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  • File : 1327524148.png-(120 KB, 512x660, Alma_Brown.png)
    120 KB Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:42 No.60411946  
    >Alma moved to the first book

    All of this win, why can't I hold it?

    SOON, GENTLEMEN. SOON. Girls are Cooking thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:57 No.60412459
         File1327525044.jpg-(76 KB, 240x301, 128471246787267836r102990.jpg)
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    This thread is now about Alton/Alma. Fuck all the other girls.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:01 No.60412616
         File1327525300.jpg-(33 KB, 500x420, thatsexymotherfuckeralton.jpg)
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    Alton thread? Sure, I'll have it.

    Are Alma's jokes going to be as flat and cheesy as Alton's? Will there be a crazy chef and a grandmother who hates her? If so I'm in.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:03 No.60412682
    Oh hey, she's in the Students section on the blog now.

    >She has a terribly cheesy sense of humor and people rarely laugh at her jokes, but everyone loves her just the same. On multiple occasions Alma has been the glue keeping everyone together, and the gadgets she produces (at least the ones that work) are invaluable.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:06 No.60412811
         File1327525619.jpg-(11 KB, 264x282, 1305388703575.jpg)
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    >Alma thread
    Today OP was... not such a fag.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:09 No.60412911
         File1327525741.jpg-(35 KB, 375x500, Alton Puppet.jpg)
    35 KB
    Alton Brown is in this? As a woman? Mary mother of God.

    There had better be sock puppets. Why haven't you drawn them yet Ke^4?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:22 No.60413436
         File1327526558.png-(102 KB, 336x295, Uwaaaaa.png)
    102 KB
    >Alma thread

    Y-you didn't have to do that...! Uwaaaaaa, b-but it's not like I'm not flattered or anything. For you guys to put a plain girl like me in such high regard is... umm.... W-well, I guess I'll just have to make it up to you and do something nice for you all, in that case!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:24 No.60413499
    >I'll just have to make it up to you and do something nice for you all, in that case!

    Well, you could start by examining my big fat slice of pork tenderloin..
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:25 No.60413550
    Alma Brown thread? You guys are developing surprisingly good taste.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:30 No.60413746
         File1327527056.jpg-(33 KB, 260x320, lfatchefs_brown_1214.jpg)
    33 KB
    Alton is sexy as fuck. They're better amp the shit out of Alma's geek moe if they want her to measure up.

    I'm disappointed that there are only two Alma images so far.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:35 No.60413881
         File1327527307.png-(140 KB, 1145x794, 98274197489178489.png)
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    I heard you guys like quirky intelligent girls.....
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:38 No.60413993

    Yeah, but not sluts.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:03 No.60414968
    Writefag here. I appreciate the support but lay off the GaC threads for a while, will you? The story will be out when it's out.

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