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  • File: 1330348988.png-(50 KB, 196x203, 1330132083455.png)
    50 KB Lyndis !!ciZ2CFXOwBB 02/27/12(Mon)08:23 No.62013692  
    Dear /a/, why do you hate /v/? I rarely come here and was a little shocked when I heard. (not really, but kinda) Did /v/ do something to piss you guys off? Any details will be appreciated. please respond

    Sincerely, a /v/ tripfriend.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:24 No.62013725
    you discuss shitty anime like its the greatest thing ever
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:24 No.62013732
    This thread is a good example of why we have you. Stop shitting down our board with non-relevant stuff. Fuck off back to /v/ and don't post here again.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:25 No.62013753
    It's the matter of "every board has their own cancer but they don't like other boards' cancers"
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:26 No.62013779
    Not really, but /v/ is /b/ 2.0 so its obvious that others hate it.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:26 No.62013782
    Some of us like anime & video games, I font know why you guys get mad at us ;-;
    Why don't you guys love /g/?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:27 No.62013817
    Because faggots like you make shitty threads like this.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:28 No.62013834
    /v/ = /b/

    Moot agreed. That's why he mad /vg/.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:29 No.62013866
    Stop making shitty threads and we might change our opinion.
    That's not kosher here. The only acceptable one is ;_;, and even that one should be used sparingly.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:29 No.62013882
    Because it's /b/2.0 and because your average /v/irgin is nostaglic for a past that was never real.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 02/27/12(Mon)08:29 No.62013883

    /v/ thinks they have more knowledge and better taste in anime than /a/ does despite only having watched entry-level shows they saw on Adult-Swim or some other shitty program that airs dubbed anime.

    In another words; /v/ is on the same level as Gaia, ANN, Narutofan and Anime Suki in /a/'s eyes.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:30 No.62013909
    Don't forget reddit.
    /v/ is reddit these days.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:32 No.62013957
    /a/ is secretly tsundere for /v/
    and /v/ is yandere for /a/

    Theres technicalities with /sp/ and /jp/ too but even i dont get that
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:32 No.62013973
    >/a/ is secretly tsundere for /v/

    No. Fuck off.
    >> Lyndis !!ciZ2CFXOwBB 02/27/12(Mon)08:32 No.62013977
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    My apologies for shitposting /a/! I didn't know the right place to post this, so please forgive my ignorance just this once~

    I didn't know you guys disliked /v/ so much! I saw a thread about it on /v/ yesterday and thought it was the usual trolling. However, I agree with all your points against /v/, but there are sometimes good vidya threads.

    Thanks again for taking the time to respond to me! ^_^
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:33 No.62013996
    Fuck. Off.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:33 No.62014000
    To be tsundere we need a dere side.

    What yandere things did /v/ do?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:34 No.62014017
    not sure if troll
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 02/27/12(Mon)08:34 No.62014025


    What the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> Lyndis !!ciZ2CFXOwBB 02/27/12(Mon)08:36 No.62014087
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    Also, you guys seem much more pleasant than the average /v/irgin because you actually respond without being assholes about everything. When did things start go get so bad between /v/ and /a/? I think I remember us being sort of close at one point. I may lurk for a while and learn the proper rules before I start posting here, because I see lots and lots of quality on topic threads! :D

    No, I'm not trolling btw, for whatever reason 4chan hates happy people, but sorry I can't help it. n.n I hope we can be friends one day~!
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:37 No.62014103
    I keep trying to report but it doesn't let me anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:38 No.62014127
    >not trolling
    >excessive use of emoticons
    If you're not trolling, drop the emoticons now. Seriously; they're not okay to use on /a/. Otherwise, fuck off.

    Adding you to ignore script. Fuck I hate you already. 10/10, great troll.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 02/27/12(Mon)08:38 No.62014130

    Start by dropping the emoticons please.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:40 No.62014186
    troll thread is troll please stop feeding guys come on
    >> Lyndis !!ciZ2CFXOwBB 02/27/12(Mon)08:42 No.62014232
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    Fine, I won't use them anymore. Happy now? Why does everything have to be some kind of troll attempt? I was actually serious.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:42 No.62014233
    You're retarded if you think ;-; is unacceptable.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:42 No.62014249
    It is unacceptable.
    >> Lyndis !!ciZ2CFXOwBB 02/27/12(Mon)08:43 No.62014282
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    Ugh, so bland posting like this. But anyways, so when did things start getting sour between our two boards? Like I said, I don't visit much and this is something I'm really curious about. Was there some sort of event that triggered everything?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:44 No.62014304
    But it isn't.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:45 No.62014328
    /v/ is just /b/ pretending to like video games and pretending they have better anime taste than /a/.

    We may have shitty taste in animu, but not as newfag level as /v/.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 02/27/12(Mon)08:45 No.62014329

    I think you're the retard in here.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:46 No.62014364
    Just lurk /a/ for a while and you'll see why we hate /v/. Don't post or create any threads, just watch how your fellow board members act here. That's why we hate /v/
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:47 No.62014387
    ;_; is pretty much the only emote that /a/ accepts, because it is the face of /a/ all the time.

    Go be gay in a Madoka thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:47 No.62014406
    'Acceptable' emoticons on /a/ are ;-;/;_; and to a lesser extent :3 if used in jest.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:49 No.62014464
    ;_; is okay
    ;-; is not okay
    Fuck you people are retarded
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:49 No.62014473
    You can use every non-acceptable emoticon in jest.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:50 No.62014477
         File: 1330350600.png-(153 KB, 412x355, actualdepiction2.png)
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    acceptable doesn't mean /a/ encourages to use it
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:50 No.62014497
    Of course :3
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:51 No.62014517
    Why is ;-; not okay?
    You're the first person I've seen complaining about it.
    Inb4 new
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:51 No.62014525
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    oh /a/ stop being to tsundere you bakas xDDDD
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:51 No.62014532
    >in jest

    Does ironic shitposting count?
    >> IX !!xmPqTAX5xAq 02/27/12(Mon)08:52 No.62014543
    >come in from the junkyard
    >need something new to watch
    >see this

    Jesus fuck, just leave these people alone already.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:52 No.62014556
    We hate /v/ because they keep shitting up our board with meta threads like this one.

    And no, don't reason out "but nobody talks about anime on /a/ anymore!". Just because shitposting is everywhere doesn't mean you should add to that.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:53 No.62014574
    To be fair, there was a long stretch where /a/ was obsessed with vapid moeshit while /v/ actually discussed quality stuff like gurren lagann.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:54 No.62014604
    They mean the same thing.
    Plenty of people use ;-;
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:54 No.62014609

    >discussed quality stuff like gurren lagann.
    >gurren lagann
    The only thing to talk about is the sakuga and I doubt those faggots went that far. Fuck off to >>>/v/
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:55 No.62014625
    2/10 had me going for a while there.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:55 No.62014645
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:56 No.62014668
    TTGL was fun at the time but it ain't quality anime.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:56 No.62014672
    Not on /a/. At least not in the threads I lurk. I guess you must watch the shitty threads.

    It is funny because this is a shitty thread too.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)08:57 No.62014695
    That's just some stupid bullshit a faggot decided on his own and cumswappers like you thought was true. All emoticons should trigger autoban.
    >> Lyndis !!ciZ2CFXOwBB 02/27/12(Mon)08:58 No.62014723
         File: 1330351105.gif-(607 KB, 250x249, 1318752387321.gif)
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    I'm so sorry /a/. I did not mean to cause a minor shitstorm. It'll never happen again. Assume I'm not trolling and being legit for just a second, what threads should I lurk here to learn how to be a quality poster? Not counting this shitpost thread of course.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:00 No.62014776
    I truly, really, want /v/ to leave. They're normalfag central. And we know what normalfags did to the other boards.
    4chan was NEVER a place for the normal people. Then they started coming here, and 4chan's quality suddenly went down.
    /a/ is the latest board with the original mindset of 4chan. We can't let normalfags destroy our home.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:00 No.62014780

    ;_; has been accepted on /a/ for years, you gigantic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:00 No.62014781
    Take off your goddamn trip first, you piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:00 No.62014788
    This is far from a shitstorm.
    If you want to post well here, lurk any and all threads for a year minimum, get a feel for board culture and lose the trip unless it's needed. Also drop emoticons.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:00 No.62014790
         File: 1330351241.jpg-(55 KB, 666x276, you can leave.jpg)
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    Please leave.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:00 No.62014791
    So now we have to recommend threads to watch? What the fuck is happening here?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:01 No.62014799
    I was almost agreeing with you, then you said ttgl is quality stuff. That show goes in the same box as pokmon, OP naruto and to a lesser extent bleach. The only good thing about the show is that it is so ludicrously bad that it spawned some "funny" catchphrases.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:01 No.62014813
    Just lurk, you'll find them eventually.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:02 No.62014824
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    >> Lyndis !!ciZ2CFXOwBB 02/27/12(Mon)09:02 No.62014827
         File: 1330351328.jpg-(155 KB, 935x720, 1323285570027.jpg)
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    I can't really tell normal /a/ threads from shit threads. You guys are almost as mean as /v/. I only want to be your friend and discuss animu. Is that such a bad thing?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:02 No.62014834
    Lose the trip then I'll take you seriously.

    And as for your question, use your common sense and lurk the fuck more, what more do you even need?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:02 No.62014839
    Nah, even /a/ is tainted these days. The last pure board is /jp/ because they do what we should be doing, alienating newcomers and forcing them to lurk.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:03 No.62014864
    I always thought /sp/ and /soc/ were normalfag central.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:04 No.62014872
    Oh yes. Fuck normalfags.
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & !MaNGaRBniY 02/27/12(Mon)09:04 No.62014876
         File: 1330351455.png-(227 KB, 1000x1500, trolling.png)
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    We don't hate /v/, we just hate what /v/ had become before moot made /vg/

    Here are the reasons why "/v/ a shit":

    They think /a/ are too focused on moe anime when: their favorite anime is already discussed to death in /a/ AND the majority of the anime SHOWING THIS SEASON are already discussed to death

    /v/ keep bringing THEIR unnecessary memes in /a/ in hope to escape their nazi mods and find another /b/ thread
    The only acceptable meme so far is feel, but /a/ has long since discouraging "blog posts" which is why you have to keep your meme /a/ related at the very least

    Also, /v/ has this ironic habit of shunning out weeaboo out of their board. inb4 "there's a jrpg thread sorry we're not discussing you're favorite hipster untranslated jrpg" I would've accept if this was the case, but they WILL STILL do this to almost EVERY decent or, at least, localized JRPG such as Final Fantasy, Tales, Fire Emblem and SMT. They also keep spouting to bring all of them to /jp/ but /jp/ community has already shunned its purpose of being a "Japanese only" board

    Finally, /v/ tripfags are more annoying than /a/ tripfags. While both are still faggots, /a/ tripfags tends to keep their faggotry to a bare minimum while /v/ tripfags just keeps adding flame to the attention fuel
    >> Lyndis !!ciZ2CFXOwBB 02/27/12(Mon)09:04 No.62014880
         File: 1330351462.png-(126 KB, 319x456, 1321678415596.png)
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    I refuse to lose my trip though. As nice as I am, it is pretty funny to watch anon rage about it all the time. That being said, I do post (not counting this shit thread, as previously state) on topic all the time and generally try not to be an asshole to people.

    But noted, I will lurk moar and learn how you guys interact with each other? What do you go by? Like I know /v/ is /v/irgins, but /a/ is what?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:04 No.62014883
    >/a/ is the latest board with the original mindset of 4chan
    You're thinking of /jp/, not /a/.

    Also /diy/ is the best board right now despite being a normalfag magnet.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:04 No.62014891
    Fuck off. Lurk for a year, then we'll talk. Stop with this friendly shit. Lose the trip.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:04 No.62014892
    /v/ here

    you can keep this guy
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:05 No.62014901
    yeah you faggots make shitty cross board metathreads go the fuck away.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:05 No.62014906

    Well you're an idiot for thinking /a/ would be nice to you

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