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  • File : 1326158712.png-(77 KB, 400x400, 1326155108815.png)
    77 KB Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:25 No.59642782  
    So do posters usually upgrade from /v/ to /a/, or /a/ to /v/?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:27 No.59642866
    Upgrade? I just browse and post where I feel like, why does everything have to be tiered?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:27 No.59642893
    /v/ to /a/. Or just stay at /a/.

    /v/ is horrible.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:28 No.59642933
    They're both shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:29 No.59642961
    I don't know what you mean
    I post where the fuck I want
    I do come from /v/ thought
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:29 No.59642966
    /v/ started a lot of shit like implying, greentext stories, and other stuff that used to not be allowed on /a/. Now people do it all the time here. So figure it out.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:30 No.59642978
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:31 No.59643011
    /b/ -> /a/ -> /jp/ -> Gensokyo
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:31 No.59643047
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:32 No.59643052
    Most people upgrade from /v/ to /a/.
    Only figuratively of course. Meaning they've regularly played video games before they regularly watched anime.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:32 No.59643069
    So, anyway, who are we going to the ball with?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:32 No.59643083
    I went from /b/ to /v/ to /a/, starting from about 2006 and ending up at /a/ in early 2011.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:33 No.59643095
    /tg/ -> /a/ (don't ask) and /g/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:33 No.59643096
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    /a/ to /v/

    But only if they like animu. I don't, so I'm still here.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:33 No.59643115
    op is a lame retread of a thread the janitor deleted >>59639754
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:33 No.59643117
    I come from /v/ because /a/ at least has a sense of integrity and standards for their hobby (usually)
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:33 No.59643136
    There is no ball, it's all made up faggot
    I'm just going to play some video games, I suggest you watch anime or whatever it is you do.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:33 No.59643140
    I hate this shit, people see this and think "OH LOL I GUESS IS OK TO ASK /v/ OFF TOPIC SHIT"
    fucking cancer
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:34 No.59643149
    I went /b/ -> /a/ -> /v/ -> /fa/, /sp/, /ck/, /adv/, /int/ -> fuck 4chan i'm outta this shithole -> /a/

    Board loyalty is pretty gay, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:34 No.59643157
    once in a great while there will be a quality thread on /b/, and it will be glorius, however we have semi quality threads on /a/ each night, but they are not quite as good as those that are on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:34 No.59643178
    /v/ - allowing being offtopic
    /a/ - not putting up with bad posting

    /a/lpha as fuck
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:34 No.59643182
    /v/ is a shitty board anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:35 No.59643187
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    I love the part where they editied out OP bumping his thread ten times in a row
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:35 No.59643201
    I browse both /a/ and /v/. I started browsing them at the same time (when I left /b/ and explored the other boards), and continue to browse them both, depending on what mood I'm in.

    Neither is an upgrade over another, because they cover different subjects entirely and exist alongside each other on the same site. Calling one board an upgrade over another would be like saying the tires on your car are an upgrade over the steering wheel. Even though it might be pretty neat to use a tire for a steering wheel, in the end it doesn't make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:35 No.59643208

    I don't know about you faggot but I will play vidya that day
    if you want you can come with me
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:36 No.59643230
    Like many, if /a/ is down or shittier than usual, I go to /v/. If both are down or shittier than usual, I go to /x/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:36 No.59643231
    I straddle, although I visited /v/ more before I visited /a/, but I started to regular around the same time.
    I've been aware of both for many many years.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:37 No.59643272
    You know that it's not 2005 anymore, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:37 No.59643300
    No, fuck you
    /v/ has plenty of good threads and people
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:38 No.59643314
    /v/ is so tsundere.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:39 No.59643363
    /v/ to /a/. Truthfully though, it's practically impossible to always stay at just one though, if you like both those subjects.

    The boards go so well together because they both provide the same thing - mostly mindless, purely hedonistic entertainment. Might be serious sometimes, but people into it generally aren't looking for these to try to be serious media.

    Sort of like how one doesn't tend to actually take video games 100% seriously, as in for example you aren't in the same mindset when playing a game that you are when watching Schindler's List.. anime also provides entertainment without the authors trying to preach messages/opinions or make statements etc. After all, pure base entertainment lacks the need for you read between the lines or give some serious reactions to it. We aren't always looking to be emotionally bruised by sad stories etc, we just want to have fun.

    Granted you can find this same kind of fix in normal TV and movies, but for our kind, it tends to be pretty much unwatchable, since watching actual people act unrealistically stupid just makes you feel stupid to even watch. Watching unrealistic (2D) people being possibly quite unrealistic though, doesn't set off the same reaction in your head. Similarly you don't actually take Shephard's story that seriously (well unless you're one of those Tali people), you're just in for the ride.

    So yeah, that's a bit of why we are forever bros, but also why we don't really need to force ourselves one way or the other because it's the same basal drive that's put us here to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:39 No.59643371
    i went from /b/ > /c/ > /a/ > /v/ >/jp/(told them all to fuck off one day and got rid of my name/trip) > /a/

    Seriously fuck those guys
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:39 No.59643384
    No, it's the third worst board on 4chan. It's only better than /b/ and /soc/ because it's impossible to be worse than either of them. People who play video games are by far some of the worst people on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:41 No.59643438
    > third worst board
    that's either /jp/, /fa/, or /vp/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:41 No.59643439
    I wish I could upgrade myself to a trap.

    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:41 No.59643457
    It went /e/ => /c/ => /g/ => /sci/ => /a/ for me.
    (the /g/ period lasted several years)
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:41 No.59643462

    You say it like you can actually hold a conversation about video games at /v/ without it being flooded with shitposting faggots.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:42 No.59643471
    I wish you would pick up your trip again so I could filter you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:42 No.59643484
    I'm not trolling here, OPs picture makes me xtremely horny/
    Is there more of this? *inb4 go back to /b/ etc,i'm actualy genuine here
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:42 No.59643493
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:42 No.59643498
    Yeah because watching the faggotry that is anime is anyhow better, the only good thing about this shit is manga
    >It's only better than /b/ and /soc/ because it's impossible to be worse than either of them.
    You need to browse more this shithole
    /co/ is a pisspool of normalfaggotry
    /pol/ is the most retarded place in the entire place
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:42 No.59643503
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    >> /v/ 01/09/12(Mon)20:43 No.59643529
    S-so /a/, who a-are you going to the b-b-ball with?
    N-not that I care.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:43 No.59643531
    Nigger the reason I'm here is because I'm not like them and got sick of their shit. But that's cool, I might do it just for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:43 No.59643537
    /b/ -> /v/ -> /lit/ and /tv/ -> /k/ -> /a/
    For me at least.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:43 No.59643549
    >not discussing anything except video-games
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:43 No.59643551
    >retarded place in the entire place
    fuck I am mad
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:44 No.59643555
    Fuck off, fag.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:44 No.59643565
    > the /g/ period lasted several years
    I'm so sorry
    >> FinalMasterM !aDUgdVpoUk 01/09/12(Mon)20:44 No.59643566
    Go to /v/ to talk about Anime.

    Come to /a/ to get charts and see what's popular.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:44 No.59643567

    Introduced to /b/ in Winter 2005 stay there for quite some time-> /b/Day happens, shuffled off to 7chan internment camps, live on their /mu/ -> return to 4chan, 4chan implements its own /mu/ live there -> /mu/ turns shitty go to /v/ -> increasingly less interest in video games and less tolerance for /v/'s horse shit come to /a/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:44 No.59643569
    >Implying you can have a thread on any board without shit posting faggots.
    Ignore them and move on.
    Threads get derailed because of people like you who go on and bitch about said retards.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:45 No.59643600
    Yeah because there isn't shitposting anywhere
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:46 No.59643637
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    Enjoy your hourly lagann discussions, i guess.
    >> You Are (Not) Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 01/09/12(Mon)20:46 No.59643639
         File1326159971.jpg-(289 KB, 1200x600, coolstory.jpg)
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    /v/ to /a/.

    I went from /d/->/b/->/v/ / /r9k/->/v/->/a/

    Of course I still lurk /r9k/, /pol/, and sometimes /soc/.

    And this is where I have been for the last 6 months.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:46 No.59643658
    God, you are 100% cancer
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:47 No.59643694
    >and sometimes /soc/
    That explains it all.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:48 No.59643707
    I'll go with you if you promise to not bring any spaghetti.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:48 No.59643708
    /b/ -> /mu/ -> /vp/ -> /mu/ -> /a/ (also a couple of months on /g/ but that shit got old quick)

    I'm pretty sure I've been to /v/ less than 10 times. Never been interested. /mu/ has been shit for the past few months as well, and I haven't touched /b/ in almost three years. You guys are the ones I can count on.
    >> You Are (Not) Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 01/09/12(Mon)20:48 No.59643714
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    You know, when I started browsing 4chan there was no talk about "cancer".
    >> You Are (Not) Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 01/09/12(Mon)20:49 No.59643750
    >Reporting me because I lurk multiple boards.

    Sure is pathetic in here.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:49 No.59643770
    When people were primitive people thought the weather was caused by angry sky daddies as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:49 No.59643772
    /v/ has much more shitposting than /a/, and if you actually try to get good at the games that are common on /v/ you can take 99% of the /v/ community after like 1 month spent playing the game if you train up right

    /a/ has shit posting but there are threads about a lot of anime all the time, and generally has more quality per page

    The discussion is also much more civil here despite there still begins some faggots. Only every once in a blue moon can /v/ provide discussion on /a/s level and those discussions usually abound in extremely civil nintendo threads *which is rare, the nintendo threads usually get trolled to hell*
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:50 No.59643784
    I think this is quite accurate.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:50 No.59643787
    /b/ -->/x/--> /sp/ --> /a/
    I still lurk /sp/, as much as i lurk /a/, and /ck/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:50 No.59643789
    Stop bumping this shit, shitty tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:50 No.59643806
    No, the problem is that you're a normalfag who is so normal that your head might just explode.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:50 No.59643815
    It's no coincidence.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:51 No.59643835
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    Oh boy, i wonder why.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:51 No.59643837
    You must be a time traveller from '08 who hasnt checked /v/ yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:51 No.59643844
    You are a tripfag bumping a shitty thread
    that's reason enough to report you
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:52 No.59643855
    I was a fa/tg/uy first, no idea why I came here. Oh god I wish I could leave
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:52 No.59643870
    Well, that's why my kneejerk reaction was to say people move from /v/ -> /a/.

    As far as board quality goes, /v/ is usually between worse to a goddamn lot worse. As far as my favorite subjects vs board quality goes, they rank like this:

    /a/ - major interest, so-so board quality, so I'm here a lot. Usually is good but it's really annoying having to deal with the newer people who haven't wizened up yet. As you know more about the medium and what to do, you tend to just lurk more rather than post, making a lot of the most talkative people some of the least-qualified to have good discussions. After all, it's the analpained children who are hyper-anti-moe/loli etc who feel compelled to speak, because they are being overly-defensive since they can tell this is not their kind's territory. If you're ok with basically any kind of show, you just ignore those conversations (unless you're YotsubaC), and so we see an ultra-vocal minority sometimes shitting on otherwise decent discussion nonstop because few bother to shut them up. After all, they'll simply learn with time, so no need to waste the breath on them.

    /v/ - somewhat major interest, but the board is annoying to use both because it's too fast, and there's too many off topic discussions (and raging fanbois/haters of all kinds), so I'm not there for more than an hour a day at most.

    /jp/ - major interest, has some of the best discussion threads on 4chan, but they are tucked in between most of the worst, so if there aren't the few decent threads around then I fucking hate being here; if there are good threads then I just ignore the shitty ones and love it. I wanted /jp/ to be good ever since split, but the permanent divide over various factions for content/direction leaves it inherently unstable. It's like grouping up a bunch of small unrelated tribes and forcing them to live as one country, it was bound for trouble.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:52 No.59643877
    There's no real "upgrading" to be had. The different boards are almost like seperate communities at this point, all you're doing is changing what you talk about the most.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:53 No.59643902
    thats weird i went /w/,/b/,/a/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:54 No.59643938
    Nintendo are the Ghibli of vidya, haven't done anything new in decades but get by on nostalgia, family friendliness and decent originals.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:54 No.59643941

    >/a/ has shit posting but there are threads about a lot of anime all the time, and generally has more quality per page

    >waifu thread
    >3DPD thread
    >your favourite anime sucks thread
    >multiple Madoka threads
    >fanservice of the season thread
    >80's and 90's were better thread
    >streaming vs downloading thread

    That's usually how it goes. /v/ is fucking horrible, but don't pretend /a/ is any better. There is no upgrade. The moment you started browsing 4chan you were downgraded as a human being.

    and so did I ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:54 No.59643971
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    /a/ is the best because accelerator
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:54 No.59643972
    /g/ --> /v/ --> /a/

    my main draw to 4chan was pretty much lolis and computers I went to /v/ for a short time by chance and was linked to /a/ because of a porn thread they had up
    >> Kakine !!UX03VRhGABr 01/09/12(Mon)20:55 No.59643993
    nobody fucking cares
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:57 No.59644088
    >your favourite anime sucks thread
    >multiple Madoka threads
    >fanservice of the season thread
    >80's and 90's were better thread
    Those are all anime related.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:57 No.59644095
    Clearly, you're wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:57 No.59644100
    >/b/ from 2004-2006
    >left for a while
    >/v/ from 2009-2010
    >/a/ from 2011-now
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:59 No.59644190
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    8 months ago, the Constanza meme was shunned as much as emoticons.

    Not it's a common sight. The quality of all boards go down over time, because the population of all boards go up with time.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:59 No.59644199
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:00 No.59644226
    There's lot of stupidity on /a/, but as for 4chan level it isn't a bad board. I'd say it's somewhere on level of /tg/ or a bit below - surprisingly /a/ knows its shit and if you like to be fuck to all other you'll find nice things here.

    /v/ on the other hand is unbearable, it's one of those boards that are really retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:00 No.59644231
    I like how over exaggerated it is when people call /v/ shit. The funniest complaint is that there are generals. I mean sure LoL and E-Sports are shit but people are even complaining about generals that are not 24/7 like Skyrim or Dark Souls. Now people are complaining about KS even though the hype will die down in a month. You're all a bunch of faggots.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:00 No.59644241
    >now it's a common sight.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:01 No.59644286
    I blame /sp/ and /v/ for the general decline of 4chan. Nobody gives a shit about /b/ anymore, theyvre confined themselves to their little hole now. Those two boards spread their shit everywhere.
    >> Kakine !!UX03VRhGABr 01/09/12(Mon)21:01 No.59644294
    unfortunately i am wrong
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:01 No.59644295
    I don't see it so much here, but on /v/ and /sp/ its every other post.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:02 No.59644314

    Cool cherrypicking.

    >multiple Madoka threads

    Why is this a bad thing?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:02 No.59644321
    Because /a/ has not once complained of generals.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:02 No.59644331
    >/a/ hates /v/
    >/v/ is still secretly gay for /a/
    >/v/ still thinks /a/ likes him.
    >/v/ confirmed for forever alone.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:02 No.59644336
    This is going to sound really homo but I have always had wanted to give every poster on /a/ a huge hug for some reason

    People love my hugs irl
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:02 No.59644351
    paheal -> 7chan -> 4chan -> /b/ -> /a/
    That was almost 6 years ago, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:02 No.59644354

    >implying you guys don't cherrypick all of /v/'s bad threads ALL THE TIME.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:03 No.59644369
    /tg/ really went downhill after the mod though, it used to be the most creative board on 4chan by a decent margine.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:03 No.59644377
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    the things is enjoy /v/ideogames you need money, to enjoy /a/nime you dont
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:03 No.59644380
    >going from 7chan to 4chan
    you're backwards.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:03 No.59644388
    You obviously don't see how mainstream is /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:03 No.59644391
    me personally, It was /l/ to /a/ and /v/

    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:03 No.59644398
    >Implying /v/ is an upgrade from anything but /b/
    started /b/ now im /a/ and /ck/ mostly.

    sage for meta thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:04 No.59644412

    But it is slow.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:04 No.59644431

    You don't need money for games. It's called pirating. Enjoy having the stupidest post in the thread reward.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:04 No.59644432
    >/v/ideogames you need money, to enjoy /a/nime you dont
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:04 No.59644444
    you still need a somewhat decent computer these days
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:04 No.59644446
    >I like how over exaggerated it is when people call /v/ shit.

    It's not an exaggeration.

    Sports vidya are saged and sent to /sp/, every thread about vidya ends in trolling, it's too fast and it's horribly off topic.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:05 No.59644456
    I used /a/ and /v/ both togather when I joined. Needless to say I just use /a/ and /m/ and don't go there anymore. None of those faggots like vidya games and they for sure don't like the ones I like.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:05 No.59644479

    That's partially true, they still do nice things, although now they have problems with constant rape/boob armor/girl gamers threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:05 No.59644485
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    >Not taking your shitpost out of the fridge to smear it all over /a/
    This guy gets it.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:06 No.59644495
    People on /v/ get fucking butthurt if you have something anime related as your steam icon. That's how petty they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:06 No.59644508
    You are literally the "WAA THEY DON'T LIKE MY VIDEO GAMES" kid
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:06 No.59644509

    a, b -> a, b, g, v -> a, g, v, r9k -> a, tg

    Throw in some of the other boards for their porn d, l, u over the years I never sat in them, just went through once a week and grabbed links/300 pictures.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:06 No.59644519
    7chan was nothing but self-congratulatory posts about being better than niggertits before endless downtime killed what relevance it had left, I can see why he would have moved to here.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:06 No.59644541
    Too many underaged, shitposters, and normalfags on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:07 No.59644573

    I used it for the porn boards only, then they became stale and reposts. Coupled with the endless and random downtime it was terrible to use.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:08 No.59644585

    Oh, also /b/ ->/ 7chan,711,7clams, 99chan, gurochan, megachan and fuckton others /-> /tg/ ->/a/ ->/tg/ ->/a/ + other chans.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:08 No.59644590
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    but you still need money to buy the consoles, becuase playing in your PC and emultions are gay
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:08 No.59644598

    I'll go there more but its Warhammer all the fucking day. I play DnD4th (not a newbie - I play since 1st edition) and I get the feeling that the system is taboo there.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:08 No.59644605
    This, half the posters get pissed if you use weeb shit reaction images.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:08 No.59644609
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    /v/ and /a/ used to be parallel boards that liked a lot of the same stupid shit but hated each other with a certain sense of irony.

    /a/ hasn't really changed but /v/ has gone to complete shit. Too many faggots who ACTUALLY LIKE esports, MMOs, and FPSs.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:08 No.59644616
    I've been on /a/ /m/ and /v/ for years now.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:09 No.59644619
    >I blame /sp/ [...] for the general decline of 4chan
    This, this, this.
    And i am from /sp/, that board needs a nazi mod like /tg/, it needs a purge.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:09 No.59644626

    /v/ to /a/, that's how I came here, and if it was before 2007 you had to cross from /b/ first
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:09 No.59644637
    I feel like /a/ has almost no offtopic but the quality of an average anime/manga thread is low while /v/ has a lot of offtopic and flat out troll threads but the quality of an average video game thread is high.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:09 No.59644660
    >actually going to /b/

    Wat. I can't remember how I reach here but I would never go to /b/. That shit is terrible
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:10 No.59644665
    /v/ has become the G4TV of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:10 No.59644666
    I like you, don't die please
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:10 No.59644669
    I meant to say at least medium. High on average is saying too much.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:10 No.59644690
    I've stayed on /a/ as a constant board the entire time I've been on 4chan. I've looked at /b/, /jp/, /v/, and /c/ on occasion though, not much longer than a week. Nothing quite amuses me like you faggots
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:11 No.59644722

    You now realize it's the other way around as well. Go on /v/ and watch how much /v/ seems to hate weeaboo shit and JRPGs. /v/ is split from people who hate anime and people who do not.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:11 No.59644747
         File1326161509.jpg-(45 KB, 300x219, 1321124775176.jpg)
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    I went from /cm/ --> /cgl/ --> /a/

    I know, you can all laugh at me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:11 No.59644751
    /v/ is just a sideboard I occasionally go to out of boredom, but I could never call it my home like /a/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:12 No.59644759
    >any better than /v/
    holy shit is this your guys' first time on /a/?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:12 No.59644773

    The last few times I've used /v/ it had a endless Lol, HoN, Wow threads etc going. In those Lol/Hon etc threads it was nothing but recounting experiences that we've all had hundreds of times, complaining about shit team mates, asking idiot tier questions about builds and then the 'skin' and micro transaction faggots. I'm sure most of us have played dota in the past, but those threads...had nothing of value in them.

    Only flavour of the month new releases seemed to have any new content in them, very much like /a/ once it's been gone through we abandon the topic as it's already discussed. But that doesn't happen in /v/ probably because the new content is often months apart before the next new hit.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:13 No.59644818
    >Go on /v/ and watch how much /v/ seems to hate weeaboo shit and JRPGs

    I believe those guys are /v/'s local normalfags. Those who shouldn't be there.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:13 No.59644848

    Is this YOUR first time on /a/?
    >> pr0x !SSop9P/INc!!tC7/DOO+9z9 01/09/12(Mon)21:14 No.59644878
    /b/ -> /h/ -> /b/ -> /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:15 No.59644912
    both boards are fucking terrible and hate everything related to the topic of the board they post on
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:15 No.59644918

    That's the difference between animation and interactive. You can talk about vidya for far longer then you can about anime. It just sucks how some vidya like LoL is staying and becoming a total circle jerk. And DOTA 2 is coming out at some point which is going to god damn suck for us.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:16 No.59644967
    /b/ > /a/ > /g/ > /jp/ >/m/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:16 No.59644970
    /b/ -> /c/ -> /a/

    I got sick of /b/ after a few months, accidentally clicked on /c/ one day, and completely fell in love with anime art style. Don't really remember my exact thought process but I eventually started coming to /a/ and started to watch anime. I never really cared for /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:16 No.59644980
    I feel like almost every thread that just attempts to just discuss a series on /a/ ends up with a lot of immature MY TASTES ARE BETTER THAN YOUR TASTES and moefaggots storming into manly threads and manlyfaggots storming into moe threads.

    On /v/ most video game related threads only receive some of those idiots unless it's a flat out Nintendo/Sony/MS/PC thread or a thread about a 1st party Nintendo game. /v/ has way too many metathreads though.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:17 No.59645002
    I migrate from /m/ to /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:17 No.59645003

    You haven't been on /v/ in awhile have you? People literally make up excuses for Dark Souls so it can sound less JRPGish and more WRPGish.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:17 No.59645024
    >I feel like almost every thread that just attempts to just discuss a series on /a/ ends up with a lot of immature MY TASTES ARE BETTER THAN YOUR TASTES and moefaggots storming into manly threads and manlyfaggots storming into moe threads.
    Somebody doesn't lurk nor know what they're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:17 No.59645041

    > /v/

    I've tried to look at that site but I saw only inane comments.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:18 No.59645065
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    That's how people might have thought of it in 2008.

    Nowadays, that is the average /v/irgin. Tasteless normalfags. It's awful. There really needs to be a separate board for esports and online gaming, it would at least fix part of the problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:18 No.59645072
    I think /v/ to /a/

    sense vidya probably got a lot of people into animu
    >> Ranger !!ZFjTegtxoOw 01/09/12(Mon)21:18 No.59645076
         File1326161920.gif-(65 KB, 503x349, 25.gif)
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    /b/ to /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:19 No.59645113
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    Yeah, even in 2005 when I first discovered 4chan, I always hated /b/. It was never good. Or rather you have to sit there for hours to see one actually interesting thread, after wading through thousands of threads no sensible human should remotely give a shit about. Only children, and the mentally-underage, are legitimately consistently entertained by thousands of shitty porn/advice/shocker content/tired memes/posting games/conspiracy bullshit threads.

    Generally if someone likes being on /b/, he likely doesn't have much of any strong hobbies or creative drives, braindead in other words. Or you're just a kid thinking that looking at gore threads and random porn somehow makes you edgy or mature.

    A long time ago /b/ used to have discussions about all kinds of tangential stuff, I mean if you could think of /a/, /v/, /sci/, /tg/ etc all being on the same board, that'd be pretty kickass wouldn't it? You'd never want to leave? Well, /b/ was never actually really like that, but, it was more like that in the far past than it is now. The advent of so many topical boards over the years has left very very little left for /b/ to cling onto, that is why it will basically always be shit from now on because it runs on nothing but its own hype, and on lowlife shit not dignified enough to get its own boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:19 No.59645125
    Even if /v/ had the best community known to man, I would never go there because I don't like playing video games.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:20 No.59645137
         File1326162006.png-(35 KB, 582x515, 1296859486490.png)
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    Look at my cap. Look at the post number, Now go on /v/ and look at the current post number of a thread.

    Since 2010 /v/ has had 2 times it's number of posts since its inception, which I can only extrapolate as an increase in activity, i.e. new users.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:21 No.59645186
    /b/ -> /g/ -> /a/

    /c/, /u/ and /jp/ I occasionally view

    also /v/ is shite
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:21 No.59645196
    no, it's from /b/ to some other board
    also, there's no rule that says you can only browse one board
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:21 No.59645220
         File1326162107.jpg-(93 KB, 609x626, jimenezowned.jpg)
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    Only good part of /v/ left is SMT General.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:22 No.59645248
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    /b/ for a week, /v/ for a month about one year ago, /d/ all day everyday
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:22 No.59645252
    /v/ comes over to /a/ and shits the place up, and then brings back some /a/ stuff to /v/ and shits /v/ up as well, if that's what you mean
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:22 No.59645268
    In the beginning I went to /b/ when it was mostly just funny threads involving anime and old memes like happy negro. It was honestly all about fun instead of camwhores, CP, gore and racism. After /a/ was made I started frequenting it and later /v/, don't remember if I went there from the start or not. From then till now I've only frequented /a/ and /v/. Never other boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:22 No.59645271
    I visit /a/ and /v/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:23 No.59645300
         File1326162206.png-(21 KB, 438x469, laughingcos.png)
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    Jesus Christ how did I not notice that happening?

    Fuck this gay earth.
    >> pr0x !SSop9P/INc!!tC7/DOO+9z9 01/09/12(Mon)21:23 No.59645330
    I rarely leave /a/.
    I love games but there's no way I'm talking about them on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:24 No.59645340
         File1326162251.png-(93 KB, 650x450, chiaki2.png)
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    >Only good part of 4chan left is SMT General.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:24 No.59645358
         File1326162283.png-(472 KB, 944x2966, urafaget.png)
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    I go to /v/ for the non vidya threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:25 No.59645380
    I went from /a/ to /jp/ and then back to /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:25 No.59645382

    I'm playing dota 2 currently. It's like playing bnet in 06, asshole leaving at complete random, afk entire game, no team work etc. But it's in beta so I shouldn't complain just yet, it's done what Lol and Hon did, take some suggestions and build them in. Feels slightly slower than dota currently.

    I've never played Hon or Lol because I'm a faggot purist who played wc3 for far too long to give many fucks about two games I consider commercial knock offs.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:25 No.59645403
    I have no idea OP but I want all these "feel" /v/irgins who came here because of KS to leave.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:25 No.59645414
         File1326162349.jpg-(36 KB, 400x400, otaku.jpg)
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    Shirt should explain enough...
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:26 No.59645457
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:27 No.59645477
    /a/ -> /jp/ -> back to /a/ (when /jp/ became even worse than /a/ a year ago. Around the time of C80)

    Always swing by /tg/, /m/ and /g/ occasionally.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:27 No.59645486
    >Nowadays, that is the average /v/irgin.

    And that's the problem with /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:27 No.59645497
    Silly t-shits, i have a girlfriend, in my head.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:28 No.59645532

    /v/ doesn't have a 'culture' anymore, which for me is it's downfall. But the commenting style really kills the board for me. The things I'd like to discuss get 404'd within 30 minutes because of the endless stream of 'e sports' (Dota, Hon, Lol, Sc2, Wow etc flood it). The only thing that seems to last is the 'game of the month' threads and the complete meta threads.
    >> menschmaschine !Pj4JOeM4TI 01/09/12(Mon)21:28 No.59645539
    You don't upgrade on 4chan. You can only downgrade.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:28 No.59645553
    I always wonder if wearing one of these at a con could get your laid...
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:29 No.59645565
         File1326162548.png-(3 KB, 128x128, 1318182308089.png)
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    That counts
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:29 No.59645583
    /b/ -> /a/ -> /c/ -> /x/ -> /r9k/ -> /v/ -> /a/

    What a strange journey it has been. But I still like to lurk /r9k/ occasionally, for the epic greentext threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:30 No.59645615
         File1326162622.jpg-(15 KB, 281x360, 1246624368736.jpg)
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    >going to con
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:30 No.59645631
    if furries get laid at cons, i think just about anyone can
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:30 No.59645635
    I think it's because of that stupid rivalry they have with reddit
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:31 No.59645642
    >epic greentext threads
    I hope to god that you're being sarcastic.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:31 No.59645655
    I swear for god, /v/ just needs a decent Mod and everything would change
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:31 No.59645662
    That's deep.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:31 No.59645678
         File1326162719.jpg-(74 KB, 223x328, fb.jpg)
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    > for the epic greentext threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:32 No.59645711
    It's not even from /v/, is a bunch of /b/tards who started spreading that shit everywhere
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:33 No.59645724
         File1326162789.jpg-(127 KB, 1544x833, BRO GOT BANNED.jpg)
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    That happened on /a/. Remember how well that went?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:33 No.59645727
    My trajectory has been:
    /b/ -> /y/ -> /d/ -> /cgl/ -> /jp/ -> /a/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:33 No.59645763
    >japan times in /v/

    Well yeah
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:34 No.59645794
         File1326162884.png-(6 KB, 415x193, 1295618701720.png)
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    air grilfriends are called waifus
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:34 No.59645797
    But that's happening constantly. It doesn't explain the massive increase in speed /v/ has had recently.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:34 No.59645806
    This just in "/a/ is full of douchebags with superiority complex".

    Seriously, you are arguing about whose shit smells less.

    Also, a friendly reminder. Normalfag doesn't hold any meaning outside /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:35 No.59645810

    >too many meta threads

    There's a fucking 'sex offenders and their crimes' thread going on. It really is like /b/ in 07.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:35 No.59645824
    that mod was an idiot if he had just kept his mouth shut or quoted the rules none of that would have happened instead he created their own interpretation of the rules and banned anyone that said he was wrong
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:35 No.59645832
    I don't care if a tripfag gets for two days
    if whit that /v/ can recover itself I give a fuck
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:35 No.59645833
    And that's the problem with the rest of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:36 No.59645857
    >Implying our mods were decent.

    I dunno how people can go on /v/ anymore, it has nothing to do with vidya.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:36 No.59645877
    Not my wife yet, i want to take it slow.

    Hell no, i wish the other boards i visit were half the elitist /a/ is.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:36 No.59645883
         File1326163000.jpg-(118 KB, 720x416, batmoe.jpg)
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    Honestly what the fuck are you going to do?
    You can't have a mod running around going BANNED BECAUSE TOO MUCH OF A NORMALFAG

    Oh and /co/ has gone to shit too but I can't figure out why. Everyone there is just so much angrier than they used to be.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:36 No.59645899
    That's the fucking problem, you mongoloid
    >banned for two days
    My bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:37 No.59645921
    > I can't figure out why
    I blame ponies and generals.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:37 No.59645933
         File1326163067.gif-(209 KB, 200x200, Mune pettan.gif)
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    We forget so soon what happened on that day, don't we.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:38 No.59645939
    >Also, a friendly reminder. Normalfag doesn't hold any meaning outside /a/.

    On /r9k/ it kind of does, well that place is half normalfag have Hiki/NEET shut ins hence being such a cesspool.

    /g/ is on our level pretty much, /jp/ is more neckbeard than /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:38 No.59645960
    Why don't people use that image for dubs?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:38 No.59645965

    >/a/ is full of douchebags with superiority complex

    If anything, we're far too friendly. I saw one of you faggots give sauce today.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:38 No.59645971
    >Honestly what the fuck are you going to do?
    The only fucking thing I can do, report and move on
    the mod just needs to clean that shithole from shitposting and that's it
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:39 No.59645985
    >You can't have a mod running around going BANNED BECAUSE TOO MUCH OF A NORMALFAG

    Agreed. The community should discourage that shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:39 No.59645994

    This, people don't remember the early days. After about 07-08 when it became nothing but porn, religion, demotivationals, advice dog and other edit based threads it was dead.

    It's why I wish I could talk about off topic things on /a/ more, as I want to discuss them with /a/ and not the board they belong on as over time the users who I used to discuss this with have left or filtered into different board, not to mention boards began to have their own cultures and taboos, driving the wedge between '4channer' and specific board apart.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:39 No.59646014
         File1326163180.jpg-(84 KB, 400x400, 1278224648417.jpg)
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    Why don't you try /jp/ and /mu/ ?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:40 No.59646029
    /g/ is becoming a tech support board because the assholes that used to scare off idiots are slowly leaving and normals are replacing them
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:40 No.59646040
    Ok, elitist was the wrong board.
    Newfags unfriendly?
    >> Kakine !!UX03VRhGABr 01/09/12(Mon)21:40 No.59646065
    /a/ -> /anime/ -> /b/ -> /c/ -> /d/ -> /e/ -> /f/ -> /g/ -> /gif/ -> /h/ -> /hr/ -> /k/ -> /m/ -> /o/ -> /p/ -> /r/ -> /s/ -> /t/ -> /u/ -> /v/ -> /w/ -> /wg/ -> /i/ -> /ic/ -> /r9k/ -> /cm/ -> /y/ -> /3/ -> /adv/ -> /an/ -> /cgl/ -> /ck/ -> /co/ -> /diy/ -> /fa/ -> /fit/ -> /hc/ -> /int/ -> /jp/ -> /lit/ -> /mu/ -> /n/ -> /po/ -> /pol/ -> /sci/ -> /soc/ -> /sp/ -> /tg/ -> /toy/ -> /trv/ -> /tv/ -> /vp/ -> /x/ -> /rs/ -> /status/ -> /@/ -> /Home/ -> /books/ -> /carcom/ -> /comp/ -> /food/ -> /games/ -> /img/ -> /lang/ -> /lounge/ -> /music/ -> /newnew/ -> /newpol/ -> /prog/ -> /sci/ -> /sjis/ -> /sports/ -> /tech/ -> /tele/ ->>>59646029
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:41 No.59646073
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:41 No.59646089
    >If anything, we're far too friendly.
    This as well.
    Fuck you internet. I used to be able to call people out on faggotry without all this hand holding, Little Miss Manners shit. But now people can't stand having their feeling hurt by some wanker on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:41 No.59646090

    I haven't been to the boards you mentioned so I will take it as truth. Frankly, wouldn't surprise me seeing how these boards were always filled with people who frequent /a/ as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:41 No.59646096
         File1326163299.png-(543 KB, 974x332, lolidildo.png)
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    i remeber when i got banned for:

    "posting in a loli thread"
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:41 No.59646101
    >/g/ is on our level pretty much, /jp/ is more neckbeard than /a/.

    /g/ is basically tech support for /v/'s "hey build me a rig" incessant threads.

    You can't see most people posting on /g/ are not from /g/ and yet those threads are more numerous than /g/-related threads. Besides that, between apple-is-for-faggots and bsd-vs-gpl threads there is always something interesting to discuss and learn. I like /g/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:41 No.59646102
    as someone who toured every board i'll tell you how it works

    there's an induction phase where everyone hates everything you post, effectively teaching you what to post and how. there's an especially steep one for /jp/ because their entire board was founded on spite and exclusion.

    the boards that take the least acclimatization are pretty much the worst (you don't think much of /b/ right?)

    there are more people who play video games than watch anime, so I theorize that it's harder for /v/ to moderate their own posting which causes it to look worse. it's not even that bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:42 No.59646143
    You know I started in 2006 and didn't think it was that bad at first but when I migrated to other boards and looked there it was how you are describing. Maybe I am just naive and it was like that all along.

    I remember when /r9k/ first came around and what you are describing is how I envisioned it to be. Basically a board for Meta threads like this, sadly it turned into BAWW and Misogyny.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:43 No.59646193

    >I haven't been to the boards you mentioned

    I meant, I haven't visited them in a while. I'm tired so spare me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:44 No.59646215

    It's sad to see that word so hated since it lost all meaning years ago, do you still hold that resentment? Does /b/ even use the word in it's bastardized way anymore?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:44 No.59646244
    >It's why I wish I could talk about off topic things on /a/ more

    On a site like this, where each board is it's own community, off topic threads are the butter of a good board. There's nothing wrong with them as long as we remember that we need bread too and don't end up like /v/

    You can sometimes get good off-topics threads if you ask if something would make a good anime
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:46 No.59646320
         File1326163584.jpg-(40 KB, 941x765, 1289905438793.jpg)
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    Most of the /g/ users are from /a/ anyway

    So much weeaboo shit (and it pisses the newfags/non weeaboo users as well)
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:47 No.59646362
    Gurren Lagann
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:47 No.59646364
    /g/ has plenty of normalfags though.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:47 No.59646383
    >do you still hold that resentment?

    >Does /b/ even use the word in it's bastardized way anymore?
    maybe but that doesn't bother me because I don't go there I just hate that word
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:48 No.59646421
    I find /m/ to be a weird place. It's like half of them are /v/irgins and the other half are /a/nons.

    I like little boards like that one though, even /jp/. They usually are unnoticed for so long that their culture are almost unaffected by the rest of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:49 No.59646450
    On Futaba they have something called a flipside which is essentially talking about offtopic or loosely related shit with your board's denizens. I can't even begin to describe how much better 4chan would be if moot added some.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:49 No.59646457

    BECAUSE 4chan turned from 'white middle class male with some fetishes and enjoyment towards cynical wit with a slight hatred of everything' into 'everybody can come here and be ANONYMOUS, say anything, be all super special no one knows who I am etc'

    Hate to be the asshole and pipe the old 'being popular is bad' comment. But it's what happened, new people came, out numbered the old and the old ways that many enjoyed got destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:49 No.59646458
    >/g/ has plenty of normalfags though.

    I believe those vocal anti-weaboo are mostly from /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:49 No.59646486
    >by the rest of 4chan.
    By that I meant the bigger boards, like /a/, /v/, /b/, /sp/, /soc/, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:50 No.59646498
    I can't stand /jp/ anymore. Terrible signal-to-noise ratio.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:50 No.59646499
    There is a lot of things that moot could add to 4chan but he doesn't
    I don't know
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:50 No.59646513
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:50 No.59646516
    I want to say that would be great, but it would probably just turn into /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:50 No.59646519
    i browser /v/ from time to time but im not PC master race so i cant contribute to the threads since most are PC related games,atleast hear i know my shit
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:51 No.59646582
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:51 No.59646583
    it would be a great for a while but after a bit each one would become a shithole essentially turning one /v/ into 4+
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:52 No.59646603

    I've always felt /g/ was for bashing tech and having a laugh myself, there have been BETTER forums dedicated to specific /g/ help (coding, news, gadgets etc) for longer than 4chan/g/ has been around. You still see it around /a/, tech savvy will appear from nowhere and divulge basic information, then again it's how I used to view 4chan, a group that is generally able to do minor research and tech themselves. Seeing people ask for how to torrent, search and IRC scares the fuck out of me for how far it's fallen.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:52 No.59646614
    I started with /a/ and expanded to a bunch of boards since.

    Currently a regular at:

    I also drop in by /x/ maybe once a week or so.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:53 No.59646639
    >moefaggots storming into manly threads and manlyfaggots storming into moe threads.
    The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:54 No.59646674
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    Anyone go to /sci/?

    The discussion is great, until I finds out the replies will be coming in a week or so
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:55 No.59646701
    It does on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:55 No.59646715

    I had a goo laugh with /sci/ today here

    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:58 No.59646844

    >not liking /vp/

    it's fine

    i rp as a pokemon sometimes on another site so my opinion may be unique i really do hope you are not upset :3

    i also go to /fa/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:58 No.59646854
    I upgraded from /b/ to /v/a/tg/

    As someone who mostly visits /v/, I honestly have to say I feel like /a/ seems better off. Sadly I cannot stay here for more than short bursts, as I am not kawaii enough for /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:59 No.59646886
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    /b/ > /r9k/ > /vp/ > /jp/ > /a/ > /jp/ > /a/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:59 No.59646892

    It doesn't. /a/ is the one trying to force it there
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)22:00 No.59646938
    >lots of people started with /b/
    Am I the only one that started with /co/?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)22:00 No.59646973
    [porn boards] > /b/ > /jp/ > /g/ > /a/
    I still actively browse /h/, /e/, /g/ and /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)22:00 No.59646981
    what a fag
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)22:00 No.59646986
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)22:01 No.59647007

    Started with /tg/. My friends frequented /b/ so I knew I had to avoid it.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)22:01 No.59647017
    how do you guys not know this.
    you go to /v/ to talk about anime and not video games
    you come to /a/ to talk about waifus and not anime.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)22:02 No.59647041
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    Why did you do that?
    you are not helping /v/
    I fucking hate you
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)22:02 No.59647065
    /v/ is a truly awful place and the influx of people here from there is a large reason why shitposting is so prolific here.

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