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  • File: 1330432411.jpg-(176 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - (...).jpg)
    176 KB Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:33 No.62063024  
    Guess what just got released /a/

    I'm sure there are still a few people here that like SZS, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:33 No.62063032

    old and busted


    the new hotness
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:34 No.62063045
    I'm guessing it has something to do with SZS
    >> MmEw !!CaKf0K+f0Z9 02/28/12(Tue)07:34 No.62063056
         File: 1330432480.jpg-(5 KB, 250x156, kaga5.jpg)
    5 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:34 No.62063059
    Fucking love me some SZS.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:35 No.62063086
         File: 1330432549.jpg-(389 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:36 No.62063091
         File: 1330432562.png-(55 KB, 800x600, shot_1.png)
    55 KB
    If you don't like *ZS, then fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:36 No.62063108
    yeah but watching raw szs for the plot is like playing a video game for the spoon
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:37 No.62063120
    Yep, it's SZS all right.
    Downloadin' and waitin' for .ass
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:37 No.62063140
    >> MmEw !!CaKf0K+f0Z9 02/28/12(Tue)07:38 No.62063161
         File: 1330432706.jpg-(35 KB, 460x276, woah.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:39 No.62063188
         File: 1330432762.jpg-(276 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:39 No.62063201
    >for the spoon
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:41 No.62063247

    guess that's it then. too busy making pure fanservice
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:41 No.62063258
    So how long is it? Typical 25~ min or something longer? Any Chie?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:44 No.62063329
    26 minutes, animated in the same style as season 3

    No, doesn't look like it
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:44 No.62063345
    Oh boy, I sure can't wait for the three months before the subs are released.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:45 No.62063347
    And Madoka movies and Joshiraku, not that I mind either of those.
    >> Reri !!WF91viYvxCD 02/28/12(Tue)07:45 No.62063365
         File: 1330433145.png-(63 KB, 396x400, komori nice day.png)
    63 KB
    The best SZS girl is wishing you a nice day.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:45 No.62063369
    What is this, exactly?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:46 No.62063389
         File: 1330433215.jpg-(18 KB, 704x400, [volans] Zoku Sayonara Zetsubo(...).jpg)
    18 KB
    Extra episode that came with the box set for season 3 made for the end of the series
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:46 No.62063391
    Oh boy it's gonna be a long wait for the subs again!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:47 No.62063400
         File: 1330433238.gif-(437 KB, 500x275, doctor sad puppy dog eyes OH G(...).gif)
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    >Any Chie?
    >No, doesn't look like it
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:47 No.62063402
    You mean sluttiest?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:47 No.62063421
    That's not Matoi.

    ... God damn, I miss my SZS folder.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:48 No.62063431
    I wish I could be properly excited about this, but based on prior experience I know it will be shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:48 No.62063446
    I just wish someone subbed the final Kaizou OVA now that suimasen is on indefinite hiatus. It was shit alright but I hate it when anything is left hanging like that for a single episode or volume.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:48 No.62063448
    Let's get this started.

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:48 No.62063451
         File: 1330433336.jpg-(147 KB, 484x453, 1325170637586.jpg)
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    >> Char Aznable !!4mKO0F+Ii0J 02/28/12(Tue)07:49 No.62063454
    I liked Chie/Rin the most.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:49 No.62063459
         File: 1330433354.jpg-(224 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:49 No.62063462
    Ringo > Bure > Rumba
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:49 No.62063463
    Bure > Ringo > Rumba

    Bijin > Restaurant > Marionette
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:49 No.62063464
    I thought there were sluttier.
    Komori was a hug magnet.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:50 No.62063482
    Kiri is a miracle of the universe.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:51 No.62063517
         File: 1330433504.png-(23 KB, 160x160, MerryKurisumasu.png)
    23 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:52 No.62063542
         File: 1330433549.jpg-(307 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
    307 KB
    At least they finished it properly
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:52 No.62063545
    ...with my shitty internet connection I might have to wait for lower quality. Now that's despair.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:53 No.62063565
         File: 1330433609.png-(1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 1318045041982.png)
    1.84 MB
    Man, I wish I was on my other computer. The SZS folder here is pretty abysmal; just over 100 images. I have at least a few thousand saved on the other one.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:54 No.62063593
         File: 1330433668.png-(9 KB, 190x190, rumba-bure-ringo.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:54 No.62063603
    I'd agree with you had not recent chapters just hinted at some weird-ass plot about Abiru.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:55 No.62063611
    Now to wait for a month and a half for the subs.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:56 No.62063657
    I doubt anyone will even sub it

    not enough e-peen value

    from what I recall the 3rd season was finished off by some random anon
    >> Reri !!WF91viYvxCD 02/28/12(Tue)07:57 No.62063694
         File: 1330433876.jpg-(15 KB, 600x375, kiri.jpg)
    15 KB
    That's not nice Anonymous, even as a joke.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:58 No.62063704
         File: 1330433911.jpg-(249 KB, 1600x1200, - 33842 black dar(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:58 No.62063709
    thats because it was complete shit
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:58 No.62063710
    Why did I read that in her seductive voice.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)07:59 No.62063735
    gg did all of season 3. And they actually did a pretty damn good job as well. Say what you want about them, but they CAN sub properly, they just usually...don't.

    Season 2 had one sub group drop it after about 4 eps, then a random anon took over for 4-5 eps and the rest were done by a completely different group.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:00 No.62063746
    Well I do know someone who can translate it but the question is if he's willing to do it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:01 No.62063765
    Oh fuck yes
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:01 No.62063769
         File: 1330434082.jpg-(314 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Char Aznable !!4mKO0F+Ii0J 02/28/12(Tue)08:01 No.62063781
    I think KagiyamaHina did some of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:01 No.62063784
    What a normal episode
    >> Reri !!WF91viYvxCD 02/28/12(Tue)08:02 No.62063801
         File: 1330434169.jpg-(89 KB, 480x480, komori blush.jpg)
    89 KB
    You have good imagination and memory recall.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:02 No.62063802
         File: 1330434177.jpg-(86 KB, 500x344, 1325491173943.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:04 No.62063829
    Is this just one episode? Movie? How long is it?
    I could probably pull enough strings to get this subbed.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:04 No.62063832
    I'm gonna give it till March 15 to see if any group will sub this, if no one does it then I'll do it myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:04 No.62063849
    Mystery Train was awesome.
    I really don't get the hate for S3. It wasn't as great as S2, keeping far more to the manga, but there's nothing wrong with a straight adaptation of a fun series.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:05 No.62063868
    We'll need a toothbrush here.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:05 No.62063869
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:06 No.62063876
    >Mystery Train
    Best fucking episode.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:07 No.62063903
    I think we can all agree with that
    >> Anonymous of Good Deeds 02/28/12(Tue)08:07 No.62063906
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:07 No.62063923
         File: 1330434477.jpg-(317 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:08 No.62063931
    No arguments here. Mystery Train was the best episode.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:08 No.62063942
    That should be entirely feasible.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:09 No.62063954
         File: 1330434556.jpg-(226 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:09 No.62063962
    It's there?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:10 No.62063978
         File: 1330434619.jpg-(193 KB, 602x900, 67c8b88af345dfd1722bee93120be0(...).jpg)
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    You have my attention.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:12 No.62064032
    ... Damn.
    I know I shouldn't be drawn back into SZS via fanservice but damn.
    Abiru isn't even my favourite girl but something about her... fap.

    I need to make some SDT templates...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:13 No.62064063
         File: 1330434793.jpg-(231 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
    231 KB
    You gonna get tormented
    >> Char Aznable !!4mKO0F+Ii0J 02/28/12(Tue)08:13 No.62064082
    Mystery train was hilarious. But my favorite segment was the tooth without parents knowing.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:14 No.62064089
         File: 1330434855.jpg-(221 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:14 No.62064102
         File: 1330434888.jpg-(218 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:15 No.62064111
    How have none of us asked the most important question:
    Which OP did they use? I assume Ringo but perchance a remix?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:15 No.62064117
         File: 1330434921.jpg-(109 KB, 286x934, 498qu3jr9.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:15 No.62064123
         File: 1330434933.jpg-(228 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:17 No.62064160
    >There is no spoon
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:18 No.62064179
    It's regular ringo

    They already had an extended version in the 2nd OVA so I assume they didn't want to repeat that
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:18 No.62064197
    I love this series, pity how fucked up an inferiority complex the author has.
    He's bipolar, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:19 No.62064199
         File: 1330435140.jpg-(260 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:21 No.62064256

    Kumeta just seems like someone who takes joy in nothing but his work, his own worlds
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:21 No.62064260
         File: 1330435304.jpg-(15 KB, 640x360, everyone is so nice 1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:22 No.62064275
    If recent news is true he's apparently not planning on working with Shounen Jump for his next series and has been saying SS has been going on for too long now.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:22 No.62064278
         File: 1330435342.jpg-(15 KB, 640x360, everyone is so nice 2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:22 No.62064284
         File: 1330435370.jpg-(322 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:23 No.62064290
         File: 1330435388.jpg-(21 KB, 640x360, everyone is so nice 3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:23 No.62064300
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:24 No.62064335
    who was this guy meant to be? the editor of szs?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:25 No.62064346
    About Abiru...

    Abiru's other eye is usually covered by bandages but now when uncovered she sees Kafuka everywhere. She sees the Doctor later and asks who was the original donator, but he didn't know and wouldn't tell her even if he did.

    At the end of the chapter, an unfamiliar shadow approaches the school.

    It's slightly implied that either Kafuka or Sensei is actually dead and she got the eyes from them.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:26 No.62064363
    Kumeta's assistant.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:26 No.62064377
    Does anyone remember how much the anime adapts?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:27 No.62064393
    It's not a straight adaption chapter for chapter, they adapted random chapters
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:27 No.62064398
    2-3 manga chapters per episode. There's been ~38 episodes, plus 5 OVAs and now this.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:28 No.62064401
         File: 1330435684.png-(348 KB, 625x2703, 1315650199748.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:28 No.62064406
    So have Kafuka and Sensei been missing from previous chapters or what?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:28 No.62064413
    I see, thanks
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:28 No.62064418
    What the fucking fuck
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:30 No.62064463
    >SS has been going on for too long now.
    I love SZS, but it's been going for way too long.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:33 No.62064514
    If you like SZS you can get the officially translated manga for really cheap- the first 12 volumes for around $100. That's almost half the series so far, and it's a good translation as well with plenty of notes. Sorry to sound like a viral marketer, just letting everyone know.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:33 No.62064534
         File: 1330436028.png-(542 KB, 1920x1200, 1329139799464.png)
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    Now to post some words from the author:
    My life has been full of mistakes, and I'm sure it will continue to be filled with mistakes. People often point my mistakes out to me. Even if I acknowledge my mistake and apologize, I'm told that it's a mistake to acknowledge my mistake so easily. That's me, I can only make mistaken expressions of love. During junior high, when I liked a girl, I checked out her address, made hesitant phone calls (it seems that society calls them "creepy phone calls where the caller doesn't say anything") and drew a realistic portrait of her. Actually, it wasn't just her face that I drew. Since I was the kind of kid who'd draw nipples in Jump manga when the characters didn't have any nipples, I did at least that. I was a mistaken expression of love. I'm sorry. In the end, I didn't talk to her even once during the three years of school.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:34 No.62064550
    In it's defence, you can jump out of it for several volumes and get back in without missing anything.
    Well, until ow it seems.
    Abiru, what is going on?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:34 No.62064562
         File: 1330436090.jpg-(989 KB, 2100x2987, 1295787169667.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:34 No.62064566
    Joke's on you, I already have them.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:35 No.62064567
         File: 1330436101.jpg-(104 KB, 800x800, szs1.jpg)
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    When I was in elementary school, in addition to playing spy games, secretly following girls from our class was popular. You tail the girl home, making sure you aren't detected and always make sure to check out the surroundings. The next day, you'd announce your findings to the target, like "you've got a black dog, right?" or "your roof is red," etc. the girl would answer, "hey, how'd you know that?," which was so hilarious. one day, K-kun, N-kun, and I decided to follow Y-san, who was a popular girl in school. But Y-san had great instincts and found out what we were doing halfway through our game. To us guys, who were just clowning around, Y-san said, "enough already. What're you doing? and two days in a row, too?" K-kun and N-kun looked really puzzled. That's right. I'd tailed her by myself for two days. If it had happened today, I would have been arrested.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:35 No.62064576
    I really need to catch up with buyfagging this and Yotsuba. Shame Moyashimon couldn't get such a dedicated publisher.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:35 No.62064580
    I've actually been meaning to get my hands on those. I heard that they did a really great job on translating it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:35 No.62064581
         File: 1330436151.jpg-(217 KB, 800x800, szs2.jpg)
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    I was a gentle child; the kind who'd eat animal crackers from their tails. I even ate taiyaki, hato sable, and mushrooms from their tails. One day, my dad returned from a business trip to Romori and brought me back some badly shaped animal cookies; I couldn't tell which side was the head and which was the tail. Since I didn't know were the start, I ate 'em from their bellies. That night, I cried. I cried because I felt I did something cruel. I was a kid that loved bending the tabs on this petit pudding cups. Now, I've grown into a mean adult who eats Mickey Mouse cookies by their ears.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:36 No.62064601
         File: 1330436191.jpg-(68 KB, 600x488, what.jpg)
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    >>62064534 I was the kind of kid who'd draw nipples in Jump manga when the characters didn't have any nipples
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:36 No.62064608
         File: 1330436215.jpg-(188 KB, 674x536, szs3.jpg)
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    For eight hours, I couldn't remember names from various places, which made me irritated. The word "takumachine" kept getting in the way, so I couldn't remember a thing. I'm worth three gavas points and have less than 1mb of memory. It gets maxed out quickly.
    My human capacity is the same way. I'm petty, so I lose my temper when the smallest thing happens, I've never held anything heavier than a pen. I don't know a world bigger than my manuscript. I fret over insignificant things.
    But you know, because my capacity's small, I can be fulfilled with little things. Even getting a courteous smile that might mean nothing to you makes me spend the entire day in happiness.
    The kanji for capacity looks like four people ready to kill each other. If that's the case, it's better to be arguing over something trivial.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:36 No.62064609
    >Actually, it wasn't just her face that I drew. Since I was the kind of kid who'd draw nipples in Jump manga when the characters didn't have any nipples, I did at least that. I was a mistaken expression of love. I'm sorry.
    I fucking love Kumeta.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:37 No.62064620
    I'm still on Goku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
    But I guess the best part of the series is over by now
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:37 No.62064633
    >>62064581 the kind who'd eat animal crackers from their tails
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:38 No.62064654
         File: 1330436301.jpg-(683 KB, 1661x2237, szs4.jpg)
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    I envy hibernation. For the last several years, there hasn't been a day when I've slept deeply, or for a long stretch, even when I tried drinking milk before bed, I got sick in the middle of the night and ended up running to the toilet. When I sleep lightly, I'll hear the assistants' conversations from the next room, and they all sound like they're criticizing me. No, but of course, they ARE criticizing me. Like, "for an adult, he's shameful," or "he has no presence," or "I'm not learning anything being here." There are limits to making fun of somebody. The whole world is saying bad things about me. Salespeople at convenience stores, passengers on the bus, fans of Gintama - they're all speaking ill of me, and finally, I heard this. The plan to kill Kumeta. A perfect plan to dump my body in the car, roll the car into the lake and make it look like a suicide. I've got to kill before I get killed.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:38 No.62064671
         File: 1330436337.jpg-(13 KB, 366x443, szs6.jpg)
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    I hear the words "Good Old Days" a lot recently, but I have to say for me there really were never any good old days.
    When I debuted, I was embarrassed of my work from one year before that.
    Ten years ago, I was embarrassed of the work I made one week before that.
    Currently, I'm embarrassed at the same time that I actually draw it.
    I will probably always be embarrassed of every work I produce.
    I regret the future.
    I regret it in advance.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:39 No.62064673
    Some volumes are better than others. There are early teething problems but after the third or fourth they find their feet.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:39 No.62064683
    There are people that enjoy the social commentary aspect of it more than the focus on the girls. Obviously most of /a/ lost interest though as soon as it stopped having kiri-chie lesbian bath scenes.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:39 No.62064696
         File: 1330436389.jpg-(31 KB, 850x531, szs5.jpg)
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    After my series got animated, some people have said that I've been "acting really happy." In fact, I have. I know it's ludicrous, right? It might be ludicrous from the perspective of a manga artist whose first serialized work got animated and aired in the main networks. For me, it's like finally getting accepted into an anime university after 17 years of retaking the test.
    And still, I'm happy. I'd be happy even if it was a local anime university and I was going to night classes. However, this has given rise to a more dangerous scenario.
    My depression has become manic depression. My mood swings have gotten larger. They're flying all over the place! The length of the pendulum swinging between depression and mania has become larger, and I can't control myself. Back in the day, I would have contemplated suicide, but now I sometimes feel like flying!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:40 No.62064717
    If you're gonna do fanservice do it right or don't do it at all.
    Ironic though since SZS has tits with no nipples.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:40 No.62064727
         File: 1330436455.gif-(294 KB, 450x599, szs7.gif)
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    People say that nothing can be done once you've served out Heaven's will. They say you can't do anything about destiny. In that case, suicide is the lifetime of the soul. I've served out the will of my soul. It's my natural life. The soul hast it's own natural life.
    Put another way, people can't live without actively trying to. It takes effort to eat food and drink water, and that's how we live. Slacking off on these efforts leads us to die.
    I can see my Gappeldonger (it's me from my Doppelganger's perspective). Which will be stronger, the Gappeldonger or the Doppleganger?
    Which came from the future, the Gappeldonger or the Doppelganger? Is the Gappeldonger "acting happy?" What about the Doppelganger?
    My Baggeldonger has appeared.
    My Baggeldonger said to me, "Both of you are acting happy"
    "So are you"
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:41 No.62064748
         File: 1330436503.png-(204 KB, 1024x1024, szs8.png)
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    I was sitting staring at the blades of my fan when I remembered something. When I was a kid we had a fan at home called "Suzukaze"
    What would Suzukaze's child be named? This is all I can think of these days
    It's because I have this strong feeling I'll be asked to give a name.
    If it's a girl.......Suzuka?.....Suzuko?....Sujika? Hmmm, I guess definitely not Sujika. She'd get bullied
    But wait. Even if I'm asked to name the child, I have to think of a name that Suzukaze would have picked. Since Suzukaze is a girl with big dreams she might actually choose a cringe worthy name.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:42 No.62064779
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:43 No.62064792
    Oh, well I'm fine with that.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:44 No.62064812
         File: 1330436660.gif-(541 KB, 352x198, szs9.gif)
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    I have a habit of avoiding things
    I'm used to being avoided
    Sometimes when I see someone coming toward me, I step aside so that I can avoid them, but I end up bumping into them because they stepped aside too.
    I think this is the kind of connection I share with readers who purchased this book.
    I don't like people who walk in the middle of the street.
    I'm always walking on the edge so that I can avoid being seen.
    Sometimes I bump into other people who are walking on the edge.
    It makes me so happy when I get to interact with other people like that.
    Thank you so much.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:44 No.62064833
         File: 1330436699.jpg-(55 KB, 399x388, 1289945719256.jpg)
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    Somehow this makes me feel real bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:44 No.62064834
    >fans of Gintama
    those fiends!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:45 No.62064842
    One of the most rewatchable shows ever? I saw it a couple years ago, missed at least 50% of the jokes but it was still hilarious. Just recently rewatched it being more anime-savvy and all, and oh god I got so much more this time.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:45 No.62064843
         File: 1330436716.jpg-(12 KB, 704x396, szs10.jpg)
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    I've heard it all a million times
    I've been told a million times that I suck. I've been told a million times that I'm boring. I've been told a million times that I'm vulgar. I've been told a million times that what I write isn't really manga. I've been told a million times that I'm old fashioned. I've been told a million times that I'm not creative. I've been told a million times that I make no sense. I've been told a million times that I should quit. I've been told a million times that I should die.
    I've said "I apologize" a million times
    I've said "I'm sorry" a million times
    I've said "Excuse me" a million times
    I've said every apology you can think of a million times
    I've been told that I should die a million times. It made me wanna die a million times.
    But I never died
    Voice: Die
    Voice: Die
    Voice: Die
    Voice: Die
    Voice: Die
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:45 No.62064848
    this is the story of my life
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:45 No.62064860
    Abiru has the most well sculpted body.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:47 No.62064902
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    It's because he met a person that was buying his manga, after he finally said hello he discovered it was just to learn how to draw Kimonos for Gintama fanart.

    It seems like people have all these negative expectations of me.
    1 Don't expect me to be miserable
    2 Don't expect me to fail
    3 Don't expect me to be destroyed
    4 Don't expect me to die
    It scares me that I might end up meeting your expectations. Well, please let me have some expectations too. I deserve to have a bit of a bright future after I fail

    In 200X, after being completely rejected by my readers and the publishing company, I'll open a studio made of cardboard inside a small park outside of Tokyo (illegally). There, I will draw manga for dogs. It will be a sexy dog manga titled Heart Dockin' Dog with forty-eight beautiful female dog characters in it. Although it won't be appreciated in the human world, dogs will really enjoy it...especially the larger dogs. The Chihuahuas and the Pomeranian won't be crazy about it, but overall it'll get a positive reception. Gradually, I'll become more popular among dogs. One day, a Shiba named Shibata, the chief editor of Dog Jump, will come visit me and say "I'd like you to write a series for Dog Jump" After receiving an unexpected offer, the manga artist who was once a failure will cry rears of joy. Imagine, someday I'll be a popular manga artist with series in magazines like Cat Jump and Comic Pun-Dog....ahhhh, what a bright future awaits me
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:47 No.62064912
    Are these all real or is some anon just making these up?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:48 No.62064926
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:48 No.62064929
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:49 No.62064949
    Kumetas paper blog. You get a few "posts" in each volume. They're great.

    Does anyone have the interview asking what he'd do if he ended up on a deserted island?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:49 No.62064954
         File: 1330436954.jpg-(28 KB, 704x396, szs12.jpg)
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    Right before the World Cup, the world surges into a frenzy of excitement. I like soccer too, so I'd like to get all excited, but for some reason when everyone around me is excited, I cool off

    I've always been that way, whenever there were festivals, I'd always be right outside the circle of excitement, I'd want to be in the circle, but I couldn't stand it, so I'd stay outside. Even when I went on a camping trip, I'd be outside the circle, and I'd stare distantly at the campfire from afar. When I went to karaoke I'd stay in the bathroom. I can't get any pleasure out of funny manga either. When I read them, I'd be tormented by an inferiority complex.
    It's supposed to be enjoyable, but it's not. I don't think I could ever enjoy anything, the second I think something is enjoyable, it ceases to be.

    But of course if something is uninteresting, it's just uninteresting. Life is about suffering misfortunes, life itself is a pain
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:50 No.62064981
         File: 1330437013.jpg-(220 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    I'm curious about the message shaft put into this

    Any moon readers around?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:50 No.62064996
         File: 1330437050.jpg-(223 KB, 1456x1115, szs.jpg)
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    I was ostracized by my classmates back in elementary school.
    They said if you write "Kumeta" in kanji from top to bottom, it looks like the kanji for "poop"
    Nakano-kun said I was easy to make fun of.
    He said he was just kidding around but I remember how hurt I was . If you ask me, he was a tried and true bully

    Now that I'm an adult, readers ostracize me all the time by saying "I quit reading Kumeta's manga" Please listen to me, everyone. Ostracizing a manga artist is the same as bullying him. You can't just say its because I'm easy to make fun of. Haven't you ever heard of reader harassment?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:51 No.62065002
    Can't argue with that.
    I still find it weird that I find such simple character designs so appealing. I guess my brains broke.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:51 No.62065025
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:52 No.62065031
         File: 1330437145.png-(62 KB, 560x560, szs13.png)
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    Looks like NHK viewer fees will soon become obligatory. Why don't we just make everything else obligatory too?

    Buying Jump, DS, and Koro Koro comics could be made an obligatory part of compulsory education. We could live in an obligatory society where everything is done out of obligation. Everybody would start turning against Jump because they were obligated to buy it. Hee hee...... what an ugly heart I have. It bothers me that people say I'm obligated to make nasty comments like this. Jealousy, envy, and spite aren't my top three obligatory behaviors.

    By the way, as Japanese citizens we're obligated to purchase actress Aoi Miyazaki's photo for 10,000 yen. There's nothing you can do about it

    In fact, I'm also obligated to protect the planet's future. I must stop us from converging with parallel world, which could....ETC...ETC
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:52 No.62065049
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:53 No.62065066
         File: 1330437214.jpg-(660 KB, 1024x768, szs14.jpg)
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    Last one:

    I'm a mangaka, and I died yesterday.
    I died without selling even once.
    I died without having my manga being turned into an anime even once.
    Now, I'm climbing the stairway to heaven.
    I tasted hell enough in my life,
    and it seems like I don't have to go to hell now.
    A self-appointed Michael wearing a Minky Momo T-shirt
    showed up and talked to me.
    "I was a fan of your manga."
    Naturally, tears fell down my cheeks
    because of the archangel's improbable words.
    "Thank you, thank you.
    You saved my soul at the very last second."
    I took Michael's hand, and I lined up
    all the words of gratefulness I had
    in my meager vocabulary.
    Then Michael continued like this.
    "I especially like Ichigo 100%."
    When I realized what he said, I bound Michael's arms behind his back,
    and we fell from the cloud down onto earth.

    -Koji Kumeta
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:54 No.62065089
         File: 1330437254.jpg-(226 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:55 No.62065113
    please, no. If you can post any more, I'd really appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:55 No.62065123
    That's all of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:56 No.62065145
    I'm sorry I was greedy. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:57 No.62065149
    I don't even know what I should be feeling anymore when I read Kumeta's notes.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:57 No.62065151
         File: 1330437443.jpg-(272 KB, 1920x1080, [Kuroi Raws] Sayonara Zetsubou(...).jpg)
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    Every once in a while I get uneasy. I wonder if the things I draw are actually being printed in magazines, and if people are actually reading them. I'm shy, so I don't have a problem with them not being read, but sometimes I think that's it's some rich person's hobby and that I'm being duped. Maybe they're intentionally choosing a talentless author like me to write these stories, and they make me think that the magazines are being published, but meanwhile that person's looking at them and laughing...the really ingenious, grandiose shocker is that perhaps the neighborhood convenience stores and bookstores are in on the joke, and they're putting free copies of Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei where my eyes will see, that's got to be it. It's just too bizarre to think that I'm being published in Shonen Magazine and having books published. Are my manga being sold in your town? Didn't think so...this manuscript couldn't even get to your town, so there's no way I could prove it. Every day my suspicions are getting closer to being confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:58 No.62065188
         File: 1330437532.jpg-(43 KB, 704x396, guilty crown fan.jpg)
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    It seems like people have all these negative expectations of me.
    1 Don't expect me to be miserable
    2 Don't expect me to fail
    3 Don't expect me to be destroyed
    4 Don't expect me to die
    It scares me that I might end up meeting your expectations. Well, please let me have some expectations too. I deserve to have a bit of a bright future after I fail

    In 200X, after being completely rejected by my readers and the publishing company, I'll open a studio made of cardboard inside a small park outside of Tokyo (illegally). There, I will draw manga for dogs. It will be a sexy dog manga titled Heart Dockin' Dog with forty-eight beautiful female dog characters in it. Although it won't be appreciated in the human world, dogs will really enjoy it...especially the larger dogs. The Chihuahuas and the Pomeranian won't be crazy about it, but overall it'll get a positive reception. Gradually, I'll become more popular among dogs. One day, a Shiba named Shibata, the chief editor of Dog Jump, will come visit me and say "I'd like you to write a series for Dog Jump" After receiving an unexpected offer, the manga artist who was once a failure will cry rears of joy. Imagine, someday I'll be a popular manga artist with series in magazines like Cat Jump and Comic Pun-Dog....ahhhh, what a bright future awaits me
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:58 No.62065191


    I'm not very good at translating but considering the next one posted (the 紙 one) they're puns based on the kanji in the circle having the same reading as a kanji in the sentence.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:59 No.62065197
    How long till it gets subbed?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:59 No.62065205
    That one was already posted.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)08:59 No.62065210
    Months probably.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:00 No.62065218
    depends if any group is working on it.

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