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    Love, mootykins

    File : 1323610425.jpg-(260 KB, 1279x564, setup.jpg)
    260 KB Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:33 No.58263011  
    whats your room/desk like, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:36 No.58263080
    Absoultely devoid of anime or manga related content (almost). There's a German and a European Union flag hanging, some pictures, a painted crest of the Holy Roman Empire, and a bookshelf with a bunch of language books on it plus the first volume of Seven Days and Pandora Hearts in German.
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)08:38 No.58263143
         File1323610716.jpg-(189 KB, 1265x893, DSCN4723.jpg)
    189 KB
    I have more manga on my bookshelf, the ones on my desk are my current favorites.
    >Took out the BL so i don't get judged.
    >Will get judged anyway

    >> ~☆♥ウィザードブラザー♥☆~ !KawaiiLwz. 12/11/11(Sun)08:39 No.58263172
         File1323610779.jpg-(449 KB, 2000x1500, battlestation7.jpg)
    449 KB
    Pretty cozy.
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)08:39 No.58263173
         File1323610785.jpg-(251 KB, 1525x935, DSCN4725.jpg)
    251 KB
    My artbooks/Pixiv and cosplay magazines.
    >> General(ノ ಠ益ಠ)ノ︵ sǝןpooN !!MOeTQna6tAV 12/11/11(Sun)08:41 No.58263206
         File1323610885.jpg-(115 KB, 1024x768, P1030695.jpg)
    115 KB
    My current set up.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:41 No.58263209
         File1323610892.jpg-(539 KB, 1296x972, asema.jpg)
    539 KB
    Picture related.
    Figurines, manga and DVD:s are in my shelves.
    >> This Fudanshi !!83T8MOD8u1Y 12/11/11(Sun)08:41 No.58263216
    Come now Harrison, I'm actually genuinely interested in your BL.
    >> ~☆♡感情を表す♡☆~ !Kawaii07ec 12/11/11(Sun)08:41 No.58263220
    It sure is.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:42 No.58263226
    I just came into this thread to say that you have a pretty cool wallpaper.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:43 No.58263263
    fujoshit is showing.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:44 No.58263290
         File1323611094.jpg-(292 KB, 1024x768, P9180001.jpg)
    292 KB
    I need a better desk
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)08:45 No.58263291
    I mainly got it for the Basara, FMA, Natsume and Durarara artworks.
    It has Hetalia and Starryskies shit that I was almost tempted to remove.
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)08:46 No.58263324
    If you cleaned up all that shit and only had a single monitor on it, that darker table could look awesome as fuck!
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:46 No.58263340
         File1323611212.jpg-(596 KB, 1901x1413, crop.jpg)
    596 KB
    pretty poor
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:47 No.58263349
    >basara, fma, natsume and drrr!!
    also fujoshit pandering... i have 8 vols of BL ordered.
    >> ~☆♥ウィザードブラザー♥☆~ !KawaiiLwz. 12/11/11(Sun)08:47 No.58263357
    Yup, since you're there, with me :3
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:47 No.58263361
    it is cool as fuck, my dad made it
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:48 No.58263380
         File1323611302.jpg-(270 KB, 1120x840, Image0110.jpg)
    270 KB
    I am one with my couch.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:48 No.58263392
    Okay, so, the monitor with the K-On wallpaper. I see one file and the recycling bin on it. For some reason, this is driving me nuts. What is that fucking file?
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)08:49 No.58263399
    Basara was amazing!
    But season 2...they catered for the fangirls and ruined it with the homolust. I mean homolust is great when put in the right context
    >Basara was not the right context to add Homolust
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:50 No.58263441
    i like all those shows. except starry sky - but it's licensed so you can get it in english soonish. have you gotten any new BL other than kanai kei or yoneco? i ordered minazuki akira and maki ebishi.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:52 No.58263472
    >Mio fan
    >not having an AKG 701
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:52 No.58263477
    I figure'd id finish it since I have a lot of bandwidth left this month
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:53 No.58263497
         File1323611606.jpg-(705 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_0182 resized.jpg)
    705 KB
    Console/TV area
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:54 No.58263509
    >500$ headphones to listen to shitty mp3 on my ipod
    no thanks
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:54 No.58263513
    wasting $300 to wear the same headphones as a cartoon
    what. the. fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:54 No.58263518
         File1323611671.jpg-(638 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_0178 resized.jpg)
    638 KB

    Desk area
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:55 No.58263532
         File1323611709.jpg-(374 KB, 1141x856, 13170534482.jpg)
    374 KB
    >implying you would get AKG when you can get something massively better for the same price
    pic kinda related
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:55 No.58263543
    What, they are great headphones.

    It's just $300 anyways.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:55 No.58263553
         File1323611753.jpg-(700 KB, 972x1296, Untitled.jpg)
    700 KB
    poorfag reporting in
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:56 No.58263560
    This can't be watchable, can it?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:56 No.58263561
    OP, is that actually your room? Don't lie to me
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:56 No.58263569
    Oh okay. Sorry, that really bugged me. Maybe I should go see a shrink
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:57 No.58263580
    Hey guys, what are some good ways to decorate your room? What kind of posters should I get
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:57 No.58263582
    well it's ao no exorcist so I don't really care
    I just don't like not knowing how it ended
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)08:57 No.58263592
    I am expecting my copy of Konbini-Kun in the mail sometime this week.
    I'm trying to hunt down a copy of bokurani matsuwaru etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:57 No.58263593
    sup flip bro
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:58 No.58263617
    it's on amazon but the company is bust. might as well get the raw.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:59 No.58263625
    What;s your favorite anime at the moment?
    >> This Fudanshi !!83T8MOD8u1Y 12/11/11(Sun)08:59 No.58263631
         File1323611971.jpg-(407 KB, 700x995, bokurani_matsuwaru_etc_01_cove(...).jpg)
    407 KB
    >Bokurani Matsuwaru etc.
    Sorry, I just had to come back to remind you that you are indeed awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:59 No.58263632
         File1323611976.jpg-(1.52 MB, 1936x2592, photo (4).jpg)
    1.52 MB
    perfect for watching anime
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)08:59 No.58263640
    I.. what.. how.... oh wait the modem logo
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:00 No.58263647
    I'll put it like this:

    - desk that holds my monitor / PC is filled with wrappers from food I've ate earlier and didn't throw in the bin. My wii, 360, and ps3 are also on here.

    - A single bed right behind my chair (that is as messy as ever).

    - a load of crap on the floor that I am too lazy to clean up.

    - A stand that holds all my ps3, 360, GameCube, DS games on it.

    - A stand that holds all my manga on it.

    - a dresser that stores my clothes (which I rarely wear), has crap on it, DVDs, 3DS, Wii games.

    - games that lie at the tip of my bed and a GBA SP.

    If I had a camera I'd have taken a photo, but that's what my room is like in detail.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:00 No.58263648
    >That feel when desk is too small for a second screen and room is too tiny for manga/DVD/figure shelves
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:01 No.58263663
    Enjoy your neck complications.
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:01 No.58263672
    I don't think there is an english published copy, i was trying to find a normal raw version from Japan. Im waiting on Kinokuniya to get back to me to see if i can get my order or not.
    They refused to order in Konveni-Kun for me because it's a title that they cannot order in for some stupid reason, even though it says in stock at their supplier on their website.
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:02 No.58263690
    Ohh Fundanshi!
    You are awesome too!
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 12/11/11(Sun)09:02 No.58263698
         File1323612161.jpg-(1.79 MB, 2816x2112, P1050301.jpg)
    1.79 MB
    I need to buy more figures!
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:03 No.58263709
    >that feel when your a hopeless neet and you can't afford all these nice things
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:03 No.58263712
    Nobody in their right mind wastes their money on a godawful dualscreen setup. If you want a decent improvement get a 27" IPS 2560x1400 IPS panel.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:03 No.58263721
    Claim benefits then.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:04 No.58263731
    Save for a real PC first.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:04 No.58263746
    >Nobody in their right mind wastes their money on a godawful dualscreen setup

    You have to be kidding.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:04 No.58263747
    >That feel when I live with my parents, room is too small for PC so have it in the dining room.

    Fortunately I have my laptop set up to my TV in my room so the majority of my anime viewing is done in my bed.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:05 No.58263751
    bed is on the other side of the room which is where i'll sit if i'm using the tv
    no fucking way am i leaning back and watching the tv
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:05 No.58263766
    did you print the things on your wall yourself?
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)09:06 No.58263775
         File1323612376.jpg-(54 KB, 700x525, a fucking mess.jpg)
    54 KB
    It's a fucking mess. I'm reorganizing my stuff so I can take apart my old bed and get a futon and have more room for shelves and shit. I'm still saving up money for a good computer though, all I have now is a shitty laptop. I really should take down my leaning tower of manga though before it falls and goes through the glass in my desk, because that's going to suck shit if it breaks.
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 12/11/11(Sun)09:08 No.58263818
    Yeah. Printed 'em out on paper, cut the edges with scissors, and taped them to my wall. Pretty weak, but oh well. I'll look to frame some stuff after I paint the walls.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:08 No.58263831
    Where do you keep your faptowels?
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 12/11/11(Sun)09:10 No.58263859
    I fap directly into my boxers. No need.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:11 No.58263878
         File1323612666.jpg-(130 KB, 589x589, puke.jpg)
    130 KB
    why would you want to smell like cum?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:11 No.58263880
         File1323612670.jpg-(145 KB, 828x1079, K-ON!_Ep10_Camp_Again!_[1080p&(...).jpg)
    145 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:11 No.58263881
         File1323612671.jpg-(2.72 MB, 4500x2250, Manga shelves.jpg)
    2.72 MB

    I guess I'll post the other stuff as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:11 No.58263886
    I know this guy in real life and he doesn't browse /a/ and this photo is at least a year old. Cough it up OP, you're a fraud.

    Unless holy shit you're actually on /a/ when I'm sure you're not
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:12 No.58263905
         File1323612737.jpg-(642 KB, 2000x1500, Getting a bit crowded.jpg)
    642 KB

    And figures.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:12 No.58263906
    That's disgusting.

    I mean seriously.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:12 No.58263907
    I bet you don't change them as well you disgusting bastard.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:14 No.58263953
    I do the same, but that's because I never leave my room and everybody already thinks I'm disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:14 No.58263955
    i flip them over and wear it for another week
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:14 No.58263958
    I don't have anything anime-related in my room because my flatmate visits it almost daily.

    She doesn't have any other friends here. I don't want to know what happened if she knew the one she lives with has such a sick hobby, I just want to protect her
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:14 No.58263959
    That Woody.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:14 No.58263961

    I bet he licks it off and swallows his cum as he moans "Azunyan nyan, Azunyan nyan, give me your love juice today~".
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)09:14 No.58263965
    I love how you have your figures set up.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:15 No.58263989
         File1323612957.jpg-(132 KB, 500x475, 1322582314741.jpg)
    132 KB
    I think I'm going to be sick.

    At least I 'change' if I were to cum in my pants, but I rarely do that now.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:16 No.58264007
         File1323612998.jpg-(618 KB, 2592x1944, KX.jpg)
    618 KB

    Kleenex masterrace
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:17 No.58264031
    I cum in my boxers too and then have my mom wash them for me afterwards
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:17 No.58264032
    >Facial tissue
    >wiping cum

    I see what you did there.
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 12/11/11(Sun)09:17 No.58264038
         File1323613068.jpg-(113 KB, 960x720, [EG]ZZ_Gundam_BD_36(720p)[778A(...).jpg)
    113 KB
    >Not fapping into socks
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:18 No.58264050
    Good day to you Yellow!
    >thank you again for the Shiki BD scans!
    >> Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ 12/11/11(Sun)09:18 No.58264057
    It's honestly not that big of a deal as long as you don't plan on going outside with your cum-stained underwear on. It doesn't even smell after an hour when it dries anyways. Plus, going to the bathroom and having to flush it every time you fap is pretty annoying.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:18 No.58264070
    Yeah, you mom "washes" them alright.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:18 No.58264071
    You guys are fucking sick. I hate the smell of cum, its like the smell of frogs in stale water.

    I usually cum in tissues and let them dry, then I throw them away.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:19 No.58264077
    I just throw it in the washing to be cleaned, but I still don't do it in my 'pants' nowdays, so it doesn't matter.

    >not fapping in your mouth.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:19 No.58264094
    Enjoy removing the yellow stains... oh wait your mom does it for you.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:19 No.58264097
    I also fap in my underwear as well
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:19 No.58264103
         File1323613199.jpg-(174 KB, 800x600, comfy.jpg)
    174 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:20 No.58264112
    I fap and lick the cum on my hands
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)09:20 No.58264114
    Good day to you as well. Nice setup going on up there I see. I was going to comment, but I thought you'd already left. Again, you're welcome, and again, thank you for the auction link.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:20 No.58264123
    OP, can you post your left-most wallpaper please?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:20 No.58264125
    Spoken like a true virgin. But that's what I'd expect from a moefaggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:20 No.58264126
    >It doesn't even smell after an hour

    No, that's what YOU think. But in fact it can be smelt by anyone near you. Especially women.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:20 No.58264134
    >going outside with your cum-stained underwear on
    thats what i do anyway
    I really stop giving a fuck a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:21 No.58264136
         File1323613268.jpg-(132 KB, 960x640, hahaohwow.jpg)
    132 KB
    and i just realize my nvidia card can only support up to 2 monitor. fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:21 No.58264140
    I just have my monitor, keyboard, mouse and mouspad along with the computer itself on my desk.
    And on a second glance, apparently there is an alarm clock too. It seems to be ~1½hours early.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:21 No.58264145
    Fuck off, this is not "what Komeiji does after fapping" thread.
    >> King of /rs/ !NOMpicoV.A 12/11/11(Sun)09:21 No.58264146
    are you me?
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:21 No.58264154
    Did you end up buying it?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:22 No.58264177

    >It doesn't even smell after an hour when it dries anyway
    You just smell it all the time you get used to it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:22 No.58264184

    Underage detected.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:22 No.58264186
    Is that a fucking PS3 Xillia edition?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:22 No.58264188
         File1323613373.jpg-(1.87 MB, 1000x2995, Command Center Realistic size.jpg)
    1.87 MB
    My room.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:23 No.58264192
    Is dat some Rainbow Pear juice?
    Where are you from? Finland/Estonia?
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)09:23 No.58264200
    Yeah, I just paid the full price to Yokatta today. Now all I have to do is wait for it to arrive.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:23 No.58264210
    >not drinking your cum
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:23 No.58264216
    im 22. and i deals with company that deal with facebook marketing and shit. problem?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:23 No.58264218
         File1323613427.jpg-(1.64 MB, 1920x1200, zerochan.Makinami.Mari.Illustr(...).jpg)
    1.64 MB
    not op but here you go
    >> Foolish !oIRAJyjB9M 12/11/11(Sun)09:24 No.58264224
    >Not fucking directly into the toilet.

    Cut out the middle man.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:24 No.58264228
    personally I don't really notice a smell until maybe two days in. when I go the store no one remarks that I smell , then again I'm usually mistaken for a homeless person.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:24 No.58264236
         File1323613473.jpg-(1.24 MB, 2612x1959, P1030708.jpg)
    1.24 MB
    Not quite the look but really comfy.
    >> Foolish !oIRAJyjB9M 12/11/11(Sun)09:24 No.58264240


    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:25 No.58264245
    >fucking directly into the toilet.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:25 No.58264252
         File1323613512.jpg-(63 KB, 720x480, mah room.jpg)
    63 KB
    yeah. and I got 2 laying around at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:25 No.58264256
    What did you order MR yellow?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:26 No.58264279
    >Obelisk plushie

    You sir, have won my respect.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:27 No.58264294
    What, why two more?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:27 No.58264305
    Doesn't it suck to not have a chair?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:27 No.58264308
         File1323613643.jpg-(3 KB, 127x121, 1316934818715s.jpg)
    3 KB

    I want that wallpaper on the left screen.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:27 No.58264326
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)09:28 No.58264335
    A Kaiji e-card set with perica.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:28 No.58264349
    >not weeaboo enough to sit in Seiza position and like it
    >> Bro !!G453k4J6UuF 12/11/11(Sun)09:28 No.58264352
         File1323613715.jpg-(77 KB, 619x595, 1290476007117.jpg)
    77 KB
    >Do it for her
    That is so fucking sweet
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:28 No.58264361
         File1323613739.jpg-(1.58 MB, 1920x1200, 1316852791213.jpg)
    1.58 MB
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:30 No.58264395
    There is also a Rei one I have seen in the past.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:30 No.58264399
    I saw soe dude in my class with that wallpaper on
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:32 No.58264437
    i dont even have a bed.

    impulse buying.
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 12/11/11(Sun)09:32 No.58264443
         File1323613955.jpg-(1.3 MB, 1920x1200, 1276684017256.jpg)
    1.3 MB
    To complete the set.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:32 No.58264449
    >Room thread nobody posting beds
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:33 No.58264461
         File1323613989.jpg-(22 KB, 512x384, battlestation.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:34 No.58264494
    I sleep on a futon.
    >such effort when the girlfriend comes over.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:34 No.58264498
         File1323614068.jpg-(1.66 MB, 1944x1296, myroom.jpg)
    1.66 MB
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:34 No.58264512
         File1323614098.jpg-(200 KB, 1200x1600, 1322753446028.jpg)
    200 KB

    Same wallpaper as me, PRAISE THE SUN!

    >> PichuPower :: 12/11/11(Sun)09:35 No.58264514
    agreed. it also has a bit of nostalgia too. the same thing was on "The Simpsons"
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:35 No.58264515
    > girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:35 No.58264523
    too much yellow
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:35 No.58264531
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:35 No.58264532
         File1323614139.jpg-(44 KB, 500x500, 1323163478058.jpg)
    44 KB

    Shaggy plays retail world of warcraft, i can fucking see the box.

    I'm pretty disappoint.
    >> Bro !!G453k4J6UuF 12/11/11(Sun)09:36 No.58264549
         File1323614177.jpg-(177 KB, 1600x1200, dont forget.jpg)
    177 KB
    I would love to have an Yotsuba version.

    By the way, is Y a vowel?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:36 No.58264550
         File1323614180.jpg-(1.25 MB, 2560x1920, battlestation.jpg)
    1.25 MB

    Here's mine. I'm buying new furniture and re-organizing today though.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:36 No.58264552
    > girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:36 No.58264555
         File1323614184.jpg-(54 KB, 412x371, 1256516082392.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)09:37 No.58264570
         File1323614222.jpg-(70 KB, 700x525, BED.jpg)
    70 KB
    That's because I was sitting on mine, though hopefully I won't have this huge piece of shit much longer.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:37 No.58264572
    my bedroom and kitchen are all in the same big room
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:37 No.58264575
    >paying a slut
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:37 No.58264584
         File1323614251.jpg-(245 KB, 1339x2000, room.jpg)
    245 KB room for the next 3 years
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:38 No.58264597
    Does the fact that i read BL make me completely gay?
    >as if one can turn down women completely
    >> PichuPower :: 12/11/11(Sun)09:38 No.58264601
    in the englis language it is technically a vowel on some cases but not all A,E,I,O,U, and sometimes Y
    >> sage Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:38 No.58264610
    it can be both. the article (a/an) depends on the sound it your use it's not a vowel
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:38 No.58264615
         File1323614327.gif-(9 KB, 678x344, 1323461542720.gif)
    9 KB

    >implying anyone plays on shitty private servers with shitty rates
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)09:38 No.58264620
    I think it's more the fact that you're both on /a/ and have a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:39 No.58264630
         File1323614349.png-(173 KB, 265x530, GilgameshUC.png)
    173 KB

    Go to bed, Tokiomi.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:39 No.58264637
    >as if one can turn down women completely
    > implying it aren't the woman turning me down
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:39 No.58264640
    I live in a 1 room apartment in Sydney, i only have a separate bathroom/toilet, kitchen and the Laundry is at the end of the hallway (communal)
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:39 No.58264647
         File1323614387.jpg-(85 KB, 800x800, 1322421219001.jpg)
    85 KB
    >Playing WoW
    >> Bro !!G453k4J6UuF 12/11/11(Sun)09:40 No.58264661
    Really? So when do you use An for Y and when A for Y?
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:40 No.58264669
    If it makes people feel any better the guy I was dating a few months ago cheated on me?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:40 No.58264670
         File1323614436.jpg-(776 KB, 1663x1109, IMG_2364.jpg)
    776 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:40 No.58264671
         File1323614437.jpg-(35 KB, 300x226, mahnigga.jpg)
    35 KB
    >Hartmann, all Hidamaris, DMC and a fucking DOUBLE BASS.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:41 No.58264696
         File1323614487.jpg-(1.54 MB, 3200x1080, FINALWALL1.jpg)
    1.54 MB
    >moves to big city
    >digital arts
    >tons of free time
    >fucking around with mates


    >I'm not depressed
    >not trying to find a highschool girl I still love
    >not a massive beta
    >not punpun

    Welp, close enough

    pic related, my wallpaper
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:42 No.58264711
    It's glorious.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:42 No.58264728
    >Dark Souls

    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:42 No.58264732
    > having a girlfriend
    > dating a guy
    closet faggot?
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)09:43 No.58264753
    That sucks man. Hope this relationship turns out better for you.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:44 No.58264766
         File1323614664.jpg-(260 KB, 1024x768, 1286804601893.jpg)
    260 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:44 No.58264779
    why don;t you just not mention it?
    jesus christ guy.
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:44 No.58264788
    Gender doesn't matter to me, it's the person's personality.
    pan/bisexual i guess?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:45 No.58264797

    More like attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:46 No.58264813
    the only thing that would make me feel bettwer is if you had Lou Gehrig's disease.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:46 No.58264828
         File1323614801.jpg-(393 KB, 1576x902, room.jpg)
    393 KB
    This is mine.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:46 No.58264829
    surprised he can get XP running on that
    How does it feel to be cummed inside?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:47 No.58264842
    I concur
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:47 No.58264845
         File1323614836.jpg-(113 KB, 700x526, 1323388080418.jpg)
    113 KB
    i wanna grab a few monitors
    what size should i look for and should i go 16:10 or 16:9
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:47 No.58264866
    to all the lurkers here:
    am I the only one with just a plain desk, a single monitor and speakers, and plain undecorated walls here?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:47 No.58264867
    /a/ has some pretty stylish rooms
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:47 No.58264868
    More like you jelly that you will never get the feel of being cummed on the inside
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:48 No.58264876

    Sauce on left pic?
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 12/11/11(Sun)09:48 No.58264877
    I don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:48 No.58264883
    >not having a dakimakura
    Oh shit. What are you guys doing? You guys have no idea what are you missing out.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:48 No.58264891
    no, but those of us who do don't really have a reason to show off in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:49 No.58264911

    Why not? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:49 No.58264915

    you're female, right? right
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:49 No.58264926
    hey komeiji if you are still here
    does it really leave stains?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:50 No.58264938

    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:50 No.58264942
    He probably went off to wash his boxers after we told him that he smells like dried semen.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:50 No.58264943

    >dat spider


    I swear to god if I get bitten and die one day because of a spider I'm blaming it on /a/.
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)09:51 No.58264954
    >that feel when there isn't a dakimakura of your waifu yet
    I one is ever released, both my wallet and dignity will be at risk.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:51 No.58264955

    I think that Komeiji is lying. I think that he pumps all of his cum into his mother's uterus.
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:51 No.58264968
    I have only bottomed once, and the use of a condom prevented me from feeling such a thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:52 No.58264975
    why are you so mean to him?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:52 No.58264987
    "Bisexual" is just what gay people call ourselves before coming out all the way, or what straight attention whores call themselves.

    There is no such thing in reality.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:52 No.58264993
    > I think that he pumps all of his cum into his mother's uterus.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:53 No.58265013
    well I don't agree that bisexuality doesn't exist,
    most people claiming bisexuality are lying about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:54 No.58265024

    then you're gay, right? right
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:54 No.58265046
    I should get one around Christmas. Really can't wait.
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:54 No.58265054
    Well then i have no specific gender preference.
    I know the feeling Yellow, They will never make a Kaworu, Tohru Mutou, Aqua(KH) or Chie one
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:55 No.58265065
    Pansexual aka omnisexual, just like me.
    (Omnisexual sounds better, in my opinion)
    Bisexual = you like men and women.
    Omnisexual = you like the personality of that person; doesn't matter to you if the person is a man, woman, a man who changed gender into a woman etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:55 No.58265072
    Where's a good place to buy a dakimakura?
    I've never seen a Kinomoto Sakura pillow. Though if those don't exist I guess I'd want Kirino.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:55 No.58265074
    because he likes hello kitty? At least, it isn't K-On
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:55 No.58265077

    Because he is moe, and the more you tease moe things the more moe they become.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:56 No.58265094
    nope you're a faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:57 No.58265128
    so he is /a/'s Ayu?
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)09:57 No.58265137
    >Trannies scare the shit out of me.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:57 No.58265143
         File1323615456.jpg-(283 KB, 1440x900, Wallpaper.jpg)
    283 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)09:59 No.58265186

    I know it's bad to judge others for their tastes, but i'm having a hard time fathoming that the owner of that room is a straight male
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:00 No.58265217
    I find it hard that it would even be the room of a gay male.
    Probably just a weeb teenage girl who wants everything asian
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:01 No.58265248

    Yeah, I'm not straight. I find it hard to imagine that I wouldn't still like Hello Kitty if I was, though. Cute things are cute regardless of one's sexual preference.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:01 No.58265253
    heh, I like to wear female jewelry, specially bracelets with all them fancy stones and I know I am straight
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:01 No.58265256
         File1323615697.png-(198 KB, 1920x1283, Saga of Corn Fapper 1.png)
    198 KB
    Maybe he's cornfapper?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:02 No.58265275

    okay, mindfuck avoided
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)10:02 No.58265286
    >feels terrible man
    I'm surprised there isn't a Kaworu one out though, it seems like there would be. As for my case, they did make an Akagi dakimakura. Hopefully one day they'll make a Kaiji one, but I just hope it's after I move out. I really don't want to explain to anybody in my family why there's a body pillow of an anime character, much less a of a male, in my room.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:07 No.58265430
    Nope. On top of tiny desk: gaming monitor, laptop, speakers, astro mixamp, mouse, router and hdmi converter for pvr. Not allowed to have anything on my walls at my apt or I could get fined.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:07 No.58265433
    harrison - kinokuniya has 2 different supply chains - one for its brick and mortar shops, another for its bookweb - at least at my location - so what you see at bookweb won't be the same stock as what bookstore assistants at the shop see.. or something like that. - - but i can't even see konbini-kun at your aus bookweb.. might have to order from amazonjp or bk1. that will have day light robbery like shipping.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:08 No.58265479
         File1323616117.jpg-(798 KB, 1600x1200, room.jpg)
    798 KB
    So is this thread still about rooms?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:08 No.58265482
    Seems to be pretty hard to find, but there's one on yahoo auctions. You'll have to use proxy service though. Just be sure to use Japanese characters to search there instead of romanji.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:09 No.58265498
    this guy?
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)10:09 No.58265511
    Nice anon. I like it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:10 No.58265541
    pretty cool
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:11 No.58265577
         File1323616286.jpg-(969 KB, 1283x2157, 1320416518714.jpg)
    969 KB
    That mousepad. That fucking mousepad.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:11 No.58265587
    Thank you guys.

    I still need to find a use to that Octupus-like thing on top of my desk, it's a receiver. But it's kinda hard to use when you mostly listen to weaboo music.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:11 No.58265591
    That Nanoha is fucking sweet. Good work /a/non.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:12 No.58265594
    that monitor
    it's so far away
    also is that an official dakimakura?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:12 No.58265602
    >bluetooth mouse
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:12 No.58265607
    hey dude, where did you get the azusa dakimakura? it seems pretty big, how long is it?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:13 No.58265633
    Find a use for it, eh? Buy an Ika fig.
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)10:13 No.58265634
    It seems they removed it from the site.
    here is the link for it but it seems that they removed it but im sure if you used that back in time webpage it'll come up

    They have copies of Konbini-kun at cdjapan and that's where i ordered it from.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:14 No.58265643
    Fix: More like a speaker actually.

    I know, It was quite hard to buy it, it was restocked suddenly, I bought it and two days later it was already sold out. I was very lucky. A bit expensive but very comfortable.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:15 No.58265671
    Normal size for a dakimakura. 50x150 (cm)

    It was being sold at KyoAni online shop for 9000 yen. I used a proxy service.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:15 No.58265672
    I'd feel guilty every time I used my mouse if I had oppai mousepad. How do you deal with that?
    >> Harrison !s8/Ug2MUmU 12/11/11(Sun)10:15 No.58265679
    Such a nice clean room.
    >i jelly
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:15 No.58265681
         File1323616554.jpg-(963 KB, 1663x1109, IMG_2367.jpg)
    963 KB
    And here's the part with the bed
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:16 No.58265698
         File1323616585.png-(124 KB, 600x600, 1321713629098.png)
    124 KB
    No shit! I want one. I hate that type of mouse pad when gaming however. Where did you buy it?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:16 No.58265702
    thanks o/
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:17 No.58265743
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:17 No.58265744
    dem detolf cases
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:18 No.58265774
    The dakimakura is official (see >>58265671 )

    And the monitor is a bit far away, ~80cm. Which is appropriate for a 32'' TV LED HD Ready TV for PC use. I think.

    You just deal with it. My father saw it, then he started laughing, took in its hands and started groping Sonico breasts. Then he looked at me and said "It's better than some girls out there." We both laughed and no fucks were given since then.
    >> Yellow !FmV.moZPhY 12/11/11(Sun)10:19 No.58265789
    I jelly.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:20 No.58265809
         File1323616816.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 27 KB, 250x350, i110061.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 27 KB
    not really buying that book right now but thank you! but i did see something interesting while wandering around.
    >libre shuppan
    >will never get translated
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:21 No.58265833
         File1323616868.png-(102 KB, 325x352, 1321972253001.png)
    102 KB
    Your dad is a bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:22 No.58265858
    >"It's better than some girls out there."
    A hero, your father is a hero.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:22 No.58265863
    He is quite a bro. The only thing that really weird the shit out of him was the dakimakura. But nowadays he don't cares too much.

    HobbySearch, 3000 yen if I am not wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:23 No.58265893
    > My father saw it, then he started laughing, took in its hands and started groping Sonico breasts
    That's not what I meant at all. It'd make me feel bad for the character printed on it, since I'd be moving my mouse across her face all the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:24 No.58265950
    Oh sorry, I misunderstood. Well, it's fun to bully Sonico.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:25 No.58265975
         File1323617148.jpg-(216 KB, 953x885, 1322751526859.jpg)
    216 KB
    >HobbySearch, 3000 yen if I am not wrong.
    TY Anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:27 No.58266019
         File1323617245.jpg-(957 KB, 2592x1552, IMAG0093.jpg)
    957 KB
    Glorious quality.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:27 No.58266035
    Fuck this looks cool. Tell me about yourself, just curious.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:28 No.58266066
         File1323617319.jpg-(304 KB, 1280x960, PICT1748.jpg)
    304 KB
    Got to replace my desk one day.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:29 No.58266095
    I can see a US passport there. US can't be classy.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:30 No.58266115
    I am fucking jelly of that room
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:30 No.58266124
    Are you Indiana Jones?
    >> Bro !!G453k4J6UuF 12/11/11(Sun)10:30 No.58266126
         File1323617449.png-(3 KB, 185x185, 1286403698882.png)
    3 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:30 No.58266127
    why can't i hold all these virgins?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:32 No.58266192
    invest in some good eue de toillete thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:32 No.58266197
    Those AKG
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:33 No.58266222
         File1323617606.jpg-(1.34 MB, 2592x1944, BATTLESTATIONS 3.0.jpg)
    1.34 MB
    every post is a repost
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:35 No.58266276
    It was €2, I rarely use it anyway.

    I posted mine today for the first time on /a/, how can it be a repost?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:36 No.58266326
    >rarely use it anyway.
    thank you for doing humanity a favor. seriously, invest in a personal scent. something classy and makes you easily identifiable.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:38 No.58266371
    First time I posted mine on /a/ too.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:38 No.58266398
         File1323617936.gif-(2.98 MB, 388x218, 1315142742588.gif)
    2.98 MB
    DUDE, you are at UFSC?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:44 No.58266569
    >Mio's leg warmers
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:46 No.58266611
         File1323618385.jpg-(48 KB, 432x434, 004827.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:48 No.58266665
         File1323618489.jpg-(119 KB, 788x730, IhaveBeenDeceived.jpg)
    119 KB
    I've got to admit though, it's confy as fuck and I have a nice view

    No, stop humping me.
    I'm in Yurop
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:48 No.58266680
    holy crap I can see my room from there
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:48 No.58266681
         File1323618536.jpg-(66 KB, 400x300, oh god.jpg)
    66 KB
    Didn't have time too clean up........
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:50 No.58266718
    becauseof that comfiness and that nice view. Is that a univercity campus? Where are you from?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:53 No.58266813
         File1323618794.jpg-(63 KB, 522x681, 6.jpg)
    63 KB
    >univercity campus
    No, it doesn't have one. It's a 3min walk from my uni though, or one subway station away

    >Where are you from?
    Prepare to lose your boner, Portugal. Will move out asap
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)10:55 No.58266887
    Thats not that bad anon. Azerbaijan here. Of course, moving out as soon as possible too.

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