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12/28/11(Wed)08:52 No.59035613 File1325080337.jpg-(362 KB, 1024x768, Exhibit 101.jpg)
 >>59035576 K: Kuu kai? S: Whatever, it's probably just some ill gotten goods again.. K: Quit sweatin' the small stuff. Man, you're as hard headed as always. S: Of course. After all, I'm an ally of justice. K: Haa.. do you really have to bring that up now..? S: Well, I am the protector of Mitakihara, Mahou Shoujo Sayaka-chan, after all! K: Eh?....what...? pf! "Mahou Shoujo Sayaka-chan"? Ahahaha Ahahaha! S: er..uhh...forget it! Forget that just now! K: What's wrong, Mahou Shoujo Sa~yaka-cha~n? S: Sh-shut up!
本当バカだなw |