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  • File : 1323899202.jpg-(169 KB, 606x522, geek out.jpg)
    169 KB RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)16:46 No.58410005  
    Time for a good, old fashioned, rage thread.

    Was anyone else aware of this cretinous blog's existence?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)16:48 No.58410049
    There is this way of life that prompts you to ignore shit you don't like, you should try it OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)16:48 No.58410057
         File1323899304.jpg-(83 KB, 646x737, fuuuuuuuuu.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)16:48 No.58410075
    Not sure they even understand the most basic definition of otaku...
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)16:50 No.58410145
    OK, now I mad.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)16:53 No.58410206
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:00 No.58410394
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    I think this gift would be pretty suteki.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:01 No.58410451
    >Then your favorite otaku won't just have to envy that scrumptious looking food those girls in her favorite show are eating
    >her favorite show
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:03 No.58410495
    >OP posting his own blog for hits
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:04 No.58410536
    The comments are even worse, his my favourite:

    "I've got a crazy idea... How about we forgo the shopping frenzy for cheap products made overseas this year and make a committment to buy Made in the US? Congress certainly isn't going to do anything to help the economy, so lets do what we can to put each other back to work, and buy produces either made or at least assembled in the US. And if you can't find a "product" you like made in the US, how about lawn care service, house cleaning service, a hair cut, pet grooming, etc as a gift? Lets put Americans back to work!!"

    >durp how 2 red?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:05 No.58410578
    I'm supporting the American mail industry by buying imported goods.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:06 No.58410616
    The fuck am I supposed to do with two gigabytes?
    >> Jake the Steak !6kgj/OnyWw 12/14/11(Wed)17:07 No.58410646
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    >Suteki Da Ne?
    "It's steak, isn't it?"
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:07 No.58410657
         File1323900461.jpg-(59 KB, 300x367, oh no you dint.jpg)
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    Another one:

    "All this wonderful stuff, made in China! Wait...

    Just get your otaku a life."

    Well fuck your shit
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:11 No.58410750
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    >cheap products made overseas
    She thinks figs are cheap.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:19 No.58411043

    >"Virtual girlfriends for real-life losers." etc

    Gentlemen, they're talking shit about our waifus.

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