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!!KtLhhldf2DU 01/14/12(Sat)11:14 No.59869092 File1326557662.jpg-(135 KB, 500x500, 1307130654793.jpg)
 >>59868797 My standards aren't that high, just: Have to be 3-5 inches shorter than me (I'm 5'7.5"). Any shorter is too short and any taller makes me feel small. BMI has to be below 20. Hair
has to be black and dark brown. I myself have a light reddish hair and
can't stand to be with someone else with the same color hair. If
they're cosplaying, it can't be something from Madoka, LS, or anything
like that. Yuki is mai waifu, so I couldn't stand her to cosplay her or
anything from Haruhi or I'd feel like I was cheating. She has to be an atheist (or anti-theist) and be horrible pretentious about it. She must be a strong leftist such as myself, and none of her clothes must be made by corporations. I
will be carrying a recyclable/reusable tote bag I received from
EarthJustice. She needs one as well (doesn't have to be from EJ though). I am apart of the VHEM. I would like someone who understands our values and goals (but doesn't have to be a member themselves). I am an avid reader, and I would like a girl who can understand my literary references I make during small talk. I have a maid fetish, so if she is cosplaying as one its a plus. If not thats fine, but she must always refer to me as master. Her
ethnicity must not be: Black, Asian, Native America, or Aborigine. The
only acceptable races are white and arab. However, she must not be more
white than I am (I am deathly pale). Finally, she must not browse 4chan or any equivalent because it will make her lewd and unpure. She must (of course) be a virgin. |