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  • File : 1325088202.png-(9 KB, 645x533, GF.png)
    9 KB Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:03 No.59040481  
    Anti-Loliconists vs Lolicons

    Which side are you on?
    >> Waffleman !!ROQTDpFz9VR 12/28/11(Wed)11:04 No.59040510
    I'm a neutral party. Nigga, I'm the Swiss.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:04 No.59040511
    Report and Hide, as usual.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:04 No.59040532
    All lolicon scum will die
    >> !Anoon./Lks 12/28/11(Wed)11:04 No.59040550
    I don't even like loli, and I'm for it staying.
    Enforcing the rule when nobody was complaining about it in the first place is stupid, especially when you're completely overzealous about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:05 No.59040592
         File1325088336.png-(200 KB, 497x548, my religion.png)
    200 KB
    The word of our loli savior must spread through the heretics!
    Normalfags you are still on time to choose the correct path!
    >> Yoshikage Kira !dQ9fa8sxbw 12/28/11(Wed)11:06 No.59040625
    My nigga
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:06 No.59040630
         File1325088385.png-(289 KB, 490x408, 24672.png)
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    I support the lolicons solely because I believe everyone should have the choice even if they don't have any desire to indulge in it. People should have choices available.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:07 No.59040660
    Lolicon side and obviously there nothing wrong with it
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:07 No.59040666

    For me it's STUPIDLY funny to see loli banned in /a/, because that's what Moot and his buddies were kicked out of Something Awful for.

    So, yeah. /a/ is now Something Awful.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:07 No.59040667
    The United Waifu Kingdom.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:07 No.59040673
    Why do you hate freedom?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:08 No.59040715
    I'm with Accel.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:08 No.59040721
         File1325088516.jpg-(97 KB, 565x797, CPdvL.jpg)
    97 KB
    I don't fap to lolicon stuff but I like to see the obligatory loli here and there. All the better to hnnnggg to.
    >> DizzeeRascal !!vlV7de/JCMd 12/28/11(Wed)11:09 No.59040749
         File1325088557.jpg-(994 KB, 1111x1600, 1325083340008.jpg)
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    Lolicon brothers, unite!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:10 No.59040778
    Lolicons. And I don't even like loli.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:10 No.59040784
    loli. DFC is still allowed right?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:10 No.59040785
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:10 No.59040806
    I support lolicons and I'm not even one. Well... If you count my waifu as loli I may be considered one..

    In any case, I support lolicons.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:10 No.59040814
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:11 No.59040842
         File1325088675.jpg-(74 KB, 704x400, 44264272472.jpg)
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    All hail the Holy Loli Empire.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:11 No.59040846
    you know that the guy is into traps dont you
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:11 No.59040869
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:11 No.59040872
    I don't support criminal minds
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:12 No.59040878
    >Anti-Loliconists vs Lolicons

    I ask thee Accel and KoG, to whom shall thou swear allegiance too?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:12 No.59040880
    I'm not sided for any part. All of you are ruining /a/. Fuck moot, fuck mod, fuck accel, fuck loli spammer and fuck you all, you are the cancer of /a/, the only thing I want is speak of fucking anime and manga
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:12 No.59040883
    something wrong with traps?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:12 No.59040892
         File1325088746.jpg-(126 KB, 394x544, 1298549874855.jpg)
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    >lolis are banned and not shota.
    mod is full retard. You either ban both, or you ban none.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:12 No.59040897
    Some kind anon changed it.
    >> Yuuko The Lvl. 30 Witch Queen !BsmXRhhU3I 12/28/11(Wed)11:13 No.59040917
         File1325088785.jpg-(19 KB, 400x469, 1324531291973.jpg)
    19 KB

    And he's with us! So is Reddit, /tg/ and some of /co/!

    Don't you lolicon scum see that you won't win this at all?

    Our glorious mod even supports us, just go back to /b/ and stay there forever, while we rebuild /a/ into something wonderful!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:13 No.59040935
         File1325088814.png-(154 KB, 330x327, 1304639796634.png)
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    I'm in the "not fucks given" team.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:13 No.59040943
    I'm fine with lolis, I'm not fine with f/a/ggots discussing it in this board 24/7.
    Fuck board culture bullshit.
    It's against the rules in the first place and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:13 No.59040954
         File1325088828.png-(158 KB, 614x560, a.png)
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    I think that /a/ is clear on this.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:13 No.59040957
    Oh and I think there was a Boku no Pico thread that got deleted.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:14 No.59040972
    mod felt like bringing in his own sopa or wtf
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:14 No.59040985
    Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:14 No.59040988
         File1325088872.jpg-(35 KB, 432x288, 1315320466066.jpg)
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    Tell my wife.. hallo.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:14 No.59041008
    You mean DBZ and Nurutu spam?
    Hope you enjoy the desolate wasteland you are creating for yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:15 No.59041017
    >And he's with us!
    No he isn't.

    >So is Reddit, /tg/ and some of /co/!
    No one gives a fuck about them.

    >Don't you lolicon scum see that you won't win this at all?

    > while we rebuild /a/ into something wonderful!
    So you want to turn /a/ into /v/ version 2.0?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:15 No.59041020
    >go back to /b/
    we were never there in the first place. You go back to where you came from.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:15 No.59041025
         File1325088914.jpg-(49 KB, 225x286, Seki Ray Shiroe.jpg)
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    Yaoi kawaii shotas team
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:15 No.59041032
    >>59040943 hurr you haz to follow da rules

    Keep on goose-steppin' there, faggot.

    Seriously, we go from rallying against SOPA, to "let's ban all loli"? What a bunch of hypocrites you guys are.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:15 No.59041041
    >/a/ is now Something Awful
    That mod fucked off long ago, but idiots are still spamming.
    And I bet most of the threads were deleted by their OPs to troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:15 No.59041048
    This is a greater battle than SOPA. I'll just be with the neutrals and watch.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:15 No.59041052
    >Are mods lolis

    I had never considered this previously, but given the circumstances
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:16 No.59041059
         File1325088962.png-(1014 KB, 1366x768, nothing can be helped.png)
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    I don't support lolicons. I support LOLIS. Do you remember back in the day? Back when it was simple? *sheds tear*
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:16 No.59041062
    I don't give a fuck. I like em small chested or big chested.

    The thighs on the other hand, that's another tale...
    >> /a/non from /a/ustria !!NrZfbTXaBN3 12/28/11(Wed)11:16 No.59041072
    If you are anti-loli you are anti-freedom.

    Die red pig.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:16 No.59041079
    i support lolicons and im not even one
    only because normalfags are fucking subhumans and even worse the mod is a woman and women are fucking scum
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:16 No.59041091
    This, I like loli but I'm not a fucking babby about it. Also, I do love me some mad neckbeards.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:16 No.59041100
    > I'm not fine with f/a/ggots discussing it in this board 24/7.
    But, we don't.
    It's only taken more of the board because the mod banned it.

    I don't give a fuck whether you like lolis or not, but get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:16 No.59041101
    >>59041041 that mod fucked off

    He can't even clean up his own fucking mess? Amusing.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:17 No.59041104
         File1325089022.png-(118 KB, 250x285, 1311947700600.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:17 No.59041105
         File1325089023.jpg-(43 KB, 170x186, 1289757151512.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:17 No.59041115
    /b/ used to be Anime & Random.
    I don't want to have to use that word here.
    newfag being that word
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:17 No.59041126
    Waffleman-!!ROQTDpFz9VR-is-my-nemesis side.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:18 No.59041161
    I support loli, but they are acting as a child.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:18 No.59041169
         File1325089112.png-(147 KB, 600x600, 1314267081331.png)
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    /v/ here, your a fucking pedos
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:18 No.59041173
    I'm happy lolicon is banned. That means we can discuss GOOD anime now. Hopefully.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:19 No.59041193
    lolicon =/= loli

    >> Sgm. of Holy iloL Army 12/28/11(Wed)11:19 No.59041197
         File1325089149.jpg-(201 KB, 1280x720, 1316364420448.jpg)
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    Holy iloL Army, Always Victorious and Undefeated
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:19 No.59041198
    You know what absolutely kills me?

    We've got the loli-lovers and loli-haters battling away, and Spammer-kun is just doing his usual.

    Mod surely has his priorities straight.
    >> Yuuko The Lvl. 30 Witch Queen !BsmXRhhU3I 12/28/11(Wed)11:19 No.59041210
         File1325089168.jpg-(58 KB, 320x463, 1306648081059.jpg)
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    There should always been order, you never want TRUE freedom.

    If that was the case then I would have the true freedom to kill you.

    So supporting anti-loli is the fight for order that makes great change towards /a/!

    Supporting loli is the fight for true freedom, which is anarchy that results in nothing but chaos and destruction.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:19 No.59041214
    I'm a sageist.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:19 No.59041215
         File1325089178.png-(115 KB, 560x421, RagetotheExtreme.png)
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    To hell with the Lolis, to hell with your flat chests, and to hell with you, loli supporting mongrels

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:19 No.59041218
    Except I'm from /v/ too, and most of the /v/irgins are pedos. And gay for traps.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:19 No.59041219
         File1325089184.png-(26 KB, 324x636, derp.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:19 No.59041221
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:19 No.59041232
    When they came for the loli, I did not care, I do not lolifag When they came for shotami and bridges, I did not care, I do not like traps and shota. When they came for yuri, I did not protest, because I do not yurifag When they came for the moe I said nothing, I'm not moefag. And when they came for me, And there was no longer protest.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:19 No.59041236
         File1325089198.jpg-(285 KB, 1190x1063, 1322751873900.jpg)
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    So what's your favorite shota anime?
    Mine's DBZ
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:20 No.59041249
    I like you.
    I'd fuck your sister.
    but only if she's younger than 11
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:20 No.59041274
         File1325089250.jpg-(59 KB, 450x650, Dwg2-char-aznable.jpg)
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    Let's purge the Anti-Loliconists!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:20 No.59041280
    I could give two shits about loli, but I hate to see my beloved /a/ squabbling like this.

    Somebody get moot on the line.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:21 No.59041285
    Total Anti, muthafucka!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:21 No.59041288
         File1325089269.jpg-(59 KB, 800x553, 1303110427040.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:21 No.59041309
    whats your little sister's name
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:21 No.59041313
    I support the lolicons even though I'm not into that shit.

    As long as they keep it on the down-low in their own threa like they always have, I don't see what the big deal is.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:22 No.59041329
    >If that was the case then I would have the true freedom to kill you.
    You do.

    >So supporting anti-loli is the fight for order that makes great change towards /a/!
    No it isn't.

    >Supporting loli is the fight for true freedom, which is anarchy that results in nothing but chaos and destruction.
    And who gives a fuck if /a/ is like that?
    Chaos and destruction isn't going to destroy /a/ it's going to make it fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:22 No.59041333
    So I saw a screenshot of the mod's comments that's spun /a/ into an uproar.

    But has the mod actually acted on those words? Have people been getting banned? Or is all of this just /a/ desperate for a topic.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:22 No.59041338
    But you have the true freedom to kill him. You will just suffer the consequences for doing it, but that doesn't mean you don't have the freedom to do it.

    This post was heavily censored for the sake of /a/ and its lolis. If this was any other board it would've been filled with "fucking" ,"faggot" and "retarded piece of shit".
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:22 No.59041360
         File1325089364.jpg-(106 KB, 554x439, 1298840022572.jpg)
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    /a/ would be greater if waifufags and loliposters were gone forever. More purging of these manbaby loli posters is needed.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:22 No.59041362
         File1325089368.jpg-(272 KB, 1280x1445, 1283367506588.jpg)
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    I prefer developed young women
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:23 No.59041378
    i don't care much about lolicon, i don't see many threads anyway

    but normalfag mods gonna normal
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:23 No.59041387
         File1325089403.jpg-(32 KB, 194x194, AmuroRay.jpg)
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    I'd say 'Fuck the loli's', but knowing you, you'd take it literally. Only blonde douchebags love lolis.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:23 No.59041388
    Good for you, and you have good taste.
    However, if you can post what you like, why can't we?
    >> /a/non from /a/ustria !!NrZfbTXaBN3 12/28/11(Wed)11:23 No.59041395
         File1325089421.jpg-(43 KB, 405x420, 1320364825379.jpg)
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    your arguments make no sense.

    go to logic 101 before spouting pseudophilosophic bullshit
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:24 No.59041407
    /v/ here, we find this shit amusing
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:24 No.59041414
         File1325089445.jpg-(319 KB, 712x556, fuck the police.jpg)
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    Fifteen neckbeards on the lolis flat chest--

    ...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of love!
    Hug and the devil had done for the rest--
    ...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of love!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:24 No.59041416
    See >>59041041
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:24 No.59041421
         File1325089461.jpg-(59 KB, 376x403, OH!MY!GODDDDD!.jpg)
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    Because what you like is horrifying and should kept off the board.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:24 No.59041442
         File1325089488.gif-(16 KB, 309x372, chara_char_a.gif)
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    AMURO! You are just a useless loli-hater who's soul is weighed down by puberty!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:25 No.59041452
    Do you think moot would ever brink back /l/? Now that 4chan isn't the CP hotspot it once was, perhaps we can keep the board 2D only.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:25 No.59041456
    Go to gaia then, you can discuss anime all you want.

    You reek of newfag. Suck it up, /a/ is like this occasionally and you can't really talk about anything else. (See Code Geass summer, TTGL, etc.) Just learn to deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:25 No.59041467
    And that is why, we don't like you.
    We can deal with your tastes, you can't deal with ours.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:25 No.59041478
    >Yukkofag against loli.
    >have a amateur girl that looks like a loli as avatar(jesus christ how horrifying)
    Kill someone this retard, he's even worse then porky ranger...oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:26 No.59041493
         File1325089562.jpg-(701 KB, 1024x1024, inquisition2.jpg)
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    Gather my brethren.
    Together we'll tear this regime apart.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:26 No.59041499
         File1325089572.png-(602 KB, 1024x2363, Ookami san swimsuit.png)
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    I prefer underdeveloped older women.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:26 No.59041512
    First they came for the lolis, but I didn't speak out because I wasn't a lolicon.

    Then they came for the tentacle rape porn, but I didn't speak out because I wasn't into tentacle rape(at least, on females).

    Then they came for the guro, but I didn't speak out because I wasn't into guro.

    Then they came for my shotas and their hot mothers/sisters/teachers who molest them and make them dress up as girlie girlies and there was no one left to speak out for my twisted fetishes.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:26 No.59041515

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:26 No.59041536
    The "I find lolicons disturbing freaks of nature but I believe they have the right to be that way and post with the same freedom I, a DEEPfag get" team, allied with pro-loli faction.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:27 No.59041544
    I don't remember asking your opinion.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:27 No.59041552
         File1325089644.png-(46 KB, 450x450, 1306640176575.png)
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    Are you saying that Yukkofag is Pork Ranger?
    Suddenly everything makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:27 No.59041562
    Hey, we still have shota, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:27 No.59041580
    Because of tyranical dipshits like you our country is going to the dogs you zionist scum! True Freedom is not anarchy. Freedom is a birth given right that YOU cant never take from us. Al tough we have the freedom to kill others it is wrong to do so because it implies taking the freedom of others.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:27 No.59041587
         File1325089677.jpg-(153 KB, 552x360, AmuroRay2.jpg)
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    And you're a loli-murdering jackass who's soul is weighed down by a meteor entering the atmosphere.

    Your talk of Loli only shows your lack of dignity and real morality.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:28 No.59041588
    I prefer MILFs and Onee-san but /a/ without loli is pretty much... something's not right about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:28 No.59041592
    Lolicon party member here. I don't really care about NSFW images being unapproved, but I think it's reasonable to say that SFW/borderline stuff should be ok. Also, only 2D, I'm strictly against everything 3DPD.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:28 No.59041594
         File1325089685.jpg-(124 KB, 834x1200, 02.jpg)
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    Your horrifying.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:28 No.59041596
    in b4 Boku no Pico is banned too.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:28 No.59041598
         File1325089689.jpg-(87 KB, 1278x718, 1322850394738.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:28 No.59041605
    don't worry, rest of us will speak up when mod bans something legit.
    Just not for this one.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:28 No.59041621
    What in the actual fuck is going on around /a/?

    What did I miss?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:28 No.59041626

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:28 No.59041628
    In what earth or planet is loli right when you're an adult?

    It completely baffles me.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:28 No.59041632
    You could help a little, i-it's not like we need your help but it would be nice i guess, baka
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:29 No.59041640
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:29 No.59041663
         File1325089778.png-(743 KB, 960x720, 1304377451970.png)
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    Lets follow CHAR!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:29 No.59041664
    It's Civil W/a/r.

    You're either Pro-Loli, or Anti-Loli, since the Mod has banned Loli.
    >> Korea-kun !!d+tkiCVMU0D 12/28/11(Wed)11:29 No.59041668
    I am neither a lolicon supporter, nor a lolicon hater. I'm just the badass, one-eyed North Korean rebel who uses a katana to slay his enemies.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:29 No.59041669
         File1325089784.jpg-(39 KB, 225x350, Quattro_bajeena.jpg)
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    You are just angry you don't have the charisma to attract the hearts of young maidens instead of the old maids you always get.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:29 No.59041670
    Newfag mod tried to ban loli from /a/.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:29 No.59041676
    Yep people are being banned left and right for posting lolis.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:30 No.59041678
    Loli threads are being deleted for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:30 No.59041689
    The mod came in.
    Acted like a normalfag, set up a bunch of rules no one wanted.
    Dealt with a small amount of spam, then ignored the spam and started banning all loli and ignoring shota and spam.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:30 No.59041693
    Lurk more faggot.Read the threads fag, some Mod said that Loli isn't allowed on /a/
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:30 No.59041696
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:30 No.59041712
    Wait, does that include SFW lolis?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:30 No.59041713
         File1325089841.png-(341 KB, 640x480, 1301123669703.png)
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    This thread is retarded, everyone fueling this shit hurricane is retarded, the mod is a faggot
    that is all.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:30 No.59041717
         File1325089847.jpg-(69 KB, 400x635, Crusader.jpg)
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    First they came for the furfags,
    and I didn't speak out because furfags are disgusting.

    Then they came for the narutards,
    and I didn't speak out because narutards are obnoxoius

    Then they came for the lolicons...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:30 No.59041720
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:31 No.59041740
         File1325089874.jpg-(55 KB, 640x480, 987653.jpg)
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    >browse /a/ for a long time
    >see the occasional loli thread but i'm not into it so I either hide it or ignore it
    >suddenly mod banning something that never has been a problem
    >/a/ turns into complete total chaos

    You dun goofed mod...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:31 No.59041747
    I give a flying fuck about the lolis but you cant push the denizens of a board just like that. New mod or not this kind of shit cross the line and break the board apart.

    /a/ lurking old elegan/TG/entleman that suffered in his beloved board this kind of shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:31 No.59041750
    Ban both shota and loli. We don't need that shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:31 No.59041754
         File1325089896.jpg-(97 KB, 503x683, AmuroAndSayla.jpg)
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    I can't hear you over the sound of me tapping your sister. Also, at least I have actual relationships instead of having spurned grown up lolis like Haman.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:31 No.59041758
    Yes the mod said all under-age age girls were banned because it could insight the posting of NSFW.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:31 No.59041759
         File1325089901.jpg-(204 KB, 1920x1080, 5353557373353577.jpg)
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    Lets not, and follow Mineva instead. She doesn't do stupid shit like drop asteroids on the earth because humanity didn't all become Newtypes in 5 years.
    >> Sgm. of Holy iloL Army 12/28/11(Wed)11:31 No.59041769
         File1325089913.jpg-(101 KB, 1280x720, 2hyx9ox.jpg)
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    >> WolfyWolf !!ChclzGi4UII 12/28/11(Wed)11:32 No.59041786
    If I were not on a business trip, I would be spamming SFW lolis everywhere... But sadly, I am not.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:32 No.59041797
         File1325089953.jpg-(127 KB, 467x641, 1318909504962.jpg)
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    I abandoned seinens and DEEPfag ways! I will not falter, moe overlords! I'll stay true to loli and hateful to pseudo-intellectual drama!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:32 No.59041811
         File1325089970.jpg-(43 KB, 650x365, FZ5-00195-650x365.jpg)
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    Who gave you permission to Gaze upon me, Loli-Hater? May your Death provide me some modicum of Entertainment, Mongrel.
    >> !Nipaa0mi0. 12/28/11(Wed)11:33 No.59041833
         File1325089996.jpg-(225 KB, 485x1477, 84e2651940e0feb3e3a8e11021e4bd(...).jpg)
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    Since when is loving little girls a crime?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:33 No.59041836
    >ban anime we don't need that shit
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:33 No.59041848
    That includes lolis from anime and manga?

    Like Hakase, Mitsudomoe, etc?

    There's no way...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:33 No.59041857
         File1325090030.png-(148 KB, 332x450, 1313015720883.png)
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    How can you take away something so pure ?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:33 No.59041864
         File1325090036.jpg-(24 KB, 539x344, Date with Paz 02.jpg)
    24 KB
    Big Boss supports the Lolicons!

    The Anti-Loliconists are backed by the Patriots! Don't believe their information control!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:34 No.59041867
    I'm pro loli.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:34 No.59041879
         File1325090066.jpg-(5 KB, 125x120, Hai.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:34 No.59041884
         File1325090082.png-(545 KB, 798x597, 1322512794396.png)
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    Question, /a/:

    I'm usually not into Lolis, simply because most of the time, they're just.. meh. However there is one Character that I like that could be considered a Loli despite being over 18.
    So my question is, am I still a Lolicon if the only Loli I like is Ilyasviel from F/SN?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:34 No.59041887
    It isn't really banned, we just have a retarded mod on a power trip and it's definitely a positive thing for the loli-loving core of /a/ to assert its dominance.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:34 No.59041897
    >If I were not on a business trip
    >sadly, I am not.

    start spamming those lolis, then
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:35 No.59041899
         File1325090100.jpg-(96 KB, 468x600, 1318908516737.jpg)
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    Also pure love will propel my roneryfag ways.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:35 No.59041917

    I wouldn't call you a lolicon...

    But she would be banned from /a/.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:35 No.59041922
         File1325090132.gif-(1.4 MB, 193x135, 7Rbp1.gif)
    1.4 MB
    Oh much....rage
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:35 No.59041935
         File1325090147.jpg-(76 KB, 587x719, horse.jpg)
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    >>59040481 I'm confused.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:35 No.59041937
    I hate you just for liking Fate shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:35 No.59041941
    The fact is that loli is already banned as a global rule except in /b/. I would rather the retards like you causing so much of a fuss over it be banned for inciting annoying threads like this.

    This board is for Anime and Manga, not some pseudo-war between two factions for a cause that is already decided.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:35 No.59041947
    She's banned from /a/
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:36 No.59041959
         File1325090173.png-(209 KB, 512x512, 1324339468124.png)
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    We will wage war on all who oppose us!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:36 No.59041983
         File1325090205.jpg-(17 KB, 432x288, 1274021459880.jpg)
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    >> !Nipaa0mi0. 12/28/11(Wed)11:36 No.59041988
         File1325090212.jpg-(290 KB, 800x600, 37e472e5a2c124e73b0feccd0a21b2(...).jpg)
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    Ilya is a loli. QED
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:36 No.59041995
    Oh. Hasn't something similar happened before?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:37 No.59042005
         File1325090229.png-(4 KB, 184x211, reactionman_smile.png)
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    Skubbers, your time is up
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:37 No.59042009
    Anti-Lolicon, I know I'm on 4chan but loli shit is still creepy.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:37 No.59042010
         File1325090235.jpg-(81 KB, 590x333, Loli Grail War END.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:37 No.59042016
    This shit is retarded in the first place because in anime they make seemingly loli girls be 18 years old.
    This means they'll ban people for posting Lucky Star porn even though they're supposed to be 17 or 18.

    I'm all for banning loli out of /a/, but that's only because loli fans are cancer. But it can be ambiguous as fuck.
    >> Yuuko The Lvl. 30 Witch Queen !BsmXRhhU3I 12/28/11(Wed)11:37 No.59042017
         File1325090243.jpg-(31 KB, 240x218, 1324533776794.jpg)
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    People keep calling me to either "Park Ranger", "Lanced Jack", "Tagia", "The Accelerator spam" to even the Mod but I'm just Yuuko, the Witch Queen that will wipe out Lolicon from /a/ and make it better again!

    I was just a female anon that decided to speak up for the ones that wanted to talk.
    >> sage sage 12/28/11(Wed)11:37 No.59042019
    This shit is not /a/ related take it elsewhere
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:37 No.59042025
    /v/ here, go die in a fire.. all of you.

    /a/ has been a shithole since as far as I can remember.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:37 No.59042030
         File1325090249.gif-(181 KB, 140x105, 1318960012451.gif)
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    This isn't going to stop anyone, so calm down.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:37 No.59042037
         File1325090264.jpg-(44 KB, 800x453, datewpaz00.jpg)
    44 KB
    Lolis are the lifeblood of freedom!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:37 No.59042049
    mah nigga
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:38 No.59042053
         File1325090282.jpg-(62 KB, 720x511, Fuckyeah.jpg)
    62 KB
    Ah, you being a /v/-Tard, couldn't bother me any less...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:38 No.59042063
    You won't change a thing in the long run.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:38 No.59042072
         File1325090311.jpg-(46 KB, 576x963, 12432547.jpg)
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    They can't beat us.

    I'm with you bros, if shit will get to bad i will use my projection techniques.

    Unlimited Loli Works.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:38 No.59042087
    >Anime is not /a/ related
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:38 No.59042088

    > girls kissing

    I've changed my side. Straight-Lolicon is the only good one.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:39 No.59042109
         File1325090361.jpg-(180 KB, 608x834, ShirouWTF.jpg)
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    >>59042072've lost me.

    I don't understand how making more lolis will work.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:39 No.59042110
    The fuck? I can't even remember the last time I went to /v/.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:39 No.59042114
         File1325090373.jpg-(75 KB, 1280x720, 1259285741109.jpg)
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    Our strongest warrior
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:39 No.59042129
    Can I have the screenshot with the ban and mod comments?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:40 No.59042147
    >female anon
    Are you getting desperate or something?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:40 No.59042152
         File1325090423.jpg-(81 KB, 590x333, Loli War fixed.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:40 No.59042165
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:41 No.59042175
    bitch, if people wanted to speak up, they would speak up
    you are just an attention whoring, well, whore.
    shut up, stop trying to be the special snowflake.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:41 No.59042187
         File1325090472.png-(852 KB, 850x1109, sample_43b12bbdad0b06163c9eddd(...).png)
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    Don't mind me Anti's

    Just posting a ~1500 year old woman.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:41 No.59042188
         File1325090473.jpg-(63 KB, 300x289, thomas_jefferson.jpg)
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    Hopefully this will lead to a complete exposure of everyone who started browsing 4chan after it got a wikipedia article.
    Fuck off back to your registration only forums with your postcounts and avatars you fucking normalfag scum, everything wrong with this site right now is your fault, if you don't like duck, you're outta luck.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:41 No.59042197
    /r/ every version of that picture
    captcha: ointoim daughter
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:41 No.59042202
    >The fact is that loli is already banned as a global rule except in /b/
    Sup, newrfiend.
    >This board is for Anime and Manga, not some pseudo-war between two factions
    Sup newfriend.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:41 No.59042203

    Go. Back. To. Gaia!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:41 No.59042226
    >this is what a actually believes . jpg

    Besides, when the hell the loli stuff became arguable? It was unanimous for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:42 No.59042230

    It's 'incite,' you clod.

    Anyways, I wasn't here when it happened. Someone post some screencapped mod posts for me, please.
    >> Asch !!QOJy9sRsTEX 12/28/11(Wed)11:42 No.59042235
    I've been waiting for this day, the day that lolicons get what they deserved.

    I'm with the antis, it's time for lolicons to begone from /a/, and 4chan in general.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:42 No.59042236
    Well, do you want to delude yourself that age of a fictional character matters? Or are you attracted to the loli body type she has?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:42 No.59042237
         File1325090528.jpg-(125 KB, 733x1036, notloli.jpg)
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    oni-chan let's hold hands
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:42 No.59042238
    You people must be severely deluded if you dream about little girls and shit..

    grow the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:42 No.59042241
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:42 No.59042246
    Just burn all the pedos.

    /a/ will get better
    >> Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 12/28/11(Wed)11:42 No.59042253
         File1325090553.jpg-(86 KB, 600x450, r9j.jpg)
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    >Why are no mods on /a/?
    >Mod appears and starts enforcing the rules.

    This isn't /b/. There are rules on all the boards on 4chan. The boards with the blue backgrounds are SFW boards. While all of 4chan is 18+, certain boards are designated to be SFW as NSFW material has no reason to be on them.

    Stop being complete faggots about this. I don't care if you like your lolis or not. I do enjoy the fact someone is keeping /a/ SFW.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:42 No.59042266
    >anti loli

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:42 No.59042270
         File1325090578.png-(267 KB, 660x1000, b7732a59a0e1daf7f68fbd1503a14c(...).png)
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    >Mod bans loli because it could devolve in to NSFW territory
    >Every other variety of girl that could devolve in to NSFW is perfectly fine
    Flawless logic
    >> Anon921 12/28/11(Wed)11:43 No.59042274
    Mods - Just freaking remake /L/ dammit, Loli will NOT disappear from /a/ absolutely, all you can do is force anons to put NSFW threads there instead.

    For the record, Anti-NSFW loli, Pro-SFW/Pro Waifu.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:43 No.59042282
    I don't understand when people say /v/ here, or that I'm from /v/.

    You're not from anything, you're a fucking anonymous for a reason and you don't represent anything because you are ANONYMOUS. Fucking underaged kids man, there's probably about 10 or so of them here.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:43 No.59042283
    But it will work out the completely opposite way. Ban everyone who is not content with mod and the problems is solved - board is "cleaned" and ready for normal people to discuss their animes.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:43 No.59042293
    nichijou is for lolicon
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:43 No.59042307
    The shitstorm is because sfw lolis were also bannable.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:43 No.59042311
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:44 No.59042315
    Don't worry /a/ my dubs will save you.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:44 No.59042328
    Only cancer here is normalscum like you.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:44 No.59042333
         File1325090665.jpg-(39 KB, 657x739, 1325088981555.jpg)
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    >> Asch !!QOJy9sRsTEX 12/28/11(Wed)11:44 No.59042336

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:44 No.59042344
    Why so new, newfag?
    Lurk the fuck moar or get back to reddit or whatever shithole you came from.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:44 No.59042350
         File1325090681.gif-(743 KB, 500x281, youareafaggot.gif)
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    If you're browsing 4chan at work, you're fucking retarded, and should be fired anyhow.

    But that's beside the point-sfw loli is perfectly fine to post, whether you like it or not, fart commander.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:44 No.59042352
         File1325090683.jpg-(59 KB, 750x600, Fucking mod.jpg)
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    Pro SFW loli, seriously what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:44 No.59042357
         File1325090688.jpg-(136 KB, 367x451, hahahahafaggot.jpg)
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    /sp/ here. HAHAHAHAHAHAfaggots.tiff.exe.flac. We had to defeat oppresive mods, now you must rise up aswell to bring forth a new /a/. Think of us as france to your american revolution. Godspeed.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:44 No.59042364

    So, your solution is to make /a/ a normalfag board?

    Get back to Gaia, faggot. Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:45 No.59042366
         File1325090704.jpg-(125 KB, 1175x886, 1319392253725.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:45 No.59042367
    Lets face it, mods are only good for spam. If you really wanted a moderated board then you would head to a forum. Also /h/ got really shitty since mods.
    >> WolfyWolf !!ChclzGi4UII 12/28/11(Wed)11:45 No.59042371
         File1325090708.jpg-(12 KB, 300x300, 2211-gto_large.jpg)
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    I have grown the fuck up, that is why I understand the appeal of a delicious loli. While you kids dream about adults, us adults dream about you kids. Do you not see how interconnected this all is?

    My logic is infalliable.

    3DPD logic applies to my previous statements
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:45 No.59042396
    yes we have sudden influx of avatar tripfags posting opposite but very monotonous things.
    just like on /v/, but with trips
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:45 No.59042400
    The problem is that she's banning SFW loli.
    Yotsuba, Ika Musume, Ichigo Mashimaro, Usagi Drop, all banned.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:45 No.59042402
    >using that image
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:46 No.59042408
    Then you've grown into an insane person, and any sane adult would think your ideas are twisted.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:46 No.59042417
    >implying SFW wasn't banned too.
    I haven't even been on and I know this.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:46 No.59042418
         File1325090785.jpg-(214 KB, 1280x800, rico_henrietta_doves_amati_wal(...).jpg)
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    I will stand my ground.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:46 No.59042420
    go back to /soc/
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:46 No.59042426
    I would support lolifags but they spent the past year fagging up healthy threads so fuck them. They also spam horrible characters like Louise, Nymph and Aria. Bring back the good lolis and we'll talk.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:46 No.59042429
    but they're not
    lolicon is wholesome and family friendly
    these freaks want their disgusting perversions strewn all over the pages, lactation, scat, piss drinking, necrophilia, torture, rape, all common features in non-lolicon anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:46 No.59042430
    Good to know you're on our side. Because mod said SFW loli are banned also.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:46 No.59042440
         File1325090810.jpg-(72 KB, 525x298, mongrel.jpg)
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    You Anti-Loliconists dare to stand before me?! YOU MONGRELS!!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:46 No.59042442
    Neutralfag reporting~
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:47 No.59042454
         File1325090831.jpg-(22 KB, 373x373, 1319117941485.jpg)
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    But dude we can't help it

    I'm actually anti loli, they should grow up but if you say anything you get like 5 of them hit you with paedo slogans and anti society slogans too
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:47 No.59042457

    It's over, 4chan is finished.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:47 No.59042475
    Just go back to school, /a/ will become better.
    >> WolfyWolf !!ChclzGi4UII 12/28/11(Wed)11:47 No.59042483
         File1325090868.jpg-(26 KB, 640x480, 1077959759_onizuka.jpg)
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    If the mods banned all lolicons, then there would be about 260 people left, 258 of them being cancer that is currently killing /a/ as it is.

    There is no chemo for stupid, but if we ask the cancer kindly to go away, will it just leave. I plan to test my theory soon.

    Leave this place, and never come back... please.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:47 No.59042496
    wait wait wait wait wait.
    banning SFW pictures of Yotsuba?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:47 No.59042497

    Grown women with curves is where it's at.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042498
    >mod appears
    and accel spam is still fucking there full force
    you just dont browse /a/.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042526
    If you are anti-loli you like Nazism, is it what you want ?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042527
    implying OP is not a absolute fucking newfag for thinking more than 2% of /a/ would opose loli. as for those who do, Why do you even watch anime if you're against loli, you obvoiusly hate 50%+ of all the content
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042531
    /v/ and /co/ user here. I'm with the pro-loli movement. Can't say the same for others who use the same boards as me, but at least know that I am with you.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042532
    It's already dead.

    Can I please have the screen shot of the ban with the mod comments?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042533
         File1325090917.jpg-(23 KB, 197x176, anime girl reads spaghetti wee(...).jpg)
    23 KB

    Hi, you appear to have accidentally filled in the name field even though your identity is meaningless to the thread. I'm sure being fresh from Gaia Online this may seem the norm, but it is actually counter-productive to discussion as this is primarily an anonymous imageboard. Please take the time to lurk the board to properly learn the culture before posting. The tripcode feature is for people who have information to convey that need to ensure no imitator can derail the thread, not so you can desperately try and obtain a pathetic scrap of e-fame. I'm sure your post about "da ruls r importnt on dis site dey enfoerc dem on gaia so must b tru heer" is very insightful but your name has no bearing on the thread.

    Hope this helps you on your way to becoming a better poster.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042538

    Less lolicon = Less moeshit
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042539
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042542
    How do you guys go against sopa, but try to ban loli? Talk about hypocrits
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042548
    It's a SHE?
    No fucking wonder.

    Moot, what the FUCK were you thinking putting a bitch in control of anything?
    Their the reason this whole fucking pedo-paranoia shit started in the first place!
    Loli ain't pedo and even you fucking know that.
    And the shit she banned was far from Loli.
    >> Yuuko The Lvl. 30 Witch Queen !BsmXRhhU3I 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042551
         File1325090933.jpg-(57 KB, 489x480, 1306642424801.jpg)
    57 KB

    /sp/ please join us in this war!

    As the queen for the new /a/, I will allow reparations for the times that the old /a/ (lolicon scum) invaded your board.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:48 No.59042552

    >everyone getting the banhammer for "my face when" threads
    >everyone starts using "mfw"
    >hilarity ensues
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:49 No.59042556

    Not the guy who posted that pic, but I don't see a problem with that.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:49 No.59042564
    tell my waifu hello.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:49 No.59042579
    I don't care

    It is still going to be a shit board where only the shittiest of anime is discussed.
    >> Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 12/28/11(Wed)11:49 No.59042587
    I believe that JB threads should be banned because CP almost always appear in them. Is that wrong?

    Moot is trying to clean up the place. SFW loli does always turn into NSFW loli and you're delusional to think otherwise.

    Don't ask me where that came from.

    I don't have the picture of it, but the mod said he wasn't banning for Yotsuba. I saw the original comment.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:49 No.59042588
    >As the queen for the new /a/
    Nope, fuck off.
    And if you noticed he's SUPPORTING us.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:49 No.59042590
    Anti loli

    Fucking neckbeard beta faggots need little girls to get hard.
    >> WolfyWolf !!ChclzGi4UII 12/28/11(Wed)11:50 No.59042602
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:50 No.59042604
    Still looking for screencaps of the ban/mod comments.


    Deleted. Repost for me, please?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:50 No.59042610
         File1325091024.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 594 KB, 1200x1600, 6fbb9ef223dc464bc353ab29fcfcfa(...).jpg)
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    I know where I stand.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:50 No.59042611

    There shouldn't even be a discussion about this.

    The fuck is happening to /a/? Have the normalfags finally taken over?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:50 No.59042622
    >Blue background = SFW
    >/v/ has a blue background
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:50 No.59042628
    >And I bet most of the threads were deleted by their OPs to troll.

    As someone who's thread was 404'd and was banned. I can safely say that they weren't.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:51 No.59042639
    >SFW loli does always turn into NSFW loli and you're delusional to think otherwise.
    Deluded or not, I think this statement is complete bull.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:51 No.59042642
    Pro loli.

    I have like 4 gigs of loli /h/, and I get why people wouldn't agree with that, but why are people getting banned over talking about characters that happen to be lolita.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:51 No.59042650
    >ctrl+f /g/
    >no results
    B-But, I thought we shared common interests with /g/. I thought we were bros.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:51 No.59042659
    So let me get this straight
    Loli lovers - want loli back so they can talk about loli
    Queen yuuko - wants loli gone BUT wants to be queen of /a/
    Loli haters - they dislike loli
    /sp/ - here for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:51 No.59042666
    >>59042587 I don't have the picture of it, but the mod said he wasn't banning for Yotsuba. I saw the original comment.

    pics or it didn't happen faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:51 No.59042679
    I don't like loli but I don't like dickheads shitting up the board more.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:52 No.59042685
    Well, i am in idort master race so...
    Fuck the mods DFC is delicious.
    >> Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 12/28/11(Wed)11:52 No.59042687
    SFW almost always turns into NSFW.
    Wah! What are we going to do on the bed? Pomf! =3
    I can easily understand why.
    Accel is nowhere as near as strong as he once was.
    >Not knowing me.
    Oh well, I gotta shitpost more.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:52 No.59042689
    Dear god,


    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:52 No.59042697
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:52 No.59042698
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:52 No.59042699
    don't forget about /v/ faggots who aren't helping
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:52 No.59042710
         File1325091163.jpg-(27 KB, 421x363, 1324962365785.jpg)
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    >bannin loli

    It's like 4chan wants to an hero or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:52 No.59042711
         File1325091167.png-(49 KB, 903x550, 1283133418590.png)
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    Shall do, we need more manly anime discussions anyway.

    this loli shit is so fucking creepy, it needs to leave.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53 No.59042726
    Lolicon as there's obviously nothing wrong with it unless you're a soccer mom.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53 No.59042727
    jb is just another name for child porn and has absolutely no relevance to this whatsoever, although it certainly helps expose you for the 3d pervert you are.
    enjoy getting banned for your ichigo marashimo image
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53 No.59042728
    It's all of 4chan, man. They made /soc/, didn't they?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53 No.59042731
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53 No.59042735
    He banned bro.

    >SFW loli does always turn into NSFW loli and you're delusional to think otherwise.
    And you're delusional to think OTHER threads don't as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53 No.59042743
    /g/ is always welcome :3
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53 No.59042744
         File1325091199.jpg-(48 KB, 417x639, yotsuba_sun_flower.jpg)
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    >loli's forever!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53 No.59042745
         File1325091200.jpg-(61 KB, 468x317, Yotsuba noooo.jpg)
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    >Banning Yotsuba

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53 No.59042752
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    >SFW loli does always turn into NSFW loli and you're delusional to think otherwise.

    it is impossible to regulate the nsfw loli postings by regulating sfw lolis given that most anime is based around characters that fit the loli desciption.

    Hell, japan intentionally sexualizes its under age characters.

    I don't honestly see how it's possible to have an /a/nime board under these new conditions
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53 No.59042755
    Why can't we ban these sort of things instead?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53 No.59042765
    Normal fags need to get out.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:54 No.59042792
    Fuck off /sp/.
    Anime discussion revolves around the current anime season, and currently there isn't many MANLY anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:54 No.59042793
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    Take that shit to /d/ or /h/ freaks.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:54 No.59042811
    What exactly would you expect out of /v/?
    Actually, wait a minute.
    /v/ is the solution to all your woes!
    /v/ has fuck all moderation! Just take all your loli there!
    Everyone wins. /v/ wouldn't even notice a few more non video game related threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:55 No.59042832
    Yea, not all people in Japan think like that, mostly just otakus and the anime/manga industry which panders to them. Heck, they're pushing through legislation to start to ban sexualized depictions of underage girls (e.g. Tokyo's already done this).
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:55 No.59042839
    This pic makes me so happy.

    I used to bully animefags at school who watched that moe shit. Play vidya or do sports fags. Or at least watch and read better stuff.

    Niggers need to watch better animu. It's your fault it has gone to shit these past years.

    Maximum anti loli. You betamad fat faggots need to go out and see what real life is.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:55 No.59042846
    I hope you get banned for talking about an anime that features characters that are under the age of 18.