Why I didn't hear about this movie on /a/? Just saw it, SO GOOD!!Like, really, one of the best anime movies I ever seen on the last decade, far superior to the latest Gibhli creations or Satoshi Kon's, your thoughts?
>>61104337it's shit, right?
>>61104363It's shit.
Why so many threads about this recently?It was ok, but nothing I'd really remember.
horrible predictable bland melodrama with shit characters all round
>>61104337you a troll OP it was dumb as fuck.
Umbrella bitch
>>61104363>SO GOOD>it's shitAre you retarded son?
Worst movie I ever watchedYou have terrible tastes OP
>>61104415At least it wasn't filled with dull archetypes or fanservice in any way, I found it very interesting even though predictable but it's message was still very powerful, I liked it
>>61104552>>>/v/You'll find other easily amused hamsters like you there.
>>61104552its message was weak as fuck Only a moron or a jap would think it was good.
it was pretty good at least the best movie I watched in that year
Stop typing like a faggot, OP.
>>61104590that's like your opinion man, I liked and I don't consider myself superior or inferior to anyone for my tastes