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  • File : 1326336628.png-(9 KB, 720x135, truth.png)
    9 KB Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:50 No.59744964  
    Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

    If you disagree, it's because manhwa doesn't have enough little girls & moeblobs for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:54 No.59745143
    No moeblobs in Manhwa? You haven't read enough of them, newfag.

    Besides, they basically just rip off the manga stuff anyway. Like Freezing, which is basically Evangelion combined with Ikkitousen.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:10 No.59745846
    >no lolies and moeblobs
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:11 No.59745894
    I dislike MANwha because it always has something to do with predestination.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:13 No.59745934
    manwha art = good
    manwha story = Twilight
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:14 No.59745969
    Only read Noblesse. Good art, cute characters, plot was lacking though and the characters were one-dimensional.

    I guess there are better manhwa out there, but I haven't seen them.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:21 No.59746217
    Manhwa has much better MC's, shittier girls though.
    Most Manhwa art is superior as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:23 No.59746274
    You know how most of us are completely oblivious to the shittiest manga, just because it's so unpopular it never finds its way Westward? The effect is quadrupled for manhwa. It's an imbalanced comparison.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:23 No.59746309

    Is loli illegal in Korea or something?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:24 No.59746364
    Manhua > Manhwa > Manga
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:26 No.59746407
    BD> Manhua > Manhwa > Manga

    Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:26 No.59746412
    It means there are lilies and moeblobs in manhwa.
    Why are so many people misunderstanding quotes and implications lately?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:26 No.59746416
    Corean here.
    Manhwa is shit except for like three series.
    Get your shit troll out of here.
    Some webtoons are pretty decent, but they are mostly shit too.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:26 No.59746423
    Comics > Manhua > Manhwa > Manga
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:27 No.59746477
    Fuck off back to China where you came from, hong pyong.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:27 No.59746497
    get out of here Jeff
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:28 No.59746503
         File1326338883.jpg-(103 KB, 361x318, 1326090313377.jpg)
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    >Korean shit
    >Better than anything
    Hahaha, no.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:28 No.59746507
    hell no even manga >spandex crap
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:29 No.59746555
    Why aren't they all just called "comics" in English speaking countries anyway?

    We don't Tin Tin something different.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:29 No.59746561
    >Shit Angay Onshit

    If you want SAO that's actually GOOD and not faggy corean shit, then read Sword Art Online.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:29 No.59746569
    manga is pure shit
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:30 No.59746607
    Only read a few manhwa, but all of it has been a clusterfuck of bullshit that's really hard to follow and keep track of. Not that it was bad, I just often looked back thinking "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? WHO IS THAT GUY? WHEN DID HE GET HERE? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE TALKING ABOUT? HOLY SHIT."
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:31 No.59746635
    >hurr durr all comics are cape comics
    Hell no, even comics > nurutu
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:31 No.59746651
    oh wow
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:32 No.59746682
    To denote nation of origin

    That's it, really. No need to be the equally illogical opposite of weeaboo, whatever it's called.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:32 No.59746690
    >Tin Tin

    It's called bande dessinée, plebeian.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:32 No.59746692
    Because weeaboos. I doubt elevens call, say, the simpsons a kaatuun.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:33 No.59746708

    I know a korean names jeff too.... odd
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:33 No.59746723
    Elevens call comics KOMIKUS
    while calling their manga, manga.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:33 No.59746724
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    the breaker is good.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:33 No.59746729
    Does manhwa have mecha?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:34 No.59746765
    For the same reason you call Mexican hats Sombreros even that just means hat in Spanish.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:34 No.59746777
    Korean Nurut?

    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:35 No.59746787
    Fuck you tom.
    Fuck you steve.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:35 No.59746800
    In Japan, you can frequently see books of manga labelled as comics on the cover, and foreign cartoons are still anime.

    I don't see in what situation the word would make a difference.
    >Oh, so you like cartoons?
    >No, I watch anime.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:36 No.59746827
    The call manga komikusu as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:36 No.59746853
    >Comic Market
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:37 No.59746856
    Only in a rare occasion, and only because their language is dominated by English.
    Also they think English is cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:37 No.59746863
    For me it's like the rectangle, square relationship.
    An anime is a cartoon, but not all cartoons are anime.

    Calling an anime a cartoon is lazy even more so on /a/,
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:37 No.59746883

    But we don't distinguish between white people comics. We don't call 2000AD or Tin Tin or Asterix anything other than comics.


    Salsa's the one that always gets me. Salsa Verde.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:38 No.59746914
    >ITT: Why do we call it Sushi, instead of Raw Fish Dish
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:39 No.59746968
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:39 No.59746973
    European comics are as different from American comics as manga is.
    The only difference is weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:40 No.59747002
         File1326339643.jpg-(39 KB, 336x450, meanwhileinkorea.jpg)
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    COREA STRONG. Corea will smash pig disgusting Jjokbari. Corea have glorious history and largest penis in East Asia. Jjokbari monkeys will fall before us like their birthrate. Low birthrate from weak Jjokbari semen of infertile men. Glorious Corea will impregnate Jjokbari women.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:40 No.59747010
    I have problems with manwhas because they are always the same over the top bullshit.

    For example, a japanese battle manga you know you are in a fictional world and the authors don't try to say otherwise, in a battle manwha it's full of bullshit made-up martial arts that seem to try to be real and that really puts me off. Also the depiction of foreigners and racism, even as it hardly happens, is usually worst than Japan's.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:41 No.59747024
    I know kaatuun you said. Such pronounce use somewhere in SE-Asia.
    >> Butta !!QV74WmZuY1j 01/11/12(Wed)22:41 No.59747033
         File1326339674.png-(138 KB, 320x240, 1293254722817.png)
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    >That feel when they're are most likely thousands of unique manga you'll never see due to cultural barriers in translation or sheer lack of interest from the people you count on to give you scanlations

    Gotta learn moon...
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:41 No.59747035
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    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:42 No.59747097
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    PowerMon Urijinal Nida nidanidanidanida
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:43 No.59747109
    >Also the depiction of foreigners and racism, even as it hardly happens, is usually worst than Japan's.
    I read several manhwa and I felt the exact opposite. You gotta give me examples
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:44 No.59747167
    I think it's funny that China and Korea are butthurt about Japanese occupation, but they still steal their entire pop culture from Japan.

    For this inconsistency alone I cannot enjoy manhwa and manhua.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:45 No.59747204
    >but they still steal their entire pop culture from Japan
    You mean the entire Japanese pop culture is made in China and Korea.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:46 No.59747238
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    >> Shiroame-kun 01/11/12(Wed)22:46 No.59747255
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    Only manhwa I ever read, only because I used to be addicted to the game.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:46 No.59747258
    Japanese culture is a mish-mash of Korean and Chinese cultures, and their pop culture is literally taken from USA, and kawaii'd.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:48 No.59747303
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    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:49 No.59747349
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    Grorious Corean video game.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:49 No.59747368
    Japan>rest of Asia
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:50 No.59747410
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:51 No.59747427
    When it comes to pop culture, sure. In any other way? You're fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:51 No.59747452
    >Jap pop culture
    you funny guy
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:52 No.59747472

    I don't know. Japanese social life may be bad, but worse than Saudia Arabia's? I don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:52 No.59747500
    >implying I said it was good.
    It just so happens that the rest of asia's is shittier.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:54 No.59747558
    That's vietnamese, retard.
    Why are nips always so butthurt?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:55 No.59747614
    For me no, but I am reading a Manhwa, its called Cant See Cant Hear But Love, is pretty nice, a love story about a blind man and a deaf woman
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:56 No.59747679
    What's wrong with SA's social life?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:58 No.59747762
    There was a period when I thought the same but now, after reading quite an amount of both... ugh.
    >Oh, what's this? The cover looks nice
    >Ooh, the summary looks nice, must be a nice thing to read
    >Oooh, has a high rating with readers, let's-
    >Manhwa, Author: Ching Chung Gook
    >Close the tab
    Every goddamn time.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:00 No.59747835
    >Oh, what's this? The cover looks nice
    >Ooh, the summary looks nice, must be a nice thing to read
    >Oooh, has a high rating with readers, let's-
    >Manga, Author: Chingotachi Gukusawa
    >Close the tab
    Every goddamn time.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:02 No.59747956
    >little green text story about how you don't read good art, good summary, high rating manhwa just because it's manhwa
    Good to hear, bro. Got any more racist stories for us?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:03 No.59747997
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    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:04 No.59748028

    Vietnam and Korea are different countries?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:05 No.59748054
    >that script
    /a/ - learned individuals
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:06 No.59748097
    Took you a while to respond, nip. Did you get help from your mom to come up with that?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:06 No.59748119
    Vietnam? Didn't we burn that place down?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:06 No.59748122
    in usa 90% of them

    go be mad at your shitty market
    read same spandex crap since 30s
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:07 No.59748155
    I've read three whole manwha, Banya, SAO and Unbalance x Unbalance, all are okay but i thought SAO was excellent.
    Good stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:08 No.59748185
         File1326341287.png-(45 KB, 406x387, Black & White v02 187.png)
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    >implying every manga has little girls

    I guess, you have never read any manga.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:08 No.59748218
    what's SAO
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:10 No.59748262
    You are bnot making any sense. Why would I be mad "at my shitty market" where I can get both cape comics and good comics?

    What purpose would reading "spandex crap since 30s" serve?
    What are you even talking about?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:11 No.59748301
    >in usa 90% of them
    No, you dumb shit.
    Educate yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:12 No.59748355
    what's goolge
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:13 No.59748382
    I don't fucking know you made up the word
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:14 No.59748435
         File1326341647.jpg-(36 KB, 400x300, giveitashot.jpg)
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    well this manga(i would put manwa but i hate repeating the same word a lot) got me into manwa and seems like it with a few others started getting manwa popular.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:14 No.59748439

    I was going to, but my Dad got mad.

    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:14 No.59748448
    Its saw the movie but in korean
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:14 No.59748449
    >forest of dicks thread
    >cape shit thread
    >cartoon ideas thread
    >kids show drawn 5 year olds thread
    >deviant art shit
    >get general
    >kingdome hearts thread
    >nigger thread
    >superman(read capeshit) thread
    No thanks. I think I've seen enoug
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:14 No.59748465
    you can't just go around making up new words you tard!

    that's stupid!

    retardosaurus octopussus - means you've got double down syndrome. that's what op has.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:14 No.59748471

    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:16 No.59748552
    >well this manga(i would put manwa but i hate repeating the same word a lot)
    You said it anyway, what was the point of that?
    You'd say manhwa the exact same number of times if you just said it like a normal person.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:17 No.59748571
    Oh you.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:17 No.59748573
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    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:17 No.59748604
    took a peek at few all i see is capes and kiddie kartoons

    keep trying
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:18 No.59748642
    yeah i know just feeling a little out of it now.
    but oh well, but this was one of the first popular manwa that got translated as far as i can remember .
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:19 No.59748652


    Also, it's because everyone is new.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:19 No.59748680
    I'm currently following:

    With the exception of yegrinna, they are very enjoyable and engaging.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:20 No.59748712
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:20 No.59748719
    Make a thread, you fucking moron, or just pick one from vertigo at random. Holy fuck, you're retarded.
    >Oh well, the only threads on /a/ are some weeaboo game and waifu threads, I guess anime doesn't really exist!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:21 No.59748789

    Faggots, muscles and seriousshit plot, Narushit, Wanpiss etc


    HNNNNNNGGGGGGG, Cuddles and cute, pure girls everywhere
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:21 No.59748795
    They get everything first, and have different scans for the same series where available, what's your problem?

    inb4 streaming, yes I read my manga online, suck on my cock, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:23 No.59748875
    At least you can put a link to mangaupdates.

    Also, that butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:24 No.59748880
    all those are pretty good except the translators for sunken rock for their retarded water mark that makes you look for pages where it inst covered to find the site. oh and check out trace its good if you already haven't.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:24 No.59748892
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    As soon as a manwha author gets good at all, the Japs hire him to do a proper manga.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:24 No.59748898
         File1326342266.jpg-(122 KB, 800x1152, BlackGod31.jpg)
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    Does anyone on /a/, besides me, read Black God?

    I think it's pretty good.
    The story isn't really original or anything, but it's executed well.

    I like it so much, I support the... manhwaka.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:24 No.59748914
    The unique good manhwa there is noblesse.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:24 No.59748919
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:26 No.59748965
    they did the same for nobless the author for that manwa got his manwa turned into a manga in japan.
    >> sage 01/11/12(Wed)23:26 No.59748971
    Is tower of god considered a manhwa??
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:26 No.59748983
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    >no moeblobs
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:26 No.59748990
    Yes and no.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:27 No.59749010
    Tower of God, Witch Hunter, Noblesse and Breaker are good ones.

    Also that one guy who does like 50 different ones but hasnt finished any of them. They are ok, mostly cause of the girls though.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:27 No.59749027
         File1326342462.png-(147 KB, 583x840, ShinAngyoOnshi_CO_Sando.png)
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    Both Sando and Kuro are incredibly similar.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:28 No.59749057

    aww is it too hard for babby to type the name in mangaupdates herself?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:30 No.59749157
    you forgot trace.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:30 No.59749180

    yeah dude, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:33 No.59749292
         File1326342817.jpg-(210 KB, 400x640, 22d7087dea63a381bd7050ca0cd866(...).jpg)
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    Here we go

    >South Korea in charge of original content
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:39 No.59749517
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    106 replies

    >seriously guys...
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:40 No.59749555
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:44 No.59749690
    Not yet.
    It's too derivative of Japanese shit.

    But as the market develops, credibility rises, we'll hopefully see a slew of new artists and writers coming forth to develop the manhwa scene.

    As it stands, some of the art of good, although at times awfully rigid. At least they tend to gravitate toward badass MC's.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:01 No.59750384
    >type name in manga update
    >look for group website
    >look for download link
    >enter captcha and wait 30 seconds
    >begin downloading
    >finish downloading
    >open file in image view
    >start reading.


    >type name in batoto
    >start reading

    batoto also helps me keep tract of everything I'm following and what's the latest chapter of a series I'm at.

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