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02/27/12(Mon)18:27 No.62035479 File: 1330385247.jpg-(108 KB, 567x567, 167_cut.jpg)
http://kanjidamage.com/japanese_symbols/165 http://jisho.org/kanji/details/%E5%88%87
that is seperated by a * in the On- and Kun- readings are syllables
that do NOT count towards the reading, but are generally needed (added
as a kana behind the Kanji) for the distinct expression.
that is bracketed [like this] are readings that might be handy to know
but aren't utilized in modern times, which means DO NOT USE THEM.
there are multiple English translations for a certain Kanji, the first
usually points towards the Kanji's meaning when it's singled out and
generally uses the On-reading. Consecutive meanings mostly utilize the
Kun-reading(s) |