482218
         File: 1331207852.jpg-(6 KB, 308x163, dead..jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:58 No.62482231
    Oh boy, not again...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:58 No.62482232
    Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be moderate to high. M-class level activity is expected to continue and there continues to be a good chance for an additional major flare and/or proton producing event from Region 1429. In addition, the growth trend in 1430 suggests that it may also contribute to the M-flare activity during the next three days.

    Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is expected to be active initially on day 1 (08 March) but is expected to increase to major storm levels with a likelihood for isolated severe storm levels after the arrival of the CME from today's X5/full halo event. The arrival time is estimated to be sometime between 0600-1000Z. Minor to major storm levels are expected to continue partway (6-12 hours) into the second day (09 March), but a decline to predominantly active levels is expected for the remainder of the day. Predominantly unsettled levels are expected for the third day (10 March). The greater than 10 MeV proton event is expected to continue through the first day and is also likely to continue partway through the second day. The greater than 100 Mev proton event is expected to slowly decline over the next 24 hours.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:58 No.62482243
         File: 1331207928.gif-(925 KB, 256x256, 1331150164450.gif)
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    Short animation of the solar storm happening right now.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:58 No.62482249
         File: 1331207936.jpg-(161 KB, 300x600, Moby.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:59 No.62482259
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:59 No.62482261
    >people having headaches right now
    Mine's not a headache, just stuffy.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:00 No.62482273
    I'm terrified.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:00 No.62482281
    What the fuck are the Gundams for?

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