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  • Server issues today were 100% related to an operating system upgrade (Mac OS X 10.7 Lion) gone wrong, and has absolutely nothing to do with CloudFlare. The CloudFlare pages you see are cached versions that only show when the backend servers (our servers, a Mac Mini cluster) go down. Every single CloudFlare error in the past month has been on our end—not theirs.

    I think it's finally time we ditch Darwin for Windows Server 2008.

    File : 1326737272.jpg-(968 KB, 2592x1936, Foto 16-01-12 19 01 10.jpg)
    968 KB Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:07 No.59961639  
    Fast drawings made by me and other anon.

    What do you think, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:08 No.59961664
         File1326737306.jpg-(1.04 MB, 2592x1936, Foto 16-01-12 19 02 20.jpg)
    1.04 MB

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