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    File : 1323976486.jpg-(104 KB, 351x593, 03.jpg)
    104 KB Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:14 No.58450493  
    What kind of panties does she wear?
    How about her bra?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:15 No.58450528
    She wears really plain, shitty panties that are extremely modest, and she wears a tank-top, rather than an actual bra.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:15 No.58450541
    >mojo wearing a bra
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:16 No.58450560
         File1323976587.png-(125 KB, 422x426, 1322067472279.png)
    125 KB
    Holy shit just like I imagined.
    She's perfect.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:16 No.58450561
    Plain cheap kinds
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:19 No.58450645
    How about the color.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:20 No.58450716
    I'm cool with a tank-top
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:20 No.58450717
    White. Hmmhmhm, dirty sweaty mojo panties.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:22 No.58450785
    Granny panties and one of those rectangular stretchy bras that are one step below a trainer.

    Also white.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:22 No.58450801
         File1323976972.jpg-(82 KB, 348x369, 001.jpg)
    82 KB
    Dat flat chest.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:24 No.58450853
    That is oddly arousing.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:25 No.58450936
         File1323977148.jpg-(53 KB, 500x800, 16.jpg)
    53 KB
    Must suck being in high school and having the body of Rukia.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:26 No.58450969
    You're implying that that's a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:27 No.58451023
    Being 18 and hideously underdeveloped is absolutely a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:29 No.58451068
         File1323977347.jpg-(243 KB, 699x917, 1323954542615.jpg)
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    She's cute for a social retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:29 No.58451083
    For my dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:29 No.58451084
         File1323977369.png-(148 KB, 691x653, 1321849692290.png)
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    I think it is god's gift to the universe.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:30 No.58451128
    She's 15.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:31 No.58451134
         File1323977463.png-(987 KB, 1240x1753, Tomoko Kuroki.png)
    987 KB
    Her features are very attractive.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:31 No.58451138
    >modest panties
    What's the big deal?
    Pantsu are pantsu
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:31 No.58451140
         File1323977473.jpg-(5 KB, 88x211, my dick is at its limit.jpg)
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:32 No.58451173
         File1323977528.png-(97 KB, 366x426, tomoko.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:32 No.58451203
    I love her knee-banging eye bags. Makes me sleepy just looking at her.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:34 No.58451253
    It's the bags under her eyes, it makes her looks interesting and cute/
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:34 No.58451275
    Shadows under you eyes are extremely attractive.

    It's a shame more characters don't have them .
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:34 No.58451284
    sorry, DFC supremacy
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:35 No.58451296
         File1323977726.jpg-(37 KB, 324x375, 1320154739949.jpg)
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    Massive dull-white bloomers.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:35 No.58451297
         File1323977726.jpg-(89 KB, 469x464, 1322066715605.jpg)
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    Hair, don´t forget dat hair.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:35 No.58451303
         File1323977732.jpg-(66 KB, 444x512, 132341465032.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:37 No.58451374
    I wonder if Mojo is one of those crazy gymnophobes who shower in a bathing suit...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:37 No.58451378
         File1323977849.png-(141 KB, 441x412, 4324235634634.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:41 No.58451523
         File1323978073.jpg-(157 KB, 802x508, hella ugly.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:42 No.58451562
    No one has had the stones to say this to her face yet. Hopefully someone will and she'll either cut her wrists or start wearing make-up.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:42 No.58451563
    God that's so adorable
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:42 No.58451567
         File1323978144.png-(391 KB, 635x789, 1322072322469.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:42 No.58451570
    She should rape her brother.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:43 No.58451588
    I'm sure she wouldn't think so in one of those wacky ecchi ENF scenarios. In fact, Mojo would probably kill herself if another human being saw her nude.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:43 No.58451608
         File1323978225.jpg-(521 KB, 870x1236, 005.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:43 No.58451610
         File1323978229.png-(8 KB, 257x473, 1322250013827.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:44 No.58451633
    thats her brother, saying it right in her face
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:44 No.58451635
    We just want to see you naked.

    So... your move.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:45 No.58451661
    Bah, it's her brother. That doesn't count. My default greeting for my sister is "What's up, whore?"
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:46 No.58451683
         File1323978363.jpg-(196 KB, 1000x739, 1321931839112.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:46 No.58451685
         File1323978366.png-(97 KB, 343x374, 34233242.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:46 No.58451702
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:46 No.58451705
    I remember the first time I slathered chicken grease on my face...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:47 No.58451718
    You're retarded son.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:47 No.58451729
         File1323978445.jpg-(684 KB, 1145x1631, 1323784243375.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:47 No.58451730
    She doesn't wear a bra. She wears a tank-top.

    She has no boobs, just nipples.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:47 No.58451740
         File1323978473.gif-(85 KB, 480x600, son i'm dissapoint.gif)
    85 KB
    >dad's face when
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:48 No.58451763
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:48 No.58451769
    So he's disappointed that her brother doesn't fuck her?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:49 No.58451792
         File1323978545.png-(35 KB, 276x294, 1322067250462.png)
    35 KB
    I don't see the brother being raped...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:49 No.58451803
    Schlicking all night, getting greasier than a seabird in the gulf of Mexico while BP was blowing their load
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:49 No.58451805
    I want to line her fallopian tubes with my semen.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:49 No.58451812
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:50 No.58451828
    I wonder if she shaves... or just doesn't grow hair.

    She has parents, doesn't she? Aren't they concerned that their mid-teens daughter hasn't hit puberty yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:50 No.58451839
    boku no popular-chan no bible black
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:51 No.58451868
         File1323978669.png-(66 KB, 330x289, 1322066493272.png)
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    And then we have this faggot.
    It's not his fault that he's a retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:51 No.58451869
    She's not even that old.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:51 No.58451874
    wait...did i miss this?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:51 No.58451904
    girls hit puberty at like 12 years old, she is 15
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:52 No.58451909
    Wait, where the fuck is this from?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:52 No.58451920
    Someone said she was fifteen. You should have hit puberty by fifteen.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:52 No.58451926
    New chapter came out last night.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:52 No.58451932
    chapter 10
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:52 No.58451948
    9.5 technically.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:52 No.58451950
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:52 No.58451952
    > finding her daughter asleep whith a massaging stick and a boys love game running
    I am pretty sure her father is aware that she already hit puberty
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:53 No.58451979
    I haven't seen any chapters when they show parts were you would normally grow hair...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:53 No.58451987
    When I was going to Highschool there was a 19 year old chick the size and body shape of a 10 year old.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:54 No.58452003
    Did you tap that shit?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:54 No.58452004
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:54 No.58452014
         File1323978886.jpg-(46 KB, 620x442, 1315145820551.jpg)
    46 KB
    how does fucking a 14 year old teenage girl make someone a pedo? are you retarded?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:54 No.58452021
         File1323978895.png-(97 KB, 604x503, 132787872123.png)
    97 KB
    i think is face is more like
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:55 No.58452027

    Hoooly fuck. Do want.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:55 No.58452050
         File1323978949.jpg-(20 KB, 310x465, 1314412621960.jpg)
    20 KB
    Dear /b/

    I fapped 3 times today and now my dick hurts

    What do
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:55 No.58452052
    She was in a fucked up situation. Any guy who wanted to date her was a creepy pedophile, and all the guys she wanted to date wouldn't date her, because then they'd be a creepy pedophile. Her attitude went sour after that and she was a bitch to everyone.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:55 No.58452053
    It doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:56 No.58452063
         File1323978967.jpg-(11 KB, 402x264, 1305329745183.jpg)
    11 KB
    So guys what's up with the music? It's awesome. It reminds me of Dream Theater. Anybody know who it is?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:56 No.58452068
    report and ignore
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:56 No.58452070
         File1323978981.jpg-(516 KB, 870x1236, 07.jpg)
    516 KB
    So...are there really people out there who can't order from McDonalds?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:56 No.58452082
    >responding to the spammer.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:56 No.58452096
         File1323979015.jpg-(82 KB, 497x682, 1307424709854.jpg)
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    i dont have a printer though :/
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:56 No.58452100
    She sounds like a person I wouldn't be friends with, but I understand her situation.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:57 No.58452111
         File1323979034.jpg-(37 KB, 455x709, 1306077683732.jpg)
    37 KB
    >any idea regarding Akavir and/or the Dwemer that retarded children on this site and the internet in general have
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:57 No.58452124
         File1323979051.jpg-(22 KB, 370x370, 1316635401111.jpg)
    22 KB
    Dolphin and PCSX2 run like shit on Linux.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:57 No.58452138
         File1323979069.jpg-(16 KB, 456x331, 1317890420606.jpg)
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    The one that got ntr-ed by Rin post timeskip?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:57 No.58452142
    Yeah, but they're usually much worse. Mojo can at least leave the house and wants to socialize; she's just awful at it. Some people can't even open their front door without having a panic attack.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:58 No.58452154
         File1323979083.png-(204 KB, 562x588, aroused face.png)
    204 KB
    I wonder what her father thinks of his little masturbating daughter.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:58 No.58452158
         File1323979086.jpg-(25 KB, 313x442, 1303981698734.jpg)
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    The Robotman story in My Greatest Adventure is the best work of Scott Kolins' career.

    Wowy zowy.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:58 No.58452169
         File1323979105.jpg-(49 KB, 505x424, 1303579414725.jpg)
    49 KB
    first of all source


    Oh Horizon~
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:58 No.58452170
    I'm just wondering what would stunt a person growth like that, in both height and features. Honestly she was a pretty cute girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:58 No.58452174
    He probably touched her a bit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:58 No.58452181
         File1323979123.jpg-(32 KB, 460x559, 1307911303843.jpg)
    32 KB
    >Why the fuck do you even watch these half-hour toy commercials?

    Why the fuck do you troll internets?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:58 No.58452191
    not ordering, but I have problems going to any kind of restaurant alone

    Some weeks ago I walked around for 20 minutes before being able to walk into an asia imbiss
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:58 No.58452192
    That was me like three, four years ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:59 No.58452197
         File1323979141.jpg-(21 KB, 335x522, 1304397474115.jpg)
    21 KB
    you're a tripfag though
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:59 No.58452205
    Any parent with a functioning brain knows their child has uncontrollable hormones and masturbates, looks at porn, etc. We all hid it, but you weren't fooling anyone.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:59 No.58452210
         File1323979158.jpg-(57 KB, 778x568, 1311384133200.jpg)
    57 KB
    >gb2 texas faggot
    >no idea what gb2 is

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:59 No.58452211
    probably doesn't care, this isn't some hentai where he is going to rape her, or is it
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:59 No.58452226
    No Jonh you are the douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:59 No.58452228
         File1323979177.jpg-(25 KB, 510x383, 1316237886287.jpg)
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    > yet another /a/ raider trying to spread her cancer
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:59 No.58452237
         File1323979194.jpg-(56 KB, 602x582, 1304908485578.jpg)
    56 KB
    >That's Clea Job

    Which reminds: Where the fuck was Clea when Hulk was crushing the Dark Dimension wth Umar?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:59 No.58452241
    Damn, guess I should count my blessings.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:00 No.58452243
    Could be a lot of things. Genetics, poor diet...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:00 No.58452250
         File1323979213.jpg-(29 KB, 342x538, 1316956976817.jpg)
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    To re-experience watching it, without knowing anything. Rewatching is only half as fun because you already know how everything turns out. If you could forget everything that happened, it would be like watching it for the first time again.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:00 No.58452259
         File1323979230.jpg-(29 KB, 511x367, 1301307430007.jpg)
    29 KB
    fellow murryfatass, listen:

    therye going to ban murrifatcandy-asss from the internet.
    We cant let this happening.

    I want YOU to go to the next kfc store and tell them to not sell kfc to the sopa guys anymore.

    Be really mad so they now were not joking.

    were anon , were legion - and always remember the 5th of november
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:00 No.58452265
    I used to have that problem. Now I just bring something to play with (DS, Gameboy), or to reed.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:00 No.58452273
         File1323979249.jpg-(34 KB, 396x528, 1314417278482.jpg)
    34 KB
    But Rin is delicious even when not being drawn by Haruyama.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:01 No.58452283
         File1323979268.jpg-(49 KB, 553x564, 1316978977891.jpg)
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    fuck year!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:01 No.58452290
    But those things would show with her bone growth and things, she didn't show any deformed hip growth or anything. It was like she was literally stuck in 10 years old mode.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:01 No.58452295
         File1323979286.jpg-(33 KB, 470x740, 1317841994294.jpg)
    33 KB
    I have a hard-on.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:01 No.58452309
         File1323979311.jpg-(60 KB, 634x845, 1312214113390.jpg)
    60 KB
    You neglected to mention the fact that I am bootyass process and that I have my online degree in chemical mathematics again. Move, move, move!
    Therefore, you're completely incorrect.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:02 No.58452324
         File1323979330.jpg-(30 KB, 764x568, 1302436061192.jpg)
    30 KB
    I reckon test it, like others have said. Try reinstalling everything extremely carefully. If you have rubber matts or something that would be useful as well, just to make sure there's limited shorts. If it still doesn't work, then I reckon send it back man, for sure.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:02 No.58452342
         File1323979347.jpg-(11 KB, 351x395, 1303517658181.jpg)
    11 KB
    >dat design
    Colour me intrigued.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:02 No.58452352
         File1323979366.jpg-(23 KB, 532x299, 1319584036360.jpg)
    23 KB
    It's true, it's a post character clear event.

    And I alsooooooooooooooo think she can be NTR'd by one of the Shimazu brothers too.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:03 No.58452363
         File1323979383.jpg-(41 KB, 598x736, 1305211127150.jpg)
    41 KB
    I think its time we play a game. Guess the character
    He gets arrested just for fun,this guy made trolling his life and wound up taking over the criminal underworld in the process.
    He also trolled a lawyer so hard he ragequit life and shot some people.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:03 No.58452377
    Forever loli. Every /a/non's dream.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:03 No.58452382
         File1323979402.jpg-(24 KB, 328x460, 1300238122449.jpg)
    24 KB
    Just got my first car but there is no jack/usb port on the radio

    So i'm gonna burn my favorites (FLAC) albums on blank CDs, and i'm looking for the best brand to do this

    Pic related ; some friend of mine recommended me those
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:03 No.58452393
         File1323979421.jpg-(71 KB, 644x644, 1303682479119.jpg)
    71 KB
    You should watch the best anime of 2011.

    Madoka Magica
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:03 No.58452400
    Diet sure, but genetics is a tricky bitch. You can just age slower than most. That doesn't really detract from the severity of the issue, though. It should be addressed and monitored. In Mojo's case, she's probably just youthful-looking.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:03 No.58452404
         File1323979439.jpg-(23 KB, 458x686, 1318643152331.jpg)
    23 KB
    Seems like I won nothing.. fuck you op
    >> konakona !MpEqQLgus2 12/15/11(Thu)15:04 No.58452422
    Yeah, me too, even got panic attacks just being on a street with half a dozen strangers on it. I partly blame weed.

    But now I can give a speech to a room full of 50 people and not even bat an eye.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:04 No.58452430
         File1323979474.jpg-(50 KB, 608x642, 1306145924599.jpg)
    50 KB
    I read that the plot is essentially lifted from an earlier Star Trek episode. So that's kind lame, but since I've never seen those, it was all fresh to me. = )

    I just like that it really felt like a "motion picture," it was clearly designed as a big screen experience in a way that isn't done anymore.

    Also, seeing it recently, it seemed almost like the closest we've come to a major "hard sci-fi" film from a Hollywood studio intended for a wide audience. When was the last time we saw a sci-fi blockbuster with basically no action?
    >> erejnion 12/15/11(Thu)15:04 No.58452434
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:05 No.58452454
         File1323979508.jpg-(17 KB, 509x286, 1301490195468.jpg)
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    >tell girl to watch garo
    >she accidentally finds Mobile Suit Gundam on YTube
    >loves the show
    >sad over garma's death

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:05 No.58452455
    > But now I can give a speech to a room full of 50 people and not even bat an eye.
    more weed? or what did you do?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:05 No.58452459
         File1323979525.jpg-(30 KB, 516x635, 1309650373768.jpg)
    30 KB
    Guy 1 - 7,317
    guy 2 - 19,783
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:05 No.58452466
    Weed wouldn't do it.

    Meth might.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:05 No.58452468
         File1323979544.jpg-(33 KB, 616x478, 1316248339006.jpg)
    33 KB
    I think that calls for a reformat.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:06 No.58452478
         File1323979561.jpg-(37 KB, 779x504, 1316941117380.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:06 No.58452489
         File1323979579.jpg-(17 KB, 400x400, 1306357083004.jpg)
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    "life isn't everything"
    >> konakona !MpEqQLgus2 12/15/11(Thu)15:06 No.58452503
    At my Uni, which was set up by the Japanese in my country, there are a few Japanese girls that are forever 10/11 in hight and looks.

    Once when we were at a party, this girl came over and started berating us for giving 'primary school kids' alcohol wwwww
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:06 No.58452506
         File1323979616.jpg-(43 KB, 684x498, 1307415832608.jpg)
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    Because they are.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:07 No.58452517
         File1323979628.jpg-(21 KB, 490x343, 1314475807439.jpg)
    21 KB
    >It's just pantsu.
    words can't even try to express the glory that encompasses pantsu.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:07 No.58452522
         File1323979633.jpg-(27 KB, 517x401, 1304571630981.jpg)
    27 KB
    >And yes, I consider Big One a non-main team. Fuck Toei's inconsistency.
    I'm pretty sure he's considered an "Extra Ranger", just not a Sixth.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:07 No.58452539
         File1323979652.jpg-(46 KB, 542x670, 1308582072693.jpg)
    46 KB
    Guys, installing my first SLI combo


    I only have 3 PC-E cords, requires 4, but the card did come with a 6-pin PCI-E Molex adapter....but I cannot figure out for the LIFE of me where to plug it in? I'm guessing my PSU doesn't have a slot? but it doesn't make sense because it's a fairly high end power block.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:07 No.58452545
    stop that, you aren't japanese
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:07 No.58452555
         File1323979670.jpg-(40 KB, 574x710, 1302604947596.jpg)
    40 KB
    Hey guys /co/ needs to have some music playing when we suit up to fight SOPA! /v/'s doing it so we should do it's pretty damn catchy.

    But what track would scream "comics and cartoons"?
    Preferably something instrumental..
    Superman 1977 theme? Cowboy Bebop opening? Batman: TAS OST?

    I can't think of anything else.

    pic unrelated...have one of those bully comics
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:08 No.58452568
         File1323979689.jpg-(35 KB, 486x476, 1313328392825.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:08 No.58452574
         File1323979707.jpg-(29 KB, 800x450, 1306956798264.jpg)
    29 KB
    Damn, forgot to turn off the camo...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:08 No.58452589
    Yeah, and with that attitude he never will be.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:08 No.58452591
         File1323979725.jpg-(22 KB, 570x620, 1304390770004.jpg)
    22 KB
    She's on a boat motherfucker, don't you ever forget.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:08 No.58452593
    She was European.

    It made her very doll-like.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:09 No.58452600
         File1323979742.jpg-(32 KB, 531x412, 1317597550362.jpg)
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    1 or 2
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:09 No.58452610
         File1323979760.jpg-(13 KB, 380x305, 1317681219279.jpg)
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    How can one take something seriously when you have half a testicle for a brain to think this is a good idea?
    >> konakona !MpEqQLgus2 12/15/11(Thu)15:09 No.58452615
    Went on Anti-anxiety pills for like a year and a bit, quit smoking up except with really close friends, (smoking by yourself will get you into bad habits), and just grew up I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:09 No.58452622
         File1323979777.jpg-(8 KB, 330x216, 1319435513331.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:09 No.58452634
         File1323979799.jpg-(38 KB, 686x404, 1300252100860.jpg)
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    I don't really think he dislike her
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:10 No.58452651
         File1323979816.jpg-(18 KB, 319x302, 1302406951323.jpg)
    18 KB
    rule 1 and 2 candy-assgot.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:10 No.58452659
    > and just grew up I guess.
    well, fuck. I'm 25
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:10 No.58452662
         File1323979834.jpg-(20 KB, 736x420, 1307850199845.jpg)
    20 KB
    >Women are much better that men.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:10 No.58452672
         File1323979852.jpg-(44 KB, 407x640, 1312641516513.jpg)
    44 KB
    dont buy extended warranty
    they will fix it without warranty most times and if they dont, you should have insurance.
    my 3gs just broke, apple had no idea what was wrong when i took it in. sent to insurance, i now have a 4s.
    also i broke the screen about a month out of warranty and they replace it FOC.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:11 No.58452686
    i was going to watch index, but i don't think i can, every time i see accel i would think of the spammer and get mad
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:11 No.58452691
         File1323979890.jpg-(94 KB, 900x810, 1318792433196.jpg)
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    like this has to do with it
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:12 No.58452722
         File1323979934.jpg-(21 KB, 443x357, 1319270509826.jpg)
    21 KB
    >becoming fastly
    Turn off the computer and think about what you've done.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:12 No.58452737
         File1323979967.jpg-(38 KB, 584x928, 1309952954284.jpg)
    38 KB
    Im going to need source on the doujin he traced
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:13 No.58452759
    I just think of how much he's committing himself to spamming an imageboard and realise that his life is its own punishment.

    Makes me feel better.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:13 No.58452774
         File1323980015.jpg-(54 KB, 545x702, 1315818008729.jpg)
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    Even when faced with unbearable suffering.
    Even when when our body aches with terrible pain.
    We will always get back up to continue the fight!

    From the hate scorched sky.
    With righteous・ソ anger in our hearts.
    We draw forth the sword that smites evil!
    Thou art the innocent blade-
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:14 No.58452790
         File1323980050.jpg-(26 KB, 584x682, 1309558823108.jpg)
    26 KB
    I'm probably really slowpoking on this, but I need your help /m/. I tried searching on /rs/ and even on my usual download sites but to no avail.

    Is this single out yet? And if so, where can I procure it? I love the song and want to add it to my Kamen Rider playlist.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:14 No.58452793
         File1323980062.jpg-(81 KB, 704x627, 2095352534.jpg)
    81 KB
    >High schoolers who look young
    So kind of like this?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:14 No.58452811
         File1323980083.jpg-(59 KB, 774x841, 1304555010322.jpg)
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    But that's what it was, only speculation.

    We can also speculate that Adam One is Merlim (I personally think it's a better theory than him being Al Jabr)

    In the end the only person that really knows what's going on is Cornell.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:14 No.58452813
         File1323980084.jpg-(66 KB, 863x630, 1302751963423.jpg)
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    Then I guess I hope it passes.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:15 No.58452821

    His spamming makes me sad.

    It's because first I get angry and want to hit him, and then I realize I can never find him.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:15 No.58452825
    I know that feel exactly. Fuck accelerator and fuck the raildex fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:15 No.58452846
         File1323980129.jpg-(77 KB, 666x666, 1301948405069.jpg)
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    And all we got out of it was a pretty mediocre new game. This whole anniversary thing only reminded me that this series is going downhill fast.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:15 No.58452863
         File1323980148.jpg-(29 KB, 446x389, 1323522660402.jpg)
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    u amd?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:15 No.58452867
         File1323980148.jpg-(32 KB, 370x513, 1303438660960.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:15 No.58452869
    dem pantsu
    >> konakona !MpEqQLgus2 12/15/11(Thu)15:16 No.58452916
    I just really want to know why he chooses to spam the threads he spams; it can be pretty fucking random at times.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:16 No.58452920
    Unfortunately yes. Mostly because of accelerator spammer.
    >> !dupAccelO2 12/15/11(Thu)15:17 No.58452929
         File1323980234.jpg-(43 KB, 484x576, 1316938861943.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:17 No.58452939
    More like 4'5".
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:17 No.58452945
    If I thought you could hire hitmen for, say, $2000 I'd pay them to track him down by whatever means and murder him, slowly if possible.

    I think it would be good to put us all out of his misery.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:18 No.58452960
         File1323980287.jpg-(29 KB, 542x396, 1307643410155.jpg)
    29 KB
    USA would be just the beginning is my guess.
    Europe will follow, then the rest of the world.

    Question is whether it's going to work.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:18 No.58452969
         File1323980308.jpg-(24 KB, 736x460, 1313797445051.jpg)
    24 KB
    Self-bump. I am a little ashamed
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:18 No.58452970

    I live in Finland, and he's probably behind seven proxies.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:18 No.58452983
         File1323980334.jpg-(70 KB, 656x750, 1301781932610.jpg)
    70 KB
    I love sfc

    The amount of times I've used this to fix fucked customer and friend computers. Hell, it's practically habit now to run this as I work on something and even set a task to run it every day for people who have frequent fuckups.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:19 No.58452996
         File1323980356.jpg-(29 KB, 486x686, 1305233706297.jpg)
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    Not your blog, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:19 No.58453004
         File1323980374.jpg-(10 KB, 276x264, 1315387085691.jpg)
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    >soon the Nexus S Samsung phones .

    when is soon?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:19 No.58453012
    By the way, did the latest chapter get translated yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:19 No.58453019
         File1323980395.jpg-(9 KB, 350x350, 1302076375930.jpg)
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    Yeah, about that. When I say "not that we can do anything about it" I mean that anything we can do (e.g. bitching to our Congresscritters) won't actually accomplish anything. You have to have deep pockets to get a politician to listen to you.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:20 No.58453028
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:20 No.58453045
         File1323980447.jpg-(28 KB, 434x608, 1312860074845.jpg)
    28 KB
    So my mom asked me what I want for Christmas. (I'm 20 inb4underage).
    I told her to get me Atelier Totori.
    She later texted me this.
    >Mom:Atelier Totori for ps3 isn't for girls?
    >Me: It has a girl on the cover but its for boys lol
    >Me:For everyone*
    >Me: It's a hard game you know (starting to sweat now)
    >Mom: It looks gay
    >Me: How does it look gay? The main character us a boy. (Me lying a bit here). The girl is just a character in the story lol
    >Mom: I don't know there is a girl with a skirt on the cover!
    It's over. I'm finished. Similar stories?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:21 No.58453057
    Probably, but if anybody can find a way, it'd be professional hitmen.

    I mean, there must be a way, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:21 No.58453064
    This is probably the kind of post he lives for. The trick is just to waste his time. Whenever he starts spamming I usually make a K-ON! thread and a waifu thread if there aren't active ones.

    He's never gonna realize he has zero impact on this board's culture, so spreading him too thin is really the only option.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:21 No.58453077
         File1323980497.jpg-(10 KB, 290x290, 1313415377019.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:22 No.58453092
         File1323980522.jpg-(29 KB, 416x416, 1303853116690.jpg)
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    Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring universe which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimmest of doubts.

    Gensokyo has not been proven not to exist, therefore it must exist.

    - Academician Prokhor Zakharov
    - Zakharov, Collected Works
    - Datalinks
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:22 No.58453115
    Can I get a link to that good sir?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:22 No.58453116
         File1323980571.jpg-(49 KB, 752x584, 1302872898406.jpg)
    49 KB
    If satan has a human form thats it!! I shit you not im legit terrified!!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:23 No.58453129
    there are hitmen advertising on the onion networks via TOR, but i highly doubt they are legitimate
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:23 No.58453139
         File1323980595.jpg-(27 KB, 412x452, 1311656848028.jpg)
    27 KB
    CROW'SCLAW did some of their usual metal remixes if that's your sort of thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:23 No.58453151
    Translator's website.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:23 No.58453162
    >This is probably the kind of post he lives for.

    I live for masturbating and sleeping, but even by my standards that's pretty tragic.

    I don't think he deserves to live. It's just wasted on him.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:24 No.58453170
         File1323980644.jpg-(55 KB, 676x832, 1308076927807.jpg)
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    I'm afraid that all of mankind will be wiped out within a year, not because of 2012 bullshit, but because i see many events lining up to happen in the next year.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:24 No.58453188
         File1323980675.jpg-(57 KB, 548x626, 1311968890413.jpg)
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    yeah, it got pretty confusing all of a sudden
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:25 No.58453205
         File1323980701.jpg-(45 KB, 546x683, 1306666904140.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:25 No.58453213
    Thank you kindly.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:25 No.58453218
         File1323980718.jpg-(8 KB, 372x330, 1313298465996.jpg)
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    What's the darkest, grittiest, most violent of the Kamen Rider and Sentai shows?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:25 No.58453232
         File1323980739.jpg-(54 KB, 516x724, 1313471274929.jpg)
    54 KB
    >fuck loran
    >pilot master gundam

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:25 No.58453243
         File1323980759.jpg-(22 KB, 456x318, 1304215954121.jpg)
    22 KB
    lol, if you use a slogan then they will assume that you don't know engrish
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:26 No.58453261
         File1323980782.jpg-(16 KB, 805x452, 1316839516310.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:26 No.58453278
         File1323980800.jpg-(37 KB, 498x358, 1302258786431.jpg)
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    If you wait 5 min I will delivar
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:27 No.58453291
         File1323980820.jpg-(32 KB, 448x940, 1318992337403.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:27 No.58453302
         File1323980838.jpg-(35 KB, 402x528, 1305170061989.jpg)
    35 KB
    Finished LOGH today, really enjoyed it.

    I was wondering what if any of the side stories I should watch. And whatever happened to the bedridden historian character?, they didn't seem to go anywhere with that. I liked him

    Also LOGH general
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:27 No.58453317
         File1323980858.jpg-(32 KB, 655x423, 1302144213468.jpg)
    32 KB
    Enjoying that number 8 spot are we?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:27 No.58453332
         File1323980877.jpg-(16 KB, 573x322, 1318406691271.jpg)
    16 KB
    so, what emulator is best for the DS?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:28 No.58453344
         File1323980899.jpg-(31 KB, 585x413, 1308726580917.jpg)
    31 KB
    Oh my god Shotgun, what are you doing?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:28 No.58453355
         File1323980916.jpg-(12 KB, 377x441, 1310044813578.jpg)
    12 KB
    never change, /g/
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:29 No.58453371
         File1323980941.jpg-(40 KB, 440x620, 1310813456713.jpg)
    40 KB
    I love dai san gens. The dynamics of hoarding or dumping the dragons never ceases to please.

    Here's my first one. The three dragon melds were open for all to see, and I was waiting for the poor fool who would discard the single tile I needed.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:29 No.58453382
         File1323980959.jpg-(20 KB, 545x457, 1309789485120.jpg)
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    Not many do actually like her. Zenkichi is more or less the protagonist anyway, it'll definitely be interesting to see how this will all play out for four more months before the anime finally airs.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:29 No.58453388
         File1323980979.jpg-(56 KB, 872x617, 1316754063610.jpg)
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    >and most of all fuck, Gutsack

    brofist, fuck the low level transient black faggots, loitering, shitting and doing whatever the fuck they feel like doing, then complaining the loudest when they are called out for their /b/ level bullshit.

    You should of learned a long time ago that /jp/ doesn't house even 1/8th the community it had in 2008, and has been shit bricking for the last two years, with autistic trip and namefags spreading the decay.

    This thread died 8 months ago regardless and you wouldn't be walking away from much anyways, considering alll your kiddie faggots hide in chat and all you do is bump with meaningless dribble every 8 hours or so.

    Go be productive in a different corner of the internet, fuck these phantom parasites
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:29 No.58453401
         File1323980996.jpg-(25 KB, 524x646, 1303850524214.jpg)
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    >not having awesome face as your chrome profile image
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:30 No.58453412
         File1323981018.jpg-(15 KB, 618x347, 1301878779901.jpg)
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    Sorry, let me add in a little context to make it more clear.

    >Wearing the same clothes for multiple days in a row, even though the sweaty smell is getting noticable by others and you're pretty sure that's a food stain on a spot where people don't really bother to look.
    And don't even say "I don't see anything wrong with that" because it's disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:30 No.58453425
         File1323981035.jpg-(13 KB, 340x340, 1310035836685.jpg)
    13 KB
    Hopefully when Neill Blomkamp's Elysium comes out, a "Art of Elysium" book will get released with Syd's designs for the movie.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:30 No.58453435
         File1323981056.jpg-(55 KB, 806x576, 1318213405141.jpg)
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    I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:31 No.58453446
         File1323981075.jpg-(58 KB, 770x570, 1307035785155.jpg)
    58 KB
    i could really use some help, there is nothing with in my power that i could do to get these nudes back !
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:31 No.58453459
         File1323981098.jpg-(31 KB, 598x322, 1319173329025.jpg)
    31 KB
    cant nostalgia
    this shet still going on tv over here
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:31 No.58453466
         File1323981116.jpg-(26 KB, 451x497, 1312723872533.jpg)
    26 KB
    grow the fuck up, sandniggerlover kiddie

    >hurr im one of yours so dnot hit on me silly boys

    If you're not willing to pursue theft as what it is, a criminal offence, you are either a socialist or a retard.
    Companies GAVE the RIGHT to protect their interests. Don't like it? move the fuck out to Russia
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:32 No.58453476
         File1323981137.jpg-(16 KB, 338x380, 1317960386919.jpg)
    16 KB
    >Not sure if troll or never played on swings before
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:32 No.58453492
         File1323981156.jpg-(89 KB, 885x817, 1314712591749.jpg)
    89 KB
    Not your blog, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:33 No.58453507
         File1323981181.jpg-(51 KB, 477x468, 1312852576833.jpg)
    51 KB
    It won't. You're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:33 No.58453522
         File1323981199.jpg-(45 KB, 620x763, 1311012286214.jpg)
    45 KB
    Hard to say from
    >shitty 32" LCD TV
    Are we talking 720p piece of crap you bought at walmart, or what?

    Doesn't really sound like either of you got an "awesome" deal, sounds about even IMO
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:33 No.58453530
         File1323981218.jpg-(26 KB, 477x268, 1306650970478.jpg)
    26 KB
    They're both douches.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:33 No.58453538
         File1323981238.jpg-(51 KB, 990x532, 1309073420945.jpg)
    51 KB
    Kinda true. But we don't get offended by the usual things normalfags do.
    That's what make us awesome.
    >> Captain X !s8KyeBrr1I 12/15/11(Thu)15:34 No.58453544
    Okay so I've been reading this and this girl is like an extremely fucked up version of Konata from Lucky Star,know how they color her hair black and make her all moody,whatever that version is called?

    Well somebody made a series her and this is it.

    It is funny as hell though,I can feel for her and honestly would have be attracted to a person like her back in the day.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:36 No.58453623
    where can i download all the translated pages?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:36 No.58453649
    Read the thread.
    >> Mr Darcy Loves Me !!xghdcIMRlW0 12/15/11(Thu)15:37 No.58453678
    This manga is fucking terrible and it looks like shit. Fuck this bishie shit.

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