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  • File : 1325093671.jpg-(8 KB, 422x87, 1325090824963.jpg)
    8 KB Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:34 No.59044751  

    /a/ - NOT ANIME
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:37 No.59044865
    The level of butthurt is off the charts here folks
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:37 No.59044879
    You guys are terrible
    I can't stop laughing.
    You are right though.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:37 No.59044892
    mods= fags nothing else new

    bump for good c ause
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:38 No.59044924
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:39 No.59045016
    All pedophiles will burn in hell forever.

    Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:39 No.59045018
    Well done mod.

    You tried to "fix" something that wasn't even a problem, and you ruined /a/ in the process.

    You dumb fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:39 No.59045024
    You're not helping, dipshit. Try posting about some fucking anime instead.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:39 No.59045026
    Like I said in the last thread, if this shit continues to when I wake up tomorrow I'll be picking up the slack as well.

    mods=fags. Stop trying to backpedal your way out of this by deleting all the threads. How about you get up and go watch some anime, by the time you've watch one or two series without deleting shit /a/ will be back to normal. Then you just have to continue not deleting shit that's been here all along with zero problems.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:39 No.59045038
    Just turn in your fucking keys now and do back to Reddit, modfag. You've fucked up, you don't understand the board culture, and you're clearly not welcome here.


    Because all threads about underage characters, even SFW ones, turn into NSFW threads. Kind of like how owning a gun makes you kill people, or how liking loli makes you rape living, breathing little girls.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:40 No.59045065
    Well done.
    Keep it up.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:40 No.59045081
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:41 No.59045105
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    just another mod being a fag.

    I remember when mods started banning loli and techloligy threads on /g/ (pic related). A week later everyone forgot about it and loli is still posted to this day.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:41 No.59045112

    So that can just get deleted too? Fuck no, I'm treating the cause, not the symptom.

    >>59045016 he believes his magic sky wizard will send people to hell

    fucking LOL
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 12/28/11(Wed)12:42 No.59045155
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    Fuck it, I give up. It's impossible to discuss anime or anything /a/ related when these threads are clogging up the front page. I'll go play SWTOR or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:42 No.59045159
    It has become painfully obvious. It's been three years since I've started lurking /a/ and the downward decline is clear as day. Not even "shit" could be used to describe it's current state. Like a lot of you, I just thought that it was that time of the year but that's not the case anymore. I realized that as each year goes by, it just gets shittier and shittier. Like today, all I've seen is Accel spam, faggots asking for sauce on entry level shit, r/a/dio, recommendation threads, even proud streamfags, oh, and did I mention this recent loli shitstorm? You people have reached the pinnacle of shit. Guys, is this really what you've become? Or is it just a phase because even nighttime /a/ is shit nowadays. Anything would be better than suffering through more days like this.

    Jeez, it's pissing me off just typing this. Idiots.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:42 No.59045178
    worth it.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:42 No.59045203
    Why is it that mods never respond when they get called out on the stuff they do?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:43 No.59045236
    >shitty taste
    seems about right.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:43 No.59045239
    Well I for one am happy now that my /a/ is free from rampant loli hentai.
    Oh wait, storm in a tea cup.

    Give it a rest guys, it's not like /a/ ever really had a loli hentai problem. It's probably a new mod, wet behind the ears, wanting to leave his mark; give him three months and he'll be a jaded fucker just like the rest of us. That's assuming he even bothers to keep coming here of course, you know what /a/ is like in terms of moderation.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:43 No.59045244
    Because they are fags.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:43 No.59045257

    Not like they have to. They ARE anonymous, after all.
    >> Sir Trollexander Ferguson !p9fj8LGQOI 12/28/11(Wed)12:44 No.59045268
    Go away forever. You're the worst type of attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:44 No.59045294
    I'm not an /a/ regular but once I got banned for posted video games on /v/.

    Also got banned on /v/ for a visual novel thread even though a few mods have said VNs are allowed on /v/. Mods can't make their minds up.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:44 No.59045295
    >it's impossible to discuss things if my threads aren't on the front page
    >> Reptile !5u6NZEAzYs 12/28/11(Wed)12:44 No.59045311
    >implying this will stick

    Just an other power tripping mod, /a/ has always had lolis and other shit in the midst, half of the anime discussion around here has a loli as an MC, and if not as an MC then as an important character.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:44 No.59045313
    >>59045155 discuss anime

    >>implying that your anime threads won't be deleted
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:45 No.59045319
    They think that they are better. After all, moot choose them.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:45 No.59045327
    The mod's biggest mistake was not banning sfw loli, but being a dick about it.

    If you'd just stuck to removing the nsfw stuff, /a/ wouldn't have given a shit.
    Hell you would have gained more respect by being polite about it. When the ban evader makes the ten or so "HAHA I CAN RESET MY IP ALL I WANT" threads, he'll look like an ass, instead of you, mod.

    Because there's always someone who'll stick it in your ass about being able to evade bans, it's what they fucking do.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:45 No.59045330
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    >All pedophiles will burn in hell forever.

    I'm an Atheist, but I agree. Standing in society >>>>> so-called 'fetish'.

    Captcha: 'stiptz over'. It's over for the inferior lolipedos & their '2D =/= 3D' excuse. Beyond that basement door, 2D = 3D, as far as the rest of the world is concerned.

    Canada. Australia. Philippines. UK. Hopefully Japan soon. Don't say it won't happen to you, USA.

    Loli is dead. Long live Healthy.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:45 No.59045350
    Are you sure?

    There are no lolis in hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:45 No.59045366
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    What can you say, mods always like fucking around, and most have terrible judgement even when they aren't.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:46 No.59045390
    wow..japan is fast
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:46 No.59045395
    >Standing in society >>>>> so-called 'fetish'
    I don't call /a/ a society, and I don't shout my fetishes from the roof tops.
    Your point is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:46 No.59045399
    I know /a/ is bad when I'm forced to agree with Komeji.

    I'm just gonna fuck off until this spam clears. Forced drama - just like my japanese animes!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:46 No.59045401
    >loli is still loli, sfw or not
    So we can't talk about ANY anime that will have a loli character in it, or any manga for that matter? Cool shit mod.
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 12/28/11(Wed)12:46 No.59045411
    They will because these threads will just push it back to page 15. Either you argue about this same shit repeatedly or there's nothing else to post in here.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:47 No.59045437
    That feel when /a/ got reverse-meta-trolled into posting loli for the mod.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:47 No.59045445
    Anyone who mentions that they are an atheist is from Reddit. You should know this. You should not have replied.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:47 No.59045460
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    >I'm an Atheist, but I agree people I don't like will burn in a place I don't believe in.
    A-Are you trolled yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:47 No.59045461
    Don't forget to thank the mod. Also good idea, wouldn't want to get banned for posting anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:48 No.59045495
    >anime gets banned from /a/
    >surprised when it's al metathreads and accelspam
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:48 No.59045499
    They won't get pushed back, because accelspammer is spamming them.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:49 No.59045527
         File1325094578.jpg-(113 KB, 667x850, sexy_suigintou.jpg)
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    >I don't shout my fetishes from the roof tops.

    >don't shout

    And MY argument is 'invalid'? Furfags (for all their own faults) don't fap to babies. Ergo them >>>>> lolipedos
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:49 No.59045529
    About damn time.
    Were you guys aware that other boards have a game where they go to /a/, count how many little girls there are on the front page and report back?
    Your average was almost twenty.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:50 No.59045562
    You know what the problem is? The fact that the mod ONLY seems to be going after loli. Yeah, it's against the rules to post NSFW loi, but /a/ is supposed to be a worksafe board anyway. In short, yeah, he's basically just banning what he doesn't like.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:50 No.59045582
    >saying furries are better than anyone
    Haha, have fun having no-one listen to you ever again.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:51 No.59045600
    And? Sounds like fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:51 No.59045604
    >Furfags (for all their own faults) don't fap to babies.
    That's Toddlercon you're thinking of.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:51 No.59045614
    Who gives a shit are you afraid that your fucking facebook friends are going to see Yotsuba on /a/ and think you are weird? Get the fuck back to your fucking anime club.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:52 No.59045645
    >>59045527 defending furries

    Well aren't YOU just a special little faggot?
    >> Uidrew !!umfv+O0LniY 12/28/11(Wed)12:52 No.59045652
    The more you post this showing your frustration, the more you make this board look worse than /b/.

    Deal with it. Or get out.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:52 No.59045685
    >>59045652 he gives a shit about /b/!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:53 No.59045706
    /sp/artan here.

    I'm actually enjoying this so called "War"
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:53 No.59045707
    >be tripfag
    >try and be condescending
    Oh god my sides
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:53 No.59045713
    It's now clear that you're a newfag. gtfo przu. There are multiple threads that I've been keeping up with even though they were rarely on the front page. Although, some of them got 404'd because lolmod.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:53 No.59045717
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    >burn in hell

    Reality >>>>> fiction. All it takes is one word to spread, and you'll be the neigborhood kiddy fiddler.

    'Hell is just a word. The reality is much, much worse.'

    -Dr Weir (Sam Neill), "Event Horizon"
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:53 No.59045727
         File1325094822.jpg-(45 KB, 296x308, 1289203091664.jpg)
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    You can post lolis in/b/...

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