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  • File : 1325518750.png-(249 KB, 900x606, CookingGirlsInAction.png)
    249 KB Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:39 No.59278968  
    Cooking waifus is still underway, right? Is there a story script yet? Or a website, for that matter? Just learned about this project this morning and apparently I've missed a couple of threads because /a/ moves so godamned fast.

    I'm kind of disappointed it's not a VN, but I guess stories with pictures take less time to finish.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:40 No.59278999
    Cooking girls? .... What?

    What the fuck am I reading? I'm legitimately confused here.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:41 No.59279063
    I would help with it if I weren't so busy with crap in life. Could maybe help proofreading scripts or giving ideas for story.

    We need soemthing like this to fill the void in our hearts that will be left by KS.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:44 No.59279162
         File1325519076.png-(129 KB, 754x613, 754px-Irvine.png)
    129 KB
    Ren's design is glorious. She lifts.

    She probably gives the greatest hanjobs.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:46 No.59279229
    Okay, I'm just going to say this before someone pipes in which some wiseass remark.

    Haru > Flay > Ren > Ramsey > Ainsley

    There, I said it.
    >> Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g 01/02/12(Mon)10:47 No.59279268
    Any drawings of Alton Brown yet?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:48 No.59279302
    Uh, are spoiler tags a trend for Cooking Girls threads or something? The last two threads have been full of useless spoilered shit.

    I'll play along with your game, then.

    Haru still has the best design.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:48 No.59279319
    there should be an otome game instead
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:49 No.59279330

    Someone did drawings of her last night but no official artwork by k4.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:49 No.59279343

    Uh, are spoiler tags a trend for Cooking Girls threads or something?

    I guess so.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:49 No.59279350
    What about Foreign Eyes?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:50 No.59279378
    That pic of Ramsey screaming "Bullocks!" is incredibly arousing. Can't explain why...
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:51 No.59279398
    It's dead, bro.

    Sad, I know.
    >> Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g 01/02/12(Mon)10:51 No.59279403
    Aww, thats a shame ;_;
    I want to see Alton-chan teach me on how to cook the kawaii way.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:53 No.59279464
         File1325519588.jpg-(345 KB, 800x854, 1322556945268.jpg)
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    >another girls cooking thread this soon
    I didn't even sleep yet
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:53 No.59279480
         File1325519614.png-(116 KB, 512x512, almabrownproto.png)
    116 KB

    Prototype design for Alma proposed. Dunno if Ke4 will use it though.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:55 No.59279561
         File1325519743.jpg-(99 KB, 753x741, minamotoanime.jpg)
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    I hope we don't get into more of that Haru shipping v.s. Flay shipping like last night. Christ, that was retarded, even for you, /a/.
    >> Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g 01/02/12(Mon)10:55 No.59279566
    I like it.
    Whats her personality gonna be like?
    Genius, but modest?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:56 No.59279591
    >that was retarded, even for you, /a/.

    And you post this alongside a Yuru Yuri screencap while misspelling the genderswapped chef's name? Sure thing, dude.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:58 No.59279648
         File1325519887.png-(140 KB, 1145x794, HaruIsCooking.png)
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    >Genius, but modest

    Nah, Haru's already got that down. I can't wait to see what these "foreign habits" are.

    Btw, is someone going to darken the lines/color this? Someone mentioned doing so last night.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:59 No.59279703
    Look up that circleJERK in the archive if you think this was retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:59 No.59279715
         File1325519986.png-(127 KB, 456x630, 1325449122458 (1).png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:01 No.59279778

    >Ainsley at the bottom

    Die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:01 No.59279794
         File1325520111.jpg-(42 KB, 280x322, 1319042328840.jpg)
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    I wish I could help or be part of the art team. Ke4 severely outclasses me though, and I usually only draw people/things and not landscape or backgrounds. Something Ke4 is very very good at and needs no help at all.

    It sure sucks being useless. I feel like Yukko compared to Mio in terms of artistic usefulness.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:03 No.59279853
    Is there a blog or something that allows us to keep track of this?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:04 No.59279874
         File1325520241.png-(142 KB, 723x613, flayandhercorn.png)
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    Imagine all the dirty, filthy things she does with this corn while she's all alone..... Oujo-samas are usually secretly total sluts, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:05 No.59279905
    Try the wiki
    >> Lain !!FsvM2KFZ/6g 01/02/12(Mon)11:05 No.59279907
    What if Alma is a teacher?
    Because i mean, Alton is more of a teacher, than a chef.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:05 No.59279917

    There's nothing to stop you from doing fanart. The Haru/Flay shippers will eat it right up.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:06 No.59279965
    But fanart is useless, and I'm already working on my own shit to do anything less than productive.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:08 No.59280018

    >But fanart is useless

    Not the guy you're talking to, but if I can stroke my dick to it, it's not useless.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:10 No.59280100
    Well I'm certain there won't be a shortage of drawfags who'll gladly make fanart for your dick stroking pleasure.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:12 No.59280156
    >Open /a/
    >"Oh look another Cooking Girls thread"
    >Casually browse
    >No one defending Flay against Haru
    >Close thread

    Fuck you guys. Eat shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:17 No.59280327
         File1325521052.jpg-(59 KB, 800x450, 1321168056460.jpg)
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    >weak butthurt flayfags leaving the thread

    Just as planned.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:28 No.59280664
         File1325521726.jpg-(106 KB, 500x500, haru.jpg)
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    should probably redesign the uniform, or at least include an apron, they are cooking, right?

    I support this, though, I mean, /a/ is full of stupid ideas all the time anyways.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:30 No.59280712
         File1325521803.jpg-(248 KB, 1120x945, 1299462078518.jpg)
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    Needs more muscle
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:31 No.59280775
    >Delicious Brown
    >Class President
    >Glasses Girl

    So is this like a cooking mama VN? If so, my body is ready.

    I was just thinking about making a possible text based adventure game, but this is cool bro
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:34 No.59280881
    I hate Irvine irl but GOD DAMN those muscles.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:34 No.59280911
    >Paul Dean
    >"Alright, for today's class we're going to be making butter."
    >"First take about three cups worth of butter, add a few sticks of butter..."

    Anyone got art for Emilia Lagasse?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:39 No.59281068
    No Jamie Oliver?

    I'm afraid that I only know Ramsey,AInsley and yeah,Jamie Oliver,so I was a bit happy to see him involved in this project...but he's not there anymore?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:42 No.59281211

    I pictured a genderswapped Paula Deen doing that and couldn't stop laughing. Well-played, anon.


    How many times must we clarify that it's NOT A VN.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:43 No.59281247

    My dick is confused too.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:48 No.59281421
    Sauce !
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:53 No.59281624
         File1325523209.jpg-(36 KB, 435x435, 182947flay.jpg)
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    Can't you guys wait till we've finished playing KS to move onto a new OC project? ;_;

    Flay is the best. You mad, generic Haru shippers? Kyahahaha!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:55 No.59281688

    Beato's laugh echoed in my head as I was reading that.

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:56 No.59281742
         File1325523391.jpg-(86 KB, 543x715, 1316860623693.jpg)
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    >Can't you guys wait

    No, why wait? I want more.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:03 No.59281977

    I'm not saying I don't love KS, but cute girls cooking cute food > crippled girls trying to be moe. Plus this won't take FIVE FUCKING YEARS.

    Actually, comparing them isn't much better than comparing apples and oranges. But you get my point.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:03 No.59282008
    You guys should totally post this in /jp/. They love cute girls just as much as you do!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:05 No.59282062
         File1325523932.png-(118 KB, 258x347, BlackRockToaster.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:06 No.59282083
    Why does someone always have to post shit like this? Actually all crossboard activity makes you seem awfully new.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:06 No.59282114
    I wish there was actually some substance to this other than 'girls cooking school based on celebrity chefs'.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:07 No.59282134

    This guy is trolling. He knows well that this would NOT generate a positive reaction. If anything you'd be discouraged, spited and automatically hated.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:08 No.59282174
         File1325524119.gif-(320 KB, 320x180, 1319273427995.gif)
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    >ks comes out
    >everybody plays the shit out of it
    >everybody discusses it
    >new anime airs
    >everybody discusses that too
    >this project gets ignored/forgotten
    >no new material/nothing to release
    >project dies

    This project can't possibly be born at a worse time.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:09 No.59282205
    There's a dedicated writerfag. I doubt it'd get forgotten with someone that actually WANTS to make hit happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:10 No.59282243
    What about Anthony Bordain?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:11 No.59282284
    >implying he wouldn't play ks
    >implying he wouldn't watch the new anime

    Well, we'll see just how dedicated he is.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:13 No.59282383
         File1325524415.jpg-(112 KB, 500x500, haru.jpg)
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    turn this into a battle 4koma gais.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:15 No.59282451
    That's how most anime premises are born, and they're not too bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:17 No.59282556
    Brown girl seems like best girl.

    Artwise I mean... don't know shit about personalities.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:21 No.59282698
         File1325524907.jpg-(118 KB, 500x354, 1304182465769.jpg)
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    get out GAC devs
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:23 No.59282760

    New page is up. Story seems kind of generic, except for >the irreplaceable taste.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:29 No.59282983

    >>takes a darker turn

    Uh oh.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:31 No.59283057
         File1325525496.jpg-(104 KB, 1280x720, 1312790685478.jpg)
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    >dark turn
    Preorder and subscription fucking canceled
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:35 No.59283227
    Confirmed for DEEP hipster shit
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:37 No.59283304
         File1325525868.jpg-(82 KB, 500x500, ransy.jpg)
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    like I said man, turn it into a battle mango
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:39 No.59283360
         File1325525956.jpg-(83 KB, 1280x720, 1324889972627.jpg)
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    What? I only wanted a nice romcom which seemed to be the way this project was heading. Instead I get this stupid dark turn bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:49 No.59283736

    Doesn't mean it's going to be LOL REAL DEAL. "Dark turn" can mean any number of things.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:52 No.59283840
         File1325526765.jpg-(86 KB, 500x500, flay.jpg)
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    like a "who ate the food i will kill that motherfucker" kind of dark turn?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:52 No.59283842
         File1325526766.gif-(992 KB, 512x288, 1324917215365.gif)
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    Set in a family restaurant in Hokkaido, the northern prefecture of Japan, 16-year-old high school student Takanashi Souta works part-time along with his strange co-workers: Taneshima Poplar, a high school girl who's a year older than Souta and easily mistaken for an elementary/middle schooler, and Shirafuji Kyouko, the 28-year old store manager who doesn't bother to do any work at all.

    What begins as a happy slice-of-life story will gradually take a darker turn. After all, these co-workers won't be co-workers forever, and these sunny work days can only last so long, right....?

    Yeah nah writefag is a fag.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:59 No.59284061
         File1325527181.gif-(488 KB, 225x203, 1325455964915.gif)
    488 KB
    Art was her life... Now her life is art!

    For years, Yuno's dreamed of attending Yamabuki Arts High School, but now that she's been accepted, it means the scary prospect of moving away from her home and family for the first time! Fortunately, Yuno quickly learns that if her new neighbors at the eclectic Hidamari (Sunshine) Apartments aren't technically family, at least the majority share the bond of being fellow art students.

    From second year students like Hiro and Sae, who try to behave like helpful older sisters (mostly successfully) to her hyperactive new neighbor, classmate, and best friend Miyako (who has the scariest apartment ever), Yuno begins to build the support network she'll need for dealing with strange characters like her oddly masculine landlady, her cosplay-obsessed homeroom teacher, her tooth-chattering principal and all of the other odd denizens who inhabit her chosen world of art.

    It won't be easy, and it won't always be pretty, but with her friends at her back Yuno's going to reach for the stars!

    What begins as a happy slice-of-life story will gradually take a darker turn. After all, these art students won't be art students forever, and these wide carefree days can only last so long, right....?

    jesus christ how horrifying
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:03 No.59284192
    Writefag here. "Dark turn" is used loosely, don't take it too seriously. These descriptions are still drafts. There's going to be some serious stories but for the mostpart they're pretty laid back.

    Glad to see so much interest in this, though. Rough draft of the pilot story is almost done, hope you guys will like it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:05 No.59284270
    by the way, do you guys know how the drawfag decided on breast size? It can't be cooking skill, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:06 No.59284321
    >"Dark turn" is used loosely, don't take it too seriously.

    Don't take it too seriously yourself.

    The last thing I want to see in this project is shit getting too real.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:16 No.59284702
    Haru (or some other girl) better be getting a naked sushi scene.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:24 No.59285055
         File1325528698.jpg-(73 KB, 500x500, ainsley.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:25 No.59285095
         File1325528741.jpg-(91 KB, 500x500, irvie.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:31 No.59285315

    When I saw "dark turn" I pictured MC blocking bullets with a frying fan and Ramsey cutting people's fingers off.

    ;_; Doubtful, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:31 No.59285344
    >Haru v.s. Flay

    What the fuck is wrong with you people? Ren is clearly the best girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:34 No.59285435

    Little brown girls get no love. Thank you for drawing this, /a/. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:36 No.59285523
    That was my first reaction as well...

    It was the weirdest boner of all times.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:37 No.59285547
         File1325529449.jpg-(96 KB, 800x600, 1316863769175.jpg)
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    When I saw "dark turn" I pictured one of the girls getting pregnant. And the father isn't Dante.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:37 No.59285554
         File1325529451.png-(312 KB, 634x472, Dynamite.png)
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    >Long on /a/
    >This is the first thread
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:38 No.59285597
    You're welcome, but really? It's Ainsley! I don't even know why there's shipping wars in this. come on silly anon. There isn't even a story yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:39 No.59285616

    Is there going to be a target romantic interest? Dante should hook up with everyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:40 No.59285659
    I think Ramsey is the "main girl".
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:40 No.59285668
    The money I'm throwing at the screen seems to do nothing but scratch it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:42 No.59285731
    /a/ will fight over everything.

    You could say Earth is round and there'd be wars over whether it's round, flat, or donut shaped.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:44 No.59285809
    /a/ isn't that stupid, faggot. Nobody but flat earth extremists on their own forums would argue the earth wasn't round.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:46 No.59285899
         File1325530012.jpg-(294 KB, 1556x1000, 21236257 (月宮京介 - お�(...).jpg)
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    > Haru shipping vs. Flay shipping
    > Not shipping them together
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:47 No.59285921
         File1325530054.png-(623 KB, 1468x1600, fieri.png)
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    oh look it's a cooking girls thread, i thought they dont exist...

    anyway since i am here anyway, i might as well post my current design for Fieri.

    unlike the person she is based off (Guy Fieri) personality wise she's the exact opposite ( who needs another genki-dere anyway) she's the token kuu-dere. Average bust size and average height blonde-almost white hair with reddish-brown eyes.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:47 No.59285922
    You're right. My apologies.

    I'm thinking of /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:49 No.59285973
    I would, but I can't think of anything convincing.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:53 No.59286138
    Those eyes and that smirk just scream "troll" to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:54 No.59286172
    >"You tried to make a souffle Dante?"
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:55 No.59286193

    The personality and design don't really have to be the same as long as they have some trace of the person they're based on (they're backstory, defining features, etc.). At least that's what I'm seeing the writefag doing so far.

    I think her design could be a bit more... flamboyant, at least with the hair, but that's just me.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:55 No.59286205
         File1325530539.jpg-(38 KB, 512x512, 1325457666890.jpg)
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    Aw... I was hoping this drawfag's version of Fieri would be used
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:56 No.59286236
    Fuck cooking girls what happen to the MILF/older women are VN?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:57 No.59286267
    We had one of those? DO WANT!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:57 No.59286280
    Rather than "darker" turn, I think "somber" or "melancholic" might work better, if we're assuming it refers to them all graduating and losing contact with each other.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:59 No.59286327
    You're doing it wrong. Put it in the collection tray/cupholder instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:59 No.59286333
    So is this another of those shitty /a/ projects that never gets finished like Katawa Shoujo?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:59 No.59286338
    A darker turn means finally the delicious brown girl will win.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:00 No.59286370
    > Katawa Shoujo
    > Never finished
    It's still on schedule for release in a few days, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:00 No.59286396
    There was a great brain storming session about personality and character designs for them around christmas but i havent seen any updates about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:01 No.59286411

    Kill yourself.

    Oh, you're trolling.

    Why hasn't someone drawn Haru and Flay together with gay undertones? I smell a love/hate relationship. Yes, I'm wearing yurigoggles.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:02 No.59286449
         File1325530926.jpg-(25 KB, 320x240, 51x5R50KApL__SX320_SY240_.jpg)
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    >mfw the best cooking girls have yet to be included
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:02 No.59286451
         File1325530927.jpg-(59 KB, 450x318, lmao.jpg)
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    >>A darker turn means finally the delicious brown girl will win.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:02 No.59286478

    >Why hasn't someone drawn Haru and Flay together with gay undertones? I smell a love/hate relationship.

    Patiently waiting for this. Do it artfag. Please? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:03 No.59286484
         File1325530989.jpg-(369 KB, 1085x1509, 1320124912324.jpg)
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    I like to think of them as being like Sakurako and Himawari from Yuru Yuri. Yes, I was the one who posted >>59285899.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:03 No.59286488
    why do people always go for the generic highscool setting-- but with a twist! the girls are ___ ?
    I thought you guys hated the highschool setting
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:04 No.59286545

    B-but it's a cooking school! They're completely different!

    Well, it IS set in America, so I assume a lot of the LOL ANIME SCHOOL CLICHES just wouldn't make sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:06 No.59286606
    >I thought you guys hated the highschool setting
    Who told you that?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:06 No.59286611
    Because /a/ thinks it's funny and clever when they do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:06 No.59286616
    No, turn it into Yakitate Japan with cooking battles instead of just baking.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:07 No.59286643
    >Well, it IS set in America
    but they have typically japanese animu school uniforms
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:09 No.59286733
    Writefag here. Editing the pilot now, going to run it past a few people before posting. Hopefully tomorrow or the day after it'll be up.

    Synopsis: Introduce MC and Haru/Flay relationship, they ruin their food because they're too busy bitching at each other and don't know how to use the new school equipment. MC instructs them on how to save their food, which they assumed was beyond salvaging. They both are TOLD. Flay is pissed, Haru is moe/impressed. Emilia gets briefly introduced by scaring the shit out of the MC.

    Also, in the first scene Flay says "You can call me 'Miss Flay' if you want and sneers. MC holds up his hand and says "NO THANK YOU."

    The writing's not fantastic but I was smiling the whole time I wrote it. My cooking info should be accurate.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:09 No.59286741
         File1325531377.jpg-(109 KB, 850x500, fieri2.jpg)
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    make two of them? split personality? one ura?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:10 No.59286783
         File1325531452.png-(92 KB, 600x674, 1325300333620.png)
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    >Also, in the first scene Flay says "You can call me 'Miss Flay' if you want and sneers. MC holds up his hand and says "NO THANK YOU."

    Bitch gets told TWICE. I like it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:15 No.59286936
         File1325531708.jpg-(28 KB, 500x375, ilovethis.jpg)
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    >>Also, in the first scene Flay says "You can call me 'Miss Flay' if you want and sneers. MC holds up his hand and says "NO THANK YOU."
    >> ke4 01/02/12(Mon)14:17 No.59287038
         File1325531858.png-(181 KB, 1000x952, irvine2.png)
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    haha i always imagine the incident with flay vs morimoto on iron chef as one of the must have scenes.

    so i will definitely sketch out something like that eventually.

    thats a good representation of guy, but in all honesty, i just dont know much about him to design a character around him. I always knew he was pretty bubbly and flamboyant, something i don't really like in a character so i decided to swap the personality around.

    pic because irvine-chan might be my favorite too.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:18 No.59287056

    I keep throwing money at my computer but it keeps bouncing it back.
    >> ke4 01/02/12(Mon)14:23 No.59287270
    school uniforms are place holders, i could draw them naked..., but whats the fun in that.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:27 No.59287391
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:30 No.59287573

    Would my dick survive a handjob from her?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:34 No.59287733

    So are you going to be drawing all of the girls eventually? I'd really like to see Alton done next.

    And I not sure why it hasn't been mentioned at all yet, but include sock puppets. Sock puppets with burping sound effects are a must.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:39 No.59287964
    No I don't lift, please lift my cock with your breasts and arms for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:44 No.59288134
    Gale's description is up. Confirmed for troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:45 No.59288207
    Aw... I really want to draw some characters for fun with the drawfriends. Too bad my drawing skills aren't good. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:46 No.59288230

    No, but it'd be worth it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:49 No.59288371
    Guy Fieri is a huge homophobe. Definitely have to work that in there.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:52 No.59288531

    "You guys (Haru and Flay) are fighting again? It's like you're newlyweds. Why don't you just get a room, you damn fags."

    My money, all of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:57 No.59288714
    Add in that she has aphephobia and she pretty much freaks the fuck out when anyone tries to get physical with her at all, including the MC.

    It would just increase the pain of your heart stopping when she is eventually alright with the MC touching her and invites him to do so eventually albeit with tears in her eyes as she keeps saying she is okay.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:04 No.59288978
    I don't mind Haru x Flay shipping.

    Is anyone going to draw this? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:05 No.59289015

    That's just stupid.


    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:09 No.59289146

    I'm surprised we haven't already. Everyone on /a/ wears yurigoggles.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:10 No.59289165
    kekekeke, how about using more than 2 minutes to draw a pic? Imagine the quality.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:11 No.59289198

    They're not awful, and they're mostly concept drawings. I imagine he's going to be much more meticulous when doing covers/story illustrations, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:12 No.59289257
         File1325535148.png-(14 KB, 190x220, OhHo.png)
    14 KB
    > Haru x Flay shipping.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:14 No.59289330
    Yeah, they are good, for how fast they're likely made.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:17 No.59289442

    Are you really complaining that something that was drawn for free and on demand isn't good enough?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:18 No.59289480
    No? I think not. That's ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:23 No.59289665
    Is this really the third Cooking Girls thread in two days? Jesus.

    You've really created something remarkable, writefag... whoever you are.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:27 No.59289820
    I know I'm getting a little ahead of myself here, but... will this ever be printed, or is this just an online thing?

    Because if so, I'd totally pirate scans ofit.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:32 No.59290014
    I'm kind of sad that the KS artists aren't cooperating with the writefag and artfag working on this, but whatever. Sounds decent so far.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:34 No.59290100

    Why the fuck would you wish for that? Only one of those artists isn't completely incompetent.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:43 No.59290458
    Which one of you fucks mentioned this on /jp/? You're opening a can of worms.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:46 No.59290550
    Just ignore it. They'll hate it anyway and leave us our peace if you don't agitate them.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:48 No.59290619
    >will this ever be printed

    Probably not, but feel free to fantasize.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:17 No.59291974
    >third GAC thread in two days

    Glorious, /a/. Fucking glorious.
    >> ke4 01/02/12(Mon)16:24 No.59292259
         File1325539482.png-(339 KB, 1000x952, irvine2a.png)
    339 KB
    adding more time doesnt equate to better quality for me...
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:27 No.59292376

    If that's true then you may want to evaluate your artistic technique. Not to say the drawings are bad at all, but they lack polish.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:30 No.59292518

    >used to be a military chef
    >owns a punching bag
    >alpha as fuck

    I think I have a new fetish type......
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:36 No.59292715

    Where does it say she has a punching bag?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:40 No.59292887

    It says right in the wiki, you tard.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:48 No.59293258

    You mean being free and on demand gives it some magic protection from being not good enough?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:50 No.59293365
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:54 No.59293523
         File1325541281.jpg-(138 KB, 473x685, bourdain.jpg)
    138 KB
    I tried my hand at the female Bourdain.
    >> ke4 01/02/12(Mon)16:56 No.59293615
         File1325541384.png-(784 KB, 1468x1600, fieri2.png)
    784 KB
    hmm maybe i could go with this color "style"
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:58 No.59293741
    Goddammit, Alton is the only student on the wiki that still doesn't have a description!

    Also, I think something like "excels in high-pressure situations/good leadership qualities" should be added to Irvine's description.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:06 No.59294111

    >>Not Alma
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:10 No.59294312

    My heart.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:11 No.59294376

    Ohh, seem like it works better for a more "Guy" sort of feel. I like it bro. Keep up the good work.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:12 No.59294412
    I actually like your non-shaded coloring, but that looks nice as well. (And it does look a bit more "polished", so to speak.)
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:15 No.59294559
    I like all the cute girls being drawn and all, but where the fuck is Dante? He's the MAIN CHARACTER and doesn't have any drawings yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:16 No.59294640
    Kinda hot.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:17 No.59294663

    This is true. Did the wiki have a physical description of him? I pictured him as a Satou-like character with Bron hair or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:18 No.59294717

    Yeah, he's the first one on the students list, unless something's changed since I last checked.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:18 No.59294732
         File1325542718.jpg-(920 KB, 1500x1160, 1324588920426 copy.jpg)
    920 KB
    I did a lazy coloring of this, so here
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:20 No.59294819
    So what happens when if this gets released and one of the chefs sees it? Think about their reactions.

    Also the principal should be the chairman from Iron Chef.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:20 No.59294826
    > I pictured him as a Satou-like character with Bron hair or something.
    I pictured him being kind of like Satou as well (or possibly Sanji from One Piece). Not sure how his hair is supposed to be slicked back, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:20 No.59294829

    Just checked. there isn't much to his description aside from him being medium height and having sleek-backed hair.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:22 No.59294895

    I was imagining this actually. Like Ramsey googling his name for some reason and ending up here. Oh man, I can't even imagine his actual reaction.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:22 No.59294906
         File1325542937.png-(8 KB, 100x284, DentoBW.png)
    8 KB

    /a/ forgive me for picturing him similar to this guy here.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:22 No.59294914

    Aside from looking like a smoother motherfucker I think ke4's pretty much free to do what he wants.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:23 No.59294950
         File1325542997.jpg-(22 KB, 300x411, ming.jpg)
    22 KB
    Ming Tsai girl, please?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:23 No.59294976
         File1325543035.jpg-(26 KB, 520x300, Gordon-Ramsay.jpg)
    26 KB
    His reaction:
    >"The fuck is this tripe?"
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:25 No.59295035
         File1325543114.gif-(605 KB, 320x220, chairman.gif)
    605 KB
    Mark Dacascos or Takeshi Kaga?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:26 No.59295081

    I imagined him having a friend that was like this. Spouting all those cooking related quotes and whatnot.

    "This truly is the spice of friendship! Sprinkle on a little love and heart, and you've got yourself one hell of a Companion dish!"

    Or some shit like that. Writefag should give him a buddy like that at least.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:26 No.59295113
         File1325543219.png-(134 KB, 300x300, 1308076349001.png)
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    >You can't see my other hand
    >> The Writefag 01/02/12(Mon)17:27 No.59295129
    >>Aside from looking like a smoother motherfucker I think ke4's pretty much free to do what he wants.

    Yeah, this. Ke4's free to do what he wants as long as he looks cool with a cigarette in his mouth.

    Sorry for the namefagging. It's better than "Oh, it's the writefag again."
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:27 No.59295140
    Takashi Kaga as principal.
    Mark Dacascos as vice principal.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:29 No.59295221

    Kaga was confirmed to be the chairman/founder of the school already.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:30 No.59295242
    I don't know why he's always labeled as dude with a short fuse. On The F Word the British version of Kitchen Nightmare, he's a fucking bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:31 No.59295312
    >I don't know why he's always labeled as dude with a short fuse

    You've never, ever, never seen him on Hell's Kitchen or the US Kitchen Nightmares? Because he plays it up pretty hard on those shows. And those are how most people know him.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:33 No.59295416
    That's just FOX being FOX. They play it up because, for some reason, the viewers love the drama and other bullshit. I'd kill for an American F Word but it'll never happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:34 No.59295443

    Hell's Kitchen. This guy turns up a fucking storm every time someone cooks on that show. I used to watch it just to watch him yell at the people there.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:35 No.59295493
    He's a bro on Masterchef USA too, it's just his Hell's Kitchen rep overshadowing everything else.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:35 No.59295500
         File1325543725.jpg-(26 KB, 704x396, 912874891748917824.jpg)
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    >Kaga was confirmed to be the chairman/founder of the school already.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:35 No.59295528
    Just look at his face.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:36 No.59295576
    There's an IRC channel now. I guess you guys can take your character shipping there, now.

    #CookingGirls (Rizon)
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:40 No.59295717

    He gets paid to be a dick. Have you seen him on other shows? Fucking bro tier.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:41 No.59295737
    > Voiced by Mamoru Miyano
    Fund it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:42 No.59295783
    It's the same as Simon Cowell's reputation for being an ass. It's all kayfabe.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:42 No.59295818
    > Voiced

    You know this is a novel, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:43 No.59295846
    It won't be if we fund it hard enough.

    Now if only the screen would take my money...
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:44 No.59295861
    Yeah, but there's nothing wrong with imagining the characters voiced by certain VAs, is there? Not like a drama CD or anything would ever actually happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:44 No.59295876
         File1325544277.png-(63 KB, 271x412, kawaiicondimentfight.png)
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    so what is it?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:44 No.59295882
    >Not like a drama CD or anything would ever actually happen.

    Says who?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:45 No.59295913
         File1325544338.jpg-(45 KB, 453x640, 658455-tsuruya_58_super.jpg)
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    >His screen can't take money

    If only I wasn't poor as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:45 No.59295919

    We all know Japan is in here now getting ideas like they always are. They love stealing our ideas...I know they do. It's how they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:53 No.59296181

    Dante: Noriaki Sugiyama
    Chairman Kaga: Idekatsu Shibata
    Flay: Rie Kugimiya
    Haru: Suzuko Mimori
    Ainsley: Eri Kitamura
    Ramsey: Michiko Neya
    Ren: Shoko Tsuda

    Godly sound drama.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:54 No.59296221

    >Flay: Rie Kugimiya

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:55 No.59296253
    I'd rather have Emiri Katou for Flay.

    > Shirou's VA for Dante
    I see what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:57 No.59296317

    >Flay: Rie Kugimiya
    >Haru: Suzuko Mimori

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:59 No.59296368

    To be fair he also played Atoto in AT3 and England and Hetalia.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:00 No.59296399
    > Haru voiced by Himawari's VA
    > Flay voiced by Sakurako's VA
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:01 No.59296428
    So, brace for 7 years of development?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:01 No.59296440
    I was referencing the fact that Shirou loves to cook.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:03 No.59296515

    If it takes more than a week to release the pilot then the writefag is retarded. As for the first novel, I don't know. But seven years seems excessive for a book with pictures.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:04 No.59296545
    >Ainsley: Eri Kitamura

    I'm not sure how I feel about that.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:05 No.59296587
    It's why I think he should be a Tomboy rather than a Tsundere.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:05 No.59296595

    Well, I wouldn't call him retarded for taking more than week for a pilot. Development for a story or any work of literature isn't easymodo. It takes a hell of a lot of time. Considering the scale of what he is writing however, it shouldn't take too long for something to get done.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:07 No.59296649
    >But seven years seems excessive for a book with pictures.

    KS took how many years? And they weren't making backgrounds.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:08 No.59296680

    Yeah but you're forgetting branching plotlines, coding, dozens of character sprites, music, discussions, etc. One person's writing. One's drawing. That's it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:09 No.59296726

    The writers weren't writers, the coders weren't professional coders and the artists were children or autists. I'd hardly compare the two teams.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:10 No.59296760
    Yeah but they are releasing.

    Well, let's all hope for the best.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:18 No.59297139
    Bump savior stepping in to save this thread from spam.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:33 No.59297798
    I'm going to take a wild guess that you're a lazy, entitled manchild for whom "effort" means "aiming for the toilet when I take a shit" and have never tried to do more than the bare minimum, if even that much.

    Hate to break it to you, but putting together any sort of piece of work for this probably is going to take longer than a week. And if the people behind it want something to be proud of, they're going to take even longer.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:35 No.59297880
    This thread needs some Haru x Flay artwork. I don't even care if it's just a suggestive sketch. Even if it's them glaring angrily at each other.

    Please? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:38 No.59298055
    So when can I play this? Soon I hope?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:39 No.59298070

    Mah nigga. That fool has ever put together a piece of work if he expects it to be both quality and quick at once.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:39 No.59298082

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:47 No.59298475

    It's a novel, you moron.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:55 No.59298873
    Dear ke4:

    Please, do something a bout the girl's legs. They all look too wide and in a "holy shit my ankles are broken" position.

    Other than that, good job.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)19:01 No.59299176
    >150+ replies

    You guys need a new hobby. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)19:05 No.59299324
    >Telling /a/ they need a new hobby
    Where do you think you ARE?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)19:07 No.59299430
    We just found a new hobby with this. It's better than watching anime.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)19:08 No.59299503

    >Need a new hobby.
    >Implying any activity can't be a hobby.

    This is a hobby in itself fucktard.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)19:17 No.59299933

    Fuck, can't unsee.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)19:54 No.59301470
         File1325552046.png-(282 KB, 604x750, hohhoh.png)
    282 KB
    so this is a novel?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:04 No.59301887
    Should someone make a new thread, or let this one die? I can't decide.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:05 No.59301925
    Let it die. Too much of a good thing and all. The devs have had their e-peens stroked for the day so they should be okay.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:06 No.59301982
    I'm surprised this thread managed to survive the spam.

    Cooking girls confirmed for spamstrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:08 No.59302085
    But there's still about 70 posts left until autosage.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:09 No.59302129
    Then let it go to autosage and die. The fact that there's that many posts left is all the more reason not to make a new thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:14 No.59302447
         File1325553276.jpg-(56 KB, 682x400, Marco-Pierre-White__781184a[1].jpg)
    56 KB
    Is the person doing the manga/novel in this thread? I think you should add Marco Pierre White as a character, probably a teacher. I mean he made Ramsay cry. You could have him as Grace Ramsay's antagonist or the only character she's afraid of and wants to really beat.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:16 No.59302551
    Brainstorming is mostly done, and he ain't around anymore. You're better off waiting for him to ask for input instead of shooting in the dark like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:17 No.59302605

    This. Ramsey needs to be afraid of someone. Like, truly in fear of.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:22 No.59302842
         File1325553751.png-(198 KB, 600x700, Haruharuflay.png)
    198 KB
    Here's some more HaruxFlay(?) for you all.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:24 No.59302920

    Maybe there would also be a rival group of chefs to the main cast of chefs? With potentially one of the mains betraying the group and moving onto the other side? During the group cooking battle they are forced to fight against one another but through the spicy hot burning spices of friendship and passion they are able to pull the betrayer back to their side.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:26 No.59303033

    What he said. Pretty sure the writefag knows where he's going, but he'll probably pop in from time to time for inspiration/ideas/whatever.

    Well, you could always stop by their IRC channel.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:27 No.59303073
         File1325554034.jpg-(383 KB, 800x1021, 22037856 (セレビィ量産�(...).jpg)
    383 KB
    They really are Sakurako and Himawari.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:27 No.59303112

    GLORIOUS crossovers are on the way.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:28 No.59303151

    IRC channel?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:32 No.59303317

    Haru's leagues better than Himawari, but I agree that Sakurako is better than Flay.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:39 No.59303601
    It's never been so hard to choose anything in my entire life.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:42 No.59303696

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:42 No.59303730

    He can't choose among all the girls. I don't blame him.But Haru's still the best.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:47 No.59303900

    Pfft, that's like saying Flay isn't the best. Which I know you don't believe.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:48 No.59303951

    Haru's poking fun of Flay for being flat, but she doesn't have any breasts herself, in that image.

    Also, that's a crab? Scissors? What the fuck am I looking at?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:50 No.59304058

    I think you've been watching too much Qwaser and Sekirei if you call that 'no breasts'.

    Also, she's killing the crab
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:51 No.59304067
    >What the fuck am I looking at?
    This kills the crab.jpg

    She's not completely flat though, which is enough to take a shot at someone who is and I imagine that apron is rather... slimming.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:51 No.59304116

    Haru > Fieri > Ren > Ramsey > Ainsley >Shit >Flay

    Believe in your heart, Anon, you know it to be true.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:52 No.59304123
         File1325555521.png-(3 KB, 279x237, datpost.png)
    3 KB
    Maybe once they're all done I can.

    But they've all got things to love, and I'm a huge fan of cooking shows, so it's even harder to try and pick based on that.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:52 No.59304152
    Ramsay is best girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:53 No.59304179


    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:53 No.59304207
    >Four-leaf studios decides to adapt story into VN
    >Years and Years of Waiting
    >Finally release date reached

    >"Hahaha fags! Did you really think we would do that?"
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:55 No.59304257

    I've lost count of how many times they've said this not going to ever be a VN. If you're too lazy to at least Ctrl F the thread you should just commit sudoku.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:56 No.59304334

    It's called a Joke, I know there won't be a VN. I think you should be the one to Commit Sudoku
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:57 No.59304384

    Fieri's actually my new favorite. She's a cute troll and will probably be the cause behind any of the "dark twists" that happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:00 No.59304534

    >putting Ainsley before Flay

    Why are you even here?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:00 No.59304552
    >Not a VN

    Then maybe you can explain why the fuck there are pictures being drawn and words being written? Because I'm pretty sure those are the two main elements of a VN.

    And its "seppuku" not "sudoku," dumbass. Learn to wapanese.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:01 No.59304591

    >Putting Shit before Flay.

    Shit is the worst character in existence. This is how we know he has bad taste.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:01 No.59304601
         File1325556106.jpg-(173 KB, 718x805, 1272182772069.jpg)
    173 KB
    You had me until the seppuku.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:03 No.59304684

    Have you been following this at all? Or are you a shitty troll? The writefag is writing a story, the drawfag is simply drawing the characters.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:03 No.59304688

    You haven't considered for even a moment that it might just be a written story with some pictures?

    In before "But that's not good enough!"
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:03 No.59304711
    There's two more, anon: Backgrounds and music.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:05 No.59304805
    Jesus Christ, I Make a joke and I cause people to yell at each other.

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:07 No.59304869
    It WAS a pretty bad joke.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:07 No.59304887
         File1325556466.jpg-(46 KB, 828x640, even a terrorist has to have a(...).jpg)
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    If I wanted to read a manga about a fat Homura and a nigger lusting after some /a/non, I would draw it myself and the art wouldn't be shit.
    Why don't you take this crap to >>>/ck/ and learn a bit about what you're writing about first?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:08 No.59304925

    True, then again this entire board is a pretty bad joke right now
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:08 No.59304941

    1/10 because you tried too hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:11 No.59305078
    >>The writefag is writing a story, the drawfag is simply drawing the characters.

    But that's not enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:12 No.59305128
         File1325556762.jpg-(193 KB, 701x1000, moe 84355 sample.jpg)
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    That look was around long before Homura, anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:14 No.59305197
    what the fuck happened to the moetron vn

    I tried joining them a couple months ago to help out (drawfag) but all they did was circlejerk on irc all day. have they done any progress at all?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:16 No.59305305

    Didn't even know anyone was doing this. Sounds like it'd be a lot of work though.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:16 No.59305312
    Present, and still alive. The IRC channel is a chatroom unless we're actually doing something, and unless the right people are on there's a good chance the others wouldn't know what to do with you.

    Sorry you had that experience.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:18 No.59305419

    Why not? If it's a good story and the artwork is cute why would you need anything more?

    Fuck, I don't care if it's just a website with walls of texts that has pictures in the middle every so often. I want to read this shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:21 No.59305518
    Haru is everything I dream of in a wife. Quiet, pleasant, always smiling, knows how to cook and looks damn good in braids and glasses.

    Tl;dr I'm reading it for Haru, fuck that Flay bitch and her high school drop-out inferiority complex.

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