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  • File : 1323760783.png-(373 KB, 834x1500, 1323436345190.png)
    373 KB second rarfag 12/13/11(Tue)02:19 No.58343814  
    Drawfag thread 502
    irc: #drawfriends @

    second rarfag's files until thread 499:

    thread 501b >>58331243
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:23 No.58343926
         File1323761025.png-(2.05 MB, 1536x1160, REJOICE.png)
    2.05 MB
    Stupid Sexy Kotomine and Kiritsugu Homer
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:24 No.58343952
         File1323761084.gif-(311 KB, 640x360, 1317105527370.gif)
    311 KB
    That pic is so delicious. Those thighs...
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:28 No.58344057
         File1323761314.jpg-(292 KB, 1458x576, Christmas Cane.jpg)
    292 KB
    Holiday request: See image.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:28 No.58344067
         File1323761337.jpg-(46 KB, 350x474, 4e3dd55161b93119dbd575d9aaf517(...).jpg)
    46 KB
    Yotsuba in a sleigh and santa outfit, with the rest of the cast as reindeer, please.
    >> Surtic !!DSeGXltIPxk 12/13/11(Tue)02:31 No.58344154
         File1323761511.jpg-(96 KB, 640x480, xmashug.jpg)
    96 KB
    Requesting Kurokona and Rika in santa outfits.
    Preferably Kurokona in a cute one and Rika in a sexy one.
    I'll leave the content up to whoever picks it up, regardless if it's; just them posing or interacting with each other.
    You're free to add Oshiroi, Konata or any other fujoshi type girls and make it a large fujoshi christmas party type thing if you want.
    Actually, that would be kinda cool overall.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:34 No.58344222
    Fujoshi != Otaku girl
    Just saiyan
    >> Surtic !!DSeGXltIPxk 12/13/11(Tue)02:36 No.58344291
    Yeah I know, I just couldn't think of a fitting word.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:41 No.58344426
         File1323762086.jpg-(105 KB, 447x1000, Untitled-1.jpg)
    105 KB
    Didnt realize someone else actually did the req also but here you go anyways.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:41 No.58344427
         File1323762089.jpg-(98 KB, 400x500, YJoW0.jpg)
    98 KB
    Cynthia wearing a long-sleeved turtleneck sweater, sitting on a couch, joyfully holding a mostly opened present with a big book inside it. There would be wrapping remains around the edge of the book. The book would be something like an "updated encyclopedia of Pokemon mythologies of the world." Maybe title it, "The Ultimate Encyclopedia of PKMN Mythologies." Make the angle of it so that she's sitting next to, and smiling at the viewer.

    I would greatly appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:45 No.58344562
         File1323762315.jpg-(99 KB, 750x623, 1283430026738.jpg)
    99 KB
    Santa girl are one of my biggest feitsh but...
    >mfw I can't bring myself to fap to other anon waifu
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:45 No.58344575

    Thanks a lot bro! I appreciate it! Sorry if you feel like you wasted your time when I've gotten it already. If you're still open to changing something though, her right foot still seems a bit iffy. I don't want to be picky but if you want to change it, do you think you could?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:46 No.58344614
    Where are you gonna make your custom daki?
    Hobby heart?
    >> Anonymous of South Jersey !Null8Koj06 12/13/11(Tue)02:47 No.58344629
         File1323762431.png-(1.78 MB, 1280x720, New_Control_Room.png)
    1.78 MB
    Why are the threads dying so fast?


    Okabe Rintarou, Makise Kurisu, and Suzuha Amane (Steins;Gate)
    Makoto Konno (The Girl who leapt Through time)
    Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica)
    Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)
    Mikuru Asahina (Haruhi)
    Yuno (Mirai Nikki)

    As The Doctor's (Matt Smith's 11th) comp/a/nions. All hanging around the Control room either working on the console, talking to The Doctor or just simply hanging around.

    The control room for reference..
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:48 No.58344660

    Well, I don't know exactly where I can do it at. Do you have any recommendations to the best places? I was going to google it, but it seems better that I get it from some trustworthy folks here.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:51 No.58344742
         File1323762669.jpg-(308 KB, 1920x1080, Another sunrise in glorious mo(...).jpg)
    308 KB
    Horo in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. bartering with Sidorovich over artifacts.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:54 No.58344817
    Actually, I also want to make one but I know only hobby heart...
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)02:59 No.58344969

    Well damn...hopefully someone else can shed some light on this issue. Anybody else know of any good places to make a custom daikamura aside from hobbheart?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)03:01 No.58345031

    That would be glorious.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)03:03 No.58345080
    I think it'd be better to request with a better reference than that.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)03:04 No.58345108
         File1323763472.png-(165 KB, 620x877, Sensei.png)
    165 KB
    Starting on Komori and Sensei NTR. I'm guessing NTR is best drawn in several panels so that it builds up properly. WIP, it will probably take me a while.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)03:05 No.58345135
    I'm guessing you're the NTR guy from earlier?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)03:05 No.58345157
         File1323763559.jpg-(43 KB, 300x300, fuckin' marmite.jpg)
    43 KB
    /r/ Senjougahara correcting panties-on-head Homura's clothes like in this scene from Marimite.

    The statue replaced with one of Chiwa Saito.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)03:09 No.58345239
    I naturally captilize things. It's a pretty counterproductive habit. I'll keep your tip in mind, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)03:10 No.58345270
    You're welcome.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)03:10 No.58345293
    I got back from work, I even read through the previous threads. These anons do realize that most of the troll post weren't me right? And I was just taking down requests.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)03:44 No.58346078
         File1323765871.jpg-(207 KB, 850x1200, 020d4b3f52e96ed60d41c91f4500d4(...).jpg)
    207 KB
    Suiseiseki and Souseiseki on a trampoline
    >> a sort of colorfag 12/13/11(Tue)04:15 No.58346951
         File1323767759.jpg-(432 KB, 600x865, happysad.jpg)
    432 KB
    Bump with a pic I finished coloring, Found it on Pixiv
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:17 No.58346981
         File1323767832.png-(104 KB, 461x613, 1323763472215.png)
    104 KB
    cute. on to the next i guess
    >> a sort of colorfag 12/13/11(Tue)04:22 No.58347116
         File1323768138.jpg-(339 KB, 914x800, quietpleaselolisleeping.jpg)
    339 KB
    Oh and btw, here's an actual coloring request I just finished. Good night!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:23 No.58347151
    Rika and Oshiroi are fujoshi
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:24 No.58347173
    Indeed but not Konata.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:26 No.58347224
    Why did you crop that?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:27 No.58347247
    oh wow.. #502 /i/ thread shitting up /a/
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:28 No.58347280
         File1323768516.jpg-(313 KB, 1380x1024, 556.jpg)
    313 KB
    Requesting mai waifu in a bikini.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:29 No.58347300
    I'm going to need reposts for Zeima's finished Akari cake image for that one birthday Anon, and the blue background Cynthia from two threads ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:29 No.58347309
         File1323768597.jpg-(146 KB, 720x540, Adele.jpg)
    146 KB
    Use her to destroy my nutbladder.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:32 No.58347370
         File1323768772.jpg-(188 KB, 750x1200, imouto2.jpg)
    188 KB
    Requesting Imouto fucked over a computer while she's typing.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:34 No.58347392
         File1323768841.jpg-(102 KB, 923x1023, RyRo_Digimon_Xros_Wars_-_10-11(...).jpg)
    102 KB
    Requesting Lilithmon gardening in the nude, for /m/.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:35 No.58347421
         File1323768930.jpg-(139 KB, 768x1024, 405575-aozaki_180_large2.jpg)
    139 KB
    Her, shooting blue BEAMS everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:54 No.58347741
         File1323770046.png-(Spoiler Image, 200 KB, 620x877, Sensei.png)
    Spoiler Image, 200 KB
    Hey OR, I'm going through with this and making it into several pages. Want to give me some ideas on what this black guy will be doing to this poor girl? Of course it will end with sensei coming home too late to save her from being a cum covered mess. I just can't think of good stuff to put in between.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:55 No.58347760
         File1323770101.png-(Spoiler Image, 161 KB, 620x877, sensei2.png)
    Spoiler Image, 161 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)04:57 No.58347812
    Looks like you have to wait tomorrow for an answer.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)05:00 No.58347856
    draw a LoGH/Panty and stocking crossover
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)05:03 No.58347899
    >> lillith Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)05:04 No.58347920
         File1323770687.png-(373 KB, 928x1500, lilith.png)
    373 KB

    updates might be slower than usual, watching blizzardcup...
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)05:05 No.58347942
         File1323770759.jpg-(137 KB, 1440x810, AB ed.jpg)
    137 KB
    Requesting main Angel Beats characters standing in front of sign welcome to hell In hellish background of course.
    Everyone of them should look with angry expression at Tenshi and Otonashi. Yui(as little devil) standing on top of the mountain with pitchforks and laughing, next to her Iwasawa standing on four with the dog collar(make her with embarrassed expression and naked if you can).
    Adicional TK with angel wings and aureole watching them from above
    Fell free to add something if you want.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)05:07 No.58347971
    Not OR, but I like it.
    >> Boku no Tripfag !!uo+rI9nd/lP 12/13/11(Tue)05:07 No.58347984
         File1323770876.jpg-(12 KB, 234x300, rush-star-logo.jpg)
    12 KB
    Requesting Houkago Tea Time as Rush. that is, Mio as Geddy Lee, Yui as Alex Lifeson and Ritsu as Neil Peart. bonus points for pic related in the background, with the HTT logo replacing the star.

    if the exclusion of mugi is that unbearable, feel free to add mugi tied up in front of her keyboard, as a reference to growing out of the heavy synth period rush had.

    schoolgirl/loli accelspammer having steamy hot intercourse with captcha-tan

    Cedric Bixler-Zavala and Omar Rodriguez-Lopez drawn in anime style

    Moetron playing the mellotron

    Mio playing brostep. she's embarrassed and blushing, saying "this bass drop is so dirty, don't listen to it!"
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)05:10 No.58348035
    Not OR but good job!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)05:19 No.58348230
    I think this might the best I've seen of you. Great job!
    >> Colorfag 12/13/11(Tue)05:28 No.58348412
         File1323772138.png-(564 KB, 1280x800, wip.png)
    564 KB
    nice job

    Great job man,like >>58348230 said, best yet. Personally I fucking love that table detail
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)05:34 No.58348525
    Kaiji in Santa clothes with Yayaoi and Hayate
    The rest it's up to you, just make it happy and lighthearted
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)05:35 No.58348533
    OR here.
    Wow, that looks grea--



    Thanks a mil, drawfriend.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)05:39 No.58348626
    haha i like it
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)05:41 No.58348665
    sorry, meant Yayoi (from iDOLM@STER btw)
    >> dark skin waifu Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)06:35 No.58349753
         File1323776135.png-(370 KB, 901x1300, darkskinwaifu.png)
    370 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)06:50 No.58350076
    Still unnatural and bad anatomy
    Shit lineart, shit everything.
    Don't let them lie to you, that coloring is horrible, the blur on those shading ruins everything and has no consistency. The background is...shame on you.
    You're barely even drawing at all.
    This is actually good but mind the jaw and left tight.
    Those eyes are completely mispositioned, and I guess she's awfully wide because you wanted that?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)06:53 No.58350125
    Basher-kun looks really mean at first, but he's mean for your sake.

    Like an old art teacher.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)06:53 No.58350132
    How long are you going to be around for? I want you to evaluate something I'm working on later on.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:03 No.58350303
         File1323777787.jpg-(659 KB, 877x620, 0392ae5fb770dc743c1e9f74ebedcf(...).jpg)
    659 KB
    Queen's Blade Soul Calibur crossover, Reina fighting Nightmare (or Mitsurugi that is more easy to draw) for example since they are the most iconic characters, but any other combination of characters is fine too.

    BTW how the hell 3 threads in 12 hours?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:03 No.58350316
    >BTW how the hell 3 threads in 12 hours?
    >> Shinjiro Aragaki !MjP3Pg7okA 12/13/11(Tue)07:03 No.58350317
         File1323777837.jpg-(451 KB, 2400x700, Yuhi-Mariabelle-Yae.jpg)
    451 KB
    Requesting Yuhi Shinatsuhiko dressed as Santa, Mariabelle as Mrs Claus, and Yae in a female Santa outfit all in a sled.
    >> Shinjiro Aragaki !MjP3Pg7okA 12/13/11(Tue)07:05 No.58350339
         File1323777906.jpg-(1.29 MB, 2160x2720, AmaneDeSu-YaeYZQ.jpg)
    1.29 MB
    Requesting a Yozakura Quartet x Devil Survivor crossover featuring Yae Shinatsuhiko and Amane Kuzuryu.

    - I'll leave it up to the drawfag.
    >> Got other refs for the rest if needed... Shinjiro Aragaki !MjP3Pg7okA 12/13/11(Tue)07:05 No.58350356
         File1323777953.jpg-(707 KB, 1286x1102, NMIS.jpg)
    707 KB
    Requesting IS cast as No More Heroes cast

    Houki as Naomi
    Rin as Kimmy Howell
    Charlotte as Jeane
    Chifuyu as Alice
    Tabane as Mimmy
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:08 No.58350414
    >Shit lineart, shit everything.
    Yeah, shit critism.
    Hes pointing out obvious shit without providing anything considered good critism in art.
    being an asshole does not make you better, "oh he doesn't care about my feelings that means its unbaised" nope.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:10 No.58350442
         File1323778207.jpg-(577 KB, 1409x2000, 2231edfb3025aea02f11f5bb2ccb3f(...).jpg)
    577 KB
    /r/ some Kuro with wrapped up chest and convenient censorship blocking her crotch.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:10 No.58350446
    Margot Knight and Malga Naruze (the twin lesbian angels from horizon) replace their wings with devil wings.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:11 No.58350478
         File1323778286.jpg-(327 KB, 2652x748, himuro_akari night_wizard with(...).jpg)
    327 KB
    Requesting Akari Himuro in a sexy Santa outfit riding her Gunner's Broom.
    >> !KUROxgmL0s 12/13/11(Tue)07:13 No.58350527
         File1323778400.jpg-(510 KB, 1750x1254, Motoko Mitsugi.jpg)
    510 KB
    Since there is no actual art of Mokoto Mitsugi from Persona 2's Climax Theater and she looks a whole lot like one of the designs in Soejima Shigenori Artworks, requesting an full body image using the Climax Theater color scheme with the unseen clothes in a similar style as the design.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:13 No.58350536
    I'm always here, I even manage to post at work. Except when the thread dies late at night.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:15 No.58350580
         File1323778531.jpg-(132 KB, 859x765, mouth055.jpg)
    132 KB
    Naomasa (Horizon) and the Engineer building something.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:15 No.58350585
    Yes, so obvious that not a single person can point it out and just go "hnnnnnnnnng" and shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:16 No.58350594
         File1323778569.png-(986 KB, 1808x700, colorblind.png)
    986 KB
    REQUESTING Avan taking Cosette's virginity in a position where she can see herself bleed with a look of fear on her on her face.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:22 No.58350753
         File1323778945.jpg-(205 KB, 1540x800, plat.jpg)
    205 KB
    Requesting a footjob by Rachel and Platinum from the guy's POV.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:33 No.58350992
         File1323779585.png-(374 KB, 901x1300, darkskinwaifu2.png)
    374 KB

    wasnt really paying attention to the eyes, distracted by blizzardcup

    the eyes are probably less wonky this time.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:33 No.58351015
    I use to have one who would just call our drawings "shit, poop and crap" all the time. Basher-kun is a lot softer than that guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:35 No.58351042
    >but mind the jaw and left tight.
    While Hnnngh was an expression of appreciation rather than any form of critism.

    You lazily pointed out areas that you didn't think looked right.
    If you want to critique, you need to do more than just go "oh that looks horrible... urgh something about the face.. just shit."
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:35 No.58351053
         File1323779729.jpg-(774 KB, 1192x1904, Alexia Secutor Sentinel.jpg)
    774 KB
    Requesting Alexia Lynn Elesius from Wild Arms XF dressed as a Secutor from the game.

    Sentinel class works too.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:43 No.58351252
         File1323780196.jpg-(109 KB, 600x600, 1323766354877.jpg)
    109 KB
    Requesting this pic but with Sena on the hotplate and Maria or Yozora standing over her with the utensils.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:45 No.58351304
         File1323780327.jpg-(76 KB, 600x500, yosuga_sky_sofmap.jpg)
    76 KB
    Requesting Sora with nothing but an apron and black thighhighs and optional black panties asking the infamous "Dinner, bath, or me" quote.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:50 No.58351408
         File1323780631.jpg-(2.97 MB, 3440x2408, Bind Dominator.jpg)
    2.97 MB
    Requesting Hoshimiya Eiji from Big Order using Bind Dominator to wrap around Kurenai Rin in a nice bondage style.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:50 No.58351418
         File1323780653.jpg-(127 KB, 593x767, 8a0a792d2505a0126d0cc11f13fc2d(...).jpg)
    127 KB
    Requesting Samidare and Koto going at one another with giant hammers.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)07:58 No.58351574
         File1323781117.jpg-(90 KB, 593x650, 20110903_koreanvocaloid_seeu.jpg)
    90 KB
    Requesting Seeu spreading Miku's legs wide open for the world to see.
    >> TigerAxe 12/13/11(Tue)08:05 No.58351685
         File1323781512.jpg-(118 KB, 1023x1163, 505051.jpg)
    118 KB
    Wendy Marvell of Fairy Tail doing Michael Jordan's dunk in the sky.

    Put the caption "Air Wendy."
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 12/13/11(Tue)08:07 No.58351754
    Stocking in a sexy Santa suit eating cookies someone left out for the real Santa.


    Stocking (still in a sexy Santa suit) fighting Santa over those same cookies.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:11 No.58351830
         File1323781869.jpg-(707 KB, 2728x1600, genofchaos withnames.jpg)
    707 KB
    /r/ Hiro and Rose stripped down to the bare minimal like the image to the side, caressing each other intimately, face to face.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:21 No.58352004
    OR here, preparing my body for greatness.

    Doggy style is a must, using Sensei's noose to tie her up works wonders with it too. Rope bondage in general is a turn on.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:30 No.58352129
         File1323783022.jpg-(180 KB, 1280x720, 501st..jpg)
    180 KB
    I know it's a bit late to request this as the 501st thread has come and gone, but I think we should have all the girls of the 501st sitting around a table, wearing birthday-style hats, with a huge birthday cake with the number 501 on it, and a banner saying "Happy 501st drawfags!"
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:40 No.58352301
         File1323783622.jpg-(65 KB, 672x975, ClarissaArwin.jpg)
    65 KB
    I would love for my waifu to be dressed in a santa outfit.
    >> Warrior of Light !Vg8jFF1hgo 12/13/11(Tue)08:41 No.58352321
         File1323783693.png-(82 KB, 204x371, Kotominewife.png)
    82 KB
    Requesting Kotomine, his wife, and loli Caren singing Christmas carols, possibly in front Kiritsugu.

    Alternately replace Kotomine's wife with Gilgamesh, possibly in front Shirou.
    >> Archer !B3JfhFATE. 12/13/11(Tue)08:44 No.58352375
         File1323783845.jpg-(110 KB, 640x700, 815ad78fde5f5dd449c979c0804e16(...).jpg)
    110 KB
    Requesting Extra Caster presenting herself covered only in ribbons to her male master.

    Alternately, Santa Nero unwrapping her female master who is covered only with ribbons.
    >> zeima 12/13/11(Tue)08:45 No.58352405
    if this is an /r/ i'll do it
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:46 No.58352428
         File1323783986.jpg-(124 KB, 708x999, moe 16609 sample.jpg)
    124 KB
    Requesting Horo in a fur coat, fur boots, fur gloves and a Ushanka.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:49 No.58352485
         File1323784151.jpg-(1.63 MB, 1920x1200, 1304610633803.jpg)
    1.63 MB
    Oh god, seconding that.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:49 No.58352486
         File1323784152.jpg-(54 KB, 366x300, 7e045fd64b1d4ec940519a95964f7a(...).jpg)
    54 KB
    Requesting Alice standing on a footstool or something holding the mistletoe over Gwen and Oswald, who are both in santa costumes.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:50 No.58352510
         File1323784218.png-(1.17 MB, 1020x2204, no more heroes badgirl margare(...).png)
    1.17 MB
    Requesting Badgirl and Margaret in santa style Lolita clothes.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:50 No.58352518
         File1323784241.jpg-(241 KB, 1000x500, 11414.jpg)
    241 KB
    Poplar standing on top of Suzu's shoulders, trying to put a star on top of a christmas tree, and obviously being unable to reach the top.

    Poplar's boobs bouncing would be a plus.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:52 No.58352547
         File1323784332.jpg-(1.61 MB, 2200x1540, Thage Eternal Poison.jpg)
    1.61 MB
    I would like to request a nice image of my waifu and probably Christmas related if you could. Oh I got something, dressed in a santa outfit reading a Christmas Carol in a big chair. Milk and cookies off to the side too.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:52 No.58352550
    OR here, it is a request. Thanks for picking it up!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)08:56 No.58352635
         File1323784591.jpg-(197 KB, 495x700, 05e23a1965beb023efd7821f16d211(...).jpg)
    197 KB
    Requesting Sakuya in a tux or a cute santa outfit.
    >> !Anoon./Lks 12/13/11(Tue)08:58 No.58352671
         File1323784724.png-(799 KB, 870x1236, credits.png)
    799 KB
    Spaghetti-tan (Tomoko) playing Sudoku.
    Since that's usually not quite what'd be expected from that sort of series.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:00 No.58352713
         File1323784818.jpg-(207 KB, 800x600, Do It, Please.jpg)
    207 KB
    Requesting Touma fighting Shirou. Inside UBW, outside, doesn't matter.
    If you're feeling the holiday spirit, make it Christmasy. Maybe have them fighting over a present.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:03 No.58352784
         File1323785019.jpg-(847 KB, 900x1200, 28cf80017916cd3b980ea469a0357f(...).jpg)
    847 KB
    /r/ing the Araragi twins in a sexual situation together, holding hands while facing each other kissing with a saliva trail.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:09 No.58352865
         File1323785351.jpg-(33 KB, 449x350, Poplarsuzu.jpg)
    33 KB
    >Putting poplar on top

    You are a terrible person.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:14 No.58352969
         File1323785679.jpg-(31 KB, 560x534, 1314539619794.jpg)
    31 KB
    Requesting Moetron in this pose
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:19 No.58353058
         File1323785959.jpg-(23 KB, 400x630, Crimson_Viper.jpg)
    23 KB
    /r/ Saber Nero in similar to C.Viper's suit
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:23 No.58353129
         File1323786195.jpg-(156 KB, 1200x600, saberrika.jpg)
    156 KB
    requesting Rika preparing Excalibur (like this reference Saber picture) and doing orgasm face
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:24 No.58353167
    Oh, this I gotta see
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:26 No.58353202
         File1323786415.jpg-(466 KB, 2792x1856, CR-S01-Maria assist_Rosalia su(...).jpg)
    466 KB
    Requesting CR penetrating Rosalia while shouting "Beginning vasoconstrictor injection!" while Maria, who's lapping up Rosalia's juices, mumbles "Drain complete..."
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:32 No.58353304
         File1323786729.jpg-(49 KB, 341x500, holy shit-341x500.jpg)
    49 KB

    OR here. Thanks for all your hard work over the past few days, it looks amazing. Couldn't be happier.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:32 No.58353323
         File1323786775.jpg-(106 KB, 800x600, calibur.jpg)
    106 KB
    Why not Rika killing Gilgamesh?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:36 No.58353407
    So basically, any form of critique that doesn't favor you is bad critique.
    You see, if it looks like shit it is shit
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:38 No.58353440
         File1323787117.jpg-(218 KB, 640x640, tsukky.jpg)
    218 KB
    requesting Tsukuyo in a Santa outfit
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:39 No.58353466
    Suzu has no tits. Poplar goes on top.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:42 No.58353510
         File1323787334.png-(559 KB, 1226x640, CASTER to CCC.png)
    559 KB
    Requesting Fate Caster in Extra Caster's CCC wardrobe.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:42 No.58353515
         File1323787358.gif-(10 KB, 400x300, 1322840345623.gif)
    10 KB
    a girl from this season in reverse hair length mode.

    inori/ayase with short hair
    yarizui sempai from ben-to with medium-long hair
    yozora, yuno, popura sempai, im@s girls, really anyone from this season.


    winter mode:

    any girl from this season with a scarf around her neck. other clothing optional
    >> Boku no Tripfag !!uo+rI9nd/lP 12/13/11(Tue)09:53 No.58353708
    I'll bite. a critique that does not aid improvement is shit. you would do better to point out what is wrong with the picture, and how to improve it, instead of just spouting "it's shit".
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:53 No.58353729
    oh my! BASHER-KUN
    why even this shithead piece of dog dick should post in those threads. he's just a /ic/ lurker with no kind of art or teaching skill, just a collection of copypaste opinion conveniently prepared to be placed in any picture crack.
    ignore this self entitled retard full of himself, and for fuck's sake, stop calling him "basher-kun" like he's some kind of 4chan funny VIP roleplaying or something. he's just giving critique in the most unpolite way possible, and unnecessarily shitting people from a unreachable position is called trolling, not bashing
    and I'm still waiting for those nichijou strip's redlines, idiot.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:54 No.58353736
         File1323788057.png-(151 KB, 619x300, pinoko and astro boy.png)
    151 KB
    Pinoko, in the pose on the left, with pink bows in her hair, a red dress, and a black top, in the style of the image on the right, please.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)09:56 No.58353781
    Fuck yeah, thanks bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)10:15 No.58354221
         File1323789311.jpg-(99 KB, 1280x720, kariyainhisnaturalhabitat.jpg)
    99 KB
    Requesting loli Sakura begging for Kariya's cock as he sits in a pile of trash with the saddest look in existence. For added effect, add a dumpster behind him and a half eaten cheeseburger with worms in it in his hand.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)10:21 No.58354353
    Uhhh, what?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)10:27 No.58354500
         File1323790052.jpg-(487 KB, 2064x2144, Extra swap.jpg)
    487 KB
    Nero dressed as Rin and Tamamo-no-Mae dressed as Rani.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)10:31 No.58354588
    did the kurisumasu req ever get done?
    >> Shinjiro Aragaki !MjP3Pg7okA 12/13/11(Tue)10:32 No.58354621
         File1323790339.png-(297 KB, 600x800, kurisumasu.png)
    297 KB
    Where have you been mate, it was done ages ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)10:33 No.58354654
         File1323790432.jpg-(164 KB, 1200x1500, 1323241996400.jpg)
    164 KB
    Twice, actually.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)10:33 No.58354659
         File1323790439.jpg-(492 KB, 900x890, 918731805dca12b6de4fa4211b9631(...).jpg)
    492 KB
    Requesting Senhime down to her striped down like the image cover in blood while tearing through flesh with her weapon.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)10:34 No.58354667
         File1323790460.jpg-(107 KB, 520x600, 1323313776938.jpg)
    107 KB

    I love you /a/
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)10:35 No.58354695
         File1323790531.png-(107 KB, 375x375, 1322829775981.png)
    107 KB

    >> Shinjiro Aragaki !MjP3Pg7okA 12/13/11(Tue)10:36 No.58354714
    Forgot about that one even though it gives me a case of heartattacks and diabetes.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)10:36 No.58354727
         File1323790593.png-(139 KB, 364x726, Pinoko.png)
    139 KB

    >Dat darling pose

    That looks adorable yet out of place. Reserving!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)10:36 No.58354736
         File1323790619.png-(113 KB, 600x600, 23022575_m.png)
    113 KB
    Requesting Perrine in space marine armor
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)10:52 No.58355125

    Ahhh, that is adorable, thank you!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)11:22 No.58355843
         File1323793342.png-(495 KB, 853x480, 1252001338109.png)
    495 KB

    Haruhi dressed as Indiana Jones (Khaki skirt instead of pants) running from a giant ball of clutter from Katamari Damaci. She is shoving the Virtual Boy, a rare video-game artifact, in her shoulder bag.

    OPTIONAL: Haruhi is humming the Indiana Jones theme song.
    >> zeima 12/13/11(Tue)11:57 No.58356849
    almost done
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)12:02 No.58356981
         File1323795743.jpg-(104 KB, 1129x753, Nazi_Yomi_1.jpg)
    104 KB
    Yomi from Azumanga dressed as this girl from the great film "Downfall."
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 12/13/11(Tue)12:03 No.58357019
         File1323795832.jpg-(259 KB, 1022x838, Rei Christmas.jpg)
    259 KB
    /r/ing Rei in a christmas hat using the spear of longinus to roast marshmallows.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)12:04 No.58357046
    Fuck, these tablet things are different from paper. Bailing until I get some more training.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)12:13 No.58357244
    Fuck Haruhi... give us Marihuana Jones.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)12:26 No.58357566
    /r/ Yotsuba mugging niggers.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)12:31 No.58357686
    you should bash the requests!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)12:37 No.58357821
         File1323797830.jpg-(212 KB, 1200x781, whiteboard943_colors.jpg)
    212 KB
    good morning 4chan, nothing like the smell of spam trolling in the morning.

    Dunno how to lineart/cell. but I tried.

    I'll see how many more I can color before lunch.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)12:43 No.58357956
    I honestly thought the mods had done something about the spam
    I guess I was wrong
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)12:50 No.58358113
         File1323798641.jpg-(238 KB, 850x1272, sample_7052b91c3f9446dbb8698a2(...).jpg)
    238 KB
    Araragi Karen doing runing punch against some other character who likes to punch things (dunno who)
    with Araragi Tsukihi and Light Yagami both holding a Death Note with "keikaku doori" face in the background
    >> zeima 12/13/11(Tue)12:58 No.58358302
         File1323799116.png-(Spoiler Image, 612 KB, 814x1034, adeleH.png)
    Spoiler Image, 612 KB
    gaw this has taken me forever.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)13:01 No.58358377
    not the OR but...

    this killed my boner
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)13:06 No.58358549
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)13:11 No.58358690
    It's almost like you're doing your best to scare away requesters, which goes against the very purpose of these threads. And that's just my wordy way of saying that this shit sucks, and you're a faggot for doing it.
    >> zeima 12/13/11(Tue)13:16 No.58358822
         File1323800205.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 38 KB, 704x400, 1318536078681.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 38 KB
    >mfw my turn on's is a turn off's to most others
    >> !Anoon./Lks 12/13/11(Tue)13:21 No.58358948
         File1323800499.jpg-(132 KB, 1920x1080, wfn6r6o8.jpg)
    132 KB
    Well, it is rather, uh... Hardcore? Messy?
    >> zeima 12/13/11(Tue)13:21 No.58358950
    thank you.
    i'll have to do better next time then.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)13:31 No.58359231
         File1323801067.png-(138 KB, 829x1200, 1320199883252.png)
    138 KB
    Yukari and Nyamo as Catholic school girls
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)13:48 No.58359783
         File1323802110.png-(61 KB, 363x466, Angel.png)
    61 KB
    Requesting some sexy bondage Angel.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)13:50 No.58359881
         File1323802249.jpg-(56 KB, 512x512, cork529.jpg)
    56 KB
    Hikibi wearing the ol' snaggletooth.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)14:01 No.58360219
         File1323802876.jpg-(179 KB, 1500x1091, whiteboard944_colors.jpg)
    179 KB
    critiquing requests? almost sounds like a good idea.

    Another delivery. Maybe done for the day.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)14:06 No.58360387
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)14:06 No.58360404
    I like it. Not the OR, but I would like to see a couple of variations. (1) SeeU actually riding Miku like a horse, not just sitting on top of her. Miku would have a pissed off face while SeeU would look smug. (2) Miku throwing her off her back in a fit of rage.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)14:13 No.58360624
    jeez just say thanks.
    >> Heavy Weapons Guy !Wb7rTlcLCc 12/13/11(Tue)14:17 No.58360755
         File1323803838.jpg-(110 KB, 500x633, history430.jpg)
    110 KB
    Suzu (Horizon) and the Heavy hugging each other.
    Don't care if it's a sketch.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)14:22 No.58360911
    Is that not a valid request? I wanted to see a sequence where they start out as in my first request. Then either Miku collapses to the ground as in the delivery, or SeeU flies off of her like in my second request.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)14:26 No.58361028
         File1323804392.jpg-(75 KB, 389x264, cap026.jpg)
    75 KB
    Someone draw Chiyo-Chan from Azumanga with a small uncut cock, small balls, and detachable armpit-hair-pigtails.
    >> Hayate !!y0Eem2xxRI6 12/13/11(Tue)14:29 No.58361146
         File1323804585.png-(116 KB, 221x358, 1320784123678.png)
    116 KB
    Requesting Chihaya singing Aoi Tori then Aoi Toori shows up and fondles her chest going "Seijun, I didn't think yo had such a lovely singing voice!"
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)14:30 No.58361190
    do us a favor and drown yourself
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)14:32 No.58361259
    You should get the worst kind of ass cancer that an angry God can create.

    It has been done already. No, I won't help you find it.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)14:34 No.58361322
    make that cut your throat with a rusty knife and drown yourself
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)15:16 No.58362882
    yes that too
    >> AzureSea !MJSwLJqSJU 12/13/11(Tue)15:44 No.58363807
         File1323809051.jpg-(21 KB, 255x580, Kanonno.jpg)
    21 KB
    My waifu in a Christmas outfit please, and could you make it so that the outfit is similar to her normal outfit, thanks.
    >> kai !!UGdPuhTwhbV 12/13/11(Tue)15:59 No.58364375
         File1323809962.jpg-(191 KB, 1400x1660, prodcuer-san gate of babylon d(...).jpg)
    191 KB
    Requesting Producer-san drawn like casual gilgamesh here with the gate of babylon opening behind him but insttead of swords just some P's
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)16:01 No.58364428
         File1323810097.jpg-(411 KB, 989x1050, 1314373199231.jpg)
    411 KB
    What if instead of P's you had the idols themselves coming out? Maybe something similar to this.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)16:03 No.58364484
         File1323810192.jpg-(177 KB, 800x1242, Eden v08 c47 000a.jpg)
    177 KB
    Helena and Elijah holding hands while looking at each other lovingly.
    >> kai !!UGdPuhTwhbV 12/13/11(Tue)16:03 No.58364494
    that seems akward yet hilarious at the same time
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)16:04 No.58364510
    Not OR but like this idea.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)16:04 No.58364512
         File1323810246.jpg-(44 KB, 373x509, make it stooooopppp.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)16:19 No.58365053
         File1323811191.jpg-(210 KB, 800x1000, 49ab339f4b2397d85460b926fd980c(...).jpg)
    210 KB
    konata in nero cosplay
    >> zeima 12/13/11(Tue)16:27 No.58365344
         File1323811672.jpg-(505 KB, 1600x1200, WP_000227.jpg)
    505 KB
    reference on nero please
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)16:30 No.58365437
         File1323811829.jpg-(2.19 MB, 2160x2720, KumaRef.jpg)
    2.19 MB
    An Idea: Kuma stand-off / fight
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)16:31 No.58365475
         File1323811905.png-(Spoiler Image, 452 KB, 700x933, 1318557452882.png)
    Spoiler Image, 452 KB
    More waitress tentacle rape when?
    >> zeima 12/13/11(Tue)16:37 No.58365682
         File1323812258.jpg-(41 KB, 747x712, 1317644984478.jpg)
    41 KB
    >mfw someone colored this to perfection.
    i fucking love you guys /a/
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)16:38 No.58365721
    saber fate/extra
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)16:40 No.58365785
         File1323812420.png-(355 KB, 699x394, 1317050092150.png)
    355 KB
    Santa Hanyuu?
    >> zeima 12/13/11(Tue)16:41 No.58365807
    I'll do my best
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)16:45 No.58365974
    Hah, I was going to request this a few threads back, but then I thought of something else (which I haven't /r/ yet).
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)17:04 No.58366695
         File1323813860.png-(175 KB, 308x1034, Moetron fixed.png)
    175 KB
    Requesting Moetron in a santa suit
    >> I Blue Things 12/13/11(Tue)17:09 No.58366893
         File1323814193.jpg-(37 KB, 295x342, Merry - Dont know if I should (...).jpg)
    37 KB
    I want one... Is it possible to get a Merry + Kurisu holiday image?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)17:13 No.58367015
    Here's a tweest: /r/ Santa (fat, white beard, etc.) in a schoolgirl outfit.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)17:36 No.58367865
    double request! we need it!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)17:44 No.58368131
    >requesting X in santa suit!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)17:47 No.58368221
    Requesting Kurisu in an Easter bunny suit.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)17:48 No.58368237
         File1323816483.jpg-(48 KB, 600x364, UNICEF.jpg)
    48 KB
    No rush or anything but I was wondering if there's been any updates on the Yayoi vs. Poorfag bento battle request? I remember there were two drawfags working on it a couple weeks ago and then I haven't really seen anything since. Just curious. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)17:49 No.58368307
    /r/ Norio Wakamoto as Santa Claus.

    And Chuck Norris as a helper elf.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)18:01 No.58368777
    Is it just me, or did all the drawfags disappear?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)18:05 No.58368917
    You're new here, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)18:08 No.58369062
    Santa Hanyuu will be adorable!!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)18:18 No.58369463
         File1323818320.png-(203 KB, 900x2432, 1323690491926.png)
    203 KB
    Grumpy Rukia Santa saying Bah Humbug
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)18:58 No.58370976
    Good idea!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)18:58 No.58370984
         File1323820692.jpg-(100 KB, 1203x589, Fate Revolution - The King Kil(...).jpg)
    100 KB
    Danton, Lenin and Oliver Cromwell gatecrashing the Feast of Kings. It's time for a fucking revolution.
    >> Colorfag 12/13/11(Tue)18:58 No.58371002
         File1323820719.png-(415 KB, 727x828, himeko bruins.png)
    415 KB
    Thanks again BB
    >> Colorfag 12/13/11(Tue)18:59 No.58371038
         File1323820763.png-(549 KB, 727x828, himeko bruins2.png)
    549 KB
    >> Shinjiro Aragaki !MjP3Pg7okA 12/13/11(Tue)19:01 No.58371115
         File1323820906.png-(89 KB, 298x443, Yae inpending rape.png)
    89 KB
    Now I need to watch Afro Samurai again, I'm behind ya comrade.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 12/13/11(Tue)19:01 No.58371116
    Those hips.
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 12/13/11(Tue)19:08 No.58371337
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:08 No.58371351
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:09 No.58371407
         File1323821391.png-(271 KB, 339x382, thebruin.png)
    271 KB
    now make her The Bruin
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:11 No.58371453
    >now make her [fuck] The Bruin
    my mistake
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:15 No.58371615
         File1323821756.png-(463 KB, 716x866, 1323720154926.png)
    463 KB
    Not trying to be a selfish prick since this was only recently delivered, but could I bother a colorfag with a coloring request for this? Feel free to turn me down if you're working on something else or just aren't in the mood for it though. I have until Christmas to keep asking around.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:18 No.58371710
         File1323821902.gif-(6 KB, 381x178, 1322292442856.gif)
    6 KB
    OR here, what the amazing fuck is this garbage? Did you misinterpret my request? Are you just trying fuck around? I guess next time I should be more specific about my request.
    >> zeima 12/13/11(Tue)19:20 No.58371772
         File1323822038.png-(221 KB, 1166x848, konatareno1.png)
    221 KB

    dear god just the sketch took me forever but im still going to paint it
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:23 No.58371847
    give it a rest
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:23 No.58371866
    Woah, looks good so far.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:24 No.58371895
         File1323822263.jpg-(165 KB, 590x375, 1319213977596.jpg)
    165 KB

    Hey now, Don't be a douche. He/She took a long time to work on that.

    If you want to draw something better, by all means do so. But don't ridicule that guy/girl for trying to draw something as vague as what you requested.

    Some people have different tastes. And nobody should rude about their other's sexual preferences. And it's definitely not okay to bash someone's artistic skills. It's rude bro.

    Even if you didn't like it you should at least be thankful someone decided to take the time to draw you something.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:24 No.58371902
    How the hell are you supposed to color that?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:25 No.58371943
    Draw the lineart. Proceed to coloring it.
    >> zeima 12/13/11(Tue)19:26 No.58371980
         File1323822394.gif-(499 KB, 300x198, 1322912372761.gif)
    499 KB
    >Use her to destroy my nutbladder.
    yhaaaaaaa me and you must have been on two different wave lengths on what that meant, but the whole situation is actually pretty fun now that I think about it.
    i laughed more then i should have.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:26 No.58371986

    you know you watch too much breaking bad, when you read that in his voice.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:28 No.58372033

    This just keeps getting better and better
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:29 No.58372058
    Anyone know how to make gimp more stable with it's lines?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:29 No.58372070
         File1323822563.png-(1.08 MB, 1316x967, 1323679398133.png)
    1.08 MB

    Well it worked for >>58357821. Though again, I realize this was just delivered so I'll wait as long as it takes.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:30 No.58372115
    Don't worry about anymore. I'll just re-request it next thread in a way anyone could understand.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:31 No.58372145
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:32 No.58372159

    why do you still sound like an ungrateful douchebag to me?
    >> !.LZjMINTpw 12/13/11(Tue)19:32 No.58372164
         File1323822747.jpg-(594 KB, 1322x1170, lolipop.jpg)
    594 KB
    Requesting some 34 of Julia from the new Suda51 game Lollipop Chainsaw.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:32 No.58372186
    Are you me?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:33 No.58372195

    I tend to agree... Someone spent a lot of time to do that request for free and you're acting like someone pissed in your cheerios.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:35 No.58372268
         File1323822926.jpg-(81 KB, 464x393, 1318652460935.jpg)
    81 KB
    Requesting Kagami giving herself a front wedgie while wearing one-piece swimsuit.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:35 No.58372281
    Because the Drawfag thread has issues about "Wah they made porn of my waifu"
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)19:36 No.58372319
    Actually, as per the very first intended meaning of the word "nutbladder", he filled it correctly

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