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  • File : 1326349142.jpg-(66 KB, 319x450, 26743l.jpg)
    66 KB Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:19 No.59752872  
    Dear /a/

    Thanks for reminding me to watch this.

    That's all.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:19 No.59752898
    Kon is a fucking sex goddess

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:20 No.59752905
    I haven't watched it, but dat judo voice.
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 01/12/12(Thu)01:20 No.59752929
         File1326349258.jpg-(457 KB, 905x1280, fad5a881e4a4b10d6d1fa021b907f8(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:21 No.59752935
    Her singing in the ED is like liquid sex being poured into my ear-holes.

    Of course, having mine waifu's VA as the main character (and singing) doesn't hurt either.
    >> Anomalous 01/12/12(Thu)01:23 No.59753021
         File1326349437.png-(341 KB, 833x1200, holes.png)
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    This is all.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:25 No.59753083
    How is the manga? I plan on reading it once I finish the anime, but my luck hasn't been good with that recently, as the mangas I've read all tend to be short and mostly untranslated.
    >> Anomalous 01/12/12(Thu)01:28 No.59753173
         File1326349712.jpg-(283 KB, 583x1955, 1290092155396.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:31 No.59753273
    >Click picture
    >4chan thinks it's broken

    God dammit.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:32 No.59753325
    >dat everything about those two
    Time to read the manga!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:33 No.59753355

    Go on...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:34 No.59753399
    Yea what's up with that? Getting a lot of those tonight.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:35 No.59753449

    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:37 No.59753528
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:39 No.59753611
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:39 No.59753636
    huh, really don't get why is moot using it; it doesn't even cache the site correctly.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:39 No.59753639
    My god, I love Chiaki Omigawa.
    >> Anomalous 01/12/12(Thu)01:40 No.59753669
         File1326350425.jpg-(317 KB, 800x862, 1290976027206.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:41 No.59753734
    You are not the only one.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:42 No.59753775
    I know she is a minor character in the Space Pirate show, but is she in any other this season?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:43 No.59753809
    I like her too, but Kon's VA is pure earsex. Why isn't she in anything else?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:43 No.59753812
         File1326350612.jpg-(86 KB, 547x423, 1304560496630.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:43 No.59753835
    anybody have the "rage to stir the seas" reaction image?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:44 No.59753841
         File1326350644.jpg-(217 KB, 1599x901, maidporn.jpg)
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    THIS season? I don't know.

    >When you see it...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:45 No.59753911
    Premiere role. Though that doesn't explain why she hasn't done anything else past a misc. in Maria Holic Alive.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:46 No.59753927
    >Look her up
    >Maria Holic Alive as an extra and this, nothing else

    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:48 No.59753994





    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:48 No.59753997
         File1326350888.jpg-(230 KB, 1280x720, soremachi_rage.jpg)
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    You probably won't be able to view it thanks to moot's cloudflare faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:49 No.59754049
    thanks anon, pic worked
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:52 No.59754155
    she so fucking hot when she mad.

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