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    File : 1325270428.jpg-(195 KB, 642x1083, 1278121748562.jpg)
    195 KB Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:40 No.59143119  
    Pick a waifu, /a/.

    Got one? Good.

    You are now transported to the center of a sand-covered Arena, where you will have to fight off a number of opponents (who are all aiming to be the last man standing). The prize for the victor is the chance to be transported to the 2D world and live in bliss with their waifu; as such, though they may not have the same waifu as you, each opponent has a vested interest in knocking you out of the tournament.

    Weapons in the Arena include two racks to the north and south. The northern rack holds medieval european weaponry (which include but are not limited to broadswords, shields, axes, stilettos, rapiers etc.). The southern rack holds medieval asian weaponry (which include but are not limited to kusarigama, scimitars, bows, katanas, shuriken, shields, etc.)

    Did I mention the number of people you have to fight off is equal to the number of pictures of your waifu you collectively own (regardless of location)?

    If you have no pictures of your waifu, you are excluded from the grand tournament, as the entity organizing everything can't find you in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:42 No.59143194
    I morally disapprove of such a bloodbath (and so would my waifu). Am I allowed to sit this one out?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:43 No.59143237
         File1325270636.jpg-(26 KB, 320x400, 1283189408236.jpg)
    26 KB
    So, does that mean the guys who don't have waifus just chill in the stands with popcorn as a bunch of neckbeards flail their arms about at each other before falling into an exhausted pile of sweat and tears?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:46 No.59143307
    It is broadcast live over a series of webcasts

    You don't have to kill them; just incapacitate them. Knocking somebody out is acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:46 No.59143314
    Katanas, fat people with katanas everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:47 No.59143372
         File1325270872.gif-(1.5 MB, 400x227, 1324950152326.gif)
    1.5 MB
    >Medieval Asian weaponry
    Where in the flying fuck did they get one of those then?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:49 No.59143444
    shit can't count the amount of waifu pics on my pc
    taking a kusarigama to cut many heads at once
    me and my waifu do what's necesary
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:50 No.59143489
    I have like... 3 or 4 pictures..
    Whatever, I'll just kill people will the bow.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:50 No.59143490
    Where's the South American weaponry? I'm fine with a hide shield, an obsidian blade, a long hollow reed and five thousand knockout darts.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:51 No.59143504
    I love Beato, but I really don't want to be transported to Rokkenjima.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:51 No.59143513
    >Shields were used by both infantry and cavalry. These shields were usually made of wood and often reinforced by a metal centre and rim.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:52 No.59143552
         File1325271135.jpg-(290 KB, 416x600, 74e0dae65e1220_full.jpg)
    290 KB
    Anything will do as a weapon, and I will win.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:52 No.59143561
         File1325271167.jpg-(149 KB, 482x600, 38d7b7f89086737a846c7de3268053(...).jpg)
    149 KB
    Rin and I have 128 pictures in the folder.
    I choose the bow.
    >> erejnion 12/30/11(Fri)13:52 No.59143570
    under two thousand? could be much worse.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:53 No.59143592
         File1325271202.jpg-(31 KB, 383x377, 1322870789497.jpg)
    31 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:53 No.59143611
         File1325271230.jpg-(149 KB, 591x874, 塩 - scanty!.jpg)
    149 KB
    >"Bwahahaha I don't have any pictures of Scanty. Our relationship has transcended mere things such as 'Pictures'!"
    >Check pixiv folder
    >Have two saved
    >"...Well shit"

    I don't look forward to killing people but, at least its only two so LETS DO THIS.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:53 No.59143615
    >can actually shoot worth shit
    >no guns
    im fucked
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:53 No.59143616
    >Vocaloid waifu
    >Folder is 14,512 pics huge

    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:54 No.59143634
         File1325271262.jpg-(38 KB, 504x466, 1324209335031 (2).jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:55 No.59143658
         File1325271321.jpg-(28 KB, 442x346, 579.jpg)
    28 KB
    somehow i have over 800 pictures
    i dont know what to do
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:55 No.59143665
    I have over 6000 pictures of her, this will be tough
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:56 No.59143697
         File1325271379.jpg-(92 KB, 1280x720, Yuno 2.jpg)
    92 KB
    >Pick a waifu
    Are you implying that we have multiple waifus?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:56 No.59143699
    Hah, my HDD just broke and I have very few pictures on the new one.

    Being a sandnigger, I choose the scimitar.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:56 No.59143715
    >Only 128 Pictures.

    >2 pictures.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:57 No.59143736
    >People going for bows

    Fuck bows. 145 people ain't shit.

    I run for the top rack and grab a shield, a crossbow (preferably one that is hand-cranked), a short sword and as many crossbow bolts as I can carry.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:57 No.59143743
         File1325271442.jpg-(64 KB, 800x427, 1324847238984.jpg)
    64 KB
    >implying anyone here know how to use a sword of how to aim a bow.

    300 picture
    >dual shield masterrace
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:57 No.59143750
    Yeah, like we could reliably incapacitate people with medieval weaponry. No man, I'm going to talk this out even if I die trying. Just like mai waifu.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:57 No.59143766
         File1325271474.jpg-(219 KB, 424x600, 1234927826604.jpg)
    219 KB
    I have over a thousand

    I'll take the Katana. I probably can't handle anything heavier for an extended period of time, and I wont want to get too close. I'm probably dead anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:58 No.59143774
    >dual shields
    >not dual windmills
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:58 No.59143778
    That's what you get for chosing the town bike as waifu
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:58 No.59143802
         File1325271534.jpg-(6 KB, 188x468, TwinHooks.jpg)
    6 KB
    >Has 17 pictures
    >Twin Hook Swords

    Here I come my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:59 No.59143804
         File1325271542.png-(425 KB, 1280x748, 2.png)
    425 KB
    I guess I'd go and grab a shield and an axe so I can support her when she uses the naginata she always uses ingame.

    I'd probably also grab a bow and a couple arrows before each round starts since I have some experience handling a bow. I could just throw them aside once the opponents come too close.

    To be fair, our chances aren't great as she isn't a martial artist and primarily relies on her Persona. We'd have trouble against the Anon's with waifus who have actual martial training.

    It'd be tough fighting 120 people.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:59 No.59143806
         File1325271544.jpg-(988 KB, 1149x1699, 1323448222216.jpg)
    988 KB
    I have like 7-10 images of Ritsu around here
    Should be doable
    never said I had to fight even remotely fair, either
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:00 No.59143839
         File1325271601.jpg-(46 KB, 500x700, 127109818353.jpg)
    46 KB
    Rin pictures aren't very plentiful you understand...
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:00 No.59143851
    Wow, there sure are a lot of people with only a few pictures of their waifu. Why is that?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:00 No.59143869
    There's always the mace
    >> Surtic !!DSeGXltIPxk 12/30/11(Fri)14:00 No.59143871
    Grab any sort of trap one person can set up, a bow, and smaller blades for when I have to fight close quarters and a tall shield to stick in the ground for projectile cover.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:01 No.59143879
    1. Your waifu isn't fighting with you
    2. It's a free for all brawl, with everybody appearing in the arena at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:01 No.59143890
         File1325271694.png-(145 KB, 300x239, 1323748046281.png)
    145 KB
    If you are who I think you are, every time you post my Yuno folder gets bigger.

    And that Santa Yuno picture was posted. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:01 No.59143901
    Well I'm fucked. I have almost 3000 pictures of my waifu, and I have never even touched any of those weapons before.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:02 No.59143905
         File1325271721.jpg-(306 KB, 500x645, 蛋白質 - Scanty.jpg)
    306 KB

    Scantyfag here

    In my case its because I have suffered many computer reformats and gave up on resaving them all.

    /my second picture
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:02 No.59143913
    I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. With my Katana, I would deftly slaughter all who stood in my way. My love of Anime and Manga has also taught me a great deal about fighting, and I have prepared for a situation such as this one for a long time. My dream would be realized, and I would marry my waifu, attend Japanese highschool and become an animator for Studio Ghibi.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:02 No.59143926
         File1325271755.jpg-(336 KB, 800x600, gateofbabylonrpg.jpg)
    336 KB
    My waifu bring his own guns

    You're fucked btw
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:02 No.59143933
    I may be able to do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:03 No.59143941
    >be a moderate normalfag
    >11 years of martial arts experience
    >actually be aware of how hard fighting 4 people would be

    i'd say i have roughly a 30% chance. If i'm fighting other /a/ssholes, probably a 70-85% chance.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:03 No.59143946
         File1325271793.jpg-(211 KB, 600x900, 1314053581370.jpg)
    211 KB
    >not fighting with your bare hands like a manly man.
    >implying using a weapon without training won't get you killed.

    worst case scenario you'll end in Valhöll
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:03 No.59143968
         File1325271821.jpg-(58 KB, 812x887, 128080092254.jpg)
    58 KB
    I laughed.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:04 No.59143984
    Your waifu isn't fighting with you. If anything, the waifus are all in the stands and watching the festivities.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:04 No.59143985
         File1325271860.jpg-(53 KB, 800x1525, 24007999.jpg)
    53 KB
    Can I extract her void to slice all my enemies?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:04 No.59143986
    >Have just the picture that is my background.. and screen saver...
    >Pick glorious shortsword, crossbow, shield, and mace
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:04 No.59143987
    I'd grab a broadsword.

    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:04 No.59144003
    No you don't have an 80% chance of fighting off 4 adult men, get over yourself. Being a shut-in loser doesn't automatically make people on /a/ 100 pound skeletons or morbidly obese.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:05 No.59144009
    Ritsufag here
    I accidentally deleted my entire picture folder yesterday
    >> Anonymous of Jacksonville, Horo is my !WOLFUPie.. 12/30/11(Fri)14:05 No.59144034
    Ah fuck, I have a thousand + images of mai waifu.

    What do?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:06 No.59144040

    With 11 years of experience, and they being unexperienced you actually can do it.

    It has happened before.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:06 No.59144049
    >90% of the people on /a/ aren't fat neckbeards.
    >> sage 12/30/11(Fri)14:06 No.59144065
         File1325272012.jpg-(333 KB, 1060x1510, 01 (2).jpg)
    333 KB
    Dualsword masterrace
    Over 2GB of pictures. Makes 7000+ pictures.
    Not even including the pics on my other PC.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:07 No.59144081
         File1325272035.jpg-(114 KB, 600x420, 1272819361347.jpg)
    114 KB
    I'm sorry anon. Have a pic.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:07 No.59144087
    You hide under the corpses of the ones that are killed by other men, and wait until there's only one man left standing and kill him.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:07 No.59144114
         File1325272071.png-(205 KB, 510x546, 1316894967629.png)
    205 KB
    there only one thing to do
    Hold the fucking line only
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:08 No.59144123
    Civilian+military krav maga fag here, 202 pictures.

    This will be tough. Best course of action would probably be hanging around at the sides and letting my opponents fight each other.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:09 No.59144172
         File1325272156.png-(52 KB, 166x155, 1324684115604.png)
    52 KB
    I doubt a lot of us are near 11 years worth of martial arts training, but still, I think most anons have been in a few fights in their lives.
    I know I have
    >> Tactless 12/30/11(Fri)14:09 No.59144181
    1 picture, and that's just her in casual wear.

    I'll probably swipe a polearm. One-on-one? I definitely got this.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:09 No.59144182
    Crap. With Diomedes here there won't be any weapons to pick from at all!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:12 No.59144281
         File1325272361.jpg-(18 KB, 125x125, 1288272542095.jpg)
    18 KB
    I have only 38 images of her, since there's no good fanart except for this one picture, 2 reaction images, and 35 CGs from the game.

    >Camp at the northern weapon rack
    >Break every single weapon except for one longbow, all the arrows, a bunch of shields and a halberd
    >Everyone runs to the south the get weapons
    >Rain them down with arrows
    >Half should die before they reach the rack
    >They grab bows too
    >Hide under my fortress of shields
    >No shields at the south because lolasia
    >Their arrows doesn't do shit
    >They give up and charge with whatever
    >Shoot more arrows
    >In case someone comes near me, halberd to the neck

    I win.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:13 No.59144296
    >have too many pics of my waifu to count
    >thousands of opponents
    I hide and let them fight each other. Then I stab the last one standing with a spear.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:14 No.59144323
    >implying you have enough force to repetitively use a longbow
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:14 No.59144335
    >No shields at the south because lolasia
    >The southern rack holds medieval asian weaponry (which include but are not limited to kusarigama, scimitars, bows, katanas, shuriken, shields, etc.)

    Not everything is like your chinese cartoons, anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:15 No.59144352
    Maybe one or two pics, I have a pretty good shot at this.
    >> sage 12/30/11(Fri)14:15 No.59144366
         File1325272530.jpg-(87 KB, 400x400, 1274268750229.jpg)
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    Let the Heavens tremble before the name of Dovahkiin! A mere 7000+ won’t be enough satisfy the bloodlust!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:15 No.59144368
    >too many pics of waifu to count

    Wait, you don't have them all in their own folder that you can check using properties?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:15 No.59144386

    Not him, but

    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:16 No.59144396
         File1325272567.jpg-(187 KB, 1376x1080, 1324534938540.jpg)
    187 KB

    >mfw i'll be a mere afterthought in my waifu's mind as i get stabbed and slashed into pieces, putting my sword inside one or two unlucky anons prior to my quick defeat

    Now I suffer her fate.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:16 No.59144406
         File1325272592.png-(627 KB, 700x900, 734a52d4e8674e9dc06cfa3bc60f24(...).png)
    627 KB
    22 pictures.
    I'll just take a knife or something.

    Armor and large weapons are cumbersome.

    Depends on how lucky I get. If I get targeted first too.

    Everyone is probably going to swarm the shields, so I'll wait until they take a swing, and close in during their recovery frames.
    >> TheReviver 12/30/11(Fri)14:16 No.59144413
    Broadsword, stock of javelins and tower shield.

    Romans knew their business, and as a proud descendant of their race, I will do it their way.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:16 No.59144421
    That’s it. I’m sick of all this “Masterwork Bastard Sword” bullshit that’s going on in the waifu combat arena system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

    I should know what I’m talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that’s about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.

    Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

    Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I’m pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

    Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That’s right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.

    So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the waifu combat arena.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:17 No.59144427
         File1325272622.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 105 KB, 740x740, 908979878978798.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 105 KB
    Somehow I doubt I'll live but I'll be going for a short sword and shield.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:17 No.59144443
    I have about 300 in her own folder, the rest are in an unsorted folder with everything else I've saved. I'm horrible at organization.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:17 No.59144455
         File1325272676.gif-(1.25 MB, 420x236, A-Channel - Nagi glasses.gif)
    1.25 MB
    >three images of her
    Aspis, dory and xiphos. Let's do this.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:20 No.59144541
         File1325272806.jpg-(105 KB, 511x459, 23521239.jpg)
    105 KB
    Didn't we have this thread a few days ago?

    Either way, I fall a bit short of 1200. I guess I'll just hide somewhere and wait for everyone to kill each other. Maybe pick the remaining few off with a bow.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:20 No.59144555
    >No provisions for husbandos

    Fuck this gay tournament.
    >> Phantom Renegade !nanDPYHkcs 12/30/11(Fri)14:20 No.59144572
         File1325272858.jpg-(89 KB, 438x640, Sae237.jpg)
    89 KB
    >719 pictures

    I beat Demon's Souls, I got this
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:21 No.59144580
    Basket hilt swords also known as broadswords started being used in the 16th century.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:21 No.59144582
    Grab a glaive, shits done. Best hand-to-hand combat polearm.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:21 No.59144588
         File1325272888.png-(203 KB, 231x261, shocked.png)
    203 KB

    Welp. Could be worse. I'll take the Monk's Spade.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:21 No.59144591
    >It is broadcast live over a series of webcasts
    fund it
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:23 No.59144647
         File1325272985.jpg-(48 KB, 750x422, gateofbabylonzero8.jpg)
    48 KB

    Do you think I am allowed to at least touch the King's royal treasury?

    hint, hint
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:23 No.59144654
    sorry, should have been directed to
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:24 No.59144681
    Wait. If the number of pictures are "collective", does that mean all the pictures everyone else has of my waifu as well, or all the pictures everyone else has of their respective waifus? If it's the latter, you have to fight infinite opponents.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:24 No.59144704
         File1325273083.jpg-(140 KB, 512x512, 1324568443361.jpg)
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    Kyoubro's gonna have a hard time
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:24 No.59144709
         File1325273092.jpg-(76 KB, 532x498, 1324019027595.jpg)
    76 KB
    >Monk's Spade

    Is that even an actual weapon for real combat? Pick a real spear.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:25 No.59144714
    No. You're not in the world of 2D yet when you fight in the arena. You don't get to interact with the world of 2D until AFTER you win.
    >> ♥Sayaka♫ !6SHE18sD5Y 12/30/11(Fri)14:25 No.59144718
         File1325273103.jpg-(460 KB, 1513x1700, 542341093813.jpg)
    460 KB
    Nearly three thousand.

    None shall stand in my way! Be it blade or spear or arrow, I will give my all, then give even more! Split their shields and crack their metal! Drive forth the charge, and claim victory on this day! Or if I die, I die hard. I will die trying! Nothing can stop me from giving my all! A missing arm is merely a missing arm, and I will swing with one hand!

    And if I die and fail to succeed, then I will die knowing I tried. I will die knowing I took my chance at everlasting happiness.
    This gonna be one hell of a party!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:25 No.59144722
    where are my fucking spears?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:25 No.59144745

    So no homosex until I win uh
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:26 No.59144772
    I'll have to start with a sword and shield. I'm not fully trained, but have enough upper body strength to kill someone with one full power swipe to torso. And I've got to hope my opponent will be too dumb to get out of the way and try to defend instead.

    If those should fail me, I'm going for a polearm. No training in that either, but I should at least be able to keep a distance advantage.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:26 No.59144783
    >you collectively own

    essentially, every picture you own, whether it's on a hard drive, wall scroll, external, or any number of other places, just so long as it's a picture that you own.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:28 No.59144872
         File1325273338.gif-(533 KB, 320x180, 1311204227009.gif)
    533 KB
    >2, 864 files

    Bring it
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:29 No.59144905
    Wouldn't the episodes themselves also count as pictures? At 20 frames per second over a 13 episode show, any reasonably popular character would generate thousands of screencaps.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:29 No.59144906
         File1325273396.jpg-(58 KB, 534x750, 1323454985091.jpg)
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    I'll kill you easily.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:30 No.59144919
         File1325273410.jpg-(172 KB, 500x375, hinagiku.jpg)
    172 KB
    Grab a shield and a dagger, ram into enemies then stab them in the neck when they are trying to recover from tumbling over. Seems like a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:30 No.59144930
    Oh, and I'll take the broadsword
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:30 No.59144938
    85 pictures of my waifu. Shit, thats a damn lot.. Since it'll be a FFA battle, I'll totally go for a broadsword and a kite shield, plus a crossbow with twenty or so bolts.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:31 No.59144978
    >which include but are not limited to
    >Not limited to

    Can you reading comprehension?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:33 No.59145026
    A small axe in each hand. You niggers are fucked now, I'm in top condition, hell I scared normal fags with my bulkiness.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:33 No.59145039
    >a damn lot
    >> TheReviver 12/30/11(Fri)14:34 No.59145080
    My scarce knowledge of the english language has failed me again...

    In my language, obviously Italian, we call them "Gladio" or "Spada larga", the latter can literally be translated with broad sword, for it is very large for its lenght.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:35 No.59145102
         File1325273703.png-(121 KB, 300x300, 1325103854858.png)
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    You go ahead and face 85 people head on and tell us it's not a lot
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:35 No.59145122
         File1325273735.jpg-(82 KB, 1280x720, 1316875444114.jpg)
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    >mfw I don't have any pictures at the moment

    Godspeed, gentlemen. I'll be watching from the sidelines ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:35 No.59145124
         File1325273738.jpg-(140 KB, 600x802, 1324169095000.jpg)
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    The situation is not that desperate since with a little bit of luck I can evade Kyoubro and Yuuki Aoi. Also, I'd dig a hole and hide until all the other contestants killed each other. (The last one will fall before my glorious lance.)
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:36 No.59145144
         File1325273768.png-(371 KB, 552x534, uhuhu.png)
    371 KB
    Do anime episodes count as one long moving image or do I count every unique frame of animation?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:37 No.59145184
    Not when some people here have over a thousand pictures of their waifu
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:37 No.59145216
    A little under 100. Over half of that is screencaps of every animation frame, a sizeable chunk is every mango page she's been in, and 6 images of fanart.

    I guess I'd just run around for a while until the masses cut each other apart, given I doubt most of /a/ has good cardio.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:37 No.59145222
         File1325273875.jpg-(44 KB, 520x571, 1323668596285.jpg)
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    >The last one will fall before my glorious lance

    >implying I wouldn't impale your cowardly ass while you dig your gay hole.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:38 No.59145229
    Relatively, sure, 85 isn't a lot.
    But it's still a lot of people to fight
    >> ♥Sayaka♫ !6SHE18sD5Y 12/30/11(Fri)14:38 No.59145232
         File1325273893.png-(1.2 MB, 1440x1000, Sayaka Looking At Kyouko Insid(...).png)
    1.2 MB
    You can try. Let's just hope you remember that there are no rules in the arena, and that I play to win.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:38 No.59145244
    Anime episodes don't count for the purposes of this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:38 No.59145255
         File1325273926.gif-(249 KB, 504x466, 1325078106153.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:39 No.59145265
    Get Halberd and I only have to fight seven people (strict quality control, recent loss of folder, and a huge lack of fan art are why)

    lucky day.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:39 No.59145291
    >pretend to not be part of tournament, sit on sidelines
    >they kill eachother off
    >go up to congratulate remaining guy
    >stab him in the face with two daggers

    Fuck fighting fair, that'll get you killed
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:40 No.59145307
         File1325274001.jpg-(8 KB, 150x200, 1285604815231.jpg)
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    If I download many pictures of a single character right now and call that character my waifu, can I still partake in this prestigious tournament?

    I care not for the love of others, I just wish to take part in such an event to perfect the art of combat.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:40 No.59145324
         File1325274023.png-(185 KB, 332x503, 1323174396967.png)
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    In that case, die shitting.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:41 No.59145377
         File1325274092.jpg-(34 KB, 160x160, 1325192121234.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:43 No.59145472
         File1325274236.png-(119 KB, 383x377, 1322870789487.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:46 No.59145561
    If I don't fight fair, I just know that my Kingu will frown upon me.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:47 No.59145593
    If doing that was allowed, then you could also go back and prune your waifu folder to 1 picture so that you only have to fight 1 person.

    No changing/getting a waifu after you've read the spoiler text, anon. Besides, such a person wouldn't be a true waifu.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:48 No.59145628
         File1325274521.jpg-(60 KB, 640x640, 893976.jpg)
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    Arrrgh! What would Odysseus do?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:50 No.59145700
    Oddly enough, I have many bladed weaponry pictures. I love bladed weapons, the overall design and how you use them. One could say I love them so much they are my waifu.

    So my prize would be to live in the 2d world, with my weapon? Traveling the world, perfecting my art?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:51 No.59145733
    >the number of people you have to fight off is equal to the number of pictures of your waifu you collectively own (regardless of location)
    >regardless of location
    Go to danbooru/gelboory, type "<waifu's_name> rating:safe".
    231 for me. Welp, time to pick up my arbalet, throwing knives and a greatsword.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:51 No.59145750
    ninja~ *cough* *wheeze*
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:51 No.59145751
         File1325274719.jpg-(32 KB, 457x380, adjustment390.jpg)
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    whoops forgot pic
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:53 No.59145784
    >Arbalest AND a greatsword

    Oh shit nigger, you just went full retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:53 No.59145785
         File1325274792.png-(53 KB, 234x240, 1323408330301.png)
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    I pray for your swift defeat and shameful death.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:53 No.59145804
    I don't think it's fair that the people with less pictures of their waifu get an easier time winning. If anything it should be harder for them.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:55 No.59145873
         File1325274954.jpg-(163 KB, 548x717, 1318537088086.jpg)
    163 KB
    Somebody finally noticed this?

    I propose this new rule: You fight anybody who's participating.

    If person a has 380 pictures of his waifu, and person b has 93302 pictures, where the fuck are the remaining 93680 anons going to come from?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:57 No.59145912

    No, 85 is still a lot. And over a thousand is are-you-fucking-kidding-me hopeless.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:57 No.59145917
         File1325275044.png-(1.21 MB, 1000x1033, f1490e45ee8a13de51ffabe08eee0b(...).png)
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    You got any complains, knave?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:58 No.59145968
         File1325275114.png-(5 KB, 184x171, WHY.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:58 No.59145973
    Wait a second are we fighting others for the same waifu or just a random set of people who happen to have the same number of pics as you?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:59 No.59146004
    >Be an ex-Olympics cadidate for Archery

    Everybody's getting raped!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:00 No.59146043
         File1325275218.jpg-(72 KB, 900x669, 4-14_FZGUX-berserk-v14c03p052-(...).jpg)
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    >~99 pictures

    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:00 No.59146053
    The people are pulled from all across the multiverse; they do not necessarily have the same waifu as you, but all of them have a waifu they are fighting for.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:01 No.59146085
    This shit is starting to grow more plot holes than the various Grail Wars.

    ...Gentlemen, it's time to make this into a chinese cartoon and codify some rules.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:01 No.59146103
         File1325275317.jpg-(15 KB, 467x396, 1323143740550.jpg)
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    Nah. Remember you're fighting alone. If there was a team of you candidate faggots you might be raping everyone, but when you fight alone versus a horde of sweaty raging anons with sharp weapons your chances of doing mass raping are multiplicatively shattered.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:02 No.59146108

    Terrifying if true. Bunch of fat wheezing anons noisly clanging their swords and shields together while Legolas stands to the side and picks off an opponent per second with an arrow to the ear canal.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:02 No.59146111
    >ex-Olympic candidate
    Yeah unless you've been keeping up with your training and pt, don't even talk. Muscle goes away and fighting is a diminishing skill.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:03 No.59146150
         File1325275393.jpg-(78 KB, 480x600, 238239-2209127_m.jpg)
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    >42 pictures

    Grab a Broadsword/Kite Shield combo, along with a crossbow and a pyromancer's glove. And then i-

    >This isn't Dark Souls

    Okay... no fireballs... it's cool, I got this still... maybe.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:04 No.59146198
    But it's an unwritten rule that in this case you will be killed by someone completely unrelated. Focussing your attention onto a harmless citicen will only cause you harm.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:04 No.59146210
         File1325275484.png-(118 KB, 500x985, Itsue Drawfag Edition.png)
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    Number of pictures: 4
    Number of competitors: 4
    I choose Asian Weaponry, and then use them to kill my opponents melee style.

    Pic related: it's mai waifu.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:05 No.59146231
         File1325275527.jpg-(103 KB, 1280x720, madoka-12-2120-homura-last.jpg)
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    being both skilled at archer and a nigger, i think i would try to run and pick off people from afar. That would be the best plan because am only 15
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:05 No.59146239
    Don't you mean an arrow to the knee?
    >> Phantom Renegade !nanDPYHkcs 12/30/11(Fri)15:06 No.59146282
    >lightning zwei
    >circle around everyone fishing for backstabs while they try to do the same to you

    Let me show you the dance of my people
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:08 No.59146340
    >grab a pavise, a crossbow and a halberd
    >setup pavise in some corner
    >camp in the corner, shooting people from the cover of the pavise
    >hack anyone down with the halberd if they come close

    Alternatively, if everyone else is way stronger than me, I'll just grab a zweihander and go out with style
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:09 No.59146382
    >12 pics
    >previously was archery instructor

    i win
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:11 No.59146453
    I think the logic is:
    more pictures = more love
    more love = fight harder for it
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:13 No.59146522
    245 pics

    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:14 No.59146561
         File1325276082.jpg-(525 KB, 1280x1024, 73021_homura-magica-akemi-shou(...).jpg)
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    Can you team up with some one?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:15 No.59146586
    GIVE ME A SNIPER RIFLE, DAMNIT. None of you, fuckers, will stay alive.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:17 No.59146648
    Yes. Fighting to the death with them later would be even sweeter.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:17 No.59146657
    This is exactly why OP said only MEDIEVAL weaponry.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:17 No.59146668
         File1325276266.png-(8 KB, 493x402, 1325082007138.png)
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    >give me a rifle in a medieval FFA
    >no one will live
    no shit sherlock
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:18 No.59146683
    Can I use my charisma to put some of them under my command OP?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:18 No.59146693
    >None of you, fuckers, will stay alive.
    I don't expect to stay alive. I only expect to survive this battle, living a happy life with my waifu and die several years in peace and with a smile on my face.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:19 No.59146721
    I doubt any amount of charisma will make /a/non give up his waifu
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:19 No.59146731
         File1325276383.jpg-(34 KB, 192x279, 1316034074956.jpg)
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    >mfw Ayase folder
    >mfw 109 elements
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:21 No.59146776
    People die when they are killed, you know.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:21 No.59146793
    >Implying your negative Charisma modificator wouldn't make them stab on you harder.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:22 No.59146807
         File1325276527.jpg-(127 KB, 598x471, 1319831225060.jpg)
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    I got some rules.

    1) Every anon with a waifu participates for a chance to live in blissful 2d with waifu etc

    2) Every picture you have of your waifu grants you "waifu essence" and enhances your combat prowess. The more common or low quality a picture is, the less waifu essence it grants. Drawing your own waifu not only shows your devotion to her, but it also creates a unique picture that grants a high amount of waifu essence, however it has to be done well to gain maximum essense. A poorly drawn stick figure of your waifu will grant about as much essence as a common picture casually thrown around as a reaction image.

    3) On waifu essence: high amounts of waifu essence greatly affects anon's power and he gains attributes closely reflecting his waifu. If his waifu is the patient loving type, he gains incredible super human endurance. If his waifu is a feisty tsundere with sword skills, he becomes more gifted with swords and fights better when enraged. Low essence from few pictures leaves anon about as weak as an average human who has to rely on his own physical strength to win.

    4) Weapons are mostly medieval and guns/high tech weaponry are not permitted.

    5) Anons may form temporary alliances if they can.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:22 No.59146822
    Wait, if we have 1 pic of our waifu's. Does that mean we just have to kill one person to win?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:22 No.59146824
    >sniper rifle
    Ha! Sure, you can have them anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:23 No.59146852
    6) Their waifus/husbandos are absolutely not permitted to interfere with the battle.

    7) Instead of a FFA that ends in a single day, anons are scattered across a large arena-world and encounter one another. Anons have no way to tell what another's waifu is, other than by asking and receiving an honest answer.

    8) Instead of only one winner per tournament, it can be one winner per unique anime. For example if there are kyouko and sayaka waifufags, only one may win before the tournament ends.

    9) If an anon dies before the tournament ends, even if he is the last remaining anon for his waifu's anime, he loses.

    10) Finally, for the tournament to end, there must be the most minimal amount of anons remaining, one per unique anime. Battles can go for as long as they can, but after 1 week, everyone's locations are revealed on the map.

    How's that?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:24 No.59146869
    Now we're cooking
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:24 No.59146883
    I drew a picture of myself wearing the clothes of my waifu. What do I earn for that?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:24 No.59146893
    How much essence would an image commissioned from a famous h-artist conjure up?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:24 No.59146895
         File1325276677.jpg-(59 KB, 720x720, 1322058613690.jpg)
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    >attributes closely reflecting waifu
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:24 No.59146904

    are you trying (and failing) to be funny? or can't read.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:25 No.59146920
    I remember that thread. I still have mine.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:25 No.59146925
    I have one picture of mai waifu, so I still qualify and this will be easy.
    Deal with it.
    Mai waifu is in mai heart, I can always see her anytime when I close my eyes. I don't need pictures.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:25 No.59146932
    How does # of combatants = # of pictures factor in?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:26 No.59146959
    number of combatants is number of anons
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:26 No.59146982
    A high amount. Of course if another anon possesses it and considers it a picture of his waifu, its effect diminishes.

    It doesn't, that part was retarded on OP's part. It makes no sense on a mathematical scale.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:28 No.59147030
    What if I want to become my waifu?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:28 No.59147034
    Well, I don't watch GC but she has positive things going for her right? Maybe your waifu essence will grant you crippled limb resistance, making it hard to break your bones.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:28 No.59147058
    Zweihänder, bow, chainmail.

    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:28 No.59147060
    >Sayakafags can get regeneration
    This is bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:29 No.59147090
    >mfw I witness a glorious battle between ♥Sayaka♫ and Kyoubro. Only to stab the winner from behind. Obviously I hope that Kyoubro wins because of the imba self healing of Sayaka.

    By the way, if someone has Kyubey as his waifu and a large amount of pics, does this grant him many lifes?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:30 No.59147099
         File1325277008.jpg-(39 KB, 460x541, 1322510431924.jpg)
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    Prepare your anus.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:30 No.59147114
    They not only get regeneration, they get extreme sword skill, increased pain resistance and berserking ability.

    But this is no time to become jealous of somebody elses waifu. You should love your own waifu and the power she will grant you to help you win the battle for her!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:30 No.59147126
    Scared, apprehensive, and timid, this small meager man, fleshy and weak entered the arena. Inside he smelled the musty air of sweat, blood, and semen. Stepping forth into the bright light of the Colosseum he viewed the massive girth of his opponents silhouette.

    "Why have you come forth", bellowed out the behemoth figure.

    "To... fight for my Waifu.", squeaked the meekly anon.

    "Your voice quavers have you no faith in your love?"

    The anon, thought of this question, he questioned himself, he questioned why he was brought here. He may have thought the entire world over if this was a shounen, but sadly it was not to be as blade came crashing down. He narrowly avoided severe injury, blood came flowing out from a gash in his chest, the pain was piercing and burning, and he not hold back his vomit.

    "Disgusting! If you must think so hard and reason out your love it must not be true. Love does not falter or wait, love for you waifu is absolute to an anon. You are merely a normalfag.", harked the man.

    The pain continued forth, the anon's mind was a blur. Will I die? At that moment clarity flashed forth in face of the chaos of emotions. It was his waifu. Unknown strength came forth through his body, and adrenaline filled his legs as he ran forth with a renewed will.

    He tackled down the figure and using his weight pinned in and grasped at his neck with his sausage like fingers. Flailing his knees into his stomach, and fighting recklessly without recourse.

    Eventually the efforts of the anon was too much for the warrior and thus he fell out of consciousness. When the warrior came back to the proceedings of his loss and the victory of the anon he saw the meek man's silhouette basking in the light of glory.

    A thousand battles later, many a scars, and hard flesh where fat once was. Men would come forth only to his silhouette before being struck down.

    "I fight for my waifu. What say you challenger."
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:31 No.59147139
    I hope Kyoubro wins because I'm his stalker
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:31 No.59147141
    I have 3 pictures soooooo I think I can win
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:31 No.59147156
    What about weapons? Where can each anon procure his weaponry, since we're on a scattered "arena-world"?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:32 No.59147181
         File1325277149.gif-(2.04 MB, 256x144, 1320961550252.gif)
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    Unleash the wheelchair judo.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:32 No.59147189
    You spawn with your choice of weaponry. That way there won't be anon's wanting for weapons that no longer exist and it's generally a better idea.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:33 No.59147206
    I made a pvc figure of my waifu. Am I god among men in the arena?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:33 No.59147221
    >2820 picturesp

    My superpower is charisma and sparkling faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:33 No.59147226
    I don't know, take a picture of it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:34 No.59147233
         File1325277250.png-(148 KB, 307x371, a highly specific amount of af(...).png)
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    King of the arena
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:36 No.59147307
         File1325277380.jpg-(479 KB, 653x1000, 1314670708243.jpg)
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    ...So, would Archer and Shirou fags get UBW?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:37 No.59147339
         File1325277460.jpg-(671 KB, 1280x800, Akemi-Homura-Wallpaper__yvt2.jpg)
    671 KB
    Homura is my waifu! so yeah automatic win right there.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:38 No.59147365
    Time to fight my combatants with asthma while wielding elemental magic on some off days
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:38 No.59147392
    They'd be able to create shit weaponry at basic waifu essence, much less wield it. They'd need an incredible amount of essence to actually duplicate UBW.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:39 No.59147414
    How many pics do you have?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:40 No.59147449
    To rulefag: While getting attributes of your waifu is neat, I think as some anons are showing even now that it is a bit too unbalancing.

    How about severely diluted powers that gain strength for every picture?

    Something that might be broken as hell would be "if you kill somebody who had the same waifu as you, you get any unique (I.E., you don't already own said picture) images they had of their waifu and consequently add that much essence to your own
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:40 No.59147453
         File1325277655.jpg-(100 KB, 600x600, 90be6c9f2ce1df968d23200cd47ba3(...).jpg)
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    >Eruka Frog
    >14 pictures
    well, this will end quickly I reckon shield and lance could get me far depending on the anon
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:42 No.59147489
         File1325277725.jpg-(160 KB, 500x481, 1323178635367.jpg)
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    You'd be up against ♥Sayaka♫ and Kyoubro who have retardedly high amounts of waifu essence and practically exceed their own waifus in terms of combat ability. Good luck, homufag.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:42 No.59147505
         File1325277777.png-(228 KB, 622x720, 1324559508570.png)
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    It would be like osmos
    With waifus
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:43 No.59147517
    No. If they love their waifu that much then they deserve to win and go to live with their waifu. You wouldn't fight them again. Wait for the next tournament, if it ever comes.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:43 No.59147534
    This guy's got a point
    The two of them are pretty OP right from the get go
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:44 No.59147560
    see >>59147517
    You'd only worry about balance if they keep reappearing in the game. They'll disappear once they win though.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:44 No.59147568
         File1325277881.png-(568 KB, 812x456, Princess_Zelda_Skyward_Sword.png)
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    I have about 200 pictures of Zelda.
    I'd bring a shield and a medium sized sword from the northern racks, so I could block their attacks and swiftly stab them as I pull back, if it's blocked I'd just go with the same attack pattern.
    Also martial artist if I lose my weapons.
    I can do this!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:45 No.59147582
    I'm probably safe, considering my waifu is barely known. So the people I'll have to kill won't be as many or if any at that.

    Shirabe from Negima is my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:47 No.59147653
         File1325278022.jpg-(1.67 MB, 1920x1200, 1277946924903.jpg)
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    >over 3k of pictures
    >spent 2011 playing Souls games
    European weapons please
    I'll take the Moon Sword +5 and the Knight Shield +3
    Along with the fluted armor and my trusty Composite Short Bow + 4

    May the gods protect my soul, Umbasa
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:47 No.59147664
    what? You have to kill all anons who have a waifu of Negima, not just those with the same waifu as you.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:49 No.59147747
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    >mfw someone has to fight against a Shikifag
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:50 No.59147782
    skill does not matter when you can stop time.
    i also have 289 pictures on my computer. about 28 are drawn by me
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:51 No.59147801
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    Why isn't this real? Even a cheap text based online game would suffice.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:52 No.59147871
    >Skill doesn't matter when you can stop time.
    Tell that to the guys that kill you because you suck and die the moment your tiny amount of time-stop runs out.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:55 No.59147997
    >stopping time
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:56 No.59148019
    How many cuts can you do in 3 nanoseconds, anon?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:57 No.59148073
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:58 No.59148095
    >see Kyoubro or Sayaka floating in the air
    >they come dashing towards you at incredible speed
    >panic and timestop for 2 seconds
    >pull out your kni-
    >timestop over

    Yeah that's exactly what's going to happen.

    Now if you were on their tier of waifu essence, you'd probably be able to float as well, use your time stop for much longer and be generally as OP as they are.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:00 No.59148152
    who says its 3 nanoseconds? I would guess at least 15 seconds, and even that would be more then enough to turn the tables in a battle.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:02 No.59148242
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    >15 seconds

    With ~300 pictures? Nigga that's like 5-6 seconds at best. Unless the ones you drew are of extremely high quality. Post them.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:02 No.59148243
    how about an escalating system?
    if you waifu ability is broken as hell, you start with just the basics or nerfed abilities, each time you kill another yourwaifufag you "level up" and not only claim all waifu essence he had, but your abilities get closer to your waifu's true power, and you also get that anon special abilities

    lets say an anon is acually sociable and do self defense classes/karate/kick box , you manage to kill him, you get his self defense/karate/kick box knowledge
    If that anon also knew how to cook, you also learn how to, and next time you level up, your gain abilities also level up you can finish the tournament being the best chef on earth and cooking your waifu the best romantic dinner ever cooked
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:04 No.59148322
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    >he honestly thinks 289 images will grant him 15 seconds of timestop
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:05 No.59148360
    That's a nice idea, but I think it should only be applicable to 2nd timer ascending winners who wish to participate again for fun. This way they can be knocked out of the game early before becoming retardedly OP again.

    But for first timers they arrive with all of their powers at their prime.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:07 No.59148451
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    >poorfaggers will never win
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:08 No.59148479
    Come on, she had the power to stop time as long as she wanted for a week. I only want 15 seconds. You also forget i made some pictures myself.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:08 No.59148480
    >getting all the powers at the start
    >having to scalate on NG+

    nope, thats not how it works
    you start like yourself, the basement dweller neck beard and work your way until they have a picture of you next to the word perfection on dictionaries
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:09 No.59148503
    Love your waifu more. You only need to save more pictures or learn how to draw her. The only poor you have is poor devotion.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:10 No.59148548
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    331 I would use the katana which is a weapon I have trained in the use of, MY LOVE FOR KANADE WOULD LEAD ME TO VICTORY
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:10 No.59148555
    >thinks you have to be a richfag to be devoted to your waifu/have lots of images of her

    Poorfags gonna poor and be useless sacks of shit, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:10 No.59148568
    The more pictures the more poor you are. The more poor you are, the less pictures you have. The less pictures you have, the less poor you are. The less poor you are, the more pictures you have.

    Congratulations, you have broken the laws of the universe, you are becoming an entity.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:10 No.59148574
    you get a half second at start, kill some one, you ad what he had (you had a second, he had 5 seconds, you have at the end 6 seconds), work your way till you can freeze time for a year
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:10 No.59148581
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    I only have one picture of my waifu.
    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:11 No.59148585

    Really it should be balanced, and have your fighting power based on how much you love your waifu rather than what her powers are.

    Mostly I say this because my waifu's only skill is her ability to cook.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:11 No.59148603
    >not including animu or manga, I have about 15 pictures
    I'll take the biggest shield there is, a rapier, and a dagger.

    I'll turtle up in a corner trying to last as long as possible while everyone else fights, stabbing anyone who gets near me from behind my shield. Once only a few remain, I'll stab everyone else.

    I win.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:11 No.59148613
         File1325279513.jpg-(21 KB, 373x397, Poorfag.jpg)
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    But poorfag has no powers, other than being poor
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:12 No.59148621
    The problem here is the balance of power is not based on how many anons you kill. It's based on how many pictures you have of your waifu.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)16:12 No.59148634
    Only around 30 pictures.
    Not that I could beat anyone.

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