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  • File : 1328466023.jpg-(145 KB, 1280x720, mouretsu_pirate.jpg)
    145 KB Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:20 No.60952800  
    >No weapons on board
    >Shoot the enemy with reflected sunlight

    This show is god tier.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:21 No.60952844
    Wow! It's fucking nothing!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:21 No.60952847
    I guess you could say...

    ...she was a real SHOE-IN for the job!!!

    lol ^__^
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:21 No.60952856
    >Do something
    This thread is shit tier
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:23 No.60952923
    It's a big deal, because visual scifi generally forgets that something which deals with enough energy to get a ship someplace in a reasonable amount of time deals with enough energy to be used as a weapon.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:24 No.60952945
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    The person aiming through the scope went blind.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:24 No.60952951
    People still warch boringshit pirates? Oh wow
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:26 No.60953020
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    Worst day at work ever. EVER.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:26 No.60953024
    Last episode was really good
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:26 No.60953026
    They have medication for ADHD, bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:29 No.60953118
    >still using the outdated troll even though something happened
    Trolls and haters confirmed for stupid.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:29 No.60953137
    Lightning 11 was just stupid. They could have won.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:30 No.60953163
    It's okay, he's probably vaporized now
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:32 No.60953224
    Even if things went badly, Bentenmaru was out there and so was Barbolsa apparently.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:32 No.60953226
    Not once their computers were hacked.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:32 No.60953228


    And burned alive. Marika killed someone. Pirate Captain in the making, folks.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:33 No.60953272
    Self defense.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:34 No.60953319
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    Even better. A better captain she is.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:36 No.60953386
    Did something finally happen? Might pick this back up.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:37 No.60953396
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:37 No.60953402
    Is this true?
    I was considering picking this up but am now having doubts.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:38 No.60953447
    It makes sense in the anime
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:38 No.60953452
         File1328467119.png-(45 KB, 217x278, 1320868953563.png)
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    Ship attacked, crew was prepared, Lightning 11 got fucked in their ass, they tried to be cute and shoot beam cannons by manually aiming through a scope, Odette II had no weapons so Marika shot the SUN at them.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:38 No.60953454
    I'd suggest marathoning the five episodes. Judging by the preview it looks like the pace is going to start picking up.

    They didn't actually "shoot" the enemy with sunlight, just used their sails to focus the light on the enemy to blind them.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:39 No.60953475
    It makes sense in reality.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:39 No.60953487
    Yes it's true, but it's actually explained and it makes perfect sense.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:40 No.60953490
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    keep the bitches give me the money
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:41 No.60953531
    You guys do understand they blinded the gunner right? Are you guys fucking 12?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:41 No.60953539

    Creative writers have nothing to do with it being god-tier. Its all about a script that is easy to understand with great execution not some "Blahblah" COMPUTERS, PEW PEW HOLY SHIT WE ARE SO SMERT!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:41 No.60953558
    >You guys do understand they blinded the gunner right?
    >Are you guys fucking 12?
    The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:42 No.60953574
    Blind them, and if they had left it on, kill them. Remember, in space, you can only lose heat via radiation. Heating op a ship like that kills the ship. Also:
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:42 No.60953579
         File1328467349.jpg-(19 KB, 334x393, 1318549994483.jpg)
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    Yeah no shit. It's just a lot more funny if we say they got shot by the sun. Gunner is blind for life now.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:42 No.60953596
         File1328467369.jpg-(105 KB, 1008x403, what_I_got_BSP.jpg)
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    The show is good tier. It appeals to a certain demographic, but I don't think that makes it great.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:43 No.60953619
    >You guys do understand they blinded the gunner right?
    As oppose what?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:43 No.60953620
    Ok good. I was concerned for my species slightly.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:45 No.60953697
    >Gunner is blind for life now
    Judging by the actions of the Bentenmaru and Barbalusa, I'd say "for life" isn't very long. Those niggas dead.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:46 No.60953717
    You understand that they really could have killed the crew of the Lightning 11 that way, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:46 No.60953731
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    At least he didn't see his death coming.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:47 No.60953763
    Yeah but I wonder if he had time to reflect on the actions of himself and his crew, hindsight is 20/20 you know.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:48 No.60953775
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:51 No.60953904
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    >Blind puns

    Never change /a/.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:53 No.60953989
    Umm... I kinda want my pirate captain capable of killing someone.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:54 No.60954021
    he went towards the light
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:54 No.60954043

    And the Lightning 11 could have just as easily killed everyone on board the Odette II - In fact, more easily. The Lightning 11 could change position, maneuver, yield, etc. before they got burned too badly. The Odette II, where it hit, would be in multiple pieces sucking hard vacuum.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:54 No.60954046
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    So when do the nukes start?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:56 No.60954112
         File1328468193.jpg-(80 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Mouretsu Pirates - 05(...).jpg)
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    All this technology porn makes my dick hard
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:56 No.60954118
    >they could maneuver
    >with engines shut down and computer turned off
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:59 No.60954224
         File1328468363.png-(931 KB, 1279x720, Sunlight1.png)
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    Giant nerd boner.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:00 No.60954278
    So? Why pity scum who endangered the lives of children? They got what was coming to them.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:00 No.60954281
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:01 No.60954306
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:01 No.60954336
    Jesus christ stop samefagging.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:02 No.60954372
    you know the ship reflected the sun like a mirror and not like a magnifying glass, so the talk about burning the pirates was bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:03 No.60954389
    Missing the point. They couldn't maneuver with no engines.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:04 No.60954424
    You know you're retarded, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:04 No.60954441
    My new wallpaper. This show is better than Shinkai movies in that aspect.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:06 No.60954506
    You're not being serious right? Please tell me you're not
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:07 No.60954552
    I´m totally serious xD
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:08 No.60954558
    People like this are how Lightning 11 had the crew it did.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:08 No.60954575
    and they need the exactly position of the pirate ship. try it with a mirror and a person, you can only blend the other person if the angle is perfect
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:09 No.60954595
    They calculated it.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:09 No.60954616
    That's why Marika asked their position be calculated exact as possible.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:10 No.60954642
    Like how Marika thinks.
    >If the're fucking with you, you need to teach them a lesson or the'll never stop.
    >They wouldn't take mercy on us so we won't take mercy on them BURN THEM!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:10 No.60954645
    If only they had an advanced sensor suite and computers to do that sort of thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:12 No.60954704
    It´s more like this:
    >They are firing beam canons at us?
    >The only logical option is to blend them.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:12 No.60954714
    You can't be this stupid can you?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:12 No.60954718
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    That would take a super advanced space ship to do though.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:13 No.60954728

    "exact as possible" is pretty lame, because both ships are thousands and thousands kilometers away, so a hit was more unlikely than for the pirates with the old artillery methode.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:13 No.60954743
    Yeah she seems pretty merciless, I hope she keelhauls someone at some point IN SPACE
    >> Sendō Takeshi, Naniwa‮ IAKNEZ UKOYRNEZ ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮ ‪‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬ !Tiger.wTtg 02/05/12(Sun)14:14 No.60954773
         File1328469275.jpg-(189 KB, 1280x720, harlocks_daughter.jpg)
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    Will she ever actually start wearing pirate clothes?

    I hope not.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:15 No.60954790
    Next episode.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:15 No.60954820
    Preview showed her in her pirate hat/coat, so probably next episode.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:16 No.60954847
    I have no idea what the FUCK is going on in this show

    Who the hell are they fighting?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:16 No.60954856
    >it was more likely to hit with calculations done by hand using an optical sights at a range at over a light second than with a targeting computer and sensors.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:16 No.60954857
    Dat Kzinti Lesson.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:16 No.60954862
    the man
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:17 No.60954877
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:18 No.60954916
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    Shit's gonna be so real when that finally happens
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:18 No.60954922
    All we know is that it was a group of people on a ship called Lightning 11 attacking them. It was probably the same group of people who tried to kidnap Marika in the restaurant.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:18 No.60954926

    even a miscalulation of some meters are enough to miss the target. It's basic geometry...
    >> Waffleman !!ROQTDpFz9VR 02/05/12(Sun)14:18 No.60954936
    Just some punks who wanted to fuck with the pending captain of the Bentenmaru, I'd say.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:19 No.60954947
         File1328469551.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Moretsu Pirates(...).jpg)
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    The president is so cute when she gets all flustered about primitive ways of doing things.

    >How can you fire long range weapons without radar?!
    >...with their eyes?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:19 No.60954972
    Next flag: rape
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:19 No.60954973
    >5 episodes later
    >finally become pirate

    So, how many episodes is this going to be because I'm going to be pissed if it's like 12. Wasted almost half the show on nothing basically.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:20 No.60955016
    im not really sure if the enemy was dead. i guess, infrared goes up? could have just blinded the optical targeting, so they cant fire again.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:20 No.60955021
    26 episodes.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:21 No.60955033
    26 I'm looking forward to the ride
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:21 No.60955045
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:22 No.60955083

    Thank god.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:22 No.60955084
    That ship was dead in the water, at the very LEAST one of their crew was completely blind and Bentenmaru and Barbulsa both opened fire on it. If it's not destroyed it's beyond doing anything and they were arrested by the military.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:22 No.60955093
    You can use mirrors to focus light, you know. You just need to have the right curvature. And since each individual antenna used in generating the sail seems to have the ability to be turned independently, the Odette II could probably get a pretty decent curvature for focusing at that angle.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:22 No.60955097
    That's exactly the point. Now who's going to be able to make those calculations faster wish the lower error margin, the ship that has to do it by hand with maybe a separate computer to do the actual math and have to aim manually, or the ship with the integrated targeting computer?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:23 No.60955129
    We aren't even 1/4 in yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:23 No.60955130
    Well that would have been the case if the two pirateships hadn't appeared and obliterated them with beam cannons
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:23 No.60955138
         File1328469820.jpg-(47 KB, 380x263, hook.jpg)
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    I'll get you Peter Pan! And your little ADHD too!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:24 No.60955180
    Infrared going up means they were heating up the ship. Now remember, they're in space, so this is a very very bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:25 No.60955191

    It's fine though, because he was blown to atoms a few seconds later
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:26 No.60955240
    Technically, the Odette II would also have its knowledge of the Lightning 11's position be off by 1 second due to the distance. However, the computer on the Odette II would likely be able to compensate for that a lot faster than someone doing it by hand or with a pocket calculator, unless they were an idiot savant. Or a Vulcan.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:27 No.60955283
    Cooked alive god that's a nasty way to go.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:27 No.60955306
    What's the Kzinti Lesson?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:28 No.60955319
    Possibly two seconds, depending on whether they were using active or passive sensors. But it's not like they cold maneuver.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:28 No.60955345
    then again, are the sun rays powerful enough to burn a ship? I mean...ships like that suppose to be built to withstand those?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:29 No.60955362
    I should tell you to fuck off and google it, but basically see >>60952923
    Now fuck off and google it for more information.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:30 No.60955399
    If focused, yes. Besides, you don't need to burn the ship itself, just heat it enough to kill the crew.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:31 No.60955447
         File1328470297.jpg-(74 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Mouretsu Pirates - 05(...).jpg)
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    It's little touches like these on why I think this is my favortie show of Winter 2011, bearly beating out EVOL
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:32 No.60955475
    >No plot on board
    >Bore the enemy to tears with slow pacing
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:32 No.60955478
    I honestly doubt anybody in the other ship died, or they would have mentioned it in some way.

    They just blinded the guy who was aiming the beam scope, and probably anyone who was looking in that direction. Ships are probably resistant to that kind of heat.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:32 No.60955490
    So wait, Chiaki is gonna be a captain of the other pirate ship now?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:33 No.60955530
    They confirmed the ship's IR readings were increasing. If they didn't die, it's because they let them live.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:34 No.60955543

    No, her old man is the captian still. She will take over when her father dies.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:34 No.60955546
    >Gunner is blind for life now

    Both seconds of it.

    Also I can't be the first person this has occurred to:

    For the world, for the people, Odette 2 will smash the ambitions of Lightning 11. If you don't fear the shine of the Sun, then bring it on!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:34 No.60955561
    >I honestly doubt anybody in the other ship died, or they would have mentioned it in some way.

    They did mention how ruthless the Bentenmaru and Barbalusa were being.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:34 No.60955576
         File1328470488.jpg-(14 KB, 320x240, Solar_System_II_(Gundam).jpg)
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    Hey if its good enough to be a super weapon of doom in Gundam its good enough for this anime.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:36 No.60955625
    She specifically mentions not wanting them to burn, just unable to see.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:37 No.60955680
    Which is why they stopped when the ship showed no signs of resistance, thus letting them live.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:37 No.60955682
    i rewatch it again. blinded, the lighting 11 moved, then the other ships came.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:39 No.60955744
    >the lighting 11 moved
    It didn't, they had it confused with the other ships at first.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:39 No.60955754
    I agree with you, I think Marika said she didn't have to kill them which may be a hint that she didn't, but whether the two pirate ships filled Lightning 11 with holes, whether Lightning 11 had proper insulation layers to prevent too much heat getting in, whether the targeting scope had decent light-adjustment tints, whether Marika left the beam unfocused enough so it wouldn't kill is all left to interpretation and I like it like that. This can be a brutal murderous pirate show if you want it to be already, or highschool girls talking around computers in space still if you want.

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