So yea I always thought that all anime is lame shit like naruto and yugioh, but recently (at 18 years old) my friend introduced me to death note and I loved, started watching other anime, right now watching durarara. The problem is that I watch at least 5 episodes every day and it is rather time-consuming even though I need to study, also I feel it is hurting my already not-so-good social life. Do you think I am becoming closer to the definition of otaku? How can I fight this?
>shit like naruto and yugioh>death notedifference?
Fap to lolis and watch Boku no Pico
oh by the way my interest in anime kind of lead to interest in japanese culture and japanese language to some extent, maybe I'm becoming a weaboo also?
Boku No Pico? meh, I like the more hardcore stuff. like pokemon
Definitely Ghost Slide and Bible Black dub
Why don't you fight these OP.
>Do you think I am becoming closer to the definition of otaku?You're posting on /a/, how many of us do you think consider ourselves otaku?
Fuck off.
It's already too late for you.
>>62086532No, not yet.
What do i do about my uncontrollable craving for dicks /a/?
By otaku I mean not the western definition of otaku, but the Japanese definition, which means antisocial weirdo nerds that doesn't like anything apart from anime, manga and video games.
teh fuck you guys, thought you would be coll about this shit
Nobody cares about the story of you're life, OP/a isn't you're otaku blog
Also, Bleach is supposed to be cool right?
well I was asking for advice, if you guys don't like it or don't feel like reading, why not just ignore? instead you come, read the whole thing and even comment
bleach is a fucking piece of shit
>>62086532>my friendNo, you are not an otaku. Get out.
>>620865321/10 made me reply.