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  • File: 1330602655.jpg-(38 KB, 225x305, 10557[1].jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)06:50 No.62156545  
    So why does this piece of shit have to be so melodramatic

    I might actually enjoy it if cheesy music didn't start playing everytime the protagonist started freaking out about something

    I understand he's neurotic as fuck but that doesn't mean the show can't remain objective instead of indulging his bipolar shit
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)06:53 No.62156590
    >I understand he's neurotic as fuck but that doesn't mean the show can't remain objective

    Photos of your dick can be objective, fiction is should be dramatic. How the fuck can you even make objective show?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)06:54 No.62156624
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    >How the fuck can you even make objective show?
    Like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)06:54 No.62156635
    >objective show
    Watch some documentary about otaku and hikikomori then. There's lots of 'em.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)06:57 No.62156697
    It's not objective if you have a presenter and chose guests and topic. Objective show would be something like dropping camera in random location and transmitting everything it records, because even choosing best material is subjective.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)06:59 No.62156728
    I didn't say the entire show should be objective. I was saying that Satou's freakouts get old after awhile so they shouldn't cut to a close wide angle shot of his face and play some melodramatic music in the background while he has a spaz over why his video game wouldn't let him fuck some cunt

    Also calm down it's not a big deal if I don't like what you do
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)06:59 No.62156738
    But documentaries aren't objective
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:00 No.62156769
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:00 No.62156771
    i enjoyed the music very much and you are a faggot OP
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:01 No.62156780
    Everyone's just mad because you're a fuckwit improperly using big words to make your opinion seem more impressive.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:02 No.62156831
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    Fuck you OP and your bad taste.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:03 No.62156849
    >I didn't say the entire show should be objective

    But you did you retard.
    Also things getting old is subjective opinion.
    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:11 No.62157054
    Sure is mad in here

    The show is ridiculously melodramatic to the point of being unwatchable

    It has interesting subject matter that is failed by the show's treatment of it

    >big words

    You're an idiot if you think any of the words I've used in my posts in this thread are "big". Also name one word I've used improperly. You can't because I haven't.

    I liked the music too. But at times they used it unnecessarily, which cheapened it. You gotta learn how to read buddy.

    Hey friend, that's your perception. Learn some primary school reading comprehension.

    Here's me wanting to have a civilised discussion about a show and all the neckbearded manchildren in here want to do is get mad and fling shit because I don't like what they do.

    What did I expect really, it is /a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:13 No.62157122
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    I loved Welcome to the NHK and Its music just as much. You just have different taste OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:15 No.62157158
    You wouldn't sound like an idiot if you knew what objective mean. It's not /a/s fault you don't know what the fuck are you talking about. Nobody cares about your opinion, and calling people who know fucking English neckbeards makes you even bigger retard.
    Not to mention you have no taste.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:16 No.62157191
    >wanting to have a civilised discussion

    You're right, what the fuck were expecting? This is /a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:19 No.62157279
    My taste is clearly a lot better than the two samefags posting in this thread. :)

    And how could I not understand what objective means, when discussing opinions you fags bring it up every two seconds.

    >Nobody cares about your opinion
    I love this. "You disagree with the majority of the people who decided to stop and post in this thread (2 people) so nobody (all 7 billion of us) cares about your opinion."

    Did I mention how mad you are?

    >I'm proud of being an insufferable neckbeard

    The diplomatic approach in this post is rather refreshing

    It's nice to know some people accept that others have different opinions to them.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:19 No.62157282
    >Also name one word I've used improperly. You can't because I haven't.

    >Objective=making scenes I like, without music

    This is bullshit. Things you like=/=objective.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:21 No.62157343
    >And how could I not understand what objective means, when discussing opinions you fags bring it up every two seconds.
    By using the world with no connection to it's actual meaning.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:22 No.62157367
    Also, of course I'm mad. I'm always mad when someone can't use basic fucking English on American imegeboard.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:24 No.62157394
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    >I'm proud of being an insufferable neckbeard

    That's not what I was trying to say at all. God damn.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:25 No.62157424
    Objective means showing the action without influencing it or changing the audience's perception of it. Seeing as this is fiction and they write the entire thing it's pretty hard for them not to influence what happens. And it would be boring as fuck if they showed everything from an objective point of view constantly. But in the case of Satou's many overreactions they could've made an exception instead of playing them up.

    That's alright, I knew what objective meant before I started browsing 4chan.

    P fofmy trsodr yjsy O esm'y kshgkf clfiyiog English p, 'gkldkdkd tjghj lgngk fhd gv geel kdak.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:25 No.62157435
    I really, really wish people would stop abusing Hourou Musukou reaction images. Especially THAT FUCKING GUY.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:26 No.62157452
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:27 No.62157467
    You always influence audience's perception by choosing what you are showing, in which order, what shoots do you use etc. Fiction is never objective. Statistical reports are objective.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:28 No.62157500
    Well how about more objective then. Seeing as you love to nitpick others' arguments instead of forming your own.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:28 No.62157516
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    --Of all the trivial complaints in the world!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:29 No.62157519
    Even those are subjective, because you have to choose which statistics are significant enough to report.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:29 No.62157530
    Well, you're either part of the solution (having reasonable discussions) or you're part of the problem (justifying others' childish tantrums). Guess which one you are.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:32 No.62157600
    You are not more objective if you choose not to play music. What you mean't was more naturalistic/realistic/less dramatic, but you can't admit you've used one word wrong way and have to pretend you are some genius on looser forum like some retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:36 No.62157704
    >You are not more objective if you choose not to play music.
    Uh, of course you are. Why do you think the music's there? To generate emotion, to tell the audience how they should feel about what's happening. If you don't include it you're not altering the tone of the scene and are allowing them to form their own opinion on what's happening. But music isn't the only thing that affects the objectivity of a scene. As I said, the camera angle plays a part. But you decided to dumb down my argument so you had a strawman to argue against.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:37 No.62157725
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    hey OP go back to gaia they share your tastes
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:39 No.62157786
    >reported for using an emoticon
    Perhaps you should go back to SA where they share your view of freedom of speech.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:40 No.62157813
    You are starting to generate emotions the moment you make up fictional characters. Everything you are doing you do to generate feelings about fictional scene. The only question is which fictional emotion do you wan't to generate and in what way. In both cases what you are showing is 100% subjective. If you shoot person in the head 10 times he won't be more dead than if you shot him one time.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:41 No.62157834
    Get the fuck out. It's an imegeboard for a reason And you had to use the worst emoticon there is.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:42 No.62157857
    We don't like newfags, kindly off yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:43 No.62157887
         File: 1330605828.png-(438 KB, 540x650, 1317086273541.png)
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    I apologize I didn't realize you were this new.
    Please lurk more.

    And don't worry about this god awful thread you have created. I'm an expert in fixing cancer threads.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:44 No.62157905

    Using dubs to derail a thread is pretty fucking cancer as well.
    Just let die.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:44 No.62157908
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:45 No.62157925
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:46 No.62157945

    I don't even understand what you're trying to say here.

    >You are starting to generate emotions the moment you make up fictional characters.
    Uh no not really until you make these characters do something meaningful to the audience they're just words on paper

    >Everything you are doing you do to generate feelings about fictional scene.
    Yeah alright and you can't manipulate the audience into feeling what you want them to about it or allow them to form their own opinions on it

    >The only question is which fictional emotion do you wan't to generate and in what way
    So manipulating the audience's feelings which is subjective right okay

    >In both cases what you are showing is 100% subjective
    There are different degrees of subjectivity, it's not binary

    >If you shoot person in the head 10 times he won't be more dead than if you shot him one time.
    I don't quite get what you're aiming for here


    Also nice dubs
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:46 No.62157962
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:47 No.62157978
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:48 No.62157989

    Some people didn't find it cheesy, you did.

    Face it, it's a matter of perspective.

    Perception is different among people depending on the environment and, in some(unrelated) cases, genetics.

    Not to mention the cheesiness you spoke of might have been the intention of the director to begin with. There a 'one-and-only' way for making anime.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:48 No.62157990
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:48 No.62157991
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:48 No.62158011
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:49 No.62158025
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:49 No.62158032
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:49 No.62158041
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:50 No.62158060
    I fucking hate people who misapply this word
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:50 No.62158063
    >Welcome to the NHK
    >intentionally cheesy
    Nope. It's not Spaceballs.

    Also thanks for the bump.

    Congrats. Only took 8 tries.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:51 No.62158075
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:51 No.62158085
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:51 No.62158089
    You're smug and stubborn as all hell, you fit right in.

    No, the best way to fix this thread is to leave it alone, you fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:52 No.62158096
    ...but I didn't misapply it. You just don't understand filmmaking.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:52 No.62158109
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:53 No.62158123
    >You're smug and stubborn as all hell, you fit right in.
    Aww, thanks. Do you really mean that?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:53 No.62158131
    At least we aren't mad enough to make a thread about it
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:53 No.62158133
    >dubs derailing a legitimate anime discussion thread of all things
    Wish you guys would do this in crap like smiley spouting rec threads, but then again you probably participate seriously in those as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:53 No.62158143
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