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  • File : 1325732883.jpg-(553 KB, 870x1236, 私がモテないのはどう考えて�(...).jpg)
    553 KB Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:08 No.59406206  
    Did you forget about me, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:08 No.59406237
         File1325732935.jpg-(562 KB, 870x1236, 私がモテないのはどう(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:09 No.59406269
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    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:10 No.59406294
    I was wondering when the thread was going to show up. Going to monitor it as I play KS.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:11 No.59406330
         File1325733065.jpg-(541 KB, 870x1236, 私がモテないのはどう(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:12 No.59406356
         File1325733126.jpg-(577 KB, 870x1236, 私がモテないのはどう(...).jpg)
    577 KB
    I wish I could be playing KS right now. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:12 No.59406395
         File1325733171.jpg-(638 KB, 870x1236, 私がモテないのはどう(...).jpg)
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    >> Miyabro !!x+KHb1RucHz 01/04/12(Wed)22:13 No.59406406
    Ah I forgot about this, time to read!
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:13 No.59406426
         File1325733210.jpg-(539 KB, 870x1236, 私がモテないのはどう(...).jpg)
    539 KB
    >> Outdated copy pasta. A 01/04/12(Wed)22:15 No.59406486
    It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular!
    Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!

    Mediafire Folder:

    Next raw chapter: Christmas
    (15th Dec 2011)

    Separate (different scanlators/anons):
    Chapter 01: (HansMaulwurf)
    Chapter 02: (World Three)
    Chapter 03: (World Three)
    Chapter 04: (/a/nonymous)
    Chapter 05: (/a/nonymous)
    Chapter 06: (World Three)
    Chapter 07: (World Three)
    Chapter 08: (World Three)
    Chapter 09: (World Three)

    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:15 No.59406488
         File1325733309.jpg-(480 KB, 870x1236, 私がモテないのはどう(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:15 No.59406525
         File1325733359.jpg-(554 KB, 870x1236, 私がモテないのはどう(...).jpg)
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    I wonder if Pastebin is around right now, of if he's busy playing KS like everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:16 No.59406571
         File1325733416.jpg-(604 KB, 870x1236, 私がモテないのはどう(...).jpg)
    604 KB
    New reaction face.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:17 No.59406600
         File1325733455.jpg-(593 KB, 870x1236, 私がモテないのはどう(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:18 No.59406642
         File1325733517.jpg-(480 KB, 870x1236, 私がモテないのはどう(...).jpg)
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    And thus it ends.

    Guess I'll go back to trying to clean this now.
    >> Miyabro !!x+KHb1RucHz 01/04/12(Wed)22:19 No.59406668
    That made me laugh, starbucks "speak" for ordering.

    she says "Gianto" instead of Grande
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:19 No.59406670
    So much suffering ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:19 No.59406687

    By looking at this I kind of feel sad wish I could be there ;_;
    >> A 01/04/12(Wed)22:20 No.59406692
    OP is this Chapter 10?
    >> K !!T7fXKo5xCCt 01/04/12(Wed)22:21 No.59406734
         File1325733683.jpg-(82 KB, 345x316, Blue (113).jpg)
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    That is one creepy face.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:21 No.59406751
         File1325733700.png-(165 KB, 500x600, 1325678934492.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:22 No.59406791

    Yeah it is. Just waiting around for a potential redrawer.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:26 No.59406971
    Watching this thread while playing KS guys.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:34 No.59407307

    Thats probably par for most people today on any thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:34 No.59407328
    So....everybody is waiting on WW3 and given up participating in translation?
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:41 No.59407609

    I guess. I OP'd the thread for the sc/a/nlation, but everyone seems to have disappeared sadly.

    W3 release might be slow because I want to play KS too, like everyone else. New staff is apparently away so it's just a two-man venture like it was before.Sorry about that.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:45 No.59407776

    All I'd be able to do is help typeset, but thats probably the easiest thing and not really needed...
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:45 No.59407800

    Yeah, that's ok. I haven't yet downloaded KS, so I think I'll just go do Namasensei's lessons in mean time.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:47 No.59407896

    It's alright dear anon. We'll probably get it out by week's end one way or another, hopefully.
    Even with a TL and Typeset, I still have to clean/redraw a lot of stuff, so that's how it goes for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)23:13 No.59408741
    I'm not popular so I'll become unemotional
    >> Don't typeset with this Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)23:18 No.59408921
    So basically you're an alien?


    Did you come to invade the planet or something. Leave those kinds of jokes to the grade-schoolers, we're in high school...

    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)23:22 No.59409073

    Unemotional characters sure are cute...

    Whether its a guy or a girl, unemotional or silent characters are really popular.

    It just might suit me...
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)23:25 No.59409175
    Rough trans?

    Page 1

    (Not sure how phrase this)
    You are called Eirian
    Thats right.

    (not gonna copy that television shit out too much)

    Emotionless characters are really so cute..
    be it guy or girl, expressionless and taciturn characters are getting popular (or are popular?)

    I should give it try..

    Page 2


    Did you happen to meet my sports drink in the refrigerator?

    I drank it.

    ...いや 誤れよ
    nah.. it was a probably a mistake

    Whoops (?) sorry (lit) (I don't know how to show this more appropriately in english)

    I don't think you're even reflecting on it.
    (I don't think you are sorry)

    I reflected (on it, shes being short I can't think of how to show that more naturally, I understand japanese at a level but i don't auto translate it into english in my head, so I'm a little awkward here)
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)23:29 No.59409325
    Oh someone else doing this?
    I guess I don't need to post my rough trans if we are getting something better.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)23:31 No.59409409
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)23:35 No.59409558
    Translating from phone and about to take off, no can do chief.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)23:38 No.59409666

    Thanks nonetheless
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)23:40 No.59409716
         File1325738421.gif-(15 KB, 118x168, img_watashiga_cmclist01.gif)
    15 KB
    volume1 2012/1/21 ON SALE
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)23:41 No.59409755


    What happened to my sports drink in the fridge?
    even though I was going too try to bring it with me

    Drank it

    ...well apologize.

    My bad

    You're not sorry at all.

    I am sorry
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)23:56 No.59410238
         File1325739413.jpg-(318 KB, 1240x1753, 23683760.jpg)
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    Needs more fanart.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)00:09 No.59410616
    never forget you tomoko,just give me a little time
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)00:12 No.59410715
    I say this to myself all the time but she has really good fashion sense for someone that's not too social.
    >> Rough Trans 01/05/12(Thu)00:14 No.59410779
    .. ah you went, I just came back from fapping to a Kirino porn game.

    I guess I could continue, but its not like I provide very good trans anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)00:17 No.59410865
    > implying you have enough fashion sense to determine who has good fashion sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)00:19 No.59410912
    in b4 >>>/fa/
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)01:11 No.59412520
    Looks like we won't see a scanlation for awhile:
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)01:17 No.59412729
    Another chapter of my waifu?
    I can't wait to be translated. And I will pray everyday until it is going to be published in my country.
    I love her so much ;_;
    Damn it! Is there any good doujin who are showing her masturbating?!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)02:14 No.59414268
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)02:32 No.59414872
    It's like kentaro Miura: The scanlation

    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)02:44 No.59415255

    I posted about that up here. >>59407609
    Right now the TL is done, and so is the typesetting, ostensibly. Our cleaner is out, so I'm stuck redrawing everything but instead of doing that I'm trying to play KS.
    >> magi 01/05/12(Thu)02:47 No.59415348
    What does a "redrawer" do in this context?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)02:50 No.59415430
    I already cleaned it, but without SFX. do you want the pages?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)02:53 No.59415528
         File1325750017.jpg-(322 KB, 954x658, example.jpg)
    322 KB

    All those white gaps from the text has to be filled, i.e. redrawn.


    Sure, I suppose. If I use more than 50% of it I'll put Anon/whatever name you want in the credits, in place of mine.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)02:56 No.59415607
    Are you using gimp or photoshop?

    >I'll put Anon/whatever name you want in the credits, in place of mine.

    /a/nonymous is okay.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)02:57 No.59415644
         File1325750256.jpg-(41 KB, 868x280, 1319091624845.jpg)
    41 KB
    New chapter time?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)02:59 No.59415692

    Photoshop CS2. And I'll make sure to keep it in mind for the credits.


    Raws? Yes. Translated? Soon.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)03:02 No.59415760
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)03:05 No.59415870
    Is this raw?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)03:05 No.59415877

    I love you anon. This helps me immensely.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)03:06 No.59415894
    Whoops, gotta go read the thread next time.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)03:06 No.59415897
    It's the cleaned version
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)03:20 No.59416324
    just bumping this
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)03:49 No.59417179
         File1325753370.png-(254 KB, 1000x1000, doushio.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)04:10 No.59417735
         File1325754638.png-(85 KB, 368x377, 131832764458.png)
    85 KB

    Probably my last post for now, since it's like 4 AM and I need to sleep.
    Should hopefully finish it up after I wake up. Might dump it as well, I don't know, since I don't do that usually.

    To Anon, I can't say exactly how much of the cleans I used, since I segmented it heavily, so I'll just give the credit over to you anyway. Thanks a lot, once again.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)05:01 No.59418862
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)05:16 No.59419205
    I'm interested in a translation too, bump it.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)06:09 No.59420458
    Surprised this hasn't been done yet
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)06:11 No.59420496
    >not knowing japanese

    I seriously hope etc etc
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)06:37 No.59421115
    Everyone is too busy playing Katawa Shoujo to do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)06:40 No.59421200
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)06:43 No.59421265

    Stop calling her that you pieces of shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)06:45 No.59421315
         File1325763937.png-(Spoiler Image, 276 KB, 677x942, 1314313252463.png)
    Spoiler Image, 276 KB

    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)07:08 No.59421789
         File1325765294.jpg-(49 KB, 794x517, 1325253458046.jpg)
    49 KB
    >mfw we aren't getting a translation because everyone's playing KS
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)07:16 No.59421973
    It was a pleasure, don't push you, also I'm playing that VN too, so I can read Popular in the afternoon.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)07:48 No.59422756

    What happened to the sports drink that was in the fridge?
    small: I was going to bring it with me

    Drank it.


    My bad.'re not sorry at all, are you.

    I am sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)07:54 No.59422888

    I'm not popular, so I'll become emotionless

    So basically, this means you're an alien?


    Then, did you come to invade the planet or something?
    Geez, leave those jokes to the grade-schoolers, we highschool students are...


    Expressionless characters sure are cute...

    Whether you're a boy or girl, expressionless or silent characters are really popular...

    It might suit me...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)07:58 No.59423006
    That bastard, to think he'd come at his older sister with the iron claw...

    ow ow ow----!?

    When he's out, I'll break into his room, learn his weaknesses, and make sure he can't defy me...
    small: he's a middle schooler, so he should be carrying some erotic stuff

    Oh no!
    Even though I wanted to be an expressionless character today, I'm returning to my usual self.

    I'm a silent, cool, cute girl....
    I'm a silent, cool...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)07:59 No.59423029
    Today's activity is tennis,

    so form groups appropriately and rotate with everyone else on the courts.

    Hm? Left out?
    Anyone's fine, just join them.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)08:06 No.59423196
    Apart from being an expressionless character,
    I don't even have to be act silent, there aren't any chances to open my mouth so it's perfect...

    But silent characters have people who come up to them,
    that's how the so-called silence is established in the first place...

    When you're alone, obviously you're going to be silent.
    That's why it's not really special or anything like that...

    Oops...If I think about this anymore I won't be able to maintain a lack of expression!
    Don't think about anything!

    Don't think about anything.

    Don't consider anything.

    Just pass the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)08:15 No.59423395
    Maintaining a lack of expression is surprisingly tiring...

    Well, a character is tough to keep up until it catches on after all...

    If I can fashionably kill some time here without acting strange, that'd be cool.

    I always wanted to become a high school student who
    read books at cafes and studied...

    ...As an expressionless character I might be able to do this!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)08:22 No.59423572
    Your order please.


    I've seen this being drunk in a manga before, it seemed good.

    Oh, a cappucino!
    What size would you like?

    It would be rude to order twice by pointing my finger...

    I can at least pick the size without fumbling, right?...

    S is small, I get that,
    but what about T and G....

    No, G is that right...


    What!? Oh....let's see,
    Grande, is it.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)08:25 No.59423636
    Well then, please wait over there.

    Calm down!!
    Calm down!!
    Everyone makes mistakes

    Here's your grande cappuccino!


    Is this a Coke some fatass would drink?

    I ordered a large size because I'm going to study, but this is a complete failure!

    In any case, I have to sit down and recollect myself or else...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)08:28 No.59423692
    The chair is so tall!! Is this harassment of small people?
    I can't get down!!

    This is totally different from what I imagined!!
    small: it was supposed to be sweet and fluffy...


    ...Honey! They have that kind of thing?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)08:29 No.59423716
    Only a bear could drink something like this...

    I won't come

    to this place ever again...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)08:31 No.59423756
    Miss, are you alright!? (says customer)

    Bring a mop!

    Are you hurt?

    Sniffle, sniffle (lit. higu hi hi etc.)

    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)08:35 No.59423847
    I definitely like this version of you more.

    Getting flustered, laughing, crying, being like a real person is cute you know.


    Don't screw with me...

    She stopped being expressionless!!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)09:52 No.59425728
    Not letting it die until it's translated.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)09:55 No.59425763
    Where's the typesetter-kuns? We have some translations ready to go right here in the thread!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)09:59 No.59425861
    Stick it in a text file and I will shit somthing out
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)11:46 No.59428734
         File1325782018.jpg-(56 KB, 720x540, 1319574715633.jpg)
    56 KB

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