11/06/11(Sun)06:51 No. 56858715 Mikoto Uzu, "Wolfsbane">4th year at Karasuda High School(?) >Western Wolf >Unknown relationship with The Wizard >Specialty is "poison", the ability to paralyze with a touch. Yuu Kaneshiro, "The Wizard">3rd Year at Karasuda High >Western Wolf >Trained the Ice Witch >Unkown relationship with Wolfsbane >Specialty is speed/acrobatics with high leaps and great agility. Sen Yarizui, "The Ice Witch">2nd year at Karasuda High School >Western Wolf >Trained by The Wizard >Training MC >Specialty is legs, delivering powerful kicks and great maneuverability. Ayame Shaga, "The Beauty by the Lake">1st year at Marutomi University High School >Eatern Wolf >MC's Cousin >Rivalry with Ice Witch >No known specialty, but has fought using weapons (chopsticks) before. Monarch>Eastern Wolf, possibly the strongest >Leader of Gabriel Ratchett >Member/leader of the Proletarian Economy Research Society >Seeks to start a war between East and West >Retardedly strong Anything I missed?