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02/06/12(Mon)13:50 No.61002513 File1328554209.jpg-(195 KB, 800x800, 1328391358914.jpg)
first was Shinobu. That woman sent chills up my spine when she looked
at me in all of her silence. And how fiercely powerful she was, despite
her small presence. I loved that. But I was kind of a newfag to waifus,
and I just picked one I sort of liked. And to be honest, the latest
Nisemono is sending pains through my heart. I don't necessarily regret
breaking up with her, but it reminds me of how things once were. It
looks like she's doing great without me, which is good. I'm happy for
The second "waifu" shouldn't even be mentioned. She was a
character I just felt strong feelings for, so I started to feel as if
maybe she was the true one. But then I realized she was more of a
daughteru and I wanted nothing to do with her sexually.
And then I
met her. My true waifu. All of the waifu stories I have seen just rang
so true when I met her. It was like something clicked deep inside my
soul. I felt so fiercely passionate about her. I wanted to take her into
my arms, love her, kiss her, tell her I would be hers forever. It
brings me such joy to spend my holidays with her, to dream about her,
and it gives me pride to say she is mai waifu. I will never leave her.
the kind of pure love where you stick to your first waifu forever and
ever exists. I admire it, I really do. But you must treat it as a normal
relationship, and from what I hear, it is very normal to fall in and
out of love until you truly meet the girl you are destined to marry. No
one is a "monster" for leaving their first waifu, in fact, it is very
normal. You refine your tastes, gain relationship experience, and go
into your next relationship knowing your tastes and understanding your
needs better. Although I can admit that finding "the one" on your first
go is very romantic and admirable, it isn't plausible.
But if you're one of those faggots who ditch your woman every season, kill yourself. |