Thanks for bringing the spammer to /v/, /a/. We really needed him to spam the cancerous general threads. What shall I pay you for your services?
We have control over the spammer?
You can fuck off, that will be good enough.
/v/ could come here and /a/ would finally have a real anime discussion.
>>59306961Well he's over on /v/ now and spa,ming the cancer.>>59306973 We're too busy freaking out over shitty mods and /v/ becoming /e-sports/.
>>59306973Oh man, I can't wait to talk about bebop all day and complain about moeshit.
>>59307097That's probably what would happen. The only anime /v/ has watched is Cowboy Bebop and they pretend that it's the best thing in the world when it's actually pretty mediocre.
>>59307136They also like to pretend that /a/ "hates good anime" such as the dub version of CB which happens to be the only thing they've seen.
>>59307097Pretending that isn't /a/ posters who come to /v/.
>>59307182/a/ doesn't hate good anime, they just talk about bad anime, but that still doesn't excuse /v/'s shitty anime opinion.
>>59306973hurr de durr i fucking love ttglttgl suckedcheck emishygddtthere ya go
One Million Dollars.
You better thank us later when he starts spamming every thread on the front page too.
>>59307230>/a/ doesn't hate good anime, they just talk about bad animeWe talk about everything which is currently airing, regardless of it's quality.The same thing you guys do with vidya.
>>59307565I'm afraid I can't let you do that Dr. Evil.
i see hes doing a pretty good job at it too. >>59307208someone that posts on /a/ and /v/? >my reaction when
>spammer goes to /v/>They love him>/a/ is happy he is goneSO WE ALL WIN
>>59307625Except they barely talk about vidya which is why /v/ is hated.