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    File : 1323528576.jpg-(33 KB, 500x333, SpeedRacer9.jpg)
    33 KB Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)09:49 No.58217679  
    What the hell
    I guess this might be exploitable
    >> ­­­ 12/10/11(Sat)09:51 No.58217719
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)09:56 No.58217837
    weirdest dream ever
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)09:57 No.58217847
         File1323529032.jpg-(59 KB, 496x334, Speed racer.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:03 No.58217989
         File1323529417.jpg-(6 KB, 167x169, rex seal of approval.jpg)
    6 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:08 No.58218109
         File1323529706.jpg-(84 KB, 500x333, speedracer.jpg)
    84 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:14 No.58218279
         File1323530053.jpg-(131 KB, 500x333, komei shell-kun.jpg)
    131 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:18 No.58218405
         File1323530325.jpg-(71 KB, 500x333, sheldon2.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:20 No.58218429
    inb4 bateman
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:20 No.58218430
    >Taiga's dreams while he sleeps
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:20 No.58218441
         File1323530425.jpg-(103 KB, 846x634, komeji never asked for this.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:21 No.58218474
         File1323530487.jpg-(18 KB, 320x240, 1323415417394.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:22 No.58218506
         File1323530574.jpg-(119 KB, 500x333, BokunokomeijiMASAKA!!.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:24 No.58218540
    >rex likes what he sees
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:30 No.58218723
         File1323531029.jpg-(129 KB, 500x333, oh.jpg)
    129 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:34 No.58218850
         File1323531281.jpg-(68 KB, 500x333, mashiro.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:52 No.58219359
         File1323532342.jpg-(154 KB, 500x333, komedrew.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:55 No.58219442
    Could you post some uidrew pictures?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:56 No.58219474
         File1323532573.jpg-(66 KB, 227x294, uidrew fucker.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:57 No.58219511
         File1323532667.jpg-(254 KB, 379x533, SwimMeat2 Uidrew&Komeiji.jpg)
    254 KB
    Someone should fix this one
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)10:59 No.58219548
         File1323532757.jpg-(181 KB, 600x600, azusa&komeiji copy.jpg)
    181 KB
    and this one
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:00 No.58219573
    I don't recognize any of these fags. Taiga's one of the faggot trippers round these parts right?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:01 No.58219608
         File1323532895.jpg-(602 KB, 1162x1334, komeiji.jpg)
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    You missed out on the fun
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:02 No.58219626
    Komeiji is that fag that got in a fight with bro. shit was hilarious.

    Bro >>> Komeiji
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:02 No.58219632
         File1323532934.gif-(222 KB, 400x300, uidrew1.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:02 No.58219650
    Does he know about showers?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:04 No.58219698
    So who is "bro"
    Only tripper I recognize is that one trolls and like bleach and naruto
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:04 No.58219708
    Shit. That is Uidrew?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:05 No.58219727
    That fag who does DYC. Seriously, Havent you seen one of them?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:05 No.58219733
    This thing have become annoying. if you like playing this shit so much , go to /b/ or /soc/.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:06 No.58219789
    I recognize the names taiga and komeji and fruitpunchsamurai and that one fag whos name I cant remember but he's like the maximum troll of /a/

    I believe Taiga is the fag who starts a lot of waifu threads
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:07 No.58219829
    You are incorrent. That is Shin
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:08 No.58219850
    I dont really care about taiga. Isnt what he is doing with the trademark shit illegal?
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 12/10/11(Sat)11:09 No.58219868
    He barely showers, once a week at best, don't ask how I know this...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:09 No.58219872
    Uidrew is actually pretty cute compared to Komeiji.
    Too bad Komeiji is more coherent.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:09 No.58219889
    >This thing have become annoying
    >Sentences starting with non-caps
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:09 No.58219890
    dis niqqa looks like his face caught on fire and someone tried to put it out with an axe
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:10 No.58219916
    And how do you know that? Do you guys have sleepovers?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:10 No.58219927
    >More coherent than anyone
    Komeiji makes YotsubaC seem eloquent.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:11 No.58219930
    Best explanation .

    Also, thread is full with trips who are posting without trips.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)11:11 No.58219950
    Have you tried having a discussion with Uidrew?

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