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  • Hardware upgrades coming later this week. Expect downtime during the migration, and hopefully a snappier site when it returns!
    Delayed til next weekend—sorry bros.

    File : 1320575499.jpg-(124 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] Ben-To - 05 (1280x720 x264 AAC(...).jpg)
    124 KB Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:31 No.56857117  
    I'd take on all her misfortune.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:34 No.56857169
    who dis bitch
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:34 No.56857173
         File1320575660.jpg-(165 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Ben-to_-_03_[A7606FDB].mk(...).jpg)
    165 KB
    I would let her beat me up
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:34 No.56857174
    her misfortune burned a talisman. I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:36 No.56857223
         File1320575792.jpg-(92 KB, 1280x720, 1320566387473.jpg)
    92 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:39 No.56857297
    New girl is awesome and so moe.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:39 No.56857305
    >Misfortune-chan in a fight
    >Everybody drops dead
    >She goes over to the bentos
    >All bentos are now inedible

    Fucking lovely
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:40 No.56857315
         File1320576025.jpg-(173 KB, 1280x720, 1320479289246.jpg)
    173 KB
    Posting the rest.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:40 No.56857323
         File1320576058.jpg-(169 KB, 1280x720, 1320479174293.jpg)
    169 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:41 No.56857330
         File1320576075.jpg-(417 KB, 705x965, 1320545746570.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:41 No.56857350
         File1320576103.jpg-(142 KB, 1280x720, 1320479288736.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:42 No.56857362
         File1320576143.jpg-(128 KB, 615x752, 22682481.jpg)
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    Stop it or get out.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:42 No.56857373
    Not to mention, 700 posts Ume thread
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:46 No.56857457
         File1320576392.jpg-(88 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] Ben-To - 05 (1280x72(...).jpg)
    88 KB
    Dem eyes!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:47 No.56857478
         File1320576453.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] Ben-To - 05 (1280x72(...).jpg)
    89 KB
    Beautiful, beautiful eyes.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:47 No.56857481
         File1320576466.jpg-(668 KB, 1000x1000, 22704856.jpg)
    668 KB
    Sen = Asebi > Ume = Shaga > Hana
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:48 No.56857489
         File1320576489.jpg-(26 KB, 182x235, know what i mean.jpg)
    26 KB
    I would touch her with a 10 inch pole
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:49 No.56857509
         File1320576561.jpg-(54 KB, 690x706, 1306945583731.jpg)
    54 KB
    I'd dispel her misfortune if you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:49 No.56857523
    Dat voice.
    Where have I heard it before....
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:50 No.56857534
         File1320576629.jpg-(173 KB, 906x579, 1320576322.jpg)
    173 KB

    >ume doesn't even shows up on this episode
    >still the same result
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:50 No.56857537
         File1320576640.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] Ben-To - 05 (1280x72(...).jpg)
    89 KB
    More girls should wear long scarves all year round.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:51 No.56857552
         File1320576679.jpg-(249 KB, 738x525, merry.jpg)
    249 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:52 No.56857586
    So that scarf is because she's constantly sick?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:53 No.56857603
    The first signs of the authorities in Ben-to!
    Some kind of military virginity protection army.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:54 No.56857620
         File1320576859.jpg-(90 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] Ben-To - 05 (1280x72(...).jpg)
    90 KB
    Just give her medicine to make her better.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:54 No.56857627
    It's Ayana Taketatsu, bro. Fap away.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:56 No.56857653
         File1320576971.jpg-(87 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] Ben-To - 05 (1280x72(...).jpg)
    87 KB
    Damn she's cute.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:56 No.56857670
         File1320577007.jpg-(103 KB, 800x537, Ayana Taketatsu 07.jpg)
    103 KB
    The girl hasn't had much luck after OreImo and K-On, huh? Kinda sucks when you're not Aki Toyosaki, though Aki's life isn't really that peachy either.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:57 No.56857676
    Tsugumi from GC, Azusa from K-ON, Mio from MM!, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:57 No.56857680
         File1320577043.jpg-(129 KB, 1280x720, Free Samples.jpg)
    129 KB
    I was confused. Is Shaga gonna be on their side or what? Oh god, are we going to get some backstabbing?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:57 No.56857685
         File1320577049.jpg-(134 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] Ben-To - 05 (1280x72(...).jpg)
    134 KB
    Can't wait for her to follow the others around and cause misfortune.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:57 No.56857693
    Whats the fried thing on the right of Asebi? Fried chicken?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:59 No.56857715
    She is confused too.
    She isn't on anyone's "Side" though.
    Monarch is her enemy, Ice Witch is her enemy (in her mind anyway) and we haven't really seen any other factions yet.
    It's probable she will remain on her own and follow her own goals.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:59 No.56857720
    scarf girl is best girl
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:59 No.56857728
    She's technically an eastern wolf, but it's pretty clear she's not fond of Monarch. I doubt that she'd backstab the MC, but she might sabotage Sen somehow out of jealously, then have a change of heart, and then SEXY DOUBLE TEAM the Monarch.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)05:59 No.56857731
    I bet she will enter a Ben-to battle and defeat all her enemies by her mere presence then get a Ben-to that is off or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:01 No.56857767
    Correction, the Proletariat Bento army.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:01 No.56857769
         File1320577296.jpg-(115 KB, 1280x720, ZA WIZARUDO.jpg)
    115 KB
    I really hope he shows up again and starts being fabulous.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:02 No.56857789
    You now realise that scarf is crawling with germs and bacteria from her snot and sneezes.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:02 No.56857796
    Just one episode, and Asebi is already one of the best loli this season.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:03 No.56857802

    Wait. Yesterday's thread?
    That thread?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:04 No.56857818
    The one we had earlier when gg released their subs.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:04 No.56857824
         File1320577466.png-(712 KB, 600x600, 1305474648777-(n1305477624750).png)
    712 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:04 No.56857831
    There was a huge Ume thread a few hours ago.

    And she didn't even appear in the episode. Character of the season.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:04 No.56857834
         File1320577488.jpg-(84 KB, 1280x720, New Challenger.jpg)
    84 KB
    Shit sure got real, huh?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:06 No.56857853
    No one cares about her...Asebi, was it? The only shitty girl in the series, one should conclude.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:06 No.56857859
    The release thread we had about nine or so hours ago. Autosage got fried due to the time switch so we just kept it going for about 720 posts. It was great.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:06 No.56857875

    If you mean the 700+ thread, yes

    This here is from a earlier thread though:
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:07 No.56857882
         File1320577626.jpg-(182 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] Ben-To 02 (1280x720 (...).jpg)
    182 KB
    You're just upset that she is pure and innocent while all the other girls are sluts.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:07 No.56857883
         File1320577627.jpg-(148 KB, 800x588, ShoptillyouDrop.jpg)
    148 KB
    Hopefully it will.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:07 No.56857895
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:07 No.56857898
    He wants to fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:07 No.56857904

    Oh. Checking archives.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:07 No.56857907
         File1320577679.jpg-(119 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Ben-to_-_05_[88652E6F].mk(...).jpg)
    119 KB
    > Disliking any girl
    You just went full WHY. I want them all
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:08 No.56857908
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:08 No.56857915
    The fuck?
    She just showed up for the first time and for all of 5 minutes.
    You can't judge her on that, give it an episode or two man.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:09 No.56857936
    He's trolling.
    You're probably trolling too.
    Saying this makes me a troll too?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:09 No.56857937
         File1320577768.jpg-(88 KB, 508x548, 1310632774305.jpg)
    88 KB
    All the girls are likable and good.
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:09 No.56857938
    This episode made me cry of rage.
    I hate the monarch.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:09 No.56857943
    I was just about to post that image. Next week is going to be fucking INCREDIBLE.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:10 No.56857947
    >Asebi thinks her FUKOU DA is a blessing
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:10 No.56857954
    Kind of curious how the power rankings among wolves with titles go.

    We've got:
    Wolfsbane (if she's still a wolf)
    Ice Witch
    Beauty by the Lake

    Shaga's probably the weakest unfortunately, but I wonder how Monarch, Wizard, and Wolfsbane stack up against each other.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:10 No.56857958
         File1320577838.jpg-(82 KB, 1280x720, ben-to_05.jpg)
    82 KB
    It just proves that people who watch gg subs are horrible retards.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:11 No.56857972
         File1320577916.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 298 KB, 833x1200, P0235.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 298 KB

    He does, care for some spoilers?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:12 No.56857985
    People went apeshit because the thread was the first one in page 0 even after +350 replies.
    gg has nothing to do with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:12 No.56857991
    She doesn't even realize it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:12 No.56857992
         File1320577969.jpg-(77 KB, 940x540, Rossiurape.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:13 No.56857999
    Yep. The words "goddamn son of a bitch" are somewhat appropriate, I feel.

    >Implying that Wolfsbane isn't the god of discounts at Monarch's store and married to him

    Please, no. The temptation would be too great.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:13 No.56858002
         File1320578000.gif-(442 KB, 400x378, 1319451020574.gif)
    442 KB
    Wizard is number one, because you have to be UTSUKUSHII~ to be the best.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:13 No.56858003
         File1320578001.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 228 KB, 1009x1280, 005.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 228 KB
    Guess who dies on the 6th volume, guys?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:13 No.56858010
         File1320578017.jpg-(131 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Ben-to_-_05_[88652E6F].mk(...).jpg)
    131 KB
    Since the names are meant to be given according to ability, might that not mean Wolfsbane's power is over 9wolfs
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:13 No.56858018
    Bad guys gonna bad guy. They better have the episode where his ass gets royally kicked.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:14 No.56858026
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:14 No.56858027
    Can't fucking wait for our Alpha of an MC to face of with the eastern wolves after three days.

    Just can't fucking wait for the everybody to fight in general. This is going to be the longest week of my life.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:14 No.56858032
         File1320578082.jpg-(29 KB, 276x276, I dont think so.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:15 No.56858045
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:16 No.56858062
         File1320578196.png-(38 KB, 651x517, 1260773756289.png)
    38 KB

    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:17 No.56858076
    Was I the only one who expected Saitou to beat people up while crossdressing?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:17 No.56858081
    He did until Fei kicked his ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:17 No.56858083
         File1320578266.jpg-(297 KB, 800x800, 1319518394534.jpg)
    297 KB
    >Have add-on that has mouseover previews
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:18 No.56858092
    I would have expected him to at least fight back. But he just stood there taking it all.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:18 No.56858104
    I expected him to beat the fuck out of Monarch and his goons while crossdressed. Guess not. ;_;

    I do believe that there will be some MonarchxSatou by Oshiori though.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:19 No.56858111
    I hope blond cousin will do something badass in near future like raiding Monarchs turf with her shub niggurath friend.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:19 No.56858123
    ITT: People who have never seen themed art as an excuse to dress up female characters in different outfits
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:19 No.56858125
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:20 No.56858127

    It can't be helped, he was surprised and overwhelmed by a bunch of guys and Rossiu
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:20 No.56858128
    >YFW Satou is the strongest wolf but he had no training or whatsoever so his power is not awaken yet.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:20 No.56858131
    He got surrounded by his cronies first, then tagged him from behind. He didn't see it coming.
    Sato's still a rookie at this point, so I don't blame him.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:21 No.56858145
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:21 No.56858154
    Oh shit. One of the side characters is Ume. The other is Boshi. 梅干
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:21 No.56858157
    >The wolf's howl, from the manga.
    Calling it, Sato will now starve himself for the big battle.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:22 No.56858166
         File1320578551.jpg-(322 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Ben-to_-_05_[88652E6F].mk(...).jpg)
    322 KB
    Why doesn't this ever happen to me? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:22 No.56858167
    I at least expected him to fight back and not take all that punishment.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:22 No.56858174
    >I do believe that there will be some MonarchxSatou by Oshiori though.

    Oh god, I'm laughing like crazy at the idea. He gets the shit kicked out of him by the villain and then he finds out that his best friend wrote a slashfic about him getting raped by the same villain.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:23 No.56858180
         File1320578581.jpg-(165 KB, 700x525, d0061817_4b34147d2d95c.jpg)
    165 KB
    I just fought like a true wolf and got myself this glorious half-priced bento.
    You jelly?
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:23 No.56858183
    Monarch is stronger than teh Rei
    Satou can't even Miki.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:23 No.56858189
    Do you live in China?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:23 No.56858191
         File1320578629.jpg-(83 KB, 1280x720, 1320040339568.jpg)
    83 KB
    And then Sen reads it out loud for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:23 No.56858192
    Nope. But I bet you just made Baibai smile.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:23 No.56858193
    Monarch's already doing this, for three days before the Hokkaido Festival ends.

    His Stomach's Howl will be unbelievably strong.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:23 No.56858194
    Why would you save that picture?
    Nigga u gay.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:24 No.56858200
    >implying you didn't save it just now
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:24 No.56858204
    I didn't, what kind of sick fuck would?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:25 No.56858208
         File1320578701.png-(733 KB, 1280x720, 1319420366547.png)
    733 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:25 No.56858223
    Yep. Yaoi goggles firmly secured.
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:26 No.56858228
    >Satou will find something even tastier than food.
    >He never liked the food, he just loved the blood of his fallen brothers.
    Calling it right now.
    Sato don't give 2 shits about the bentos, he just want to punch someone like in his games.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:26 No.56858241
         File1320578807.jpg-(1.32 MB, 1448x2492, weeaboos on 4chanb.jpg)
    1.32 MB

    We need an image like this for the rest of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:26 No.56858242

    I remember about having entire sets of those from /b/ 5/6 years ago when it wasn't a shit board, good times
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:27 No.56858251
         File1320578841.jpg-(58 KB, 1280x720, Cleanup on aisle 3.jpg)
    58 KB
    >All that blood
    Nothing a band-aid won't fix.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:27 No.56858263
    >so much it splattered on the ceiling

    Gonna need one hell of a bandaid.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:28 No.56858266
    >5/6 years ago
    >when it wasn't a shit board

    Pick one.
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:28 No.56858269
    It's funny because if you think about it /b/ was always shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:28 No.56858276

    This might be good.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:29 No.56858282
         File1320578960.gif-(1.13 MB, 231x210, 1320307905079.gif)
    1.13 MB
    I was actually kind of surprised at that. I was like "oh, he'll get a bloody nose or at the most spit up some blood."
    >mfw that happened

    This show really likes juxtaposition, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:29 No.56858283
    But /b/ didn't exist 6 years ago...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:29 No.56858291
    Those employees must be pissed to have to clean that.
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:29 No.56858296
    Your email fucks the set up.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:30 No.56858305
    in a deadpan voice.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:30 No.56858310
    he paid her with his virginity.
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:30 No.56858311
    I was thinking the same!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:31 No.56858335
         File1320579102.jpg-(68 KB, 1280x720, ghftygbghjy.jpg)
    68 KB
    My dick
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:31 No.56858336
    >Implying Shaga didn't rape him when they were kids
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:31 No.56858339
    Could a deadpan tone of voice be considered its own fetish? Because if it can I acquired it after that episode.
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:31 No.56858342
    So you guys can actually pop boners just thinking about it?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:31 No.56858343

    To be fair, it was a different and pleasant kind of shit

    If you've known and it's community circa 2004, you can probably relate
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:33 No.56858368
    Fuck this anime always makes me so hungry, also last episode gave me a huge craving for Coca Cola though I haven't been drinking it for years.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:33 No.56858374
    What will happen: Rossiu will accidentally hit Oshiroi. That will be his end.
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:34 No.56858385
    I know what you mean.
    I was just making the "/b/ was always shit" joke because we are supposed to be "mature" people discussing "mature" cartoons and /b/ is just an inmature place.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:34 No.56858389
    Anime with food: always making you hungry. Just like when I was watching Yakitate Japan.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:35 No.56858412
         File1320579338.png-(542 KB, 661x760, you_know_it_to_be_true.png)
    542 KB
    How Asebi Inoue looks like without her hat.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:36 No.56858424
         File1320579383.jpg-(336 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Ben-to_-_05_[88652E6F].mk(...).jpg)
    336 KB
    I fucking love this show!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:37 No.56858443
         File1320579465.jpg-(55 KB, 1280x720, 29342.jpg)
    55 KB
    >Starving yourself for more "power"
    I thought it was an odd idea at first, but it actually makes a bit of sense; what's more dangerous than a hulking man who hasn't had a meal in days? If you're between him and anything edible, you're screwed.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:37 No.56858444
    S̺͉̝͗ͯ̌̉ͯ̑H̨̲ͦ̂͐Ê͂͊ͬͥ͞ ͙̲͉̬̝̙ͦͩ͂ͩͧ̓ͩC͎͈̝̀̊͛͋͂ͯǪ̥̗̥̒M̸͇͔̹̯̥̩͑̔̀͊Ë̙̑ͣͥSͪ̔̅͐ͪ
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:37 No.56858445
    Enrage Satou sounds fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:38 No.56858458
    This show is turning into a harem. There are already two girls that lust after mc. If others follow suit then I'll be disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:39 No.56858477
    Satou will be the least of Rossiu's problems if he hits Oshiroi for real. Rossiu will be fucked in the ass if he does that. Literally.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:39 No.56858484

    Ume'll be one to fuck everything up with a wonderful battle mix of her and Monarch's OSTs.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:39 No.56858492
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:40 No.56858503
    >Still thinking Ume is stronger than Satou
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:40 No.56858505

    Nope. Once that blow lands, the Baibai rape express is fully boarded and has left the station.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:40 No.56858506
    suggest something that exists in real life that would be similar to a ben-to sticker supermarket fighting competition? borderline gym badges IMO, but suggestions?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:40 No.56858509
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:40 No.56858514
    Ume vs Rossiu

    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:41 No.56858526
    Someone needs to shoop an ahego on her.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:41 No.56858528
         File1320579675.jpg-(153 KB, 890x1273, 4775502_6417.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:42 No.56858562
    All I notice when I get super hungry is that I get irritable, plus I get this weird shivering thing going on.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:43 No.56858572
    Once again, Rossiu becomes a PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSE
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:43 No.56858578
         File1320579831.png-(866 KB, 1280x720, 1320387951533.png)
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    >ume vs.rossiu

    We all know how this is going to end, don't we?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:44 No.56858581
    >plus I get this weird shivering thing
    It's not just me, thank god.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:44 No.56858591
    >yfwThey're siblings
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:45 No.56858608
    Admit it.

    We would all watch it just to see Ume get raped.
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:45 No.56858614
         File1320579957.jpg-(12 KB, 175x165, sadface.jpg)
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    nothing to *cackle* about
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:46 No.56858625
    If Rossiu hits Oshiroi, BaiBai will make him a girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:47 No.56858635
         File1320580031.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 92 KB, 426x458, 1319874054622.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:47 No.56858642
    >cock goes here
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:48 No.56858657

    If Ume appears to fight him, Ume will win. And it won't be even close. The Monarch will be wearing a dress and calling her Ume Oneesama after she is done with him.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:49 No.56858673
         File1320580141.jpg-(88 KB, 816x461, rossiu.jpg)
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    What the fuck is your problem with my son?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:49 No.56858681
    When was it established that Rossiu is now his nickname here in /a/?

    I'm guessing during that 700+ thread, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:49 No.56858691
    More like your grandfather.
    >> Fruits Cirno Samurai !Cirno9UxDU 11/06/11(Sun)06:49 No.56858692
    Not sure if trolling but stop.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:49 No.56858695
    What? No, he just LOOKS like him is all.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:50 No.56858706
    I call him Fei.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:50 No.56858711
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:51 No.56858712
    Rossiu is a more hateable nickname than Fei.

    >implying Monarch can't be both at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:51 No.56858715
    Mikoto Uzu, "Wolfsbane"
    >4th year at Karasuda High School(?)
    >Western Wolf
    >Unknown relationship with The Wizard
    >Specialty is "poison", the ability to paralyze with a touch.

    Yuu Kaneshiro, "The Wizard"
    >3rd Year at Karasuda High
    >Western Wolf
    >Trained the Ice Witch
    >Unkown relationship with Wolfsbane
    >Specialty is speed/acrobatics with high leaps and great agility.

    Sen Yarizui, "The Ice Witch"
    >2nd year at Karasuda High School
    >Western Wolf
    >Trained by The Wizard
    >Training MC
    >Specialty is legs, delivering powerful kicks and great maneuverability.

    Ayame Shaga, "The Beauty by the Lake"
    >1st year at Marutomi University High School
    >Eatern Wolf
    >MC's Cousin
    >Rivalry with Ice Witch
    >No known specialty, but has fought using weapons (chopsticks) before.

    >Eastern Wolf, possibly the strongest
    >Leader of Gabriel Ratchett
    >Member/leader of the Proletarian Economy Research Society
    >Seeks to start a war between East and West
    >Retardedly strong

    Anything I missed?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:51 No.56858728
    Nah. We're just calling him Rossiu because we hate him and he's a dead-goddamn-ringer for Rossiu.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:53 No.56858755
    Well, I'm glad the Big Bag is a real asshole this time. Makes me look forward to seeing his ass kicked.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:53 No.56858763
    700+ thread?

    Come again?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:54 No.56858769
    why'd the steal this Battles track?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:54 No.56858775

    4chan bugged out earlier threasd didn't have a bump limit.

    Ume trolls decided to claim the thread as their own near the end.

    Just one big circle jerk full of hate.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:54 No.56858784
    We had a 720+ post thread because the autosage shat itself during the time adjustment and everyone went nuts when they noticed.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:55 No.56858787
    With all this Sega sponsoring, I would be happy for a Bento fighting game.I can dream...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:56 No.56858810
    So all aknowledged Wolfs get nicknames, does MC get one in novels?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:56 No.56858813

    I'd add

    Hana Oshiroi, "Muscle Cop"
    >1st year at Karasuda High School
    >Western Wolf
    >Being trained by the Ice Witch
    >Became a Wolf at the same time as the MC
    >Specialty is the ability to grab a Ben-to without fighting, regardless of what's going on around her.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:57 No.56858828
    >That feel when in the end of story MC will be the strongest one of them.

    Japan, sometimes i love you.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:57 No.56858837

    No. She has yet to actually fight anyone for her bento. As such, she is still a dog.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:57 No.56858840
    I know you always make this reference, but to be honest I don't know which part you're talking about.
    Also, that sounds like typical "Sneakin' around" BGM.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:58 No.56858851
    What is Satou's nickname?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:58 No.56858868
         File1320580731.jpg-(147 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Ben-to_-_05_[88652E6F].mk(...).jpg)
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    Why is she so perfect?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:59 No.56858869
    I thought the MC was very cute in a skirt. Only his underwear was off. Wish we will see some doujinshi with him in a skirt and Monarch.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:59 No.56858874
    He doesn't have one yet, but a novelfag told me that he picks up "pervert".
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:59 No.56858880

    Meant it more as a joke as she's got a title in the OP, but yeah, you're right, she's never really fought for her food.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)06:59 No.56858886
    Well, she's following the rules and doing it by herself, plus technically you don't have to fight, you just have to grab it.
    She has her own strategy, so I'd call her a...shadow wolf?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:00 No.56858896
    Not sure if troll etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:01 No.56858919
    I find this easy to believe seeing as the episode seems to be setting it up so that he'll get that.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:01 No.56858928
    If you pay attention, in Hana's first othello against Sen she couldn't take any territory at all, but in the second one she manage to get two white pieces from Sen.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:01 No.56858938
         File1320580909.gif-(1.89 MB, 500x352, done.gif)
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    Someone's working on it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:03 No.56858974

    are you deaf?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:04 No.56858989
         File1320581073.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 127 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Ben-to_-_05_[88652E6F].mk(...).jpg)
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    They will eventually mention how "The Main Character" is the strongest wolf.

    "The Main Character" being Baibai's nickname
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:04 No.56858993
    What about "Sheep in wolf's clothing"
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:05 No.56859004
         File1320581131.jpg-(23 KB, 414x419, 1319870942837.jpg)
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    You're kidding, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:06 No.56859016
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:07 No.56859048

    I lol'd.

    >poodung and
    wtf captcha
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:09 No.56859093
    Well the man does have a habit of handling nuts...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:10 No.56859109
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:11 No.56859113

    Best female character in ages.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:13 No.56859147
         File1320581633.png-(120 KB, 400x400, brunette_blue.png)
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    >no one mentions Brunette anymore
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:15 No.56859177
    Beardy and Monk weren't in this episode either.

    But you know, when the Monarch makes his move, they'll be there to fight with the rest of the western wolves.

    Shit will be GLORIOUS.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:17 No.56859209
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:20 No.56859276
    And after the fight a glorious free for all will erupt for the Ben-to.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:24 No.56859334
    count me in
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:32 No.56859505
    this is just fucking terrible , i guess its good if you're into beta-males , Monarch is fucking shaga in her ass and throat daily btw , he has her wrapped up like a piece of candy if you couldn't tell
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:38 No.56859620
    man this episode was good, i have to actually watch it again
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:40 No.56859664
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:41 No.56859683
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:45 No.56859746
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    >Knocked out
    >Can't remember what happened
    >Immediately assume you had sex with unknown woman in the room
    >End up with three girls attending to your HOT BLOODED BONER

    Why is Sato such a baller?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:52 No.56859873
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)07:55 No.56859930
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    >Give me a minute to stand up!
    >You're sort of standing even now.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)08:01 No.56860042
    Uchimoto is a bro
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)08:02 No.56860064
    So, Satou is going to fuck Sen, right? RIGHT?
    Oh god, I want that so bad
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)08:04 No.56860118
    >actually happening in an anime/light novel based on high schoolers

    This isn't Mirai Nikki, you know. But Sen does seem to be the main love interest.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)08:06 No.56860144
    A couple of more inches and she would've been sucking his dick so it wouldn't be much of a stretch.

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