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12/28/11(Wed)10:31 No.59039316 File1325086311.jpg-(30 KB, 397x530, 1325034298865.jpg)
 (This is a tad bit more /a/ related, but I decided to cross-post it here since the idea is coming from SRW.)
/m/, I have a proposal for you. You should all be aware of the existence of the Super Robot Wars series.
was watching some music videos set to it, and I remembered that the
creators of Nanoha were huge mecha geeks and basically made Nanoha a
typical mecha series, but with Magical Girls instead of Super Robots.
I thought "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we could have a SRW game where
you have Nanoha, since she's basically a mech in Magical Girl from?"
But then I thought "Hey... Why not just have a completely independent Magical Girl Wars game?"
about it. Why couldn't it work? There's plenty of series to draw
characters from. Nanoha, Madoka, Precure, Sailor Moon, Princess Tutu,
Cardcaptor Sakura, Cutie Honey, et. al.
The mechanics would work the same as SRW; Tactical RPG-esque.
What do you guys think? |