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  • File : 1327965312.jpg-(100 KB, 381x813, daku.jpg)
    100 KB WHY Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:15 No.60668741  
    >Dat feel when your mom is a noisy jackass and opens your package containing your new dakimakura

    Fuck this gay earth.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:16 No.60668772
    too lewd
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:16 No.60668784
    >Buying neckbeard pillows.
    >> Fruits Punch Samurai !1jo.xJZURA 01/30/12(Mon)18:16 No.60668800
    It is a federal crime to open someone elses mail.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:16 No.60668803
    Learn to be more discreet.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:17 No.60668814
    Who are you feeling?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:17 No.60668846
         File1327965469.jpg-(39 KB, 455x455, 1318020101401.jpg)
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    so why do you still lives in your mom's basement ?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:18 No.60668874
    I never understood the point of these. Are you suppose to fuck it somehow?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:18 No.60668880
         File1327965506.jpg-(8 KB, 183x183, 1318509700386.jpg)
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    And? What'd she say? Or not say?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:19 No.60668896
    Oh god.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:19 No.60668904
    You hug it when you sleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:19 No.60668906
    You're supposed to hug it while you cry yourself to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:20 No.60668931
    Sauce OP?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:20 No.60668956
    PSP was always my favourite.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:21 No.60668974
         File1327965660.png-(803 KB, 1024x576, dfg546.png)
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    >never humped a pillow before
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:21 No.60668986
    You know you can sue her for that, right?

    No mercy to subhumans like that
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:22 No.60669027
    >Not fucking your loli pillows.

    lol you hipster.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:23 No.60669051
    That feel when it's five times better than regular masturbation.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:23 No.60669052
    >Telling the police someone looked at your sexual depection of a minor on a sex pillow
    That will go down well.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:23 No.60669085

    Daberu dabsu is right.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:24 No.60669089
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:24 No.60669091

    >Dat feel when your mom is a noisy jackass and opens your package

    I don't know this feel being an adult that lives on his own. Why don't you move out of your mom's basement op? It's not like you're some young fag that shouldn't be on an 18+ image board meant for adults or anything.

    Fuck off cunt
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:24 No.60669101
         File1327965862.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x720, Kirino_3D_2D.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:25 No.60669142
    your mom made so much noise that you package opened from the vibration?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:25 No.60669169
    Yes he's going to sue his mom.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:26 No.60669199
    Just say you're planning to pull a joke on somebody. Works in 99% of cases.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:26 No.60669205
    It's the principal of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:27 No.60669230

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:27 No.60669242
    >Not having your own house
    Get a fucking job and buy your fucking own house you fucking lazy neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:27 No.60669244
         File1327966063.jpg-(48 KB, 500x461, constanza feel.jpg)
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    >living with your parents
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:27 No.60669248
    >Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 Dakimakura
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:28 No.60669260
    >> Fruits Punch Samurai !1jo.xJZURA 01/30/12(Mon)18:28 No.60669272
         File1327966112.jpg-(151 KB, 1920x1080, azunyans.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:28 No.60669287
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:28 No.60669292
    The only people who believe this are stupid fucking gullible bastars. The fact he lives with his mom and he has gone out and ordered a dakimakura leads me to believe he is something of an Otaku and his basement dwelling must be Otakufied, something his mom would know. His Otaku lifestyle wouldn't be a surprise to her.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:28 No.60669298
    >not having a mom that respects your privacy
    etc etc
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:28 No.60669300

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:28 No.60669301

    It's a rough, doggy dog world out there. Not everyone can own their own house.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:30 No.60669352
    >It's a rough, doggy dog world out there.

    stop that
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:30 No.60669353
    it's a beautiful piece of art, like a vase or a frame
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:30 No.60669367
    I have no choice at this point in time..I really don't either I take care of my mother and she helps support me or I will be living on the streets homeless and she will be living in a nut house
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:30 No.60669369

    >Anon stays indoors most of the time
    >He's never had a girlfriend
    >He has few friends, if any at all.
    >He stays locked up in his room on his computer for most of his free time
    >Orders a pillow with a lewd cartoon girl on it.

    Yeah, he's just playing a joke on someone. That's it.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:30 No.60669370
    jobs are a diamond dozen these days.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:30 No.60669373
         File1327966228.jpg-(37 KB, 429x410, 1272505372174.jpg)
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    >be 12 years old
    >dad likes fishing
    >he has a gigantic man-sized pillow fish
    >take it up to my room frequently to hump it
    >then hug and caress the giant fish like a tender woman
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:31 No.60669405
    haha, oh wow.

    A daki with a fish on it, or a fish shaped pillow?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:30 No.60669406
    >dat feel when your loli daki had to go through customs and they actually opened your package and held if for an extra week
    >dat feel when you didn't get jailed
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:31 No.60669426
    I hope that you're trolling me.

    Please tell me that I'm being trolled.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:32 No.60669446
    >being a obese neckbeard living with your parents
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:32 No.60669460
    It was a giant fish-shaped pillow with a realistic print of a sea bass on it.
    >> Fruits Punch Samurai !1jo.xJZURA 01/30/12(Mon)18:32 No.60669466
    >a obese
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:32 No.60669470

    Oh wow.

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:33 No.60669480

    You must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:33 No.60669496
    I know I'd troll loser nerds like that, but just happen to neglect telling the cops because they have enough actually dangerous criminals to chase.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:33 No.60669515
         File1327966431.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 50 KB, 476x513, 1325375674038.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 50 KB
    So did you like it?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:33 No.60669517
    >spelling a shit
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:33 No.60669527
    >having pillows
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:34 No.60669540
         File1327966449.jpg-(190 KB, 640x429, 1302056280566.jpg)
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    so you guys do shit like this?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:34 No.60669543
         File1327966452.jpg-(89 KB, 640x480, 1317548719701.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:34 No.60669566
    >on /a/
    >owning your own house

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:34 No.60669576
    I may be a pathetic bastard but I at least have some dignity left in me. I pity the fool who owns a daki.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:35 No.60669596
    Oh God it's a rape one too.
    you have to act surprised:
    "what the fuck?! I didn't order this gay ass pedophile shit!"
    send it back
    open a po box for a month
    send it to po box

    but, if you live with your "noisy" mom, won't she see it anyway?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:35 No.60669605
    >buying a daki while you live with your parents and expecting to be able to hide it from them
    Nigga you just went full retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:35 No.60669612
    An apartment is possible.
    >> LondON !0n.aj6zhCQ 01/30/12(Mon)18:35 No.60669613
         File1327966544.jpg-(86 KB, 561x606, 1196738085388.jpg)
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    >Dat feel when your own apartment with its own mail address at least 3 miles from parents' house

    Enjoy the now-awkward relationship between you and your mother, OP.

    >Owning the house you live in

    It's called a lease agreement. And any poorfag can get one.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:36 No.60669627
    >at least have some dignity left in me

    No, you don't, stop lying to yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:36 No.60669635
    >gay earth
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)18:36 No.60669649
    I'd be afraid to spill.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:36 No.60669663
    it was incredible
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:36 No.60669665
    yeah but poorfags who default are a diamond dozen
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:37 No.60669675
         File1327966621.jpg-(100 KB, 1280x720, Kirino_angry.jpg)
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    Don't you fucking DARE try and take that away from me. It's all I have left that's worth something you son of a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:37 No.60669703
         File1327966651.png-(9 KB, 443x383, 1311194484412.png)
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    >leasing = owning
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:37 No.60669711
    No house.
    No job.
    4chan only.
    Final destination!
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:38 No.60669730
    if the only thing you have to brag about is that you don't own a daki, then i would re evaluate yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:38 No.60669767
         File1327966733.jpg-(61 KB, 534x598, 1327724654974.jpg)
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    OP here. I'm 19, a college student, I have a part time job and I'm skinny. I can't afford to move out yet...

    I just wanted to cuddle my pillow all night in peace. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:38 No.60669769
    I'd imagine on /a/, that's worth something.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:40 No.60669834
    At least its a nice dakimura. Who is it anyway?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:40 No.60669845
    I call bullshit.

    Everyone knows its a federal crime to open someone's mail that isn't your own. Even if shes nosy she can't legally open your mail even if you live together and even if you are her child.

    That bitch needs to get imprisoned for 5 years.

    >Sec. 1702. Obstruction of correspondence
    "Whoever takes any letter, postal card, or package out of any post office or any authorized depository for mail matter, or from any letter or mail carrier, or which has been in any post office or authorized depository, or in the custody of any letter or mail carrier, before it has been delivered to the person to whom it was directed, with design to obstruct the correspondence, or to pry into the business or secrets of
    another, or opens, secretes, embezzles, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."

    She is subject to some serious shit for breaking the rules of your private mail.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:41 No.60669875
         File1327966871.jpg-(98 KB, 1280x720, Kirino_it_cant_be_helped.jpg)
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    You will never enter an eternal dream where you will be with your waifu for ever and ever ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:42 No.60669903
    >Everyone knows its a federal crime to open someone's mail that isn't your own.
    No they don't and even if they did are you really going to sue your mommy for opening loli pillow?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:42 No.60669915

    Not OP, The character is from Hyperdimension Neptunia
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:42 No.60669928

    Why did you order such a lewd daki?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:42 No.60669929
    You think the police will give a fuck about some mother opening her manchild of a son's mail and finding what they will assume is a fuck pillow?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:42 No.60669930

    Not really. Buying a nice pillow, now that's something to brag about. Just not like OP.
    >> Fruits Punch Samurai !1jo.xJZURA 01/30/12(Mon)18:42 No.60669936
    It's actually pretty common knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:43 No.60669952
    You're even more pathetic because you lack the courage to admit that you are and spoil yourself with goods specifically made for pathetic people to feel good.

    Personally, I don't own any of that sort either, mostly because I'm poor and live with my parents, but should I ever move out, the first thing I'll get is a dakimakura.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:44 No.60669992
    This x10. I need to move the fuck out and into my own place.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:44 No.60670000
    as bad as i feel for you, you should have waited.
    what did you tell your mommy?
    after of course the likely massive spaghetti spill that probably had all of italy mourning at the loss of such a great deal of pasta.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:44 No.60670002
    >getting the people who support you even if they don't legally have to do any more in prison
    I don't think you thought your plan to the end.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:44 No.60670004
    Seriously, I can put up with most of the retarded shit you guys do but the dolls and hug pillows just push the line

    Even somehow just ignoring the usual shoddy quality, the shipping is absolutely insane and you're paying more than you'd make in an entire day of work for a fucking pillow with a picture on it. What in the fuck is stopping you from just using your imagination? You mindless autistic leeches that don't work or go to school and do the same things every day over and'd think you're already lazy enough without now buying something you could easily imagine.

    Plus you know the entire idea of it. A hugging pillow? It doesn't get much more gay than that. Maybe if you could fuck it or something, but you just hug it? Then the dolls..they do nothing. You most likely don't even touch them. It's like a grown man having a bunch of car posters all over his walls..come the fuck on. Even worse though since car posters aren't as dumb as little toy dolls most people stopped playing with when their intelligence outgrew that of a toddler

    If you're going to get raped on the price at least have it be for something worthwhile. A super japanese masturbation toy or something I could get behind, a pillow with a picture on it and some girl dolls though..
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:44 No.60670007
    Enjoy wasting your money on cuddle pillows. I on the other hand like the refined gentleman I am, will aquire exquisite models of my favorite anime characters to decorate my abode.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:46 No.60670084
    So when you buy a daki does it come with the pillow too or just the cover?
    >> Fruits Punch Samurai !1jo.xJZURA 01/30/12(Mon)18:46 No.60670099
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:46 No.60670100
    I don't see how one is better than the other. Also, figures aren't as huggable.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:46 No.60670104
    3/10 because you made me reply. You're going to go full 10/10 on a lot of retards though.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:47 No.60670116
    So true.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:47 No.60670133
    Why do you care what I do with my parents money,anon?
    >> John Steinbeck !!+X5FPRWBZoZ 01/30/12(Mon)18:47 No.60670149
         File1327967261.png-(403 KB, 604x2936, sonic fuck yeah motherfucker.png)
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    >Bought a daki months ago
    Hell yeah motherfucker, can't wait to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:47 No.60670151
    >Living with family
    >Buy pillow and erotic case together

    Are you fucking retarded?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:48 No.60670164
    I've been humping my bed/mattress since I was little. Best thing ever. A dakimakura would be only natural. Maybe I'll get one when I move out.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:48 No.60670166
    It depends really. Sometimes they do.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:48 No.60670168

    Sometimes they come with the pillow, though.

    But usually it's just the cover.


    You think I give a fuck about what some faggot on the internet thinks of me?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:48 No.60670170
    I don't give a fuck about hugging something. At least figures look nice and can decorate your home. A pillow is just a fucking pillow with a cutesy animu girl who is most likely butt naked.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:48 No.60670195
    That's not "trolling" you faggot, that's speaking the god damn truth. Are you too fucking childish/mentally handicapped to see that?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:49 No.60670220
    >not having it sent to your friend's house and picking it up after it arrives

    What is this faggotry?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:49 No.60670227
         File1327967358.jpg-(139 KB, 500x298, 1313950521527.jpg)
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    Go back to /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:49 No.60670236
    >Buy a figure
    >It ended up being close to $300
    >Its completely plastic, also has a chip on it from shipping

    Yeah I learned my mistake pretty quickly. At some time all of us are going to be motivated to do it though, there's no stopping us.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:49 No.60670238
    Trying too hard now, you can stop.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:49 No.60670244
    >A pillow is just a fucking pillow with a cutesy animu girl who is most likely butt naked.
    Exactly. And if that doesn't look nice and decorates your home then I don't know what does.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:49 No.60670253
    I have my imouto to hug.
    >> Fruits Punch Samurai !1jo.xJZURA 01/30/12(Mon)18:50 No.60670266
         File1327967415.png-(211 KB, 448x463, n4f0bd5f60f326.png)
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    >300 dollar figure
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:51 No.60670316
    > who is most likely butt naked

    You say that like it was a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:51 No.60670319
    Everytime I read these threads and see replies like this, I can't get the image of some scrawny manchild grinding a pillow in bed while frothing at the mouth and screaming "oh Haruhi/Kirino/Rei/XXX".

    Fuck you motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:51 No.60670334
    >Not everyone knows

    Pretty sure I learned that rule when I was in school. If that was the case shes an ignorant cunt who deserves no quarter. Sue? No, that's not what the law states. It says "..fine or subject to no more then 5 years in prison..."

    In OPs case I am sorry about your embarrassment but your mom is pretty much fair game for your abuse now. Because I would certainly be pissed at my mother if she did that to me, for a long while.

    Btw pretty nice dakimakura OP
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:51 No.60670337
    No really, he's right. Can someone try to refute the part about using your imagination?

    I hug my pillow and imagine it's my waifu all the time, I really don't see how having a picture of her on it is somehow worth the insane price

    I usually close my eyes when I'm hugging it anyway
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:51 No.60670347

    What the fuck did you buy that was 300 dollars?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:51 No.60670357
    >Uni dakimakura

    My fucking dick
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:51 No.60670361
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:52 No.60670366
         File1327967522.gif-(3 KB, 453x304, ch-lgflag.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:52 No.60670393
         File1327967548.jpg-(59 KB, 1280x720, Kirino_excuse_me.jpg)
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    To each his own I guess. Personally I would prefer a stark naked butt I could actually touch on a figure
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:52 No.60670404

    You don't know what you're missing out on, boy.
    >> konakona !MpEqQLgus2 01/30/12(Mon)18:52 No.60670426
         File1327967579.jpg-(44 KB, 334x500, Lucky-Star-Otaku-izumi-konata-(...).jpg)
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    I want this
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:53 No.60670451
         File1327967610.jpg-(19 KB, 272x311, 1327912162093.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:53 No.60670456
    Man, as far as I know, Neptunia dakis are expensive as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:53 No.60670457
    why does fruits punch samurai have to shit up every thread he touches
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:53 No.60670459
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:53 No.60670472
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:54 No.60670490
    Anything but
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:54 No.60670503
         File1327967666.png-(380 KB, 949x720, are you for rizzle.png)
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    You just don't get it, do you?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:54 No.60670512
    >Anything butt
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:54 No.60670532
         File1327967694.jpg-(13 KB, 252x288, 1302024377992.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:55 No.60670544
         File1327967719.jpg-(172 KB, 668x1049, 1327943877341.jpg)
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    I want a Lan Dakimakura like right fucking now.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:55 No.60670553
         File1327967726.jpg-(155 KB, 935x720, 1310733562570.jpg)
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    >Order figma a few years back
    >Mom opens the mail before I get home
    >Asks if I ordered that doll
    >"N-no.. w-well yes but uh, no, uh yes"
    >"Is she from one of those mecha series you like or something?"
    >"Uh.. yeah"
    >Let her think it's from Gundam since I owned a few kits of that (somehow she believed that [I think])
    >Quickly take it up to my room
    >She never mentions it again
    >Doesn't tell my Dad
    My mom is pretty nice
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:55 No.60670566
    >The sheer autism in the posts about fucking suing his mom

    It hurts just to read

    Parents pay for fucking everying you do, for your entire survival, and most of you faggots would likely end up committing suicide if they ever kicked you out since you have no job or money and no one to stay with..and "man id sue the fuck out of her and put that cunt in her place, hmph, teach that bitch to mess with my pedo hump pillow!"
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:57 No.60670647
    leave my dolls out of this, motherfucker. they are the only friends I have.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:57 No.60670671
    Same here bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:57 No.60670673
         File1327967859.jpg-(435 KB, 1600x4484, lucchini.jpg)
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    >implying you don't want this
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:57 No.60670691

    No need to get mad, those are typical posts here. Take the chance and learn a bit about law instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:57 No.60670694
    No she didn't believe it at all

    Yes she told your dad

    Yes they argued at night about kicking you out and your dad cried asking where he went wrong with you

    Seriously they're fucking married and you don't think they tell each other shit?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:57 No.60670695
    Well can't you get money from suing your parents though? I'd be set for life and never step out of my house if that was the case.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:58 No.60670714

    You keep using that word. Its an arrestable offense. The contents of the package are irrelevant to the actual crime of opening the mail.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:58 No.60670718
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:59 No.60670745
    >order figures all the time
    >sister moves in with my for a while
    >she just tells me what I got my asian shit and where she put it
    >hasn't opened a box yet

    she's pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:59 No.60670755
    I want to fuck your daki OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)18:59 No.60670758
    Bring up a case where a mom was arrested and went to jail for opening one package for her son at the same residence.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:00 No.60670795
    Why would I?

    No tits at all, hell it looks like a 10 year boy.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:00 No.60670801
    Then replace "sue" with "press charges" and it's the same argument applies. For something where no damages occurred, you'd have to be a complete douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:00 No.60670808
    She didn't tell my dad, because my Dad oddly eyeballed it when I accidentally left it out in my room one day.
    I was also still in HighSchool at the time, so they wouldn't kick me out, and unlike you I know my parents care for me because they always want to visit me now, and I'm not a complete retard.
    And yes she believed me, because while she's a good Mom, she's not very smart if I'm honest.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:00 No.60670818
         File1327968049.jpg-(30 KB, 465x345, where_do_you_think_we_are.jpg)
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    >hell it looks like a 10 year boy.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:01 No.60670854
         File1327968085.jpg-(63 KB, 281x206, where are you.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:01 No.60670874
    >dat fang
    >dat DFC
    >dat everything
    Yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:01 No.60670877
    >Get parent arrested
    >Now have no home
    >No job
    >No money
    >No friends to stay with

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:02 No.60670892
    >People talking about suing his mom
    Oh wow, /a/ is as autistic as /g/.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:02 No.60670913

    Well that's dealt with that one then.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:02 No.60670930
    >and the
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:02 No.60670937
    You're just realizing this now?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:03 No.60670947
    You should never touch a man's pillow
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:03 No.60670955
    Sometimes you just have to do the right thing
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:03 No.60670959
    >He has a Uni daki
    Fapping commencing
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:03 No.60670983

    What is this, twilight shit?

    I'd like to actually have a kid, good luck have a kid survive on those breasts. Good luck having that chick even survive being pregnant. Hell, I doubt she can even take a dick that isn't a micropenis.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:04 No.60670994
    Counter derp
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:04 No.60671009
    Did you know that many people that post on /g/ also post on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:05 No.60671053
    I can see it now.
    >Next on Judge Judy...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:06 No.60671081
    Oh wow. You wander in from /soc/?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:06 No.60671101
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:06 No.60671112
    ITT: Trolls trolling trolls
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:06 No.60671124
    >you now realize this is what "normalfags" think
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:07 No.60671147
         File1327968436.png-(353 KB, 469x700, stuffed.png)
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    >I'd like to actually have a kid, good luck have a kid survive on those breasts. Good luck having that chick even survive being pregnant.
    I have bad news then: pillows can't get pregnant. It doesn't matter what's printed on them.

    Newfag detected.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:08 No.60671210
    >that picture
    lol losers
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:08 No.60671214
         File1327968506.jpg-(162 KB, 1280x720, 1327500289985.jpg)
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    Fair enough. But its still something I would consider emotionally damaging and something I wouldn't forget ever. Even if it was my mother I would still be pissed off if she violated some basic principle of privacy even over something like a pillow.

    Its a dick move to open someones mail.
    >> LondON !0n.aj6zhCQ 01/30/12(Mon)19:08 No.60671221
    >Implying I was equating leasing to owning

    Fucking retard.
    >> John Steinbeck !!+X5FPRWBZoZ 01/30/12(Mon)19:08 No.60671226
    You forgot
    >dem vagina bones
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:08 No.60671232
    Was there a discussion about impregnating dakimakura?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:08 No.60671244

    Ever thought about sporting a trip and doing this part time? /a/ can never have enough drama.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:09 No.60671278
    Yeah well the actual print on the pillow isn't attractive, it's what it represents in your mind and how it appeals to you

    Not sure how that horribly bland undeveloped body is anything special. There's a million other flat, skinny, young anime girls with no curves out there
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:09 No.60671279
    Dammit bitch, you won't eat your food and you have the nerve to show up to the dinner table in a bikini? Classless.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:12 No.60671400
    Jesus christ it's your mom, just shut the fuck up

    Remember her cleaning the fucking shit out of your ass? Or driving your noisy ass all over the place (well, just school in your no friend life)? Or paying for all your shit?

    She can open a fucking box of your loli porn pillow if she wants to
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:13 No.60671472
    She also has animal ears you fucking furry. Yiff in hell
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:14 No.60671516
    fuck you
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:14 No.60671529
         File1327968883.jpg-(54 KB, 587x420, 349661545.301416.jpg)
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    Got that one coming soon, sorta worried since I couldn't find an uncensored pic of it but it's worth it for the clean side alone. That'll bring my total up to four, foreveralone.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:15 No.60671567
         File1327968930.jpg-(33 KB, 302x300, 1269338630416.jpg)
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    >Yeah well the actual print on the pillow isn't attractive
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:15 No.60671569
    Stay mad, furfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:15 No.60671572
    ITT: People who still live with their parents

    Maybe if you didn't flunk out and sit in the basement all day you faggots wouldn't be complaining now would you? I know you guys are highly intelligent but your common sense is beyond mental retardation.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:17 No.60671658
    You obviously don't understand a basic concept
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:18 No.60671701
    your'e wrong.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)19:18 No.60671708
    For what its worth, I like the choice and welcome to the collector's club. Are all 4 of yours of konata or do you have other characters? Not to show off, but I now have 5 more on order to be added to my collection of 25
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:18 No.60671724
    It's a small price to pay, rather stay in the basement than step out of my house and get a job.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:19 No.60671732
         File1327969143.jpg-(57 KB, 280x280, dealwithtea.jpg)
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    I own a normal body pillow that I cuddle with every night. I'd be too embarrassed to get A daki mostly because I'd never hear the end of it from my friends.

    I mean I get enough shit for just having a couple figures, I couldn't imagine what they'd say if I had a large pillow with a half naked girl from an anime printed onto it.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:19 No.60671757
    Wow, this board sure has changed in 8 months. Is /a/ occupied by /v/ now, or has trolling really gotten this stupidly excessive?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:20 No.60671779
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    >highly intelligent
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:21 No.60671821
         File1327969264.jpg-(38 KB, 640x480, 1295566890627.jpg)
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    Yes she did all those things and now she can't respect your right to privacy like a normal adult? Who in their right mind wouldn't be upset about this?

    What happens to be in the package is IRRELEVANT. The fact that they took it upon them self to violate your privacy to find out whatever is in your package is a violation of trust. How does this not make someone upset?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:22 No.60671863
    SOPA and KS are to blame.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:22 No.60671866
    If this is downhill I don't want to see rock bottom.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:22 No.60671867
    >still trying to blame other boards for your shit userbase

    >send hundreds of dick pics to spaghetti-san was /b/. Yeah, that's it it was /b/!

    same board that has a multitude of spammers, your board just sucks dick. Stop trying to blaming it on other shit
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:22 No.60671872
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:24 No.60671932
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:24 No.60671935
    Getting upset about her opening the box without your permission is fine. I think most people agree that the idea of pressing charges over it is absurd.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:24 No.60671944
    /v/ is at it's absolute shittiest point right now and it's overflowing into the other boards.

    It's infested by 24/7 general threads, off-topic pizza shit, KS, and normalfags who hate anything asian in nature.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:25 No.60671984
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:26 No.60672036
    Seriously this was the dumbest thing I'd seen in a long long time

    /b/ doesn't do anything these days, the idea that they'd somehow find the thread and rush in is so ridiculous
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:27 No.60672072

    It seems some are incapable of understanding sarcasm.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:27 No.60672076
    Go back to /v/ and stop shitting up this board.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:28 No.60672114
    You might be able to make a case they weren't pedo porn if you know, they didn't have a underage girl with her ass hanging out, clothes hastily ripped off, and in a pose implicating impending rape
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:29 No.60672151
    Some of /v/'s semi normalfags have migrated here to escape full blown normalfags.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:30 No.60672191
    >Cartoon girls
    What has happened to you /a/?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:32 No.60672236
    >sleeping with my daki
    >friends show up and my dad doesnt wake me up beforehand
    >girl i like sees my daki
    >tells me she wants to steal it from me
    I guess Ayano has the lesbian effect on everybody...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:33 No.60672299
    which ayano?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:33 No.60672300
    Yaoi loving hambeasts and normalfags have both been appearing in increasing numbers.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:34 No.60672326
    I'm using the dead bodies of children, paint them with ink and then cover them with sheets and press-roll the whole bundle.

    Once their bodies are too mangled you have to get the next one. That's how you make real dakis.

    They look a bit crappy, but it feels much better when you know how much went into them.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:34 No.60672343
    Might be a little extreme yes.

    Normalfags influx due to media outlets (reddit etc.), news coverage, and new people come every day due to the general instability of the internet as of today.

    They feel obligated to pass judgement.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:34 No.60672344
         File1327970087.jpg-(116 KB, 480x640, sorrymrwallet.jpg)
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    Ayano Sugiura from Yuru Yuri. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:36 No.60672398
    >implying it isn't pedo
    The government disagrees with you
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:37 No.60672441
    Not lewd at all. Why aren't more pillows like this if they aren't for humping?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:37 No.60672451
    Just ordered a Yuno dakimakura.

    I can't wait to snuggle with my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:38 No.60672491
    >anything with little girls is being spammed with PEDOSHIT
    Truly this is the Dark Age
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:38 No.60672501
    I dont think anybody humps their pillows. Well not many. I have lots of lewd dakis, I mainly see it as eye candy and possible spank material.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:38 No.60672502
    The Nigerian government?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:39 No.60672553
    That's the daki, the other side is pretty lewd, sorta.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:40 No.60672558

    God I hope so. I feel like the stupidity level has skyrocketed here lately, especially with all of those fucking buyfag threads.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)19:41 No.60672615
    I find the lewd ones better for wall decoration and tend to only cuddle with the cuter non-lewd ones. I think they're made lewd because they're largely intended to be kept private and its really kind of exciting just to see it. Even if they are for cuddling and not fucking, that doesn't mean they can't turn you on.

    I've found that a lot of girls like soft cuddly things, and sometimes its even better if it has a cute cuddlable image on it. Hope that girl comes back for it. Maybe you should give it to her.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:42 No.60672688
    >at least 3 threads about buying anime/dubbed in one day
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)19:43 No.60672705
    That's not bad at all, considering how much further some go...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:43 No.60672710
    It's slightly less innocent than the other side, but you can't really say it's perverted. I mean, there are no exposed nips, no torn clothing and if there's even a panty shot going on there it's not much. Pretty tame compared to a lot of daki material I've seen.

    By "it" you mean his penis, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:44 No.60672755
    I refuse to give it to her. She wanted to steal all my figures around my desk as well. We're going out now. I've betrayed you, /a/. I'm so sorry.

    I really don't like the lewd ones, I like the modest ones more, leaves the sense of purity I like to see in characters I would buy a daki of.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)19:44 No.60672771
    I suppose that works too, if you want to take it that way, but my main intent was to mean the pillow cover.
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 01/30/12(Mon)19:45 No.60672793
    >that feel when your waifu doesn't have a daki
    Feels terrible man. I at least can hope though.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:45 No.60672815
    >We're going out now. I've betrayed you, /a/. I'm so sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:45 No.60672820
    If you want to make it up to us you can buy a Goro mask, make her dress up as your waifu then post your homemade cosporn.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)19:45 No.60672824
    Don't give it away then, share it with her. Cuddle together its a lot of fun. I know from experience too.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:51 No.60673034
         File1327971073.jpg-(286 KB, 503x557, nepumk2koubou0805.jpg)
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    Both sides of op's daki
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:51 No.60673052
    As in... put it between us?

    I actually care about the people on /a/, unlike the normalfags and aspies. Cut me some slack, would ya?

    It'd be a miracle if she consented to letting me in her pants at this point. That's a far stretch. Also >cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:53 No.60673119
    The other side isn't too bad actually.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)19:53 No.60673128
    I've done it 2 ways, one with Louise between us and another where GF-chan hugs Louise and I spoon behind her and cuddle both from behind. Ask and find out what she likes and what she wants to do, that should be the most important thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:54 No.60673165
    It's also less likely to get you arrested in some countries.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:55 No.60673199
    That's a lot less lewd. Very nice.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:56 No.60673224
    we really have sunk low today huh?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:56 No.60673255
         File1327971402.jpg-(182 KB, 540x836, 1284506218685.jpg)
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    >>not mailing it to your neighbor's address.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:56 No.60673257

    But loli is legal in the U.S. (at least in my state). If the government considered loli pedophilia I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be so many resources to find it, and 50% of /a/ would be arrested by now.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)19:57 No.60673286
    You're right, my life sucks. I have a waifu and a girlfriend who likes and encourages my waifu's presence, this is the worst possible situation to be in.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:59 No.60673369
         File1327971568.jpg-(30 KB, 640x432, 1307321558984.jpg)
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    so which one are you the least faithful to, your waifu or your GF? Either way you are a god damn slut.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:00 No.60673393
         File1327971603.jpg-(26 KB, 244x206, 1300531834903.jpg)
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    Just stop posting, don't derail the thread with your faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:00 No.60673399

    That's not how waifus work faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:01 No.60673448
    It is illegal, they just don't care enough to arrest so many people. It's been illegal in the US for a long time.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:01 No.60673450
    I wouldn't leave either for the other. My waifu will always be there for me, the real girl has to match, if she demanded I leave my waifu, I'd refuse and probably tell her she's not right for me and she knows this.

    Sorry for being a manslut, we aren't all perfect.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:01 No.60673460
    No need to mention it on a board where 95% of the people are neckbeards and have no experience with women. It just angers everyone and derails threads..
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:01 No.60673468
    OP should have posted that side instead. It looks less "I'm 9 years old and about to raped by a neckbeard".
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:03 No.60673531
    I always wanted to buy one of these. I used to hump pillows all the time when I was little. Where can I find one for less than 30 dollars?
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:03 No.60673542
         File1327971821.jpg-(503 KB, 2600x1094, how2waifu.jpg)
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    Please describe undying devotion and dedication to me, I have no idea how to into waifu.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:04 No.60673589
    >Implying you don't want to rape her.

    Fucking normalfags putting up fronts.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:05 No.60673600
    you can get them in the ~40 range with shipping from

    They're chinese knockoffs, but I'll vouch for the quality and durability. They look great and I've noticed no deterioration or fading.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:06 No.60673659

    "The loosely defined principle that the PROTECT act of 2003 prohibits computer-generated child pornography and illustrated lolicon has led numerous people to assume that lolicon is now illegal in America.

    However, examination of the literal PROTECT act, and awareness of the previous judicial bans on enforcement of prohibition of fictional depictions of child sexuality paint a different story. Although the PROTECT act was signed into law by President George W. Bush on April 30, 2003, the 2004 Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union Supreme Court ruling once again determined that a ban on fictional illustrations is unconstitutional. Furthermore, section 504 subsection 1466A of the PROTECT act of 2003 clarifies that "drawing" or "cartoon" visual representations of child sexual abuse must depict a minor involved in sexual activity, be obscene, and lack "serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value" in order to violate the law. Beside the fact that the US Supreme Court has already determined this section of the PROTECT act to be unconstitutional, imported Japanese lolicon art would still have to be legally proven "obscene" and lacking in "literary, artistic" value in order to be deemed illegal. To the furthest extent of my knowledge, that has never occurred on a federal level in America."

    It seems really badly written to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:06 No.60673660
    >I left my university after 1 year
    >I had friends
    >pot and psychedelics everywhere
    now I sit in my room, browse, and work 45 hours a week.
    living is suffering.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:06 No.60673661
    >Implying I'm a sick pedophile.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:08 No.60673742
    Why are you doing this to cirno?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:09 No.60673775
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:09 No.60673790
    thanks, the prices are great, my country is not in the shipping destinations list. Gonna have to look somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:10 No.60673835
         File1327972255.gif-(Spoiler Image, 80 KB, 618x490, whiteknightcolor.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 80 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:11 No.60673841
    Fuck me, why does this exist?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:11 No.60673871

    You simply can't have a waifu and a 3D at the same time. Would you have two girlfriends at once? Your waifu is an imaginary friend at best.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:13 No.60673937
    >Defending pedophiles.
    /a/ sinks to new lows every day.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:13 No.60673959
    you aren't sorry. I feel sorry for your god damn waifu.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:15 No.60674021

    >not understanding the argument

    The normalfag population increases every day on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:16 No.60674049
    But you can have two girlfriends at once.
    May not be morally right according to you, but yeah.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:16 No.60674066
    Just as a waifu can mean different things to different people, A waifu and a girlfriend can mean very different things to the same person. To me, one is there for me as a safety object that I can love with all my heart and nobody can ever take that away.

    The other is a real person that I can interact with, who I can laugh and share with rather than feeding an endless void, someone who I can love and who can love me back.

    I can say I always have and still do love Louise with everything I have, but I never deluded myself to actually believe she is real. There are some aspects and rewards in a relationship that are simply impossible to realize with a waifu. The real relaitonship is all about reciprocation and interaction, rather than being dominated by endless devotion and dedication.

    They are very very different types of relationship and my girlfriend knows everything, and accepts and encourages it.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:18 No.60674152
    >my favorite anime girl i want to fuck xD
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:18 No.60674162
    How does it feel that no matter how much time and money you spend on your "waifu", you'll still be a normalfag?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:19 No.60674211

    I don't care about the moral aspects of having two girlfriends at once, the point is that a waifu is supposed to be an emotional partner. If you have two girlfriends you're probably just in it because you want sex from two different people. So having two emotional partners at once just doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:20 No.60674235
    Zerono, you've really gotta stop biting at things you know will derail the thread. Yesterday's daki thread was so nice, but then this shitstorm started.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:20 No.60674247
    God dammnit, he is a fucking traitor yet he has all that money to buy figurines and daki's.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:21 No.60674281
         File1327972878.jpg-(103 KB, 668x809, ans.jpg)
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    I do NOT want to know that feel.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:21 No.60674297
         File1327972893.jpg-(77 KB, 675x683, 4df18243f3570_96851b.jpg)
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    I would not be able to buy this. my heart will explode
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:22 No.60674314
    Oh no, an internet title of normalcy is the SECOND worst thing that could ever happen to me. What will I do?

    >I know what love is and you dont.
    You have no idea what brought me to the state I'm in or quite how much devotion I've shown to my waifu. I was doing this long before you joined the little club of people who know that love for a character can be real. If you wanted to talk to me normally I'd expalin things to you but you seem to just want to make me upset which you can't really do because my life is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:22 No.60674317
    Oh god, prepare you anus.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:24 No.60674418
    Please read this and please believe that I'm being honest in saying that they really are both emotional partners, just partners that fill different emotional gaps. I really am telling the truth here, if I was in it for sexual gratification alone, I'll tell you that the tenga is better.

    Important post:
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:24 No.60674423
    I don't think that makes him feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:24 No.60674429
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:24 No.60674437
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    Fuck this gay earth.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:25 No.60674461
         File1327973116.gif-(Spoiler Image, 130 KB, 344x472, tumblr_lxwkmmlVt91r0yamfo1_400.gif)
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    >Mfw thread is filled with /a/nons who cant get 3DPD and need pillows.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:25 No.60674490

    All right, I understand where you're coming from.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:25 No.60674493
    You're right, its probably my fault for starting to post in a thread that started out the way this one did. Maybe later tonight we can have a better one.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:26 No.60674500
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    Oh lordy.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:26 No.60674511
    Oh god it's this faggot again. Alright we get it, you have a girlfriend, an awesome room, lots of money, awesome friends and an awesome life. Can you stop bringing it up though? Because most of the people here are the opposite of you and the threads get derailed when you come because you cause a massive amount of jellyness.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:26 No.60674531
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    been afk, thanks, only Konata ones. My first, and still fav, is Sanya V. Litvyak, then Mina Tepes and the third Yui from Angel Beats.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:26 No.60674532
    You must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:27 No.60674535
    Why does /a/ get such terrible tripfags?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:27 No.60674545
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    One of my college professors bought this cause he has trouble sleeping without his wife for some reason.

    Also he likes Japan a lot though I never got to know how much.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:27 No.60674566
         File1327973267.jpg-(221 KB, 590x593, so many tohous i want them all.jpg)
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    I dont think my wallet is ready for this.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:28 No.60674603
    You're a gentleman and a scholar and you're invited over for a round of drinks if you'd care to join.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:28 No.60674604

    >implying that not every tripfag is terrible
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:28 No.60674613

    Nah I'm just teasing. I really don't care what /a/non does as long as they are willing to have a witty discussion about good anime.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:29 No.60674619
    eh, meant only Konata one.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:29 No.60674663
    Because non-anonimity goes against the philosophy moot intends in making and maintaining these boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:30 No.60674682
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    >one is there for me as a safety object
    >safety object
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:31 No.60674754
    What I mean is, she's only a person in my head. To the real 3D world, she's just an object. A psychologist would call it a security object. Trust me I know from experience.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:31 No.60674767
    This thread was a success.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:32 No.60674787

    So you admit you're a faggot?

    Good now just stop posting and everything will be fine.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:33 No.60674840
    Then she's not your waifu. She's merely a "security object" to you.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:33 No.60674845
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:33 No.60674863
    >That feel when you want one really badly but can't buy one because you will dishonor your famiry and it'd be awkward as hell.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:34 No.60674875
    So how does it feel /a/? He is rich, has a girlfriend, has a dungeon dedicated to his waifu, and he shares his hobbies with others while you're just a pathetic shut-in leeching off of your parents. Might as well kill yourselves.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:34 No.60674888
    It still entertains me, some people actually seem to like my contributions, and I haven't been banned yet so I wont leave this board just because you tell me to.

    No more than you would leave if I told you to.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:35 No.60674941
    >Implying you can have a girlfriend ANDDDD a waifu

    No seriously, get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:35 No.60674958
    >Zerono bragging about having 26 dakimakuras.
    Nigga, get 60+ and then you can talk about powerlevels.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:35 No.60674972
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:36 No.60674988

    You talking about the German guy?

    He's married? Is it a land whale?

    >Married to 3D
    >Has a waifu

    How is that EVEN possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:36 No.60674989
    Living the dream. Oh how I wish I was you.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:36 No.60674993
    You're making a lot of neckbeards cry. And you're enjoying it aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:37 No.60675044
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    Confirmed for trolling and shitposting intentionally.

    Now we wait for a mod.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:37 No.60675051
    She is a very real person to me, and only to me, and I love her very much. Don't tell me you know how I think or what I value, you don't know. You could instead try asking me what my values towards my waifu are and then pass judgement, but you're just guessing and splitting hairs on the way I choose to phrase things.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:37 No.60675053
    No I am talking about
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:38 No.60675108
         File1327973908.png-(24 KB, 349x663, girl clobbered in seastars.png)
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    Ha, Ha. You funny. Ill kill you last. For justice.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:38 No.60675123
    I feel okay. But you sound immensely jelly.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:39 No.60675140
    >Bragging about having pedo pillows.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:39 No.60675163
    Just let it out bro, no ones going to judge you.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:39 No.60675172
    Stop blowing hot air you faggot. If she was your waifu, you wouldn't have a girlfriend too. You are too hipster for here bro, please leave and go to reddit where you will be worshiped for your epic win. I bet you don't even know how waifus work, I bet she's some random cute anime girl you picked and said okay to. You make me sick.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:40 No.60675216

    0/10. This trolling is getting old fast.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:41 No.60675231
    I was once quoted as saying "I don't understand what fun is". This is just another day really. I enjoy the low-intellect banter here in a place where nobody's opinion has to matter to me when I wake up tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:41 No.60675234
    Aw snap, you really ripped them a new one here. Shit, they'll probably stop posting out of shame. Wow, congrats, man.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:41 No.60675249

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:41 No.60675272
    I know my life isn't good as his or will ever be but if I kill myself, I'll miss out on all the new anime, plus I have a manga backlog that I have to finish.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:42 No.60675299
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:42 No.60675337
    Zero, out of curiosity, why Louise? What about her in particular impacted you in such a way?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:43 No.60675342
    Literally my only motivation to move out is so that I can own a daki.

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:43 No.60675350
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:43 No.60675374
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    Did this... actually happen?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:44 No.60675391
    I bet he has nothing to say. He just likes how she looks. It's like fags claiming that index is their waifu.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:44 No.60675399
    Again, you refuse to even ask me to explain and just judge me as worthless because I threaten your ideal perfect world where a waifu gives you everything you ever need. I've been here longer than you and I've been with my waifu longer than you, and in fact, I used to believe the same as you that there was no possible way to maintain both. You think you know and understand exactly how a waifu works but you fail to realize that its all about what makes you happy.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:44 No.60675422
    I've never humped a pillow!
    I have, however, sandwiched two together.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:46 No.60675482
    Yeah, being a slut and an attentionwhore makes tons of people have empty happyness based off of attention alone and not doing anything of worth. Are you implying that it's a good thing? If so, please leave faster.

    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:46 No.60675487
    I somehow doubt it. He seems to be a rational person. I am curious about his reasoning.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:46 No.60675489
    >I enjoy being among the neckbeards who won't ever be as succesful as me.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:46 No.60675507
    I pity your "favorite female character".
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:46 No.60675517

    The guy kissing the pillow/hugging it yes.

    The anime girl being on it was shopped, but that should be easy to tell.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:47 No.60675552
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    I put away my figures in a hidden box when people are home or when I sleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:48 No.60675582
    >that feel when your parents know you collect figures
    >that feel when your dad bought you a figure for Christmas
    I'm not sure how they'd react if they found out my house was a temple of bishoujo dakimakura though.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:48 No.60675585
         File1327974486.gif-(2.99 MB, 320x240, 1277944679085.gif)
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    >Not building a waifu.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:49 No.60675673
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:50 No.60675712
    >that feel when your dad bought you a figure for Christmas

    Living the dream.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:50 No.60675717
    At least post the one with the guy using one.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:50 No.60675722

    I don't know how lonely you have to be to do something like this, but God damn that is wow.

    Thank God I'm celibate.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:51 No.60675756
    I didn't fall in love until the second time I watched the series (season 2 in particular) through. She had been a character I'd kind of liked since the first time through but during my second run of the series, I started finding myself pausing and rewinding to listen to her lines again, watch her behavior, learn how her mood swings worked, all these things. I became obsessive with this girl who was so cute when she was quiet and so brutal when she wasn't.

    I've always been the kind of guy who would let a girl make all the decisions for me, take advantage of me, give me orders, and obey them with pleasure. I loved the subtle ways she grew as a character and began realizing she was in love, the way I was realizing I was in love, even though she had problems showing it.

    Her noble composed attitude makes me want to follow her. Her weaknesses and vulnerabilities make me want to protect her. Her authoritative attitude makes me want to obey her. Her tender submissive behavior that appears ever so rarely makes me want to keep her with me forever.

    I don't know what else to say. I could go on and on about this, but do you want me to do so or do you get the idea?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:52 No.60675792
    It's just one retard. Ungrateful fuck
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:52 No.60675811
    I dont have it.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:53 No.60675876
    Wow...honestly that's the best rationale for leaving someone's given me. Props.

    I still have nothing better to do though.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:54 No.60675886
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:54 No.60675927
    Hi bacon.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:54 No.60675928
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:55 No.60675936

    I'm also interested. I wish people would shut the fuck up and listen to what he says. I'm fairly skeptical myself, since it feels like by calling her his waifu it's somewhat insulting to people like myself who love our waifus beyond reason, and fucking mean it.

    I used to hold an ounce of respect for this guy, but given half of his posts here he's beginning to sound like an arrogant bastard of the highest order.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:56 No.60675987

    >Dat door

    Dude, what the fuck. Is that a castle or some shit?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:56 No.60676003
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    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)20:59 No.60676128
    Sorry, I think I'm just getting worn out after that little excursion to /v/ today. If someone can make a happy dakimakura thread I'd be happy to make less shitty posts there.

    I really do love Louise. Its hard to convince other people though, so you'd have to take my word for it. I simply spent enough time considering my feelings for her and my needs as a person to come to my own conclusions about what a waifu means to me. I'm not telling anyone else how to live or that I know better, I was really just trying to share if you look back at the beginning, I was trying to help this bro here:
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:00 No.60676182
    Sounds like you are still stuck on stage 1. You haven't even begun to want to incorporate the person's personality traits within yourself. If you really did, then you would realize how special it is to only share your love with one person. It's impossible to love two people equally because no two people are exactly a like. Knowing how jealous tsundere are, how do you think she would feel if she found out you were with another girl? You can't tell me that you forgot to even think about her feelings, thats incredibly selfish. If you haven't thought of this, then you don't deserve to have a waifu. What you had was a simple fascination for babby's first tsundere because you obviously didn't watch Hey Arnold when you were younger. Now please leave, your ways and pattern of thought disgusts me. I would report you again if I could.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:00 No.60676184
    Wouldn't you brag if you were him? I mean the guys is fucking loaded with dosh. I would shit on all you faggots everyday if I was him.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:01 No.60676234
    God I'm tired of explaining this. Yes, I live in a fucking castle. Yes, my door is awesome. Thanks for appreciating it, thats why its in my e-peen image.

    No, I dont really live in a fucking castle. This room was added to the house by some kind of amateur home-improvement nut who owned it in the 1970's, hence the hilarious door and orange shag carpet. Never bothered changing it because I like the aesthetic value of living in a dungeon.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:02 No.60676282
    I sort of understand, but at the same time, I'm having some trouble. While watching the series, I felt like she behaved unreasonably towards Saito, despite his repeated attempts to do everything he could for her, which he complied with extremely quickly after being torn from his reality and stuck in a completely unfamiliar (hurr) one.

    Her vulnerable and loving moments were cute, yes, but she was far too distrustful for no revealed reason. She was abusive and intolerant. Yes, she recognized her mistakes, but she never learned from them. How did you rationalize with this and come to feel so strongly about her? THAT is what I am curious about. I am curious how you reacted to these moments in the series, which occurred frequently.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:02 No.60676307
    Don't buy neckbeard merchandise OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:04 No.60676418
    HAHAHAHHAHA wait a second wait a second. So this guy is rich right, and he thinks that his 3DPD LOVES HIM? AHAHAHAH OH SHIT. THAT'S A GOOD ONE BRO, A BIG GRATS.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:05 No.60676463
    Seriously. Stupid fucker.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:06 No.60676479
    Calm down bro, your letting all the jelly out. You mad that your life sucks and won't be ever good as his?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:06 No.60676493
    >implying 3d women are not selfless and honest maidens that love you as a person regardless of monetary status.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:06 No.60676507
    You think it wasn't hard for me to do? You think I didn't cry myself to sleep the night after I first kissed the girl? You think I haven't taken Louise's feelings into consideration? Of course she'd kill me, of course she'd leave me, of fucking course I'm doing a horrible horrible thing to her, but even though I'm a worthless piece of trash and she deserves better, I still love her anyways which is why I can still bear to lay eyes on her. My only hope in my life right now is to pray that Louise would at least understand and forgive me before casting me off into the void as I'd be fated to do.

    Don't tell me I didn't go through enough. This has been a struggle with myself for literally years and I know exactly why all of you seem to think its uncalled for, because it fucking is, but I'm my own person and can make my own judgements and still what I said before is still true:

    My love for Louise is something nobody can take away from me, not my girlfriend, not anyone on /a/, not even Louise herself can make me stop loving her.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:08 No.60676556
    At least your girlfriend is probably better than that stupid slut janitor called Siesta.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:08 No.60676569
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    So you agree that you are a selfish cunt that should get the fuck out so leave already
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:11 No.60676688
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:11 No.60676691
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    >not buying your own imouto
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:12 No.60676737
    Call it fanon, but I rewrite it in my head to make her more real and have more rational reactions than what's in the anime, justified that JC staff does what they think will make the show entertaining to watch for the masses and not for me.

    She certainly treated Saito unfairly, I rationalize this by thinking of all the ways I'd have done better, mostly not being distracted by the other girls, and also I realize that I like the unreasonable part of her because I have sick desires in my life to be abused and mistreated by a woman who I love, maybe who even loves me back.

    Her growth was and still is very slow, but undeniably by especially where we are now in season 4, she doesn't explode on him nearly as often as she used to, though the level of violence has stayed the same or increased, again because of entertainment value from JC's production standpoint. I enjoy problems and puzzles and sticking with them for a long time until I can solve for the best elegant solution. She'd be a lifelong puzzle and challenge for me which would always keep me on my toes and always be rewarding intellectually even if it was abusive and painful physically.

    I like her irrational behavior and I like her gradual growth out of it and would love to share those with her forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:13 No.60676766
    Dude, chill out. The only reason they are mad is because their life sucks and they are jealous. I am too. If I had the chance, I would come to your house and torture the shit out of you and steal all your dosh.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:14 No.60676788
    Most of you faggots change your waifu every season like SHiN

    /a/ is full of sluts
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:14 No.60676796
    Its not your board to kick me off of, stop trying. You aren't posting any better content here than I am. If you hate me that much then you can ignore me, because I have no problems continuing to watch my mere existence continue to make you upset. Its almost like I have power over your emotions without even trying.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:14 No.60676801
    Forgot the link:
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:15 No.60676827
    >If I had the chance, I would come to your house and torture the shit out of you and steal all your dosh.
    wait what?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:15 No.60676849

    Hm. I believe you. I'm actually going to take your side here, although you could boast a little less, and be honest from the start. Love is love, and although I don't have a 3D, and probably never will, I can at least understand not feeling worthy of the one you love. I know that all too well. After all, the one I love already has someone, someone who's everything to her, someone I could never hope to match. I don't even know if she's completely lesbian or what, because no-one wants to confirm or deny 100% because of shitty overreacting fans.

    Hope you can sleep at night, because if I can't, I don't know how you get by.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:15 No.60676855
    You're welcome over for drinks any time. I accept the torture too, just please don't steal my stuff, it still is rather expensive and I'm not into that kind of abuse.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:15 No.60676861
    >replying to an attentionwhoring shitposter
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:16 No.60676906
    Fucking sluts!
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:18 No.60676947
    Its been a years-long struggle for me but I'm comfortable with my situation and I'd hope everyone else could be happy with themselves too.

    I only really show off because I'm trying to entertain myself and my sick need for any kind of attention compels me to be as attention-whorish as possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:18 No.60676970
    Yeah, I should stop.
    Get the fuck out of here /soc/, no one fucking says dosh.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:19 No.60676982
    If the cases are made in china factory, why can't they be completely nude and uncensored?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:19 No.60677009
    Teasing is sexier.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:19 No.60677010
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    You should totally get one, and then during some event where you're all together, bring her out and introduce her as your girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:20 No.60677035
    There are plenty of nude ones.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:20 No.60677041
    What kind of drinks?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:20 No.60677043
    Most of H-Dakimakuras are uncensored, the censorship is just in the image used to sell it.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:21 No.60677114
    Call me when they make a Yui daki.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:22 No.60677154
    Well then you shouldn't be surprised at the hate..
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:23 No.60677157
    Higurashi dakis?
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:23 No.60677176
    My liquor shelf is hard to see, but I can pretty easily make Margaritas, Martinis, Rum&coke, Long Islands, Buttercrowns, White and Black Russians, Drunken Moogle's Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise, and lately I've been putting Sour Apple Schnaaps in Mountain Dew with a bit of Everclear to up the alcohol content.

    Whatever you like, bro.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:24 No.60677216
    I wasn't surprised, I only respond because I have sick desperation in my life and nothing better to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:26 No.60677302

    Goddamn, you do seem like a bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:26 No.60677320
    Sounds good, where are you located?
    >that feel when no one lives near you
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:27 No.60677353
    They exist but they suck.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:27 No.60677354
    Mountain Time Zone?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:28 No.60677382
    Damn, nope. Got aim/skype by chance though?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:29 No.60677417
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    I know that feel
    Dedicated, mature, adorable, that tsun for my M side, glorious lavender twintails, perfect breasts, and the concealed powerlevel.
    Kagamin why are you so perfect, so close, and yet so far away
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:30 No.60677447
    >Still no Emi half-size pillow.
    I am waiting.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:30 No.60677451
    I have Skype but I wont make it public, PM me on either MAL or MFC and I'll share it.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:31 No.60677496
    So were you like us at some point? You know like, poor, no friends, leeching off parents and all that?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:31 No.60677505
    I'll just post it anyway what's the difference.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:31 No.60677514
    you mean me?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:32 No.60677526
    Yeah. Forgot to quote
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:32 No.60677530
    Fucking attention whores ruining another thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:33 No.60677583
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    I want to get one, when I move out I will.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:34 No.60677590
    Someone posted their collection of these certain ones and I thought they looked good. I can't find them though. They were printed on a black case. Anyone?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:34 No.60677621
    Okay, sent if you haven't noticed.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:34 No.60677625
    Fair enough. I can see how you, personally, would desire that, as a masochist. I can see where you are coming from. I guess that trying to empathize with Saito is what caused me to develop a distaste for Louise.

    You seem to be a rational human being. If you will permit me though, I have one thing to say. You seem very proud of what you have, and that is great, but I think you are overstepping good judgment when you take all these threads as opportunities to post your collection. As you can see from just a cursory glance, you are making a lot of people very angry. I think it is more than just "being jealous dicks" on their part. You have to understand that pride can look very much like arrogance to the deprived. This is not the fault of the individual, it is simply a social phenomenon. I know that you as a rational person realize that there is little benefit in doing things that repeatedly disrupt the enjoyment of a group of people that you are trying to associate with.

    Also, you should not refer to your desires as "sick." They are not harming anyone. Don't let the majority convince you that non-harmful sexual deviancy is somehow an illness.

    I like your dungeon. I would like to experience being in it some time.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:34 No.60677626
    I'd really rather not have it posted everywhere, not that it would be a huge deal to delete the account and make a new one with only the contacts I care to keep. I'd rather trust you to not post it everywhere, but if you're a bad enough dude to contact me on MAL or MFC to get the info then I suppose it can't be helped if you want to troll me that hard by making it public.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:36 No.60677677
    Finally, someone with taste.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:39 No.60677801
    Obviously I used to leech off my parents, and they still help me out a good bit while I'm finishing out school here, but I manage to pay for my own personal life interests with my own money that I make for myself.

    I can't say I was ever friendless, I've always and still do have a small circle of close friends who I spend most of my time with and basically all of whom know everything about my hobbies, interest, and love life.

    I haven't always had a lot of money to spend on this stuff, only in the last year really, but growing up at least one parent at a time was being highly successful in their careers so I was never really out of the upper middle class. I only developed an interest in this kind of buyfaggotry recently, so it never limited me. My parents used to pay for Magic the Gathering which was my big defining hobby for about 10 years, but that was back through public schooling.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:41 No.60677890
    What's going on? Is /a/ taking itself too seriously again?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:42 No.60677928
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:44 No.60677996
    I hate you.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:46 No.60678081
    Thanks for the understanding.

    I know I shouldn't attention whore and its bad for the board and I understand exactly why they're mad, but I get my weird satisfaction out of it. I opt not to post in every single thread I find available because I know it only causes unnecessary drama to the board, but once in a while I want to enjoy myself too.

    I call it sick because that's the normal way to describe it, if I cared what anyone thought was right or wrong why would I have this room or these pictures or the desire to show off and fuel contempt and hatred?

    You, like everyone else, are welcome to contact me on MAL/MFC and get more regular contact info, and if you're ever closer to the mountain time zone and might want to stop by, you're very welcome to ask about my schedule.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:48 No.60678137
    I'm sorry, I really would love it if it was easier to share my good luck around with everyone, which is why everyone is always invited over for drinks, which seems like the least I can do.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:49 No.60678180
    >My parents used to pay for Magic the Gathering which was my big defining hobby for about 10 years
    you have to be a huge faggot to play magic the gathering, and especially for that long
    holy shit i mean, my parents bought me pokemon cards, but everybody loved pokemon back in the day.
    0 you are such a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:49 No.60678183
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    Those are some fucking long toes. They look kinda like fingers.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:50 No.60678223
    Haha /a/, he is better than you will ever be. End your life already.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:50 No.60678231
    less space to be imagined in my mouth full of toes.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:51 No.60678271
    lol u mad bro?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:51 No.60678274
    A-are they 'anatomically' correct?
    >> K-Kuhn !q3HVqBc9Uw 01/30/12(Mon)21:52 No.60678311
    Hey, is there some sort of guide to washing these? I have this paranoia about just throwing them into the washing machine and watching the colors run. Is there a special way to wash them?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:53 No.60678328
    Why would you need to wash them?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:54 No.60678384
    You don't wash your pillows?
    I drool on mine sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:54 No.60678393

    >> K-Kuhn !q3HVqBc9Uw 01/30/12(Mon)21:54 No.60678398
    In case of bloody noses, or long term dirt accumulation.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:54 No.60678401
    Yes, turn them inside out and do a gentile wash. Then you want to hang it up to dry.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:55 No.60678442
    Well that is awkward...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:56 No.60678464
    What he means is when he cums buckets on them like a lonely neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:56 No.60678479

    Shame I'm in the UK, some drinks with you would be awesome. It is kind of hard for people not to hate privileged people, especially when they don't fuck it up, but work with what they've been granted and do incredibly well, like you seem to have. The jealousy is most definitely there, despite me usually being someone who feels nothing like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:57 No.60678488
    I have sent you a request on MAL.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)21:57 No.60678496
    Machine is fine, use cold water, low spin speed, regular color-safe detergent, do NOT use fabric softener, and hang dry, do NOT machine dry. Iron on appropriate setting if they have wrinkles you dont like, most irons have variable heat settings, start low and gradually work up until you find the lowest heat setting that removes the wrinkles from your particular fabric.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:58 No.60678530
    No. Mine never get dirty or get any nasty substances on them. The worse they get is smelling like me which is fine.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:00 No.60678623
    Why tripfags ruin every thread they touch? Nobody wants you here, go away.
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)22:00 No.60678632
    Weird, I don't see it, but I got the first guy's message just fine. Maybe the system is slow or you need to try again?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:01 No.60678674

    It doesn't have a tag on it that tells you how to wash it? If not, wash it like any other colored garment, only keep the wash cycle small and light so you don't damage the print.
    >> K-Kuhn !q3HVqBc9Uw 01/30/12(Mon)22:04 No.60678762
    I have never done a hand wash before. Do I use the same soap as I would use for a washing machine, a bar, or something else entirely? And for how long would I have to let it hang?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:04 No.60678787
    I am showing up on your list of four friends. Laughtermath. Send me a message?
    >> K-Kuhn !q3HVqBc9Uw 01/30/12(Mon)22:05 No.60678838
    Ah, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:09 No.60678992
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:10 No.60679039
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    >implying I don't have that
    >> ゼロの !TSuKAimAx. 01/30/12(Mon)22:12 No.60679107
    If it still means anything after this whole mess of a thread, I approve of your selection. She's very cute.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:14 No.60679173
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:14 No.60679181
    Wow...that is very thin cloth.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:18 No.60679342
    That is ridiculously cute looking.

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