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02/25/12(Sat)21:13 No.61937701 File: 1330222428.png-(461 KB, 2078x631, Count_Dooku__s_Lightsaber_by_M(...).png)
you read any more, let me state one thing. I am a diehard Star Wars
fan, and somewhat of an obsessor. I get together with my friends and,
yes, we use plastic lightsabers to fight each other. Some people may
think this is weird but hey, if you're like me, you want to experiance
lightsaber combat first hand. I have mastered Form II (Count Dooku's
Fighting Style) using this lightsaber. This lightsaber happens to be one
of my favorites, the reasons being... 1. Cool grip. It is a little akward at first, but when you get used to it, you can fight in great comfort.
2. Red Blade. Okay, maybe this isn't relevant to all people, but I am a Sith by heart. Using a Jedi lightsaber would destroy me.
This saber is exceedingly durable. Maybe not as strong as the basic
lightsabers, but compared to other electronic lightsabers, this is one
of the most durable.
Overall, this is a great lightsaber. It is
beat (in my opinion) only by Darth Maul's saber (A very rare lightsaber
with dual-blades) and the Darth Vader Force FX Lightsaber (Really nice
in all aspects, but very expensive). |