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  • File : 1327507056.jpg-(89 KB, 1141x621, writeananime.jpg)
    89 KB Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:57 No.60402425  
    It's time /a/. Let's see what new ideas you have to add this time to the pile of unfulfilled dreams.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:58 No.60402466
    Everybody Dies.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:59 No.60402494
    alright, main character is a child/almost teenager in a native american/tribal village, father is the tribes main go-between for selling and buying stuff from nearby cities so he's rarely home.

    it can either be a harem slice of life where the boy is fawned upon by the tribes women, or he has to leave the village and go to the big city to find his dad.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:00 No.60402528
    Are they all large breasted half-naked tribal women?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:01 No.60402560
    if we go with option 2, it turns out dad has a second fucking family in the nearby cities he's been keeping a secret. boy is pissed rightfully so and decides to abandon both his tribe and his father and becomes some kind of adventurer

    maybe an episode or 2 later he encounters a step sibling(step brother for elric brothers style shennanigans, step sister for romance/incest fans) who feels bad about all this and wants to see the world with the MC
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:01 No.60402575
    yes...wait, no

    a couple of lolis and at least 1 musclegirl
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:02 No.60402605
    Cute girls doing cute things in jail
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:06 No.60402708
    long as they all have brown skin i am so fucking onboard
    >> menschmaschine !Pj4JOeM4TI 01/25/12(Wed)11:06 No.60402726
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    The life and times of Harry Partch. A gay homeless man from the depression era who said fuck you to music theory and made his own system were there is 43 notes to the octave.
    Also he made his own instruments. Animation by shaft.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:06 No.60402738

    shamans daughter, tatoo artist, fisherwoman/fish monger whatever theyre called, huntress...aaand....hmm what else?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:08 No.60402779
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:08 No.60402781
    One lady that lactates. Because people do value in tribal areas.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:08 No.60402789
    Fund it
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:08 No.60402797
    Okay, here's my new best seller.
    Cute girls doing cute things.
    In space.
    With realistic physics.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:10 No.60402848
    >browned skin tatoo artist wearing native american style clothes
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:12 No.60402911
    Cute girls doing scuba-diving.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:14 No.60402947
    Ugly Girls doing Cute Things

    I call it, Tomokoploitation
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:18 No.60403082
    A young farmboy is caught up in adventure in with a crazy religious hermit and the story climaxes around a terrorist act.
    >> Writerfag 01/25/12(Wed)11:19 No.60403105
    I'm actually seriously working on this as a novel/light novel on Microsoft word. But it could work as an anime.

    Siegfried Paxon is a lonely man who is approaching 30 years old. His life is pretty much going nowhere, as he is nothing but a lowly cleaner of a kitchen in a restaurant. he is very shy and introverted, and has been all his life. The average man speaks 10,000 words in a day, and Siegfried says maybe 10. He can often go through an entire shift at work without uttering a single word.

    One day, a whole bunch of beautiful and sexy women move into the apartment he lives in, and they all try to seduce him into having sex. Little does he know that they are in fact witches trying to take his virginity before he becomes 30, so they will prevent him from becoming a wizard.

    A loli witch on a broom, named Hildegard von Wolfsheim, crashes through Siegried's window just in time to stop him and one of the women from having sex. She kills all of the women, with a conjured sword made of pure energy while Siegfried cowers underneath his bed sheets, and then explains to him everything: that he is to become a wizard, and is invited to enrol at the Arcane University located underneath Mt Everest. It is also explained, every time a wizard has sex, their power is halved, and therefore there are no women in the university.
    >> Writerfag 01/25/12(Wed)11:20 No.60403120

    The witches and wizards are in a war over territory. The Arcane University once belonged to the witches in medieval times, but both wizards and non magic folk tried to exterminate all witches by burning them at the stake, so they could claim the Arcane University for themselves, and learn all its secrets.

    The witch's base of operations, a fortress called the Witch's Sabbath, is located via a portal disguised as an oasis in the middle of the Sahara desert, guarded by a giant talking scorpion.

    Later it is revealed that Hildegard the loli witch used to be a wizard, who experimented with the forbidden school of magic Transmutation: he wanted to become a little girl. Unfortunately, the effects are not waring off, so he seeks a cure for his condition.

    Siegfried shows an unusually strong affinity for magic, and graduates from the Arcane University in less than a year, already a master wizard. Due to his introverted and shy nature, he specializes in becoming a near indestructible Arcane Warrior, with little offensive capability; Hilde however has plenty of offensive capability, so they both compliment each other well.

    Siegfried eventually becomes the Archmage of the Arcane University, and is put in charge of ending the war. In addition to an end, he wants to help his best friend Hilde transform back into a man.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:21 No.60403143
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    I remember this, fund that shit all the way man.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:23 No.60403198
    What font is that in the OP image? It's pretty nice I think
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:23 No.60403201
    Manly men doing cute things
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:24 No.60403230
    >> Writerfag 01/25/12(Wed)11:24 No.60403231

    It's gonna take a while for me to complete it. And if I seriously get it published, it's about as niche as it gets.

    Only people from here would properly understand the premise of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:26 No.60403289
    A harem anime where the MC gets arrested for committing a crime, but he gets sent to an all-female prison.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:29 No.60403375

    holy fuck, this is great.

    but one thing, don't make the main character a super talented genius. if he can graduate from the academy in one year, every wizard should be able to do that.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:32 No.60403453
    Don't forget traps
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:33 No.60403497
    three nerdy high school boys get sucked into a moeshit slice of life anime world for some reason. they try to learn why, while trying to get back to the real world and arguing over if they should go back or not.

    the first half of episode 1 will be live action, showing the main characters lives before they got sucked into the anime.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:34 No.60403529
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:34 No.60403543

    by the way, i should make it clear that they are transformed into cute girls in that show.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:36 No.60403583
    I've been following these threads for a while, and I've noticed that very few people give their characters names. Why is that?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:37 No.60403595
    >Guy is immortal.
    >Somehow goes to High school despite that he has been living like for 300 or 400 years.
    >skips classes, doesn't even try to do socials, don't speak to others, roof top watching sky all day.
    >Mysterious girl turns out to be immortal as well.
    >She makes him realize that the reason he was still going to high school was because deep inside him there still was a wish for new experiences and friends. a new start, Even if it will all end in a blink of an eye. You have to enjoy the present and keep your heart open to others, even if it hurts in the end.
    >Joins club, everyone looks normal, but there's something strange about them...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:37 No.60403615
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    If I did give my characters names, I would follow in the tradition of the great name givers like Nasu and name my characters things like Roastbeef.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:38 No.60403626
    Knight saves loli from being burned as a witch and has to flee from his hometown, which is set in an imaginary medieval Germany, France or England.

    Funny adventures ensure as the 20something knight has to raise a little girl now.

    He may or may not reverse trap her as shota
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:38 No.60403644

    i dunno, i think names are arbitrary. calling a character john or akatzukimaru won't change the plot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:39 No.60403657
    A king is at the end of his rope. His kingdom is being pillaged by a stronger kingdom. He curses God for this turn of events. In return, God offers him immortality to save his people. He gladly accepts, and slaughters the enemy king. He then sits on his throne, and over one hundred years, his kingdom dies out naturally. The man is now lost, and wanders the world. He meets new people and experiences new things. Everyone he ever gets close to dies of old age and he loses more and more of his mind and eventually leaves the world for space, hoping he can find solace. He never does, and suffers forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:39 No.60403659

    nigga that's twilight.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:39 No.60403664
    I just want to see a Hyperion OVA, with each segment done by a different studio and director, with the Council's part done by IG and "The Poet" voiced by Norio Wakamoto
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:40 No.60403673
    Generic 12 episode J.C.Staff tsundere love comedy

    Episodes 1-9: Tsundere beats the shit outta MC in true J.C.Shit fashion

    Episode 10-11: Tsundere goes full dere. There aren't any misunderstandings, and they go on dates and shit.

    Episode 12: MC dies of internal bleeding caused by the bitch tsundere. She kills herself. J.C.Staff never makes another tsundere anime again.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:40 No.60403678
    Keanu Reeves - The true Biography
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:41 No.60403703
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    Until one day he meets a wacky British Chef named Ainsley Harriot and the two go on adventures cooking food for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:41 No.60403707

    That's because John is an extremely generic name, and akatzukimaru is too difficult to say for anyone not japanese. You need to choose interesting names. Like, if there's a woman with white hair and white skin, you can call her Galatea.


    Hyperion by Dan Simmons?

    ma nigga.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:41 No.60403710
    sounds like gilgamesh from duruaga
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:41 No.60403722
    Fund that shit. I want the mc to look like Ozaki Toshio but really muscly.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:43 No.60403764
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    Nasu No Hi

    One day, /a/. One day.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:44 No.60403787
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:44 No.60403802

    What about homesex?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:46 No.60403847
    MC is a girl who is socially inept. She is isolated by her peers for seemingly no reason.

    She is special though, she could sense things that most people don't see. She hates the fact that she can though she thinks this is why she is an outcast.

    However one day she meets a mysterious someone. "You're special" he says. However she thinks he is just crazy. She goes home and all of a sudden she gets attacked by some kind of monster.

    She tries to fight it but she is helpless against it. However just as it is about to deliver the killing blow her latent powers are released. The mysterious man comes back right after she kills the monster and tells her the truth.

    She is the generic shounen hero #100009
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:46 No.60403859
    so Mermaid Forest but with an arbitrary background story?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:46 No.60403863
    >that feel when you can no longer write a story about an immortal being without it being compared to Twilight
    I haven't touched my was-to-be novel for months now due to this.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:47 No.60403873
    Lesbian androids in space.
    >> Writerfag 01/25/12(Wed)11:47 No.60403875

    Sure there is plenty of romantic homolusting, bur remember, every time a wizard has sex, his power is halved.

    Witches don't suffer from this though... so I intend to have plenty of filthy lesbian witches going at it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:47 No.60403886
    l've been developing one since a while, but l'll try learning how to draw acceptable quality manga and enough short stories before starting, though its harder to come up with the short stories than l thought
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:48 No.60403914
    You just need to make it a deconstruction of the Twilight genre then.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:49 No.60403926

    Sp. their power will be halved even if they fuck men?

    If so, what's the point of separating the witches and wizards?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:49 No.60403928
    it's not the immortal thing it's the "writing immortal characters with the mindset and mental development of an 18 year old" and working them into cheap generic romances that gets it compared to twilight.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:49 No.60403952
    I just killed off the vampire (in chapter 2 no less) and turned the story into something loosely Haruhi-like....
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:50 No.60403981
    Witches try to seduce wizards to steal their power. Don't you know anything?
    >> Writerfag 01/25/12(Wed)11:53 No.60404060

    Witches are in a war with wizards to reclaim the Arcane University. They're enemies. read all of my blurb and it will all be clear.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:55 No.60404112
    An immortal and extremely competent fighter living since the sengoku era is bound by a spell to an old clan (Stuck at age 22). It's now the modern age and he must follow every order given by a 14 year old girl (current clan heir) or die.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:55 No.60404114

    this can be done into a great comedy/action series. make the generic shonen hero get trained by a generic mentor and fight the generic villain and his generic goons. also, the main character is posessed with a generic dark side which comes to her aid just as she's about to die and kicks everybody's ass.

    i vote for a male main character though, since male shonen mc's are more common.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:55 No.60404117
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    A story about some a Mexican man who discovers that he is heir to a long line of luchador heroes and must defeat an ancient evil that has awakened.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:56 No.60404158
    A Reconstruction of the reconstruction genre.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:58 No.60404197

    sure you can. but if a 300 year old man who is incredibly experienced and mature compared to every human in existence souldn't be going to a high school to hang out with immature teenagers.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:58 No.60404202
    >A guys imouto turns out to be a trap.
    >MC meets girl that falls from the sky and sees her panties.
    >Somehow the girl that feel ffrom the sky moves in wit the MC.
    >Trap imouto gets super jelly.
    >Trap imouto confesses to MC
    >MC fucks trap
    >Whore from the sky gets jelly and dies from cancer
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:58 No.60404225
    But I've never read Twilight (and I don't really want to, even if only to take notes of what not to do).

    >mindset and mental development of an 18 year old
    Sorry if it's a bother, but can you be a little more specific? You mean someone with that mindset only thinks about partying, fucking chicks, that kind of thing?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)11:59 No.60404250
    maid rpg: the series.

    everything in this series, from characters to plots will be randomly generated on the fly using the tables on maid rpg.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:01 No.60404294
    Does the MC fuck the maids?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:01 No.60404304
    A magical girl is approaching 18. Once she does, she'll lose her powers. If this happens, the dark forces she's fighting will be unopposed and destroy the world. Her only recourse is to find another, younger girl to transfer her powers to. The only way to transfer powers is for both of them to orgasm at the same time, while their bodies are touching.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:03 No.60404341
    No vampires there, immortals and vampires are not the same, immortals cannot die in any way, decapitation, stake to hearth, not even by nuclear bomb.
    Also Twilight cannot be Angel Beats.
    The history>>60403595 wrote also cannot be Angel beats, it needs a different touch, maybe following what >>60403928 says....
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:03 No.60404352
    Ok its a story set in a cyberpunk dystopia which centers around industrial espionage and the uncovering of a sinister government plot to further control the ailing populace.

    The twist is that the espionage is done via hacking into people brains, as all humans now have chips in their brains which allow increased (and controlled) function.

    This hacking is done primarily by the main characters robotic penis, which he inserts into his targets and uses to mine the information from their brains which become vulnerable during states of intense sexual pleasure. The plot eventually covers both the main characters (mind) rape of various corporate giants (male and female, for ALL TASTES) and his ongoing flight from the law and his past (He was raped as a child, or something)

    Eventually he uncovers the governments plot to control the populace using mind-control augmented penises and successfully puts a stop to it and then uses them himself to construct a worldwide harem
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:03 No.60404356
    A guy gets trapped inside a MMORPG.....

    ... instead of trying to get out of the game or solving the game's misteries, he decides to have his way with every female NPC
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:04 No.60404367
    This reminds me of Full Metal Panic for some reason.

    Considering Pablo from Excel Saga is the only japanese interpretation of the spanish I can remember seeing, this would probably be amazing.

    Don't forget, they're not blood related.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:04 No.60404389

    >ToR: the anime

    might be good.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:04 No.60404396
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    MC fights people with powers trying to capture him while dating a trap and best friends with a black guy
    each bad guy is an allegory for fetishes and sexually things
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:05 No.60404405
    the main character wakes up and finds a note. the note gives him a task and says that if he does that task $1000 (or it's equivalent) will be tranferred to his bank account but if he fails to do it until the end of the day, he will die. after a few random tasks ranging from kissing a random girl to swimming in the adriatic sea, he is tasked to kill someone and he learns that that someone is tasked to kill him.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:05 No.60404423
    That tends to be the way it's played out but generally any time a character is meant to be in some position of greater experience and knowledge or should just rightfully be more intelligent (genius characters) than they're portrayed as and the inconsistency is never addressed.

    Obviously no one's going to be writing a "realistic" depiction of an immortal person and how immortality and hundreds of years of life experience affect their outlook on things, but when there's no even any attempt at creating the illusion of immortality having some kind of influence on the person it just stands out and looks really sloppy.

    The one exception might be for things like thematic purposes like in Highlander where both characters have really single track minds throughout their entire lifetimes. Point being that if the immortal character does seem convincingly immortal, at least in the context of his/her own story, then the entire choice to make the character immortal seems arbitrary and just poorly written.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:06 No.60404438

    it is possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:06 No.60404447
    Shamless advertisement: #dengekianon @ rizon

    We'll hear your stories out and offer advice
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:06 No.60404451
    In fairness, if the vampire is young looking, teenagers would be a good source of blood. They'd be fairly easy to manipulate into giving blood. Though that still doesn't excuse Twilight, as Edward swore off drinking human blood.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:07 No.60404488
    I like this concept. Has good potential.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:08 No.60404503
    Reminds me of Liar Game
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:08 No.60404533
    New Getter Robo
    Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei
    Tokyo Godfathers
    G Gundam
    El Cazador de la Bruja
    School Rumble
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:09 No.60404563
    A high school boy whose parents are on an extended vacation wakes up one morning with a naked girl in his bed.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:10 No.60404571
    Get out of her creator of that Eyes comic
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:10 No.60404573
    rape the maids

    This could have a glorious title.

    Cybernetic Sengoku Rance? Fucking fund it.

    Reminds me of eden of the east which had potential and turned into shit
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:10 No.60404586
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    You'll accept me one day /a/
    one day
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:11 No.60404617
    MC is your everyday high school student. One day, while he's running late for school he dashes out his house (with a toaster in his mouth obviously) and forgets to pay attention while crossing the road. He's struck down by a large vehicle driven by an extremely wealthy, extremely old man. The MC comes out of the crash relatively unharmed, but his voicebox is damaged beyond repair and he'll never speak again. The rich man in the car is so apologetic he arranges with a miracle surgeon to transfer his own voicebox into the child, allowing him to continue speaking, albeit with the old man's voice.

    The old man is voiced by Joji Nakata.

    With his new golden voice, the young boy finds himself succeeding at everything - his grades improve, he nets himself a girlfriend, he even gets the part-time job he's always wanted. His popularity is increasing daily, but then something strange happens. One night while walking home, he's attacked by a mecha. After it almost kills him, he realizes that his voice grants him unsurpassed powers in situations of need, and he manages to destroy the mecha with ease. After this, all sorts of supernatural and sci-fi monsters attack his town, ranging from Succubi to Vampries, to undead Magical Girls. It's up to him, with his golden voice, to fend off these monsters and discover why his new vocal range is attracting them. But this isn't the end of his troubles; the Japanese government, realizing something is afoot, have dispatched a top detective - voiced by Norio Wakamoto - to both cover up these happenings and discover the true motives behind the attacks, and it seems he knows our MC's voice from somewhere in his dark past.

    The final episode would resolve in a topless sundown punchout between MC and The Detective, and the evil forces would be causing the moon tp slowly crash into Earth in the background for dramatic effect.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:11 No.60404618
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    A manga about a mom and son who switch bodies for a day. Instead of a heartwarming story the boy in his mom's body whores himself out and is fucked by 20 men and the mom in the son's body dresses up like a trap and is fucked by 20 men. Fills both the milf and trap fetishes of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:12 No.60404664
    and it would be called freaky fuckday
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:13 No.60404677
    A bunch of classmates at a cromartie esque school fuck around with ancient magic and wind up having a wish granted for each of them, in exchange they gain special powers and have to track down runaway demons...

    the friends immediately ignore the demon hunting aspect of the pact and create their own little gangs, taking control of the city and starting a cold war between each other, theyre all bros so any scuffles that do come up have no malice behind them
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:13 No.60404686
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    I'll take 20
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:14 No.60404715
    MC has to help defend an island from invasion.
    No dialogue, music only.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:15 No.60404743
    poorman's drrr! huh
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:16 No.60404788
    From your short summary, I would be willing to give your shit a chance, tell me more about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:16 No.60404803
    A publishing editor in a rut comes here intoxicated one night and sees one of these threads. Finding two or three pitches here genuinely interesting he, drunk off his ass and forgetting the nature of this particular imageboard, tells the dreamers here who he is, what he does and invites them to send drafts of their works to him via his personal email.

    The next day when he wakes up, he checks his inbox and finds that it's been crammed with spam, pictures of genitalia and unnervingly creepy messages. Of course, there were a number of drafts that were sent to him in all seriousness but none of them were appropriate for publishing. Deciding that his offer was only inviting regret he gets up and goes to leave only to receive another email - one that he had been half hoping to get.

    "Lost Love", the completed draft sent to him, was not something unfamiliar within the romance genre and was clearly based off something very personal with the occasional slips between fiction and the reality it was based on but the author's words snatched his hours away. He had no doubt that the story would meet with success if published so he quickly invited its writer to publish it under their brand. However, the response he received were just these words:

    "I don't intend to publish this. I just wanted to know if the story was worth telling. Sorry to have taken up your time but thank you for clearing that up."

    The editor was shocked. He made further attempts to convince the potential newcomer to take him up on his offer but no matter how close he got to succeeding the answer was still the same. Eventually his pleas started to get ignored but that did not change his desire to introduce this unknown author to the world. Trying one last time to convince the storyteller, he sets out to personally meet them using the author's freudian slips left in the manuscript sent to him.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:16 No.60404808

    this can be fucking GLORIOUS if done right
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:17 No.60404831
    Like what?
    Can't say I'm good at randomly spouting random facts
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:19 No.60404872
    It was some other anon's initial idea well actually he just noticed that the genres listed were popular and wondered what would happen if they were combined that I polished up.

    >My giant robot can't be this pilot-able.

    It combines Harem, Mahou Shoujo and Mecha all into one with a monster and girl of the week theme.

    I have a bunch of ideas so ask about anything if you want to know more. /a/, I think this could be it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:19 No.60404892
    If you're gonna do Hyperion, I'm gonna do Terminal World by Reynolds. It has EVERYTHING good anime needs, it's amazing how no one has thought to make a movie / animu out of it yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:23 No.60404987
    A girls school and a boys school have an intense rivalry going. While the boys school used to have the highest grades in the region, for the past 5 years in a row, the girls school has beaten them. However, this year, the boys school has a secret weapon. A feminine looking boy with an androgynous name has transfered in. He's given a special assignment. Infiltrate the girls school and sabotage their studying efforts.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:24 No.60405044

    that could work, holy shit...i remember hearing once this idea about a guy who's trying to get a harem and lead all the girls on, that could go well in there
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:29 No.60405194
    An evil alternate universe invades our world, as witnessed by some high school/college students. One guy is a collaborator, seeing the invasion as an opportunity to purge the system of the corruption and incompetence that causes it to fail, along with being offered tons of money and perks for his family. The others try to stay alive as the collaborator tries to reign in his supervisor, who is from the evil universe and is unspeakably cruel. Eventually, he tries to take her down, which is permitted (and encouraged) by the evil universe's laws, and winds up saving his friends before succumbing to injuries sustained in the fight and blacking out.

    The show leaves the fate of the collaborator and overseer up in the air, while the others get wind that organized resistance is forming across (what's left of) the world.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:30 No.60405223
    >Obviously no one's going to be writing a "realistic" depiction of an immortal person and how immortality and hundreds of years of life experience affect their outlook on things
    But but, then what's the point? Aren't immortals used to expose certain trivialities that only become apparent after a long period of time? As in, the more time passes and the more civilization evolves, the more things stay the same?

    That's what I'm trying to go for at least. The main character (who by the way is not a vampire) has become so weighted down by all the bad things he's seen out there, despite his (pathetic) attempts to fight it, that he just wants to kill himself. But we can't have that of course, and a mere mortal saves him, deciding to make him want to keep on living (without any idea of what he really is).

    But I'm guilty of having the MC go to high school, though it wasn't really his intention. As in, the girl that saves him convinces her parents to let him stay as a guest (since he's homeless by his own admission), and they force him to go to school despite him arguing that he should work to sustain his stay solely because of his appearance (and his fake ID papers "proving" that he is of age to go to school).

    I am ready for the shower of "That sucks", please don't hold anything back.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:30 No.60405234
    Best idea in this thread:
    Megas XLR S3
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:31 No.60405262
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    MOE does more MOE, leading to more MOE.
    You fags would watch it too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:32 No.60405268
    Baldur's Gate
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:34 No.60405337
    >not making your own anime
    >> literally came up with this on the spot for this thread Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:39 No.60405482
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    A 30 year old businessman is really fucking ronery and has recently been contemplating suicide.

    One day he just snaps and plots to kidnap, sexually abuse and murder a 14 year old girl because he 'needs an outlet'. The plan he comes up with runs smoothly and he eventually ends up with a girl in his basement. When it comes to the raping and murder part, he suddenly chickens out--but it's not like he can let her go now.

    So, he keeps the girl in the basement as uses her as just someone to talk to, sort of like a surrogate therapist. Months pass with them basically living together, and girl forms a Stockholm syndrome-like bond with MC.

    After lots and lots of convincing that she won't tell anyone (and make up a bogus cover story), MC lets her go back to her family. Once her life gets somewhat into a normal rut again, she decides to keep visiting MC and have 'dates' with him.

    Through their new, noncaptor-and-victim relationship, it is slowly revealed that the girl has turned fucking yandere for him, and she starts getting paranoid about him even leaving his house for work. In a weird reversal, it's now like the girl is the captor and the MC is the victim.

    MC finally gets laid by the girl, who starts mentally and emotionally manipulating him. Eventually, it's far too much for the MC to handle, and one night in a fit of rage he attacks the girl and accidentally hits her on the head so hard she blacks out.

    MC panics like crazy and gets her to the hospital. It turns out he just gave her a small concussion, but the MC feels guilty as all hell about it despite what she did to him. Realizing he's far too unstabilized and easily manipulated and generally a failure of a man, and hugely angry at himself for letting the whole ordeal happen, MC finally kills himself.

    The last scene is the girl waking up in the hospital and finding a note left by MC. I haven't decided what the note will say yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:40 No.60405526
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    >The last scene is the girl waking up in the hospital and finding a note left by MC.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:41 No.60405533
    A college student finds an apartment in a nice neighborhood with an unbelievably low rent. Being a college student, he's poor, so he jumps at it. However, this apartment is haunted by the ghost of a 1st year high school girl. She was murdered there 3 years ago, and wants the MC to find the murderer. However, being lazy and needing to focus on his own studies, he refuses. To force him to cooperate, she possesses him, turning his body female in the process. She tells him she won't leave and return him to normal unless he helps her. He reluctantly agrees.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:41 No.60405559
    I'm currently working on a comic project, that goes sort of like this:
    Marcelle is a high school delinquent (to the extent that when he moved his table just before the second door of the class room (to be able to leave the class with the least effort), everybody else started using the other door).
    One day he's approached from some men in black telling him they've got his gf and he needs to join a certain tournament of magically enhanced warriors to save her.
    Background info 1: This tournament has a first round of every warrior beating up and ultimately killing tough-looking muggles for the audience to see just how great the participants are.
    Background info 2: Even though he joins, it's because he's worried about his street cred rather than his gf (who, it later turns out, is magically enhanced too).

    At the tournament hall he first gets to watch the real participants train. People joke about how he's no match for them. He agrees and makes a declaration that he's going to destroy the entire tournament and anyway kill anyone who enters the arena with him.
    During lunch time there is a designated table for the muggles, but he refuses to sit down at the "loser table". Instead he leaves to tend to some "business".
    When it is time for his first fight, Marcelle enters the arena and grins at the camera. About 5 minutes later he is declared winner by default. (first round needs to be short because there is so many fighters) Turns out his opponent thought the battle was 1 hour later.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:42 No.60405581
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    >To force him to cooperate, she possesses him, turning his body female in the process.

    I don't think that's how possession works, but it's kinky nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:42 No.60405583
    2nd battle and again he grins at the camera, this time for a quarter hour, before he is declared winner. Turns out his opponent was making sure to get to the arena in time (which was the wrong one) and got locked in. Everybody realizes he's got no qualms about cheating and at least some creativity. From now on he actually eats at the muggle table at which he is now all alone.

    He gets to know a girl fighter. In the conversation she asks him what he's here for. He tells her and she promises to check up on his gf (as a true participant she actually has clearance for the whole building).

    Next day he's seen serving in the canteen, serving the coffee (or whatever passes as a proper wake-up drink whereever this is going to play, not sure yet). When next opponent recognises him behind counter he mocks him that he can't run away from the fight forever, because HE would certainly be there in time. Later the third battle begins. This opponent actually makes it to the arena, albeit slowly and with wobbly legs. Marcelle congratulates him for making it this far poisoned. Then he draws a knife (non-firearm weapons are allowed for muggles) and proceeds to slowly slaughter his opponent, wearing his grin again.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:43 No.60405603

    Oh, you fucker. I wasn't even in this threat. Thanks for ruining the moment in the anime i was watching, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:43 No.60405606
    Author here, I love it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:43 No.60405612
    In the afternoon he has his next battle, and it looks like it's going to be another 15 minutes of him grinning into the camera, but a phone call ends it prematurely. His opponent is somewhere in sibiria, running after the trans-sibirian train which is carrying her baby brother away (courtesy of Marcelle's gang)

    Now the atmosphere is turning against him. While before people had sympathy with the guy forced to cheat, but now they can only see a deranged killer and kidnapper. Only the girl from before sticks to him, but even she asks both him and his gf how they got to know each other and how they could become a couple.

    His response: It was so romantic, sitting together before the fire. And then when she had the courage to tell her parents and everybody I was her girlfriend, I was so moved.

    Hers: He was so unbelievably evil and badass. Sitting in the midst of the unconscious punks, with the police siren in the distance. I still have the bloody and torn dress from that night, it's one of my treasures.

    (may type up more of the planned plot if interest exists)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:43 No.60405621
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    It was a hot summer day and I was in my workout room benching 1200 pounds. My abs were flexing and girls within a 10 mile radius were getting wet. Once I was done with my daily 32 hour workout I called one of the bitches I know, Senjogahara. She is really fucking hot and looks like a supermodel. SO I got into my Lamborghini Gallardo and reved it up to 40,000 RPM (this is an Italian import with special engine system). I got onto the freeway near my house and threw it into 8th gear, I hit about 600 mph and I could hear the sonic boom as I broke the sound barrier. As I was flooring it on the freeway like a badass, Senjogahara called me and said she wanted me to fuck her. So be it.

    I came to a full stop from 700 mph in front of her house. These Ferrari's have top notch brakes, you know. So she gets out of the house and walks up to my Bugatti and starts eyeballing my cock. I could tell she was staring at it because when I looked at her I noticed she was looking at my cock. Booya.

    Flash forward to like 10 minutes later. My 30 inch cock is going inside of her pussy, hitting them walls. I'm holding her entire body up with my left pinky as I'm fucking her and she has 30,000 orgasms. She looks me in the eyes and she says "harder." V-TEC just kicked in, yo. I blow my load so hard she falls off my cock. There had to have been about two pints of cum everywhere. People say I cum like a pornstar, I wouldn't disagree with them.

    I throw her a towel so she can clean herself up then I do a triple backflip into my Maserati and drive home.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:44 No.60405647
    That story seems rather pointless. Like it ends right where it began. I hate to link to TvTropes, but they explain it better than I can.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:45 No.60405654
    that kinda reminds of a thread from pretty long ago where people wrote short plots based on a title generator, and it was called ghost mountains or something where the mc was also possessed by a young girl and they wanted to found out how she died in some mountany country place or something like that
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:45 No.60405655

    omfg why am i loling this hard
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:45 No.60405662
    The MC has it rough. He has two cute sisters, a young teacher with voluptuous breasts and two classmates in love with him, all competing for his affection.

    The problem? The MC is gay. While his sisters, teacher and classmates fight over him, he tries to seduce his male classmates and professors in what will be a 12 episode comedic romp for the whole family.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:46 No.60405678
    >He reluctantly agrees.
    What... HOW?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:46 No.60405695
    MC, college student, hopeless in love, and general slacker awakes to these words and finds that main girl, a succubus, has chosen his soul to devour. In desperation, he claims he doesn't want to die a virgin and she agrees to his request.

    Shortly afterward, she finds that she kind of likes this "sex" thing, and the process thereof has allowed her to eat a small amount of his soul. Thus, she decides to make him her property, complete with marking him and attaching a magical leash to his neck that keeps him from getting more than ten feet away from her.

    Add in an angel with a history with the main girl, a long-dead ancestor of MC, an insanely jealous judo girl, and a Nazi physics professor, and wacky hijinx ensue.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:48 No.60405749
    Would you be eager to help a ghost that's extorting you into doing what she wants by turning you into a girl? Assume you're a normalfag for purposes of this question.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:49 No.60405785
    in the kinda-distant future, a scientists invents time travel, but it's one way. the scientist happens to be a white supremacist, so he goes back to 1938 and gives germany mecha technology. nazi germany wins the war.

    many decades later, in the nazi-controlled world, a rebel scientist discovers the exact same method of time travel completely independantly. he also goes back to 1938 and gives america the mecha technology.

    world war 2 is fought between american and german mechas.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:51 No.60405814
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    Anyways, maybe I'll make the girl learn from her yandere ways, or some shit. Like I said, made the story up on the spot, so it's pretty terrible right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:51 No.60405817
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:51 No.60405825
    An anime about the Life and Times of Norio Wakamoto.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:52 No.60405854
    I just meant "realistic" in the same sense that J.D. Salinger wrote the character of Holden Caulfield in The Cather in the Rye, or Sylvia Plath wrote Esther Greenwood in The Bell Jar. You've got the right mindset, I was just saying be careful of falling into the common pitfall of making a character immortal as some kind of cheap hook or gimmick.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:52 No.60405869
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    Actually most anons would probably keep letting the ghost possess them so they could stay girls forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:52 No.60405870
    Help her? And lose all his valuable time he should be using to study?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:52 No.60405872
    we have the opening at least
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:52 No.60405877
    The show ends with America winning the war, but Nazi mecha scientists escape to the Soviet Union. The last scene of the show is a bunch of olive green mechas with red stars painted on them standing in rows in front of the Kremlin.

    The mechas better be a fusion of future and WW2 tech, so some run on diesel engines or something and have old cannons bolted onto them etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:53 No.60405887
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    TNG era Mirror Universe invades Mass Effect.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:54 No.60405925
    What happened to that cell phone story?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:54 No.60405932
    Hence why I said assume you're a normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:55 No.60405964
    It's a story about a man who hires prostitutes and does compensated dating with troubled teens to talk and only talk with them. He shares his empty life with them until they open up to him.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:56 No.60405981
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    my idea?

    A story about a war between two (actually three) nations for reasons they are not really sure. it focuses on an inexperienced platoon leader and his battle hardened female platoon sergeant. the 'goodguys' are Russianesque, while the 'badguys' are franco-germanesque. the third country is a mishmash of commonwealth countries and their allies (UK, South Africa, Japan, Korea, Israel). both countries blame the other for starting the war, and are fighting it in the third country that sits between them (like with belgium during both world wars). we get to see characters on the 'badguy's' side, but they are killed off unceremoniously.

    The war is won when the general on the 'goodguys' overseas the development of the first combat mechs, breaking the stalemate much like tanks in WWI. The mechpilots are the heroes, and no one gives a shit about the main characters at the end.
    The theme of the show is political realism (the underlying reason for war is international anarchy), and one of the officers in the Belgium-eque country gives a speech about how both sides ravaged his homeland for the most childish reason imaginable: because no one told them not to.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:57 No.60406014
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    The two MCs have to deal with running away from their past. The officer dumps his girlfriend before joining the military because he’s afraid to have her see her the lover of her life come back in a bodybag. The platoon sergeant was stabbed by some crazed drug addict and put into the hospital. While she was there, her town was massacred in a bombing, killing her family (see: Guernica massacre). She decides to enlist as soon as she is discharged, and hasn’t gone back to the town nor her parents funeral/grave. Because of her stab wounds to the abdomen, she can never have children. As for what she’s like, Imagine Haruko Haruhara with scars across her abdomen and wielding an AN-94 instead of les paul

    the general finds out the war was started by what were falseflag attacks from the only country that was neutral in the war to make a profit on it -- an always neutral mad dog whore nation like Switzerland (that profited like crazy off the Nazi warmachine) He kills himself when he comes to grips that he can't let the world know the truth or else war will start all over again. the main character is shot by a sniper who was not aware that the peace treaty had been ratified only ten minutes ago, leaving the audience to decide whether or not he died

    will feature GitS levels of OPERATING
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:58 No.60406030
    a few nerds make a visual novel. it's like the vn arc of nhk extended to a full series.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:58 No.60406045
    It can't be helped, unless he wants to stay a girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:59 No.60406070
    Ok, so it's your typical Shounen faggot fighting shit.

    A big manly warrior tries to save the world from evil. The catch is that to improve his strength, he has to fuck a pure virgin. When he does this, his strength doubles.

    Unlike Goku, he doesn't train in a hyperbolic time chamber or at 100x gravity - he hangs out next to high schools and tries to coerce girls back to his place for loving, so he can improve his powers.

    Of course, he's awkward around girls and very shy so it takes him a long time to find pure girls to have sex with.

    Later in the series, a powerful force like nothing he has ever faced descends on the Earth. He knows that with double his power, he could stop it, but not at his current level. He must have sex with a virgin to increase his power, but is struggling to find anyone.

    As darkness begins to loom and time running short, he contemplated rape. But can he do it? A moral dilemma no hero should have to face.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:59 No.60406080
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    Sh....should I /a/? I-it's only a couple p-pages long though
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:00 No.60406088
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    Do it
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:01 No.60406124
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    >needs to fuck virgins
    >looking for them in high schools
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:02 No.60406153

    Will never be made, and if it does get made, expect people all over /a/ claiming credit for originally making it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:02 No.60406179

    Does he get beat up by the elevator operator who's actually a pimp at one point?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:03 No.60406189

    Please be gentle. I have a few brief ones

    Other guy, village wiped out, slaughters all the soldiers. Clan is hunted, wears a mask and hood, childhood friend is brutally raped. Later she becomes leader of rebellion against the empire, and tracks down a man who ‘is unmatched in combat’. Man has an ethereal dog and is cursed: whenever he makes contact with another human being, razor sharp long thorns erupt from his body. Curses are the physical form of demons, and are afflicted upon those who have experienced the highest level of negative emotions, in this case: despair. He runs from her when confronted after thinking that he’s just lonely and tries to hug him. Eventually when calming himself in the lake. She follows him alone, seeing the pendant on him, which is a shattered half of her own pendant. He finds out that she is he friend he always cared for. She cries – and he agrees to help her take down the empire.

    The other captains fear him and say he’ll only destroy all their hard work.

    Ends with him finding out that his friend sold here body to obtain support from high-up people in the rebellion, and is having an affair with one of the captains for same reason (eye through tent).
    He then goes alone early to ambush emperors caravan with 10000-or-something men guarding it, sacrifices his humanity and goes full fucking berserk on the platoons, super saiyan shit yo. He looks demonic n shit now. Strips the emperor bare and crucifies him or something along those lines. Unable to cope with the thought of losing the only thing that had given him happiness over the past few months, he drives a sword through his chest, while dying, and his ethereal dog appears in front of him. Man says he is ready to answer, says he wants his friend to go back to a time without war where she could live peacefully with no empire.

    Fuck, 1 sentence more to go and fucking text limit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:03 No.60406195
    a manly gentleman with a fabulous beard who's living in victorian england gets visited by an eccentric young lady. later on, he is attacked by a foul demon when his power awakens and he defeats the beast. the eccentric young lady appears and tells him that he is a generic shonen hero.

    basically, it's your typical shonen but ten times manlier and more awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:03 No.60406203
    fuck man that sounds really good
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:04 No.60406210


    At the cost of his soul, it is revealed that the dog is the physical personification of satan who asks why he didn’t make that request before killing the emperor. Man replies that it was the only way he could ever get satisfaction.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:04 No.60406220
    Just hear me out, /a/.

    Manly Guys... Doing Cute Things.

    It'll be a hit with the fujoshis!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:04 No.60406232

    It's about a normal girl who begins high school. After rejecting an overweight and unattractive guy who confessed to her, she is suddenly transported to a hellish game show, where she discovers the guy was a demon and that she's the princess of Hell and has to choose her king. At first she refuses to believe her heritage and demands that guys stop competing over her, but after seeing two other demons fighting over her in human form, a psychotic bloodlust is awakened. Romantic comedy, lots of violence.

    Oh, and her sidekick is a cute DFC succubus with short curly blond hair who gets involved with a deviant pervert after finding he liked it when she tried to scare him away with disturbingly kinky sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:04 No.60406241
    The city is a melting-pot hotbed of refugees from oppression who are all desperately trying to make their way to Japan while trying to avoid the authorities and opportunistic criminals. At the center of the story is MC, the bitter, cynical owner of a cafe — which professes absolute neutrality to all, from the ruthless commander and the corrupt, cynical police chief to the desperate refugees and criminals who use his bar as a convenient place for dealings of all kinds.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:06 No.60406290
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    5. One by one stars are disappearing in the night sky, Baffling scientists no one believe GUYS NAME when he first sees a star disappearing under the night sky at his house. The only one who believes him is a young girl his age who overhears him trying to tell someone what he saw. Together they look up at the night sky only for more to be disappearing as time goes by, eventually astronomers notice it and speculate what is happening, the only answer they give is that all the stars seem to be collapsing in on themselves suggesting the end of their life. There is a chain and they estimate that our star will be gone within 2 months. During that time GUYS NAME and girl go through a romance before the end of the world happens. Ends with them making love and a scene from space showing the Sun exploding nova thingy.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:07 No.60406331
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    A slice-of-life anime in which the main characters slowly begin to realize their lives are the subject of a slice-of-life anime.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:07 No.60406336
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    >/a/ can't write comedy
    >/a/ can't write anything lighthearted
    >/a/ makes up for it by writing DEEP DARK stories that are overdone and uninteresting 95% of the time

    /a/, why are you so dark? Not all stories have to have a DARKNESS element you know.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:08 No.60406350
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    4. Story revolves around a young male who gets hit by a drunken driver after coming home from college, he survives and the drivers daughter run out the car to help him, yelling at her father for doing something so reckless – character relationships develop between the 2 people, and he meets people that do not exist. Truth is (although not revealed until the very end), he was comatose, and the fatherless daughter is in despair having lost her only relative in life, to which to then commits suicide, prompting the MC to jump off the hospital roof (when he wakes up) to desperately escape reality and go back into his coma. End when he wakes up to have said daughter knocking on the door of his house “welcome back”.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:08 No.60406369
    How's this for lighthearted comedy.

    Humans and sapient monster girls coexist peacefully in a not-Roman Empire. Once a boy turns 18, he joins a group of other 18 year olds on a quest to find their future wives. This is the story of one of those groups, guided by a psychopathic rouge, as they search for love while trying to avoid being raped and eaten.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:08 No.60406375
    Lighthearted is boring.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:09 No.60406391
    The storyline takes place in Japan during the 1920s and follows a miko and exorcist who works for special order of mikos, and her assistant a boy who is really a demon prince. Together, the pair aims to stop demons that would harm innocent people while searching for the miko's missing brother, who was kidnapped by a demon with ties to the assistant's past. Along the way they pick up quiet and shy gril and big-boobed warrior girl, and slowly begin to unravel the mysteries behind the powers of gifted humans and the plans the antagonist have for the missing brother.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:09 No.60406396

    sorry, should have said middle school... Or elementary school
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:09 No.60406404

    Well, my Akumahime idea is a romantic comedy, but it would ideally be gory as shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:09 No.60406408
    people posted those too but lighthearted comedies don't need as much plot as deepdark stories
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:10 No.60406435

    A slice of life anime about cute goths cutting themselves and listening to Linkin Park. The opening and ending look like AMVs.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:10 No.60406440
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    medieval knight/gentleman magic swordsman that throws fireballs. four 26 episode seasons. Portrayed as an uptight prude, feminine man of sorts, competent in combat, yet slightly awkward. Subtle homolust is everywhere, even going as far as turning down an offer of marriage to the daughter of not one, but TWO kings under the excuse of pursuing a relationship with a MILF that does not exist. The audience will get so much homo from this, and there will no doubt be yaoi fanart drawn by 14 y.o. girls for the next two years... until season 5.

    Then it is revealed, the tragic tale, of the main character actually having been a trap all this time. Having been forced to dress and act as a man in order to inherit her deceased father's estate and protect her older sister from the constant threat of poverty until she marries. but the MC doesn't make a big deal of this.

    the MC waits for her older sister to marry, faking her own death at the hands of something really really convincing, and coming back as a woman, under her original and very feminine given name. She pretends to be a cousin, and seduces her best friend(who was a manly knight, and best bro of the MC when she was a man), who was now grieving over the supposed death of the MC's alter-ego trap self. and they live happily ever after.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:11 No.60406450
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    >this is what dark, fedora wearing, fat hipsterbeards actually think

    Keep making your convoluted uninteresting dark stories, /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:12 No.60406497
    MC is an ordinary high school senior who doesn't take his studies seriously. Always late for class, he's seen as a delinquent by the rest of his classmates, who are busily preparing for their college entrance examinations. He hates his life and the whole town, and the closest thing he has to a real friend is another loser who just barely manages to rise to the level of the butt of everyone's jokes at the best of times. MC's life is thoroughly miserable.

    Then one day, while walking to school, he bumps into a shy girl whose only friends at the school have already graduated. Whenever he sees her around school, she's alone; her classmates scarcely notice she exists, and no one has any interest in befriending her. No one, that is, except MC, who without even realizing it finds himself taking her under his wing. As he sets out to help her reestablish the school's drama club, he finds himself connecting (or, as it often turns out, reconnecting) with several other girls from the school. Although he doesn't care much about them at first — he doesn't much care about anything at first — he gradually opens his heart to them as they get to know each other better.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:13 No.60406507

    Oh, and I had another idea for a comedy series about two Americans living in a shitty apartment complex filled with the weirdest examples of Japanese people (usually drunk and unintelligible landlady, fabulou~s okama, black guy born and raised in Japan who claims he's from "Harlemjuku" and his ganguro girlfriend, etc.). They would mostly just sit around and make quips about Japanese society as perceived by outsiders.

    A big point would be JoJo-style faces but with even more ridiculously overdone facefaults.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:13 No.60406525
    My attempt is light-hearted and (supposed to be) funny...


    Do you know how difficult it is to maintain situational humor in a summary?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:14 No.60406551

    Thats because there is no point describing slice of life anime, as they have very little in the way of actual plot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:15 No.60406571
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:15 No.60406583
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    >implying everything that isn't DEEP and DARK is SoL.

    I hope none of you ever become writers.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:15 No.60406592
    I haven't even posted an anime idea in any of these threads. I just find lighthearted stories boring. I'd gladly watch the stories posted by anon over high school SoL #84733
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:16 No.60406604
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    Also, you're probably wondering what happens in the first four seasons.

    Think adventure tales and villain of the week kind of deals. It will be a saturday morning breakfast adventure, some stories dark, but most of them humorous and enjoyable by the whole family.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:16 No.60406616
    ITT: everyone posts, no-one reads.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:17 No.60406643
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    How many books have you read?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:17 No.60406652
    A 27-year old unmarried MC works as an office lady in Tokyo. She decides to spend her summer holiday at her sister-in-law's farm in the countryside to help out with the harvest, since she liked going there the year before. She sees it as a great way to get a break from the city life for a while. During her trip she gets overcome with memories of when she was 10 years old and in fifth grade. In a series of flashbacks, a picture forms of her youth, filled with math problems, friends, boys and the typical throes of a girl growing up. It results in her wondering whether she is being true to her own nature in life, since she wanted to be in the country as a little girl already.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:18 No.60406679
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    Whatabout a grimdark slice of life?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:18 No.60406682
    >the daughter of not one, but TWO kings
    Homosexual, male reproduction intrigues me.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:19 No.60406692
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    A guy with a split personality falls for twin sisters, who in turn fall for his two personalities. Both personalities don't realize that they're twins, the twins don't realize the guy has a split personality, and both sisters don't realize that they like the same guy.

    captcha: moblob main
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:19 No.60406693
    Cute boys doing cute girls.

    They're all traps.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:19 No.60406702
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    Did you really find it intriguing?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:20 No.60406734
    I don't read. Let me guess, you're one of those pretentious faggots who thinks literature is the only medium that can produce good stories?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:20 No.60406761

    Like a show that follows a drunk hobo dying in a gutter for twelve hours after getting stabbed?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:21 No.60406770

    one of them is probably a hermaphrodite, but that was a grammatical error on my part. more or less, it's two different princesses of two different kings, etc.

    but I don't need to explain that, do I...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:21 No.60406773
    An arrogant, spoiled, rich girl causes nothing but embarrassment for her family. After creating a huge incident at school, they decide they've finally had enough of her. Despite her personality, she does have good grades. They tell her she's been selected as an exchange student in Japan. Really, they're sending her there to get rid of her. She arrives at a boarding school, and introduces herself as an exchange student. The teacher says there must be some mistake, because their school doesn't participate in a foreign exchange program, and she transfered in normally. Shocked, the girl tries to call her parents, only to get a "the number you have tried to reach has been disconnected" message. She sends countless e-mails, but none of them are returned. Despite this, she tries to act normally in front of the other students, not wanting to look weak. But, because of her arrogant personality, and the fact that she's a foreigner, she's hated. One day she's in a back corner of the library trying to contact her parents, and failing, she breaks down and cries. One of her classmates sees her. When she notices the classmate, she runs off, forgetting her phone. Her classmate picks it up to return it to her, but happens to glance at the screen and sees the message history: outgoing calls: 57 incoming calls: 0 outgoing mail: 235 incoming mail: 0. She browses through the messages, and realizes the situation. She decides to try to become friends with the foreign girl and help her get accepted by the rest of the students. However, over time the two of them start to develop feelings that are more than friendship.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:21 No.60406788
    stop it, both of you are equally retarded
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:22 No.60406810
    A man falls in love with different women, a loli, a high school girl, a sempai, and an office lady. The catch is he's a time traveler, and they're all the same woman.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:22 No.60406819
    The MC is a seemingly-normal girl in a boring town on Earth. However, in truth, she is a "Keeper", a person born out of every 500 quadrillion intelligent life-forms with special powers. There are two interstellar empires that have been locked in a war, and both believe that a Keeper could tip the balance. So, both sides send agents to find and capture the MC, but to their dismay, they discover that one of her powers is a self-defense mechanism that knocks unconscious anyone who tries to immobilize her.

    So, a bunch of alien commandos now have to become friends with the MC, and try to convince her to join their side voluntarily.

    Eventually, a pair of agents from a neutral group arrives to try to instead compel her to stay on Earth and let the war drag on, so that the two empires will continue to weaken each other.

    I posted this on a similar thread recently, but I didn't get to see what anyone thought about it because I had internet trouble.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:22 No.60406836
    A magical girl defeats the queen of all evil in an epic duel, delivering a speech about love and justice as the villain is obliterated.

    A week later the now-powerless queen shows up on her doorstep, now hoplessly yandere for her after taking the message to heart.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:23 No.60406842

    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:23 No.60406852
    >read description
    >see the word "cynical"
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:23 No.60406862
    sounds like psycho staff
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:23 No.60406865
    >a girl growing up
    I read that as throwing up and immediately knew this story was about to take a sudden twist where the girl realizes she forgot having given birth to a child at the age of 13.

    I wondered whether you were playing this for trauma (rape victim), comedy (obvious) or DEEP Jesus story (she was virgin, her child is Jesus, everything is weird)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:24 No.60406877
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    three episode rule. AdhD etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:24 No.60406882
    This has potential.

    Is the queen a loli or MILF type villain?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:24 No.60406883
    Japanese Jersey Shore.
    Snooki is voiced by teh Rie.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:24 No.60406894
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    >I don't read

    But how can you know what makes a good story if you don't read more than "your favorite"? You're worse than those faggots who think Naruto and Twilight are the greatest stories ever written and disregard anything else.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:25 No.60406931
    The story begins in a small village who by this time have mostly been conquered or driven into hiding in remote corners of the country where they can live in some semblance of peace. The village's peace is shattered by the attack of a terrible demon. The village's last remaining prince is injured during the fight to kill it, and even worse, the mortally wounded demon is revealed to be a powerful spirit that curses the prince. The village elders decide, with much reluctance, that the MC must leave the village before the curse takes full possession of him and travel west in search of his destiny. He leaves immediately, with only his trusted steed and a necklace from his beloved. The young prince follows the demon's trail of destruction.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:26 No.60406965
    An anime where Joji Nakata and Kana Hanazawa switch bodies.

    MISADVENTURES occur when they try to pretend to be each other and continue their voice acting careers.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:27 No.60406986
    >But how can you know what makes a good story if you don't read more than "your favorite"?

    What are you even getting at here? All I said is that I find lighthearted stories uninteresting.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:28 No.60407014
    The story follows the mysterious, nameless medicine peddler in his travels and the various people and monsters he ends up encountering. To slay the mononoke he must find its true form, its reason for existence, and what it hopes to accomplish in order to defeat it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:28 No.60407018
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:28 No.60407019
    Never read that series, actually, it's just a coincidence. You're right though, there are similarities in the premise.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:29 No.60407043
    Might be interesting.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:30 No.60407066
    Azumonstergirl Daioh.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:30 No.60407098
    MC is a naive, entirely benign young sailor who has just been made captain of his ship, and is newly engaged to his beautiful girlfriend. Just as his life seems like it couldn't get any better, he is framed as a spy by four men, each with his own sinister aims, and sent to life imprisonment.

    During his years in prison, he meets a fellow prisoner who becomes his close friend. The fellow prisoner educates him in a variety of subjects, helps piece together the truth about his imprisonment, and before dying, tells of a treasure of unthinkable magnitude buried on an island. MC manages to escape, and finds the treasure.

    He returns to his homeland as the mysterious, brooding, immensely wealthy and highly cultivated man. He discovers that the men who sent him to his fate have all become very rich and powerful, and sets about using their own evil pasts and tainted passions to enact an elaborate and cruel revenge on all of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:31 No.60407119
    Ok, The MC is an unloved guy who has no friends. He is mediocre in all subjects, apart from english, due to his father being English.. His Father has gone back to England, while his Mom is a douche and her boyfriend is abusive. On the residential trip to America, the MC goes wayward, and ends up in Detroit. He falls in with a gang of Black teens who help him get back, and he helps them to escape some violent gang members.
    Cut forward, the start of the MC's final year in school. A whole new load of transfer students come in, the Black Friends from before. They learned Japanese in the year between, and are now here to get the MC's life on track, beat the shit out of Ganguro imitators and learn something about what it means to be true friends.

    Like Cromartie High
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:33 No.60407187
    In the future the PC has finally been replaced by Personal Androids. More versatile and customizable than a PC, they can range from small forms for maximum portability, to human sized or even industrial sized for use on construction sites and such sites. Typically, Humans can issue telepathic commands once they've registered the android to themselves, or they can issue verbal commands and manual text inputs from a handheld device. At home, the android can be connected to a monitor for whatever, but on the go there are watches, glasses, or many other devices that can accomplish the same thing. Androids can be customized further to the point where they can have customized personalities and such, perhaps even famous actors can offer their voice samples to be used with androids or something, like with GPS's.

    All right, now that that's explained, the main character is poorfag college student but he wants a PA. His friend who works at some junkyard says he can use whatever he can find there to put one together for 100 bucks. He finds all the necessary parts except for legs, he finds it disappointing as a leg fetishist, but he does manage to find some worn tank-type treads which he takes because there's nothing else. Once he installs Blindows XX, unsurprisingly he finds there's a bit of defective hardware, mainly a broken voice card, so her voice will only come out monotone, and personality card issue that won't let him change any aspects, leaving her stuck on high Sadism and very high Mischievous.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:34 No.60407213
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    It's the future and child labor is reinstated. The story follows a group of lolis working at a pizza place that deal with their asshole manager every day. A very character-interactions type of story like Working!!.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:34 No.60407232

    Now that he's all set up with her, he leads her back home while searching through her 8G connection for downloadable city maps. ON the way back he meets another older man with a bangin' hot android, especially in the leg department. Sensing her user's attraction she asks him "Do you want those, master?" and, unused to the telepathic communication, he thinks yes. "Very well..." she says, she goes on to issue a battle to the other android with the stakes being the other android's legs against the entire being of the MC's android.

    The old man strangely accepts the conditions but the MC is still dumbfounded. He had never heard of the Androids fighting before, but, according to his Android, the fights are way underground and very illegal due to the dangers of fighting and the destruction of property. Anyway, MC's gal is losing badly but she explains that there's a way for her to connect her CPU with his brain and use the unused portions of his brain to complete processes. Obviously, he does so because he's thinking with his dick and wants those legs bad.

    He wins and all and the first episode ends with him sleeping on her lap after a tiring day.

    So...Medabots + Chobits, I guess? In the final episode I was thinking he'd be facing off with the guy who's trying to streamline PAs and make them less human-like to appease anti-Android activists, but both androids are fairly matched. Then, MC does something absurd and cuts off his arm or something so that the portion of his brain controlling that arm is freed up for his android to get the upper hand for a moment.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:35 No.60407248
    ITT: Let's rewrite whatever had been already written.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:36 No.60407279
    There's nothing new under the sun.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:36 No.60407285
    That sounds pretty cool.

    Which part would be given the most weight? The prison, escape, treasure hunt, or revenge?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:37 No.60407304
    There hasn't been an original story since the epic of Gilgamesh, you mongrel.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:37 No.60407307
    Might as well try ...

    MC is walking around one day coming home from school. Shortest way home is trough a industrial area. Mc suddenly sees a murder in cold blood. The murderer turns around and sees him, he shoots. MC manages to escape. Mc runs home and calls the police. The police take him to questioning. Turns out they were taking him to kill him. He is saved by a mysterious agent. As a repayment for agent saving him, agent asks him to deliver a package to a dumpster near the same industrial complex first guy was murdered. He delivers the package. Next day he recives a phonecall from the agent. On his way to meet him he gets another call warning him not to go. MC still goes to lurk and turns out the agent wants to kill him. MC is now out of options the police wants to kill him and so do the agents. As he lurks the agent discovers him, chase follows and the MC is pinned down. Ready to face death. However he manages to trick the agent somehow and escape...

    As the show progresses he finally finds out in the end that the package he had to deliver contained notes on how to build a perfect quantium computer, wich can be used to crack any security system. Including nuclear weapon ones. Turns out the the first murder was a Russian goverment agent trying to prevent the files from reaching the wrong hands.

    Basically the show would be about a boy and his extremely bad luck and how he manages to survive in the end. I would include some cool twists and more dark themes too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:37 No.60407331
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    18535, Commodore Matthew Perry has recently reopened Japanese harbors to foreign trade. Roman Catholic monks are sent to Japan to tend to a missionary established by one of their elders. An emergency requires the head monk to return to Europe leaving the younger, inexperienced monks to fend for themselves trying to convert the Japanese. The main character is the most devout of the three tending the missionary. Due to fascination and cultural difference the MC attracts the interest and affections of a variety of different Japanese women from different walks of life, from a fisherman's daughter, samurai's daughter, merchant's wife, and a shogunate official's mistress. The first member of his harem would be a beggar girl he'd give shelter to after finding her on the run for stealing food. The whole thing would tackle historical factoids about the time and the clash of Japanese and Western cultures as well as the benefits of the opening of the port of Edo. Naturally the monk would remain celibate in spite of his company and would wrestle with the temptation. In the end the missionary would be shut down after the various misadventures and he'd be sent home, but the girls would carry on his basic moral teachings of tolerance and acceptance even without the affiliation of religion.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:38 No.60407339
    I only write what I'd like to see. If you don't like it fuck you, that's what I say.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:38 No.60407359
    MC is living the dream, spending alternate weeks living with a milf and a schoolgirl, neither of whom realise the other exists. Much hilarity ensues as he tries to keep his double life secret.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:39 No.60407370
    herpderp i fucked that date up bad, I meant 1855.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:40 No.60407393
    So, the story of Perry visiting Japan, set in space?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:41 No.60407435
    If he manages to survive under those circumstances, I'd say he has pretty awesome luck.

    Survivor stories are always cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:42 No.60407459
    Okay, posted this before but wth.

    DtB-esque superhuman series, but they turn into lovecraftian abominations and go insane instead of being autistic. The plot moves froward through several protagonists from their own viewpoint, and only directly interact with each other in some cases (because I love that shit), like baccano. The series focus on the conspiracies running through the new dictatorial hyperpower the Europe Sovereign (the ES). It will still have fighting, either with lovecraftian horrors from the mysterious and weird Zone, or with superhumans.

    Good/evil, true happiness vs. lust, mauvaise foi and human morals are themes within the series. It would be certainly two, but likely not three (maybe OVA ending?) full 24ep seasons.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:42 No.60407468
    Famous historical figures summon dense and incompetent mages from the future to fight for control of a magical artifact that can grant wishes.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:42 No.60407474
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    A disabled boy meets disabled girls and he wants to fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:44 No.60407536
    A duck turns into a magical girl to save a prince from an evil raven. It can have a ballet theme or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:45 No.60407569

    My instinct is to go with a Milf, because that's what Sailor Moon had.

    Comedy, a smutfest or a serious story about trying to help a deeply damaged person?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:46 No.60407573
    A Monster Girl Encyclopedia story about the Succubus who became the current Demon Lord and the Hero who became her Incubus husband. Season 1 would be the Hero and Succubus taking down the Demon Lord, season 2 would be them manipulating things so that their forces would be greater than the gods and trying to figure out why Monster Girls can't have human sons. Season 3 would be a few hundred years later, where the humans have 1700s era tech and the gods are weak, allowing the Demon Lord and her husband to take out the gods. The series ends with humanity and the monster girls coming together to create a self sustaining society.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:47 No.60407606
    SoL comedy that turns serious later on.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:47 No.60407625
    I like that period of history a lot. It tells us a lot about the long term effects of isolationism and the many problems with not understanding other cultures.

    I love stories about culture clashes.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:50 No.60407710
    meh might as well, l just had an idea
    so its set on the ancient middle east( along the lines of mesopotamia, sumeria, babylon and such) and about a goddess, whose older sister is the god of forests but she's too lazy and usually just snatches her work to the mc, so she goes around fixing issues by which she just puts a tons of flowers everywhere usually, also she's helping out priests if they ask and also goes around being moe with other deities like her, just a lighthearted comedy basically
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:51 No.60407750
    A radical man hating feminist and an outspoken misogynist swap bodies. They both have to deal with becoming what they hate.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:53 No.60407821
    This would be a series of 5 minute shorts. A young girl, a young boy and a small robot are the only inhabitants of a strange world. Kind of like the illusionary world scenes from Clannad, I suppose, but with no dialog. It would be quirky and funny, but in a poignant sort of way so that you'd smile wistfully rather than laugh out loud.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:54 No.60407832
    And then they bone.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:54 No.60407850
    I like that, I like it a lot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:56 No.60407920
    sounds kinda like that manga robo to usakichi, but doesn't sounds bad nonetheless
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:57 No.60407954
    I was thinking more they both try to act according to the stereotypes they have for the opposite gender and end up fucking everything up.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:59 No.60408026
    A human knight and a demon general get bound together by a dragon for lulz. As they follow the trail of trolled people, they have to get used to each others styles: he's very calm and controlled, she's blow everything up and if something is left, blow it up too. Eventually the pair fight their way through demon and human armies that have been trolled into fighting near the dragon's lair and get the curse lifted. The dragon reveals that the whole point was to force humans and demons to get along. The knight and general kick his or her ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:00 No.60408063
    Not heard of that before. Anyway, it would be sort of Kaiba meets Clannad meets Forbidden Planet meets Blue Lagoon sort of thing. Blue Lagoon because the boy and girl would fall in love, but not really understand what that was or what they were supposed to do about it. The robot has lots of knowledge but no wisdom, so it tries to help but always ends up making things worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:09 No.60408345
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    There's a middle school nerd who's obsessed with playing rpgs and mmos. His favorite class is the warrior archetype and all its subclass variations. On his way home from school, he overhears some group who sound like they're discussing his favorite mmo. Being a faggot he awkwardly tries to butt in and mingle, only to be completely wierded out when everybody seems to be taking him very seriously.

    Only he's a weak nerd and he has no actual fighting experience.

    It's a matrix/sliders/monster hunter type story where the group he approaches slide from worlds and timelines to defeat powerful things. They mistake him to be an actual warrior and recruit him since their last "warrior" type hero died in their last run.

    They only ended up on his world during one of their slides, but didn't find anything interesting and were about to leave until he approached.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:10 No.60408370
    A story about Magical boys who dress up like girls to fight an ancient evil.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:11 No.60408402
    A young boy is nearly killed in a battle between rival magical girls. The only way to save him is for each of them to transfer a part of their power into him. This leaves them both weakened to the point they can no longer transform on their own. He needs to jump start their transformations by using the power they lent him to start transforming. Basically he transforms, which triggers their transformations, but while he looks like a magical girl, he has no actual powers. Distance doesn't matter though, and whenever he transforms they both do. This leads to some awkward situations.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:12 No.60408436
    Favorites so far
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:18 No.60408635
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    I fucking loved Sliders.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:23 No.60408827
    Oh yeah forgot, the "serious and deep" leader of the Secret Police is in truth a huge otaku and a lolicon. With his crotch constantly getting assaulted from happy lolis (riding the horsey) and freudian slips.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:27 No.60408985
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    A slice of life about professional poker players going on adventures and gambling.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:28 No.60409002
    A first year high school student has a curse, switching between male and female bodies each day. The only way he can break the curse is to have sex with someone he loves. If he does, he'll stay in that body for the rest of his life. The teachers know about it, but he's trying to keep it a secret from the other students, so he's attending as male under his own name, and as a female under an assumed name. Most don't notice only one of them is attending class on any given day, and those that do just think they're both delinquents.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:28 No.60409027
    What is ranma 1/2
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:31 No.60409121
    You haven't actually read or watched ranma, have you?
    >> K-Kuhn !q3HVqBc9Uw 01/25/12(Wed)14:37 No.60409365
    I'm writing a serious novel at the moment. It is about this being who exists in a realm where the ideas that were forgotten by their creators before they had a universe to exist in are sent to, gaining the power to escape on the condition that he takes over other planes of reality controlled by all-powerful beings called 'Ultimate Ones.' In order to do this, he must beat these omnipotent beings in fights with his own ultimate power as the 'Ultimate One' of his own universe(called Roots).

    While the premise is 'God-like entities fighting and killing each other' the actual story is more like 'viewing the world through the eyes of God.' The main character named 'The King,' often disguises himself as a civilian and ask various humans questions, sometimes offering to grant them a wish in exchange for the 'value of their soul.'

    One chapter I am going to write is him trying to understand 'perfection.' If he is perfect, then he must be able to create something more beautiful than himself. But that would mean that he is no longer the Ultimate Being when it comes to the matter of appearance.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:44 No.60409637
    A college student needs money to help pay her tuition. She gets a job at a maid cafe. The other girls working there are lesbians, and the owner is a crossdressing otaku.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:49 No.60409832
    A Fighter, A Theif, A Black Mage, and A White Mage join forces as the Warriors of Light to fight against an ancient evil who has awakened. They must protect the Elemental Crystals from his evil clutches and fight against the evil empire he has helped build.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:54 No.60410034
    Go to #dengekianon @ rizon if you're interested in submitting a short story for a magazine. We mainly just talk about ideas there.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:58 No.60410195
    A SoL anime about a puppy and a kitten being bros.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:59 No.60410258
    More like Kämpfer (warrior) without the combat.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:11 No.60410732
    Fund this
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:13 No.60410798
    An otaku wakes up in the body of a loli. Literally. A giant loli ate him while he was asleep. Somehow, he's still alive. Then the giant loli disappears, leaving him in the middle of a wrecked city block. Somehow, he got the power to manifest his dreams in real life, and last night he had a vore dream.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:19 No.60411016
    So when does it start going horribly wrong?
    >> Kyoubro !!1K6RgwEcud8 01/25/12(Wed)15:20 No.60411070
    Or if you just want to talk about writing in general. It's what we do.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:29 No.60411400
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    A story about a suave motherfucker like this man going on badass adventures.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:33 No.60411585
    The more he uses the power, the longer it lasts. Eventually, the effects may become permanent.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:44 No.60412020

    The revenge, of course.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:01 No.60412624
    It's like a mixture of Shawshank and Oldboy.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:04 No.60412696
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    Or, uh, the Count of Monte Cristo.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:26 No.60413588
    Mankind has established a colony on the moon. Several orbital habitats are also under construction. In addition plans are underway to begin the colonization of Mars. An unmanned prove has been launched to Alpha Centauri. Humanity seems to be on the verge of leaving the cradle and taking its first steps towards reaching the stars. However, a cargo ship entering lunar orbit fails to start its deceleration burn. It merely adjusts its course to impact the lunar colony. The KE wipes out all by the deep underground levels, killing 1/3rd of the colony's population outright. Everyone blames everyone else. The rest of the colony's population is left to slowly die. The nations on earth gear up for war, and the partially built orbital habitats are converted into massive KKVs. In a last ditch effort to avert catastrophe, an international commission is set up to investigate the incident on the moon and find out who's responsible. The MC is an experienced astronaut chosen to lead an expedition to the site of the former lunar colony. The rest of the team includes a tsundere first officer, an AI with multiple bodies, a shifty looking UN official, a former Navy pilot, and a young genius engineer. If they fail to find the truth behind the incident, the most devastating war in human history, possibly the one to end human history, will begin.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:29 No.60413691
    >tsundere first officer
    Otherwise, do go on.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:37 No.60413954
    One hentai loving geek is looking for a roommate, a large breasted blonde foreign woman comes looking for a place to live. He finds out she is the kindest most pure woman on earth despite her having a porn star body. He finds out she is actually an Angel sent to evulate if mankind is worthy to keep going and he is the one she is basing her theroy on. Can he save the world and hide the fact he is a total perv? She is opposed by a sexy demon seductress who attempts to expose him as a pervert, even offering herself to him at anytime he wants, all our heros has to do is expose humanity for the dirty little monkeys we are. At the sametime he has a beautiful careing and loving punk rock girl next door best friend who is madly in love with him, but being a gigantic geek like him she cannot confess her feelings to him. Each episode is filled with fan service and dedicated to one fetish after another, gender bending, breast expansion and giantesses and so on a so forth.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:51 No.60414454
    And then he gets revealed as an utter pervert and the angel forgives him anyways, because "sex is god's gift to man".

    Sex for the sake of procreation in missionary position ensues. With lights off. And lots of hand holding.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:26 No.60415826
    A show about an /a/non who becomes young again, but instead of fixing his mistakes he sells his body as a trap prostitute. Good or bad end, I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:50 No.60416858
    So many of these plots are very derivative, but I can't think of anything like this one. Except the novel The Time Traveler's Wife, of course
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:54 No.60417013
    It's similar in some ways to "My Balls" but still, like it a lot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:54 No.60417044
    The important thing is the execution though.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:00 No.60417303
    >So many of these plots are very derivative
    Historically, most authors have been reusing the same basic plots and just executing them differently.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:04 No.60417485
    Cute girls start up a light music club. Instead of playing music they actually smoke weed everyday
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:07 No.60417668
    I don't remember whether or not I've posted this in another one of these threads before.

    Nobody ever responds, but here goes.

    My story is set in a future where crystals have appeared among a lot of the planet.

    The crystals are a powerful energy source, like Tiberium except much larger and nowhere near as initially hazardous. Groups of miners, called "Dwellers", are commissioned by their towns to mine these crystals and are paid depending on the type, size, amount, etc.

    The story would be an action adventure SOL comedy-drama about a group of three Dwellers--Kalle, Lum, and Duka--and their dwelling assignments for their hometown, Scrapesend, as well as the events and happenings going on around them.

    Story would also focus on some of the other groups around town, as they play significant roles all throughout.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:07 No.60417687
    A young boy wishes to be the little girl. However, this is impossible because magic doesn't exist. Instead he spends all day shitposting on an anonymous image board.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:14 No.60418014
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    No one wants to hear the story of your life, anon. Try to come up with something original.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:15 No.60418076
    But my life is interesting and full of quirky characters.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:16 No.60418120
    K-On with drugs?

    Not much to comment on (as is the case with SoL), but it sounds like Planetes with crystals. Planetes was good, so I'd say it has potential.

    You didn't write the middle or the end. Unless you just want to make it about a shitposter's normal every day life, which is fine too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:18 No.60418246
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    So much SoL, SciFi, PostApoc stuff in these threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:19 No.60418270
    > Unless you just want to make it about a shitposter's normal every day life
    Pretty much.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:26 No.60418608
    Sora always wanted to be a mime since she was little. However, she has Tourette's syndrome.
    One day, she hears from a friend that a huge scare might be able to shock-cure her syndrome out of her, so she begins trying to experience near-death situations in hopes of curing her disorder.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:26 No.60418634
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    A deconstruction of the Slice of Life Genre.

    Instead of Cute Girls doing cute things, it's average girls living shitty lives.

    2deep4 /a/?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:30 No.60418806
    A man has 30 days to impregnate 31 women or else his sister dies. However he is autistic as fuck, so in death note style shit her tricks them into sex.

    Example of episode 1: He disguises himself as a toilet, and when the girl is about to sit down, he jams it in.

    Eventually he becomes known as a serial rapists, and the chase to catch him is on. Will he complete the 30 woman challenge, or will he spend life behind bars???
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:31 No.60418855
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    You there.

    I am capping this for future reference.

    Expect sample drawings and illustrations of your story posted on /a/. I love your ideas.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:32 No.60418884
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    >He disguises himself as a toilet

    Please write this.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:35 No.60419061
    >5 high-school girls doing silly things and talking about the small stuff in life in a post apocalyptic world
    >Set in a future Akihabara dominated by Otaku-terrorism, a special squadron is created to guard VAs, Idols and Mangakas, the Pantsu squad
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:35 No.60419067
    Cute girls, but we are shown the extends they have to go through to be cute. Diets, makeup, depilatory wax... the stress, the solitude, the fake masks they put in front of their friends...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:38 No.60419165
    Zodiac + anti-myballs I like it
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:42 No.60419346
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    Mc is a young man who is a psychotherapist (because psychologists are fucking dicks), who works at city hospital, giving different kinds of psychotherapy(there are many ways) to different kinds of girls(trauma-patients, yandere-girls, normal girls(yes, normal people go to shrink too)). the show is all about MC listening to the story and helping them out with different ways. after few episodes, MC has few patients who come with a weekly basis, few ones drop out, few new ones come in, but two or three stay through the show.

    suddenly, forbidden love between therapist and the patient

    to be continued.. Honestly, i did my best here. how is it?

    I might make a VN out of this someday.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:49 No.60419667
    That MC looks like he's still in diapers.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:51 No.60419782
    >pic not related
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:55 No.60419945
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    An Ancient Alien has awakened, and only one man can stop it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:55 No.60419949
    The story of Toru Watanabe, a normal guy starting his first year of college. He doesn't speak to anybody in class, doesn't even respond when the teachers take attendance, so this weird girl called Midori takes notice of him and starts a conversation with him at the dinning room.

    Little does he know she's an alien who came to earth looking to mate with an earthling in order to avoid the extinction of her race which little by little was running out of males, because having sex sucks all the male's energy and youthfulness till he becomes an old man barely alive.

    He never learns of it and accepts her in the end.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:57 No.60420047
    except that man wants the world to burn to ashes because of what happened to his father, so he tries to control the alien into destroying humanity
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:00 No.60420186
    More like an idea for a VN, because of potential for choose your own adventure. The general ideas have been mulling in my head for some time, but I took the time to actually write it down in a (hopefully) coherent form while I was reading this thread.

    The protagonist is a second/third/fourth son of a minor lord in a Pseudo Holy Roman Empire. Not wishing to split up the family demesne, his father buys him a suit of armour and weapons with which to make his own fortune. After travelling aimlessly for a while the protagonist becomes aware of an offer: A crusading order is hiring everyone they can get their hands on for their war across the sea. The Protagonist obviously takes the offer. The Order is under the control of the Pope, but the recruiting campaign seems to be run almost completely by the Emperor's little brother, who is rather highly ranked in the Order hierarchy.

    First choice is to decide over becoming a full brother or half-brother. Full brothers are sworn to chastity and the Order for life, but have the chance of advancing in a relatively meritocratic hierarchy. Half-brothers are mostly poor nobles (like the protagonist) who have joined for a limited time and will be rewarded after their service with land, thus becoming the fathers of a new aristocracy in the newly conquered land. Basically this choice would have its main impact on the ending, not the plot itself.

    As you may have guessed, the Protagonist gets involved in the power play between the Emperor and the Pope as the Emperor's brother attempts to use the newly recruited troops to take over the Order and turn the New Land into a secular place run by nobles loyal to the Emperor. The old-school knights oppose his attempts when they realize what he is trying to accomplish. Meanwhile the crusaders must obviously keep crusading for new land.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:07 No.60420456
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    The three MCs are all in their late teens/early 20s (17-19 initially, 18-21 later on).

    Duka (Dudley Kast) is a black, tall and lanky would-be mechanic. He's the one in the group who is in charge of mining the crystals, as he's the one with the best knowledge of the tools. Overly excitable and optimistic (think Louis from L4D), but most of the time is really chill. Very curious of the world, he wants to use his money earned from Dwelling to travel all over the place. Almost always wears a drivers cap and sports a nappy afro puff ponytail.

    Kalle (Kalev Lecher) is a sarcastic, narcissistic klepto with a heart of gold. Has three younger sisters and a slightly airheaded milf mother inspired by Terminator Mom Anon. His development would deal with him manning up to take better care of his family, and his involvement and reaking away from the many different gangs throughout the neighboring towns.

    Lum (Lyris Umbrell) is a brown, very fit loli with short red-orange hair and an even shorter temper. While being the shortest of the three, she's also the strongest physically due to genetics, and is actually intelligent when not beating the hell out of something or someone. Has a set of triplets as older sisters and a mother who is essentially a prize fighter away in another country. Has the most development of the three friends, as her and her race are a big part of the overarching plot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:08 No.60420513


    (still continued)

    She's part of a race of catgirl ogresses that are slowly becoming the dominant species of the planet. Rather than having males, some are born futa. No matter how they conceive a child, be it Human male on female or futa on female, it's almost always born as a female or futa of their race. Males that are lucky/unlucky enough to be born usually end up as either teachers/professors, spies in the military, or slaves, as they're weaker and lack the war-ready genetic abilities of the females.

    As the story progresses, Lum starts to "develop", growing stronger and stronger, and eventually a second, more sadistic and inimical personality is brought about from this. Her attempts to deal with this inner persona eventually start to alienate her from Kalle and Duka. At a few points in the story, she loses control and is taken over by the other personality, attempting to attack anyone close to her until she's snapped out of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:12 No.60420673
    Of course this thread has to come back when I'm not at my computer and don't have time to spend all night on it

    I'm the guy who tossed out this silliness (writtend during my middle/high school years) BTW:

    Also if the gal (?) who offered to be "writing pen pals" with me is reading this, I'm, uh, still waiting to hear back from you
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:15 No.60420810
    Follow your dreams, man.

    And also come join the irc room
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:18 No.60420923
    The story of a small band of space thieves who the Seneschal of the Tri-Galaxy Confederation contracts in secret to kidnap the daughter of the late Count of Omega Centaury since she might be the next person in line to become Queen.

    The story follows Sorf, the newest member of the band, who feels guilt after kidnapping the princess and frees her and escapes with her and Gordy, a Titan Parrot who follows Sorf everywhere since he enrolled.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:19 No.60420990
    What IRC room?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:24 No.60421238

    I would like to know this as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:26 No.60421348
    A girl is chosen to become a mahou shoujo. However, she likes her peaceful life and wants nothing to do with magic and fighting evil. She tries to run away, but she's attacked by the evil forces she was supposed to fight. When they notice she hasn't become a mahou shoujo yet, they decide to take the opportunity to ask her to join them. She looks back at the mascot that asked her to become a magical girl, then to the villains and realizes neither of them will leave her alone until she picks a side. She simply responds, "Both of you want me? So then make an offer." Both sides then keep trying to make an offer this girl will accept to get her to join their cause.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:27 No.60421367
    An anime about me, getting off work, and have delicious dinner, OMFG I AM SO HUNGRY LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FFFFFFFFF
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:27 No.60421376
    #dengekianon @ rizon
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:29 No.60421510
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    OK I wrote about this a little bit in a thread earlier, but if you look closely, Japan hates Catholicism and whenever a Catholic church or sorta Catholic church shows up it almost always turns up being evil or shady in some way. This is a revelation I came to when I was reading Soul Eater because Justin Law was the first heroic Catholic clergyman I had seen in a long time, and it was so weird and strangely refreshing to see (then he turned evil). And its always Catholics, never Methodists or Baptists or Hindus or Muslims or Wiccans or Lutherans or whatever the fuck.

    I would make an anime about Catholics who are not evil or taking over the world, but normal people in slice-of-life situations like going to confession, eucharistic adoration, may crowning, praying the rosary, losing something and asking St. Anthony to help retrieve it, ash Wednesday, giving up stuff for Lent, etc. Maybe do something with moe younger nuns going through their novitiate and needing to learn the ways of religious life.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:30 No.60421533
    >a high school boy with a disease that makes his balls grow so big that if he doesn't have sex at least once a week his ball sack will explode WILL HE AND HIS FRIEND FIND THE SEX PARTNER!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:32 No.60421661
    Main character gets stuck in Japan after his time as an ALT runs out. He was going to college previously to become a logician, and becomes an ALT in Japan after the monotony starts to bum him out rather than continuing to get a higher degree. Time passes, and the guy runs out of money and will lose his apartment if he doesn't get a job. He walks through the town and can't find anywhere that will hire an unskilled foreigner other than a fortune teller's shop. The owner of the shop is an odd looking late 20-something foreigner who immediately takes to him, even going as far as to offer him one of the apartments on the upper floors. Main character takes the job due to his situation.
    Fast forward a few years.
    Main character is now well known in the area, and good friends with the owner of the shop, who he shares animu and mango with and gets along with just fine. Shop owner never leaves the shop, as far as MC knows. One day, someone comes to the shop begging MC to take her on as an apprentice, and the shop owner makes the decision for him and the MC has to take her on, quickly joined by more girls amassing the MC's harem.
    All the girls are demons and the shop owner is satan incarnate, who happens to be a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:32 No.60421665
    The city of Albion exists in a world in which civilization has been all but wiped out. A desolate wasteland surrounds it. There is an ocean to it's west, but a wall of water prevents safe passage. This city is the world's last remaining one, a place where a war has raged for decades. It has been broken up into territories, ruled by different factions, possessing power of magic, science, or wealth, to control its people. The four main territories are Tharm, Uroz, Lua, and Urt. The citizens live every day in either ignorance or fear. There's no chance of life outside the city, even with rumors of "outsiders" existing, they dare not leave.

    But this world, this city is crumbling. It's resources are dwindling. These look to be the last days of man. All seem resigned to this fate, but then a mysterious light descends from the sky.

    This story takes place mostly in Urt, when this mysterious object makes fall, leading all sorts of groups to try to acquire its power for their own.


    Los - Los is a young boy, around 12-13 who is a poet and performer in the Urt Unity Celebrations, but his real job is to gather information for Morran, the governor of Urt.

    Orb Gun - A weapon that uses mana energy (like Gene Starwind's Caster Gun) powered by a small crystal orb; fires electrical charges
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:34 No.60421737

    Ignites - The fire-magic users; they channel internal flame through special weapons and burn down their enemies. Their territory is Tharm, but have lately been intruding into Urt, to search for an object of interest.

    Faust - A powerful Ignite who seeks a hidden power in Urt for his leader, Lesage.

    Behemoth - The syndicate that controls most of Urt; led by Morran; uses escaped Savages as muscle; rumored to have gained power through a former partnership with the Godlikes.

    Leviathan - A rival syndicate in Urt; led by Emerson; lives on the border between Urt and Tharm; lost a battle with Behemoth years ago over control of Urt

    Ziz - A group of sky-worshippers that lives on the outskirts of Albion, and is said to have originated from "outside the city" (which is "impossible"); led by a mysterious man named Nekko; interested in the happenings in Urt, for some reason

    Morran - The man in charge of Urt; leader of the Behemoth syndicate; a corrupt man who appeases his people with "bread and circuses".

    The Scrap-Man - A representitive of Morran who controls part of Urt; can absorb metal objects and make them part of his body (temporarily), mild regenerative powers, super strength

    The Mystique Woman (Nannon) - "Lady of Light"; Said to be an eternal Gerredin ("a finger of god"); wanders the city using various magics to assist those in need; said to have a home in Lua

    Torches - "Torches" are the nickname for weapons that are used by the Ignites; special weapons that are also known as "demon weaponry", because they help to focus the power of flame from the Ignites' bodies into a focal point.

    Savages - A group of bio-engineered mutants that were created in Uroz by the Godlikes; many groups of Savages have broken off from the main group to rebel against the Godlikes
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:37 No.60421874
    >I would make an anime about Catholics who are not evil
    Too unrealistic.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:39 No.60421988
    I would do a similar thing, only it's a comedy about shotacon priests and the pope is a mercenary who creeps through the night and kills anyone threatening to mention the shotacon priests to the media.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:46 No.60422300
    Just dropping in to remind people that nocturne's deadline is coming up, but if you have something completed and would like to send something in, you're more than welcome to.


    #nocturne-magazine @
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:47 No.60422364
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    An anime adaptation of the Ulster Cycle
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:48 No.60422383
    Do you know anything at all about the history of Christianity in Japan? There's a very, very good reason Catholic scum are portrayed the way they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:50 No.60422485
    I know that Christians were treated about as kindly by the Japanese as they were by the Romans
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:54 No.60422649
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    Why? Because they were hated by those in power because the Catholic faith threatened the legitimacy of the Emperor and put value on human life in an era when giving your life was seen as the greatest virtue? Because they were massacred for wanting to teach people knowledge from foreign lands while the Shogun kept people locked up in Japan?

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