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12/15/11(Thu)13:53 No.58449721 File1323975217.png-(481 KB, 716x1031, moetron color.png)
 >>58449473 Moetron
was made on 2chan sometime in April or early May 2010. She was a
combination of Moe traits taken from several characters but from what I
can tell didn't really catch on there at first. However OP's picture
eventually made it's way here and on May 7 she was named by /a/ and she
started being noticed. http://archive.foolz.us/a/thread/34491307
that several threads popped up and requests in the drawfag threads
resulted in several pictures of fanart like the one I'm posting.
Eventually 2chan found out and some cross board threads popped up giving
her a revival in Japan. But here on /a/ it reached its peek on January 5
2011 when in a thread it was suggested that she should have her own VN. http://archive.foolz.us/a/thread/44381633
Eventually she was even given her own birthday. http://archive.foolz.us/a/thread/48391400
Which we celebrated with a 24 hour long thread. http://archive.foolz.us/a/thread/49082991
Any questions? |