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    File: 1330184559.jpg-(69 KB, 640x480, TITLE01+_1__0001.jpg)
    69 KB Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:42 No.61910993  
    just finished Evangelion. someone explain this shit to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:43 No.61911033
    inb4 200+ posts
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:43 No.61911037
    No really, it's not supposed to make sense.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:44 No.61911074
    Anno says he was retroactively inspired by Madoka.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:44 No.61911085
    We have this thread every day.jpg
    >> S/a/ge-Kun !FagGoTckdI 02/25/12(Sat)10:45 No.61911091
    We should just make a board called "I just finished Evangelion" or something where every single thread is by someone who just finished watching Evangelion.

    Also, watch End of Eva if you haven't, OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:45 No.61911098
    Now watch The End of Evangelion if you haven't done so.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:45 No.61911116
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:46 No.61911136
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:46 No.61911141
    Animation budget ran out.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:46 No.61911145
    I sure can't get through the day without my daily Eva thread

    (I'm not even joking)
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:47 No.61911182
    Everybody died.
    Ep. 25 and 26 Anno hijacked to project his personal psychoanalyses onto Shinji.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:47 No.61911185
    already DL'ed End of evangelion, but should I first watch Death and Rebirth (since it was made first and all..)?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:47 No.61911191
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:47 No.61911192
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:47 No.61911198
    Author just made stuff up as the series went, there's no real deep explanation. Fanboys will disagree thought
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:47 No.61911200
    No, you really don't need to at all
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:47 No.61911204
    It's basically just a shortened version of End of Eva that focuses entirely on the mental mindfuck aspect. EoE shows what's physically going on during episodes 25/26.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:47 No.61911206

    No. Death and Rebirth is just a recap. Skip it. Move onto End of Eva.
    >> sage sage 02/25/12(Sat)10:48 No.61911223
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:48 No.61911245
    DnB is a recap, but worth watching for perspective. EoE is a less abstract conclusion to the series.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:48 No.61911247
    I liked Death because of all the classical pieces. You don't have to watch it, but it's a good recap.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:50 No.61911290
    Once you've finished with End of Eva, watch Rebuild 1.11 and 2.22
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:52 No.61911372
    It's Shinji resolving his internal struggle.
    Basically, NGE has a lot to do with growing up, taking responsibility, and understanding oneself.
    Shinji settled his problems. I kind of thought that it might take place after orange juice in End of Evangelion.
    I'd say you should watch that movie.
    The first time I watched it, I had no idea what the fuck was going on.
    I watched it again recently, and it makes a lot more sense now.
    Eva is the kind of show that doesn't explain every facet of itself in one viewing.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:52 No.61911376
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:53 No.61911403
    Oh god... Can't people understand this? It's pretty clear that it's a deep "investigation" of Shinji's mind and why he was the way he was. And, at the end, when he realizes that, he also realizes how wrong and pointless he is when being omega like that.
    inb4 2deep4u[/spoiler
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:54 No.61911450
    I actually thought that the breathing was that typical anime exhalation deal. I thought the white crap was fluid being hooked up to Asuka whose cord shinji broke.
    While it made sense to the fuck did he write that?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:57 No.61911546
    It's the aftermath of the Human instrumentality project.
    The AT field which surrounds each individual's soul has been broken, leading to everyone's soul being mixed up together in a primordial soup. All of humanity's souls are combined into one.

    It's said that you are a complete person only if you take into account the you that is in the minds of others. The instrumentality project eliminates this need for others in order to be a complete whole by combining everyone's soul together.
    At least that's what I understand.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:59 No.61911597
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:10 No.61911965
    ok, I'll go watch End of evangelion and hopefully that makes more sense
    btw what's Rebuild about?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:11 No.61911994
    Stop trying to fit in
    >> toyib 02/25/12(Sat)11:14 No.61912087
    rebuild is the remake of evengelion, there's some plenty change like better graphic and some plots, it's betteryou finished the original one first
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:15 No.61912134
         File: 1330186547.jpg-(122 KB, 410x410, 1297975460846.jpg)
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    Except change 6th to one millionth

    Seriously, someone needs to make an Evangelion copypasta for these threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:15 No.61912139
    man, I don't know if I should participate in the daily eva thread r just go back to watching the Nise toothbrooshing stream/thread...
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:16 No.61912140
         File: 1330186560.jpg-(222 KB, 1920x1080, Evangelion.2.22.You.Can.(Not).(...).jpg)
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    Its not going to make sense, but don't post another thread on /a/ about it until you have watched rewatched the series, and EoE again + you did your own research.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:17 No.61912198

    Rebuild is EVA, but without all the shitty "monster of the week", filler and crappy animation. It's awesome, watch it right after EoE.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:32 No.61912686
    watching the movie now. I didn't quite get it..why are they being attacked?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:34 No.61912746
         File: 1330187676.jpg-(79 KB, 410x410, homu trolling 4chan.jpg)
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    More accurate
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:35 No.61912767
    In End of Evangelion?

    IIRC, Seele tricked the JSDF into thinking NERV were the ones about to initiate instrumentality.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:35 No.61912770
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:36 No.61912794
         File: 1330187764.jpg-(94 KB, 1024x768, Asuka CAN into gendo pose.jpg)
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    What's there to explain? Shinji finally learned that he could become happy without Eva.



    It's pretty obvious it's a sequel by now, even though Anno denied it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:36 No.61912796
         File: 1330187769.jpg-(40 KB, 629x469, wisdom.jpg)
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    Here you go OP
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:38 No.61912876
    Fan fic fag from last night, or the night before that, started reading Genocide, took me about 3 hours to get to chapter four, there's still 11 chapters to go, I'm fucking loving it, it still manages to keep an intense atmosphere.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:38 No.61912877
         File: 1330187905.jpg-(60 KB, 450x557, rie.jpg)
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    There needs to be a sticky
    Just keep staring at the image
    when you see it you'll shit brix
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:39 No.61912942
    4chan opened Oct 1, 2003. Assuming an average of 3-5 threads a day since that date. There have been approximately 9201 to 15335 eva threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:40 No.61912978
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:47 No.61913202
    that sounds more like an eating disorder rather than depression
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:50 No.61913276
    You realise number of threads is meaningless? Visit page 10 or 12 sometime, or even 3. There are hundreds of threads a day dying without getting a single reply.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:52 No.61913364
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:53 No.61913401
    >Anno says he was retroactively inspired by Madoka.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:55 No.61913460
    He sounds like your typical 16 year old teenage girl living vegetarian to appear edgy and different.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:55 No.61913472
         File: 1330188950.jpg-(135 KB, 788x1024, 1312021525810.jpg)
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    It goes something like this, OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:56 No.61913502
    Human instrumentality happened, OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:57 No.61913527
    >but should I first watch Death and Rebirth (since it was made first and all..)?
    To get the most out of your viewing experience, I recommend watching the first half of Death and Rebirth, and skipping the second.

    The first part, "Death", is a recap which will put some focus on particular parts of interest, priming you for EoE along with 25&26.

    It's also one of the, if not the, most tasteful and well done recaps I've seen.

    It's pretty rare that an EVA-thread doesn't get at least a dozen replies.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:59 No.61913600
         File: 1330189183.jpg-(25 KB, 261x253, _ramiel_in_uniform.jpg)
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    Does my school uniform make me look fat, anon?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:00 No.61913650
    Rei > Ritsuko > Maya > shit > shittier shit >>>>>>>>> Misato >shittiest shit > Asuka
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:01 No.61913661

    really fat
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:02 No.61913694
         File: 1330189327.jpg-(512 KB, 800x1171, 1299123368715.jpg)
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    fuck you too buddy
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:02 No.61913710
    this guy gets it
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:02 No.61913714
    Silly Ramiel, everyone knows you're the best Eva girl. You look perfect.

    Are you a faggot?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:03 No.61913750
    >best girl
    Asuka is better, Anno agrees don't bother him with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:03 No.61913751
    Just watch Madoka, OP. It's the same story, but without the convoluted nonsense.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:04 No.61913778
         File: 1330189471.jpg-(23 KB, 500x314, b0040388_4caefff9a4bb6.jpg)
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    >not posting ramiel with her imouto
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:04 No.61913791
         File: 1330189498.jpg-(37 KB, 720x480, snapshot_dvd_16.14_[2012.01.26(...).jpg)
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    So, is this a Slutsuka thread?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:05 No.61913801
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:06 No.61913862
    dat camel toe
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:06 No.61913888
    I actually finished Eva + EoE + D&R all two days ago.

    Also: in EoE, why did Shinji jerk off?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:07 No.61913904
    made me reply
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:07 No.61913909
         File: 1330189655.png-(101 KB, 600x500, 1316996798624.png)
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    >Just watch Madoka, OP. It's the same story, but without the convoluted nonsense.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:08 No.61913948
    Who are you quoting?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:08 No.61913950
    because he was a teenage boy and there were exposed breasts in front of him. Wouldn't you? I would
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:08 No.61913953
    I've got to agree, I mean, Ritsuko IS smoking hot after all.

    However, is Misato really shit? She's a wonderful girl, is she not?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:08 No.61913954
    The Complete Guide To Neon Genesis.rar

    Read This.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:08 No.61913959
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 02/25/12(Sat)12:08 No.61913962
    >implying you wouldn't fap to Asuka's comatose body too
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:09 No.61913976
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:09 No.61914020
         File: 1330189794.png-(346 KB, 853x480, vlcsnap-2012-02-26-00h08m35s95.png)
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    I bet you'd do the same.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:10 No.61914034
    True, I remember when I was younger I did paused on the scene in Evil Dead and fapped to the exposed nipple.

    I guess you're right.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:10 No.61914041
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    What do you mean, why? You gay or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:10 No.61914044
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:10 No.61914048
    No, she's used goods.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:11 No.61914105
    Misato is as generic a character as it gets
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:12 No.61914122

    Watch EoE, because EoE shows you what physically happens around the Instrumentality in episodes 25 & 26 as someone already said.

    The way I understand the last two episodes and EoE is basically that the Instrumentality begins and rolls on. In the original TV series Shinji accepts the Instrumentality and we see the instrumentalization of his soul and mind rather closely. The Instrumentality goes on and splashes everyone into orange juice (which we do not see) and changes the world into one where there are no barriers between the souls of humans. The last two episodes happen entirely inside Shinji's mind as does the ending with the congratulations. Why did it have to be so fucking weird and even stupid? It costs $400,000 to write good scripts for 12 seconds. The makers did not have the $400,000 nor did they have 12 seconds to use them. They had to push out whatever they could double time.

    In EoE, however, Shinji rejects the Instrumentality and is returned to the scarred world he lived in all the time. This is how I see it.
    >> French/a/n !!8zz6ySILQps 02/25/12(Sat)12:14 No.61914202
    >still confusing > and <
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:15 No.61914264
    It's full of mistakes.

    I oughta put together something myself some day, and rewrite like half of the evageeks wiki.

    We should have an evageeks general and rewrite their shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:15 No.61914267
         File: 1330190159.jpg-(372 KB, 636x1416, every evangelion thread.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:16 No.61914289
    >is Misato really shit?
    >sloppy seconds
    >used goods
    >generic as fuck
    >not even decent fetish material
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:17 No.61914320
    >No, she's used goods.
    I'd rather call it "calibrated goods".

    But I'm a Reifag anyway, so this is a battle for the Misatofags.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:17 No.61914323
    Madoka vs. Shinji: Both are crybabies, but Madoka get's her shit together at the end. 1:0

    Sayaka vs. Asuka: Sayaka crumbles more under the pressure than Asuka, that is certainly true. But that makes Sayaka a good character. Asuka, on the other hand, is more or less a slut. (Being half German is a bonus point, though.) 0.5:0.5

    Homura vs. Rei: This isn't even a contest. Autowin for the best friend someone can hope for. 1:0

    Kyouko vs. Eva 01: Also not a contest. Win for the best character of Madoka, even though Eva 01's berserk rage is pretty cool.

    Mami vs. the Gendo: Mami is a character I can't relate to, while Gendo is a genius motherfucker. I give this to Gendo. 0:1

    In total: 2.5:1.5 for Madoka Magica.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:18 No.61914338
    He's a weak bastard who doesn't have enough self-confidence to get in a relationship or even flirt with girls. He has his needs but he's too much of a crybaby to actually try to satisfy himself in normal conditions. I guess that part would be an overload of physical desire in circumstances that make short-time satisfaction possible.

    If he was a normal person, he'd have covered Asuka up. If he wasn't so afraid of actually getting near others, I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd fucked Asuka for real.

    The guy is totally sick, he's so depressed and afraid of himself and others that his actions sometimes seem pretty weird to us "normal" people. I think that's what makes him such an interesting character in my eyes.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:19 No.61914371
    >Comparing Kyouko to motherfucking Unit 01
    >Comparing Gendo to Mami

    What the shit am I reading?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:20 No.61914427
    >I'd rather call it "calibrated goods".

    Yeah. Calibrated for Kaji's dick.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:21 No.61914452
    Shit, forgot the 1:0 for Kyoko.
    That means 3.5:1.5 for Madoka Magica.
    Don't hate on me, this is a pretty accurate comparison im my opinion.
    >> RD4 !3Gd1JhmKaA 02/25/12(Sat)12:21 No.61914453
    >Comparing Madoshit to EVA
    Stop, you obviously have shit taste anyways.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:22 No.61914502
    >comparing Mami to Gendo

    What the hell?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:22 No.61914517
    >Kyouko vs. Eva 01
    What the hell are you even doing
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:23 No.61914526
    I don't even like Madoka Magica that much. I just posted this because some guy wrote that Anno was inspired by Madoka (I know that was a joke/troll). I'm sorry, if I hurt your feelings.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:23 No.61914528
    7/10. I'm gritting my teeth.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:24 No.61914568
         File: 1330190659.jpg-(36 KB, 400x600, _leliel.jpg)
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    Fuck this shit, it's Angel Time!
    >> Self Sufficient Broski !yPTrIPcODE 02/25/12(Sat)12:25 No.61914600
         File: 1330190708.jpg-(17 KB, 200x150, Leliel.jpg)
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    Why is Leliel so fucking moe.

    Fuck that slut Ramiel.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:25 No.61914602
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:25 No.61914606
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    wasn't that bitch a robot and not a mentally scarred teenage boy?
    you guys are just prudes.
    Unit 01 became god your argument is invalid

    Madoka is just inferior. Deal with it
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:25 No.61914614
    It's funny because it's 100% correct.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:25 No.61914623
    Nigga what the fuck did you even watch Eva?

    Of all the characters it had you had to use Unit 01 in a character comparison?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:26 No.61914640
         File: 1330190761.jpg-(181 KB, 734x1120, _leliel2.jpg)
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    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 02/25/12(Sat)12:26 No.61914653
    OH come on, he's obviously not serious.

    It's obviously in jest, and I had to smile while reading it.

    Madoka a shit though.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:26 No.61914667
    Ah, thanks for the cue. I liked Madoka's witches more than Eva's angels. There is one exception: The angel that is a shadow and has a shadow that looks like an angel is one of the most creative things I ever saw. But in total:

    1:0 for Madoka's witches.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:27 No.61914691
    Watch the Remakes and eat your words
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:27 No.61914702
         File: 1330190863.jpg-(464 KB, 600x800, _sahaquiel.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:27 No.61914707
    Do people actually get angry when someone says Rebuild is a sequel?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:28 No.61914717
    Jesus Christ, at least compare QB to Gendo.
    >Kyouko vs. Eva 01
    Now I've lost it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:28 No.61914754
    it is a sequel, what's there to get angry about?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:29 No.61914776
    There's always that one person who dismisses everything and says Anno is making shit up as he goes.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:29 No.61914780
    oh look it's this thread again

    gtfo. if you don't understand it, watch it again and figure it out yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:29 No.61914787
    >Unit 01 became god
    I don't know if I would call it god, but you have a point. Let's say 0.5:0.5 then
    (Madoka still wins 3:2)
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:30 No.61914811
         File: 1330191025.png-(316 KB, 722x404, vlcsnap-2012-02-15-02h31m15s45.png)
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    I guess some sort of shit storm is now going to occur.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:30 No.61914819
    It's more about arguing whether Rebuilds are sequels (so precisely take place AFTER EoE) or just altered original story.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:30 No.61914836
    Is it sad that I can relate with Shinji? Like, a lot?
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 02/25/12(Sat)12:31 No.61914842
    Hm, can't say I found the witches of Madoka to be all that interesting.

    In the end, they all come down to a particular design, with no real depth or defining characteristics. So I for one was left entirely unimpressed, but it's not the witches fault alone, the show did a poor job building the foundations under the witches.

    They did have some cool animated sequences though, like the spinning wheels. Reminded me of the skeleton-wheels under the catacombs and painted world of ariamis.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:31 No.61914855
    Why not? You could argue that Eva 01 is not a real character as in "human" but I'd not be so narrow-minded.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:31 No.61914863
    It's a half sequel half remake half different continuity production.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 02/25/12(Sat)12:32 No.61914866
    Gendo can't be QB.

    QB in EVA has to be the beings/aliens that put Lilith and Adam on Earth.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:32 No.61914871
    Almost every male with poor family relationships will relate to Shinji.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:32 No.61914898
         File: 1330191167.jpg-(1.43 MB, 1894x4000, 1329270298244.jpg)
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    here we go
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 02/25/12(Sat)12:33 No.61914917
    Not really. On average I'd say most find one or two points they can relate to, his whole hedgehogs dilemma is for instance something that is true for nearly everyone, although at varying degrees.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:35 No.61915007
    Well, I give you the lack of depth. But in context of the concept of the show it would be pretty hard to deliver more depth without giving too many clues regarding the true nature of witches.
    I will watch rebuild at some point, had not the opportunity to do so until now.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:35 No.61915008
    I'm an omega faggot who is socially crippled and often skip tutorials at uni because I'm afraid that I'd be force to participate in class discussions.

    I can relate with Shinji. When I watched episode 19 with the 'I mustn't run away' thing, it gave me the courage to go to a tutorial.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:36 No.61915057
    Nice analogy, Agent 008.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:37 No.61915100
         File: 1330191467.gif-(285 KB, 200x150, happy to sad.gif)
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    >it gave me the courage to go to a tutorial.
    >my face when I read "to give a tutorial" only to be disillusioned a few moments later.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)12:38 No.61915132
         File: 1330191513.jpg-(1.48 MB, 2144x3764, Trueend.jpg)
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