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    File : 1327176452.jpg-(91 KB, 650x870, soulja-boy-downtown-independent_1_jpg_65(...).jpg)
    91 KB Nekomimi !TI0xbxrkng 01/21/12(Sat)15:07 No.60204925  
    Soulja Boy went to the premiere of FMA: Sacred Star of Milos.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:09 No.60204989
    Bitch he look like Goku.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:09 No.60204991
    Man I feel like goku right now
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:09 No.60205026
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    >eleven arts
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:10 No.60205033
    I wonder if Soulja Boy has a high powerlevel.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:10 No.60205047
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:11 No.60205051
    I heard he tried to push the projectionist aside, yelling, "WATCH ME CRANK IT WATCH ME ROLL"
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:11 No.60205054
    At least he's not a moefag¹

    ¹ note to moderators: this is a joke
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:11 No.60205062
    bitch he look like Gohan smokin all that marijuana bitch he havin so much fun
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:11 No.60205063
    What movie?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:11 No.60205082
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    >Eleven Arts
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:11 No.60205085
    Everybody knows Souljaboy is a massive weaboo.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:12 No.60205092
    Is he the one with the my life is anime song?
    Yeah, he doesn't know shit about it
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:12 No.60205104
    Too bad he didn't bring his backpack, I heard it was anime.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:12 No.60205109
    He only watches entry level shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:13 No.60205132
    You know, as long as he doesn't make another 'anime' album, he'll be fine. Just another nigger fan.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:13 No.60205147
    >Implying he didn't show off his Kamichu DVD in that one video
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:13 No.60205157

    He's a weaboo either way, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:13 No.60205161
    Soulja is a god
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:13 No.60205163
    Soulja Boy is known to be a big Gundam fan as well.

    Honestly, /a/, I don't know why you're surprised.

    Sure much of it is entry level stuff, but black folks seem to be fucking huge weeaboos half the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:14 No.60205174

    I wonder if he browses /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:14 No.60205177
    Sou... who the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:14 No.60205186
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    >At least he's not a moefag¹
    You know who might be?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:14 No.60205188
    Didn't he claim that he doesn't go on tour without his Death Note boxset?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:14 No.60205200
    ok i lold a little too much
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:15 No.60205208

    Oh god, my sides. I can just imagine it now. Soulja Boy sitting at his computer, posting on /a/ in the late hours of the night.

    I wonder who his waifu is.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:15 No.60205236
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:16 No.60205259
    >Giving a damn about Soulja Boy
    What's next? /a/ discussing about The Jonas Brothers?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:16 No.60205266
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:16 No.60205271

    Mugi, of course.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:16 No.60205273

    Oh you.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:16 No.60205281
    Soulja Boy is a funny nigga.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:17 No.60205287
    Hes a famouse animey phan.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:17 No.60205288
    Lupe Fiasco has a much higher one
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:17 No.60205291
    Any celebrities on /a/ right now? Why don't they admit it if fags do it on /mu/?
    >> Identifier !EHHHH75c.. 01/21/12(Sat)15:17 No.60205310
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:18 No.60205313
    So does Tarantino, Edward Norton and Keanu Reeves.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:18 No.60205315
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:18 No.60205324
    I would bet CASH MONEY that Robin Williams browses 4chan in one form or another.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:18 No.60205335

    Think about it for a moment.

    Somebody who reveals they post on /mu/, well, it'll get them publicity.

    Now, imagine. Imagine being a celebrity. Really famous. Imagine being that celebrity browsing on /a/.

    Would you want to reveal the fact that you post on /a/ to the public?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:18 No.60205342
    >> Jake the Nutella !6kgj/OnyWw 01/21/12(Sat)15:19 No.60205353
    THIS AIN'T GUNDAM WING, I'M THE GUNDAM KING is still my favorite Soulja Boy quote.

    Please stop making "music". It's terrible.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:19 No.60205358
    He made like half the Eva image macros
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:19 No.60205365
    >Andrew WK
    >Lucky Star

    Makes me giggle like a retard every time.
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 01/21/12(Sat)15:19 No.60205366
    I heard he fapped to HSTOD.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:19 No.60205371
    Bill Bailey browses /b/.

    I know he's an anime fan so he might be on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:19 No.60205386
    is this shit for real? it would be somehow hilarious if a rich nigga would be into moe stuff.
    Soulja Boys anime song was kinda cool, but after all its all just lame entry stuff he watches.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:20 No.60205394
    I'm a loser with no friends, and I would never even consider letting people publicly know I browse /a/ (not that I'd have anyone to tell).
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:21 No.60205419
    >Bill Bailey browses /b/.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:21 No.60205421
    it's not unthinkable.

    His daughter posted on /v/ a few times.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:21 No.60205425
    Everyone knows Soulja makes terrible music, this isn't new.

    But he's hilarious. Plus he created swag
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:21 No.60205450

    Yeah, he's a confirmed Eva fan.

    He also named his daughter Zelda, which he also confirmed was based off of the Legend of Zelda.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:22 No.60205456
    There's a timestamped picture out there somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:22 No.60205490
    Robin William's Zelda fanboyism is confirmed by a BOARDCAST COMMERCIAL starring him and his daughter.
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 01/21/12(Sat)15:23 No.60205501
    No fucking way man.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:23 No.60205506
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:23 No.60205527
    what celebrities have posted on /mu/ besides deadmau5?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:23 No.60205528

    Remember when people thought Robin Williams was the Gendo tripfag? Good days.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:24 No.60205546
    There's also a Steven Fry time stamped picture.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:24 No.60205548
    >> Identifier !EHHHH75c.. 01/21/12(Sat)15:24 No.60205558
    and then people thought Destrado was Robin Williams. He isn't by the way
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:25 No.60205572
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    >You will never play Initial D Arcade Stage with Zac Efron and Daniel Radcliffe
    >You will never play Pokemon with Robin Williams and Hulk Hogan
    At least i still have /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:25 No.60205582
    Andrew W.K
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:25 No.60205596
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    Andrew W.K. had a great Q&A thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:26 No.60205602
    well I'm not surprised.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:26 No.60205618

    >Play Pokemon with Hulk Hogan

    Oh man, my sides.
    >> Jake the Memory !6kgj/OnyWw 01/21/12(Sat)15:26 No.60205629
    I remember watching a video at some point in time where Soulja Boy's just showing off his fancy apartment. He also spent a few minutes showing off his latest box of Japanese swag. IIRC, it was a bunch of anime magazines (in Japanese) and untranslated Japanese vidya. I don't remember what games they were or what the content of those magazines were. I do seem to remember uguu~ girls in there somewhere, but my mind may have misremembered for maximum hilarity.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:26 No.60205631
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:27 No.60205646
    oh wow, I didn't know he was such a bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:27 No.60205652
    >3DPD nigger
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:28 No.60205667
    Soulja Boy's certainly not a casual.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:28 No.60205675
    Man, he made an album dedicated to Gundam.

    He's a good man in books.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:28 No.60205680
    about 15% is real. Most of it is just trolling.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:28 No.60205697
    That was a horrible movie.
    >> Waffleman !!ROQTDpFz9VR 01/21/12(Sat)15:29 No.60205720
    I'll also never watch Slayers with Zac.

    Also, I've heard that Will Ferrel likes Slayers.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:29 No.60205723
    Robin Williams has a Something Awful Forums account but has never posted with it. True story!
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:29 No.60205737
    well shit and here I thought we has just some average retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:30 No.60205741
    sounds awesome, do you remember anything else about the video? Something that might help me find it? Was it a MTV Cribs thing?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:30 No.60205744

    A lot of the things in this picture are not confirmed, and there's no Daren Aronofsky.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:30 No.60205748
    Anybody who likes this dumbass nigger needs to be shot
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:30 No.60205758
    >His daughter posted on /v/ a few times.
    Wait, what? Is this true?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:31 No.60205784
    I demand a link to said video.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:31 No.60205792

    I remember that video when he went to a japanse arcade to play Gundam, that was hilarious, he calls himself the Gundam King.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:31 No.60205795
    how do people find out about 4chan, it's not like it's being advertised and talked about.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:31 No.60205801

    i dont know if she actually posted on /v/, but she lurked for sure. She made some references to /v/ on her twitter acc
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:32 No.60205818
    It genuinely is. /v/ was in a complete shitstorm over it for the next couple of days.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:32 No.60205822
    Ah I see. I thought she was like 10 or something
    >> Jake the Cicada !6kgj/OnyWw 01/21/12(Sat)15:32 No.60205827
    No, it was just a home video he shot for shits and giggles.

    I've been trying to find it again, with no luck.

    All I know is that I watched a video where Zac Efron said that he liked Death Note and went on to pronounce it like a weeaboo Japanese. DESU NOTO. Hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:32 No.60205836

    We think he as a person is quite funny.

    Nobody is claiming his music isn't bad, cause it pretty much is.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:32 No.60205849
    no she's like our age (most of /a/) 22 or 23.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:33 No.60205855
    Don't tell me you guys forgot about this abomination.
    >> Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma !!RBaVX6t0twu 01/21/12(Sat)15:33 No.60205857
    People who actually like this retard and his music are the type that make me question humanity.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:33 No.60205862
    Word of mouth, just like us?
    Thanks, I never knew.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:33 No.60205874
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:33 No.60205889
    And your retardation makes me wonder what I'm still doing here.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:33 No.60205895
    The Independent?

    Who else was there?

    We couldn't get tickets for the 9:00 showing, so we stayed for the 11:00 showing. Vic Mignogna really made up for it when he showed up from nowhere to talk for a brief minute or two.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:33 No.60205896
    sounds like Based God
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:34 No.60205897

    This. I always ask for the link to that fucking video since i couldnt find it, it was on a thread last year

    he pulls out all this manga like death note and how to draw shit while saying, SWAG SWAG SWAG SWAG.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:34 No.60205919
    /v/ was discussing the newest OoT trailer with Robin Williams. They discovered he has a daughter named Zelda. An anon contacted her and told her about /v/. She began browsing and writing about /v/ on her Twitter. Then she started trolling ("The cake is a lie lol") and /v/ fell in love with her.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:34 No.60205926
    >for real
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:35 No.60205943
    That's not trolling
    >> Jake the Yak !6kgj/OnyWw 01/21/12(Sat)15:35 No.60205966
    >how to draw shit
    OH YEAH. That's probably where my memories of "cute girls" came from. He totally had these "how to draw manga" books.
    >> noko Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:36 No.60205975
    shit, i need to find that video. Gonna try my best
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:37 No.60206028
    I'm sure these people just list entry-level shows so they won't get shit about it, and are in actuality high level.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:37 No.60206034

    If anyone gets genuinely angry about someone using that overused phrase, they were trolled.

    They had a strong angry response to something that is clearly being said in an ironic way, because nobody really uses that joke anymore (I hope).
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:38 No.60206041

    That is fucking awesome. I wonder if he had to watch Dennou Coil as part of his rehabilitation?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:38 No.60206054
    I hope you all realize Soulja Boy is an act and is intended to be humorous. Black people are capable of irony.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:38 No.60206057

    all i know is it had to do with him showing his 'fans' his new pad or apartment, and the beginning was showing off his desk mac shit and a big screen with...some shitty fighting game? fuck its hard to remember.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:38 No.60206077


    If they're aware of anime enough to have watched multiple entry level shows, there's a decent chance they're aware of the greater anime scene, and thus, also aware that they can easily conceal their powerlevel by just telling everyone they watch entry level stuff only.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:39 No.60206081
    >/v/ fell in love with he

    Well, she is kinda lovable. One less dimension and something may have been born out of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:39 No.60206101

    wat you know bout dem gundams nigga
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:39 No.60206108
    His favorite show is Dog Days
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:40 No.60206118
    I don't think it's a joke, there's a lot of niggers that are into anime.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:40 No.60206119

    What the fuck is he saying in that song?

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