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    File : 1326923465.jpg-(389 KB, 640x903, robama-dump-jap-manga-buy-american-comic(...).jpg)
    389 KB Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:51 No.60065820  
    So what's your thought on DC's war on mangas?

    In case you don't know, they encourage people to stop buying mangas, and has a campaign where you can trade in a manga for comic.

    Undoubtly, they will then proceed with a manga burning.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:52 No.60065873
    This is wrong. Like, WWII propaganda levels of racist wrong.

    Not to mention retarded, since a manga volume is generally pretty big and a comic book is usually kind of short.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:53 No.60065896
    This reply is UNAMERICAN

    Hand in your freedom and go to north korea, filthy socialist scum.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:53 No.60065901
    >obama superhero

    Whoever drew this knows how to rustle my jimmies
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 01/18/12(Wed)16:54 No.60065921
    It's a campaign by one store you stupid sack of shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:54 No.60065924
    Welcome to DC and Marvel.
    You don't get any more patriotic than them
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:55 No.60065952
    Is this real?

    Far as I can tell, manga/comic books target terribly different demographics, both mutually hostile to the other.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:55 No.60065962
    >implying those who read manga would prefer reading about muscle-bound men in spandex.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:56 No.60065983
    >Jim Lee
    I think you know who's to blame.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:56 No.60066002
    That's why they try to get manga readers to give it up for american comics instead. Clearly.

    Though frankly, this is just damaging for them.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:57 No.60066021
    Oh man this is so beautiful. I that kind of things were something of the past, that we wouldn't see them again in our times.
    Like, woah seriously? I'm tempted to google about it just to see if it's true.
    And man, I knew DC was into some shit when they released the ugly ass new costumes but it might have been just an odd decition I couldn't understand. Oh no, they really are going insane.
    >> Poodle !ladIA1xeqM 01/18/12(Wed)16:57 No.60066023
    We had this same thread yesterday faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:57 No.60066032
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    >Limit 1 per American citizen

    So if I'm a tourist and trade in a volume of Bleach I bought when I was young and foolish I would get refused?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:57 No.60066034
    Is Robama an official character?
    >> ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ 01/18/12(Wed)16:58 No.60066066
    This is actually good business sense.
    They had likely sold out of various Vol1 manga that they can't find reprints for. And since they've got stacks of American comics, might as well make some kind of deal.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)16:59 No.60066076
    No. If you aren't AMERICAN citizen you don't get shit.

    What, do you think this is some sorta handout, commie?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:00 No.60066109
    Very damaging. This is inarguably racist and just making them look retarded. They're marketing to a demograpic that doesn't give a shit, and they're calling on nostalgia from the 40's that the demographic they're marketing to generally hates because most weaboos who actually buy manga and would see this are the types who hate America for nuking Japan and killing all those kawaii Japanese peeplz.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:00 No.60066127
    I'm friends with an old school comic book artist. Mostly they are pissed about the lack of detail in the character design, and how it has "perverted" many American comic book artists who don't want to spend most of their time drawing muscles.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 01/18/12(Wed)17:01 No.60066141
    Trade in 180 page book for a 30 page magazine?

    Hahahaha. This store is retarded. Are people really going to fall for that?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:01 No.60066145
    Fine Print:
    >*Limit one per American citizen!

    lol It's such an exclusive offer we can't refuse that they have to put limits in what we can "gain" from it.
    >> rei !p8eYCadcMo 01/18/12(Wed)17:01 No.60066151
    People not reading the whole poster general?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:01 No.60066157
    I agree. This poster is just trying to make manga readers "guilty" and feel like shit for not supporting america..

    So why would i want to read something from someone who clearly hates me?
    >> Poodle !ladIA1xeqM 01/18/12(Wed)17:01 No.60066160
    >DC comics are only 20 pages now.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:02 No.60066168
         File1326924130.jpg-(91 KB, 728x518, 1277889202748.jpg)
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    >who don't want to spend most of their time drawing muscles.

    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:02 No.60066181
    I know those guys, all they complaining about is lack of BLACK INK SPLOTCHES EVERYWHERE.
    They were bitching about computer coloring before manga boom too...
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:03 No.60066194
    I wonder how many trade ins they'll get?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:04 No.60066222
    American comics PRIZE homo-level male musculature detail above all else.
    Also they don't write anything, just draw muscle dudes all day.
    It's sad really.

    See Op's pic, Jim Lee, he's famous for copying muscle building mags.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:05 No.60066251
    32, if you count ADs & previews of other 20 page pamphlets.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:05 No.60066255
    This seems like the most probable case to me as well.

    >Limit one per American citizen!

    Why put that there then?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:05 No.60066259
    This is just a ploy to get devious brainwashed weeaboos to show themselves, so USA can monitor them for terrorist activities for the japanese Empire.

    Yes birry, you kirr white man for your masters
    >> Yomi is my waifu ;_; !!P4jDCwvW2Wc 01/18/12(Wed)17:05 No.60066263
    I'm confused. What's DC new 52?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:06 No.60066281
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    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:06 No.60066286
    "American citizen" implies patriotism, not exclusion of non-Americans.
    It's a local ad.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:07 No.60066312
    Latest in a long line of Retcon reboots.
    They are rebooting the entire DC universe....again.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:08 No.60066348
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    But what if it's the Heroman manga?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:08 No.60066354
    Can't see weeaboos trading shit. Can see the comic fans being inspired to maybe buy some manga, to trade in for the sake of increasing report or acting patriotic. Do know that many comic or cartoons fans do hate manga, people sometimes act out of hate. Al the crowd calling everyone else a aweeaboo might participate there, they seem to have the patrotic hate.
    >> Yomi is my waifu ;_; !!P4jDCwvW2Wc 01/18/12(Wed)17:08 No.60066361
    So does it comprise of different comics or just 1? The "any" in the ad confuses me a bit since I'm thinking that it's just one comic book series.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:08 No.60066364
    How many times have they done that?
    Shit, what's the point of reading something and getting attached to characters if it's all LOL NEVERMIND anyway?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:09 No.60066368
    >drawn by filthy heathen Japs
    Still counts.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:09 No.60066378
    Why didn't they stop at the first time? The first time they just needed to get rid of the excess baggage Silver age. Now the retcons are a result of a marketing ploy.
    >> Poodle !ladIA1xeqM 01/18/12(Wed)17:10 No.60066416
    The 52 in "New 52" means 52 separate titles in the new DC line. The majority of them are fresh starts, but some (main batman title and greenlatern) are continuing where they left off before the relaunch.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 01/18/12(Wed)17:11 No.60066445
    Don't care.

    They'd better be re-selling the manga they receive, because else they'd be sitting on unwanted goods and undercut profit.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:12 No.60066452
    Wouldn't suprise me if someday soon, DC & the gang will start lobbying for restrictions in selling mangas, importing manga and tolling mangas even more to scare it away.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:12 No.60066454
    More like put them in some sort of potential child molester watchlist.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:13 No.60066497
    Nah, it'll be a good old fashioned book bbq.

    Literally, to make some greasy ribs on.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:14 No.60066525
    >buying comics
    >buying manga

    Any DC/Marvel shit for pedos?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:14 No.60066529
    Or just do shallow parodies of manga characters in their comics.
    >> Poodle !ladIA1xeqM 01/18/12(Wed)17:16 No.60066573
    >Any DC/Marvel shit for pedos?

    Nope, just over sized breasts.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:16 No.60066589
    Does american comic industry ever try their hands on something other than action and super hero stuff? Like slice of life?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:16 No.60066591
    Too late:
    Marvel Mangaverse
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:17 No.60066598
    And conceptualized by Stan Lee. Would you burn a piece of work originating from Stan Lee's idea?
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 01/18/12(Wed)17:17 No.60066612
    I guess it would be fun?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:17 No.60066615
    Not the big guys, plenty of Indie-as-fuck BW stuff & webcomics though.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:18 No.60066641
    Sandman and other Vertigo titles are different from the usual DC fare.

    Plus independent comics
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:19 No.60066662
    So who is best? DC? Or Marvel?
    >> Poodle !ladIA1xeqM 01/18/12(Wed)17:20 No.60066690
    >Slice of life
    I haven't come across anything like that in Western comics

    As for genres other than capes, just try Icon and Image.They are indie publishers, so writers are more inclined to think outside of the box.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:20 No.60066703
    Marvel is for emo faggots.
    DC is for 40year old neck-beards.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:21 No.60066733
    So DC is /co/'s only choice?
    >> [Attention needed] !!Q3NNzVj/eb8 01/18/12(Wed)17:21 No.60066743
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    But isn't cape comics kinda...dead?
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 01/18/12(Wed)17:22 No.60066750
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    The only way the Flash could ever be late is in an alternate universe where he is a woman.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:22 No.60066760
    /co/ is run by Batfags/
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:22 No.60066763
    In america? Never. They love their Batman and Superman.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:23 No.60066785
    There's no growth, but the top titles still sell in the ~100,000s.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:24 No.60066808
    Why do comic readers have such a hard-on for The Flash? Isn't he just some b-level hero?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:24 No.60066811
    In the 80's X-man use to sell in the millions.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:24 No.60066829
    Hipster cred.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:25 No.60066835
    He can't beat Accelerator so that makes him pretty B-level, yes.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:25 No.60066857
    Flash is stupidly powerful if he'd get serious.

    More powerful than Superman, if the writer wants him to be. Yes. That powerful.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:26 No.60066869
    >Vibrates through parallel universes
    Shut your weeabo trap, scum.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:27 No.60066905
    >Lose to accelerator
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:27 No.60066910
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    Oh look, this thread again.

    Give me my cute girls doing cute things.
    >> Poodle !ladIA1xeqM 01/18/12(Wed)17:28 No.60066939
    >Vibrate molecules through solid objects
    >Thinks in hyper time
    >Can be in multiple places at once
    >Can alter time
    >Can take away oxygen in a certain area

    B Level...fuck no
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 01/18/12(Wed)17:28 No.60066948
    Sounds like fun, more power to them.

    Unless someone shows up with an entire collection of Berserk or something, that'd just be unholy.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:28 No.60066950
    >Winter Park, FL
    >15 minutes from where I live.
    I know where Semoran Blvd is. And I have a bunch of boxfuls of manga (since I move too fucking often and don't have a decent bookshelf right now.)
    If only I had any desire to own comics.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:28 No.60066955
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    Isn't he just a sanic gotta go fast powered guy? How can running make him so overpowered?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:28 No.60066960

    And this is why you should never read comics.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:29 No.60066986
    They do have women in their 20s & 30's doing manly things.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:30 No.60067037

    Entertain me.

    Whats manly about people with super powers helping people or loitering around with people similar to him?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:31 No.60067053
    If DC actually wants to compete with manga, why not offer the same amount of variety of genres japanese manga does? All I see are superhero comics in the DC comic franchise.
    >> Y10NRDY !kxh.1oTAkU 01/18/12(Wed)17:31 No.60067063
    I actually have a subscription at this shop.

    The owner, Aaron, is a really cool guy but the general sentiment in there towards manga kinda seems like they couldn't really give a shit. When I started my sub there, I asked if they could order manga for me and they said, yes, but they didn't seem particularly interested. As a result I buy most of my manga from Right Stuf.

    I really don't dig the thinly veiled racism and xenophobia implied in this ad, though. I'm totally gonna give this guy shit the next time I see him. Knowing Aaron, he's probably laughing his ass off over the controversy because he's silly like that. I can confirm that this is all in good fun, though. A Comic Shop is like the edgy independent place in town. This is just a joke and a gimmick. Nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:31 No.60067076
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    Y'see, in the 70s and 80s, people started thinking about secondary powers the characters would have to have in order to be able to have their actual powers. So Flash is now more than just a sanic gotta go fast guy now. There's a Justice League Unlimited episode where Lex Luthor and Flash switch bodies. Shit goes down because Luthor doesn't fuck around.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:32 No.60067085
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    What are you talking about? They got plenty of cute girls doing cute things. And plenty fan service too!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:33 No.60067124
    They beat up other supers.
    You've seen Pixar's Incredible, faggot, you know what they do.

    Shit was meant for preteen boys, but kids stopped reading comics a long time ago and only those neck-beards who kept their childish habits read them.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:34 No.60067149
    But really though. Do you think your average american trucker joe on the street would read about an all girl band drinking tea?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:35 No.60067181
    That last powergirl comic wasn't really slice of life but it had a little bit of it in the beginning when it wasn't all focused on the cape stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:35 No.60067185
    They aren't reading about Manly men in capes either, so does it make that much of a difference?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:35 No.60067188
    > average american trucker joe
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:35 No.60067211
    are you fucking idiots actually getting butthurt over this?

    its obviously some grade a trolling and is working
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:36 No.60067229
    They beat up other people with powers
    You've seen Dragon Ball Z, faggot, you know what they do.

    Shit was mean't for preteen boys, but kids stopped watching anime a long time ago and only those neck beards who kept their childish habits watch them.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:36 No.60067235
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    Oh my god, everyone, this is not DC, its a campaign from a single store and that isn't Robama, its Cyborg from the Teen Titans. Robama doesn't exist, and DC's PR would never put out something this self destructive.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:36 No.60067255

    Who in their right mind would trade in a $10 dollar manga volume for a cheap, thin $3 comic book?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:37 No.60067280
    they want volume 1s
    so they're probably gonna resell it at a much higher price than the comics they're trading it for.
    >> Y10NRDY !kxh.1oTAkU 01/18/12(Wed)17:37 No.60067281
    Actually, DC paid for 3/4 of the add according to ANN.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:37 No.60067290
    >Teen Titans

    ...this is what happens when /a/ talks /co/
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:38 No.60067323
         File1326926322.gif-(1.99 MB, 450x264, Meanwhile_in_America.gif)
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    Only in america. But you american bros on /a/ is alright.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/12(Wed)17:38 No.60067328
    >so mad
    Animu on /a/ is for adult losers, it's filled with violence, 2DEEP4U, pedoshit and porn.

    American comics are still in the girls have cooties stage, also they back down any time feminist blogs bitch and rant.

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