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  • このサイトについて - 翻訳

  • File : 1327971379.gif-(15 KB, 500x500, 53_earlier.gif)
    15 KB Daily Japanese Thread OP 01/30/12(Mon)19:56 No.60673240  
    Daily Japanese Thread.

    Previous Thread:

    Orange Kana in the On- and Kun- readings are syllables that do NOT count towards the reading, but are generally needed (added as a kana behind the Kanji) for the distinct expression.
    Dark blue Kana are readings that might be handy to know but aren't utilized in modern times, which means DO NOT USE THEM.
    If there are multiple English translations for a certain Kanji, the first usually points towards the Kanji's meaning when it's singled out and generally uses the On-reading. Consecutive meanings mostly utilize the Kun-reading(s). Use Kanjidamage for further reference.
    >> You Are (Not) Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 01/30/12(Mon)19:57 No.60673276
    Reported as it's not the daily thread, this is a second thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:57 No.60673294
         File1327971464.jpg-(223 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_014.jpg)
    223 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:58 No.60673320
    useful links:
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:58 No.60673322

    >> OP 01/30/12(Mon)19:58 No.60673325
         File1327971514.gif-(14 KB, 500x500, 54_birth.gif)
    14 KB


    That was yesterday's, meaning we didn't cover the kanji

    Forgot archive
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:59 No.60673352
         File1327971545.jpg-(267 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_015.jpg)
    267 KB
    >> bak∂gaijin26 !HERokAC78g 01/30/12(Mon)19:59 No.60673363
         File1327971564.png-(80 KB, 1033x267, japanese thread win!.png)
    80 KB
    It is the daily thread, if you'd notice yesterday's thread no longer exists.


    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:59 No.60673387
         File1327971595.jpg-(233 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_016.jpg)
    233 KB
    >> OP 01/30/12(Mon)19:59 No.60673391
         File1327971599.gif-(11 KB, 500x500, 55_big.gif)
    11 KB
    >> bak∂gaijin26 !HERokAC78g 01/30/12(Mon)20:00 No.60673427
         File1327971640.png-(98 KB, 1044x279, mod god.png)
    98 KB

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:00 No.60673429
         File1327971641.jpg-(260 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_017.jpg)
    260 KB
    >> OP 01/30/12(Mon)20:01 No.60673446
         File1327971666.gif-(15 KB, 500x500, 56_knowledge.gif)
    15 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:01 No.60673458
         File1327971697.jpg-(241 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_018.jpg)
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    >> OP 01/30/12(Mon)20:02 No.60673471
         File1327971720.gif-(15 KB, 500x500, 57_outside.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:02 No.60673483
         File1327971740.jpg-(207 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_019.jpg)
    207 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:02 No.60673494
    Hey, OP. Do you have a link to your very first lesson? And what is genki? I've been seeing it a lot on this threads, but have no clue on what it is.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:02 No.60673506
         File1327971765.jpg-(64 KB, 374x374, sher being retarded as usual.jpg)
    64 KB
    Is the memrise still updating?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:02 No.60673509
    which one is the onyomi pronunciation and the kun?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:03 No.60673550

    Onyomi is always in Katakana, Kunyomi in Hiragana.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:04 No.60673561
         File1327971844.jpg-(250 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_020.jpg)
    250 KB
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 01/30/12(Mon)20:04 No.60673587
    the memrise jlpt5 vocal set is broken as fuck

    it asked me to write the kanji for いいえ today

    it fucking failed me the faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:05 No.60673598
         File1327971909.jpg-(269 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_021.jpg)
    269 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:05 No.60673607
    Starting my Anki deck over because I neglected it for so long sucks, hopefully I can stick with it this time. I also tried making a separate deck only for 3-5 star jukugo.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:05 No.60673626
    maybe it means
    家 いえ
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:06 No.60673638
    は へ ひ ほ ふ

    は へ ひ ほ ふ

    は へ ひ ほ ふ

    は へ ひ ほ ふ

    は へ ひ ほ ふ

    は へ ひ ほ ふ

    は へ ひ ほ ふ

    は へ ひ ほ ふ

    は へ ひ ほ ふ

    は へ ひ ほ ふ
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:06 No.60673653
         File1327971987.jpg-(398 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_022.jpg)
    398 KB
    >> OP 01/30/12(Mon)20:06 No.60673673
         File1327972019.png-(115 KB, 737x894, 3.png)
    115 KB

    Genki: Bottom of the pastebin, please use it.

    First thread:

    First lesson:
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 01/30/12(Mon)20:07 No.60673678
    but it hasnt given me that word yet

    the page it showed me when i got it wrong was certainly いいえ and where it usually has the kanji all it had was いいえ, but いいえ is not the answer
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:07 No.60673688

    At least use the correct order
    は ひ ふ へ ほ
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:07 No.60673704
         File1327972050.jpg-(296 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_023.jpg)
    296 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:07 No.60673705

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:07 No.60673719
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:08 No.60673734
         File1327972099.png-(155 KB, 366x446, cafe-alpga.png)
    155 KB
    I haven't got around to doing any vocab in the last two days

    I have these anki decks that speak and I just need to get into the habit of doing them..
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:08 No.60673741
    わ ひ ふ へ ほ
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:08 No.60673756
         File1327972129.jpg-(265 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_024.jpg)
    265 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:09 No.60673769
         File1327972143.jpg-(58 KB, 491x491, 1324354966857.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:09 No.60673783
         File1327972166.jpg-(144 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_025.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:10 No.60673812
         File1327972219.jpg-(313 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_026.jpg)
    313 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:10 No.60673824
         File1327972232.jpg-(48 KB, 230x184, 1327549568987.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:10 No.60673828
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:10 No.60673838
         File1327972256.jpg-(12 KB, 200x243, 1327217436935.jpg)
    12 KB
    Does nobody else find these "learn japanese" threads just a completely useless clusterfuck?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:10 No.60673840
         File1327972259.jpg-(254 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_027.jpg)
    254 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:11 No.60673849
    Worst than Park Ranger.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:11 No.60673851
         File1327972282.jpg-(68 KB, 848x480, 1327815034033.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> bak∂gaijin26 !HERokAC78g 01/30/12(Mon)20:11 No.60673854
    先生 の誕 生日 はいつか知っていますか?3月9日だと聞きましたが...

    you know the game anonymous, provide hiragana readings of the kanji compounds in spoilertxt.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:11 No.60673882
         File1327972315.jpg-(227 KB, 845x1200, Yotsubato_v08_028.jpg)
    227 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:12 No.60673902
    >> You Are (Not) Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 01/30/12(Mon)20:13 No.60673938
    Suck my dick, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:13 No.60673940
         File1327972395.jpg-(111 KB, 837x1200, Yotsubato_v08_030.jpg)
    111 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:13 No.60673941
    否 maybe, though you'd have to be a complete faggot to use that for いいえ
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:13 No.60673958
    If you don't know where to start they can be confusing. It's a good place to get a daily progress census as well.

    I'm done with Kata and Hira personally but I'm gonna finish Nama-senseis videos and Start on Genki before I focus on Kanji.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:13 No.60673965
    >implying somebody is paying attention to the Yotsuba manga in this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:14 No.60673968
    I can't tell if this is a troll anymore
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:14 No.60673971
         File1327972445.jpg-(247 KB, 836x1200, Yotsubato_v08_031.jpg)
    247 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:14 No.60673993
    先生 の誕 生日 はいつか知っていますか?3月9日だと聞きましたが...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:15 No.60674005
         File1327972502.jpg-(196 KB, 835x1200, Yotsubato_v08_032.jpg)
    196 KB
    >> konakona !MpEqQLgus2 01/30/12(Mon)20:15 No.60674010
    Sometimes you find something useful, like

    Go memrise, go
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:15 No.60674042
         File1327972549.jpg-(226 KB, 836x1200, Yotsubato_v08_033.jpg)
    226 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:16 No.60674065
         File1327972586.jpg-(214 KB, 833x1200, Yotsubato_v08_034.jpg)
    214 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:16 No.60674079
    I need to study more.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:17 No.60674090
    I can read all this yotsuba, but I can't understand shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:17 No.60674109
    I have Yotsuba on my filename filter.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:17 No.60674125
         File1327972674.jpg-(12 KB, 344x345, 1291162372085.jpg)
    12 KB
    Motivation & Information (Check table of contents)
    Look up Kanji stroke order
    Turns all Kanji into Hiragana on Japanese webpages (may not be correct 100% of the time)
    Wise old man with good information.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:18 No.60674147
    I am, but I need more study. At>>60673294
    I got the simple phrases but the fried rice and farm were unknown to me. I had to compare what I translated to the scanlations to find what it meant.
    I will translate Yotsuba after I finish Genki I.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:18 No.60674149
    Why? That's awful.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:18 No.60674169
         File1327972728.jpg-(53 KB, 480x640, 1258414676723.jpg)
    53 KB
    I know that feel.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:19 No.60674177
    Is something wrong with that?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:19 No.60674180
         File1327972752.jpg-(237 KB, 836x1200, Yotsubato_v08_035.jpg)
    237 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:19 No.60674184
         File1327972757.png-(380 KB, 640x480, 1319758981042.png)
    380 KB
    >Reading kana
    >Worth mentioning
    I don't think pic is related but it's what I thought.
    >> konakona !MpEqQLgus2 01/30/12(Mon)20:19 No.60674206
    >Turns all Kanji into Hiragana on Japanese webpages (may not be correct 100% of the time)

    That is a terrible idea. 
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:20 No.60674223

    (1) 470
    (2) 853
    (3) 1300
    (4) 17000
    (5) 3612
    (6) 5198
    (7) 46900
    (8) 90210

    (1) 五百四十一
    (2) 二千七百三十六
    (3) 八千九百
    (4) 万二千三千四十五


    (1) この自転車は幾らですか。
    (2) 三千六百円です。
    (3) 百六十円です。

    Fuck numbers in hiragana
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:20 No.60674228
    It's supposed to be を
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:21 No.60674256
         File1327972860.jpg-(242 KB, 832x1200, Yotsubato_v08_036.jpg)
    242 KB
    >> bak∂gaijin26 !HERokAC78g 01/30/12(Mon)20:21 No.60674269
    actually it's read じょうび「生日」because the whole word here is たんじょうび、「誕生日」meaning birthday.
    very close anon, but in this case 月 is representative of a month, where the reading is 「がつ], and [9日」is has a rather unique reading, 「ここのか].
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:21 No.60674293
    Meant to say it adds Furigana to all Kanji.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:22 No.60674312
         File1327972924.jpg-(287 KB, 836x1200, Yotsubato_v08_037.jpg)
    287 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:22 No.60674330
    >That introduction video for the Linq thing.
    Anybody tried that? Seems like a good way to go about learning a language.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:22 No.60674339
         File1327972964.jpg-(221 KB, 839x1200, Yotsubato_v08_038.jpg)
    221 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:23 No.60674387
         File1327973031.jpg-(249 KB, 831x1200, Yotsubato_v08_039.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:24 No.60674434
         File1327973082.jpg-(240 KB, 836x1200, Yotsubato_v08_040.jpg)
    240 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:25 No.60674479
    Might as well ask here
    Does anyone know of a good site to download raw manga?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:25 No.60674482
         File1327973147.jpg-(257 KB, 833x1200, Yotsubato_v08_041.jpg)
    257 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:25 No.60674487
    Do they use actual numbers or do they still use kanji?

    Or is it more the difference between "twenty-three" and "23"?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:27 No.60674542
         File1327973233.jpg-(283 KB, 833x1200, Yotsubato_v08_042.jpg)
    283 KB
    Don't know if the servers are still up.

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:28 No.60674578
    さんがつ ここのか
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:28 No.60674581
    No one uses kanji for numbers. Teaching it as something basic is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:28 No.60674584
         File1327973295.jpg-(263 KB, 827x1200, Yotsubato_v08_043.jpg)
    263 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:28 No.60674599
    I'm currently using kanii damage, reading grammar books; and using ankidroid to some extent.

    Any tool I'm missing ?

    Also, any way to go with kanji appart from rote learning ?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:29 No.60674620
    Guys how do I type the - in Katakana? I found トレ-ナ- and I can't find what it means.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:29 No.60674627
         File1327973350.jpg-(201 KB, 831x1200, Yotsubato_v08_044.jpg)
    201 KB
    >> bak∂gaijin26 !HERokAC78g 01/30/12(Mon)20:29 No.60674635
    for the most part they use "real" numbers, like 2500¥, but you still need to know how to recognize the kanji. In addition, the currency [citation needed] is printed/stamped with numbers in kanji.
    >> That 4chan Wolf !/HorohOroo!!XM2tTktNsan 01/30/12(Mon)20:29 No.60674640
    >the tip
    Guess I will be seeing that one quite a bit.
    >> OP 01/30/12(Mon)20:30 No.60674672
    I think I'll stop here for today on the Genki. I need to get some work done, but I'll still be here.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:30 No.60674699
         File1327973425.jpg-(5 KB, 148x150, shirou.jpg)
    5 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:30 No.60674711
         File1327973446.jpg-(259 KB, 834x1200, Yotsubato_v08_045.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:31 No.60674721
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:31 No.60674758


    Also, the yotsuba posts are really helping me with my kanji, thank's op
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:32 No.60674786
         File1327973536.jpg-(228 KB, 1920x1080, asssa.jpg)
    228 KB
    Forgot image.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:32 No.60674808
    Oh yeah, those thread are horrible to read by the way; so I always skip them despite currently learning japanese.

    Can you guys not make a fucking mess of your own thread ?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:33 No.60674817
         File1327973580.jpg-(193 KB, 835x1200, Yotsubato_v08_046.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:33 No.60674823
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:33 No.60674851
    The -/_ key on the right of the zero.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:33 No.60674873


    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:34 No.60674894
         File1327973656.jpg-(220 KB, 832x1200, Yotsubato_v08_047.jpg)
    220 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:34 No.60674922
    that means a longer (vowel) sound in katakana.
    as in ケーキー which means cake. it's keekii. because ケキ would have too short wovel sounds.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:35 No.60674956
         File1327973729.jpg-(239 KB, 835x1200, Yotsubato_v08_048.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:35 No.60674957
    Pretty sure it means trainer.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:35 No.60674959
    So I might have just noticed this, but does Yotsuba not speak with kanji?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:35 No.60674970
    You might want to master English before you start on another language, champ.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:36 No.60675025
    Because she's a kid.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:36 No.60675032
    he accidentally left off one 's'

    (he's using british grammar)
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:37 No.60675046
         File1327973830.png-(Spoiler Image, 8 KB, 493x402, 1297891824852.png)
    Spoiler Image, 8 KB
    Of course she doesn't, she's just a little girl!
    >> bak∂gaijin26 !HERokAC78g 01/30/12(Mon)20:37 No.60675064
    because of her age it's assumed that she wouldn't know many of them, so that's how her speech is written. It's a semi humorous way the Japanese write certain things, they've also written speech in Japanese spoken by foreigners all in katakana to reflect their horrible accent.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:37 No.60675068
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:38 No.60675092
         File1327973889.jpg-(247 KB, 836x1200, Yotsubato_v08_049.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:38 No.60675100
         File1327973899.png-(164 KB, 466x418, 1327220711826.png)
    164 KB
    I have no idea how to learn vocab..
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:38 No.60675125
         File1327973935.jpg-(243 KB, 829x1200, Yotsubato_v08_050.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:39 No.60675135
    Apparently the more kanji the characters use, the more matured they seem to talk.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:39 No.60675146
    You might want to put some more ad hominem in there to make up for the lack of actual argument proving any point you may think you might try to make.

    Also it's 2 and a half in the morning; and 0/10, you only got a reply because arguing on the internet is my hobby.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:39 No.60675174
    Anki grind and start reading VNs and manga after you finish basic grammar.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:39 No.60675179
         File1327973993.jpg-(81 KB, 800x705, madotsuki cant vomit.jpg)
    81 KB
    That image every time...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:39 No.60675183
         File1327973995.jpg-(234 KB, 833x1200, Yotsubato_v08_051.jpg)
    234 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:40 No.60675227
    >he didn't try milk+coke

    What are you, a faggot?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:41 No.60675257
    This is two days late updating, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:41 No.60675260
         File1327974095.png-(38 KB, 401x223, cute.png)
    38 KB
    how long before I can read yotsuba (with my dictionary next to me)
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:41 No.60675270
         File1327974106.jpg-(44 KB, 410x303, 1320369143947.jpg)
    44 KB

    He doesn't specify what threads. He doesn't capitalize Japanese. He leaves a space after thread.


    Pic related, it's you at this point in time.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:42 No.60675296
         File1327974130.jpg-(60 KB, 576x835, index.jpg)
    60 KB
    your reaction made it way more fun. have a half naked loli.

    polite sage, etc
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:42 No.60675326
         File1327974159.jpg-(239 KB, 833x1200, Yotsubato_v08_052.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:43 No.60675358
         File1327974211.jpg-(200 KB, 836x1200, Yotsubato_v08_053.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:44 No.60675383
    That guy probably missed the threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:44 No.60675384
    Index is only hot when she's drowsy and naked.
    Too bad she's hyperactive and wearing a habit the entire series.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:44 No.60675419
         File1327974286.jpg-(216 KB, 829x1200, Yotsubato_v08_054.jpg)
    216 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:44 No.60675428
    >He doesn't specify what threads.
    This one in particular, hence the absence of plural mark.
    >He doesn't capitalize Japanese. He leaves a space after thread.
    Now you're just being anal. Just admit you hate those daily Japanese thread and want to fill them with unrelated filth. Well guess what, grammar discussion is related, nigga.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:45 No.60675435
    Hey guys what does ~てくれ mean? Like してくれ。
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:45 No.60675458
         File1327974331.jpg-(196 KB, 830x1200, Yotsubato_v08_055.jpg)
    196 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:46 No.60675488
    do it for me
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:46 No.60675490
    what does she mean by "きた"?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:46 No.60675506
         File1327974388.jpg-(214 KB, 827x1200, Yotsubato_v08_056.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:47 No.60675532
    It came! (The food)
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:47 No.60675560
    Isn't it "It's here!" or something.
    Blame my anime
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:47 No.60675566
    How many animus have you seen?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:47 No.60675570
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:47 No.60675576

    >those thread
    >implying that's not meant to be plural

    Wrong, let's see your next point.

    >It's alright to only pay attention to specific parts of a language, because I'm on the internet with my phone and I can't take time to look over what I wrote.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:48 No.60675613
         File1327974513.jpg-(205 KB, 835x1200, Yotsubato_v08_057.jpg)
    205 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:49 No.60675671
    "these threads" should be used as he's posting in one. "those threads" implies threads other than these.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:50 No.60675705
    Inb4 daily English threads
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:50 No.60675713
         File1327974641.jpg-(273 KB, 834x1200, Yotsubato_v08_059.jpg)
    273 KB
    Seems like 58 is missing, maybe
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:50 No.60675719
    >homely woman, female demon
    Is Yotsuba just being a bitch?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:51 No.60675749
    No, l was only pretending to be stupid, you're such a jerk for faIIing for it, hahaha l'm so clever.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:51 No.60675753
         File1327974690.jpg-(267 KB, 834x1200, Yotsubato_v08_060.jpg)
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    >> bak∂gaijin26 !HERokAC78g 01/30/12(Mon)20:51 No.60675776
    like as in 勘弁してくれ?

    〜 てくれ is a compound verb, the first part is the verb in the [te] form and then 「くれ」. くれ is a shortened version of くれる, and is used almost primarily by males. It means [loosely] to do a favor for someone, or to give something. As seen in the example, [勘弁してくれ] is the noun-verb [かんべん+する] in the [て] form, compounded with 「くれ」, so basically かんべん [forgive, pardon] して [do] くれ [do me the favor of, etc]
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:52 No.60675779
    What is a good way to study Kanji. I am considering trying for the JLPT Level N3 this year and my Kanji is my main weak point.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:53 No.60675852
    Anki grinding
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:53 No.60675864
         File1327974819.jpg-(253 KB, 834x1200, Yotsubato_v08_061.jpg)
    253 KB
    Wait, this is now another chapter?

    Fuck it, I won't post anymore
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:55 No.60675962

    Which is my point, if you forgot four things in 2 lines:
    >those instead of these
    >forgot the s
    >puts a space at the end of the sentence before the punctuation
    >doesn't capitalize Japanese

    Then you should take more time while typing.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:56 No.60676013
    Thanks, started a new VN and saw it a couple times, so I thought I would ask here.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:56 No.60676021
    this guy, lingosteve, is awesome.
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)20:57 No.60676054
         File1327975053.jpg-(235 KB, 902x1400, 01_036.jpg)
    235 KB
    I love school rumble but sometimes its just a fucking kanji nightmare.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:58 No.60676096
    I think I meant that for the person you were replying to. Sorry, my attention is divided between this thread and Memrise.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:58 No.60676110
    I'm gonna start joining in on these daily threads. I've taken some Japanese college courses and worked through the Nakama 1 textbook and half of the second but the practice will help. OP, do you know how those textbooks compare to Genki? I'm assuming they both are good enough for teaching you grammar, and the vocab + kanji parts comes from anki practice and reading simple raws.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:59 No.60676123
         File1327975140.jpg-(27 KB, 348x339, 1309545937848.jpg)
    27 KB
    TL note: Yotsuba is making cow sounds because it is superstion in Japan that you will turn into a cow if you lie down after eating.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:59 No.60676124
    How do you even look up kanji from manga? Rikaichan doesn't work on pics.
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)20:59 No.60676138
    you type it in manually, using the furigana
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:00 No.60676167
    Not him but:
    kanji recogniser on my galaxy SII
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:01 No.60676219
    These threads are fucking pointless and teach nothing but wrong things. Kanji is one of the last things to bother yourself with.
    >> bak∂gaijin26 !HERokAC78g 01/30/12(Mon)21:01 No.60676227
    that or search by radical, try with trackpad, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:02 No.60676294
    Or you search by radicals on Denshi Jishou. Click the ones you recognise and you'll be able to find what you want.
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:02 No.60676306
    I think the funny part is that you probably know less than most people in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:03 No.60676315
    Holy shit I love the future
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:03 No.60676343
    >and teach nothing but wrong things
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:04 No.60676394
    He is just justifying himself as to why he will not participate in the thread and/or learn Japanese.

    I mean, what better excuse is there than "its all wrong!"
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:06 No.60676509
    >> bak∂gaijin26 !HERokAC78g 01/30/12(Mon)21:07 No.60676522
         File1327975634.png-(707 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2012-01-30 at 7.05(...).png)
    707 KB
    fucking hell, so much fail today. meant "draw with trackpad"
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:07 No.60676529
         File1327975648.jpg-(205 KB, 818x1200, みなみけ#01_009.jpg)
    205 KB
    Note, if any of you babbys want to graduate from furigana manga and try your skill at a manga with no furigana, try either K-On or minami-ke.

    I noticed that as long as you have a decent kanji knowledge, there really is no issue.
    if school rumble didnt have furigana I think it would be a lot harder than minamike, and k-on is easily the easiest manga i've ever read
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:08 No.60676568
         File1327975704.gif-(295 KB, 323x273, 1317151627195.gif)
    295 KB
    What happened with the Yotsuba threads every time a new chapter was out (every week? every moth?).

    I miss them.
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:08 No.60676571
         File1327975708.jpg-(172 KB, 818x1200, みなみけ#01_010.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:08 No.60676575
    Hey John.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:09 No.60676626
         File1327975793.jpg-(20 KB, 168x285, 1324318013873.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:11 No.60676695

    Happen to have links to raws of either?
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:12 No.60676711
         File1327975925.png-(1.19 MB, 1128x1137, john.png)
    1.19 MB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:12 No.60676714
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:14 No.60676818
         File1327976097.png-(46 KB, 412x416, 1317594191340.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:16 No.60676882
    I was looking at his pics, but apparently he hid his facebook or something.

    -Major macfag, hates on windows
    -Plays COD, gamertag something like "panda"
    -Posts anime on his wall
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:16 No.60676908
    Oh one more thing. Major christfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:17 No.60676918
    What the fuck is going on in this thread? I go to take a bath on now /b/ is in here with their facebook crap?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:17 No.60676941
         File1327976272.jpg-(32 KB, 242x251, ginko.jpg)
    32 KB
    Is OP still here?
    Are you in contact with memrisebro?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:18 No.60676965
    A tripfag accidentally their name in a screenshot
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:18 No.60676975
         File1327976332.png-(268 KB, 572x1039, johng.png)
    268 KB


    Maybe he will stop shitting up threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:18 No.60676980
    Guy didn't hide his name, somebody found his facebook. I'm sure you can infer from there.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:20 No.60677066

    What a faggot
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:20 No.60677070
         File1327976455.jpg-(252 KB, 1121x1600, K-ON_01_003.jpg)
    252 KB

    back to Japanese.

    K-On is easy to read, but you need to memorize their names. After that its easymode.
    >> OP 01/30/12(Mon)21:21 No.60677077

    I have his email, I'll send him one tomorrow if it's not updated by that time. Be sure to tell me because I'm not following the memrise thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:21 No.60677090

    You mean we aren't all filtering this guy yet?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:21 No.60677108
    >reddit bookmark
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:22 No.60677134
    Might want to add
    >megaupload bookmark
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:22 No.60677150
    >friends and emoticons

    We should ban this faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:23 No.60677162

    Might want to add

    >facebook bookmark
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:23 No.60677163
    He was being friendly, trying to contribute. I'll usually give tripfags a bit of time before I decide to filter them.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:23 No.60677178
    Tells you the quality of posters that resort to OMGZ EPICZ WINZ LEGION XD kind of stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:23 No.60677179
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:24 No.60677204
    Damn that's one messy desktop. Not even going to mention the rest.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:24 No.60677220
    Is it wrong I'm actually kind of sorry for this guy?
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:24 No.60677223

    I hate reddit too. The comments just piss me off. But when I'm really bored I read the front page. I have an account to troll, as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:24 No.60677228
    >shitting up threads

    He was helping people more than anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:24 No.60677236
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:25 No.60677267
    Me too, he wasn't bad.

    But damn I'd hate him in real life.
    >> Setsumi !!GoqvNl2bQT/ 01/30/12(Mon)21:25 No.60677271
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:25 No.60677284
    This. I don't care if even if he sacrifices small children to demons or if he fucks frogs. When I asked him a question, he answered and helped me. That's all I care about.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:25 No.60677288
    by the fact that he hasn't posted since, it makes me think he went anonymous due to shame.

    hello john.

    i used to tripfag
    this happened to me too
    but on /v/
    i didnt hide my facebook or anything cause I have nothing to be afraid of
    no seriously how the fuck did he take his facebook down? i didnt know you could
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:26 No.60677308
         File1327976790.gif-(544 KB, 380x214, 1308531768835.gif)
    544 KB
    Come on. This thread officialy went to shit.

    These. I thought I told you to fuck off yesterday, ダブルファゴット.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:26 No.60677314
    >> タブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:27 No.60677348
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:27 No.60677359
    Alright because in addition to practicing stroke order, memrise is the most helpful thing I've taken from these threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:28 No.60677398
    So... memrise or anki?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:29 No.60677421
    >> Shitposting Tripfaggot !gH2FKtl.Fw 01/30/12(Mon)21:29 No.60677422
    I prefer memrise myself.
    >> タブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:29 No.60677428
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:29 No.60677441
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:30 No.60677479
    Anki and multiple decks. One for Kanji, one for vocabulary and the voived one with vocab+example sentences. Dorako mod 2000 I think it's called.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:31 No.60677493
         File1327977067.png-(613 KB, 1280x800, 1327975461182.png)
    613 KB
    We know you're here, John
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:31 No.60677503
    * voiced. Fucking Typos.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:32 No.60677527
    Because you seem like a friendly guy, I'm going to tell you a few things if you happen to still be in this thread. Because you're obviously a bit green.

    1.Most of us hate tripfags and filter them on site.
    2.Macs will get you some hate
    3.You have a streaming site open, I don't know what site that is, but we hate streaming.
    4. >/c/
    5.Your browser is fairly weaboo'd out, bond to get some hate
    6.Clean your desktop, organize that shit.
    7. I don't know how mac paint works, but just crop what you want to show next time.
    8. >laptop

    I think that basically covers it.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:32 No.60677531
    How do you get the audio to play on anki?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:32 No.60677549
    falsche Sprache. 日本語を話してください。
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:32 No.60677553
    correct. The funny thing is I forgot about my twitter because I was mad that I forgot my logins, couldn't delete, etc.

    I'm glad that /b/ found it's way here.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:33 No.60677558
    ちょっと。。。ひどい (´;ω;`)
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:34 No.60677609

    I'm ashamed to browse the same image board as this guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:34 No.60677613
    I don't normally result to /b/ shit, but oh my god your ass must be destroyed. So much asshurt.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:34 No.60677614
    >I'm glad /b/ found it is way here.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:35 No.60677645
    Also did you accidentally drag a 4chan image into your bookmark bar? Good job.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:35 No.60677646
    Have you downloaded the voice files? If yes, place them in a folder called Decknamehere.anki right next to your deck.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:35 No.60677659
    Oh wow, I completely forgot /c/ was a thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:36 No.60677676
    how the fuck did you hide your profile so fast? did you delete it? change URL? what did you do
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:36 No.60677692
         File1327977401.jpg-(81 KB, 842x720, 1319870787435.jpg)
    81 KB
    >mfw I can't into Moon

    today I had a Japanese test and I wanted to write:

    "Lazy people will enjoy this kind of place"

    and it turned out like:

    "Yaruki ga nai mono wa sonna tokoro ni shiwase desu"

    how bad was it?
    >> Setsumi !!GoqvNl2bQT/ 01/30/12(Mon)21:37 No.60677709
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:37 No.60677730
    stop that
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:37 No.60677734
    At least you acted friendly, I can't bring myself to hate you.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:38 No.60677767
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:39 No.60677789
         File1327977553.png-(139 KB, 1084x644, jon.png)
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    dont forget major christfag
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:40 No.60677839
    I can't find the voice files for Dorako on Anki. Are they the ones in here?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:40 No.60677844
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:40 No.60677847
    don't forget, inactive since 2010, a lot can change in two years.

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:40 No.60677853

    I think I'm going to be sick
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:41 No.60677891
    dont forget asshurt.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:42 No.60677909
    lol omg this has to be a joke

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:42 No.60677923
    >implying dont's a word.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:42 No.60677936


    there, now how shitty was it?

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:43 No.60677951
    jesus christ. someone link this picture to people on his facebook friends list

    his parents must know about this
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:43 No.60677982
    >this kind

    wat em i reding
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:44 No.60678020
    Is that way.

    Seriously he had enough. So what if he's a faggot, as long as I don't meet him and doesn't show it here I don't care.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:45 No.60678034
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:45 No.60678038

    Wut shuld we raid next XDXDXDXD"

    Although I hate ironic shitposting, this is how stupid you sound.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:46 No.60678084

    Streaming? You mean "Renai Circulation - Bakem"?

    Surely we don't get angry for this, do we?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:46 No.60678090
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:46 No.60678092
    Hi John
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:46 No.60678093
         File1327978017.jpg-(375 KB, 1119x1600, K-ON_01_074.jpg)
    375 KB
    So I was looking through my K-On manga folder and check this out.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:47 No.60678113
    gee maybe i should ask you?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:47 No.60678125
    I'm talking about SuperMikan
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:48 No.60678145
         File1327978097.jpg-(82 KB, 1123x626, 5235.jpg)
    82 KB
    Yes these are the ones I'm using.That's what your folder should look like. It's after all. Sorry about before.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:48 No.60678173

    It's like ustream or niconicolive bro. Surely you've heard of it right?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:49 No.60678186
    That was my shift key, faggot.
    We seriously need to stop this at this point. Let's get back on topic, I really don't want this quality.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:50 No.60678232
    I've heard of nicoicolive, and ustream, never seen that before though. I guess I was wrong, apologies.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:50 No.60678253
    You forgot, still having the adds.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:51 No.60678275
         File1327978290.jpg-(42 KB, 600x628, ti-84 what.jpg)
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    >in K-ON
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:52 No.60678306
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:53 No.60678329
    I know, right.

    That shit is fapworthy.
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:53 No.60678355

    That is the kanji.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:53 No.60678367
    Yeah, it's one of the many ustream derivatives that popped up.

    Last time I used it was when it got really popular among the Starcraft community for some reason.

    And before you ask, I've tried going to the Starcraft threads on /v/ and I've never participated in them.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:54 No.60678394
    wouldn't be 怠け者はそんな所が好きなはずです a better idea? I'm very rusty in japanese, so I'm not sure. But yeah it's pretty bad. How did the rest of the test go?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:54 No.60678404
    KyoAni is the master of subtle fanservice (post-Haruhi).
    I'm not too surprised that they never pulled that.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:54 No.60678410
    I was thinking about that, but that's only because he's new. We really don't hate new people, unless we're a bunch of summerfaggots trying to sound edgy and cool. We just hate people who can't provide for themselves.
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)21:55 No.60678453
    I don't think you need な before hazu.

    Also I have never heard 怠け者 so it may be archaic or unnatural. Try だらしない奴.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:56 No.60678473
    hey john, take your sage off and get over it.

    your ass must be bleeding
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:58 No.60678521
         File1327978693.png-(12 KB, 606x992, mods.png)
    12 KB
    I trying on /v/ every once in a while, for some reason I think I might actually enjoy my time there. That place is shitposter's galore. They really need to get some moderation.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:59 No.60678571
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:59 No.60678586

    But John's new, how could he provide that argument?
    Checkmate, faggot.

    *I try going on /v/ every once in a while
    *, and they really need to get some moderation.
    >> bak∂gaijin26 !HERokAC78g 01/30/12(Mon)22:00 No.60678603
    not me.
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)22:01 No.60678667
    いってらっしゃい ノシ


    紬・つむぎ (細 <ーー似ている)
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:02 No.60678701
    >take your sage off
    You act as if sage is some kind of significant function.

    I just came in this thread to tell you that. >>>/v/
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:03 No.60678753
    I wish /v/ had mods too. As horrible as it is, the other videogame communities are even worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:04 No.60678766
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:04 No.60678775
    Is it a coincidence that so means the same thing in both languages?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:04 No.60678803
    >3.You have a streaming site open, I don't know what site that is, but we hate streaming.

    I'm not that dude, but that is obviously youtube and a live (desktop) streaming site. that's not the sort of streaming /a/ hates.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:04 No.60678806
    There's a difference between having insufficient mods and having no mods...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:05 No.60678818
    Katakana, do you speak it?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:05 No.60678835
    looks like newfags dont understand the point of 4chan.

    no mods = free to talk about w/e

    go back to gaia u cunt
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:06 No.60678854
    Yes. It's part of
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:06 No.60678871
    It says active mods for a reason champ.

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:06 No.60678879
    What's the katakana for mod? And I mean the Japanese version, not the weeaboo モド.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:07 No.60678904
    fine cocksucker. i reported you too.

    enjoy ur ban :)
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:07 No.60678906
    >using "newfag" unironically
    >using "u" ever
    No, Anon, you are the newfags.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:07 No.60678923
    it feels like every thread is getting worse...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:07 No.60678925
    There are active mods. But they're not enough to hold the amount of off-topic threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:08 No.60678940
    It's what happens when you have a higher post limit.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:08 No.60678962
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    wow u sure told me.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:09 No.60678999
    How is that weaboo? If it's a foreign word that should match exactly.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:11 No.60679081
    He actually did, he pointed out your flaws.

    I hope you don't go "Joke's on you! I was just pretending", that would be falling even lower.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:12 No.60679096
    That feel when 1 tripfag ruins a thread you liked.

    Come on dude, I was hoping we could post our Genki works. Before this shit dies, please tell me if this is OK.

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:12 No.60679122
    He's trolling, stop responding, please.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:12 No.60679123
    >Ad Hominem
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:12 No.60679126

    Dude, how much of an obvious troll sign does he have to have? Just don't reply.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:13 No.60679147
    I'm taking my time before Genki; why だか?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:13 No.60679150
    "moddo". Can't be assed writing it up in katakana but you get the point.

    Katakana is generally for English words in the first place, so if you want the actual Japanese word for "mod", you aren't going to be writing it in katakana.

    >That feel
    Seriously fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:14 No.60679167

    That's wrong, it should be モッド。
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:14 No.60679200
    this is what trolls actually believe
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)22:16 No.60679239
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    Don't say だか

    How about you fuck off? This thread is about learning Japanese and your stupid ass has been shitposting and saging the whole thread. Reported. Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:17 No.60679263
    short form of です
    it's informal, which is why you wouldn't use か with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:17 No.60679304
    You should use のか instead of だか.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:18 No.60679323
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:18 No.60679326
    But マッド is a bit closer to how we pronounce it.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:19 No.60679393
    Ohh, just a really neat thing.

    The extra polite and humble form of です is でございます.

    Now you won't be able to unhear it in anime or in Total War, if you play that.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:20 No.60679406
    >you will never be able to read cursive script
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:20 No.60679411

    That's mad.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:20 No.60679413
    >your stupid ass has been shitposting and saging the whole thread
    I've posted twice in this entire thread, this being my third.

    Also, maybe you should fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from if you think saging is some kind of insult.
    >> ダブル様 01/30/12(Mon)22:20 No.60679416

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