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  • File : 1329010625.jpg-(41 KB, 344x344, WHILTY010.jpg)
    41 KB Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:37 No.61256087  
    Hey /a/. I know even you guys liked her.

    RIP Whitney.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:38 No.61256141
    Again, I ask, who is she? Why do we care? I don't. nothing of value was lost.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:38 No.61256163
    Look at this underage b&!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:39 No.61256187
    Was she the one that was addicted to coke and got the shit beat out of her by her husband?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:39 No.61256189
    What an underage B%!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:39 No.61256205
         File1329010793.jpg-(91 KB, 217x364, 1315243280060.jpg)
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    >mfw i check it and its true

    she wasnt that old was she?....
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:40 No.61256227
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & !MaNGaRBniY 02/11/12(Sat)20:40 No.61256231
         File1329010822.jpg-(36 KB, 340x460, patchoulli arrest him.jpg)
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    >why do we care
    I bet you're the same troll who asked who's Leslie Nielsen when he died
    >> peepoothewise !!nSVFnyOLNNt 02/11/12(Sat)20:40 No.61256234
         File1329010832.jpg-(413 KB, 700x545, 1318928178453.jpg)
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    >Think this is a joke
    >Check just to make sure
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:40 No.61256240
    you lie, Whitney Houston isn't dead. She can't die
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:40 No.61256245
    That's all of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:40 No.61256250

    If I was, it still means nothing that I have no idea who this bitch is, or why it matters she died.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:40 No.61256258
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:41 No.61256275
    Drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:42 No.61256299
         File1329010922.png-(40 KB, 324x246, 1325615586647.png)
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    Wait, what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:42 No.61256300
    she made that shitty movie with Kevin Costner
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:42 No.61256314
    Bobby finally beat her so hard she died.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:42 No.61256328
    >underage brocent!

    Not animu. No fucks given.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:42 No.61256330

    I wasn't here for that, but i don't know who she was either.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:42 No.61256331
         File1329010966.jpg-(43 KB, 248x249, dubs.jpg)
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    Nice anime thread.

    Lets discuss doubles, since we're on the topic of quality anime threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:43 No.61256357
    R.I.P Michelle Obama
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:43 No.61256359
         File1329011010.png-(165 KB, 600x450, 1328921173201.png)
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    >Again, I ask, who is she?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:43 No.61256363
         File1329011011.jpg-(82 KB, 695x715, 1321816808396.jpg)
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    Oh god, it's real. Why /a/, why did this have to happen?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:43 No.61256383
         File1329011031.jpg-(86 KB, 460x692, 1328502610507.jpg)
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    Fuck off, crack whores die all the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:44 No.61256395
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:44 No.61256397
         File1329011047.jpg-(122 KB, 1280x720, [Doremi].Smile.Precure!.01.[12(...).jpg)
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    >who she was

    Anyway, not anime, saged, hidden, reported. RIP ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:44 No.61256405

    48, but she looked like she was 56
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & !MaNGaRBniY 02/11/12(Sat)20:44 No.61256417
    >Leslie Nielsen
    Get out of /a/. Get out of your house. Subscribe a fucking newspaper.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:44 No.61256431
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:45 No.61256441
    Is she well known outside of the shitty country she was born?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:45 No.61256443
    She was a pop singer.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:45 No.61256447
    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:45 No.61256452

    Fuck You
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:45 No.61256462
    I don't care who she was and what she accomplished throughout her life. and this isn't an anime thread, you shit posters.
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 02/11/12(Sat)20:46 No.61256491
    I have heard a few of her songs, but I didn't know her name.

    Don't forget 4chan has an international userbase, not everyone here knows who she is or cares about her music.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:46 No.61256505
         File1329011191.jpg-(146 KB, 632x712, 1327358937483.jpg)
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    BOTH 31!

    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:47 No.61256541
    >Authorities are trying to determine a cause of death.
    Please be funny. Please be funny. Please be funny.
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & !MaNGaRBniY 02/11/12(Sat)20:47 No.61256562
    > not everyone here knows who she is
    That's like saying noone knows who Michael Jackson or The Beatles are
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:47 No.61256565
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 02/11/12(Sat)20:48 No.61256600
    What a surprise, You live under a rock.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:48 No.61256607
    >caring about the death of some black 3dpd
    >taking up space on page 0
    >implying you're not reported
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:48 No.61256624

    Hahaha, nope.

    Michael Jackson and The Beatles are on another level.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:48 No.61256626
    if you dont know who she was you had to be born in the 2000's or something, holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:48 No.61256629
    But Michael Jackson and The Beatles had musical talent.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:49 No.61256636
    you're grammer is the worse
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 02/11/12(Sat)20:49 No.61256641
    No shit, I barely listen to music at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:49 No.61256678
    >Caring about 3DPD niggers

    I want whoever the fuck you are to leave
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:50 No.61256713
    >The Beatles
    Shitty overrated talentless hacks with shitty lyrics.

    >Michael Jackson
    Shitty overrated pedophile who paved the way for a shitty genre called pop.
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 02/11/12(Sat)20:51 No.61256731
    You just keep hitting me with these surprises Destrado!
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & !MaNGaRBniY 02/11/12(Sat)20:51 No.61256738
         File1329011476.jpg-(61 KB, 320x304, stare cromartie.jpg)
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    >barely listen to music
    Really, I'm severely disappointed. I seriously find this hard to believe. I thought music is the universal language and all that, and I didn't know people like you exist until now
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:51 No.61256739

    '92, still don't know or care
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:51 No.61256741
    >shitty underage b&
    >> SagedandReported !!v4A4y1m8kjX 02/11/12(Sat)20:51 No.61256766
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & !MaNGaRBniY 02/11/12(Sat)20:52 No.61256786
    Let's see you play a guitar and sing

    inb4 >Justin Bieber play a guitar and sing
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:52 No.61256788
    Shitty butthurt neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:52 No.61256802
    Face it, the Beatles and Michael Jackson are for plebians who obviously don't listen to good music.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:53 No.61256809
         File1329011592.png-(93 KB, 677x335, 1277786053586.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:53 No.61256813
    Music is for faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:54 No.61256869
    '78, actually. I still don't care about Whitney Houston.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:54 No.61256874
         File1329011659.jpg-(10 KB, 251x183, 1288523727177.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:54 No.61256889
    I'm saying drug overdose
    >> M. 02/11/12(Sat)20:54 No.61256901
    MJ was great and you're lacking in good taste if you disagree.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:55 No.61256905
    I listen to music, not shitty music made for your hemorrhaged ears.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:55 No.61256913
    >You live under a rock
    Is that supposed to be an insult on /a/?
    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 02/11/12(Sat)20:55 No.61256926
         File1329011732.gif-(499 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lpf9vhpeeH1qi7m3fo1_500.gif)
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    >get back into her music
    >she passes away

    God, why have you forsaken me?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:55 No.61256930

    >Michael Jackson
    >paved the way for pop.

    lmao get a load of this nerd
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:55 No.61256932
    At 8:00 pm?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:55 No.61256938
    and who is she?
    i'm not murrican or watch tv
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:55 No.61256945
    What does Reddit think about this?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:55 No.61256947
         File1329011757.jpg-(2 KB, 92x119, 1328850625127s.jpg)
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    nigger scum
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:56 No.61256956
         File1329011772.jpg-(901 KB, 1080x1499, tumblr_lz8l3bWKT91qaysjmo1_128(...).jpg)
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    Whitney Houston isn't related to anime or manga. No fucks given.

    Posting someone related to anime. Up to you whether she's better or worse than Houston.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:56 No.61256963
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & !MaNGaRBniY 02/11/12(Sat)20:56 No.61256966
         File1329011781.jpg-(141 KB, 563x528, full retard.jpg)
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    You're right. Just like Evangelion and Madoka are for plebeians who obviously don't watch good anime
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:56 No.61256986
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:57 No.61256993
    Are you trying to prove his point?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:57 No.61256994
    I don't really like pop music.
    Reported for not anime.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:57 No.61257009
    And nothing of value was lost.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:57 No.61257021

    During Beatlemania, the Beatles displayed about as much talent as a tree at playing. Sgt. Pepper's and later, fucking geniuses. Any further discussion shall be moved to /mu/.
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & !MaNGaRBniY 02/11/12(Sat)20:57 No.61257024
    Do you understand sarcasm?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:58 No.61257035
         File1329011885.gif-(2.43 MB, 270x270, 1326941733203.gif)
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    >listening to nigger music or caring about those who produce it

    Dammit, /a/
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:58 No.61257045
         File1329011893.jpg-(19 KB, 517x549, 1323213424538.jpg)
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    >Implying Bateman didn't love Whitney Houston and owned her first debut LP

    Get a load of this faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:58 No.61257046



    Quality thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:59 No.61257106
    well my condolences.
    my mother used to listen to her music a lot.
    now back to our anime threads.
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 02/11/12(Sat)20:59 No.61257107
    It being a celebrity does not mean that's it okay to post it on an anime board. Reported.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:59 No.61257109
    You missed the point...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:59 No.61257115
         File1329011987.gif-(83 KB, 150x150, 1327115249538.gif)
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    because of this that I just like the Miku, it is eternal
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)20:59 No.61257122

    I only listen to animu and vidya music.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:00 No.61257131
         File1329012005.jpg-(29 KB, 503x653, 1326506056320.jpg)
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    Crack is whack yo.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:00 No.61257165
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:01 No.61257195
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:02 No.61257243
    but being an attention whore is okay?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:02 No.61257251
         File1329012160.jpg-(95 KB, 500x700, Aki Toyosaki really faggot.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:03 No.61257292
         File1329012206.png-(510 KB, 800x1004, 1326494625694.png)
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    Fuck 3DPD music.
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 02/11/12(Sat)21:03 No.61257296
    But posting about getting a job and working 10 hours hurdurrr is okay? Yeah fuck off you autistic cunt.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:03 No.61257311
    All according to keikaku.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:03 No.61257312
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:04 No.61257336
    Let's derail this shitty thread by picking on Sheldon and his faggotry, 'kay?


    Another Komeiji-tier faggot has appeared!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:04 No.61257339
    >Tripfag circlejerking

    /v/ in a single thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:04 No.61257342
    Get out Cuntmeiji
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 02/11/12(Sat)21:05 No.61257399
    Excuse me, but just who in the fuck do you think you are? YOU, bossing ME around? Suck a trillion dicks. I don't have to do a single motherfucking thing you tell me. You think your hot shit mouthing off to me but I bet if we were face to face you'd change colors quicker than the fucking Aroara Boaryalice.

    Just try opening you're fat mouth in front of me again, I FUCKING dare you. I can bench press 700 pounds, I drive a top of the line Lambergini and I get more pussy than Walt Chamberlane. You on the other hand watch moeshit, sleep with a waifer pillow and have a gut so huge it makes Homer Sampson look mall nurished by comparison.

    I just know your going to reply to this with "LOL U MAD". Your fucking andissipating my reply. The second you post that outdated cumback I will track you're IP, find out where you live and tear you a new arsehole.

    Fuck. You.
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 02/11/12(Sat)21:06 No.61257414
    Waifus are much more /a/ related than talking about Murican celebrities. Post this on /tv/, /mu/, /b/, /r9k/, or wherever else it belongs.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:06 No.61257416
         File1329012373.jpg-(21 KB, 320x254, 404943_10150556567647989_20452(...).jpg)
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    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & !MaNGaRBniY 02/11/12(Sat)21:06 No.61257421
         File1329012377.jpg-(110 KB, 828x952, tripfag3.jpg)
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    >/v/ in a single thread.
    We're not on that level yet
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:06 No.61257454
    >liking Shitney Houstard

    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:06 No.61257456
    Oprah ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:07 No.61257469
         File1329012433.jpg-(28 KB, 418x396, Kagami laughing and pointing.jpg)
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    Pic related.

    Nice copypasta, fuckface
    >> Monsieur Pomf !!AHUgWpLIX/u 02/11/12(Sat)21:07 No.61257487
    >not everyone is american/british
    so, who's she?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:07 No.61257495
    So the job is your waifu? Fucking workaholics.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:08 No.61257505
    He didn't mention waifus, Sheldon

    Half the tripfags mentioned there are as bad as the /v/ guys
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:08 No.61257506
    Only 2 of those are good things
    >> /ɐ/ - Animoe & !MaNGaRBniY 02/11/12(Sat)21:08 No.61257515
         File1329012492.jpg-(59 KB, 300x432, laughing nichiijou.jpg)
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    Hohoho oh you

    Also, /v/ sunked even lower than /v/ lately

    Just look at their recent threads and try to tell me it's not /r9k/ related
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:08 No.61257524
    Terrible singer.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:08 No.61257530
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    /a/ - Animu & Mango
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:09 No.61257576
    I'm fucking pissed that she wasted away her life like that. She was such a great singer and then fucked herself over that hard. You know what, fuck her.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:09 No.61257584
    Even in death she still has her dignity
    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 02/11/12(Sat)21:10 No.61257650
         File1329012647.png-(166 KB, 479x360, 896220-20hirasawa_yui20k-on20k(...).png)
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    Really? We get off-topic threads all the time, why are you complaining about this? Besides, this is a thread about an artist that had actual talent, so just let it be. It'll be gone by tomorrow so stop it.
    >> You Are (Not) Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 02/11/12(Sat)21:11 No.61257680
         File1329012703.jpg-(60 KB, 1280x720, [UTW]_Amagami_SS_Plus_-_02_[h2(...).jpg)
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    >Implying I should give a shity about Whitney Houston.

    No, really, why should I care if she died? She had no influence on my life.

    Reported for not anime.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:11 No.61257681
    >komeji being butthurt yet again
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:12 No.61257695
    >had actual talent
    Stop being an idiot
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)21:12 No.61257714
    I guess she won't always love you.

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