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    File : 1324130560.jpg-(26 KB, 640x480, 1273805638757.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:02 No.58533045  
    Would you be fine living in a room like this /a/? All you'll have is an internet connection and computer.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:03 No.58533070
    no I need a bed
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:03 No.58533074
    I'd ask for a bit more confort. Could I trade the ladder for a desk and a chair?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:03 No.58533077
    If the bed is up that ladder, then yes.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:04 No.58533087
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:04 No.58533093
    >All you'll have is an internet connection and computer.
    And a ladder!

    But no, I'd at least need a hot plate and a bathroom as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:04 No.58533096
    need desk, chair, and bed

    then i'm good
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:04 No.58533097
    I need a bed, snacks, and unlimited downloads.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:04 No.58533099
    I can sleep on the floor, but not without a blanket and a pillow...otherwise sure.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:04 No.58533101
    Am I allowed to buy my own furniture as part of this?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:05 No.58533126
    Very classy. Yes I´d do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:05 No.58533139
    you dirty fucking heathens. i need a sink, some warm/running water, a shower preferably.

    a stove of some sort, a microwave, some place to keep my food cold.

    a bed, and my computer though, along with some space for my clothes and i'll be straight.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:05 No.58533142
    i need something to sleep on, table/chair (or gibe notebook instead) and drawer
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:06 No.58533149
    The bed in in the mezzanine.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:06 No.58533158
    If there's a bed upstairs, yes I'ld do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:06 No.58533160
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    I also need a matress and 25 zipties
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:06 No.58533167
    If I had to. I'd but the monitor on the 2nd step of the ladder and the keyboard on the first.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:06 No.58533168
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:07 No.58533191
    i need bed, fridge, stove, unlimited supply of coffee, don't forget bathroom
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:07 No.58533195
    i need a bed

    i could honestly live in a box 6 feet long, 3-4 feet wide, and only like 2 feet above the bed that covers the base.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:07 No.58533200
    Turn off the lights, and we have a deal.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:08 No.58533219
    If I have a pillow and a sheet or something, I can sleep on the floor, but I'm going to need a desk and a chair.

    Can't have the monitor on the floor, I'd be too uncomfortable.
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 12/17/11(Sat)09:09 No.58533239
    I hate using computers on the floor, at least give me a desk and chair.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:09 No.58533244
    I think this is the same design as Satou's room so yes if I can at least have a bed
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:09 No.58533259
    I'm totally fine with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:09 No.58533264
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    does it include the loli?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:10 No.58533267
    What is the capability of the computer?

    If I'll be able to play Planetside 2 on it with no problem, then it's fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:10 No.58533277
    I honestly would. I just need a good battlesation, 2 meals a day and internet connection
    All alone, in my room with my computer
    I could even be in jail or being held prisoner and wouldn't notice the difference
    >> Clammy !yl3K3xulPc 12/17/11(Sat)09:10 No.58533283
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    Can I get some pillows and blankets?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:10 No.58533289
    That is my room. But I have a desk (no chair) and a bed (sometimes).
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:11 No.58533310
    Fuck, that room is even larger than mine...
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:12 No.58533357
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:13 No.58533361
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:13 No.58533370
         File1324131205.jpg-(227 KB, 1920x1080, 2011-12-18_00001.jpg)
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    COMFY general? :3
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:14 No.58533389
    I am disappointed that everyone needs more objects and furniture to clutter up the room just for comfort. I hoped that true anons or neets would only require the basics to continue living.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:15 No.58533409
    probably a shitty prebuilt
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:15 No.58533410
    That's a little too much and where's my pc?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:16 No.58533436
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    Stay classy /a/, never change.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:16 No.58533440
    Couch is too far from the screen and someone could drop something on your head from upstairs and that tatami could fall in any second
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:17 No.58533459
         File1324131436.jpg-(24 KB, 640x480, DSC_0000615.jpg)
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    >Would you be fine living in a room like this /a/?

    Too late.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:18 No.58533496

    How do the eleven sit the way they do? On their knees? It's so fucking painful-- has anyone else ever tried it? or is it perhaps their knees are double jointed or some shit?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:19 No.58533515
    Are you me?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:19 No.58533540
    Is that a jock strap?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:19 No.58533543
    they do it enough that they are used to it
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:21 No.58533579

    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:22 No.58533601
    It's a training thing. The reason it hurts so much for you is usually the blood flow being stuttered, causing the needle effect. Practicing this method actually increases bloodflow, which could potentially have good effects on your body, but your knee-joints might suffer at older ages.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:22 No.58533604
    If that bottle serves as my toilet, sure.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:22 No.58533606
    >mfw i can't cross my legs
    >mfw i can't sit with my legs out to the side
    >mfw i have no face
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:22 No.58533612
    See >>58533543

    If you've ever seen veteran craftsmen working they're seated on a zabuton all day long (that cushion in the OP's pic).

    They've been only doing it for 1500 years.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:23 No.58533632
    Gimme a pillow and im ok.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:24 No.58533663
    This setup would do a large amount of justice for me
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:24 No.58533672
    Sup Pinocchio.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:25 No.58533687
    Hi OP, are you living in Tokyo by any chance?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:25 No.58533705
    yes a room like that would be nice. I'm sort of a reverse-hoarder, I don't want any useless shit, I want order and neatness. For example OP pic could use fresh white paint on the walls, and I hope the floor is laminated (no rugs or tatami bullshit) for easy wet cleaning. Also put the monitor on the pc case for saving space and better perspective, put that whole arrangement in a corner and for gods sake bind those loose cables and lay them along the walls instead of cluttering up the room.

    yes I'm a insufferable autismal hikki faggot, why do you ask ?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:25 No.58533717
    I'd need a bed...and a chair and desk.
    Also a toilet and water tap.
    Some sort of cooker would be disarable as well...and this is maybe pushing it, but a fridge.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:26 No.58533723
    >no bed
    >hard as fuck ground
    >no chair


    At least give me a fucking chair and a table to sit on, jesus christ, I'm not fucking japanese, I can't sit in that stupid kneeling position 24/7
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 12/17/11(Sat)09:26 No.58533726
    My back would fucking ache if I had to sit like that all day long. No thanks.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:27 No.58533751
         File1324132028.jpg-(34 KB, 798x579, L.jpg)
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    I can live with this
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:27 No.58533772

    No, I need a full kitchen and bathroom. I also hate the fuck out of high density living, so apartments, highrises and townhouses are out. Suburbs or in the middle of the bush is what I want.

    Acreage 30mins from the city for $300k, fuck yea Aus. Now come the issue of getting 300k to fulfill my dream and hope that developers don't come out here, I like my trees and grass.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:27 No.58533776
    As long as I get free food and don't need to work.

    I'd prefer to also have a tv and video games if possible but I can make do with just the pc.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:28 No.58533785
    I hope you a have an ATI GPU for the cold nights.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:31 No.58533876
         File1324132303.jpg-(22 KB, 640x480, I need to steal a decent camer(...).jpg)
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    Be jelly of my battlestation.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:33 No.58533943

    Buy a fucking table.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:34 No.58533980

    >implying it's not nvidia that won't burn your house down
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:35 No.58533984
    How much acreage and what city?

    40 acres of Pennsylvania woodland can be purchased for less than $300K.
    >> Boku no Tripfag !!uo+rI9nd/lP 12/17/11(Sat)09:36 No.58534018
    >no turntable

    nah, I don't think I'm okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:36 No.58534027

    I see all those plugs onto that outlet. Holy shit get an extension.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:37 No.58534056
    Get a UPS and a damn power strip.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:38 No.58534092
    I think he's assuming nvidia would destroy what little possessions you have left
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:42 No.58534210
         File1324132952.jpg-(19 KB, 640x480, DSC_0000619.jpg)
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    Tomorrow l'll do it


    Nightstands > tables
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:45 No.58534286
         File1324133143.jpg-(23 KB, 554x463, 1317017163688.jpg)
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    For free? Fuck yeah I'd do it. Better than sleeping out in the cold.
    a blanket or pillow might be nice though.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:50 No.58534406
    If I were to live that meager, I'd rather live in a modified box truck. At least then I wouldn't be paying 700-1000usd for a tiny Japanese "mansion". And as an added bonus, I could travel around most of Japan.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:52 No.58534467
    >people not knowing that the bed is upstairs, where the ladder is leading
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:55 No.58534532
    Fuck that shit. When I stumble home after a night drinking with the boss, I can't be climbing fucking ladders to get to bed.

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